View Full Version : HAYSEY'S Good and Bad Cinema Thread 2019

01-14-2019, 08:14 AM
Welcome to Haysey's Good & Bad Cinema Thread 2019!

Another year and another thread of my reactions to the films i see this year. You can click on the years to find my 2017 and 2018 reactions! Last year was a pretty awesome year for films!

It's become pretty obvious i can't see 52 films a year (i either burn my self out and watch films i have no interest in or there just isn't enough out in said week) so i'll be aiming for a more manageable film every 2 weeks approach, with any extra's seen in that time a bonus! Note i only include films i have to go to the cinema to see as it's one of the only things i have to encourage me to get out of my flat, and it's pretty important for my mental health that i keep given myself a reason to!

I'll post my reactions/mini reviews below and list each film in one of 4 easy category's like last year based on how i rated them, these are Must See, Check It Out, Wait for the DVD and Avoid. Feel free to agree/disagree/recommend films.

Here is a list of films out this year i will be checking out (providing i can get to a cinema showing them all) Yellow being ones i'm most excited for (i'll cross them off as i see them) Expect this to expand as i hear about films (please feel free to recommend some!)...

Dragonball Super Broly, Alita: Battle Angel, Glass, The LEGO Movie 2, Captain Marvel, Shazam!, Hellboy, Avengers Endgame, Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, John Wick 3, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, Dark Phoenix, Men in Black: International, Toy Story 4, Spider-man: Far From Home, F&F: Hobbs & Shaw, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Crawl, Ad Astra, Rambo: Last Blood, The New Mutants (This is never coming out!), Joker, Gemini Man, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, The Addams Family, Terminator: Dark Fate, Charlies Angels, Knives Out, Sonic the Hedgehog (Moved to next year), Jumanji: The Next Level, Star Wars: Episode IX, And some potential Anime films if they get UK cinema releases.

So far i have seen 25/26 films this year...

Must See
Dragonball Super Broly (x2)
Avengers Endgame (x2)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (x2)
Knives Out

Check It Out
Spider-Man Far From Home
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu
John Wick 3
Jumanji: The Next Level
BlackFox (On Crunchyroll)
Alita: Battle Angel
Captain Marvel
Toy Story 4
LEGO Movie 2
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Day Shall Come
Star Wars : Rise of the Skywalker
F&F: Hobbs & Shaw

Wait for the DVD
Men in Black: International
The Favourite

X-men : Dark Phoenix

bobbie solo
01-14-2019, 02:45 PM
having flashbacks of the poster who shall not be named.

01-15-2019, 02:32 AM
having flashbacks of the poster who shall not be named.

It's only on the watch list as i'm a die hard fan...pretty sure it'll give me nightmares!

01-21-2019, 08:03 AM

Doing something a little different this year, in an effort to be more social (as well as using the cinema as a means of getting out) i'm going to post Mini Reaction Reviews on Insta (with my little anime version of me, with the idea being you'll be able to tell my reaction from his expression) and embed them here with a longer review/reaction of sorts. If i enjoy it i might stretch it to Anime reactions of each new season shows and what not. Feel free to follow me (be warned i plan on posting loads of models/build kits i plan on doing)

Anyway i saw Glass at the weekend...it was alright.
It's not a patch on Unbreakable and Split (the 2 previous films in this surprise trilogy) and is a little long...but it's entertaining enough.
The ending also felt a bit off to me, i like how this rounds off the 3 films, but it felt so...anti-climatic.

If you enjoyed the previous films, especially James MacCovy (who is excellent again in this!) you enjoy this, Worth Checking Out.

Edit: OK just noticed you get my full review in the post as well, so i'll stick to just adding bit i couldn't fit/missed on Insta!

01-24-2019, 02:34 AM

Go home cinema 2019, you've peaked!

Quick recap, Dragonball Super is the continuation of Dragonball Z, which spawned a number of non-cannon films, before Battle of Gods and Resurrection F started making cannon films which became Super. This Super Broly films is taken the ideas from 3 of the better movies (Broly the Legendary Super Sayian, Fusion Reborn and the Bardock Father of Goku Special) and making them cannon in Super...and it's without a doubt the best movie in the franchise!

