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05-26-2017, 02:52 AM
That's awful.
On a more positive note, Lynch received a standing ovation at it's premiere at the Cannes Film Festival tonight.

Yeah lol, TR retweeted that. Note that he didn't received ovation for the nin video he made :D

05-26-2017, 03:29 AM
So I'm utterly thrilled with the new Twin Peaks and am already desperately hoping for another season.

05-26-2017, 08:48 AM
Dear God did you guys hear the accusations Michael J Anderson made against David Lynch?
I'm not generally into gossip, but this is just too fucking crazy not to bring up.https://i.imgur.com/ISU78xY.jpg

05-26-2017, 09:06 AM
You can tell Lynch inserted some "Fuck you guys" in the story:

- "This is the evolution of the arm"

-"Hello, i would like to see Sheriff Truman
- Which one?

05-27-2017, 04:25 AM
You can tell Lynch inserted some "Fuck you guys" in the story:

- "This is the evolution of the arm"

-"Hello, i would like to see Sheriff Truman
- Which one?yeah, I have a funny feeling that ontkean wanted more money than he was offered as well

05-27-2017, 03:47 PM
yeah, I have a funny feeling that ontkean wanted more money than he was offered as well
I like the actor that does the "new Truman", but he's too old!
I know it's 25 years later; but this guy looks in it's 70's; and Ontkean wasn't that old in the original series.
My only complaint, so far the series has kicked ass!

05-27-2017, 09:39 PM
Is it wrong that I'm already hoping MacLachlan gets an Emmy nomination for this? We've seen such an incredible range of emotions, personalities, mannerisms and affectations so early on and it's all been uniquely believable and genuine, all the while relying very little on his dialogue to get his performance across.

If the rest is as good as the first four episodes, this is going to probably be my favorite thing from everybody involved, and that is saying an enormous amount. It feels like Lynch poured everything he's ever had into this, and it's wonderful.

I'm also fully expecting that as the season goes on and the story naturally dives back deeper into Twin Peaks, we'll see more and more of that "classic" feel come back -- it's earning it, rather than starting out as a nostalgia-fest. I'm very impressed by it.

05-27-2017, 09:52 PM
Did anybody else absolutely lose it when they saw Naomi Watts? I fangasmed all over the place.

05-28-2017, 06:27 AM
Michael Ontkean is living happily off the grid in Hawaii, last anyone heard. Pretty sure he retired awhile back and just wants to be left alone..

It makes perfect sense that Naomi Watts and Balthazar Getty would be involved in this. According to Lynch, Lost Highway takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks, while the foundation of Mulholland Drive was based as a spin-off of the Audrey Horne character. Not to mention the stylistic flourishes of Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway are all over this season so far...

Except Ontkean was publicly looking for his old Truman jacket; this made me think he was planning on doing the show at first.
Who knows?

Regarding the bit about Watts and Getty, I agree. This doesn't feel like JUST a Twin Peaks "revival" to me. Rather, it feels like a continuation of most of Lynch's work, and it's insanely generous. It's a once in a lifetime treat for a David Lynch aficionado. I don't even have the right words to express how much I'm loving it.

05-28-2017, 01:57 PM
I like the actor that does the "new Truman", but he's too old!
I know it's 25 years later; but this guy looks in it's 70's; and Ontkean wasn't that old in the original series.
My only complaint, so far the series has kicked ass!

he's playing harry's older brother, frank, not actually replacing harry.


finally spun this yesterday after owning it for months (wanted to wait until we had re-watched the film). as much as i like the music from the show, this blows it away (at least the season 1 soundtrack that got released). it really stands on its own as a strong soundtrack.

Frozen Beach
05-28-2017, 03:02 PM
Wonder if episodes 3 & 4 will be edited together tonight like episodes 1 & 2 or if they'll be separate.

05-28-2017, 03:05 PM
Just played that one myself a few days ago. There are two new soundtracks for the new series coming out in September as well, I think?

i've only seen one 2xLP, and i'm guessing it's going to be all the songs from the ends of the episodes. not sure if there's enough new score to justify pressing a record, but maybe there will be more as time goes on (i hope so!)

but this article makes it confusing... http://www.factmag.com/2017/05/22/two-new-twin-peaks-soundtracks-coming-soon/

Twin Peaks (Music From the Limited Event Series) and Twin Peaks (Limited Event Series Original Soundtrack) are out on September 8 on CD and 2XLP from Rhino.

so like...is one record going to be the songs from the roadhouse, and the other will be score? or is there a second release that hasn't gone up for pre-order yet?

05-28-2017, 08:31 PM
he's playing harry's older brother, frank, not actually replacing harry.

Thanks, that does make much more sense

05-29-2017, 03:10 AM
I am taking this in small doses (like e.g. with Black Mirror), and I did not expect Naomi Watts (like her very much, mostly thanks to Stay (2005) which I love) or Richard Chamberlain to appear, good. (googling) Hmm, that Mulholland Drive thing keeps popping out everywhere for me, gotta check it out finally. And no, this is not my first encounter with Lynch, it's just... I don't know... maybe my brain chooses to rather forget about unxplainable stuff? :-)

05-29-2017, 04:38 PM
Word on the street is episode 5 leaked earlier in Germany but was quickly pulled....anybody know where it can be found?

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05-30-2017, 12:37 AM
Soooo...are we all thinking HTDA credits scene?

05-30-2017, 03:50 AM
3 episodes in, had enough now. I can see why it would appeal to fans of Lynch's filmography, it has all the hallmarks of an Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive etc. But as someone who doesn't like narratives less grippable than a frictionless hagfish, there's no appeal.

Twin Peaks worked because it used Lynch's weirdness and audio/visual expertise as flavour. This settled in around interesting characters, charismatic performances, fun dialogue, palpable emotion and a story you can connect with. Absolutely none of those things are present in The Return, and it's made particularly hard to watch by having most sequences take 2-10x longer than they need to. There's about 25 minutes of material in the hour-long third episode. Taking more time is fine if there's something spectacular you're filling the frame with, but for all his skill and vision, Lynch has never been a Terrence Malick. I'm sure there's a point lurking somewhere in these 18 hours, but for me, life's too goddamn short.

05-30-2017, 05:33 AM
The first 15 minutes of Episode 3 was the best Silent Hill movie ever made, by far.

This was definitely the weirdest episode yet in the series, which will only get weirder, I'm sure..
I'm expecting a lot of avant garde surrealism, but I also think that a narrative will emerge. I expect the story to make more sense than Inland Empire; episode four seems to be heading in the direction of a cohesive storyline.
I am expecting the best of both worlds here. as much as I utterly adore pure Lynchian surrealism, I would love to see a story take shape. And it won't take MUCH story to utterly thrill me.

Frozen Beach
05-30-2017, 07:41 AM
Soooo...are we all thinking HTDA credits scene?
I don't know anymore because I never anticipated Chrysta Bell actually playing a character.

05-30-2017, 09:35 AM
Soooo...are we all thinking HTDA credits scene?

But why robiiinnnnn

05-30-2017, 12:11 PM

finally spun this yesterday after owning it for months (wanted to wait until we had re-watched the film). as much as i like the music from the show, this blows it away (at least the season 1 soundtrack that got released). it really stands on its own as a strong soundtrack.

What I did was take the FWWM etc. tracks from the Twin Peaks Archive as listed on the soundtrack design site (http://twinpeakssoundtrackdesign.blogspot.ca/p/chronologicalseries-order-guide.html) and spliced them together to form a near-complete FWWM playlist (having also recently found a copy of Season Two Music And More off Amazon for a reasonable price, with which I'll be able to complete it). The FWWM tracks from the Archive stand in a separate league of their own, it's true. When you listen to them together like that, you can really hear a precursor to his Lost Highway tracks.

Having not seen Episodes 3 and 4 yet (tonight hopefully!) I'm doing that thing I shouldn't be doing - visiting this thread and scrolling over posts that talk about them. :D

05-30-2017, 12:53 PM
But why robiiinnnnnStripped down live performance: Trent behind a bunch of synths and maybe on backing vocals, Mariqueen on lead vocals and Robin making sound with a guitar.
Alternately: Trent as Johnny Horne, Mariqueen as the personification of the Log Lady's Log and Robin as Bob's son.

05-30-2017, 02:01 PM
It only makes sense that after 25 straight years of living in some fucked up form of a salvia trip but stranger that Cooper would have to go through some Eraserhead-level shit to escape.

I feel like if you've seen the first four episodes it becomes pretty clear that it's moving closer and closer to "classic" Twin Peaks territory but in a more modern way, but it has to earn that -- to end like the show originally did and then pick back up in the cherry pie-loving quirky soapy realm of TP would feel dismissive of everything that happened and like it was brushing off some major stuff just to cater to nostalgia.

The conflict going on at the moment also seems simpler than it's coming across as -- FakeCoop created Dougie in order to avoid getting sucked up into the Black Lodge when Cooper came back. FakeCoop held his garmonbozia in long enough that Dougie took his place and the man with one arm then warns RealCoop that he's been tricked, now taking the place of Dougie rather than his doppelganger (he was supposed to come through the cigarette lighter in FakeCoop's car, but didn't, so he instead went through the electrical outlet, and electricity seems to always have some sort of sinister supernatural connotation in the TP world).

Because of this, either FakeCoop or RealCoop will have to die in order for them to not be purged into non-existence (or "non-EXISTENCE," as the evolution of the arm would say).

FakeCoop is attempting to fully take on the identity of RealCoop so that RealCoop won't have the aid of the FBI at his disposal, but Gordon Cole clearly knows that something is up, and once RealCoop overcomes his Mr. Jackpots persona and escapes Dougie's hollow reality, he'll be able to come back as the Special Agent Dale Cooper we all know and love and begin the battle against FakeCoop, likely colliding someplace in Twin Peaks where the story lines will then merge and become more like the original series again.

At least, that's my take on it, and since it's David Lynch who the fuck knows -- maybe all of that will never happen and the next episode will be nothing but the animated adventures of the Log & Friends while Michael Cera reenacts the entire plot of A Streetcar Named Desire. Who the fuck knows? All I know is I'm loving it and I'm going with it, all the way.

05-30-2017, 03:30 PM
I would be content never having to see Michael Cera show up in this series ever again, he's been the only aspect i haven't liked so far.

Just seeing him do that Brando shtick was so cringe-worthy. Can't fucking stand the guy in anything I've seen him in.

05-30-2017, 03:36 PM
kleiner352 i want to start a band called "Dougie's Hollow Reality" will you paint our album covers? <3

Frozen Beach
05-30-2017, 03:39 PM
Here's a little continuity error: Cooper isn't wearing the same tie he's wearing in the finale. But he wears black in FWWM.

05-30-2017, 04:13 PM
Here's a little continuity error: Cooper isn't wearing the same tie he's wearing in the finale. But he wears black in FWWM.

I'm gonna headcannon it as him having lost it during some terrifying and confusing encounter with one of the Black Lodge spirits and the statue that's sometimes in the room between rooms and sometimes isn't gave him a new one because why not, it'd make about as much sense as anything else there.

05-30-2017, 06:09 PM
It only makes sense that after 25 straight years of living in some fucked up form of a salvia trip but stranger that Cooper would have to go through some Eraserhead-level shit to escape.

I feel like if you've seen the first four episodes it becomes pretty clear that it's moving closer and closer to "classic" Twin Peaks territory but in a more modern way, but it has to earn that -- to end like the show originally did and then pick back up in the cherry pie-loving quirky soapy realm of TP would feel dismissive of everything that happened and like it was brushing off some major stuff just to cater to nostalgia.

