View Full Version : 2018.06.15 - Las Vegas, NV @ The Joint

03-26-2018, 07:18 PM
Night 2!

03-28-2018, 11:11 AM
yaaaa, be there Friday with wife

03-28-2018, 11:15 AM
Tickets purchased! Really hoping this doesn’t just feel like a carbon copy of October’s show with a couple new songs thrown in, but I’m excited either way!

03-28-2018, 11:15 AM
Got GA for Friday. Woohoo!

Edit: Saint Reznor was giving the good juju for this ticket buying experience, haha. This was painless compared to ticketbastard.


03-28-2018, 11:35 AM
scored tickets to both nights! See you all there!

03-28-2018, 12:10 PM
P.S. Maybe the first time ever AXS actually seemed like they had their shit together. A had all kinds of drama last time.

03-28-2018, 12:55 PM
P.S. Maybe the first time ever AXS actually seemed like they had their shit together. A had all kinds of drama last time.

yeah, this pre-sale was exceptionally smooth this time around

03-28-2018, 05:39 PM
Add me to the attendee list.

03-30-2018, 09:36 AM
Hey hey everyone. Need advice. Long time no post. I have been feeling extremely conflicted on whether or not I should buy a ticket to this show. I missed NIN on the tension tour in 2013 (due to my boss threatening to fire me) and I've regret it ever since. Haven't seen Trent since 2008. I didn't buy the presale ticket on 3/28 after looking at my funds I would not be able to afford the plane ticket unless I dip into my savings account or CC. After lamenting for the past 48 hours, my boyfriend has decided that he will front me the plane ticket money so I could go. I would have to go alone though so he can watch our son for the weekend. It's been awhile since I traveled alone out west (went out to Texas for a Deftones concert). And I would have a place to stay in Vegas for the weekend, I have a relative that lives there. The general sale starts in about 2 hours... Should I go? I'm so indecisive, and I don't know if Trent is going to do more US shows this fall/winter but I really rather not stand out in the cold/rainy/snowy weather like I have before with the fall/winter tours. I haz no friendz :(

03-30-2018, 10:35 AM
I missed NIN on the tension tour in 2013 and I've regret it ever since.

You’ve already answered your own question.

See you in Vegas!

03-30-2018, 10:38 AM
Hey hey everyone. Need advice. Long time no post. I have been feeling extremely conflicted on whether or not I should buy a ticket to this show. I missed NIN on the tension tour in 2013 (due to my boss threatening to fire me) and I've regret it ever since. Haven't seen Trent since 2008. I didn't buy the presale ticket on 3/28 after looking at my funds I would not be able to afford the plane ticket unless I dip into my savings account or CC. After lamenting for the past 48 hours, my boyfriend has decided that he will front me the plane ticket money so I could go. I would have to go alone though so he can watch our son for the weekend. It's been awhile since I traveled alone out west (went out to Texas for a Deftones concert). And I would have a place to stay in Vegas for the weekend, I have a relative that lives there. The general sale starts in about 2 hours... Should I go? I'm so indecisive, and I don't know if Trent is going to do more US shows this fall/winter but I really rather not stand out in the cold/rainy/snowy weather like I have before with the fall/winter tours. I haz no friendz :(

Go for it- if it's financially doable. I've been to many concerts by myself due to travel for for work. Once the show starts I really don't care if there's someone I know next to me or not.

But yeah, if there's a fall winter tour I'd rather pick the later shows this year given the option of only attending one show.

03-30-2018, 10:46 AM
Hey hey everyone. Need advice. Long time no post. I have been feeling extremely conflicted on whether or not I should buy a ticket to this show. I missed NIN on the tension tour in 2013 (due to my boss threatening to fire me) and I've regret it ever since. Haven't seen Trent since 2008. I didn't buy the presale ticket on 3/28 after looking at my funds I would not be able to afford the plane ticket unless I dip into my savings account or CC. After lamenting for the past 48 hours, my boyfriend has decided that he will front me the plane ticket money so I could go. I would have to go alone though so he can watch our son for the weekend. It's been awhile since I traveled alone out west (went out to Texas for a Deftones concert). And I would have a place to stay in Vegas for the weekend, I have a relative that lives there. The general sale starts in about 2 hours... Should I go? I'm so indecisive, and I don't know if Trent is going to do more US shows this fall/winter but I really rather not stand out in the cold/rainy/snowy weather like I have before with the fall/winter tours. I haz no friendz :(

I was really trying to decide if I should go to these shows too and I helped a friend get the presale tickets but I decided not to go and wait for the next tour. If you really liked the new EPs and enjoy seeing the hits live I'd say go for sure - I'm guessing the set list will be festival friendly and won't have anything too obscure and hopefully the third EP is good live (it's supposed to be out by June). I've seen the hits played enough times and I don't like anything off the new EPs so that is why I decided not to go. Plus, I'm taking my wife to Montreal to see 2 Radiohead shows in July so we want to save our energy for that and were just in Vegas last year for Rammstein and Korn.

