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05-10-2021, 05:08 PM

I wonder how quickly this will disseminate to the states. My son is 15 and wants to get shot sooner rather than later.

05-10-2021, 06:03 PM
the amount of shots being administered is plummeting, which is so sad.
hopefully, kids will get their shots.

05-10-2021, 06:08 PM
I mean, if the available pool of people who need a shot is getting smaller then those numbers will get smaller as well. unless we're talking percentage points, then yeah those numbers falling is a bad thing.

05-10-2021, 08:57 PM
I wonder how quickly this will disseminate to the states. My son is 15 and wants to get shot sooner rather than later.

FDA authorizes Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for adolescents 12 to 15 years old (https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/05/10/coronavirus-vaccine-for-kids/)

halo eighteen
05-11-2021, 07:04 AM
Michigan just hit 55% of 16+ being vaccinated with at least one shot, so May 24th we'll officially be on Step 1 of 4 with getting vacc (back) to "normal" - every 5% we'll go up another step. It's probably gonna be a struggle to get to the goal of 70%, but I'm hopeful that can happen. Glad that our Governor is trying to do this the smart way instead of just saying fuck it and dropping all the mandates like so many other places seem to be. :rolleyes:

05-11-2021, 08:39 AM
You can just walk up to a CVS now and get one, like an ordinary flu shot. You don't even have to wait in line really. Come on, let's do this!
I have some friends who are just, for some reason, not doing it. Talked to one friend and he's pretty much like "ehhhh... nah, haven't gotten it. Dunno. Guess I'll have to at some point, if I want to travel out of the country or something..." and I just wasn't sure how to respond. When I tried to ask why he seemingly wasn't very enthusiastic about getting it, he says that he's been working long shitfts through the whole thing, and hasn't caught it.

I was about to say "fair enough, but..." and then decided there was no point. I could understand people being resistant when it was a huge PitA to get an appointment, but at this point, let's cut the shit. If you can get vaccinated, you should get vaccinated. I don't think we're going to get far trying to further explain how herd immunity works, we need to give people incentives, like a free month of Xbox Live or we'll upgrade your Hulu to have no ads. Free pre-roll joint w/ your next purchase.

Whatever it takes.

05-11-2021, 09:04 AM
My mom is waiting to get it, not because she doesn't think it works, but because she wants to see if there are any side effects. I guess I'll be her monkey. :p

05-11-2021, 09:23 AM
I don't think we're going to get far trying to further explain how herd immunity works, we need to give people incentives, like a free month of Xbox Live or we'll upgrade your Hulu to have no ads. Free pre-roll joint w/ your next purchase.

Whatever it takes.

A local bar just recently got a ton of people to get the shot by offering a free pint of beer afterwards. And a fuck ton of people signed up. Jesus christ how stupid is this country. But if it's working, then good lord turn the vaccine into the biggest dumbest marketing rollout of the year if you have to.

05-11-2021, 11:19 AM
A local bar just recently got a ton of people to get the shot by offering a free pint of beer afterwards.

NJ is doing something similar: "Shot & A Beer" program. Get a vaccine dose in the month of May and you can take your card to participating breweries for a free pint. It started with ten craft breweries in the state participating and is now up to 38. Unless they somehow mark your card (which I would assume they are not) you could, in theory, get 38 free pints of beer. Due to state alcohol rules it is only open to those who received shots in May. Pretty cool that so many breweries are participating.

05-12-2021, 10:25 AM
this is an interesting take on getting a shot:


05-13-2021, 04:42 AM
Got my first Pfizer one this morning. I was called last night about getting it this morning. Someone must have cancelled.

I expect to feel unwell for like 2 days now, lol

05-13-2021, 08:38 AM
For what it’s worth I got both shots without issue other than a sore arm for a couple days.

05-13-2021, 12:28 PM
Inslee announced this morning that the shot is available for 12-15 y/o's and my wife had my son awake and with an appointment in like 10 minutes after. Directly after his track practice today he's going to get the first shot. I should tell them that he should request non-throwing arm.

This weekend is going to be fraught as we watch him for reaction. he gets out of some chores though, lucky him.

05-13-2021, 12:34 PM
Inslee announced this morning that the shot is available for 12-15 y/o's and my wife had my son awake and with an appointment in like 10 minutes after. Directly after his track practice today he's going to get the first shot. I should tell them that he should request non-throwing arm.