The conflict going on at the moment also seems simpler than it's coming across as -- FakeCoop created Dougie in order to avoid getting sucked up into the Black Lodge when Cooper came back. FakeCoop held his garmonbozia in long enough that Dougie took his place and the man with one arm then warns RealCoop that he's been tricked, now taking the place of Dougie rather than his doppelganger (he was supposed to come through the cigarette lighter in FakeCoop's car, but didn't, so he instead went through the electrical outlet, and electricity seems to always have some sort of sinister supernatural connotation in the TP world).

Because of this, either FakeCoop or RealCoop will have to die in order for them to not be purged into non-existence (or "non-EXISTENCE," as the evolution of the arm would say).

FakeCoop is attempting to fully take on the identity of RealCoop so that RealCoop won't have the aid of the FBI at his disposal, but Gordon Cole clearly knows that something is up, and once RealCoop overcomes his Mr. Jackpots persona and escapes Dougie's hollow reality, he'll be able to come back as the Special Agent Dale Cooper we all know and love and begin the battle against FakeCoop, likely colliding someplace in Twin Peaks where the story lines will then merge and become more like the original series again.

At least, that's my take on it, and since it's David Lynch who the fuck knows -- maybe all of that will never happen and the next episode will be nothing but the animated adventures of the Log & Friends while Michael Cera reenacts the entire plot of A Streetcar Named Desire. Who the fuck knows? All I know is I'm loving it and I'm going with it, all the way.yup. You win.

05-30-2017, 07:51 PM
Damn I sure hope you're right about the show continuing NYRexall

05-30-2017, 11:21 PM
So, concerning Episode 3..

The second girl sitting in front of the fireplace -- after Cooper comes back down the ladder -- is Ronette Pulaski (same actress and apparently same character)

Dougie's arm is numb when he's in the house with the prostitute because he's wearing the jade ring, just like Laura's arm is numb in FWWM when she wakes up in bed wearing the same ring

FBI agent Tamara Preston, who shows up at the end, is the "T.P." person who narrates Frost's Secret History of Twin Peaks..


don't forget that Teresa Banks' arm also went numb just before she died, while she was in possession of the ring.

@kleiner352 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4417) that particular statue is ONLY in the first passageway (as opposed to the one that is sometimes near the chairs), which is the one that leads into/out of the black lodge. hence the importance of cooper seeing it.

05-30-2017, 11:35 PM
A subtle touch I really like is DoppelCoop's loss of coherency or stability following his garmonbozia pukefest and Coop's return to the real world. During his conversation with Gordon, his ability to communicate was diminished compared with his earlier conversations. Repetition of phrases, extremely direct, dialogue extraordinarily artificial, like he was directly reading from a script in his head. It's probably just going to get creepier.

Seeing Don Davis really caught me off guard in E3. Bless Lynch, that was a wonderful way to get a cameo in there. I have no doubt we'll see Frank Silva's Bob in some way shape or form eventually.

05-30-2017, 11:42 PM
They could definitely very easily use archived footage of Frank Silva and play it off in a way that fits, it'll be interesting to see if Lynch will have done that.

05-31-2017, 06:19 AM
So, concerning Episode 3..

The second girl sitting in front of the fireplace -- after Cooper comes back down the ladder -- is Ronette Pulaski (same actress and apparently same character) It's not the same character.

There's a really good FB group for analysing the new series here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380158102071922/

05-31-2017, 08:27 AM
It's not the same character.

There's a really good FB group for analysing the new series here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380158102071922/

yeah, in the credits, she's listed as "american girl"

05-31-2017, 12:34 PM
Does anyone think we'll finally meet Diane in the next episode?

05-31-2017, 01:06 PM
Does anyone think we'll finally meet Diane in the next episode?

god, i hope not. i want diane to remain an enigma forever.

05-31-2017, 06:44 PM
there are people also surmising that the eyeless woman was a manifestation of Josie Packard.

That's where my mind went, to be honest. I couldn't tell you why, but she just reminded me of Josie a lot.

05-31-2017, 10:10 PM
I'd imagine Josie's still haunting the Great Northern. Lynch had plans to clarify what exactly the deal with her being in the drawer pull knob was; she was trapped between the black lodge and the real world. There were scenes filmed for the series finale using a body double for Chen but the footage has been lost. Good account here. (http://twinpeaksarchive.blogspot.ca/2011/07/between-two-worlds-josies-fate.html)

The name given to the character in the credits is 'Naido'. I was actually wondering for a moment if it could have been Judy, the character Philip Jeffries mentioned as not up for discussion, and who was apparently intended to be Josie's sister according to the FWWM script.

Location spoiler for upcoming EP 5:

On that topic, Judy could still figure into the show very soon...Buenos Aires, where we saw Jeffries, is a location in the next ep, according to discussion over the fact that it was temporarily up in Germany before being pulled. Maybe BA is "where she drinks".

And may I say I love the fact that Lynch did not capitulate to the stereotype of sleazy greedy casino owners? I was ready to watch them take advantage of poor Coop, but they made sure he left with his winnings. The owner clearly wasn't happy, but...that was really sweet :)

06-01-2017, 07:15 AM
Does anyone think we'll finally meet Diane in the next episode?

People are thinking the woman mentioned is either Diane or Audrey.

I think they're the same person, or will eventually turn out to be as the series unfolds.

It seems way too coincidental that one of the first individuals Cooper meets after leaving the lodge is a woman who is essentially Ronette aged in the same way the Laura Palmer apparition had. But then, there are people also surmising that the eyeless woman was a manifestation of Josie Packard.

The great thing about David Lynch is that we're probably neither right nor wrong here :)

I think it's the "When you see me again it won't be me" - we've seen a couple of other characters that fit this too (Laura may not be Laura, The Giant is ?????????, the various Coops)

I've been having some thoughts about Betty. She's Hastings's secretary who he mentions in his interview. She's known by EvilCoop's gang. Betty is also the name of Major Briggs's wife who conveniently tells everyone about TrueCoop being the last person to see Briggs. We've seen Briggs's disembodied head linked to the paranormal (Blue Rose) and it could be his beheaded body that was discovered by the police. This might all be connected or I might be pissing into the wind.

06-02-2017, 02:18 AM
So how exactly does Dougie exist? How did CooperBob "manufacture" him? I hope we find out.

To my knowledge everyone only has one shadow self/doppelganger in the world of Twin Peaks.

Frozen Beach
06-02-2017, 01:39 PM
The official youtube channel has upped the first two episodes



06-02-2017, 01:50 PM
I'm thinking of watching these first four episodes a THIRD time, having already watched them twice. I can't say I've ever done this.

I wish we had more filmmakers like Lynch, who are willing to kind of not worry about convention and just go with THEIR vision. There is an honesty to it that really shines through.

06-04-2017, 09:09 PM
The cow jumped over the moon shouldn't be horrifying but, fuck, now it is! Thanks, David Lynch!

06-04-2017, 09:43 PM
Holy fuck his features in the mirror.

06-05-2017, 02:31 AM
The entire cast has been outstanding.

06-05-2017, 06:06 AM
I watched the 4th episode tonight. I guess I'm going to be a week behind everyone else, since I didn't binge watch all at once.

About lost my shit when Denise walked onscreen. Naomi Watts, Michael Cera and Robert Forester were all entertaining, as well. Chrysta Bell... I could watch her all day. I'm sure that's the point..

That scene when Dark Cooper is talking to Gordon Cole after 25 years was bone-chilling af. McLachlan has been killing it with these multiple roles/personas. My only gripe so far is that most of the returning characters who have shown up have been limited to a single scene. Ben and Jerry Horne, Shelli, James...I'm hoping this isn't a reoccurring trend as this whole thing slowly unspools and all 200+ characters show up. Hopefully it all pulls together into the center of gravity at the town of Twin Peaks, and all of the major characters will come together and start intersecting with one another.

I know a few people have not been on board with the different musical acts playing at the bar to signal the end of each episode, but I've been fine with that and think it's a nice touch. All of the music has been top notch and befitting of the series so far. I'm glad Lynch is making this its own thing in the modern era, and not some hackneyed attempt to catch lightning in a bottle twice..

06-05-2017, 11:12 AM
I think this might have needed a shorter episode order...

06-05-2017, 12:00 PM
Lynch has stressed that they're not so much episodes as parts. The whole thing was basically shot as an 18-hour movie; I'm expecting a few episodes to consist of setup here and there.

I know some folks out there are already burnt out on Cooper's current brain-dead status, though he does seem to be slowly rebooting. I'll bet anything he's only going to snap out of it once he has a cherry pie. It'll be the trigger.

06-05-2017, 04:05 PM
The "Coop remembers" bits were beautiful last night. I'm enjoying the stories that the non-narrative elements are telling a lot. The green flashes of light and the cuts between scenes....Argentina then a whole scene around that particular statue?

Alex of scotland
06-05-2017, 04:38 PM
godammit! someone just pointed out Sonny Jim blinks backwards and now I have to watch the entire episode again.

06-05-2017, 06:39 PM
Did we meet Audrey's son?

06-05-2017, 07:01 PM
Has it been explained or implied yet how Cooper was able to leave the Black Lodge after the past 25 years, and why he's virtually brain-dead now that he's back in reality?

06-05-2017, 07:20 PM
why he's virtually brain-dead now that he's back in reality?

It's all speculation but I've taken it as simply being that because he ended up in the wrong place of a man who was a fabricated creation now destined to non-existence, he's been unable to fully exist again -- Dougie was never a complete and full human being like Special Agent Dale Cooper, but rather a construct that allowed Doppelcoop to avoid getting sent back to the Black Lodge, so Cooper isn't in the "correct" space now. He was supposed to replace Doppelcoop who, 25 years previously, had replaced Realcoop, but instead Realcoop has replaced Fakecoop.

@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) judging my the credits I'm pretty sure we did, or maybe it's her younger brother? Either way, what a fucking creep. He's like Twin Peaks' equivalent to Frank Booth.

06-05-2017, 08:03 PM
I legit thought that dude was Macaulay Culkin for a second.

06-05-2017, 08:05 PM
A reddit theory which posits that the reason Coop is brain-fried is because the method of travel is electricity based, and Coop went down an AC path when he needed to go down a DC one due to Dougie being present. (https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6dz7ad/s3e3_electricity_and_what_went_wrong/)Might explain some of the electrical feedback FX going on around his noggin when he entered.

06-05-2017, 08:09 PM
A reddit theory which posits that the reason Coop is brain-fried is because the method of travel is electricity based, and Coop went down an AC path when he needed to go down a DC one due to Dougie being present. (https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6dz7ad/s3e3_electricity_and_what_went_wrong/)Might explain some of the electrical feedback FX going on around his noggin when he entered.
AC = Alternate Cooper.
DC = Dale Cooper.


06-05-2017, 11:48 PM
I legit thought that dude was Macaulay Culkin for a second.

oh, shelly's daughter's douchebag boyfriend? my wife and i made that joke, too. i know i've seen that actor in something else but he's not actually listed on the imdb page for episode 5 so i can't figure it out yet. amanda seyfried wasn't listed, either, which is weird.

06-06-2017, 12:17 AM
...i know i've seen that actor in something else but he's not actually listed on the imdb page for episode 5 so i can't figure it out yet. amanda seyfried wasn't listed, either, which is weird.

He played the skeevy brother in 'Get Out'.

06-06-2017, 12:31 AM
He played the skeevy brother in 'Get Out'.

haven't seen it! BUT that led me to find him (caleb landry jones) on IMDB and now i know i recognize him from both X-Men: First Class and The Social Network! so thanks <3

also, that relationship is very reminiscent of laura & bobby, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out...

