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09-07-2017, 01:12 PM
So, Lynch likes when people get to superimpose their own interpretations, and I, for one, don't buy "it was all one dream of one guy." I think there are a lot of stories and a lot of people's perspectives and dreams that we get glimpses of. I think the overarching binding story of the Twin Peaks world is that Cooper and the Blue Rose team has really discovered there are portals to different realities and times, and they feel the need to close it up. The other world they have discovered also wants to track down Judy and confine it, again. They don't want to interfere too much with humanity, though, so they don't just jump in and save people's lives. The Fireman gives bits and pieces to those he enlists to try to help imprison Judy and close up the wormholes, but little else. However, I think Cooper has gotten it wrong, a few times, now. He has to start over each time, because he's still getting it wrong. I doubt there will ever be anything more as a show from Mark Frost and David Lynch, but since it was left open-ended, perhaps some tribute to it could be made, in the years to come. Whatever the Dossier is about, maybe it'll give us more insight than we have right now.

reminds me of the talk of the degrading loop at end of the background world, no?
so will coop/richard keep resetting until they disappear? :) :( :confused: :mad:

09-07-2017, 01:26 PM
What the hell was the point of the girl with the bad rash and whatever they were talking about? What about the girl who crawled through the crowd then started screaming? What about Billy? Where is Audrey? So many odd, subplots that seemingly didn't lead anywhere.

09-07-2017, 10:28 PM
I think the ending makes the statement that twin peaks, and therefore, life, is an infinite loop in which we are always changing and good and evil are eternally at war across and endless number of dimensions.

And I don't think it's meant to be SOLVED.
I think it is utterly open to subjective interpretation.
And this is the genius of the ending: there are 1,000,000 different interpretations and all of them are equally valid.

09-07-2017, 10:37 PM
Sorry for double post, but we just got two new kittens and the male is named Special Agent Dale Cooper aka Mr. Jackpots

Edit:damnit, POST something y'all! I've got theories and such but I can't very well get into triple and quadruple posting.

Since this is just a double post, I'll put this here: there's a possibility that coop never left the lodge. This whole journey has been his pseudo dream and it probably wasn't the first, nor will it be the last. He's STILL trapped in the lodge because he entered with imperfect courage. This is why he and Laura wind up BACK in the lodge, and perhaps what she whispered to him is something like "you can't save me."

I've got more theories and I think all of them are right and none of them are right

09-08-2017, 02:59 AM
I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).

09-08-2017, 03:11 AM
What the hell was the point of the girl with the bad rash and whatever they were talking about? What about the girl who crawled through the crowd then started screaming? What about Billy? Where is Audrey? So many odd, subplots that seemingly didn't lead anywhere.
Well I am guessing that they were mostly introduced to us to showcase the side effects of the town being such a nexus of dark or evil energies.

Twin Peaks: Bad shit happens here.

09-08-2017, 06:24 AM
I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).Mike Nelson was the guy interviewing Stephen in the episode where we meet him and Becky.

09-08-2017, 07:11 AM
OK, my bad. Still, the point stands.

09-08-2017, 11:20 AM
I find it a little bit annoying that David decided to cling on so many characters/actors that didn't return (Harry, Mjr Briggs, etc), making them omnipresent through repeated mentions and references, yet completely disregarded a lot of others, without so much as a mention (Annie, Donna, Hank, Windom Earle, Pete, Mike Nelson).

While I get where you're coming from, this is largely what Secret History is for. A lot of these people are ancient history and wouldn't have any relevance whatsoever 25 years on.

Annie - is alive. See FWWM: The Missing Pieces.
Hank - Stabbed to death in prison.
Windom Earle - Was dead and done with by the end of S2.
Pete - Aside from the knowledge that he died in the explosion, I'd argue he got an EXTREMELY important scene at the end, with some of the best use of old footage.

The only omissions I feel are glaring are that Catherine Martell could have done with one mention of her recluse status at least, and Donna is so ridiculously absent as to be conspicuous.

09-09-2017, 10:36 PM
Donna could have just moved away long ago or something, after what happened with her parents and Ben Horne.

But yea, there were a metric shitload of subplots in this that went absolutely nowhere. The whole scene outside of the RR with Bobby and the kid with the gun, Red's character, Jerry running around aimlessly, Ben and Beverly, Becky Johnson, the weird conversations at the Bang Bang Bar...they had ample time for troll scenes like the French girl and the bar-sweeping guy, but so much felt like an afterthought in hindsight.

It's one thing to leave stuff to the imagination, but that's hard when a large majority of it ended up feeling so inessential to the main storyline of this..

09-09-2017, 11:29 PM
Prettybrokenspiral so all in all, were you disappointed by the Return?

09-10-2017, 04:05 AM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) Absolutely not! Quite the opposite, actually. I savored every moment of this revival and I'm legitimately sad to see it end.

I think I went into this like everyone else did, expecting something entirely different to what we were presented. I knew it would be weird, but holy shit. This whole thing screwed with my emotions something awful, yet in the best ways possible.

Were there things I found perplexing? Yes, no question. Audrey's virtual non-presence. The subplots that seemingly went nowhere, like the couple watching the glass box in the pilot, or Dougie's entire storyline with the Mitchum brothers. The end result of those were...what exactly? If you compared the actual main narrative of DougieCoop/DoppelCoop to everything else that was happening in the meantime, you could have probably told the story of Cooper's re-emergence from the Black Lodge in half the episodes this encompassed.

But I understand that, outside of Dale, this was never supposed to be about the characters returning from the first two seasons. It was about the new characters we were introduced to and came to enjoy, or loathe. It was fascinating to see great actors and actresses like Naomi Watts, Jim Belushi, Eamon Farren, Jennifer Jason-Leigh, Tom Sizemore and Tim Roth become compelling new additions to the Twin Peaks lore. It offset the returning characters like Nadine, Ben, Shelly and James just kind of...being there.

If there's one criticism I have of the whole thing, it's the way it came to a head in the 17th episode. Just felt very underdeveloped. We went through all that for a rush gang meeting at the sheriff's station so some character we only just met can defeat an evil we've been haunted by for over a quarter century? That sort of thing belongs in the second half of season 2, before Lynch stepped back in. However, once Coop gave his "curtain call" line to Gordon and Diane, it was one hell of a final hour. I'm still trying to process it..

In the end, if this is truly over and this is all we get, then I love the fact that I waited 25 years for answers to something that's only left me with more questions than ever before. I love that. It was so worth it. I have no idea what the fuck I watched in that final hour, or what it's all supposed to mean, but somehow it's strangely satisfying. C'est la vie.

I would gladly welcome another season or two. But...if there's never another episode of Twin Peaks, it came to one hell of a motherfucking end :)

09-10-2017, 09:16 AM
^^I've heard elsewhere that it's the same noise. I'm not great on picking up audio cues so it's interesting to hear from elsewhere.

Someone noted today that the car Coop drives when the motel changes is the same car that EvilCoop drives when he squishes that guy's face off.

I think it's going to be a very long time before we work everything out.


The best analysis I've seen is that the world of Twin Peaks is both a collaborative dream between several of the characters, and a separate world in its own right. Just as Cooper visited the Lodge in his dreams in the original seasons, so do Richard, Carrie Page (and possibly Linda) dream Twin Peaks from a "real" world (ours). Hence why Laura screams and vanishes as she's saved in the past- she's waking up. Judy's influencing all of this- Sarah Palmer smashes Laura's picture, possibly waking Laura up. The sound we hear before this scream is indeed Judy too- it's the same sound the Fireman plays Cooper on the gramophone at the beginning of the season. Note, he tells Cooper that "it is in our house now" and "all cannot be explained now"- meaning Judy's presence is being felt in his domain so he needs to be cagey.

However, as all these worlds are real, and while Laura has been saved, it's ultimately futile, because as Carrie's scream at the end suggests, after hearing her name called (again, Judy's influence)- they're doomed to repeat similar scenarios.

This explains Audrey losing her shit- she realizes she's contributing to the dream that needs to be woken from.

Jiào Dé (sp?) can be translated as "to explain" in mandarin, too. Also, the sound we hear before Laura wakes- someone's found that this is actually a sped-up sample of The Arm walking in the Black Lodge, from season one.

09-10-2017, 09:17 AM
Good interview with MacLachlan on CBC's show Q


09-10-2017, 09:56 AM
Has anyone tried putting together a definitive playlist for the new series using all three soundtracks that have been released? I started it last night, but it's a hell of an undertaking.

09-10-2017, 11:05 AM
Has anyone tried putting together a definitive playlist for the new series using all three soundtracks that have been released? I started it last night, but it's a hell of an undertaking.3? I thought it was just the Angelo soundtrack and the music from the series? What's the third?

Frozen Beach
09-10-2017, 11:18 AM
3? I thought it was just the Angelo soundtrack and the music from the series? What's the third?

also worth of note is Johnny Jewel's Windswept album, the tracks Slow Dreams and The Flame were featured in the series. He apparently recorded 20 hours of music for Twin Peaks. Some of the tracks on Windswept are probably from that material.

09-10-2017, 11:27 AM
Enjoy it while it lasts.


09-10-2017, 08:54 PM
while trying out this improbable sync theory, I noticed that when coop comes out of the lodge to meet diane, he isn't wearing his fbi pin. Hmmmmm.

09-10-2017, 11:56 PM
Sunday nights feel so empty and sad without new Twin Peaks episodes to look forward to all week :(

Guess I'll just rewatch the last two episodes, then start all over again from the beginning. If you include both pilot episodes and the film, there's 50 episodes. That's one episode per week including the film, take a week off to read the Secret History, go back into The Return, a week off to read the Final Dossier, then loop back to the beginning again. For the rest of my years.

Also, this track by Angelo off the new soundtrack is beguiling af..


09-11-2017, 12:35 AM
Sunday nights feel so empty and sad without new Twin Peaks episodes to look forward to all week :(

Guess I'll just rewatch the last two episodes, then start all over again from the beginning. If you include both pilot episodes and the film, there's 50 episodes. That's one episode per week including the film, take a week off to read the Secret History, go back into The Return, a week off to read the Final Dossier, then loop back to the beginning again. For the rest of my years.

Also, this track by Angelo off the new soundtrack is beguiling af..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kv0gvFWgSsI think I'm gonna do fwwm and then try binge watching the Return. It will be interesting to see them one after the other without waiting a week in between episodes. I expect to catch a lot of things I missed.

Speaking of catching things I've missed, I found this YouTuber called Pete Peppers who did GREAT recaps for all the new episodes, along with "top ten things you might have missed" videos. I highly recommend his channel: he doesnt do a bunch of theorizing; it's more like he's watched each episode several times while taking notes and just fairly intricately recaps what was shown.

I suggest this channel to anyone who is as obsessed with TP as I am.

09-11-2017, 10:02 AM
Enjoy it while it lasts.


in case it goes away or you want some more insight, this article is pretty great - https://medium.com/@onantiad/episodes-17-18-of-twin-peaks-the-return-are-meant-to-be-watched-in-sync-81352ce38e8

09-11-2017, 10:35 AM
Producer confirmed on Reddit episodes 17 and 18 are definitely NOT meant to be viewed in sync.

09-11-2017, 11:11 AM
Cool video i found:


09-11-2017, 02:32 PM
lol watching fans and armchair critics alike lose their minds over the past week has been one of the highlights of the whole Return for me. I was too young to appreciate it when the season two finale haunted a generation way back when, but this has been both comical and cringeworthy.

Lynch trolled his fanbase right good with this one..