Check out setlist.fm for recent NIN set lists to see how many songs you want to see live.

03-30-2018, 11:17 AM
I was really trying to decide if I should go to these shows too and I helped a friend get the presale tickets but I decided not to go and wait for the next tour. If you really liked the new EPs and enjoy seeing the hits live I'd say go for sure - I'm guessing the set list will be festival friendly and won't have anything too obscure and hopefully the third EP is good live (it's supposed to be out by June). I've seen the hits played enough times and I don't like anything off the new EPs so that is why I decided not to go.

Damn, exactly why I’m probably not going. Along with I’m guessing the shows will be very similar (production and set list- although I’d expect some newer songs off the EP’s) to last years short run.

03-30-2018, 12:39 PM
Bought my GA ticket and plane ticket. Gotta call my relative sometime today to let them know the info. See you guys in Vegas! :D

03-30-2018, 12:53 PM

How in the hell have I never seen this gif? ‘Tis awesome.

03-30-2018, 11:08 PM
Sooooo.... my brother in-law has won so much at HRLV that they constantly hook him up and comp everything. He just got his HRLV rep to comp him tickets to this show and rooms, I only have to cover my travel. This will be my first time to LV. This is going to be FUCKING epic!

03-31-2018, 09:22 AM
Got VIP for both nights since it actually seems worth it (unlike Panorama last year where VIP was a separate area nowhere near rail). I’ve been right in front of Robin and right in front of Atticus so I’m gonna try for center rail at one of these nights like a crazy person. I am so glad all of you exist and make me feel more normal for doing things like this because everyone I know in person thinks traveling just for a band is insane.

04-01-2018, 12:04 PM
What did the VIP GA tix cost/include? Never even saw that option. Damn.

sick among the pure
04-01-2018, 12:31 PM
What did the VIP GA tix cost/include? Never even saw that option. Damn.

Same, when I got a ticket for the 13th, I didn't see a VIP GA or early entry option or anything. Would gladly pay more for the ability to sit in line for 6 hours to get to the rail, considering I'm flying across the whole country for one show lol.

04-01-2018, 02:06 PM
What did the VIP GA tix cost/include? Never even saw that option. Damn.

Same here, I didn’t have that option available at all!

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04-01-2018, 02:08 PM
What did the VIP GA tix cost/include? Never even saw that option. Damn.
VIP wasn't advertised. Has to be purchased directly from the venue. $155 per ticket per show. Includes early entry ga and vip gift, lanyard would be my guess. You can also get a 25% discount on your hotel if you book at the Hard Rock. If you already purchased regular tickets, you can upgrade and pay the difference. I have the email info if you wish to partake. Shoot me a pm.

04-05-2018, 05:45 PM
Just got my tickets upgraded to VIP GA. Thanks for the tip @heavenly_bearded (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=341). If it's possible, I'm now even more excited for this show.

It would make my life totally complete if they would finally play The Fragile (song) live for me. It's the damn song that started this obsession for me back when, and I have the lyrics inked into my skin. This will be my 8th time seeing them (http://www.nintourhistory.com/profile.php?userid=5594).

04-05-2018, 08:27 PM
Just got my tickets upgraded to VIP GA. Thanks for the tip @heavenly_bearded (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=341). If it's possible, I'm now even more excited for this show.

It would make my life totally complete if they would finally play The Fragile (song) live for me. It's the damn song that started this obsession for me back when, and I have the lyrics inked into my skin. This will be my 8th time seeing them (http://www.nintourhistory.com/profile.php?userid=5594).

Lucky you! Apparently I sent the email too late and when they responded back they told me that they only had VIP GA tickets for Wednesday that was left for sale. (Can't make it) And now my cousin wants to go, I'll be visiting/staying since he lives there. If life was perfect I could just buy a VIP GA ticket that someone is offering for sale, so I could use that ticket and I would give my cousin the regular GA FLOOR ticket. So just putting that out there:

I am willing to pay more than face value for them.
I'll pay in cash also and in person but I will arrive in Vegas Thursday morning 6/14.