06-06-2017, 02:40 AM
oh, shelly's daughter's douchebag boyfriend? my wife and i made that joke, too. i know i've seen that actor in something else but he's not actually listed on the imdb page for episode 5 so i can't figure it out yet. amanda seyfried wasn't listed, either, which is weird.
that dude was fucking hilarious as a drug victim.

i've been around a LOT of junkies in my day and haven't seen very many that looked THAT fucking rough :P

06-06-2017, 04:54 AM
It's all speculation but I've taken it as simply being that because he ended up in the wrong place of a man who was a fabricated creation now destined to non-existence, he's been unable to fully exist again -- Dougie was never a complete and full human being like Special Agent Dale Cooper, but rather a construct that allowed Doppelcoop to avoid getting sent back to the Black Lodge, so Cooper isn't in the "correct" space now. He was supposed to replace Doppelcoop who, 25 years previously, had replaced Realcoop, but instead Realcoop has replaced Fakecoop.

From a Lynchian standpoint, what you said here makes both perfect sense to me, and no sense at all. The plight of being a Twin Peaks fan strikes again..

06-06-2017, 09:26 AM
also, that relationship is very reminiscent of laura & bobby, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out...

Yeah Becky getting high was almost a copy of Laura taking ecstasy

Has it been explained or implied yet how Cooper was able to leave the Black Lodge after the past 25 years, and why he's virtually brain-dead now that he's back in reality?

I have a theory for the second part: we now have good/bad Coop in the real world; effectively both are a split personality of the main one. But there's only enough "energy" for one. Every time good Coop perks up we notice bad Coop weakening (I noticed this a lot in ep 5). Also worth bearing in mind that we're not seeing a linear time, so anything we think we know we probably don't know. Lynch! :D

godammit! someone just pointed out Sonny Jim blinks backwards and now I have to watch the entire episode again.

I rewatched it when I read that and I don't see it. GoodCoop crying though. <3

06-06-2017, 10:24 AM
I enjoyed the 5th episode a lot; almost lost my shit with Jocoby's "Golden Shovel ad"..

BTW, here's the theory about the Argentina scene:


Alex of scotland
06-06-2017, 12:37 PM
Yeah Becky getting high was almost a copy of Laura taking ecstasy

I have a theory for the second part: we now have good/bad Coop in the real world; effectively both are a split personality of the main one. But there's only enough "energy" for one. Every time good Coop perks up we notice bad Coop weakening (I noticed this a lot in ep 5). Also worth bearing in mind that we're not seeing a linear time, so anything we think we know we probably don't know. Lynch! :D

I rewatched it when I read that and I don't see it. GoodCoop crying though. <3

Hmmm, I can't be sure, but it looked a bit weird.....I don't trust that Sonny Jim.

06-07-2017, 12:34 AM
Yeah. He also was ejected by the arm's doppelganger, resulting in him plummeting into an abyss with "NONEXISTANT" being the last words he heard, and then sucked through a power outlet back into earth after spending some time on a space stations with a blind and mute woman, implying his transition was less than smooth.. so there's that.

06-07-2017, 09:15 AM
IMO Sunny Jim is The Giant. Remember how Coop put his hand to his stomach where he'd been shot in the original series and SJ gave a thumbs up? Wouldn't be surprised if he was there to look out for him in his addled state.

Also I've been wondering about not-Phillip Jeffries on the phone. "I will be with Bob again." Mike and Bob used to kill together. And we've seen that The Arm has a doppelganger....why not Mike too?

06-07-2017, 11:22 PM
Any thoughts on Blue Rose at the end of episode four? I know what Blue Rose means but I'm trying to figure out if Rosenfield and Cole know that that's not the real Cooper and just his doppelgänger? I mean, why else would Albert say Blue Rose?

06-08-2017, 08:21 AM
Any thoughts on Blue Rose at the end of episode four? I know what Blue Rose means but I'm trying to figure out if Rosenfield and Cole know that that's not the real Cooper and just his doppelgänger? I mean, why else would Albert say Blue Rose?
I don't think they necessarily know that he's a doppelganger, it's just very clear that something is not right and they don't know what. Isn't that essentially what blue rose means? Something that is off and inexplicable/supernatural?

06-08-2017, 02:58 PM
I don't think they necessarily know that he's a doppelganger, it's just very clear that something is not right and they don't know what. Isn't that essentially what blue rose means? Something that is off and inexplicable/supernatural?
Basically that's what Blue Rose means. Also, I believe Gordon's team handles all Blue Rose cases.

06-08-2017, 09:51 PM
I don't know about anyone else but I think it's cool Lynch cast the kid from Looper as Dougie's son. He gave probably the most unsettling kid performance in a movie this side of Haley Joel Osment.

I'm calling the evil Cooper Waingro because the scene in the motel room reminded me of how creepy Kevin Gage was in Heat.

Speaking of which, very cool to see Tom Sizemore in something with this kind of prestige again. He's in so many movies from the 90's I love to this day, it was a bit of a shame he had the downfall he did. Here's hoping this gets him in the door a bit more again.

I did a lot of "ooh, that guy or gal" of people that I may have forgotten from the list posted back awhile ago. Particularly Jane Adams, Matthew Lillard and Bailey Chase. Even noticed the guy in The Dark Knight who Harvey Dent interrogates in the ambulance as one of the pit bosses.

I'm extremely new to the show. In fact I watched the last episodes of season two, Fire Walk With Me and the first two of the new season for the first time all in the same night. But seeing how much had changed in the interim was still a bit shocking even for me. Really enjoying this and endlessly curious about where it'll go.

06-09-2017, 12:27 AM
I did a lot of "ooh, that guy or gal" of people that I may have forgotten from the list posted back awhile ago. Particularly Jane Adams, Matthew Lillard and Bailey Chase. Even noticed the guy in The Dark Knight who Harvey Dent interrogates in the ambulance as one of the pit bosses.

that guy was also the russian hacker in Ant Man (he was hilarious).

i've loved bailey chase since he was one of riley's initiative buddies on buffy, but he looks so much hotter now ;)

i feel like they're not giving this to us fast enough. my wife and i have gotten so used to being able to binge-watch things that it's like torture, especially after getting the first four episodes all in one weekend. i just want to go back and re-watch because there's no way to continue forward, yet!

06-10-2017, 06:29 PM
The Cactus Blossoms released a music video for Mississippi yesterday, which closed episode 3. I've loved the songs played at the end of each show, with this one being my favorite so far..


06-11-2017, 09:47 PM
Man, I'm still enjoying this, but I pride myself on having the patience of a saint and even I've got to keep reminding myself this is an 18 hour movie.

06-12-2017, 01:25 AM
That waitress lady and her constant giggling over everything nearly drove me up a wall.

Also that douche in the truck needs to die asap.

06-12-2017, 10:13 AM
Fuck Chad

06-12-2017, 10:30 AM
So evil baby McCounaghey has got to go, mini Vin Diesel is absolutely goddamned terrifying, we watched a child fucking die on screen on TV, Cooper needs an alarm clock ASAP and that meth-y lady across from 2-Rides Jade's place of business is still convincing me she's some sort of Lodge spirit trying to say 911 backwards, I have less certain of an idea as to what the hell is going on than I did before and electricity is continuously spooky

Thanks, David Lynch!

06-12-2017, 10:35 AM
I'm not reading analysis of this show- only chuckling at memes. So I won't spend much time here except to Wish that Reznor's casting is to premiere a song at the Bang Bang Bar. Why does that seem cooler than a cameo?

06-12-2017, 11:49 AM
Re: Sonny Jim. Reading the books on Cooper's childhood helps.

I just clocked the King Arthur reference on my second view too.

06-12-2017, 12:19 PM
How about the glee on actually 90 year old Harry Dean Stanton's face when he said "Quit?! I been smokin' for 75 years. Every fuckin day."

THAT shit was priceless.

06-12-2017, 12:23 PM
Sorry for double post but i have a feeling that this thing is just utterly baffling people who aren't Lynch fans.

I'm not saying it isn't baffling to ME, but that's par for the course. That's part of why we like it.

The sad thing is that yes, Lynch went full Lynch and it's fucking utterly stunning, but because of that, i don't think Johnny Americana and Stevie Reasonable are gonna be clamoring for a season two.

06-12-2017, 01:11 PM
The greatest mystery of all so far is why in the fuck Sonny Jim thought it was alright for him to just lay down on top of a chip and get who knows how many crumbs inside of his bed

06-13-2017, 11:45 AM
That waitress lady and her constant giggling over everything nearly drove me up a wall.

It's was nice to see Heidi again, she's a bit annoying but still a funny character from the original TP

Are the pages that Hawk found in the bathroom from Laura Palmer's diary? Let's hope...
Oh, and i marked out big when we finally saw Diane...

06-13-2017, 12:48 PM
Taglines for parts 9-12:

Part 9: This is the chair.
Part 10: Laura is the one.
Part 11: There's fire where you are going.
Part 12: Let's rock.


06-13-2017, 02:35 PM
It's was nice to see Heidi again, she's a bit annoying but still a funny character from the original TP

Are the pages that Hawk found in the bathroom from Laura Palmer's diary? Let's hope...
Oh, and i marked out big when we finally saw Diane...
Wait she was in the original series? wow i don't remember her at all, maybe she wasn't as annoying back then. Interesting.

06-13-2017, 02:40 PM
Wait she was in the original series? wow i don't remember her at all, maybe she wasn't as annoying back then. Interesting.
She literally appears for the first time in the pilot; Bobby picks up Shelly at the "Double R" and Heidi shows up late; Bobby says "I thought you Germans were always on time.." and she just giggles...

Also; i fuckin' died:


06-13-2017, 02:40 PM
Wait she was in the original series? wow i don't remember her at all, maybe she wasn't as annoying back then. Interesting.
I just rewatched the whole series to prep for this new series and I definitely remember her, but she was barely in it. Might have just been FWWM even, or maybe just like one or two episodes.

06-13-2017, 03:14 PM
Wait she was in the original series? wow i don't remember her at all, maybe she wasn't as annoying back then. Interesting.yeah she's also in The Missing Pieces. We watched it it last night. Sheap thinks that Lynch probably hired her solely for that laugh and I think she might be right.

06-13-2017, 08:34 PM
Hit episode fifteen of season two, and just experienced the scene when everyone is participating in Ben's crazy General shenanigans. I fucking love this show...

06-14-2017, 06:01 AM
I don't know about you guys, but next time im in a casino and find myself in a slot machines, i'll be yelling Heellooooo!

06-14-2017, 08:56 AM
Re: Sonny Jim. Reading the books on Cooper's childhood helps.

I just clocked the King Arthur reference on my second view too.

care to elaborate on both?

06-14-2017, 12:24 PM
Are the pages that Hawk found in the bathroom from Laura Palmer's diary? Let's hope...

Considering how Johnny Jewel's Windswept album is basically an ambient score to S3 and there's a song on there called "Missing Pages", my guess is...ayup.

06-14-2017, 01:47 PM
Considering how Johnny Jewel's Windswept album is basically an ambient score to S3 and there's a song on there called "Missing Pages", my guess is...ayup.

I went and looked for the title track video in youtube, oh man this is the saddest track (so far) in the series!, poor Dougie/Coop...