I'll go in spoilers in the dragonball thread but this film has it all for Dragonball fans! It's so much fun.

On a slight downer i need to stop going to the West India Queys Cineworld for anime screenings, every-time i do there's an issue at the screening (Ghost in the Shell changed the screen on the day so every ones seats were fucked, i went from booking a seat at the back to having it changed to the corner of the front row and Mary and the Witches Flower LOST the subtitles!) This time the heating was broken...which is an issue when its -1 outside, and the audio was fucked, so the backing music in EVERY scene was almost impossible to hear. This was the same for the trailers. I'm seeing it again at another cinema.

Otherwise this was a great film and a Must See!

01-25-2019, 03:23 PM
If you like Split or Unbreakable you'll probably enjoy this


02-04-2019, 06:44 AM

I've had all weekend to let one of the big Oscar front runners, The Favourite, sit and...yeah it really wasn't for me.

I said in my insta post how well made, acted and written it is, and that is true. I can't argue with the awards it'll rake up and there's a reason it's up for the Oscars it is...i just really didn't enjoy it.

The best way to describe it would be when there's a meal everyone has been telling you you'll love and need to try, so you get hyped up on this dish, and when you finally get to try it...it's just fine. Everything is cooked well enough, and it has a unique flavour, but you just didn't enjoy it enough to every want to try it again and honestly feel unsatisfying and just want to order a pizza.

...i shouldn't have wrote this before lunch, anyway it's worth seeing just to make your own mind up, but if i'm being honest i'd say wait for the DVD/Stream.

As a side note why do i keep getting stuck with utter dicks sat next to me!? This couple spent the ENTIRE film loudly commenting on what was happening "OH THAT'S SO FUNNY" "HAHA SHE'S GOT HER GOOD" and then THEY get offended when you ask them to be quite

02-09-2019, 09:16 AM

Hollywood finally made an anime/manga film that didn't make me angry...and i actually enjoyed...is the end nigh?

Being honest i'm not as clued up on Alita as i should be, the last time i read the Manga was some 15 years ago, in the dark basement of Forbidden Planets old Tottenham Court Road store, and from what i can remember it was very story heavy (it was also only the first several chapters, there were many MANY more!)

Thankfully James Cameron clearly had some passion in making this as true to the manga when he did the screenplay, and for anyone else this would have been just as dull as Ghost in the Shell, but this is alot of fun despite cramming in SO MUCH to just a 2 hour run time. It isn't a perfect movie by ANY stretch, but it's the best version of Alita we are EVER likely too see, and it does LOOK very nice. The action scenes are really great to watch!

I'm probably going to re-watch this at IMAX just to try and enjoy more of the attention to detail, and i might move this up to Must See, but for now this is well worth checking out at a cinema if you get the chance!

03-09-2019, 12:59 PM

Finally got around to uploading my mini review/reaction for this.

Said pretty much all i wanted to say in the INSTA post, but it was good, not 'LEGO Movie 1' good, but good...and that ending credits bit was just a joy to watch!
Also, single best Radiohead reference/joke in cinema...EVER!

Worth checking out (if it's still out!)

03-09-2019, 01:07 PM

Really enjoyed this. Whilst to do agree Disney/Marvel films do hit the same similar beats (Jokey Action movies for PG crowds)...they do it so well. And it's an interesting way to introduce Captain Marvel to the MCU without doing the normal origin story and give Nick Fury some more screen time. Though Marvel have left me with one really important question...did Goose survive the snap, DID GOOSE SURVIVE THE SNAP MARVEL?!

If your on the MCU train this is definitely worth checking out!

04-08-2019, 02:49 AM

DC finally put together a solid, well written and fun movie without any noticeable flaws...about bloody time!

SHAZAM! is a bloody good time, it's fun, funny, and the final 3rd is great (something that let Wonder Women down for me) and the CGI is actually good! Honestly worth checking out, especially if you have some younger family members, they'll love it!