09-11-2017, 07:03 PM
Producer confirmed on Reddit episodes 17 and 18 are definitely NOT meant to be viewed in sync.

what does that mean?

09-11-2017, 07:14 PM
what does that mean?

It means the creators weren't expecting fans to literally watch both episodes at the exact same time. Because, frankly, that would be a highly unreasonable expectation.

09-11-2017, 09:59 PM
It means the creators weren't expecting fans to literally watch both episodes at the exact same time. Because, frankly, that would be a highly unreasonable expectation.

Ahh, I had no idea any one was doing this. People are funny.

09-12-2017, 05:03 PM
I just finished the first two seasons again, after watching the third season, and especially the final episode. The 2nd season finale is really fun to watch now. When I watched Annie, in her interactions with Cooper and at the entrance to the red room, I really felt like she wasn't real. She seems like a mirror to Cooper to snare him, which I think was someone's theory, somewhere before the Return aired, because of the Secret History absence. I remember actually liking Windom Earle the first time around, but this time, knowing his ultimate demise, I was frustrated to have to watch his scenes. I've been watching Fire Walk with Me a lot while waiting for each new episode, but I'm going to watch it again, and see how it looks through the new filter, too. I also have a thought that it's not just one guy's dream we see, but many people's dreams, so I want to watch the new episodes through that lens, too.

09-13-2017, 07:24 PM

09-14-2017, 09:10 AM
David Lynch says Twin Peaks could continue... (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-season-4-years/)

09-14-2017, 12:47 PM

Blu-Ray & DVD December 5th (https://twitter.com/DAVID_LYNCH/status/908382492280840192)!

09-14-2017, 01:58 PM
The fact that it's being referred to as the third season and not The Return screams a small implication that we could get more. I'm happy either way, but man, that would be incredible if we did.

09-14-2017, 02:14 PM
I need that Blu Ray in my life!

09-14-2017, 04:10 PM

Blu-Ray & DVD December 5th (https://twitter.com/DAVID_LYNCH/status/908382492280840192)!

Now that's a b-day present for me!!!!!!

09-15-2017, 01:28 PM

Just finished episode 9. It is so perfect. I love it so much. Every little details is there.

In a perfect world, there would have been a spinoff series about the adventures of Gordon and Albert, with Diane to tell everyone to fuck off every chance she gets.

"I apologize in advance for Albert".

09-15-2017, 04:15 PM
Haha Deputy Hawk is basically all of us trying to decrypt the show.

But wait.... maybe it IS about the bunny? :eek:

09-18-2017, 08:59 AM
So we figured out that our female kitten isn't a female. So now our two baby kittens' names are Special Agent Dale Cooper and FBI Director Gordon Cole (Cole and Coop.)
I THOUGHT about naming him Denise :p

09-18-2017, 09:46 AM

i have very mixed feelings about this. as much as i'd love more twin peaks, i don't think there should be more. i think the way it ended was perfect. i think the timing of making it was perfect. there are too many people who are integral to the show who are gone, and they can't all work as floating heads like major briggs did (and yes, i think he worked perfectly). i also don't want all the answers. i like the mystery and the open-ended nature of The Return and i feel like enough got wrapped up nicely that having any more questions answered would actually be disappointing.

plus, we still don't know what's in the final dossier.

09-18-2017, 10:37 AM
Watching this show, especially in the short timeframe that we did (my girlfriend and I), has been an amazingly rewarding experience and also super frustrating at times. Season two post-Leland's death, long scenes that meander and sometimes don't go anywhere, and vague references have been testing at times, but man. What an experience.

After the closing of Part 18, my girlfriend was like "OF COURSE that's how it fucking ends. OF COURSE we weren't going to get any clear answers or clues or ANYTHING!" All I could do was laugh because she's totally correct.

Two weeks later, we started the first season.

I love it.

09-18-2017, 05:48 PM

i have very mixed feelings about this. as much as i'd love more twin peaks, i don't think there should be more. i think the way it ended was perfect. i think the timing of making it was perfect. there are too many people who are integral to the show who are gone, and they can't all work as floating heads like major briggs did (and yes, i think he worked perfectly). i also don't want all the answers. i like the mystery and the open-ended nature of The Return and i feel like enough got wrapped up nicely that having any more questions answered would actually be disappointing.

plus, we still don't know what's in the final dossier.

Kyle did such a good job as Dougie. You want to have a Dougie at home, to take care of and sit with and have cake and stuff.

JUST GIVE ME MY DOUGIE ALREADY! And if MacLachlan doesn't win all the trophies in the world for this, well... I will be seriously pissed.

Also: you know you've been watching way too much Law & Order when, while watching ep 10 (was it?), you're laughing your ass off at the face Dougie/Coop makes when he and Janey-E are having sex and at the same time, you hear Olivia Benson's voice in your head saying: "This is rape. He's in no shape to give consent."

I'm almost done and I have so. many. theories. I'll share them later.

Just a quick question though: during the title sequence, there is a round rainbow moving from right to left across the screen (at one point, it sits just around Laura's right eye). Was this in the original series title sequence too?

09-18-2017, 07:52 PM
Just a quick question though: during the title sequence, there is a round rainbow moving from right to left across the screen (at one point, it sits just around Laura's right eye). Was this in the original series title sequence too?

no, the original title sequence was completely different

09-19-2017, 02:53 PM

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09-19-2017, 04:48 PM

some cool stuff in there!

09-19-2017, 05:56 PM

some cool stuff in there!

This is very very good. And it makes a lot of sense.

There are a couple of ideas (or theories) I had that are explained and expended in this essay. First: the Laura Palmer orb in episode 8; I've always felt that Laura was a sacrificial lamb/bait and not a force of good to balance out the force of evil that the orb BOB was.

Second: I wrote right after the finally aired that I thought the ouroboros was a major theme in the series but while watching it, I felt that it was a mix of ouroboros and of the Mobius Strip. I felt that the "starting point" of the cycle was her death and that there is no escaping that. In the final episode, when she screams, I thought that it was because she remembered her death and that it brought her and Cooper back to the "original" timeline. That essay does give a much better explanation though.

Some fun stuff I noticed in the series about the cyclistic theme: the round rainbow in the title sequence, "Is it the future or is it past?", "I am dead yet I live", the Log Lady telling Hawk that "the circle is almost complete" etc.

The number 8: the sign that represents Judy transforms into this number; when EvilCoop goes to see Jeffries (in the room above the gas station), Jeffries' room number is 8; Freddie is in cell 8; The Palmers' address (708); heck, the whole episode 8 and while I'm at it: the name BOB itself: 808.

I'm sure I've missed some too.

09-21-2017, 10:38 AM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

09-29-2017, 09:28 AM

09-29-2017, 11:52 PM
I came upon this gem completely by accident:


09-30-2017, 04:02 AM

I'm gushing. This is absolutely fantastic..

09-30-2017, 09:35 AM
I'm gushing. This is absolutely fantastic..

i know, eh? bless twin peaks reddit and the creator of that video :)
and you for loving it so much too.
my husband thinks i am demented for how much i loved it. (nothing worse than being super into something and showing someone and there all "uh...ok?". lol. so you just made my day)
that upside down "non existent"! the perfect match between lyrics and scenes! "this is the water and this is the well".

damn fine video. lol.

09-30-2017, 11:15 AM

fahk. can i please order two kyle maclachlan's???? hell, i'll take three just for the oddity ;p

09-30-2017, 02:43 PM
lol Lew, I remember that! That was about the point when I knew there was hope for more Twin Peaks, if KM was game for a Harlem Shake video. Imagine if they did one now, after that third season..?

Conan The Barbarian
09-30-2017, 04:32 PM
When ever I see this actor all I like think is boats boats boats.

09-30-2017, 05:24 PM
When ever I see this actor all I like think is boats boats boats.

Which one? There's like a lot

I was seriously considering getting this ring from the Twin Peaks merch site. I went as far as going to a jewelry shop to get my fingers sized. In the end I feel that I should probably use the 150USD to pay down some debt or something. Still... it would be pretty boss to have and wear around.


Conan The Barbarian
09-30-2017, 08:18 PM
Which one? There's like a lot

I was seriously considering getting this ring from the Twin Peaks merch site. I went as far as going to a jewelry shop to get my fingers sized. In the end I feel that I should probably use the 150USD to pay down some debt or something. Still... it would be pretty boss to have and wear around.



He plays the captain on how I met your mother.

09-30-2017, 09:36 PM
Of all the unanswered questions with this show, the one that bugs me the most is what the hell happened with Audrey?

10-01-2017, 12:10 PM
Which one? There's like a lot

I was seriously considering getting this ring from the Twin Peaks merch site. I went as far as going to a jewelry shop to get my fingers sized. In the end I feel that I should probably use the 150USD to pay down some debt or something. Still... it would be pretty boss to have and wear around.


Pretty boss until you end up wrapped in plastic...or talking backwards in the moorder :)

10-01-2017, 12:13 PM
Of all the unanswered questions with this show, the one that bugs me the most is what the hell happened with Audrey?

It would appear that she danced her way into her own reflection. I reckon Audrey died when Richard Horne died, and she is in some white lodge room about to come to terms with being without a gravity anchor :(

10-07-2017, 06:34 PM
Finally finished the series. Overall, I liked it. Very, very confusing though. Guess i'll start running down the list and questions...

Audrey. So basically, she was in a coma after the bank explosion, Evil Coop rapes her, and she gives birth to Billy? Then, he sacrifices his own son to set off a trap that was originally set up for him? Also, it got me wondering on just how much of the roadhouse stuff is real. Is that just her dreams/delusions? At first I knew something was off. I figured she have had some sort of brain injury/dementia. But after her "awakening" or whatever, i'm thinking she was still "sleeping" in a psych ward somewhere. Charlie, the "husband", maybe he was her psychiatrist. After her reveal, it kind of makes sense considering how he always talked to her. He's probably her doctor.

The black and white 30s room. Where is that exactly? Is that the white lodge? I'm pretty sure the convenience store was related the black lodge. That 8th episode was like gibberish to me for the most part. And what's the point of the little girl in that episode? You see that insect thing crawl inside her mouth and that's the end of it. Or am I missing something there?

Then there's the whole thing with Carrie Page, Judy, Sarah Palmer, etc. I don't hate it. I just don't get any of it.

10-07-2017, 09:52 PM
Watch it again, more of it will begin to fit together.

10-07-2017, 10:13 PM
Watch it again, more of it will begin to fit together.

Is the ending comprehensible in the somewhat logical way that LH and MD can be seen to be corresponding with their various seemingly semi-segregated stories or is it more of an emotional logic? I had trouble following the resolution even with repeat viewings and would love some insight (the Reddit etc theories were so off the wall). I have an *idea* but I'm not sure it's right.

10-07-2017, 10:26 PM
That's kind of the point. The ending is supposed to give you ideas. There's no right or wrong answer. Let your imagination run wild. I've had so many different interpretations cross my mind and it's fun to think about.

10-07-2017, 10:53 PM
I get there's going to be different interpretations. I'm just not sure what some of these settings are. Is it always supposed to be 1930 in the white lodge? Assuming it's the white lodge because of the giant/fireman. A lot of things don't bother me. It's just that i'm not exactly sure of things that I feel are probably minor that I probably should. LIke the 1930 room.

10-09-2017, 09:23 AM
Finally finished the series. Overall, I liked it. Very, very confusing though. Guess i'll start running down the list and questions...

