View Full Version : Pet Sematary (2019)

frankie teardrop
10-10-2018, 09:52 AM

How we feeling about this, fam? I was very hesitant at first, didn't think the movie needed to be remade, but I'm all in... Pet Sematary is by far my favorite King novel, insomuch that we almost named our son Gage but I chickened out, as we live across from a cemetery where trucks fly down the road at all speeds.

If they can capture a shred of the brutality of this book, it's gonna be a corker.

10-10-2018, 02:08 PM
I think it looks amazing. Pet Semetery is the one King's novel that disturbed me the most. That trailer gave me the creeps.

I can't wait.

10-10-2018, 02:21 PM
100% opposed to this unless Lithgow's gone back and overdubbed all of his lines with a thick, disgusting, and totally over-exaggerated Maine accent since the trailer was released.


10-10-2018, 02:25 PM
So now they're remaking films that were done correctly in the first place? Gotcha.

frankie teardrop
10-10-2018, 02:32 PM
yeah truth be told i do have some reservations - lithgow's (lack of) accent and the...unnecessary-ness of it all. mary lambert did an excellent job with the original film, a faithful adaptation with king's own script in play, but i guess i'm just relishing the opportunity to live in this world whenever i can.

10-11-2018, 09:49 AM
There are so many King adaptations that didn't quite work or simply didn't age well (see: IT) that could benefit from a redo... But this? No reason to remake. I will give it a chance and hope that it will great, but I resent it a little bit.

10-12-2018, 09:44 AM
yeah truth be told i do have some reservations - lithgow's (lack of) accent...



10-14-2018, 12:30 PM
So now they're remaking films that were done correctly in the first place? Gotcha.

Its not new ,they done remake of most Horror classic that didnt need remakes
-Nightmare on elm street
-Friday the 13th

And the list goes on ...

10-16-2018, 07:49 AM
Idk. Nothing wrong with a well done update, imho.
If nothing else, it gets the story out to a new generation that might not be interested in watching a thirty year old movie. Dear god. Yes, the original turns thirty next year.

Conan The Barbarian
10-17-2018, 07:27 AM
Its not new ,they done remake of most Horror classic that didnt need remakes
-Nightmare on elm street
-Friday the 13th

And the list goes on ...

I don’t know, I thought f13 remake was pretty bad ass.

But this is the result of it being a success. I’m sure we will get a Christine remake with a Delorean.

02-07-2019, 10:18 AM
The second trailer is really spoiler heavy and gives away some of the changes them made to the original. I don't love this, the only good thing that might come out of this is that we might get a glimpse of the wendigo...


02-07-2019, 02:35 PM
Spoiler heavy? Feels like i've just watched the whole film in 2 mins :D

02-07-2019, 04:25 PM
Spoiler heavy? Feels like i've just watched the whole film in 2 mins :D

i feel like that's how 90% of trailers are these days :(

02-08-2019, 10:53 AM
i feel like that's how 90% of trailers are these days :(

I try to be alert about that kind of thing all the time anymore. I miss having more trailers that keep an air of mystery about them.

For example, I’m avoiding this trailer like the plague after hearing about how much it shows. It might not make a difference to me in the end either way, but if there’s something that might spoil a surprise, I’d prefer steering clear until I can see the whole thing in context.

02-08-2019, 11:44 AM
Was that the bad guy from Dexter/Harry and the hendersons? sweetah!

02-08-2019, 12:26 PM
... I’m avoiding this trailer like the plague after hearing about how much it shows. It might not make a difference to me in the end either way, but if there’s something that might spoil a surprise, I’d prefer steering clear until I can see the whole thing in context.
Me too, man, and I'm damn glad Reaps and hellospaceboy warned us. Thank you two.

02-08-2019, 01:04 PM
I try to be alert about that kind of thing all the time anymore. I miss having more trailers that keep an air of mystery about them.

i always give the trailer for the shining (with the blood pouring out of the elevators) as a perfect example of a perfect trailer. it gives away nothing about the movie but it definitely makes you want to watch it. that's the kind of thing i want.

04-05-2019, 12:40 AM
I was actually excited to see a movie maybe take a decent stab at doing Pet Sematary justice.

This movie is dogshit. Don't bother, I saw it so you don't have to. It's a remake of the first adaptation more than it is a true realization of the story from the novel, and it follows the original movie's first hour slavishly for an hour or so... then everything becomes seemingly arbitrary changes for no real reason... and then it dissolves into the worst shit that modern ghost-story horror movies have become. I couldn't stop laughing my ass off during what was supposed to be the finale clincher moment.

FUCK this movie.

This review does a decent job at spelling it out (https://nowtoronto.com/movies/reviews/pet-sematary-remake-stephen-king/)

04-05-2019, 10:29 AM
I still plan on seeing this despite your review. I am a HUGE King fan and enjoy even the cheesier movies that were made out of his books (the original IT movie, The Dead Zone, Thinner, etc). I went through a period where I read a King book, and then automatically followed it up with the movie. I'm excited regardless, I know the original book ending and movie ending so this is nothing new.

04-05-2019, 11:20 AM
I still saw it despite a warning, and you might enjoy it. It just felt like they even went into casting for this one trying to find people who looked like the 1989 cast... I feel like I can’t really go into why it REALLY screwed up without major spoilers though...

04-05-2019, 11:36 PM

I really hated the trailer, almost everything in it rubbed me the wrong way, but was still hoping that maybe, somehow, it would be a good movie... I guess it isn't.

04-05-2019, 11:39 PM

I really hated the trailer, almost everything in it rubbed me the wrong way, but was still hoping that maybe, somehow, it would be a good movie... I guess it isn't.

At this point, I'm just waiting to see if I'm just crazy... see it, tell me I'm wrong! Please!

Because if anything, this movie was something like that Psycho remake with Vince Vaughn, but if the filmmaker decided to get "creative" right when the killing started... but up until that point kept it the "shot for shot" concept. And this is regarding an adaptation that was, let's be real, a really unsatisfying adaptation of a pretty great (and simple) story.

Why is this so hard to do right.

04-07-2019, 08:14 PM
You're not far off Jin... The first hour of the movie treats the audience like a bunch of morons with actually reading exposition from a dam book. One person in the crowd yelled "WE GET IT" followed my many agreeing heads nodding. The second half is much better, but that isn't saying much. I will say it isn't the worst remake out of the bunch.

04-09-2019, 10:19 AM
Honestly not sure why this moving is getting so much hate. I liked this better than the silly Halloween movie that came out last year. On top of that, (I am a big King fan) I went into the movie after reading review and thought it was good. Not BAD, Not AWFUL, Not AMAZING, just good. I liked it. I got pretty much what I expected. The original movie is nothing great either so I honestly don't know what everyone was expecting. I thought the slightly different ending was kind of cool, but there were one or two parts of the movie that I wished were a bit different.

All in all, I am sticking by my statement that I enjoyed it, but it was pretty much what I expected, and not in a bad way. A lot of the reviews above my post on here seem uber critical and I just dont understand why. This isnt like some groundbreaking movie. Anyone who read the novel or saw the original movie knew what they were getting into, so leave the hate at the door and just go in for an enjoyable hour and forty minutes haha.

04-16-2019, 12:20 AM
I'm glad you liked it, but really, it's not about the original movie being great... it has some classic camp, but it's a bad adaptation.

The book is good. This new movie is a "new take" on the 1989 movie, imho.