We are about to hit the busy season now, Hellboy, Avengers, Detective Pikachu, John Wick and Godzilla are all out over the next 8 weeks, as well as other films that might be worth looking at :eek:

04-26-2019, 09:43 AM

Wanted to do a new mini me for the review but i just couldn't get the look right for what i wanted to do (and got frustrated so just used an old one, i do have an idea for Detective Pickachu so i'll do it for that)

Anyway i LOVED Endgame, this was my second viewing and there were so many little bits i missed the first time (No Spoilers here) just everything was so well done. Works even better back to back with Infinity War.

Might see it a 3rd time just to take some notes and to enjoy that last hour again, fudge that was so gooooooood!

Must see.

05-13-2019, 03:13 AM

Well this year has certainly been a great year so far for me film wise, Detective Pikachu was much better than it had any right to be, and the Poke-fan in me just couldn't help but smile all the way through! I went with another super poke-fan and she was just a thrilled with every little reference and Pokemon as i was...and the entire audience! It's always a great sign when a kids film can keep the attention of a packed cinema of under 10's, only making noise when their fav Pokemon appears on screen, it was pretty fucking great!

If you have kids or liked Pokemon in any way you will defiantly enjoy this. Worth checking out.

Next is John Wick 3 and Godzilla...both of which have been getting some rave early reactions! It's a good time to be a cinema fan!

05-20-2019, 02:41 AM

John Wick 3 was everything i was hoping it was! Not as good as the 2nd, but i'm still amazed these films have kept the same level of consistency...good consistency, throughout the run! I do miss the planning he did in the previous films, which really added to the awesomeness of the fights scenes, but considering what was happening plot wise i can't really fault it for not being there. The film makers also know what a good boy is and i'd like very much to see more good boys in fight scenes.

Worth checking out if you liked the first 2 (and if you haven't seen the first 2 please do, they are excellent!)

As a side note i've done a little cleaning on my list. I moved Glass to wait for the DVD as, as much as i did enjoy it, it really hasn't held up against some of the other films i've seen this year (all of which i'd re-watch in a heartbeat over Glass) but otherwise everything is as is...it's been a great year so far for me film wise! Godzilla for my birthday too :D

06-05-2019, 06:13 AM

Now i know what alot of you are thinking "a must see, but critics hated this!" and i'm not going to try and convince you they're wrong, this was just my take away from the movie and (as a freaking MASSIVE fan of the original rubber suit movies) i just LOVED the B movie feel and AWESOME looking monster shots, for me it was as good as it has gotten from Hollywood (but Shin Godzilla is still my fav Godzilla movie)

The shots of Rodan bursting out the volcano over Mexico, King Ghidorah in it's self made storm, Godzilla swimming in the dark whilst pulsing toward the camera, they were just SO DAMN GOOD to me! And the little nods in the film to the original movies, KG being Monster Zero, the Oxygen Destroyer, FUCKING BURNING GODZILLA! It was like i was a kid again (as evidenced by me wanting to draw both my approved and disproved drawings for my mini review)

This won't be for everyone, the level of movies this year has been high and most will agree with critics that the human story robs the film of it's best moments, but if you are anything like me and enjoy silly B movie monster films looking fucking amazing then give this a shot. For me it's a must see, and i'm definitely seeing it again!

06-10-2019, 03:16 AM

I'll be honest here, all things considered...The Last Stand is more entertaining then this. Not a 'better' film, just more fun to watch, Dark Phoenix is just kinda forgettable and really boring...at least to me it was.

There are some cool action bits in the fights and the score was very cool, but i just couldn't get into this film at all. Most of the actors (and there are some brilliant actors here) just don't look interested, the plot starts strong but just falls apart an hour in...it just wasn't all that good. It's not a bad film (i have seen much MUCH worse) but it's just not all that enjoyable to watch. As far as a send off to the x-men goes, this is a less a 'bang' and more a 'meh'. But we do get Dazzler...that's a plus right?

If you really care about these characters then wait for a stream/DVD, otherwise this is a solid 'skip' from me unfortunately.

bobbie solo
06-10-2019, 01:43 PM
I'm seeing it anyway! I've seen all these damn movies in the theatre, im not stopping now!

06-11-2019, 02:12 AM
I'm seeing it anyway! I've seen all these damn movies in the theatre, im not stopping now!