Audrey. So basically, she was in a coma after the bank explosion, Evil Coop rapes her, and she gives birth to Billy? Then, he sacrifices his own son to set off a trap that was originally set up for him? Also, it got me wondering on just how much of the roadhouse stuff is real. Is that just her dreams/delusions? At first I knew something was off. I figured she have had some sort of brain injury/dementia. But after her "awakening" or whatever, i'm thinking she was still "sleeping" in a psych ward somewhere. Charlie, the "husband", maybe he was her psychiatrist. After her reveal, it kind of makes sense considering how he always talked to her. He's probably her doctor.

The black and white 30s room. Where is that exactly? Is that the white lodge? I'm pretty sure the convenience store was related the black lodge. That 8th episode was like gibberish to me for the most part. And what's the point of the little girl in that episode? You see that insect thing crawl inside her mouth and that's the end of it. Or am I missing something there?

Then there's the whole thing with Carrie Page, Judy, Sarah Palmer, etc. I don't hate it. I just don't get any of it.

lots of spoilers - and also, i'm not guaranteeing that some of this is correct, this is just my interpretation.

by billy did you mean richard? we never actually met billy (if he's even real), but richard is audrey's son.

yes, that's the white lodge. i believe it and the black lodge both exist out of time, to an extent. and yes, the convenience store is absolutely related to the black lodge. that's where many of the lodge spirits live/have lived over the years.

episode 8 is about opening a portal into our world via the atomic bomb through which the evil of the black lodge could more easily travel, as well as the creation of bob. the fly-frog is an agent of the "mother", and the girl it inhabits at the end of the episode is sarah plamer, as evidenced by what we see when she removes her face in a later episode.

here are some great articles that may help explain things:





10-11-2017, 08:43 AM
3 hours of bonus material on the Season 3 Blu-Ray (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-season-3-blu-ray-bonus-material/)

Note that that doesn't necessarily mean 'unused footage' but shit that'd be a nice thought

A Bloody Finger In Your Mouth (25:43)
A Pot Of Boiling Oil (36:58)
Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers (25:39)
See You On The Other Side, Dear Friend (28:49)
Tell It, Martin (27:57)
The Man With The Gray Elevated Hair (28:27)
Two Blue Balls (23:13)

10-11-2017, 08:59 AM
^I Need that in my life...

Also: i was watching yesterday Season 2 (the infamous episodes after Laura's killer is revealed) and it has a scene where a very depressed Ben Horne (he just lost The Mill and Ghostwood...) is talking to Hank and starts rearranging furniture claiming "it could create a resonance ...imagine the benefits!".

So it's clear to me Lynch used that idea in Season 3 with the strange noise in Ben's office, not many have mentioned this but i think there's something to it...

10-11-2017, 10:14 PM
the complete mystery (now listed as "twin peaks: collection") is only $28 on amazon right now (https://smile.amazon.com/Twin-Peaks-Collection-Kyle-MacLachlan/dp/B01GRU59XE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1507778029&sr=8-2&keywords=twin+peaks+blu-ray)

Frozen Beach
10-11-2017, 10:29 PM

Fenn says here that she cried when she read Audrey's original part, refused to do it, and had Lynch rewrite it. It's not exactly news but it's the first time I see it stated so clearly all in the same answer. So the theorizing around here seems pretty much confirmed? That she was originally meant to have scenes with the other Hornes, didn't do it, so they filmed in Washington writing around Audrey's absence, and when they eventually struck a deal Lynch wrote her a plot that had to match the fact that everyone in town acts like she's not there?
And her interpretation is that Audrey is not dead or in a coma but stuck inside a dream, that there's a light in her that hasn't gone out.
She also says that Lynch's direction was "this scene, do it like you did it 25 years ago", which she found frustrating because she's not the same person she was 25 years ago. Imho, it's a perfect direction if you want someone who is not the person they were 25 years ago to show the struggle in going back to who they were 25 years ago?

10-17-2017, 03:11 AM
not sure if this has been reported already


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

10-18-2017, 12:47 AM

Frozen Beach
10-24-2017, 04:46 PM
great interview with Duwayne Dunham

Frozen Beach
10-24-2017, 09:34 PM
http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-the-final-dossier-audiobook/ (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-the-final-dossier-audiobook/)

10-24-2017, 10:16 PM
http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-the-final-dossier-audiobook/ (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/news/twin-peaks-the-final-dossier-audiobook/) the audio version is only three hours long?

Frozen Beach
10-26-2017, 11:36 AM

10-26-2017, 02:50 PM
speaking of "taking money"... (http://www.indiewire.com/2017/10/twin-peaks-season-4-mark-frost-david-lynch-showtime-1201891106/)

10-26-2017, 03:43 PM
speaking of "taking money"... (http://www.indiewire.com/2017/10/twin-peaks-season-4-mark-frost-david-lynch-showtime-1201891106/)

i just have mixed feelings...i feel like season 3 was perfect, and i don't want them to keep adding more and making what we do have less meaningful.

10-27-2017, 08:54 AM
i just have mixed feelings...i feel like season 3 was perfect, and i don't want them to keep adding more and making what we do have less meaningful.
I would like another season as long as it's the last, Lynch re-created the Twin Peaks universe and introduced lots of elements that could be further explored in a new season, but i also don't want them to spoil the brand, so i guess he can make a final season and close the story for good...

Also the original show had two seasons, so it makes sense the revival has two more...

10-31-2017, 04:34 PM
The Final Dossier just arrived. I'll report back when I've finished obsessing over every detail.

10-31-2017, 07:33 PM
Lana Milford hooked up with Trump in between Marla and Melania and Tammy finds a picture of Trump wearing the jade ring. Lana quickly dumped Trump after she presumably saw his ledgers and decided to find bigger fish.

10-31-2017, 08:40 PM
HOLY SHIT. So, you get missing pieces filled in about Leo, Audrey, Donna, etc. The crazy shit is below. I'm leaving out a lot about Phillip and other things.

Sarah Palmer's middle name is JUDY. Sarah JUDY Novack was her maiden name. She lived in New Mexico in August of 1956, the same day two radio station employees were killed and a man read a poem over the air that knocked out around twelve people, including SARAH. Her parents found her unconscious and rushed her to the hospital.

Also, Tammy is our archivist in this and finds discrepancies in Twin Peaks history after Cooper and Diane disappeared following the encounter at the sheriff's office. She finds that the Laura Palmer case is referred to now as an unsolved missing persons case and that Leland committed suicide a year after Laura disappeared. Tammy then starts to have difficulty remembering events and rushed back to Philly...

11-01-2017, 02:57 PM
Fire Walk With Me will premiere on The Criterion Channel (via Filmstruck) this month. It's very likely to include all of the special features which came along with the recent Criterion release, including The Missing Pieces.

11-02-2017, 12:43 AM
I just finished The Final Dossier and it was pretty crazy how many questions are answered.
The only thing that bothered me was Frost's overuse of alliteration. It's like he just discovered it.
But as far as the CONTENT of the book, I never dreamed we'd get this many answers.

11-02-2017, 06:41 AM
I still can't get over Annie saying, "I'm fine" once a year on the anniversary of Cooper's Double's "How's Annie?" As well as saying "I won't bore you with the details" about the James and Evelyn story. Those gave me a good laugh. Margaret's message made me cry, though.

11-02-2017, 02:49 PM
Fucking fuck I got mine yesterday and got maybe 20 pages in before I had to go to bed last night, just to the end of the Shelley chapter. This book's going to wreck my shit, isn't it? :D

11-02-2017, 05:52 PM
Between "I'm fine" and the ending of the book, the rest of the pages could have been blank for all I care - to emphasise how great those chapters were, I like the rest of it too.

11-03-2017, 11:12 AM
Got a little further. Great to see Donna get some closure. Glad she didn't wind up dead or anything.

11-06-2017, 04:24 PM
Yep. Holy Shit to the whole book.
The story about Annie was truly disheartening and the chapters about Jacoby and Jerry were hilarious, their pot connection had me laughing like a child. The Twin Peaks universe has this quality of mixing heartfelt drama and pure childish joy, I've never felt this way with any other movie or series. It's so great to be able to read those stories!

11-06-2017, 05:06 PM
i'm really confused about the timeline regarding norma & her family...if annie was born in 1973 (as seems to be stated at one point in the book), she would have only been 16 when agent cooper met her, not in her mid-twenties, which it states later was her age when she came to twin peaks to work at the double R.

did i read something wrong?

11-07-2017, 08:19 AM
These pre-season 3 adverts make a lot more sense now: https://imgur.com/rM7PIwI

i'm really confused about the timeline regarding norma & her family...if annie was born in 1973 (as seems to be stated at one point in the book), she would have only been 16 when agent cooper met her, not in her mid-twenties, which it states later was her age when she came to twin peaks to work at the double R.

did i read something wrong?

Norma's family does have a really confusing/nonsensical timeline, which unlike most inconsistencies can't be explained by what we learn about in this book and at the end of S3

11-07-2017, 11:20 AM
These pre-season 3 adverts make a lot more sense now: https://imgur.com/rM7PIwI

Norma's family does have a really confusing/nonsensical timeline, which unlike most inconsistencies can't be explained by what we learn about in this book and at the end of S3

yeah, i'm wondering if that was a typo/oversight, because it literally just doesn't make sense (rather than simply being weird).

11-07-2017, 01:09 PM
yeah, i'm wondering if that was a typo/oversight, because it literally just doesn't make sense (rather than simply being weird).

One of the wikis out there has a list of all the inconsistencies between The Secret History and The Final Dossier mixed in with the show itself. I wonder if these are intentional and meant to represent hearsay, especially as it pertains to a small town's history.

11-07-2017, 01:34 PM
so like i said, i REALLY loved the book, but am i the only one who was annoyed by "Prolonged Proximity... Moribund...My Misanthropy" and "Beer or Bong...Career Counseling or Community College?" And that shit is all in the same paragraph.
It's non fucking stop. I REALLY wish i hadn't noticed it because once i did, it started driving me insane.

edit: ok Lt. Randazzo , i've been looking for the wiki page you mentioned for about 45 minutes now. Do you remember where it is? :P

11-07-2017, 03:45 PM
so like i said, i REALLY loved the book, but am i the only one who was annoyed by "Prolonged Proximity... Moribund...My Misanthropy" and "Beer or Bong...Career Counseling or Community College?" And that shit is all in the same paragraph.
It's non fucking stop. I REALLY wish i hadn't noticed it because once i did, it started driving me insane.

edit: ok @Lt. Randazzo (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3) , i've been looking for the wiki page you mentioned for about 45 minutes now. Do you remember where it is? :P

Here you go - http://twinpeaks.wikia.com/wiki/Twin_Peaks:_The_Final_Dossier#Continuity

Also - they have continuity errors listed on Secret History's page along with Cooper's biography and Laura Palmer's diary. I think the dates being erratic and even some of the events being inconsistent are intentional. Throw in the time traveling Cooper did in the finale and it makes even more sense in my head. We're getting all of these events from the perspective of characters in the series, not a defined, bodiless narrator that presents an official timeline.

11-07-2017, 06:50 PM
Here you go - http://twinpeaks.wikia.com/wiki/Twin_Peaks:_The_Final_Dossier#Continuity

Also - they have continuity errors listed on Secret History's page along with Cooper's biography and Laura Palmer's diary. I think the dates being erratic and even some of the events being inconsistent are intentional. Throw in the time traveling Cooper did in the finale and it makes even more sense in my head. We're getting all of these events from the perspective of characters in the series, not a defined, bodiless narrator that presents an official timeline.

I had also wondered if the inconsistencies are meant to add another layer of dreamlike quality of the material, where nothing is necessarily in a fixed place.
Or perhaps it's meant to be some type of meta, "it knows it's a tv show" thing.