This weekend is going to be fraught as we watch him for reaction. he gets out of some chores though, lucky him.

Glad your son is getting jabbed. Where do you live? I'm in West Seattle where there is no escaped, haha. I have to go downtown today & rather than deal with the Georgetown mess, I'll drive to Burien & cut over to I5 there. Miles out of my way but is quicker.

05-13-2021, 01:18 PM
Vancouver B, the suburb of Portland.

I was TDY'd to Seattle for two weeks when I first got this job; I think it attributed to my depression at the time.
“People talk about New York and Los Angeles when they discuss terrible traffic, but those people are dilettantes. Any true connoisseur of terrible traffic knows that Seattle is something special. In fact, Rutherford suspected that a big part of the reason there were so many environmentalists in Seattle was that the city itself was designed to make you hate your car.”

There's a longer part to the quote in the book but that's all Goodreads had on it. It goes into how the four big employers in the area are at the four cardinal points of Seattle proper so to get anywhere there is perpetual gridlock as people try to get to work. I 'lived' in the area just southeast of Burien (maybe you're familiar with it and the local eating establishment "Twin Peaks"?) and even though I was ~11 miles from work it took more than half an hour to get there in the morning and ~an hour plus to get back in the afternoon.

05-13-2021, 04:03 PM
CDC now says fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks. Indoors or out.

05-13-2021, 04:36 PM
yeah, there's just some shady shit going on with the CDC. seems they caved in to political pressure. what are you going to do, go up to someone at the supermarket who isn't wearing a mask and say, "are you vaccinated?"

I just don't have a good feeling about this.

we're not out of the woods yet.

just ask India.

05-14-2021, 09:28 AM
I don't feel good about it either, especially at my job! I'm the one in charge of taking everyone's temperatures and making sure they have a mask. Fingers crossed I don't get any crazies.

05-14-2021, 09:45 AM
Fuck all of that shit, my mask is staying glued to face until the WHO declares the pandemic officially over.

05-14-2021, 07:36 PM
CDC now says fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks. Indoors or out.

I'm still going to wear a mask in public spaces for the time being, because it's courteous and because I don't want to risk possibly infecting others with COVID.

05-14-2021, 09:08 PM
CDC now says fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks. Indoors or out.

And this is just inventing a new form of social stratification. Yes, it might be an incentive for the foolish to get vaccinated. Yes, it is a welcome relief for the already vaccinated! But it does set up an uncomfortable and unpredictable us/them situation. Society is already ultra stratified, having another reason might have unforeseen consequences.

(old fart says) Is that maskless young person really vaccinated? Should I ask them or just assume they are non compliant? (young fucknut says) Why should I still wear a mask when all the old farts are vaccinated and no longer wearing a mask? It is just a government plot to reduce oxygen availability for us young persons! We must rise up and assert our dominance and obvious moral superiority.

Well, perhaps I got a bit carried away there with elucidation.

05-14-2021, 10:31 PM
Well I know fuck all about containing a pandemic. But the no mask thing seems a couple months premature to me. Not to mention data on whether or not vaccinated people can spread it to others isn't so great. And then there's this fascinating anecdote. 7 New York Yankees coaching staff and at least one player tested positive. They all had the J&J vaccine. The player had actually already had covid. Maybe it was a variant, maybe that vaccine is just ineffective. It still prevents against severe symptoms but if it can still be spread then it has implications for the gen pop.

05-15-2021, 03:53 AM
it's just dumb and premature. now, some stores are saying "don't wear a mask if you're vaccinated" (will they be checking cards? unlikely) and others are saying "mask required" .

this is a disaster.

it's like we're inviting another surge to happen. and we're inviting it to mutate and infect the younger kids (below 12) .

05-15-2021, 04:01 AM
it's just dumb and premature. now, some stores are saying "don't wear a mask if you're vaccinated" (will they be checking cards? unlikely) and others are saying "mask required" .

this is a disaster.

it's like we're inviting another surge to happen. and we're inviting it to mutate and infect the younger kids (below 12) .

Conflicting information has been an issue all through the pandemic. Personally, I'm still not comfortable with the notion of hanging out with crowds, eating in restaurants etc & I am still going to exercise caution. The rush to reopen is solely fueled by money like most things sadly. Perhaps spring/summer is a mirage & the true test will be the coming fall/winter.