Each to their own :D My mini reviews shouldn't be taken as an absolute to see a film or not, just my opinion on a film, you very well might get something more out of it then me.

06-19-2019, 03:02 AM

Quick update on MIB International...not as boring as Dark Phoenix or the other 2 MIB sequels...but not great either.
You'll see the 'twist's' coming a MILE away, the effects can sometime be quite bad (the green screen, OH THE GREEN SCREEN!) but entertaining enough.

Fine if you have nothing else on but should probably wait for the DVD honestly :p

06-24-2019, 02:48 AM

Can we get a film just centred around Forky and Duke Caboom? YES WE CANADA!!!

Also can somebody PLEASE high five Combat Carl's friend?!

Good movie, the kids (and probably the parents/grandparents) will love it, check it out!

07-03-2019, 02:49 AM


Spoiler free mind, it is a lot of fun. The first did still feel a little uneven but it all came together for the second half and Mysterio is freaking great!

Well worth checking out :D

08-12-2019, 02:54 AM

I completely forgot to do this review when i saw it, mainly as i got side tracked having Wagamama with a friend and creating anime characters based on desserts! Anyway everything that can be said i have said in the above. It's a fun film, worth seeing.

As a little update i've added a bunch of films to my list, and updated some that are no longer out this year. Also i've recently invested in a new drawing tablet, so my mini reviews should get getting a little bit slicker ;)

08-27-2019, 03:42 AM

Missed the last couple of weeks due to a family member passing away, so i might have missed Hollywood, but i did manage to see Crawl and i'm glad i did. It was the perfect length (about 90mins) and just a fun creature/monster movie.

Not going to win any awards but you won't be sad you spent your time watching it, worth checking out.

10-06-2019, 02:56 AM

I have a number of feeling about this film, in the pro's its a very well shot movie, the music is on point, i like how it shows how Gotham became the mess it is and Phoenix is just amazing, he really went all in on this character and deserves all the allclaim he gets...but, on the cons i really don't like this version of the Joker. The more the film goes on, and the references to Bruce, the more i just started thinking that Batman, any version of him, would have NO issue dealing with him....but that shouldn't take away from this stand alone film, i just wish they'd removed all the references to the Waynes, they just didn't need to be there. They also put in the Wayne's death for the hundredth time. I did get a cool looking holographic poster though.

It's a good film, its dark and uncomfortable and well done...but i wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again, and i'm just not a fan of this Joker personally. Worth checking out to make up your own mind.

10-07-2019, 03:15 AM

This wasn't in a cinema unfortunately, the UK has been so sparse this year with actual anime in cinemas, but it was a surprise...mainly as i just thought it was the first episode in a new anime show :eek:
Really good watch, the characters are very likeable and fun to watch, and it really doesn't feel like a film (the time just flies by)

Worth checking out on Cruncyroll (i don't think my free passes have been used yet either if anyone wants to grab one)

10-14-2019, 08:45 AM

10-26-2019, 11:31 AM

Without given too much away about the plot i really liked soe stuff in this and didn't like others, but as a whole enjoyed what the film was trying to do and how it did it.

Pros inc the opening, Grace, some of the action set pieces and that it brings a definitive end to the ARnie Terminator/Sarah/John story. Also felt in style and tone like a proper sequel to T2.

Cons inc the pacing, it felt a bit too long and could have chopped out some of the stuff, some of the action scenes were way to jump cut and dark to see what was happening and some of the cgi on the new Terminator made it look like a rubber man bouncing around.

All in all i enjoyed what i saw, and feels to me like a satisfactory end to the Conners story, not as good as the first 2 but the best of the rest. Worth checking out if you like Terminator (or stream it when it's out with some nerds and a pizza!)

11-27-2019, 08:46 AM

Only the 2nd Anime film of the year but it's just as good as the last! Can't understate how good this film looks, the colour Platte is just SO GOOD, and coupled with some fucking fantasic character designs this was ticking ALL THE BOXES for me, but then i adore original looking animations.

I would have liked some more time with some of the other characters, but at 2 hours already and the film not really having any filler that was probably never going to happen.