I will say this: i don't think they are all accidents. With this much money involved, i just don't think that's possible.
Maybe the inconsistencies started with a couple of legitimate mistakes in the early books, and they decided to continue the trend.

I'm just speculating here, but i'd be willing to bet that some of them are mistakes by the author which WERE caught by the editor but left in anyway.

11-07-2017, 07:32 PM
Here you go - http://twinpeaks.wikia.com/wiki/Twin_Peaks:_The_Final_Dossier#Continuity

Also - they have continuity errors listed on Secret History's page along with Cooper's biography and Laura Palmer's diary. I think the dates being erratic and even some of the events being inconsistent are intentional. Throw in the time traveling Cooper did in the finale and it makes even more sense in my head. We're getting all of these events from the perspective of characters in the series, not a defined, bodiless narrator that presents an official timeline.

oh, no, i get that for a lot of the events. but it clearly states in the chapter that deals with annie that she was born in 1973 and that she was in her mid-20s when she won miss twin peaks, which would have put that event in the mid-90s. that is more than an inconsistency, it's an error.

11-08-2017, 10:02 AM
Finished the whole book. Riveting if heartwrenching stuff. Annie's closure was heartbreaking to read, and so was the fact that Leland took his own life in the new timeline.

Appreciate the confirmation that Sarah was indeed the little girl from New Mexico as that was up in the air for a while. And the implication that Judy's end goal may have been to birth some sort of Antichrist figure was...unexpected.

I just want Mark Frost to do like five more of these things because they're such a treat to read. I'm sure he could fill a book with Blue Rose casefiles.

11-08-2017, 11:40 AM
Alright. Annie is born in 1973 by official records. I was born that year, so... If it's 1989, she's 16, but if the Twin Peaks pageant thing was in 1991, and would be 18. Also, the Secret History says Laura is 18, while the show 17, when she died. Already, birth dates seem to mean nothing. Add to it that maybe since it was information that Tammy read in the Secret History dossier, added by Cooper, who may have tried to flub things more, if he felt guilty about her age. Also, as Tammy is interviewing people, their memories are shifting, and she notices it only when she realizes Laura's case was listed as a missing person and not murder. Tammy's own memories change. Add to this the fact that Mark Frost has said in some interviews that he didn't go back and watch things, and wrote this from memory, which any writer would know is terrible for accuracy, and I think it was definitely done on purpose to show how brutally shitty the human memory is, and how easy it is to manipulate it. I think it shows how fragile the stories we tell ourselves about our lives really are.

11-08-2017, 02:21 PM
Alright. Annie is born in 1973 by official records. I was born that year, so... If it's 1989, she's 16, but if the Twin Peaks pageant thing was in 1991, and would be 18. Also, the Secret History says Laura is 18, while the show 17, when she died. Already, birth dates seem to mean nothing. Add to it that maybe since it was information that Tammy read in the Secret History dossier, added by Cooper, who may have tried to flub things more, if he felt guilty about her age. Also, as Tammy is interviewing people, their memories are shifting, and she notices it only when she realizes Laura's case was listed as a missing person and not murder. Tammy's own memories change. Add to this the fact that Mark Frost has said in some interviews that he didn't go back and watch things, and wrote this from memory, which any writer would know is terrible for accuracy, and I think it was definitely done on purpose to show how brutally shitty the human memory is, and how easy it is to manipulate it. I think it shows how fragile the stories we tell ourselves about our lives really are.

Perfect. That's what I'm getting at. We have time traveling and we have inaccurate and fudged historical documents and perspectives so this doesn't bother me as much as it would if it was something like Star Wars or Marvel.

11-10-2017, 04:40 PM
For anyone out there seeking some Badalamenti-sh dark jazz vibes, courtesy the Twin Peaks Reddit:


Ohhhhhh yeah, that's the good stuff.

11-10-2017, 05:31 PM
For anyone out there seeking some Badalamenti-sh dark jazz vibes, courtesy the Twin Peaks Reddit:


Ohhhhhh yeah, that's the good stuff.

Yes, indeed. This is easily one of my favorite instrumental albums of all time, eclipsed only by some of the stuff Richard D. James has released. As far as dark, doomy Badalamenti-ist jazz goes, this clears the sky. I love driving through cities late at night to this album, and dreaming to it when it plays while I sleep; Black City Skyline and Darkstalker are my favorites on a record that is absolutely perfect..

11-10-2017, 06:49 PM
For anyone out there seeking some Badalamenti-sh dark jazz vibes, courtesy the Twin Peaks Reddit:

Ohhhhhh yeah, that's the good stuff.

i have listened to this at least once a week, every week, for about a year. i put it on when i shower, when i read, when i drive, when i do dishes, when my wife and i get busy...it's just a fucking perfect album. thanks again to Prettybrokenspiral for getting me into them <3

11-11-2017, 12:06 PM
Among other things, Mark Frost's AMA confirms that Annie's date inconsistencies are due to Tammy being a shit detective: https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/7bn45h/im_mark_frost_cocreator_of_twin_peaks_and_author/dpj88vb/

11-11-2017, 05:44 PM
Among other things, Mark Frost's AMA confirms that Annie's date inconsistencies are due to Tammy being a shit detective: https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/7bn45h/im_mark_frost_cocreator_of_twin_peaks_and_author/dpj88vb/

do you think that's him being cheeky and realizing he made the error (since, in essence, he wrote the book as tammy)?

11-12-2017, 02:49 PM
Edit:whoops, wrong fucking thread! Yikes. Meant to post that in the stranger things thread! Sorry to anyone who saw those spoilers!! My bad. :(

11-13-2017, 05:00 AM
do you think that's him being cheeky and realizing he made the error (since, in essence, he wrote the book as tammy)?

Probably yeah; I'm not sure if there's a lot that Lynch/Frost disagreed on, or that Frost got sloppy (FD seems a lot more rushed than TSH), or that he was always the person that brought the chintzy small-town storylines. I like the idea of the unreliable narrator, and the S3 ending definitely lends itself to some inconsitencies, but I've seen it better executed elsewhere.

11-24-2017, 01:38 PM
please forgive me if this has been reported already


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Frozen Beach
11-27-2017, 06:38 PM

Frozen Beach
12-03-2017, 01:09 AM
I can't wait for the behind the scenes footage

Space Suicide
12-05-2017, 03:41 PM
Losers fucked up release day big time which resulted in me not getting a copy. Distributor dropped the ball on this one. Low stock in literally every retailer. Pisses me off.

12-05-2017, 06:14 PM
Makes sense. I preordered it but I guess it was already sold out. They didn't have a release date for me. Gotta watch my money atm so I had to cancel it anyway. But they definitely dropped the ball. Hopefully they sort it out quick.

Space Suicide
12-05-2017, 06:34 PM
Makes sense. I preordered it but I guess it was already sold out. They didn't have a release date for me. Gotta watch my money atm so I had to cancel it anyway. But they definitely dropped the ball. Hopefully they sort it out quick.

A friend of mine got some rumored news that Amazon won't be able to fulfill backorders and unfulfilled pre-orders until at least January 13th, 2018. Pathetic.

I bit the bullet and bought a copy on eBay for $56.43. By time I'll get my hands on this from a backorder fill at a store it'll be the proper $64.99 price rather than the first week $47.99 sale price. I still kinda saved....but not really.

12-05-2017, 06:37 PM
Amazon still has it for 47.99. Says it's sold out though.

Space Suicide
12-05-2017, 06:43 PM
Amazon still has it for 47.99. Says it's sold out though.

It will for a bit but MSRP is $64.99. It only recently dropped to $47.99.

To stay on topic, I checked every nearby outlet and it's literally sold out everywhere.

Target (Doesn't even sell it)
Walmart (Doesn't even sell it)
Barnes and Noble (Out of Stock)
Best Buy (Out of Stock/Only In Store Pick-up for online sale)
Amazon (Backorder/Out of stock)

12-05-2017, 09:17 PM
It will for a bit but MSRP is $64.99. It only recently dropped to $47.99.

To stay on topic, I checked every nearby outlet and it's literally sold out everywhere.

Target (Doesn't even sell it)
Walmart (Doesn't even sell it)
Barnes and Noble (Out of Stock)
Best Buy (Out of Stock/Only In Store Pick-up for online sale)
Amazon (Backorder/Out of stock)

i pre-ordered from walmart, actually! the problem seems to be that different sites have it listed under different names (some have it as "the return" and some have it as "limited event series"). https://www.walmart.com/ip/Twin-Peaks-A-Limited-Event-Series/438812600?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227127053468&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=234308784854&wl4=pla-387484082537&wl5=9021730&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=438812600&wl13=&veh=sem

Space Suicide
12-05-2017, 09:23 PM
i pre-ordered from walmart, actually! the problem seems to be that different sites have it listed under different names (some have it as "the return" and some have it as "limited event series"). https://www.walmart.com/ip/Twin-Peaks-A-Limited-Event-Series/438812600?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227127053468&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=234308784854&wl4=pla-387484082537&wl5=9021730&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=438812600&wl13=&veh=sem

Looked this morning on the app and never seen a listing. Small world. Oh well.

Frozen Beach
12-05-2017, 09:31 PM
That doesn't say whether it's bluray or not. And apparently no Walmart within a 50 mile radius of me has it. I'll have to hope the Best Buy that's near me still have one of the two copies they have of it tomorrow. Apparently this location doesn't do store pickup reserve...

12-06-2017, 07:46 AM
That doesn't say whether it's bluray or not. And apparently no Walmart within a 50 mile radius of me has it. I'll have to hope the Best Buy that's near me still have one of the two copies they have of it tomorrow. Apparently this location doesn't do store pickup reserve...

oh, fuck. i really hope i didn't accidentally order the DVD set. i swear it said blu-ray on it when i pre-ordered it.

12-06-2017, 09:28 AM
I got my Blu-ray. Disc 8 won't play.

I'm fine.

12-06-2017, 09:32 AM
I was planning to buy it this friday, now i see Amazon is out of stock...

Guess i'll stick to my downloaded episodes until they restock...

Frozen Beach
12-06-2017, 01:21 PM
I'm shocked Amazon isn't back in stock considering all the people canceling their orders. I canceled mine. I snagged the last copy at my nearest best buy.

12-10-2017, 12:09 AM
Went into my local Best Buy this morning and purchased the blu ray for about $40. I had a coupon. Like eight copies sitting right in front under "new releases" when I walked in. Can't believe so many others are having a hard time scoring this..

Also, it needs to be said that Dale Coop has some serious game when he can sit in the Black Lodge for 25 years, come out practically retarded, and still manage to rock Naomi Watts' world off her axis with virtually zero effort, ffs

12-13-2017, 09:08 AM
Went into my local Best Buy this morning and purchased the blu ray for about $40. I had a coupon. Like eight copies sitting right in front under "new releases" when I walked in. Can't believe so many others are having a hard time scoring this..

Also, it needs to be said that Dale Coop has some serious game when he can sit in the Black Lodge for 25 years, come out practically retarded, and still manage to rock Naomi Watts' world off her axis with virtually zero effort, ffs

yeah, seriously...you'd think that coopindick would be the cock rocker ;p (or is it "dickincoop"? i still haven't sorted that one out rofl)
ea: hey, maybe *that* is what the fireman meant by "listen to the sounds"??????? springs a rocking, knees a knocking? lol. you have given me the giggles for today. thank you.