06-14-2017, 02:36 PM
So I've been thinking about these King Arthur references and what they might mean. I talked about it a little bit with @thelastdisciple (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=199) , but I wondered what you all think. I was super happy that I actually noticed all this shit myself without my wife pointing it out to me, which NEVER happens :p
The entrance to the lodge is Glastonbury Grove (which is, I think, the traditional burial place of King Arthur.) Dougie lives on Lancelot near Merlin's market. And his wife mentions Merlin and Guinevere streets. She also says "we live in a DARK AGE." This could be a coincidence , but that's sort of an unusual way of expressing that sentiment.

So. Thoughts: Arthur parallels Jesus and Coop is being resurrected basically. Another thing is that the jury is still out on whether or not King Arthur was real. for me, it also suggests that there is something off about dougie's world.
Also, the googler just told me that Sheryl Lee starred in a movie called Guinevere so it's possible that's like an in joke or reference.

So those are the Arthurian references I've caught and a couple of like half assed thoughts on their possible significance. What do you guys think?

06-14-2017, 02:57 PM
The whole album's really great (and cheap too, well worth the purchase!)

On that topic, I've been doing some soundtrack and music prowling about the web. For those keeping score as they slowly add tracks to the forthcoming Music From the Limited Event Series album:

01. Twin Peaks Theme (Main Titles) -Angelo Badalamenti
02. Shadow - Chromatics
03. Mississippi - The Cactus Blossoms
04. Lark - Au Revoir Simone
05. I Am (Oldschool Hip Hop Beat) - Blunted Beatz
06. I Love How You Love Me - The Paris Sisters
07. Snake Eyes - Trouble
08. Tarifa - Sharon Van Etten

Stuff that hasn't been added to the tracklist yet or somehow isn't on there:

Take Five - The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Good Man - Raphael Saadiq
Habit - Uniform
Tabloid - Uniform
Out of Sand - Eddie Vedder (lol we still haven't even heard this)
Whatever the hell Trent, Mariqueen and Robin will be doing lollerskatez

I can't wait for more Angelo compositions to show up. Amazon's listing (https://www.amazon.com/Twin-Peaks-Limited-Event-Soundtrack/dp/B071LTP1C4) for the apparently-more-ambient Limited Event Series Soundtrack has a few tracks like Laura Palmer's theme, Red Room and Dark Mood Woods that we know from the original run, so I guess they'll be reusing a few old compositions like Laura's along with some new ones, like the track that played when the kid got hit - Accident/Farewell theme. And I can't wait to hear what he did with Grady Tate. Some sort of spiritual successor to Sycamore Trees? :)

Also, Muddy Magnolias' American Woman Piney Remix AKA the fucked up David Lynch version is the second track - why the hell that's on there with the more ambient tracks I have no idea :p

...yeah, I've been a bit obsessive. Slow work day and TP's on my mind.

06-14-2017, 03:05 PM
So I've been thinking about these King Arthur references and what they might mean. I talked about it a little bit with @thelastdisciple (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=199) , but I wondered what you all think. I was super happy that I actually noticed all this shit myself without my wife pointing it out to me, which NEVER happens :p
The entrance to the lodge is Glastonbury Grove (which is, I think, the traditional burial place of King Arthur.) Dougie lives on Lancelot near Merlin's market. And his wife mentions Merlin and Guinevere streets. She also says "we live in a DARK AGE." This could be a coincidence , but that's sort of an unusual way of expressing that sentiment.

So. Thoughts: Arthur parallels Jesus and Coop is being resurrected basically. Another thing is that the jury is still out on whether or not King Arthur was real. for me, it also suggests that there is something off about dougie's world.
Also, the googler just told me that Sheryl Lee starred in a movie called Guinevere so it's possible that's like an in joke or reference.

So those are the Arthurian references I've caught and a couple of like half assed thoughts on their possible significance. What do you guys think?

You're definitely not alone (http://www.chud.com/26390/lost-found-twin-peaks-season-2-finale/). :)

06-14-2017, 05:45 PM
You're definitely not alone (http://www.chud.com/26390/lost-found-twin-peaks-season-2-finale/). :)

oh, wow!

06-15-2017, 03:51 AM
I finally had time to sit down and watch episode 5. About lost my shit when Ernie Hudson -- who I've been watching play Warden Leo Glynn on Oz for the past year or so -- showed up. And Jim Belushi was never this chilling in anything I've seen him in. Didn't even recognize Tom Sizemore until I saw his name in the credits; that dude is looking rough.


I have a feeling that this thing is just utterly baffling people who aren't Lynch fans.

I'm not saying it isn't baffling to ME, but that's par for the course. That's part of why we like it.

The sad thing is that yes, Lynch went full Lynch and it's fucking utterly stunning, but because of that, i don't think Johnny Americana and Stevie Reasonable are gonna be clamoring for a season two.

I'm actually glad it's like this. Now all the "fans" who were riding the Twin Peaks bandwagon around Internetville in the run up to the revival can move along after having their mind fucked for the past six weeks, leaving the fans who grew up with this show and know that its weirdness is its driving factor to patiently watch this new season unfold.

I think they'll do another season or few. Even those of us who have been hardcore fans of this show will be unpacking this season for years to come. The best television is the most challenging television, and for that, I've been drinking this whole experience in.

Plus, it's running in tandem with what is going to be a huge second half of 2017 for NIN, with the reissues, festival shows and new music in the coming months. These are great times to be alive :D

06-15-2017, 04:52 AM
care to elaborate on both?

King Arthur references have been a trope all throughout the series. Here Jayne-E or whatever she's called meets the ransom people Guinevere/Merlin.

Re: Sonny Jim. The Autobiography of Agent Cooper details his love for The Hardy Boys and Cowboys, and several other elements of SJ's bedroom call back to Agent Cooper's childhood. If Dougie-land is a projection of Cooper's brain they're pretty cool details to put in. Even if not, they're fun for fans, and I don't think SJ is meant to be read as "evil" more "what could have been" or "prophetic innocence".

While the plot is very slow in pace, the episodes so far have been littered with bits and pieces for geeky squee-dom. There are also a ton of references to The Secret History of Twin Peaks, which is canon and is really useful for putting series 3 in context and working out the multiple truths (it's set in 2016, where as we think the "present day" scenes in series 3 are around 2014).

Alex of scotland
06-15-2017, 05:41 AM
The scene where "Stabby Joe, the dwarf" bends his stabby was more emotional than the mockish, cloying child death scene...... Surely deliberate.

06-15-2017, 03:26 PM
I'm actually glad it's like this. oh, don't get my wrong. I fucking LOVE it; it really, seriously feels like an 18 hour movie helmed by my favorite director.

I just hope enough people are watching it.

06-15-2017, 11:09 PM

I know that, save for Naomi Watts, this has little to do with Twin Peaks, but sweet christ this is still one of the most powerful things I've ever heard in a movie or even life itself. My axis literally shifts every time I hear it..

06-16-2017, 12:11 AM

I know that, save for Naomi Watts, this has little to do with Twin Peaks, but sweet christ this is still one of the most powerful things I've ever heard in a movie or even life itself. My axis literally shifts every time I hear it..

I cry during that scene too.

06-16-2017, 02:42 PM
So are the old books worth a read? Coop's autobiography ( icklekitty ?)
What about Laura's Secret Diary? Has anyone read that one? I hear there's an audiobook version performed by Sheryl Lee.

06-17-2017, 03:21 AM
I've read secret history, coop's diary, and Laura's diary. Laura's one you probably know everything but it's quite short. I haven't read the final dossier but I haven't seen anyone reference it yet. Secret history is a must.

06-17-2017, 07:25 AM
If you can't find a copy of The Autobiography of F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes. You can read it here http://glastonberrygrove.net/texts/coopbio.html

The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer is also available to read on the site.

06-17-2017, 03:29 PM
I read and adored Secret History; actually read most of it twice.
And I will read the Final Dossier as soon as it comes out (on Halloween.) I was wondering what you guys thought of the old ones though. Some people have said they were great while others called them a shameless cash grab. :\

And what about "Diane..." The Twin Peaks Tapes of Agent Cooper? "
It was originally cassette only but I THINK I saw it for sale as an mp3 or something.

Edit: Yes, they did release The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer in an audio format with Sheryl Lee reading it last month; i'm gonna nab that.

Frozen Beach
06-17-2017, 04:13 PM
If you can't find a copy of The Autobiography of F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes. You can read it here http://glastonberrygrove.net/texts/coopbio.html

The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer is also available to read on the site.
The PDF version this person made seems to be better because it's in order, whereas the one on glastonberrygrove is out of order, for some reason

06-17-2017, 04:35 PM
And here this is:


06-18-2017, 02:23 PM
I've read secret history, coop's diary, and Laura's diary. Laura's one you probably know everything but it's quite short. I haven't read the final dossier but I haven't seen anyone reference it yet. Secret history is a must.

final dossier comes out in october, i believe, so i'm guessing no one has read it yet.

had no idea there was an autobiography of coop.

06-18-2017, 06:32 PM
So, I am all caught up with the entire show (After basically binge watching the entire series) and I am still lost :D. The new season seems to go off the rails as far as the horror and imagery are concerned, but it still feels Twin Peaks for sure. I had to go back and watch the last two episodes of season 2 since I started to fall asleep and man, that last episode was friggin' nuts. From researching the series, there seems to be some stuff to check out like Fire Walk With Me, and the diary's that I just read about above. Is there anything crucial that happens in the movie or anything that is read from the diary's that effect the story in any way?? Point me in the right direction.

Frozen Beach
06-18-2017, 07:26 PM
So, I am all caught up with the entire show (After basically binge watching the entire series) and I am still lost :D. The new season seems to go off the rails as far as the horror and imagery are concerned, but it still feels Twin Peaks for sure. I had to go back and watch the last two episodes of season 2 since I started to fall asleep and man, that last episode was friggin' nuts. From researching the series, there seems to be some stuff to check out like Fire Walk With Me, and the diary's that I just read about above. Is there anything crucial that happens in the movie or anything that is read from the diary's that effect the story in any way?? Point me in the right direction.
I'd suggest watching FWWM since David Lynch said it was important to the new season. It introduces the ring, agent desmond, and agent jeffries.

People are split on the film, but it's personally my favorite David Lynch film. It's probably his darkest movie. Ray Wise, Sheryl Lee & Al Strobel are amazing in it. Plus it's probably got Angelo Badalamenti at his best with the otherworldly score.

06-18-2017, 08:09 PM
I'd suggest watching FWWM since David Lynch said it was important to the new season. It introduces the ring, agent desmond, and agent jeffries.

People are split on the film, but it's personally my favorite David Lynch film. It's probably his darkest movie. Ray Wise, Sheryl Lee & Al Strobel are amazing in it. Plus it's probably got Angelo Badalamenti at his best with the otherworldly score.
I would also add The Missing Pieces to that, and i think it's fairly important to read "The Secret History..."
The book may not be ESSENTIAL, but it's certainly enrichment.

The Missing Pieces felt like finding a bunch of hidden songs on an album you love.

06-18-2017, 08:19 PM
So, I am all caught up with the entire show (After basically binge watching the entire series) and I am still lost :D. The new season seems to go off the rails as far as the horror and imagery are concerned, but it still feels Twin Peaks for sure. I had to go back and watch the last two episodes of season 2 since I started to fall asleep and man, that last episode was friggin' nuts. From researching the series, there seems to be some stuff to check out like Fire Walk With Me, and the diary's that I just read about above. Is there anything crucial that happens in the movie or anything that is read from the diary's that effect the story in any way?? Point me in the right direction.

I'd suggest watching FWWM since David Lynch said it was important to the new season. It introduces the ring, agent desmond, and agent jeffries.