All in all though one of my favourite films this year, i'll probably go and see the dubbed version in a few days too. A MUST SEE!

This weekend though it's Knives Out, very much looking forward to that.

12-02-2019, 02:36 AM

This film is SOOOOOOOO much fun! The cast are wonderful, the directing is great and it's just a really fun murder mystery. Defiantly avoid spoilers and go in dry, it's all the more great! I'll probably see this again at some point before christmas to see how it play's when you know the twists.

A must see from me :D

12-09-2019, 07:23 AM

If you liked the last one you'll like this one. I'm still not sure around the real world cast (it was the weakest aspect of the last film...that and the horrendous Sony product placement within the first 15mins!) but it is at least better this time around.

Also that last scene really opens thing up for another film...both good and bad. Also just noticed i used a poster for the last movie...oh well :p

Worth checking out before Star Wars and...Cats (there's no way in hell i'm watching that!) come out next week :)

12-09-2019, 07:31 AM

I have a number of feeling about this film, in the pro's its a very well shot movie, the music is on point, i like how it shows how Gotham became the mess it is and Phoenix is just amazing, he really went all in on this character and deserves all the allclaim he gets...but, on the cons i really don't like this version of the Joker. The more the film goes on, and the references to Bruce, the more i just started thinking that Batman, any version of him, would have NO issue dealing with him....but that shouldn't take away from this stand alone film, i just wish they'd removed all the references to the Waynes, they just didn't need to be there. They also put in the Wayne's death for the hundredth time. I did get a cool looking holographic poster though.

It's a good film, its dark and uncomfortable and well done...but i wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again, and i'm just not a fan of this Joker personally. Worth checking out to make up your own mind.I still haven't seen it, as I live like 80 plus miles away from a proper movie theater.

PERSONALLY, though, I kind of was hoping for Joker meets Taxi Driver. Is it anything like that? I've still managed to avoid spoilers, and for the record, I always read your film threads, and respect your opinions

12-09-2019, 08:37 AM
I still haven't seen it, as I live like 80 plus miles away from a proper movie theater.

PERSONALLY, though, I kind of was hoping for Joker meets Taxi Driver. Is it anything like that? I've still managed to avoid spoilers, and for the record, I always read your film threads, and respect your opinions

80miles?! Bloody hell! That's one hell of a trek just for a film :(
Well i can't possibly say as, to my great shame, i haven't seen Taxi Driver (hell there are a lot of older movies i haven't seen and i really should! I just have it stuck in my head i need to see a fim in a cinema, if it's on TV/stream i just can't get into the film unless it's something i already experienced in a cinema or there was never a cinema showing) i'm probably not the best person to ask really. I would recommend watching it at some point, maybe not a cinema though.

12-09-2019, 01:19 PM
80miles?! Bloody hell! That's one hell of a trek just for a film :(
Well i can't possibly say as, to my great shame, i haven't seen Taxi Driver (hell there are a lot of older movies i haven't seen and i really should! I just have it stuck in my head i need to see a fim in a cinema, if it's on TV/stream i just can't get into the film unless it's something i already experienced in a cinema or there was never a cinema showing) i'm probably not the best person to ask really. I would recommend watching it at some point, maybe not a cinema though.
Oh, dude. Watch Taxi Driver asap.

12-10-2019, 03:56 AM
Oh, dude. Watch Taxi Driver asap.

I know I know, your option of me would sink if you knew just how many classics i hadn't seen!

12-10-2019, 12:00 PM
I know I know, your option of me would sink if you knew just how many classics i hadn't seen!dude, you're mad prolific with your movie posts. My opinion of you will never sink.

01-07-2020, 06:03 AM

Finally got around to updating this some 6 days after 2019 ended (it's been a busy christmas)

I saw the Star Wars and it was...fine. It's still the worst of the 3 and the first of the 3 i haven't seen a second or third time, honestly my reaction coming out of the cinema was "well that's over, time to move on with my life". Disney definitely need to plan out whatever they are doing with these movies ahead of filming them, and give the 3 to ONE director. This one is fine though, it's not as bad as the prequels at least and has some cool Star Wars battles at the end.

See it if you like the Star Wars.

Now to start my 2020 thread!