12-13-2017, 09:23 AM
That doesn't say whether it's bluray or not. And apparently no Walmart within a 50 mile radius of me has it. I'll have to hope the Best Buy that's near me still have one of the two copies they have of it tomorrow. Apparently this location doesn't do store pickup reserve...

welp, it was a DVD. going to return it today. but of course, my credit card got cloned on sunday and i had to cancel it this week, so i have no idea if walmart will actually refund me or if i'll have to get a store credit.

thankfully my wife found the blu-ray at a best buy near where i'm working today and bought it online for store pickup, so i'll be able to swing in and get it.

12-19-2017, 01:09 PM
I...kind of love this. :D
And I have yet to see a single copy of the goddamn Blu-Ray set anywhere in my city. I wonder if they grossly underestimated demand.

12-19-2017, 10:09 PM
My copy finally came today. Been rewatching in the meantime. Midway through season two. Not sure if popular opinion, but it sucks. So uneven. Might skip to the last few eps.

12-19-2017, 10:18 PM
Not sure if popular opinion, but it sucks. So uneven. Might skip to the last few eps.

It'a unanimous that S2 is fucking terrible from the time Laura's killer is revealed up until the last several episodes. Windom Earle helps a bit but he's very very hammy. I'd say go through every episode, but skip through everything that doesn't involve Cooper and you'll have enough to work with.

12-19-2017, 10:56 PM
It'a unanimous that S2 is fucking terrible from the time Laura's killer is revealed up until the last several episodes. Windom Earle helps a bit but he's very very hammy. I'd say go through every episode, but skip through everything that doesn't involve Cooper and you'll have enough to work with.I've seen it all before. I'm noticing things I've missed before. I didn't know they mentioned Teresa Banks before in the series. Thought she was just FWWM.

12-20-2017, 08:28 AM
Well, this might be an unpopular opinion, but i rewatched the original series and i loved season 2 (even more than the first time i saw it...)

Sure it has a couple of bad storylines (James, "The Packards"...) and some of the plots don't go anywhere, but i think it's underrated and at the very least entertaining (specially anything with Dick and Andy...)

I'm not comparing season 2 to the flawless season 1 or even the Movie, they sure are worlds apart, but i sure enjoyed season 2 in my most recent rewatch...

01-11-2018, 05:31 AM
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
@<a href="http:/

SO. For those of you having a hard time getting hold of the dvd/blue rey release, peep game: some of the behind the scenes docu-vignettes are popping up on youtube. Here is The Man With the Gray Elevated Hair.

Get 'em while they're hot. The powers that be are blocking them, but they haven't got around to blocking them on the channel I linked.

01-11-2018, 06:07 AM
henryeatscereal ,I also love season 2

01-11-2018, 09:24 AM
@henryeatscereal (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) ,I also love season 2
I think it's underrated, it had the bad luck of revealing Laura's killer, so ratings sunk, but it also has the best episode of the whole series (the last one)

I'm loving the "making of" documentaries from "The return" Blu Ray, i find it very interesting how Lynch still improvises some stuff...

01-11-2018, 05:14 PM
I think it's underrated, it had the bad luck of revealing Laura's killer, so ratings sunk, but it also has the best epised of the whole series (the last one)

I'm loving the "making of" documentaries from "The return" Blu Ray, i find it very interesting how Lynch still improvises some stuff...

i'm adding it all to Plex as we speak :)

01-12-2018, 02:21 AM
For me, season two lacks focus. A lot of it is filler too. There's some good stuff. But it's mostly a turd, imo. Lynch and Frost weren't involved much either and it shows.

01-12-2018, 12:46 PM
I think I've posted this before, but I feel the need to post it again as it is relevant to this current discussion.https://i.imgur.com/pkqdoEW.jpg

And I agree with @henryeatscereal (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572), the last episode is the best of the series. I don't agree with Piko, most of season 2 is good with a chunk of turds in the middle.

01-24-2018, 08:54 PM
Season 3 is my favorite season of the series, even if it's easily the weirdest and most insular of the bunch. There are so many scenes, segments and random bits that have literally no bearing on the main narrative arc of the season. Lynch was clearly trolling his audience with a good portion of it.

I love what they did with the musical acts at the bar, which usually signaled the end of the episode. The third episode performance by the Cactus Blossoms is my favorite, with the second episode Chromatics performance, the Nine Inch Nails and Sharon Van Etten very close behind. It really is like watching an entirely different series than what was presented in the two previous seasons, while still feeling like everything belongs under the same Twin Peaks sky all the same. The Final Dossier left me with the feeling that this is all we're getting, and I'm comfortable with that..

Bonus NIN-spotting: in Ben Horne's Red Room documentary featurette Behind the Red Curtain (exclusive to the blu-ray package), one of Lynch's boom mic operators is seen wearing a 2005-era Spiral fan club t-shirt when they're shooting the scene inside Frank Truman's sheriff office. That same boom mic operator is briefly seen wearing what appears to be a Hesitation Marks tour shirt at the end of the fifth Impressions documentary segment, when the cast and crew are announcing the end of shooting for David Patrick Kelly (Jerry Horne). He's also wearing an APC shirt in another one of the documentary segments..

01-25-2018, 09:24 AM
Bonus NIN-spotting: in Ben Horne's Red Room documentary featurette Behind the Red Curtain (exclusive to the blu-ray package), one of Lynch's boom mic operators is seen wearing a 2005-era Spiral fan club t-shirt when they're shooting the scene inside Frank Truman's sheriff office. That same boom mic operator is briefly seen wearing what appears to be a Hesitation Marks tour shirt at the end of the fifth Impressions documentary segment, when the cast and crew are announcing the end of shooting for David Patrick Kelly (Jerry Horne). He's also wearing an APC shirt in another one of the documentary segments..
I noticed the guy with the APC T-Shirt, but i didn't noticed the NIN shirts, gotta check again!

01-25-2018, 09:27 AM
Same with me henryeatscereal . I caught the APC shirt but didn't spot the NIN.

02-19-2018, 05:01 AM
Hey, did you guys notice that Obama's presidential portrait looks a whole hell of a lot like Major Briggs in the White Lodge?

02-19-2018, 06:28 AM
Hey, did you guys notice that Obama's presidential portrait looks a whole hell of a lot like Major Briggs in the White Lodge?Lol

02-27-2018, 09:21 AM
Hey y'all, I have a topic for discussion.
Do you guys want more twin peaks or do you fear it will go sideways?
And if you do want more of it, what would you like to see?

As for me, I want more but I'm also scared it won't go down right.
A couple more movies would be nice, and they could be Showtime originals or something. I think it would be great to see Kiefer Sutherland and Chris Isaak back again, and I also think that Michael Shannon was born to play a part in Twin Peaks.

02-27-2018, 09:28 AM
Hey y'all, I have a topic for discussion.
Do you guys want more twin peaks or do you fear it will go sideways?
And if you do want more of it, what would you like to see?

As for me, I want more but I'm also scared it won't go down right.
A couple more movies would be nice, and they could be Showtime originals or something. I think it would be great to see Kiefer Sutherland and Chris Isaak back again, and I also think that Michael Shannon was born to play a part in Twin Peaks.

I think that we have to have a reasonable expectation that more Twin Peaks equals a resolution to what we saw at the end of the third season and that we'll be left with a new mystery and ending point that won't resolve itself if there's another season. I don't see Twin Peaks as now being something that has an ending unless we, the audience, give it one. It might have been the original intention when the show was first being produced to give it an ending, but now, I think it just keeps going and going.

I'm personally torn on wanting more. I enjoyed getting to fill in the gaps on my own to see if they'd pay off or not, but also enjoyed being able to speculate on other things and not have to feel like there's anything invalidating about that speculation. I leave it in Lynch and Frost's hands on if they want to do more. I'm along for the ride either way.

02-27-2018, 10:22 AM
I'm a little baffled that anyone thought Twin Peaks could have been a show where everything got tied up in a neat little bow. I'd love more Twin Peaks. I want my eyes to go wow and my brain to go WTF.

I'm not sure it has to be a TV show though. A "make your own adventure" book (though done with way more care than The Final Dossier" or a video game would be interesting.

Or some kind of Official Merchandise acid I can drop.

02-27-2018, 10:29 AM
I'm a little baffled that anyone thought Twin Peaks could have been a show where everything got tied up in a neat little bow. I'd love more Twin Peaks. I want my eyes to go wow and my brain to go WTF.

I'm not sure it has to be a TV show though. A "make your own adventure" book (though done with way more care than The Final Dossier" or a video game would be interesting.

Or some kind of Official Merchandise acid I can drop. yeah I feel you. To me, Twin Peaks is more about surrealism and style than plot, ultimately. And I certainly don't think it ends.

02-27-2018, 10:41 AM
I am always, always up for another slice of cherry pie.

It felt like we were leaving the town with such finality though. I'm open to it, but would it really be Twin Peaks if we left Twin Peaks?

02-27-2018, 12:21 PM
As i said in earlier pages i would love to see a follow up, i think Lynch still have lots of things to say and the series ended up as his platform for experimenting and continuing his growth as an artist.

Of course he can do another film, but i think the "series format" fit his current work better.

So: yes, i'm up for a new TP as long as Lynch is directing again.
If either Lynch or Frosh aren't available, i'll say: let it die...

02-27-2018, 01:43 PM
I'd be all for another run. But it has to be right for Lynch and Frost. If they decide not to, I'm fine with that as well. They tied up a bunch of loose ends. I don't need to do another one. But I wouldn't complain if they did. Especially if it's anything like the last ran. I just say take your time to lynch. If it's not coming together, don't do it.

02-28-2018, 01:30 AM
It's perfect the way they left it. Reinvented television in the 90s, then returned 25 years later to turn everything on its head again. Don't monkey with it any further.

Funny because everyone shits on the James-Evelyn Marsh storyline, but I'd take that over Civil War Ben, Little Nicky or Super Nadine any day. At least James and Evelyn had remote Twin Peaks-ish vibes going for it..

But if they do end up bringing it back, they definitely need to include Moira Kelly, Chris Isaak and Kiefer next time. Also, more Teakettle Phillip Jeffries, please..

02-28-2018, 05:20 AM
Hmm it's a tough one.

I'd certainly be keen to see more, as long it's all exactly as Frost and Lynch want it to be. I can't imagine where you'd start though, after that ending. I like the idea of returning to some different characters - whether that's Donna or Josie, or Chester and Sam. I'd also like to see more of Audrey, and that plot strand could be interesting to pick up. I can imagine maybe some stand alone episodes covering different characters rather than a whole new series - I don't think what we've seen for Series 3 can be repeated now - it has to be kept fresh.

I won't hold my breath then, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if David decides to do something else Twin Peaks related.

02-28-2018, 09:02 AM
Funny because everyone shits on the James-Evelyn Marsh storyline, but I'd take that over Civil War Ben, Little Nicky or Super Nadine any day. At least James and Evelyn had remote Twin Peaks-ish vibes going for it..

I like the "Evelyn" story line and i agree that is very "Twin Peak-ish".

In a way Evelyn is another "Laura Palmer", the point of that story shows how even running away, James will always find and fall for Laura...

03-01-2018, 02:12 AM
It amazes me how awesome Fire Walk With Me is, even if it's lights-out dark with an ending that's as depressing as it gets. But fascinating how it precedes the events of the first two seasons, yet is pretty crucial (along with the Secret History book) to understanding some of the major elements of the 3rd season..

One of my favorite scenes in the whole series is actually one of the Missing Pieces, when Norma and Ed are drunk in the truck, holding each other and listening to the radio. It exemplifies their whole storyline perfectly in just two minutes..