05-15-2021, 05:50 PM
And this is just inventing a new form of social stratification. Yes, it might be an incentive for the foolish to get vaccinated. Yes, it is a welcome relief for the already vaccinated! But it does set up an uncomfortable and unpredictable us/them situation. Society is already ultra stratified, having another reason might have unforeseen consequences.

(old fart says) Is that maskless young person really vaccinated? Should I ask them or just assume they are non compliant? (young fucknut says) Why should I still wear a mask when all the old farts are vaccinated and no longer wearing a mask? It is just a government plot to reduce oxygen availability for us young persons! We must rise up and assert our dominance and obvious moral superiority.

Well, perhaps I got a bit carried away there with elucidation.

You're not wrong.

05-15-2021, 06:05 PM
I got my first shot and I had a great discussion with the nurse who gave it to me about how we haven't been vaccinated against smallpox because smallpox has been eradicated.

Dear WHO: I was cheated of my smallpox vaccine as a child and I want it, damn it!

05-15-2021, 08:18 PM
Biggest observation I made while being out running errands today is that majority of men are now blatantly walking around without a mask and a permanent shit eating grin on their faces, while their girlfriends/wives/SOs are still wearing masks. So I guess facemask wearing is a sign of masculinity now...?

05-17-2021, 08:50 AM

We got ourselves another nutter...

halo eighteen
05-17-2021, 09:09 AM

We got ourselves another nutter...

https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/ (http://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/)

Unfortunately, it's already established that the man is pretty much trash.

05-17-2021, 09:09 AM
What a drama queen.

05-17-2021, 10:02 AM
https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/ (http://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/)

Unfortunately, it's already established that the man is pretty much trash.

Holy shit. This is new to me...somehow. WTF? What an asshole.

05-17-2021, 12:46 PM
I had my 2nd shot of Pfizer on Friday - didn't have any side effects! Woot!

05-28-2021, 11:10 PM
there's a bar here doing the vaccine drawing thing. I mentioned it to my coworker and he started a sentence that was basically 'oh yeah I'm dropping my beliefs for a video game' and I think he just said he wasn't vaccinated. which, I mean, I guess it shouldn't surprise me considering the Trump bumper stickers and giant purple Trump flag on his house?

But whatever. His wife is somewhat immunocompromised but hey he lives with her, not me, so I don't care.

06-05-2021, 07:40 AM
About to get my second dose of Moderna. Anyone that can fill me in on how bad the side effects are the second time around?

06-05-2021, 08:04 AM
About to get my second dose of Moderna. Anyone that can fill me in on how bad the side effects are the second time around?

I had essentially none. Sore arm for a few days and a tiny bit of fatigue in the afternoon the day after, but nothing that prevented me from doing anything I normally would. My roommates both had pretty strong flu like symptoms the day after, but were mostly fine the day after that.

06-05-2021, 12:38 PM
About to get my second dose of Moderna. Anyone that can fill me in on how bad the side effects are the second time around?

Aches & fever started developing ~11 hours post shot. Persisted through the night - chills were bad enough that I took ibuprofen for my fever. Peaked at 102.2F.
Next day felt fatigued, and the site of the shot itched for about a day. NBD.

06-05-2021, 11:29 PM
Aches & fever started developing ~11 hours post shot. Persisted through the night - chills were bad enough that I took ibuprofen for my fever. Peaked at 102.2F.
Next day felt fatigued, and the site of the shot itched for about a day. NBD.

That's about what I was expecting. A few people I know also had the moderna and said about the same thing except they said theirs lasted a whole week. I'm about 15 hours post shot now and haven't noticed much except some general malaise and a bit of a sore arm that so far isn't nearly as bad as the first time around. I don't really feel feverish but I probably should have had the foresight to get a thermometer to check.

06-06-2021, 06:23 AM
Girlfriend got her 2nd on Thursday, had some symptoms the following day but is starting to feel better. she was sad at how empty the place was though, compared to the first time. It really is a bummer that vaccine rates are slowing down in this country.

I fear for the fall.

06-06-2021, 01:09 PM
I'm gonna disappoint you guys and admit that I'm still scared to get the vaccine, and so is my wife. She has hep c and is on a nasty treatment, and my RA has been flaring up, HORRIBLY, and, neither of us think we could handle the side effects right now.