People are split on the film, but it's personally my favorite David Lynch film. It's probably his darkest movie. Ray Wise, Sheryl Lee & Al Strobel are amazing in it. Plus it's probably got Angelo Badalamenti at his best with the otherworldly score.

I would also add The Missing Pieces to that, and i think it's fairly important to read "The Secret History..."
The book may not be ESSENTIAL, but it's certainly enrichment.

The Missing Pieces felt like finding a bunch of hidden songs on an album you love.

you should absolutely watch the film (and the missing pieces...there's a version mentioned earlier in the thread that incorporates them into the movie, but that makes it a single, nearly four hour experience) before you start the new series.

06-18-2017, 09:57 PM
So i was looking around for Twin Peaks youtube content today, looking for something like an in-depth "previously on..." type of thing for the new series and i found this guy called Pete Peppers who does a fairly good job of jogging my memory.

It works for me. Here's the recap from last week if you guys are interested in such a thing


06-18-2017, 10:16 PM
The hardest thing to understand in this series so far is what is going on with that weird-as-shit wig that Laura Dern is wearing

06-18-2017, 10:24 PM
First thing I think of is the "blue rose" girl in FWWM. Related?

The decision to play "Green Onions" uninterrupted was perfect.

06-18-2017, 11:20 PM
Man i love Twin Peaks and David Lynch but sometimes especially in the latest episode... did we really have to spend so much time watching a dude sweep a fucking floor while Renault waits for a phone call? I don't think i can give it a pass this time, that was some straight up padded horse crap. Look I'm pretty patient, i dig some slow burn and I have just been happy to see the show back after so long period and i get it.. Lynch is gonna Lynch whether we like it or not and this is like an 18 hour movie but come the hell on, lets pick up the pace a bit especially if this is all we're going to get.

06-19-2017, 02:15 AM
The sweeping aside, this episode was packed with plot advancement. Last week's left me feeling antsy, but this week was
chock full of instances of Coop slowly coming back to himself, another glimpse of the brown lumberjack from the prison cell, Ben getting the key, and the awful, awful implication that Doppelcoop raped Diane, and very possibly Audrey as well - hence Richard Horne. :(

On a brighter note: Karate chop to the fucking throat FTW!!!! SQUEEZE HIS HAND OFF!!!!

06-19-2017, 03:37 AM
I think there was something hidden in backwards words.

And I'm with Shadaloo ; there was a LOT of shit in this episode, far more than in any other so far.

Microwave Jellyfish
06-19-2017, 04:33 AM
From researching the series, there seems to be some stuff to check out like Fire Walk With Me, and the diary's that I just read about above. Is there anything crucial that happens in the movie or anything that is read from the diary's that effect the story in any way?? Point me in the right direction.
Judging by last week's episode and the first five minutes of the new one, defo watch FWWM. The Missing Pieces, too.

06-19-2017, 04:56 AM
The sweeping aside, this episode was packed with plot advancement[/SPOILER]

Fully agree; this episode zoomed along and the sweeping scene ended up having really anxious purpose.

It was great seeing Coop snap back into action momentarily, and I am completely in love with everything Diane. It was a yrev good episode.

Frozen Beach
06-19-2017, 05:25 AM
that sound that Ben & Beverly heard is definitely reminiscent of the sound the arm made when he rubbed his hands together in the original series. It also happened at other moments in the series, like when the giant appeared to Cooper to let him know another murder was happening, or when Earle was taking Annie into the Lodge.

06-19-2017, 05:26 AM
Fully agree; this episode zoomed along and the sweeping scene ended up having really anxious purpose.

It was great seeing Coop snap back into action momentarily, and I am completely in love with everything Diane. It was a yrev good episode.yeah it played like the conclusion of the first and beginning of the second act of a movie. This was my favorite episode since the first one; it's really hitting its stride

06-19-2017, 06:33 AM
Also I don't know if there was any significance to Gordon's whistling but I really want to mix it with that one Rammstein song.

06-19-2017, 11:44 AM
Watching this season without having seen Fire Walk With Me would be an absolute struggle -- I had never actually seen it until the day before the premiere of this season and made a point to make sure I had, and I'd say it and the finale of season 2 are by far the most important things to have preexisting familiarity with to understand what's going on and what's driving the plot here forward. It's a shame how many people I could see having only seen the show thanks to Netflix and not even knowing about FWWM trying to follow this.

06-19-2017, 11:54 AM
I really hope that the opening scene isn't foreshadowing anything happening to Jerry. I just want that opening scene to stand on its own, he just shows up fine later and this is never brought up again. It will stand as one of the series' funnier moments.

06-19-2017, 03:56 PM
After Cole said what he said about the word and the finger, I kept pausing the episode to count on my hand other phrases that were said and try saying certain words backwards.
Today I have a funny feeling I was reading too much into it :p

06-19-2017, 04:11 PM
My only concern with the new season so far, is I hope the returning characters have more of a point to their involvement than just the nostalgia factor. We've yet to see Ed Hurley or Audrey, unless one or both pop up in the 7th episode, which I haven't seen yet. Ben and Jerry Horne have been onscreen for all of two minutes. Others like Laura, Shelley and One-armed Mike are being used to good effect so far.

The new characters have been ace, as well. Balt Getty's Red character reminded me of a cooler -- but just as menacing -- Frank Booth in episode six. Richard Horne is gloriously unhinged, Amanda Seyfried's character should be promising, and Matthew Lilliard has been great in his scenes, too.

I just hope some kind of light is shed on what happened to Chris Isaak's character in FWWM. I wouldn't think that guy would be too hard to talk into returning for at least a cameo appearance to expand upon his character's story arc. The same with Keifer's role.

06-19-2017, 04:35 PM
My only concern with the new season so far, is I hope the returning characters have more of a point to their involvement than just the nostalgia factor.
Yeah i get the feeling that a lot of them are just gonna be glorified cameos

Alex of scotland
06-19-2017, 04:43 PM
She did write it in her diary after all!!!!

06-19-2017, 04:59 PM
Seeing Doc Hayward/Warren Frost one last time was beautiful and for Mark that will definitely be a Father's day to remember!

06-19-2017, 08:23 PM
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I'll be watching Fire Walk With Me and so on once I get some dam time off from work. I have always wanted to watch Twin Peaks and am so freaking glad I finally did so. Robert Forster does a great job as well here for a fill-in pretty much for Harry. Seems to fit right in with the others, and his interactions with Doris are hilarious with his expressionless faces.

06-19-2017, 09:23 PM
Jade give two rides.

06-20-2017, 02:59 AM
I'm hearing coworkers talk about some PC programming stuff and I feel like I'm in Twin Peaks... "You gotta look into the Python... Why is this green? Because it's green." and so on, completely surreal without context. :-)

PS: I love the girl at the insurance company (the one who let him visit toilet), mega beautiful.

06-20-2017, 06:07 AM
Wow, episode seven was my favorite one yet. So many things starting to come together; this was the episode where it definitely felt like the season was shifting gears as the mysteries start to unfold. It's also the point where I realized that even if the narrative doesn't make a whole lot of sense right now, Lynch knows exactly what he's doing and the payoff will be more than worth it by the time this season wraps.

Kyle McLachlan is absolutely killing it in this season, like his whole career post-1991 Twin Peaks was preparing him for this. I've never seen someone handle dual roles as masterfully as his work so far in this season. Cold, blank and menacing in one role, then lost, sad and adrift in the other. There's no way Lynch just came up with this shit on the fly when Showtime gave him the green light. This was manifesting for years in his head..

So many great scenes in this episode. Ben having the epiphany when he gets the room key back, Diane and Dark Cooper meeting face to face, the body of Garland Briggs turning up...its an entirely new version of Twin Peaks, and yet feels one and the same with the atmosphere of the original. Even the original characters, just kind of existing in the background so far, is comforting.

06-20-2017, 06:43 AM
Dark Coop reminds me a lot of Stephen King's Randall Flagg, the way I imagined him a long time ago while reading The Stand

06-20-2017, 08:04 AM
The sweeping aside, this episode was packed with plot advancement. Last week's left me feeling antsy, but this week was
chock full of instances of Coop slowly coming back to himself, another glimpse of the brown lumberjack from the prison cell, Ben getting the key, and the awful, awful implication that Doppelcoop raped Diane, and very possibly Audrey as well - hence Richard Horne. :(

On a brighter note: Karate chop to the fucking throat FTW!!!! SQUEEZE HIS HAND OFF!!!!

i definitely got the impression that he may have done that to diane, but not to audrey. audrey was in a coma from the explosion at the bank and that's all i gleaned from what doc hayward said.

diane is fucking perfect. there is no one else i would have wanted to play her.
"fuck you, tammy." hahahahaha

my wife thinks that, since dougie-coop saw the arm when he was wrestling with his assassin, that the assassin is the arm's doppelganger which does make some sense.

06-20-2017, 09:13 AM
Dark Coop reminds me a lot of Stephen King's Randall Flagg, the way I imagined him a long time ago while reading The Stand
Funny, Randall Flagg always reminds me to BOB, i think they are very similar "demonic-characters".

Jade give two rides.
I bet she did!!!

06-20-2017, 09:15 AM
It might be something of a stretch. I guess folks are really desperate to figure out where the hell Richard comes from. In any case, he at the very least went to the intensive care unit to pick up the owl ring.

06-20-2017, 09:19 AM
It might be something of a stretch. I guess folks are really desperate to figure out where the hell Richard comes from. In any case, he at the very least went to the intensive care unit to pick up the owl ring.
Last time we saw the ring it was on that nurse hands, right?
Maybe he got hurt and stole the ring?, this is an interesting story on it's own..

06-20-2017, 04:22 PM
i definitely got the impression that he may have done that to diane, but not to audrey. audrey was in a coma from the explosion at the bank and that's all i gleaned from what doc hayward said.

I think Dark Cooper did the same thing to Audrey that we're thinking he did to Diane. Doc Hayward said the last time he ever saw Cooper, he had checked himself out of the hospital on his own accord, was coming from Audrey's room, and had that strange look on his face. It's very possible he somehow demon-seeded her while she was comatose, especially given how unhinged Richard Horne is. When he finally crosses paths with Dark Cooper, we'll know for sure..

Also, did anyone else notice how uncharacteristically assertive Andy was when he was meeting with the guy about the truck, setting up a secret meeting with the guy later? And showing off a Rolex, which was more than obvious on his wrist? Is he not really as glib as we've been led to believe all along..?

06-20-2017, 05:01 PM
Regarding Audrey: you sure don't have to be awake to get sexually assaulted. Also, BOB seems to be pretty big into sexual assault.
And this would have been a perfect inversion of Cooper rescuing her in season 2 if i'm remembering correctly; she was knocked out when he found her, right?
Furthermore, if Richard is in fact the son Evil Coop, this could explain why he's such a nasty, rapey type of guy himself. Perhaps he was born that way.

So i noticed that if the dude (i forgot his name) had made it to meet Andy, it would have been at 4:30. 430.
Do you guys have any other thoughts on that?

06-20-2017, 09:02 PM
Quick question; are we to assume that the character walking through the hallway in the morgue is the same dark entity we saw in the jail cell?

And by the way, what Lynch does with sound design is just ... incredible. The camera pans in to a doorway and a drone swells (the house of the guy who was supposed to meet Andy); it's enough to terrify. Likewise, the moment the character rounds the corner in the morgue corridor, Lynch's audio begins and a complete and utter feeling of dread just encompasses the viewer. The character is out of focus, but it matters not. It's just heavenly.