Space Suicide
04-21-2018, 03:12 PM


04-22-2018, 06:09 PM
I like "The Return" parody better:


04-23-2018, 01:09 PM
couldn't see this already reported:

Rest In Peace, Pamela Gidley (1965-2018)


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05-06-2018, 01:35 PM
Kyle MacLachlan Reveals Dale Cooper Was “A Little More Present” In The Script, Explains His Take On Season 3’s Ending In A Simple Hand Movement


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05-07-2018, 02:11 AM
Kyle MacLachlan Reveals Dale Cooper Was “A Little More Present” In The Script, Explains His Take On Season 3’s Ending In A Simple Hand Movement


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I watched this, and i wonder: do you guys have any idea what he might have meant about Cooper being more present earlier in the series?

05-07-2018, 07:40 AM
I watched this, and i wonder: do you guys have any idea what he might have meant about Cooper being more present earlier in the series?

i think that he means cooper was going to "wake up" earlier in the timeline.

05-07-2018, 08:18 AM
i think that he means cooper was going to "wake up" earlier in the timeline.
and that's very possible. that's probably all there is to it.

maybe i'm reading too much into it, BUT: i wondered if he meant that Cooper was somehow affecting events; that he was perhaps "present" in a different way, and it was originally going to be made clear.

05-07-2018, 10:10 AM
oops wrong thread....

05-11-2018, 07:25 AM
this is quite interesting,

The Fan Dossier: The Secret Identity Of Double R Diner Waitress Heidi (http://welcometotwinpeaks.com/inspiration/the-fan-dossier-heidi-rr-waitress/)

more Fan Dossier entries


Frozen Beach
05-18-2018, 09:15 AM
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady)

05-18-2018, 09:39 AM
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady)

Backed! This looks like fun and Catherine's story has always fascinated me.

05-24-2018, 10:33 AM
pretty cool!

For Your Consideration: A Look Inside Showtime’s Twin Peaks Emmy 2018 Screener


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Frozen Beach
05-24-2018, 10:37 AM
With this bump, might as well mention that Johnny Jewel released "Themes For Television" which has music he made for Twin Peaks but was unused. It's streaming on spotify and Apple Music now


05-24-2018, 11:06 AM
With this bump, might as well mention that Johnny Jewel released "Themes For Television" which has music he made for Twin Peaks but was unused. It's streaming on spotify and Apple Music now

supposedly you can order the vinyl from http://italiansdoitbetter.com/ (http://italiansdoitbetter.com/) but fuck it's basically a shitty tumblr and none of the links are properly parsed so i can't figure out how to do it?

05-24-2018, 11:37 AM
supposedly you can order the vinyl from http://italiansdoitbetter.com/ (http://italiansdoitbetter.com/) but fuck it's basically a shitty tumblr and none of the links are properly parsed so i can't figure out how to do it?

Cherry Pie 2xLP (http://italiansdoitbetter.bigcartel.com/product/johnny-jewel-themes-for-television-gatefold-lp-on-180-gram-cherry-pie-vinyl)

05-24-2018, 01:30 PM
They also have a discogs shop (https://www.discogs.com/label/88894-Italians-Do-It-Better). The site is visually pleasing but utterly nonfunctional lol

05-24-2018, 01:40 PM
Their site is clunky but I can back their label up as reliable, they were doing giveaways of damaged/imperfect pressings that were still playable for a bit and I somehow managed to win one. They sent me the record they mentioned and it was seriously in pristine condition, no crushed corners even, along with 2 other LPs, a ton of posters (including one of Laura Palmer) and CDs.

Frozen Beach
05-24-2018, 04:22 PM

05-26-2018, 07:52 AM
Uninterrupted Marathon Announced of Season 3


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05-26-2018, 01:18 PM
With this bump, might as well mention that Johnny Jewel released "Themes For Television" which has music he made for Twin Peaks but was unused. It's streaming on spotify and Apple Music now


I just want to put forward that every time David puts out a new project I find like three new bands or artists to love. I came into this series jonzing for more Angelo Badalamenti and I came away into Johnny Jewel and Chromatics. :p

05-29-2018, 03:28 AM
Uninterrupted Marathon Announced of Season 3

Like, for people who decide it's about time to loose their minds completely? :^)

Edit: I want to edit that "loose" to "lose" but can't! Twin Peaks magic!

05-29-2018, 09:47 AM
my wife and i started watching the season 3 special features yesterday. the richard beymer films are really cool, fly-on-the-wall style looks at some of the process and we really enjoyed them. it's insane to me that they were using actual electrical arcing to make the sparks/light/sound when coop is being led through by gerard & the woodsmen.

05-29-2018, 11:08 AM
my wife and i started watching the season 3 special features yesterday. the richard beymer films are really cool, fly-on-the-wall style looks at some of the process and we really enjoyed them. it's insane to me that they were using actual electrical arcing to make the sparks/light/sound when coop is being led through by gerard & the woodsmen.

I'd love to see these. The fact that they were doing the electrical stuff for real is further proof to me that Twin Peaks is actually a documentary and the lodges are real [emoji12]

06-15-2018, 01:06 PM
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/historyofcool/i-know-catherine-the-log-lady)

They hit their funding goal yesterday and are now working on getting to $300k so everyone can get a DVD of the documentary. 27 hours left! I'm getting an answer log with David Lynch approved and suggested answers, which is super exciting. Also doing the tree to dedicate to my uncle who died of kidney cancer.

Frozen Beach
06-19-2018, 10:37 PM
(about Room To Dream) I really wish physical books came with digital downloads. I used an audible credit for a audiobook, and I'm getting the physical book, but I kind of wanted to be able to have the ebook on my phone so I could read it on break at work so I wouldn't have to take the book with me.

06-22-2018, 01:42 PM

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06-26-2018, 07:09 AM
Twin Peaks Returns To San Diego Comic-Con 2018 For Autographs & Panel


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07-06-2018, 09:49 AM

07-06-2018, 10:17 AM
Low, BOB, Low!

07-15-2018, 05:25 AM
So no emmy nominations for ANY of the actors and no nomination for the show as a whole.
This is fucking infuriating to me.
Someone who did one episode of black mirror got a nomination but Kyle didn't. Seriously, what in the fuck? Writers have been predicting posthumous awards for Ferrer and Coulson and wondering if Lynch could win for directing, writing AND acting.
And NOTHING. This is fucking absurd.
There was nothing better on TV than The Return and there was no better cast.

Tv Guide ran this headline for a story and I agree 100%:Twin Peaks Got Snubbed Because the Emmys Don't Appreciate Art (https://www.tvguide.com/news/twin-peaks-emmys-snub-reactions/)
The fact that this was entered as a limited series makes this that much more absurd. It wasn't contending with Westworld or Game of Thrones. This should have been a sweep.
They BETTER at least give Lynch the directing nod.

Space Suicide
07-15-2018, 08:49 AM
So no emmy nominations for ANY of the actors and no nomination for the show as a whole.
This is fucking infuriating to me.
Someone who did one episode of black mirror got a nomination but Kyle didn't. Seriously, what in the fuck? Writers have been predicting posthumous awards for Ferrer and Coulson and wondering if Lynch could win for directing, writing AND acting.
And NOTHING. This is fucking absurd.
There was nothing better on TV than The Return and there was no better cast.

Tv Guide ran this headline for a story and I agree 100%:Twin Peaks Got Snubbed Because the Emmys Don't Appreciate Art (https://www.tvguide.com/news/twin-peaks-emmys-snub-reactions/)

The fact that this was entered as a limited series makes this that much more absurd. It wasn't contending with Westworld or Game of Thrones. This should have been a sweep.
They BETTER at least give Lynch the directing nod.

I consider the Emmys the TV film industry's version of the Grammies. Awards mean nothing aka it means absolutely jack shit.

Unlike the Grammies, stuff I like actually wins and gets Emmy Awards though.

07-15-2018, 11:51 AM
Lmfao the Emmys. Like the Emmys, the Oscars, the Grammys, the MTV Video Music Awards, etc. are some benchmark of what quantifies the best of the arts. These awards shows are nothing more than a glorified circle jerk for industry types, plauditing whatever flavors of the year have made the industry the most money for the given fiscal. They are in no way, shape or form a measuring stick for what qualifies as art or originality in any given media.

Kyle McLachlan accomplishing the multi-layered role he performed in this series and getting not so much as a mention should tell anyone who understands true art all they need to know about a jerk-off gathering like the Emmys. We should all be thankful they gave Twin Peaks the go-by..

07-15-2018, 12:27 PM
elevenism ... you know Twin Peaks got nominated for 9 awards including Directing and Writing?

Aside from Kyle, the acting wasn't really what made the show (I mean it wasn't bad, but it's not the vital component). And Kyle did get nominated for a Golden Globe, which is more of an actor's award anyway. - I agree with PBS above on that one.

https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37071397_1990396417657993_7811405743067758592_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=bf58119116399e1d9087f6325dc0915b&oe=5BD2A82E

07-15-2018, 05:14 PM
@elevenism (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) ... you know Twin Peaks got nominated for 9 awards including Directing and Writing?

Aside from Kyle, the acting wasn't really what made the show (I mean it wasn't bad, but it's not the vital component). And Kyle did get nominated for a Golden Globe, which is more of an actor's award anyway. - I agree with PBS above on that one.

https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/37071397_1990396417657993_7811405743067758592_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=bf58119116399e1d9087f6325dc0915b&oe=5BD2A82Eyeah I know.
But the show ITSELF didn't get nominated.
And good god, all those nominations for.everyone on versace but none for anyone on TP.
I think it's ludicrous.

07-15-2018, 05:21 PM
Oh and, so, yeah. I didn't know the Emmys were meaningless. I do now.
But even if it IS a circle jerk, I'm genuinely surprised that they aren't jerking off to twin peaks.

Kyle played (at least) three characters and did a damn fine job.

And as to the fucking series itself not getting nominated?
It's the best thing I've ever seen on television ever, period. No question.
And it wasn't even up against westworld and got, it was up against like Godless from netflix and AHS and shit.
Just, yeah @icklekitty (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=47) , I feel you, and you too @Prettybrokenspiral (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=911)

But all year I've been reading predictions not about IF the actors on twin peaks will win the awards, but rather, which ones will win.
And then this.
It just chaps my ass

I'm repeating myself at this point.

Bottom line : elevenoe angry because "how come they don't give Kyle gold statue man?"

Frozen Beach
08-26-2018, 11:25 AM
Al Strobel had a heart attack after a fan event. Thankfully he's recovering well.

08-26-2018, 04:13 PM
I stopped taking these award shows seriously years ago. I knew they would barely acknowledge it if even at all.

10-06-2018, 06:12 AM
twin peaks VR


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10-07-2018, 02:53 PM
I saw YouTube videos saying that Al Strobel (MIKE) had died. Apparently it was just a rumor: I just realized this when I looked for a news story to link.

That being said, if David Lynch wants to make any more Twin Peaks, he needs to get after it!
Beymer is 80, Tamblyn is 83, Zabriskie is 77.

And Lynch himself is 72 and still chain smokes :/

These people aren't going to live forever :/

10-10-2018, 10:51 PM
I was thinking about getting the blu ray release of the entire mystery, anyone know what the deal is with that? is it out of print or something?

On Amazon.ca i can only find the PAL version which goes for $41.17 and then there's this other one that's $207.52 which is fucking outrageous in comparison. The pre-owned prices aren't much better.

Frozen Beach
10-11-2018, 12:23 AM
I was thinking about getting the blu ray release of the entire mystery, anyone know what the deal is with that? is it out of print or something?