So we're still wearing masks, and social distancing, and only leaving the house when it's absolutely necessary.

06-06-2021, 04:02 PM
I actually think that kind of caution is okay. Not everyone is going to be able to get it because of various health issues. I think the real issue is all the relatively healthy people who aren't getting it because vaccinetruth69 on YouTube says you'll turn into a swamp monster if you take it. The aggressive misinformation being spread about it is part of why the vaccine rate is falling (the other is good ol' fashioned ignorance and pride), and it's probably why we'll see another surge of cases once summer ends. I'm hoping now that many are vaccinated that it won't be as severe as what we saw over this past winter, but I can't help but worry about new lockdowns and tensions flaring up from people who are "so over" the pandemic.

06-07-2021, 06:04 AM
Got my first shot today. I wonder if I'm the only one on this board getting a Russian vac (Sputnik)?

06-07-2021, 12:30 PM
I'm gonna disappoint you guys and admit that I'm still scared to get the vaccine, and so is my wife. She has hep c and is on a nasty treatment, and my RA has been flaring up, HORRIBLY, and, neither of us think we could handle the side effects right now.

So we're still wearing masks, and social distancing, and only leaving the house when it's absolutely necessary.

I'm reading stuff about how people with immunity issues aren't totally protected by the vaccine, anyway, so even if you GET the vaccine, you're going to have to live your life like you didn't.

Honestly, it's highly unlikely that anything either of you have would cause you to get any serious side effects from the vaccine (https://www.everydayhealth.com/rheumatoid-arthritis/things-people-with-rheumatoid-arthritis-must-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccines/); you're far more likely to suffer a worse side effect from the VIRUS or your DISEASE (https://www.everydayhealth.com/hepatitis-c/things-people-with-hepatitis-c-must-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccines/). The side effects from the vaccine compared to the shit you guys get from your diseases? Nothing. Walk in the park. And your diseases aren't known to exacerbate the side effects. Now, if you have blood clots or something, then it'd be a different story.

But, again, that being said, if you each get the vaccine, YOU in particular, you'd still have to live your lives really carefully, because you both have severely decreased production of antibodies.

I read this article about a guy who got the vaccine but didn't talk with his doc, first; he died of Covid after getting the vaccine. Ends up he had leukemia. No vaccine is gonna protect you when you have virtually ZERO immune system. His doc likely would have told him that. Instead, that guy got his vaccine and then went out into the world like he had an iron vaccine shield.

06-07-2021, 12:31 PM
well, I got the pfizer shot and personally it was a day of feeling a little shitty. I have some health concerns, but the reality is that actually contracting Covid is a way bigger concern w/ some of that stuff.

06-07-2021, 12:38 PM

I described it to people as this: I could have worked through the day, but if I had nothing going on at work, maybe I would have taken the day off. Mostly as a good excuse to take the day off. I did a ton of laundry all day, washed dishes, got a bunch of stuff done. Didn't even take a NAP. My husband? He stayed in bed all day, whining. But he's a much bigger baby than me. He admits this, LOL.

Was I "sick?" I'd say it was like mild flu symptoms, but maybe like when you first start getting the flu? But I think a lot of it is psychological. I didn't even THINK about it, so it faded into the background. My husband, on the other hand, spent all day hyper-focusing on every little symptom. "Do I have a fever?" I think I had a slight fever, but then I forgot about it. I've had worse hot flashes than this shit. If my husband ever had bad period cramps or menopause, he'd have to be hospitalized with meals delivered to his bed.

06-07-2021, 01:44 PM
If my husband ever had bad period cramps or menopause, he'd have to be hospitalized with meals delivered to his bed.

:D ... most men would. Once you bleed to death every month or pushed 14 inches through your hooha... what could possibly still throw you off the tracks? The human body is amazing and disgusting, all at the same time.

Got Pfizer/BioNTech myself and did not feel anything other than fatigue...which I bet was due to the fact that it was my first day out of office in a way too long time. No rest for the wicked.
Pfizer/BioNTech is as safe as it gets, looking at the shorter term studies and all the regulatory work that has been submitted. What happens in 15 years no one can really tell - unless you want to wait another 15 years. The technology is fairly new. But hey, the people worrying to the extreme about this are usually the same ones that down 5 liters of coke per day, live off shitty fastfood on a daily basis, are on smartphones 24/7 and even sleep on them and throw in a mixture of pills for every possible condition they might or might not have. In the end it's a decision everyone has to make for themselves and I for my part gave up reasoning with people..