06-20-2017, 10:53 PM
Quick question; are we to assume that the character walking through the hallway in the morgue is the same dark entity we saw in the jail cell?

And by the way, what Lynch does with sound design is just ... incredible. The camera pans in to a doorway and a drone swells (the house of the guy who was supposed to meet Andy); it's enough to terrify. Likewise, the moment the character rounds the corner in the morgue corridor, Lynch's audio begins and a complete and utter feeling of dread just encompasses the viewer. The character is out of focus, but it matters not. It's just heavenly.

It's the same guy from the jail cell, yes, the burned lumberjack or whathaveyou, almost certainly the same guy from the FWWM missing Pieces "above the convenience store". Same hat. A lot of people have been guessing Log Lady's late hubby who died in a fire.

06-21-2017, 03:18 AM
It's the same guy from the jail cell, yes, the burned lumberjack or whathaveyou, almost certainly the same guy from the FWWM missing Pieces "above the convenience store". Same hat. A lot of people have been guessing Log Lady's late hubby who died in a fire.

Thanks ever so much for the confirmation, Shadaloo :)

I've heard some talk of Mulholland Drive technically occurring in the same "universe" as Twin Peaks (aside from the fact that it was originally to feature Audrey Horne as a lead). I wonder if Lost Highway will follow suit? Imagine a "universe" featuring Trent Reznor playing himself in the Roadhouse, who earlier in his career scored scenes featuring people who actually existed in said "universe". Now that's some Lynchian shit, and hurts my head a little in trying to understand. :)

06-21-2017, 09:15 AM
Found this in another website:

"It is revealed that the Log Lady's husband was a lumberjack who died in a fire on their wedding night decades before the events of the series. (The Log Lady later says that her husband "met the devil".) Nothing is revealed of her husband beyond this, save for that at some point before he died, her husband returned from a trip to Glastonbury Grove (which served as an access point to the metaphysical realms of both the White and Black Lodges) with a jar of mysterious oil, which he claimed was for "opening a gateway"


06-21-2017, 09:44 AM
Aside from the fact that it's a completely different actor, I don't think the second one looks anything like a lumberjack. That hat and beard are different.

06-21-2017, 09:55 AM
If you can find a still image from last week's ep where he's walking down the morgue corridor, the hat shape looks way closer to the FWWM dude's. I think the jail cell angle's a bit odd. That aside, I think Lynch might have wanted to recast and redesign him to make him look spookier; that fake beard is hilarious.

06-21-2017, 11:04 AM


06-21-2017, 12:02 PM
I know we don't usually do this in this section of the board but didn't know where else to put it. Selling my framed portrait of David Lynch by Jean-Christian Bourcart, circa 1997. It's pretty fucking awesome. First pic is of the actual photo. Second is the framed one. The broken glass is in the photo - glass from frame is intact. PM for more details.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/missdv8/David20Lynch20film20director_zpsc41bmypb.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v130/missdv8/david.jpg

06-21-2017, 01:18 PM

http://i68.tinypic.com/2ed7h28.jpgI don't know. I guess I can see it, but he looks more like a homeless person to me. If anything he looks like the thing behind the dumpster from Mulholland Drive.

06-21-2017, 02:18 PM
I don't know. I guess I can see it, but he looks more like a homeless person to me. If anything he looks like the thing behind the dumpster from Mulholland Drive.
I agree with @Shadaloo (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=685) that it might be the same guy from FWWM but he was "redesigned", after all BOB has a new "design" in Coop.
But the comparison with the bum in "Mulholland Dr.", it's also interesting.

Either way he's not a "random guy" walking in morgues, he sure serves a purpose, they even showed him twice in that scene...

06-21-2017, 02:40 PM
The homeless person in Mulholland Drive, the old woman in the trailer in FWWM, and now this creepy character...


06-21-2017, 05:05 PM
Hey henryeatscereal do you have a source for that quote about the logger? I don't remember that from Secret History; their story was lovey dovey if anything. I mean I damn sure could have FORGOT part of it...

06-22-2017, 08:28 AM
Hey @henryeatscereal (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) do you have a source for that quote about the logger? I don't remember that from Secret History; their story was lovey dovey if anything. I mean I damn sure could have FORGOT part of it...
I took it from a Twin peaks fans message board (forgot the site); but the full info is in the book "Twin Peaks: the unofficial companion" (https://books.google.com.mx/books?id=uMRICQAAQBAJ&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&dq=It+is+revealed+that+the+Log+Lady%27s+husband+wa s+a+lumberjack+who+died+in+a+fire+on+their+wedding +night+decades+before+the+events+of+the+series.+(T he+Log+Lady+later+says+that+her+husband+%22met+the +devil%22.)+Nothing+is+revealed+of+her+husband+bey ond+this,+save+for+that+at+some+point+before+he+di ed,+her+husband+returned+from+a+trip+to+Glastonbur y+Grove+(which+served+as+an+access+point+to+the+me taphysical+realms+of+both+the+White+and+Black+Lodg es)+with+a+jar+of+mysterious+oil,+which+he+claimed +was+for+%22opening+a+gateway&source=bl&ots=wNkzldl3vc&sig=0vSBHDc9tey_fBsyPLJbXutKkrI&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiHgN7WxdHUAhVL2IMKHdOpB0UQ6AEIMzAC#v=on epage&q=It%20is%20revealed%20that%20the%20Log%20Lady's%2 0husband%20was%20a%20lumberjack%20who%20died%20in% 20a%20fire%20on%20their%20wedding%20night%20decade s%20before%20the%20events%20of%20the%20series.%20( The%20Log%20Lady%20later%20says%20that%20her%20hus band%20%22met%20the%20devil%22.)%20Nothing%20is%20 revealed%20of%20her%20husband%20beyond%20this%2C%2 0save%20for%20that%20at%20some%20point%20before%20 he%20died%2C%20her%20husband%20returned%20from%20a %20trip%20to%20Glastonbury%20Grove%20(which%20serv ed%20as%20an%20access%20point%20to%20the%20metaphy sical%20realms%20of%20both%20the%20White%20and%20B lack%20Lodges)%20with%20a%20jar%20of%20mysterious% 20oil%2C%20which%20he%20claimed%20was%20for%20%22o pening%20a%20gateway&f=false) by Robert B. Durham; in the link it's the fragment about the logger.

06-22-2017, 09:34 AM
Aside from the fact that it's a completely different actor, I don't think the second one looks anything like a lumberjack. That hat and beard are different.

Well he *had* died in a fire

06-22-2017, 09:37 AM
Well he *had* died in a fire
But wasn't he already "dead", or something, when we saw him above the convenience store in FWWM?

06-22-2017, 11:33 AM
But wasn't he already "dead", or something, when we saw him above the convenience store in FWWM?no fucking telling :p
But the log lady's man sounded like a really good dude (in The Secret History). It would shock me if he turns out to be some sort of lodge spirit

06-24-2017, 08:32 AM
So thelastdisciple turned me on to the fact that some people think there is a secret code hidden in the shot of that FBI plane in part seven.

Here is what they are thinking (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/theories/flickering-airplane-windows-code/) over at the "Welcome to Twin Peaks" website.
Looking at the link above has me intrigued, and after watching the scene a couple more times, i decided that these people certainly might be onto something. They also tracked down the original stock footage, wherein the windows do NOT flicker.
Whatever the hell is going on here, i think it's damn sure deliberate.

Here is the clip from the last episode, rendered in slow motion:

Frozen Beach
06-25-2017, 06:23 AM
Does a lossless source for this live show exist?


06-25-2017, 10:11 AM
So thelastdisciple turned me on to the fact that some people think there is a secret code hidden in the shot of that FBI plane in part seven.

Here is what they are thinking (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/theories/flickering-airplane-windows-code/) over at the "Welcome to Twin Peaks" website.
Looking at the link above has me intrigued, and after watching the scene a couple more times, i decided that these people certainly might be onto something. They also tracked down the original stock footage, wherein the windows do NOT flicker.
Whatever the hell is going on here, i think it's damn sure deliberate.

Here is the clip from the last episode, rendered in slow motion:

I totally noticed that while watching it spent the entire rest of the episode trying to figure out what it could be.

06-25-2017, 08:58 PM
What the fuck did I just watch...

06-25-2017, 09:03 PM
What the fuck did I just watch...


But seriously that was amazing. Loved it.

06-25-2017, 09:13 PM
I somehow knew TR would wind up in the most fucked-up episode (so far, at least).

06-25-2017, 09:14 PM

But seriously that was amazing. Loved it.

I didn't take my eyes off the screen the entire time. What a great mind-fuck of an episode! The scene at the end was pretty dam brutal and awesome in it's own right :D.

Frozen Beach
06-25-2017, 09:15 PM
This is probably the weirdest thing anyone has ever made for television.

06-25-2017, 09:18 PM
You say that but Small Wonder, Japanese game shows and the 2016 election are just sitting right there.

frankie teardrop
06-25-2017, 09:19 PM
this is the water and this is the well.
drink full and descend.
the horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

pretty sure we just watched the origins of bob and/or the black lodge

06-25-2017, 09:44 PM
If you understood anything that happened after that nuke went off, you probably need to be committed right away.


Frozen Beach
06-25-2017, 10:08 PM
I'm pretty positive I recognize that track that was playing in the "white lodge"
I think it was used on one of the tracks for Lynch's album The Air Is On Fire
edit: confirmed, it is

06-25-2017, 10:52 PM
this is the water and this is the well.
drink full and descend.
the horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

pretty sure we just watched the origins of bob and/or the black lodge

Absolutely. The H Bomb going off, I think, ripped open the portal between dimensions, allowing Bob to come through. The dudes covered in black soot or whatever, I think, are random lost souls or something (maybe?) and they got through too, wandering through the desert. And that gas station was the first lodge. Or something. Definitely the origins of Bob and Lodge

That episode somehow made a fuck ton of sense without making any sense at all. I fucking loved it. Plus that NIN performance was sick as hell. Trent lookin' like Stallone as Cobra.

06-25-2017, 11:53 PM
Leather Daddy Trent Reznor was the thing that made the single most sense about this episode and that is a wonderful sentence to say

06-26-2017, 12:30 AM

06-26-2017, 04:41 AM
Opening act: Dark Cooper Cheats Death

Main supporting act: The Nine Inch Nails

Main act: The weirdest 45 minutes of television you'll ever see in your fucking life..

06-26-2017, 05:06 AM
this is the water and this is the well.
drink full and descend.
the horse is the white of the eyes and dark within.

pretty sure we just watched the origins of bob and/or the black lodge

Completely agree.

I enjoyed the visual similarity between EvilCoop and NIN, and am curious that they were also subject to the green lights.

The nuclear bomb shown was The Manhattan Project, is there anything to be read into that? I don't know the history, just googled the date and location. And Gordon had a picture of a mushroom cloud in his office.

Also, the art deco theatre scene with ?????????? was the same room as the Silencio scene in Mulholland Drive.

Visually, I think this episode was even more beautiful than episode 3.

Space Suicide
06-26-2017, 05:52 AM

06-26-2017, 07:40 AM
Worth a read: http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/06/twin-peaks-episode-8-recap-easter-eggs-references-callbacks-woodsman-water-well-horse-white-eyes

06-26-2017, 07:44 AM
...and just because it's super cool, heres' the official thumbnail

06-26-2017, 08:36 AM
Last night's episode was nuclear in all kinds of ways...

06-26-2017, 08:48 AM
while that was certainly one of the strangest hours of television i've ever watched, i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

also, i literally just like, seized up, when NIN was playing, and my jaw was hanging open. it was kind of surreal.