On Amazon.ca i can only find the PAL version which goes for $41.17 and then there's this other one that's $207.52 which is fucking outrageous in comparison. The pre-owned prices aren't much better.
As far as I know, it's out of print. But you can get this release for $23.99. It's region free. It's what I have.

10-11-2018, 03:56 AM
As far as I know, it's out of print. But you can get this release for $23.99. It's region free. It's what I have.
So this one is a bit different right, not the original box packaging but the blue plastic? is that because it's a UK version? Hm well at least it's region free and a good price!

10-20-2018, 06:21 PM
I got super stoned last night and decided to throw on episode 8. My God that episode is just unbelievably terrifying in the best way. Trying to think about how Lynch comes up with the stuff he comes up with is like trying to figure out the mysteries of the universe. It's just beyond human comprehension. What a fucking masterpiece.

11-01-2018, 08:25 AM
no idea what they taste like, as I'm vegan and they have milk in them, but had to pick them up, just because, but don't smell that great lol.
they were in one of those £1 shops lol



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11-01-2018, 08:52 AM
So this one is a bit different right, not the original box packaging but the blue plastic? is that because it's a UK version? Hm well at least it's region free and a good price!
i'm SO glad i don't feel like i need such things.

11-01-2018, 09:37 AM
So this one is a bit different right, not the original box packaging but the blue plastic? is that because it's a UK version? Hm well at least it's region free and a good price!
I actually just bought this a week or two ago. Yes its just a thick blu-ray plastic case inside a slip-sleeve.

11-01-2018, 11:26 AM
I bought "The Final Dossier" a few weeks ago, i'm enjoying it a lot!
Is "The Secret Story of TP" as good? i'm planning to buy too

11-01-2018, 09:58 PM
InsecureSpike looks like shitty toblerone

11-01-2018, 10:43 PM
I bought "The Final Dossier" a few weeks ago, i'm enjoying it a lot!
Is "The Secret Story of TP" as good? i'm planning to buy too it's GREAT, but in a wildly different way. The books are very, very different. While TFD is a short, concise, epilogue of sorts, The Secret History is a much longer, rambling exercise in world building. It connects the world of Twin Peaks to everything from Lewis and Clark to Richard Nixon to old UFO conspiracies and the illuminati and Crowley.

So to answer your question, YES, it IS as good. But it's WAY more about mysteries than giving answers.

Ultimately, it's canon. It's written by Mark and features Twin Peaks throughout. And it's also in universe: it's another document from within the twin peaks world.

You personally @henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) ? You will fucking LOVE it I think, just as I did. And you MIGHT like it better, just because it's much longer!

11-01-2018, 10:52 PM
InsecureSpike looks like shitty toblerone

yup I think you are right

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11-02-2018, 08:39 AM
it's GREAT, but in a wildly different way. The books are very, very different. While TFD is a short, concise, epilogue of sorts, The Secret History is a much longer, rambling exercise in world building. It connects the world of Twin Peaks to everything from Lewis and Clark to Richard Nixon to old UFO conspiracies and the illuminati and Crowley.

So to answer your question, YES, it IS as good. But it's WAY more about mysteries than giving answers.

Ultimately, it's canon. It's written by Mark and features Twin Peaks throughout. And it's also in universe: it's another document from within the twin peaks world.

You personally @henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) ? You will fucking LOVE it I think, just as I did. And you MIGHT like it better, just because it's much longer!
henryeatscereal - my favorite part of those books, even though it bothers some folks, is that they are somewhat inconsistent with the timeline, ages of characters, etc. And I love that because it makes it feel like more of a human document than anything else. That's my two cents with it. I adore both of those books because of the doors they opened since I was getting into Twin Peaks for the first time last year. I couldn't put down the Final Dossier when it arrived in the mail.

11-02-2018, 08:44 AM
Also the inconsistencies make a ton of sense knowing what we know ("know") now

11-02-2018, 10:02 AM
Ok, i'll check it out! thanks! @elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) @ltrandazzo (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3)

I did noticed inconsistencies while reading TFD, but they didn't bother me; it's not like they don't make any sense, actually if you "adjust" the dates and continuity they fit perfectly.

So weird that Audrey "woke up" from that coma, that means she's in a mental institution or something? i thought she was asleep during "The return".

11-02-2018, 12:17 PM
Ok, i'll check it out! thanks! @elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) @ltrandazzo (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3)

I did noticed inconsistencies while reading TFD, but they didn't bother me; it's not like they don't make any sense, actually if you "adjust" the dates and continuity they fit perfectly.

So weird that Audrey "woke up" from that coma, that means she's in a mental institution or something? i thought she was asleep during "The return".
Well, and also, think about the whole butterfly effect aspect, what with Laura not dying. It will make your brain hurt, but it explains any inconsistencies.

11-02-2018, 03:02 PM
Well, and also, think about the whole butterfly effect aspect, what with Laura not dying. It will make your brain hurt, but it explains any inconsistencies.
If everything fails: "A wizard did it..."


11-02-2018, 03:41 PM
Lolol henryeatscereal . But seriously, Laura not dying changes the entire history, right? Via butterfly effect.

And, aside from that, it's Lynch. We're talking about a dude who made a movie where one dude just inexplicably turns into another dude. :p

12-05-2018, 01:07 PM
Been holding off on picking up The Return's soundtrack on vinyl in hopes I would find a good deal on the green variant to go along with the other 2. Finally got it as well as The Return on blu-ray.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/N_lm1lZsYMSTKerQ_FhE-DGYdJ3yeJO4w9w7Wcx8XrIeGiW8H4gQclV7jjpfiLEL2-3wDcX5P443S39zyr-uL71HAUEJmwPmTAwWJnHZ_THs8iGWoFQRVpcHd5NXWdpktKu5e c1jn_EP0IC2CZbrSe-psr8oq3afERgVv2p24HszRuWxeqmhIMg2jVW-KS-EB-EKMdYlDWSy6k0z6u2YRHqOYhbIdDMS9ZjZc5T4hE0dhs9j5gOJ oPf0rBH_C02EUWv5EVFOOxA4ciSvqY0rjKpCF42jjRztRz5f5J KDbnqNEA-o2-8gBFoTtqQ6VT8RvgChN_Y2HzTf6p3UUPpbwdvbh3npHTYBob1c 7c3g9AMjiBB9-OEIiOVx-PNAVKlnyKBvRStn7oieaxrwZCv1m0hv8GiZp1tiSea92sIdsOE S-cqebHSubwY6wq7fqZociKo3Wy9ee-GT91HRRQ3kpZwsDiaPvzwdszZEKXd1joJFXxTYLnbPZwhZrwY6 EYaxpx40fqq0fPB6l6AffRNI54C90mdg7TqErsMVbq8dGTS9vo 6n9jCNMh5WP0gPo3zrlrR-SrWzVHKxeNZlTDI9sd0G1_PxWwcLKjg3SUjo6kPPs619RRsLaD nyb1QS6v9wA3gqaCWZSZnTTwim7axaAIBoAg=w1107-h830-no

01-25-2019, 03:52 PM
I got my girlfriend watching Twin Peaks for the first time. We're about 12 Episodes away. God, I can't wait to see her reaction:


03-05-2019, 10:33 AM
Mondo has a gallery showing for a series of prints Greg Ruth is doing for Twin Peaks and they are incredible. He's doing several total series so this is just a sampling of what he's doing long term. I'm struggling to figure out which ones I want to try for - https://www.indiewire.com/gallery/twin-peaks-mondo-posters-david-lynch/#!1/screen-shot-2019-03-04-at-3-41-11-pm/

03-06-2019, 01:11 PM
Mondo has a gallery showing for a series of prints Greg Ruth is doing for Twin Peaks and they are incredible. He's doing several total series so this is just a sampling of what he's doing long term. I'm struggling to figure out which ones I want to try for - https://www.indiewire.com/gallery/twin-peaks-mondo-posters-david-lynch/#!1/screen-shot-2019-03-04-at-3-41-11-pm/
I've seen these and they are beautiful. Are they only being sold at the gallery in Texas or they being sold online? They're probably way out of my price range anyway, but I'm curious.

03-06-2019, 01:14 PM
I've seen these and they are beautiful. Are they only being sold at the gallery in Texas or they being sold online? They're probably way out of my price range anyway, but I'm curious.

Gallery first with leftovers online afterward. Get your wallet ready.

03-29-2019, 09:31 AM

Managed to snag one of these from Mondo last week. Limited to 300. Can't wait to hang this baby up.

03-29-2019, 05:35 PM
The moment where Alicia Witt and Caleb Landry Jones' characters are sitting at the base of a tree, after what I think is the murder of Seyfried's character, has really stuck out in my memory as of late. There's a raw element to it that feels even out of Lynch's playhouse for me because it lacks the kind of histrionics the show is known for. It's not spelled out, but you do get a feeling for what exactly is going on and is tragic to watch. I remember it really coming out of left-field for me as much as the more obvious left-field moments.

03-29-2019, 10:05 PM
The moment where Alicia Witt and Caleb Landry Jones' characters are sitting at the base of a tree, after what I think is the murder of Seyfried's character, has really stuck out in my memory as of late. There's a raw element to it that feels even out of Lynch's playhouse for me because it lacks the kind of histrionics the show is known for. It's not spelled out, but you do get a feeling for what exactly is going on and is tragic to watch. I remember it really coming out of left-field for me as much as the more obvious left-field moments.
Oh my god yeah, that scene was so crazy and uncomfortable and intense.

It's also pretty bleak to watch that scene and know that that is Donna's younger sister, the same girl from that unbelievable scene in the first episode of season 2 where she plays the piano while Leyland sings "Get Happy" faster and faster. In general I feel like there's this dark cloud of aging and mortality and the passage of time that hangs over everything in Season 3, making all of it feel pretty melancholy throughout. Even the more positive returns have this twinge of sadness to them. And certain characters in particular were pretty heartbreaking to see, like Audrey and of course the log lady. And yet there was something about seeing Donna's younger sister in the woods with this fucking maniac that was in some ways more upsetting than any of them. Like, here's that nice kid from season two 25 years later, and this is where her fucking life has brought her. Shit's dark.

Also, I don't think that he actually killed Becky, I think he was just out of his mind thought he had. I heard that in the Final Dossier Frost explains more about what happens with Becky after the events of S3.

05-12-2019, 11:18 AM


RIP Norma. Glad she was one of the only characters who got a happy ending with that last season. Also I had no idea Rashida Jones was her daughter. She looked fucking AMAZING for 72, as well. Legit thought she was in her 50s.

06-15-2019, 01:27 PM

They're demolishing the Twin Peaks High School in July :(

06-17-2019, 11:21 AM

put this on on saturday while my wife and i were cleaning our apartment. i vacuumed a little bit during one song and when i stopped, we realized "just you" was playing. my wife went "uh...maybe you should turn the vacuum back on. maybe vacuum the whole apartment? seems like a good time for it!" couldn't stop laughing. she fucking hates that song so much hahahahaha

anyway, otherwise, it's a fantastic collection of music that was definitely missing from any of the other vinyl releases, and i'm glad to have it. just...god i hate that cover art.

09-30-2019, 10:42 PM

Please god...Please let it be true!

10-01-2019, 12:22 AM
We Got this covered just makes random shit up

10-01-2019, 01:12 AM
We Got this covered just makes random shit up
There was another source for this rumor: I don't think this article is the OG, if I'm not mistaken. There was a tweet that was a bit more vague, from Hollywood Horror Museum or some shit? I watched a couple YouTube videos about it. It said something like "someone who is in the know let something slip about the future of twin peaks, and we're all gonna be squealing in 2020 ."