06-07-2021, 01:57 PM
looking at the shorter term studies and all the regulatory work that has been submitted. What happens in 15 years no one can really tell - unless you want to wait another 15 years. The technology is fairly new.
Hasn't mRNA been studied for, like, 30 years or something?

But, yeah, that's exactly what I thought; I'm being bombarded by all kinds of shit on an hourly basis around me that's fucking me up - pollutants in the air, water, delivery of the food I eat, chemicals in my MAKEUP that isn't even regulated in this country but is banned in other countries, etc. etc. etc. but people are worried about this mRNA.

These idiots swigging Mountain Dew by the gallon and worrying about their DNA being damaged by a vaccine are likely the same people who thought we got cancer from the microwave oven.

Meanwhile, Naomi Wolf was finally banned from Twitter. Who's she? She was a sorta feminist who wrote some pretty famous books like "Backlash" and "The Beauty Myth" but went on to become an anti-vaxer who was telling people on Twitter that people who got the mRNA Covid vaccine put out some kind of energy that could make you sterile, or could make you miss periods, or suddenly have periods after you'd stopped having them, JUST BY STANDING NEXT TO PEOPLE WHO WERE VACCINATED.

She and her followers were also HEAVILY pushing ivermectin (https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19).

06-07-2021, 02:24 PM
Hasn't mRNA been studied for, like, 30 years or something?

The thing about mRNA is how gloriously unstable it is, so it's perfect for transient induction of weird proteins, such as the COVID spike protein. When the vaccines came into production, I was seriously impressed with the concept. Several former colleagues in the UK signed up for the trials, because we've work(ed) with similar systems.

But yah, it really is sad the pushback on this, but I expect nothing less from a society that has systematically dumbed down its population for decades because they're easier to control that way.

06-07-2021, 03:01 PM
Hasn't mRNA been studied for, like, 30 years or something?

But, yeah, that's exactly what I thought; I'm being bombarded by all kinds of shit on an hourly basis around me that's fucking me up - pollutants in the air, water, delivery of the food I eat, chemicals in my MAKEUP that isn't even regulated in this country but is banned in other countries, etc. etc. etc. but people are worried about this mRNA.

These idiots swigging Mountain Dew by the gallon and worrying about their DNA being damaged by a vaccine are likely the same people who thought we got cancer from the microwave oven.

Mountain Dew, I remember the first time I saw that shit..yeah, if it radiates poisonous green, it's probably not the best choice. The green Froot Loops also disappeared here. Officially because of rebranding and formula, inofficially because of regulations and chemical bans/restrictions. Man, I used to love the green ones as a kid. Can I blame my insanity on green Froot Loops now?

Anyways, 30 years is pretty accurate. It was in the early 90's when they first started injecting RNA vectors into rodents. But here's the catch, rodents. Preclinical studies. Pricey, cumbersome, often not reproducible in humans. The industry was, for a long time, not really interested in putting in the money, since RNA is highly instable, immunogenicity was hard to control and the ineffcient delivery methods made it a pain in the ass. Just because you could get it into a system did not mean it actually did its job where you wanted it to. The progress really came with different "delivery" methods for the mRNA, nano particles, viral vectors, and more gene editing to stabilize the material.
..So this was before we had nanoparticles, viral vectors and gene editing to stabilize RNA lifetime by adding molecules and tweaking around the sequences.

Before Covid hit, we were still in clinical trials with this entire mRNA vaccine approach. Interestingly not for any "common" disease but for targeted, personalized cancer therapy. A custom vaccine for "your very own" cancer. Simply spoken, they can analyze your tumour cells and target them with a specific custom made vaccine - or reprogram cells of your immune system (CAR T cells) to go track down the cancer cells that they could not detect before. Highly individualized, and high in profit - now it got the industry's attention.
For the DNA based approach (like J&J and AstraZeneca), there have been a couple other things going on before Covid. They tried for an Ebola vaccine and got approval in several countries. But hey, we are talking Ebola.

06-08-2021, 08:52 AM
:D ... most men would. Once you bleed to death every month or pushed 14 inches through your hooha... what could possibly still throw you off the tracks? The human body is amazing and disgusting, all at the same time.