06-26-2017, 09:33 AM
There's strange....and then there's tedious.

06-26-2017, 11:32 AM
There's strange....and then there's tedious.

right, so there's david lynch/twin peaks...and there's reality TV that just follows celebrities around.

people seem to keep forgetting that this is essentially an 18-hour movie broken up into parts so it can be serialized by a network. maybe i'm too much of a fangirl but i don't find anything in david lynch's body of work to be tedious. even the sweeping scene from the previous episode served a purpose, and it went on for just the right length for its ridiculous banality to become humorous. i don't think everything he's ever done is gold, by any means, but to call any of it tedious is, to me, kind of silly.

06-26-2017, 11:46 AM
^ totally agree

06-26-2017, 11:51 AM
While I'll agree that this part was enthralling and certainly an unforgettable experience, if I have an issue, it would be that I think Lynch might have 'explained' too much. I'm not sure I needed to know those 'origin' stories. It's certainly great food for thought but I feel like a bit of mystery's been sucked out of the universe as far as those characters are concerned. Gotta mull it over.

06-26-2017, 12:19 PM
right, so there's david lynch/twin peaks...and there's reality TV that just follows celebrities around.

people seem to keep forgetting that this is essentially an 18-hour movie broken up into parts so it can be serialized by a network. maybe i'm too much of a fangirl but i don't find anything in david lynch's body of work to be tedious. even the sweeping scene from the previous episode served a purpose, and it went on for just the right length for its ridiculous banality to become humorous. i don't think everything he's ever done is gold, by any means, but to call any of it tedious is, to me, kind of silly.

Whoa, whoa! I'm familiar with all of his work, but the esoteric nature of this episode is kinda jarring. In the original series there was never any episode that you felt wasn't moving the plot forward. This one was a total art fart.

Frozen Beach
06-26-2017, 12:26 PM
In the original series there was never any episode that you felt wasn't moving the plot forward.
I don't agree with this at all. There were several episodes in the second season that felt this way, mainly episodes involving James & Evelyn's plotline or the little Nicky plotline.

06-26-2017, 02:17 PM
So. Okay.
Did the Giant create Laura's soul to counteract Bob?

06-26-2017, 02:18 PM
I can't believe no one at ETS had connected She's Gone Away with Laura Palmer before this episode. Or did we?
I also tend to think that the boy in the 1956 was Leland.

Frozen Beach
06-26-2017, 02:34 PM
I'm pretty sure the stage during the Giant scene is the same one used in Mulholland Drive for Club Silencio

06-26-2017, 03:19 PM
Is BOB dead, or at least gone from evilcoop? Could Evilcoop become the real Coop now, or is he evil of his own accord?
Was the insect/frog thing BOB or Laura? It could be that the young girl was Sarah and the insect thing was Laura, which would explain why Sarah can see BOB sometimes and gave birth to Laura, and would also explain Bob seeking out Leland. Or, perhaps the insect thing was BOB and the young girl was Bob's first host: maybe Sarah, maybe no one we know.

I have SO many questions and theories and I will shut up in a second.
But here is what (I THINK) I know for sure. The first US nuclear test is what allowed entities from other dimensions to interact with our world. And secondly, the ultimate conflict has always been between Laura and BOB.

06-26-2017, 03:23 PM
Is BOB dead? Could Evilcoop become the real Coop now, or is he evil of his own accord?

evil coop's a doppelganger, which means he's inherently evil. BOB was just like...extra evil on top of it (or, rather, inside of him). i'm terrified about where BOB will go now.

06-26-2017, 04:58 PM
I just watched it and thought it was incredible. It seemed like the broad strokes were pretty understandable to me -- the nuclear explosion was the birthplace/seeding ground of evil/BOB from the Lodge into the Earth, and as a response, the more benevolent spirits planted the soul of Laura Palmer so that it could help fight against BOB and the like. The bug corrupted/infected the woman and the drifter was spreading the infection/evil throughout. And really, what better place to represent the most unfeelingly cruel and destructive and inhuman aspects of humanity than in the plumes of an atom bomb?

Obviously I could be totally wrong and that's part of the fun with David Lynch but since he's such an intuition-driven artist I don't really particularly feel the need to dissect and demand answers out of something that isn't really focused on overtly giving them all of the time. It's incredible that after changing the landscape of TV and pushing its boundaries over two decades ago Lynch is now back and pushing at those boundaries yet again, diving deeper and deeper into the arthouse cinema style that he is so innately skilled at and challenging what an episode of TV can be. I haven't felt in a long time like I've been seeing something truly changing/challenging on TV and it's so refreshing to have this experience again -- as much as I've loved things like The Leftovers, they never felt like they were doing anything truly new or unheard of in the medium, and this continues to go into places that I've never seen on an hour-long drama.

06-26-2017, 05:01 PM
How was that an actual episode on television? Unbelievable

06-26-2017, 05:07 PM
How was that an actual episode on television? Unbelievable

Someone at Showtime needs a fucking humanitarian award for signing off on Lynch having complete creative and directorial control over this. We truly don't deserve television THIS goddamn great.

06-26-2017, 05:24 PM
By the way if I died and my spirit went and watched a Nine Inch Nails performance as good as that then I'd come back to life, too

06-26-2017, 05:50 PM
Is it possible that the young girl is Leland's mother? We never heard anything about Leland or Sarah being in NM (that I know of; please correct me if I'm wrong.)
But if she was Leland's mother, it would make sense of the insect was Laura's spirit OR the spirit of BOB.
Also, is Ray connected to the FBI?

And finally, is anyone else still holding out a sliver of hope that we'll get a scene from Bowie?

06-26-2017, 07:44 PM
The insect is BOB and there's no mistaking it. I mean, it looks like an airborne dick with locust wings and front legs, and rear frog legs. There's nothing at all pleasant about it. The shots of it crawling over the sand and into the girl's bedroom directly mirror BOB's mannerisms and actions from the past. Entering her mouth is also extremely visually suggestive of violation.

Leland was born in 1944. By 1956 he's already alive at the age of 12. He first encountered Bob as a boy "near his grandfather's vacation home near Pearl Lakes" (fictitious area near TP north of Ghostwood forest). (https://welcometotwinpeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/twin-peaks-map-david-lynch.jpg) Sarah was born in 1945 and is also a native of Twin Peaks. The time frame of that thing's appearance coincides with Leland being able to meet him for the first time if the girl relocates. I'm betting she's just BOB's first host...don't see Lynch going out of his way to completely retcon events.

06-26-2017, 07:55 PM
After watching this episode again, everything seems to make a bit more sense. Bob is just a nasty mother fucker in and out isn't he.

06-26-2017, 09:18 PM
The insect is BOB and there's no mistaking it. I mean, it looks like an airborne dick with locust wings and front legs, and rear frog legs. There's nothing at all pleasant about it. The shots of it crawling over the sand and into the girl's bedroom directly mirror BOB's mannerisms and actions from the past. Entering her mouth is also extremely visually suggestive of violation.

Leland was born in 1944. By 1956 he's already alive at the age of 12. He first encountered Bob as a boy "near his grandfather's vacation home near Pearl Lakes" (fictitious area near TP north of Ghostwood forest). (https://welcometotwinpeaks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/twin-peaks-map-david-lynch.jpg) Sarah was born in 1945 and is also a native of Twin Peaks. The time frame of that thing's appearance coincides with Leland being able to meet him for the first time if the girl relocates. I'm betting she's just BOB's first host...don't see Lynch going out of his way to completely retcon events.
Paragraph one: excellent observations.
Paragraph two: damn. You've got a much better memory than me :)

06-26-2017, 09:21 PM
He couldn't get that cigarette lit...damn.

Anyway, this episode was fantastic. I need to watch it again and let it digest a little more.

06-27-2017, 01:47 AM
So I went through episode 8 again, thinking about that stream of puke coming out of whatever the hell that creature was... We saw a black orb with Bob's face on it along with many things shaped like eggs. My question, was this happening before or after the egg in the desert hatches the bug? I mean i get the bug being some kind of infant form of Bob but...

The reason I'm wondering about the puke happening after is because we also saw Bob in the exact same state when he was extracted from DoppelCoop. Perhaps this was the process he went through after he was taken, we saw him in transit somewhere. Back to the black lodge?

Frozen Beach
06-27-2017, 02:09 AM
The insect is BOB and there's no mistaking it.
I'm not so sure considering this egg follows out of the goo behind Bob

06-27-2017, 03:25 AM
Yep ^

That's more or less what I'm getting at!

Maybe the stream of puke is like The Flash's speed force and there are two bobs, one from the future and one from the past.

06-27-2017, 05:45 AM
while that was certainly one of the strangest hours of television i've ever watched, i thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

also, i literally just like, seized up, when NIN was playing, and my jaw was hanging open. it was kind of surreal.

Surreal is probably a good word for it. It felt a little cringeworthy but I'm not sure if it's just that my brain was unable to process it in the context of what just happened.

It is amusing seeing NIN fans that aren't Lynch fans react to this episode.

06-27-2017, 07:47 AM
I'm not so sure considering this egg follows out of the goo behind Bob

What I gathered from that that is what was vomited up were body and soul separate. Laura's soul is sent down to earth like BOB's is, but she's a normal human being in every respect. BOB isn't and never was; the hatchling thing could serve as an anchor for his soul to latch onto and enable his transference into his host. The charred woodsmen digging him out of DoppelCoop's belly shows that there's some kind of physical aspect to his possession.

The fact that he goes in through her window is a direct callback to FWWM and is way too big of an indicator to ignore. :p

06-27-2017, 08:59 AM
The episode was awesome!; period

Not only it tells the origin of Bob, we got some awesome visuals and a performance from Nine Inch F'N Nails!
It is my favorite episode so far i think it has lots of messages like "The nuclear bomb evils" and "Humanity's death of innocence".

So from my understanding:

- The "Black and white place" is the planet were the lodge spirits come from...
- The "Evil" that the bomb unleashed brought Bob into earth.
- The Gigant (??????) created Laura Palmer's soul as "good" entity.
- "Evil Coop" apparently can't die by "traditional" means, does it mean only "Good Cop" can kill him?

06-27-2017, 09:49 AM
Wait, wait, wait...
So Twin Peaks is using the atomic bomb testing in New Mexico as an origin story to further the plot?

There's a certain other cancelled beloved series that uses the New Mexico atomic bomb as the beginning of evil taking over. What's the deal, Mr. Lynch? He watching Carnivále as well?

06-27-2017, 10:13 AM
Secret History of Twin Peaks had a whole bunch of seemingly random stuff about the creator of the Manhattan project summoning demons. Makes esnes.

06-27-2017, 12:22 PM
The woodsmen may actually have been foreshadowed in TSHOTP book as the victims of the 1902 burning river incident (https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6jq260/s3e8_night_of_the_burning_river_february_24_1902/).

I was ready to buy Margaret Lanterman's dead hubby as being the jail cell/morgue guy/guy from the FWWM movie, but now that there's a bunch of them and they really do seem malevolent, I'm gonna go and unsubscribe from that theory now and just assume he resides in the Log Lady's log like a sane person :D

I love all of these readings and interpretations. It's just as fun being wrong about stuff as it is being right. :)

Side note: Amazon page for the score now mentions "Grady Groove" (Featuring Grady Tate) and "The Chair" - tagline for the next part - as song titles.

This is going to be one painful-ass week and a half.

06-27-2017, 12:40 PM
The Woodsmen are the hardest to "interpret", they are kind of like ghouls or even zombies, i used the "death of innocence" phrase because of them; they literally destroy the naiveness and "feel-good spirit" of the old days (just like the bomb did...).
That convenience store echoes the one in "Fire Walk with Me", was the lumberjack a Woodsmen? something else?