This article is definitely bullshit, I think, because it's pretty much impossible to shoot, or even cast, a tv show, without anyone finding out.

BUT, let's pretend that there IS something to it ( the tweet, I mean.) It could be a couple of things. For one, Lynch and co. could have easily shot a couple more hours when they did The Return, to be released as a movie. Hell, they could have shit enough for a trilogy. A boy can dream.
OR, perhaps they're aiming to release the deleted scenes as a movie (Edit: like FWWM's The Missing Pieces.) One YouTuber speculated that that was the case.

So, it's PROBABLY all bullshit, but I guess it's possible that SOMETHING could be in the works, thAt was filmed previously.
OR, it could be regarding an upcoming announcement?

But, yeah. It's likely nothing.

I gotta say, though: I want to believe. And it IS a little exciting if both of these things came from different sources.

10-01-2019, 09:41 AM
look, i love twin peaks. i have an owl symbol tattoo. but i don't want any more.

the way season 3 ended was a perfect conclusion to the series. so many of the integral members of the cast have died. and if david lynch isn't actually involved, i would have zero interest if they made more.

but really, i don't think there should be more. i really don't.

10-01-2019, 10:22 AM
I mean I'd be down for another go. The biggest tell where that article got greedy was when it claimed that it would air in 2020, even though it's still in the preproduction planning phase.

10-02-2019, 09:37 AM
Yeah this is happening (https://www.newsweek.com/twin-peaks-season-4-rumors-return-showtime-david-lynch-news-update-1462381)

10-02-2019, 07:01 PM
Yeah this is happening (https://www.newsweek.com/twin-peaks-season-4-rumors-return-showtime-david-lynch-news-update-1462381)

It’s the twin peaks rollercoaster opening soon in Disneyland, complete with the Laura Palmer scream.

10-02-2019, 08:05 PM
look, i love twin peaks. i have an owl symbol tattoo. but i don't want any more.

the way season 3 ended was a perfect conclusion to the series. so many of the integral members of the cast have died. and if david lynch isn't actually involved, i would have zero interest if they made more.

but really, i don't think there should be more. i really don't.
I would have been more inclined to think this way before S3 came out, because it had just been so long since the original series. Reviving the show just seemed like a questionable idea when I first started hearing about it. But honestly, The Return just blew my mind completely, so I have faith in Lunch and Frost. The dudes have still got it.

And anyway, you might think you don't want anymore Twin Peaks, but how would you know for sure until it actually came along?

10-02-2019, 10:46 PM
I would have been more inclined to think this way before S3 came out, because it had just been so long since the original series. Reviving the show just seemed like a questionable idea when I first started hearing about it. But honestly, The Return just blew my mind completely, so I have faith in Lunch and Frost. The dudes have still got it.

And anyway, you might think you don't want anymore Twin Peaks, but how would you know for sure until it actually came along?

idunno but i sure want some lunch now ;)

i just don't want anyone to mess with how well it was wrapped up, y'know? but maybe i'm being too pessimistic.

10-03-2019, 01:36 AM
If they leave it to Lynch I'm game. The Return was incredible

10-04-2019, 02:27 PM
idunno but i sure want some lunch now ;)

lol. fucking autocorrect.

i just don't want anyone to mess with how well it was wrapped up, y'know? but maybe i'm being too pessimistic.

I feel like the ending of S3 was designed to be relatively conclusive in the event that this was the last season they ever made, but also somewhat open-ended so that they could continue on if they had the chance. There's something intriguing to me about exploring that strange alternative reality that Coop seems to have slipped into at the end. A lot of people think it's a dream, but that theory doesn't quite hold up to me. I don't really know what's going on at the end of the season, but it's cool, and I wouldn't mind seeing where else they could take us.

Lynch has a pretty strong sense of artistic integrity. I don't think he would make something unless he had solid ideas that he thought were truly worthwhile.

10-08-2019, 01:52 AM
idunno but i sure want some lunch now ;)

i just don't want anyone to mess with how well it was wrapped up, y'know? but maybe i'm being too pessimistic.I see. You're afraid they might not get it right. I can ride with that.

10-09-2019, 12:06 AM
I see. You're afraid they might not get it right. I can ride with that.

exactly. now where's my lunch??? :p

10-26-2019, 11:03 AM

Got a spare 4.5 hours?
This guy has some fairly interesting ideas. And, there is obviously a LOT here.
Some of it is quite a reach, but I definitely agree with other parts, and this dude expounds on a few thoughts some of us have already had.

Even if you don't buy any of it, if you're like me, you're a sucker for a well researched Twin Peaks deep dive.
It's a well articulated, well written, HUGE theory, at any rate, and the guy is clearly an insanely passionate, fairly intelligent dude.

10-29-2019, 09:15 PM
Got a spare 4.5 hours?
This guy has some fairly interesting ideas. And, there is obviously a LOT here.
Some of it is quite a reach, but I definitely agree with other parts, and this dude expounds on a few thoughts some of us have already had.

Even if you don't buy any of it, if you're like me, you're a sucker for a well researched Twin Peaks deep dive.
It's a well articulated, well written, HUGE theory, at any rate, and the guy is clearly an insanely passionate, fairly intelligent dude.
I saw it, it's a really interesting watch, obviously it could be called an interpretation and not a definitive explanation, but i really liked it and i think he makes some great points.

10-30-2019, 11:10 AM

Got a spare 4.5 hours?
This guy has some fairly interesting ideas. And, there is obviously a LOT here.
Some of it is quite a reach, but I definitely agree with other parts, and this dude expounds on a few thoughts some of us have already had.

Even if you don't buy any of it, if you're like me, you're a sucker for a well researched Twin Peaks deep dive.
It's a well articulated, well written, HUGE theory, at any rate, and the guy is clearly an insanely passionate, fairly intelligent dude.

This video makes me really interested as to what NIN's trilogy releases were (originally) supposed to be.

11-01-2019, 03:06 PM
This video makes me really interested as to what NIN's trilogy releases were (originally) supposed to be.

Wanna watch a long youtube video of theories about The Trilogy and its relation to Twin Peaks ?

11-03-2019, 07:26 PM
Wanna watch a long youtube video of theories about The Trilogy and its relation to Twin Peaks ?sign me up.
For the record, I'm 99% sure CBH is about Twin Peaks, and 99.5% sure SGA is, also

Edit: lol henryeatscereal , I was originally gonna tag you in that original post, because I knew you'd watch all of it, like I did

11-03-2019, 07:28 PM
SGA was written specifically for TP wasn't it? The lyrics certainly seem related to Laura.

11-03-2019, 09:26 PM
SGA was written specifically for TP wasn't it? The lyrics certainly seem related to Laura.
you know, i wasn't sure about that. it certainly seems likely, but, at the time, it seemed like it was part of a concept album, you know?

has there been confirmation as to whether or not it was specifically written for TP?

i agree that the lyrics certainly fit, as does the timing, and the part where it was on the show. but i gotta admit that, even though you're probably right, i wasn't looking at it that way at first

edit: nevermind. yeah, it was confirmed, and i missed it. :/
actually, tbh, i FORGOT about it.

Ok, but what about CBH? i don't think THAT one was confirmed, but the lyrics fit cooper's perspective, imho, and lynch directed the video, of course, and it looks to me like t-rez is playing cooper in the video

11-04-2019, 10:18 AM
you know, i wasn't sure about that. it certainly seems likely, but, at the time, it seemed like it was part of a concept album, you know?

has there been confirmation as to whether or not it was specifically written for TP?

i agree that the lyrics certainly fit, as does the timing, and the part where it was on the show. but i gotta admit that, even though you're probably right, i wasn't looking at it that way at first

edit: nevermind. yeah, it was confirmed, and i missed it. :/
actually, tbh, i FORGOT about it.

Ok, but what about CBH? i don't think THAT one was confirmed, but the lyrics fit cooper's perspective, imho, and lynch directed the video, of course, and it looks to me like t-rez is playing cooper in the video

This breakdown (https://medium.com/@BrandonWetherbee/twin-peaks-the-return-theory-1-came-back-haunted-ffdab173a2d4) suggests Hesitation Marks as a whole is a tribute to Twin Peaks, and by extension, The Downward Spiral. This was written after the first 4 episodes; no clue if this guy continued his hypothesis. There is a decent breakdown of the "Came Back Haunted" video.

11-04-2019, 01:30 PM
Edit: lol @henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) , I was originally gonna tag you in that original post, because I knew you'd watch all of it, like I did
It took me like 5 days but i did it, lol

SGA was written specifically for TP wasn't it? The lyrics certainly seem related to Laura.
It seems it is about Laura, "Reptile", also seems to be about her...

In the "Not The Actual Events" Physical component a fragment of "Reptile" is embedded on the "She's Gone Away" lyric sheet (Though, i do consider that song more like "Bob's point of view...")

All of this reminded me of this great fan video:


11-05-2019, 01:11 AM
It took me like 5 days but i did it, lol

It seems it is about Laura, "Reptile", also seems to be about her...

In the "Not The Actual Events" Physical component a fragment of "Reptile" is embedded on the "She's Gone Away" lyric sheet (Though, i do consider that song more like "Bob's point of view...")

All of this reminded me of this great fan video:

I also caught a "you can never really go home" vibe from The Return, and a sort of sadness about things being gone/not the same.

And THAT fits with the lyric "she's gone away," as in Laura, AND the original vibe of the show.

Also, the lyric about "can't get the feeling back."

I wonder if that relates, too. I felt like part of the theme of season 3 was that twin peaks isn't twin peaks anymore, sort of.

But I would suggest that 4.5 hour YouTube video to any twin peaks fanatic. I don't agree that this is the "final word/mystery solved," and it is a LITTLE annoying that the youtuber presents it as such, but he does make a LOT of good points.

Edit: holy shit, henryeatscereal , I never thought of reptile lining up with TP. Now THAT'S interesting.

11-05-2019, 12:08 PM
Edit: holy shit, @henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) , I never thought of reptile lining up with TP. Now THAT'S interesting.
Could be it was "Inspired by..." and not literally about Laura and TP, but it does seem there is a strong connection and it makes sense Trent would already have a song inspired by TP way before he met Lynch.

11-07-2019, 01:22 PM
Reptile samples Laura's theme

we talked about it in a different thread and someone was being very pedantic about it (not me) and pointed out that it's technically an interpolation (as it's not sampled, it's actually played). but yeah, i think there's no denying that reptile and she's gone away are intrinsically linked to both twin peaks and each other.

11-13-2019, 02:18 AM
we talked about it in a different thread and someone was being very pedantic about it (not me) and pointed out that it's technically an interpolation (as it's not sampled, it's actually played). but yeah, i think there's no denying that reptile and she's gone away are intrinsically linked to both twin peaks and each other.well I'll be damned.

it's also interesting to me that there are inexorable links between David Lynch, David Bowie, and NIN-I feel like Outside is pretty damn lynchian.
It seems like those guys all sort of got each other.

04-05-2020, 11:11 AM
Kyle MacLachlan is hosting a virtual ‘Twin Peaks’ viewing party

04-05-2020, 11:17 AM
got a light?

11-05-2020, 05:34 PM
Dougie Jones lost his Senate seat, I'm afraid.

12-27-2020, 11:56 AM
Been waiting for this


01-11-2021, 08:11 AM

01-11-2021, 12:26 PM
Love the RLM guys, they truly love and get Lynch

01-13-2021, 02:20 PM
I had another Monica Bellucci dream.