I absolutely agree and say this all the time, especially when it comes to kidney stones. I’ve suffered through them twice now (the first one being the most absolutely unbearable; like, on the floor in agony at 1am unbearable), and watched this video the other day just out of random curiosity. Seeing the organ exposed and so naked like that makes you realise how delicate it all is.


06-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Whenever someone you're close to hesitates to get vaccinated, just tell 'em this:

Either you get the vaccine or you'll get covid. It's as simple as that. Since places will be opening up and lessen restrictions moving forward, there's no other option, really.

First thing I'll do when they allow kids to be vaccinated with Pfizer is getting my daughter a shot. I won't even think twice about it.

06-10-2021, 01:10 PM
Whenever someone you're close to hesitates to get vaccinated, just tell 'em this:

Either you get the vaccine or you'll get covid. It's as simple as that. Since places will be opening up and lessen restrictions moving forward, there's no other option, really.

First thing I'll do when they allow kids to be vaccinated with Pfizer is getting my daughter a shot. I won't even think twice about it.

Yup, because you can't reason with people. Plus, I'm tired of it.
Got to make your own decision on what's worse, a covid infection or possible vaccine side effects. Forcing people into it can't be the way.
I just feel sorry for people that are worried about family. Got a colleague with a nutter conspiracy theorist for a brother (with all sorts of chronic diseases) and is therefore of course worried about him catching Covid, but oh hey, what can you do other than tell them once, twice, maybe three times?

06-10-2021, 01:21 PM
Whenever someone you're close to hesitates to get vaccinated, just tell 'em this:

Either you get the vaccine or you'll get covid. It's as simple as that. Since places will be opening up and lessen restrictions moving forward, there's no other option, really.

Yeah but if you say that to literally anyone in the Midwest, you'll get laughter and some long winded conspiracy theory about how COVID isn't even real instead of any kind of self realization. People here are literally playing chicken with this shit because they think its funny to "own the libs" or some stupid shit like that.

06-10-2021, 03:59 PM
Let nature do its job then.
Sometimes I'm an asshole and don't like principles of solidarity.

06-11-2021, 08:38 AM
Yup, because you can't reason with people. Plus, I'm tired of it.
Got to make your own decision on what's worse, a covid infection or possible vaccine side effects.

I remember a couple months back, when the vaccine finally opened up to the full public here, the local news was covering covid. It is a pretty standard local broadcast and so there's really never any hint of political bias one way or the other compared to national news. The first segment I caught was this local guy complaining that he had had a headache for a week after getting his first dose and he is now hesitant to get the second dose. I'm thinking to myself, well that sucks no one wants a headache. The very next story was covering the surge that began a while back in India. There was footage of people in the streets (because hospitals were full) breathing heavy and gasping for air. Many of these people in the footage seemed to be very young and otherwise healthy, normal adults. And there they were looking like they were suffocating to death. And I'm thinking, I'll take the fucking headache.

It really is a dice roll at how covid affects you. You could be 80 and obese and not have symptoms or you could be 35 and in perfect health and it wrecks your lungs for life.

I think its reasonable to be concerned about how the vaccine will affect you. But with the millions that have received it already and its high effective rate, it's just such a low risk high reward proposition to me that I just don't see why everyone isn't jumping at the chance. And for what it's worth I just got my second dose a week ago. The second one was more intense than the first for sure but it was so short lived that I'd actually rather experience that again than I would the few days of shoulder pain I got from my first dose.

Obviously if people have medical conditions that's a different story, but at least ask a doctor about it, don't just assume you can't handle it. And for healthy people deciding they don't want it? I don't know what can be done about it. You can't force it, that would be wrong. But it's also wrong for those people to be so selfish by not taking into account people who actually can't handle it for legit medical reasons. As long as those two groups exist, one will always potentially infect the other. And who knows how long immunity from these vaccines even lasts? Or about variants.

06-11-2021, 09:17 PM
I'm going to be in the position of getting to choose what vaccine I get for my second dose.

I got AstraZenica for my first, and the province is going to allow me to choose between a second dose of AZ or either of the mRNA vaccines.

There's not a ton of data on the efficacy of mixing and matching, but what is out there seems to imply that it's at least on par, if not better than sticking with the same, but there's not enough data to say for sure yet.

It's going to be a bit of time, they're also making me wait until 12 weeks after my first dose, which isn't until July 13th, so hopefully some more data will come out before then that makes the decision a little bit more clear as to what I should get for my 2nd dose.