The creature in Mulholland Drive is a Woodsmen, that's for sure...

06-27-2017, 01:14 PM
The Woodsmen are the hardest to "interpret", they are kind of like ghouls or even zombies, i used the "death of innocence" phrase because of them; they literally destroy the naiveness and "feel-good spirit" of the old days (just like the bomb did...).
That convenience store echoes the one in "Fire Walk with Me", was the lumberjack a Woodsmen? something else?

The creature in Mulholland Drive is a Woodsmen, that's for sure...

i believe the creature in mulholland drive, while slightly similar in appearance, isn't related. my wife refers to that creature as "dumpster bum" and we're both still terrified of it.

06-27-2017, 01:44 PM
The NIN cameo was ridiculous and amazing all at once.

This is a general question to fellow ETS Lynch fans: someone who was watching the new season with me dropped out, stating that Lynch has a problem with women and violence and two-dimensional roles. She also pointed to Lost Highway as an example. What do you make of the female characters in the new season (and the violence they receive)?

06-27-2017, 01:57 PM
The NIN cameo was ridiculous and amazing all at once.

This is a general question to fellow ETS Lynch fans: someone who was watching the new season with me dropped out, stating that Lynch has a problem with women and violence and two-dimensional roles. She also pointed to Lost Highway as an example. What do you make of the female characters in the new season (and the violence they receive)?

i'm a hardcore feminist and i'm pretty quick to call out bullshit when people pull it. personally, i think lynch has a problem with the way women are treated in the real world, and uses his art to express how fucked up that is. i have never found his characters to lack depth. i mean, the entire basis of the series is the exploration of the rape and murder of a young woman...i hardly think lynch is endorsing that kind of behavior.

06-27-2017, 02:39 PM
Lynch just tells it like it is...

He is obsessed with violence and sex and the "dark side of human condition", because those are topics very present in today's society.
He sure is not for everyone and i can understand if someone doesn't like it, but feeling offended is dumb, the man is an artist and as such he has to treat the topics as they are.

There's plenty of male "victims" in his work too; but i'm sure he knows that the female violence has the bigger impact.

06-27-2017, 02:51 PM
Could the old woman in the trailer in FWWM also be a woodsperson? Harry Dean Stanton and Agent Desmond both see her (both could be said to be either "gifted or damned" and therefore be able to see them, if they are some sort of Lodge spirits). I dunno, just an idea...

And if the "White Lodge" scene is the same set as Club Silencio, what does that say about what happens at the end of Mulholland Drive? Is this the Lynch Cinematic Universe taking shape, hahahaha? :confused:

06-28-2017, 06:19 AM
i'm a hardcore feminist and i'm pretty quick to call out bullshit when people pull it. personally, i think lynch has a problem with the way women are treated in the real world, and uses his art to express how fucked up that is. i have never found his characters to lack depth. i mean, the entire basis of the series is the exploration of the rape and murder of a young woman...i hardly think lynch is endorsing that kind of behavior.

I completely agree. Also Lynch has a very wide representation of women; old, young, thin, fat, various life experiences....they are people and not fluff.

06-28-2017, 10:47 AM
Is it true there's no new episode this Sunday?

06-28-2017, 10:49 AM
Is it true there's no new episode this Sunday?
Yes. Fuck.
But there will be no more breaks until the finale.

06-28-2017, 05:41 PM
I've put most of my other subscriptions on hold for July because of financial issues. I wanted to keep Showtime, but now I think I'll just cancel it for July, and get it back in August. The 8th episode made that strong an impression on me, that I'd want to keep it that whole time so that when I get back to it 2-3 episodes will already be up and I can binge those. If that makes any sense.

07-01-2017, 06:23 PM
The rollout for this season has been perplexing, to say the least. Is there any logical reason why they're taking two weeks between episodes 8 and 9? It's not even the halfway point of the season. Not to mention they released the first four episodes all on the same day, only to switch to a once-a-week release after that..

07-01-2017, 11:01 PM
I think Lynch wants us to "digest" Episode 8, properly...

07-02-2017, 03:28 AM
do the new twin peaks mean I should go back and watch the originals? kinda wanna watch but I hope I dont have to watch the originals ...

07-02-2017, 07:02 AM
do the new twin peaks mean I should go back and watch the originals? kinda wanna watch but I hope I dont have to watch the originals ...

If you've never seen the originals you probably should.

07-02-2017, 08:04 AM
do the new twin peaks mean I should go back and watch the originals? kinda wanna watch but I hope I dont have to watch the originals ...
Why would you want to watch a show but start on the third season?

07-02-2017, 03:00 PM
The rollout for this season has been perplexing, to say the least. Is there any logical reason why they're taking two weeks between episodes 8 and 9? It's not even the halfway point of the season. Not to mention they released the first four episodes all on the same day, only to switch to a once-a-week release after that..

i'm assuming it's the holiday weekend, but idunno

07-03-2017, 12:05 PM

07-03-2017, 03:06 PM
do the new twin peaks mean I should go back and watch the originals? kinda wanna watch but I hope I dont have to watch the originals ...

You cannot watch the new series without watching the originals and then the FWWM movie, otherwise you'll have no context and what you see here will make zero sense.

Hell, it barely makes sense to some who've seen all the preceding materials. :D

07-04-2017, 06:55 PM
A thread on the Dugpa forum inspired me to try to sync the opening of Part 3 with Atom Heart Mother (long-ish story), it worked well beyond my expectations. A new member uploaded a copy so others may judge for themselves. So am I nuts to find this uncanny?


07-06-2017, 08:33 AM
so I saw a pretty compelling video that suggested that Annie is a lodge spirit, hence the discrepancies around her in The Secret History. Now personally, I've come to think that it will turn out that those discrepancies are the result of some sort of tampering, and I don't really BELIEVE this theory, but it's pretty fucking interesting all the same. at the same time, I think theorizing too much about the finer points of lynch's work is kind of missing the point, but still. I'm sure this is floating around the internet in multiple incarnations; just search for Annie Blackburn theory or something if you're interested

Frozen Beach
07-06-2017, 04:38 PM
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/twin-peaks-star-kyle-maclachlan-promises-everything-will-make-sense-1019076 (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/twin-peaks-star-kyle-maclachlan-promises-everything-will-make-sense-1019076)

07-07-2017, 08:10 AM
Linked in the article above (thanks Frozen Beach), "'Twin Peaks': Meet the Man Behind David Lynch's New Nightmare":

- First and foremost, thank you for the nightmares this week.
- Oh, you're welcome!

:-D Cool.

07-07-2017, 03:52 PM
Linked in the article above (thanks Frozen Beach), "'Twin Peaks': Meet the Man Behind David Lynch's New Nightmare":

- First and foremost, thank you for the nightmares this week.
- Oh, you're welcome!

:-D Cool.

yeah, that guy seems like the sweetest, most fun guy ever. i just want to hang out with him and pretend he's abe lincoln.

Mr. Ill Intent
07-07-2017, 07:34 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLNQPPvncek (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLNQPPvncek)

07-08-2017, 03:53 PM
Shit hahaha oh jeez

Fall Star ftw


07-09-2017, 01:08 PM

07-09-2017, 01:08 PM
I recently saw that the rating for this show are in the 200k level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Peaks_(2017_TV_series)
Like for episode 8 only 246,000 total people watched it. A drastic decline when you consider the old series got millions of viewers. At the same time I'm watching the show streamed and not tuning into the show through cable so that may be deceptive. I'd really like to see more since I really love the show, but with those rating is this a series that will be renewed?

07-09-2017, 02:01 PM
I recently saw that the rating for this show are in the 200k level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Peaks_(2017_TV_series)
Like for episode 8 only 246,000 total people watched it. A drastic decline when you consider the old series got millions of viewers. At the same time I'm watching the show streamed and not tuning into the show through cable so that may be deceptive. I'd really like to see more since I really love the show, but with those rating is this a series that will be renewed?

The ratings aren't to be paid attention to. Showtime has said they got an insane number of subscribers for it being present and that they're very happy. I'd just like to see exact numbers for streaming, I'm sure they more than dwarf the watchers.

07-09-2017, 02:16 PM
It will also only get renewed if Mark and David want to take the story beyond these 18 episodes.

Frozen Beach
07-09-2017, 09:05 PM

07-09-2017, 09:12 PM

After last week's deep dark dive down the backstory rabbit hole it was a smart idea to keep this one more rooted in the modern day linear story and move a lot of the chess pieces forward. The back half of this season is probably going to be insane. Watching as these characters piece and put the mystery together is so satisfying, and exactly what a lot of us assumed is happening -- we're seeing more and more of Twin Peaks itself as the story naturally moves back to it.

I'm still so amazed at all of this -- what could have been the most ill-advised nostalgia-baiting traipse over ground best left untouched is instead some of the most original, exciting, surrealist and boundary-pushing TV since ... well, since the original run of Twin Peaks, and it's incredible. This is the most satisfying return of an old series that I've ever seen, and that's as someone who is genuinely highly skeptical of bringing anything back from the dead in television.

07-09-2017, 11:30 PM

yeah...is there any question the NIN EP trilogy and Twin Peaks: The Return are collaboratively related beyond "THE" Nine Inch Nails performance? Differing timelines and parallel realities crossing over. This is some great stuff.

07-10-2017, 01:36 AM
Anyone else find Chrysta Bell's acting distractingly bad?

07-10-2017, 02:04 AM
Naomi Watts, Laura Dern, Tim Roth, and Jennifer Jason Leigh in the same hour of television. Love it.

Frozen Beach
07-10-2017, 02:15 AM
Her body language is awful, but I can get past her acting. At least it's not Leo Johnson. He'd feel so damn out of place in this.

07-10-2017, 03:41 AM

I found this (http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/MVI_8465.mp4) in the code...

07-10-2017, 08:52 AM
I recently saw that the rating for this show are in the 200k level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Peaks_(2017_TV_series)
Like for episode 8 only 246,000 total people watched it. A drastic decline when you consider the old series got millions of viewers. At the same time I'm watching the show streamed and not tuning into the show through cable so that may be deceptive. I'd really like to see more since I really love the show, but with those rating is this a series that will be renewed?

this is meant to be the end of Twin Peaks, there is no more after this other than "the final dossier" book that's coming out in october. david specifically stated that this was a finite thing.

07-10-2017, 10:08 AM
this is meant to be the end of Twin Peaks, there is no more after this other than "the final dossier" book that's coming out in october. david specifically stated that this was a finite thing.but he also said he'd be open to doing more depending on how it was received if I'm not mistaken.

In the variety interview in may, when asked if he'd do another season, he said "I don't know. You never say no. You never know what's going to happen. It depends on a lot of things."

And he told rolling stone, when asked the same question, "I don't know. It depends on how it goes over. You're going to have to wait and see."

But I'm not going to be holding my fucking breath. If we DO get another season, I bet it won't happen for a few years.

07-10-2017, 10:10 AM
Anyone else find Chrysta Bell's acting distractingly bad?

Yeah, especially in the interrogation scene while Matthew Lillard's character is pouring his heart out.

07-10-2017, 11:55 AM
That part was just what we needed after the mindfuck that was part 8. This was a really sweet and touching episode, Dana Ashbrook really stole this one. Garland may be gone but I love how his presence is all over the show and he's such an important factor. :)


07-10-2017, 12:58 PM
I feel like part 9 is the most similar to the original show.
And I got goose bumps a couple of times.