Winter Is Coming
04-06-2018, 02:29 PM
Just got my tickets upgraded to VIP GA. Thanks for the tip @heavenly_bearded (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=341). If it's possible, I'm now even more excited for this show.

It would make my life totally complete if they would finally play The Fragile (song) live for me. It's the damn song that started this obsession for me back when, and I have the lyrics inked into my skin. This will be my 8th time seeing them (http://www.nintourhistory.com/profile.php?userid=5594).

I spoke to Hard Rock VIP and they said upgrading isn't possible.

They also said it is $165 for VIP, not $155.


Sarah K
04-06-2018, 02:30 PM
Wild. The last show, a ton of us upgraded right before the show. Glad I got on it early this time!

Winter Is Coming
04-06-2018, 02:36 PM
Just to be clear, it isn't sold out. They just said they won't upgrade, new tickets have to be purchased.

04-06-2018, 03:01 PM
I spoke to Hard Rock VIP and they said upgrading isn't possible.

They also said it is $165 for VIP, not $155.


They told me they couldn’t/wouldn’t do it by phone, you have to email someone. Also, when I emailed them, they first sent me back an email with all the possible VIP options, and it said VIP GA was sold out, and I let them know those were the only tickets I was interested in, so to let me know if something came up. And then sure enough, they ended up emailing me again within a couple hours saying that two more of those tickets had been “released”, after I guess someone else didn’t end up buying them within the 48 hr window they give you. So as far as I know, VIP GA for 6/15 is sold out. But it might still be worth your time to email them...

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Winter Is Coming
04-06-2018, 03:15 PM
yeah I emailed the VIP email address provided on the Hard Rock site explaining I wanted to upgrade my GA ticket. They said no. VIP GA can only be purchased separately. Don't want to have to sell and re-buy.

04-09-2018, 10:07 PM
Got my GA ticket in the mailbox today. Didn't expect them to print and send them out so soon. Sure wish I had a VIP GA ticket instead though. Guess I didn't email them fast enough. (Still would buy one off of anyone)


04-10-2018, 12:59 PM
Does anyone want to buy a regular GA ticket? I am selling one at face value (keeping one for me!).

EDIT: It's sold. Thanks.

04-10-2018, 02:35 PM
Does anyone want to buy a regular GA ticket? I am selling one at face value (keeping one for me!).

04-18-2018, 12:54 PM
Does anyone know if the Hard Rock will hold luggage if you're there for the show but not staying at the hotel? We'll be coming straight from the airport without stopping at our B&B.

Winter Is Coming
04-18-2018, 02:59 PM
Does anyone know if the Hard Rock will hold luggage if you're there for the show but not staying at the hotel? We'll be coming straight from the airport without stopping at our B&B.

I know they do it if you need to check out in the afternoon but don't travel to the airport until later in the evening. Not sure about non-guests though.

04-18-2018, 03:15 PM
Does anyone know if the Hard Rock will hold luggage if you're there for the show but not staying at the hotel? We'll be coming straight from the airport without stopping at our B&B.
There's a coat check for the venue, but I don't know if they'll take luggage.

Maybe a better option is to try to find someone on the board here who is staying in the HRH and then ask if you can store your luggage in their room.

04-18-2018, 03:30 PM
They do store luggage. $5 for 24 hours. Just ask for coat check.

04-18-2018, 05:27 PM
They do store luggage. $5 for 24 hours. Just ask for coat check.

Awesome, thanks!

04-20-2018, 03:51 PM
Does anyone have a balcony or GA balcony ticket for this show available?

Found! Thanks! ��

04-23-2018, 01:28 PM
If anyone has a pair of VIP Section 305 for this Friday show and would like to trade them for VIP section 305 for Wednesday, or Saturday please PM me.

Wednesday I have row 10 to trade. Saturday I have row 6 to trade.

05-15-2018, 09:05 AM
One month from today, piggies! [emoji200][emoji51]

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The Doctor
05-20-2018, 01:31 PM
If anyone has a single ticket they’d like to get rid of for Friday night, please let me know. Floor, balcony, whatever. I’m not picky. I would be thrilled to have it. :-D

05-21-2018, 01:34 PM
Looking for 1 GA face value to the Friday show. I have 3 already, but was unable to grab a 4th for my brother at the time when these went on sale. Thanks!