06-11-2021, 10:05 PM
It's going to be a bit of time, they're also making me wait until 12 weeks after my first dose, which isn't until July 13th, so hopefully some more data will come out before then that makes the decision a little bit more clear as to what I should get for my 2nd dose.

Don't know how Canada is doing compared to the UK, but my partner's 2nd dose was originally scheduled for mid-July (12 weeks), and he's getting his 2nd 6/15.
While not well studied, if I were in your shoes, I'd have no hesitation getting a mixed vaccine. They all deliver the same protein for the immune system to respond to, the delivery system is slightly different.

In fact, when we have to have boosters, I'll take whatever comes available. The statistics in the US tells me that the vaccine IS working. Infection rates are still high in the unvaccinated group, but this is hidden in the overall infection rates, because those who are vaccinated are bringing the average down.
I hope Canada speeds up their rollout process for you.

06-13-2021, 09:18 AM
In first federal ruling on vaccine mandates, judge sides with Houston hospital, dismissing claims from staff resisters (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/in-first-federal-ruling-on-vaccine-mandates-judge-sides-with-houston-hospital-dismissing-claims-from-staff-resisters/ar-AAKZ8MM?ocid=uxbndlbing)

It's such a grand little ruling too because he takes their claims so literally in his responses.

The lawsuit claimed that federal law prohibits employees from being required to get vaccinated without full U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the vaccines. Currently, the FDA has authorized the Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines under a special provision for emergencies.

The judge dismissed this argument as well, saying that law does not apply to private employers. He also dismissed an argument that anyone who gets the vaccine is effectively a human subject in an experimental trial.

"The hospital's employees are not participants in a human trial," he wrote. "They are licensed doctors, nurses, medical technician, and staff members. The hospital has not applied to test the COVID-19 vaccines on its employees."

The lawsuit originally was filed in Texas state court but was moved to federal court at Houston Methodist's request. The federal judge ruled Saturday that Texas state law only protects workers from being fired if they are forced to commit a crime.

06-13-2021, 12:15 PM
Don't know how Canada is doing compared to the UK, but my partner's 2nd dose was originally scheduled for mid-July (12 weeks), and he's getting his 2nd 6/15.
While not well studied, if I were in your shoes, I'd have no hesitation getting a mixed vaccine. They all deliver the same protein for the immune system to respond to, the delivery system is slightly different.

In fact, when we have to have boosters, I'll take whatever comes available. The statistics in the US tells me that the vaccine IS working. Infection rates are still high in the unvaccinated group, but this is hidden in the overall infection rates, because those who are vaccinated are bringing the average down.
I hope Canada speeds up their rollout process for you.

Well, you were right. They made the announcement yesterday that they were moving them up to 8 weeks, and so I just got booked for Wednesday.

I'll be getting Moderna for my 2nd dose. Here's hoping that the early data suggesting that mixing gives a better immune response plays out!

06-16-2021, 06:07 PM
Jon Stewart retire bitch (https://thelogicofscience.com/2021/06/16/jon-stewarts-irresponsible-anti-science-conspiracy-theory-rant/) (again)

06-16-2021, 07:57 PM
yeah, I didn't really get what Stewart was doing. I thought it was satire, I couldn't even tell to be honest.

06-17-2021, 01:32 AM
Got my first shot today. I wonder if I'm the only one on this board getting a Russian vac (Sputnik)?
You're not the only one) I got my second dose back in April. So far, so good.

06-17-2021, 12:23 PM
I took that as him being facetious. He did similar bits on The Daily Show. Was he really being serious?

06-17-2021, 02:11 PM
I'm in Canada also and my second dose was move up from September to July 10. I'm getting fully Pfizerized, folks!

That is if I don't catch the Delta Variant in the meantime.

Have I told you that I caught the swine flu in 2009, before they rolled out the vaccine? Now, that was fun.


06-17-2021, 03:17 PM
Got my second dose last night. It's kicking my ass, but not as hard as the first dose did.

Glad to have it though.

06-23-2021, 11:25 AM

this thread is bonkers. fleeting contact with an infected person is all you need? wow. terrifying. and that graph showing how fast it's moving? Christ.

06-23-2021, 03:59 PM

this thread is bonkers. fleeting contact with an infected person is all you need? wow. terrifying. and that graph showing how fast it's moving? Christ.