05-23-2018, 01:05 PM
I’m driving out to Vegas on 6/15, and was planning to just see them on Saturday... but... I just bought a ticket to see them Friday, too (GA).


05-23-2018, 01:07 PM
If anyone has a single ticket they’d like to get rid of for Friday night, please let me know. Floor, balcony, whatever. I’m not picky. I would be thrilled to have it. :-D

Looking for 1 GA face value to the Friday show. I have 3 already, but was unable to grab a 4th for my brother at the time when these went on sale. Thanks!


05-23-2018, 02:01 PM
We getting an opener?

05-23-2018, 02:06 PM
We getting an opener?

Presumably. I don't think the opener for October's Vegas show was announced until a few days beforehand. I expect it'll just be one of the bands announced for the fall tour.

Just did a quick check, and it looks like Tobacco/BMSR and Daniel Avery are the only ones already booked that weekend.

05-23-2018, 02:23 PM
Presumably. I don't think the opener for October's Vegas show was announced until a few days beforehand. I expect it'll just be one of the bands announced for the fall tour.

Just did a quick check, and it looks like Tobacco/BMSR and Daniel Avery are the only ones already booked that weekend.

I was curious if that was the case. I want it to be HMTLD so bad...

05-23-2018, 02:28 PM
I was curious if that was the case. I want it to be HMTLD so bad...

They're opening the two LA shows I have tickets to. I checked them out yesterday; looks like a really fun time.

Unfortunately, they're in Russia on the 10th and are UK based, so Vegas would definitely be out of their way. Could happen, though.

05-23-2018, 04:03 PM
Quick Question: Does anyone (or anyone that has been to the Joint before) know the rules is cameras/picture taking is allowed at this venue? Looking back at my VIP ticket confirmation email, it says:

Due to security requirements, the following items will not be allowed in The Joint:
- Spiked necklaces, belts or bracelets
- Oversized chains or chain wallets
- Weapons
- Backpacks and bags or purses larger than 8.5 x 11
- Glass
- No outside food or beverage is allowed into The Joint
- Cameras with a detachable lens – small point and shoot are allowed
- The Joint is a non-smoking venue, and electronic smoking devices are not allowed
- Security will check the inside of purses or bags for items that are not allowed in The Joint

I just bought a cheap point and shoot 10MP camera off of amazon (wanted to buy a nicer camera but I trying to hold out for the chicago online tix tomorrow), hopefully it will be allowed but I am not sure. Just mainly want to take some pictures of the show (if allowed), selfies, and scenery of the Strip while I am visiting Vegas for the weekend.

05-23-2018, 08:14 PM
Yeah, non professional cameras are allowed.

05-27-2018, 07:55 PM
Quick Question: Does anyone (or anyone that has been to the Joint before) know the rules is cameras/picture taking is allowed at this venue? Looking back at my VIP ticket confirmation email, it says:

Due to security requirements, the following items will not be allowed in The Joint:
- Spiked necklaces, belts or bracelets
- Oversized chains or chain wallets
- Weapons
- Backpacks and bags or purses larger than 8.5 x 11
- Glass
- No outside food or beverage is allowed into The Joint
- Cameras with a detachable lens – small point and shoot are allowed
- The Joint is a non-smoking venue, and electronic smoking devices are not allowed
- Security will check the inside of purses or bags for items that are not allowed in The Joint

I just bought a cheap point and shoot 10MP camera off of amazon (wanted to buy a nicer camera but I trying to hold out for the chicago online tix tomorrow), hopefully it will be allowed but I am not sure. Just mainly want to take some pictures of the show (if allowed), selfies, and scenery of the Strip while I am visiting Vegas for the weekend.
Do you know if a poster protection tube is allowed?

06-01-2018, 07:51 PM

06-13-2018, 10:10 AM
Due to work I will be unable to attend this show therefore I am selling my single GA ticket. Face value, no up charge from me.


Edit: nevermind, thought you posted this for Saturday [emoji23]

The Doctor
06-13-2018, 01:01 PM
This week just got twice as awesome for me personally. Wife and I were already going to tonight’s Show, but I scored a below face value ticket for Friday night too! Over the moon with excitement.

06-13-2018, 03:49 PM
Hey ETS. Longtime lurker...

Have a friend who had to back out of the Vegas show on Friday. Anyone looking for a single GA ticket? I wouldn't turn down a few bucks if you wanna throw it my way, but my only real request is that you can meet up to go into the show in time to catch Queen Kwong.

Would also trade for a Saturday ticket if anyone has an extra one of those available.

Send a PM if you're interested.

EDIT: This one's claimed. (Will update again if something changes.)

EDIT: This is available again. Let me know if someone's looking for a ticket!

06-14-2018, 12:50 AM
Buddy can’t make the show Friday show anymore, so I’ve got an extra GA ticket. Face value, etc. PM me if you’re interested.

06-14-2018, 02:58 AM
I have a GA face value hard ticket if anyone needs one!

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06-14-2018, 12:46 PM
Hey ETS. Longtime lurker...

Have a friend who had to back out of the Vegas show on Friday. Anyone looking for a single GA ticket? I wouldn't turn down a few bucks if you wanna throw it my way, but my only real request is that you can meet up to go into the show in time to catch Queen Kwong.

Would also trade for a Saturday ticket if anyone has an extra one of those available.

Send a PM if you're interested.

EDIT: This one's claimed. (Will update again if something changes.)

Hey Lord,
If you haven't scored a ticket for Saturday night, let me know. I have one extra. Face or less, or ? Cash is good but not greatly concerned, just want to make sure it gets into good hands. It's GA Floor.

06-14-2018, 01:32 PM
Made it to Vegas early this morning. Stupid excited for tomorrow and Saturday.

I wasn’t going to check in here, was trying to avoid setlist spoilers, but I follow sarahk on IG, and my self control went out the window as soon as I scrolled over that setlist pic this morning. [emoji51] I can’t wait!!!

If any of you want to meet up, my husband and I will just be killing time this afternoon + tomorrow morning + Saturday morning. My IG is @natalielair, message me there, as I’ll see it a lot sooner!

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06-14-2018, 02:33 PM
Last night was so good that I think I’m more excited for this next show than I was for even my first NIN show. I am so happy I’m here for this run.

06-14-2018, 05:55 PM
I have 1 extra GA Floor ticket to sell, physical ticket for $50. Please PM if interested. I'm in Vegas right now and can arrange to meet up.

06-14-2018, 07:36 PM
Just FYI, GA floor tickets are going for about $40-60 each for both nights on Craigslist, Stubhub, etc.

06-14-2018, 07:41 PM
Just FYI, GA floor tickets are going for about $40-60 each for both nights on Craigslist, Stubhub, etc.

Ah thanks, I never even checked. Edited.
And it's sold.

06-14-2018, 09:03 PM
1 spare ticket GA floor hard ticket less the face value 75$ can meet staying at the hard rock hotel now.

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06-15-2018, 08:34 AM
And today is the day! :D Still stuck on Eastern timezone apparently. Anyone know what time I should head out towards the venue/The Strip? Willing to meet fellow ETS members to chat, don’t feel like being a loner today. Staying at a relatives house out in the Enterprise area, it’s about a 20 minute drive depending on traffic. I’m on mobile writing all of this so PM me if you want my number to text.
*crosses fingers* here’s to hoping trent plays a uncommon with teeth era song (All The Love In The World, Non Entity, Home, Sunspots) but i’ll settle with Only lol *crosses fingers*

06-15-2018, 08:48 AM
I pick up my rental car in about 2.5 hours (but not heading out until about 1pm AZ time). I picked the "surprise me" option (got a really good deal through a discount with my job), so it could be anything from their 2nd-from-the-bottom tier, all the way to the top. My money's on it being a white Nissan Versa (one of their second-from-the-bottom tier cars). I feel like that's what I usually wind up with.

I'm always up for meeting up and hanging out before or after the show(s), if anyone's feeling social.

06-15-2018, 11:09 AM
Repost from earlier in the thread, I've got a ticket available again (after previously saying it was taken).

Have a friend who had to back out of the Vegas show on Friday. Anyone looking for a single GA ticket? I wouldn't turn down a few bucks if you wanna throw it my way, but my only real request is that you can meet up to go into the show in time to catch Queen Kwong.

Would also trade for a Saturday ticket if anyone has an extra one of those available.

Send a PM if you're interested.

06-15-2018, 11:24 AM
Repost from earlier in the thread, I've got a ticket available again (after previously saying it was taken).

Have a friend who had to back out of the Vegas show on Friday. Anyone looking for a single GA ticket? I wouldn't turn down a few bucks if you wanna throw it my way, but my only real request is that you can meet up to go into the show in time to catch Queen Kwong.

Would also trade for a Saturday ticket if anyone has an extra one of those available.

Send a PM if you're interested.

PM sent. I’ve got a buddy coming with me who will gladly take it off your hands.

06-15-2018, 12:10 PM
Today we have the line started in front of the convention doors where it ended up before Wednesday's show. Numbering is being tried again since we are sure of the location. Feel free to get one if you plan to stick around.

Security has requested we not sit on the floor and state they'll toss us if they see it. :-( But hey it's a casino so feel free to take a break at a slot machine. :-)

06-15-2018, 12:17 PM
It's weird knowing people are already getting in line when I still have most of a workday left before hopping on a 6:10 flight from LA. :p

06-15-2018, 02:02 PM
1 spare ga floor ticket for tonight hard ticket 70$ can meet staying at the hard rock hotel.

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06-15-2018, 02:11 PM
1 spare ga floor ticket for tonight hard ticket 70$ can meet staying at the hard rock hotel.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Go ask around in the line forming next to the convention center. There was someone there earlier looking for a ticket.

06-15-2018, 03:18 PM
Waiting at SeaTac airport to get going, fuck I wish I was there already if people are lining up!!

06-15-2018, 04:39 PM
So doors are at 6 right? Or 7 with the show at 8, then NIN at 9:15 corrext?

06-15-2018, 04:42 PM
So doors are at 6 right? Or 7 with the show at 8, then NIN at 9:15 corrext?
Pretty sure doors are at 7.

Based on Wednesday night, Queen Kwong is from 8:05-8:45 & NIN goes from 9:18-10:50.

06-15-2018, 04:43 PM
^^ yup they were at 7.

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06-15-2018, 04:49 PM
Cool just checking.

06-15-2018, 07:16 PM
Hi from the line. They apparently get grumpy if you sit down. Pretty decent chunk of people so far, all the way past that weird Affliction store at the hard rock. ��

06-15-2018, 07:17 PM
I get pre-show anxiety. Anyone else get that?? Right now it’s through the roof.

En route to Hard Rock now.

I thought VIP were let in an hour before the doors for GA, but email says only at 645, is that right? Or am I reading that wrong?

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06-15-2018, 07:23 PM
Just checked into my room. I’ll probably head down in just a bit.


06-15-2018, 07:52 PM
I’m in line. I’m wearing a shirt with Jason Voorhees on it, camouflage shorts (so if they’re effective, I may look like a floating torso), and I’ve got a tattoo sleeve on my right arm.

06-15-2018, 08:04 PM
Pics from merch please. Especially interested in the show specific poster.

06-15-2018, 08:10 PM
Hi from the line. They apparently get grumpy if you sit down. Pretty decent chunk of people so far, all the way past that weird Affliction store at the hard rock. ��

If you sit you are violating the fire code, thats why we gotta stand. If there was some ridiculous emergency, youre getting trampled cause you wouldnt be able to get up due to a stampede.

06-15-2018, 08:11 PM
Boarding my flight from LA! The jetway is making a low repetitive rumble that sounds like the NIN 2017 show intro. Seems about right.

06-15-2018, 08:13 PM
In merch line woo - year zero - knowledge is a weapon shirt

06-15-2018, 08:22 PM
Pics from merch please. Especially interested in the show specific poster.

Isn’t it that funky-looking cat?

The Doctor
06-15-2018, 09:26 PM
This is tonight’s poster: http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/blob:http://www.echoingthesound.org/bb8366db-18fa-42f5-aab3-a9a0128f56b3
link: https://www.reddit.com/r/nin/comments/8rfqzr/gig_poster_61518_by_guy_burwell/?st=JIGS6SR4&sh=8a722a3a
the cat one is another for tonight, made by a member of Queen Qwong.

06-15-2018, 09:31 PM
Damn, this merch line is moving slow. I hope they don’t sell out of the posters.

06-15-2018, 09:31 PM
Damn, this merch line is moving slow. I hope they don’t sell out of the posters.

No kidding. I’m all the way at the back.

06-15-2018, 09:42 PM
No kidding. I’m all the way at the back.

I tried, I gave up. Bummer that I won’t get a poster but that was frustrating. Not sure if people at the front were trying on every shirt or what.

06-15-2018, 10:00 PM
I tried, I gave up. Bummer that I won’t get a poster but that was frustrating. Not sure if people at the front were trying on every shirt or what.
They were only letting like 3 groups of people at a time since there is only3 credit card things