Yep. Australia (specifically NSW where I am) has been in the clear for months without incident. It was just a few days ago that a limo driver in his 60’s (who transported a lot of people) visited our eastern suburbs and has caused a major cluster infection that the state is trying to contain with the tightest restrictions (and mask wearing) since just before Christmas. One idiot is all it takes. There was CCTV footage of him (this is the Delta strain) swiftly moving past another individual which was enough to infect the other guy. It’s the middle of winter here too which doesn’t help.

Mask back in my pocket wherever I go.

06-25-2021, 04:31 PM
It's going to stay interesting and it is only a matter of time before the first variant shows up that requires the vaccine update. They are working on multiple protein components, but it gets trickier going down that road.
Will be fun to re-vax the entire population again, even with the infrastructure up and running.

I also don't get the rules any longer. I gave up. CDC says you are not required to wear a mask when fully vaccinated? Europe keeps these laws in place, unless outside.
Studies suggest transmission significantly goes down, that does not mean it's 0. And as long as not everyone had a chance to get the vaccine, it should be required. I mean if it hits the anti-vax community later on, so be it. My solidarity is limited there.

I got my two shots and am doing fine. Let's see about that cancer in 15 years from now ;)

07-02-2021, 05:20 PM
My mother got her second shot last night. I was accompanying her because she can't walk long distances so she borrows a wheelchair and I'm her official pusher (ha!). So she got her dose, I drove her to the waiting area and we sat there for 15 minutes. After that, we went to leave and just before the door, there were two volunteers with a bunch of boxes. They handed one to my mom and one to me and we got out.

It's only outside that I realized that they were boxes of surgical, disposable mask. Unopened. 50 masks in each boxes. I was stunned. Boxes like that were quite expensive when bought in stores. And then I wondered why they were giving them away at the vaccination center. I think that it maybe because our Communist government had bought so much that, now that they are close to lift up the obligation to wear a mask, they decided to give them away.

Anyway, I'm incredibly grateful for the gift. So is my mom.

07-02-2021, 07:16 PM
I'm her official pusher

You’ve been in plain sight all this time, Robert Modell?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMN3uucmHrs (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KMN3uucmHrs)

07-02-2021, 10:34 PM
Damn, my cover's blown.

07-03-2021, 12:15 AM
Always found it interesting that character’s name was Robert Patrick Modell and then Robert Patrick joined the cast.

07-04-2021, 06:14 AM
Great! A major department store around the corner from me I always frequent is a new hot spot.

07-04-2021, 11:02 AM
Despite cases growing at a rapid rate the UK government are basically sticking with reopening EVERYTHING and NO RESCTRICTIONS on anything in 2 weeks...we're fucked. Not enough people are getting the vaccine, and it's going to gut our hospitals...but most people don't care anymore, they just want to get drunk and not wear masks. I swear people in this country are actively getting dumber.

07-06-2021, 08:47 AM
Vaccines alone do not fully protect us against the Delta variant of the virus, which is of course becoming the dominant one worldwide at a rapid rate.

Here's some sobering analysis of the outbreaks Israel is currently having from Sharon Astyk (her Ph.D dissertation was on the Black Death and its impact upon the Renaissance), and what implications it has for the USA and other countries considering dropping public health measures now that their vaccination programs have reached a certain extent:


07-06-2021, 03:07 PM
botley Ugh. I hate reading this, but I was wondering if that would be the case. Interestingly enough, I think Israel primarily had Pfizer? There is pre-peer review data saying Moderna is still effective, but I haven't read any hard numbers.

07-06-2021, 07:29 PM
Vaccines alone do not fully protect us against the Delta variant of the virus, which is of course becoming the dominant one worldwide at a rapid rate.

Here's some sobering analysis of the outbreaks Israel is currently having from Sharon Astyk (her Ph.D dissertation was on the Black Death and its impact upon the Renaissance), and what implications it has for the USA and other countries considering dropping public health measures now that their vaccination programs have reached a certain extent:


not surprised one bit. it sickens me to see what's been happening, with people pretending that it's over.

far from it.

07-07-2021, 08:03 AM
There is entirely too much focus on the infection rate of those vaccinated in these news write-ups. The important number is hospitalization rate: 93% effective against the need for hospitalization. That's incredible! Instead they sensationalize it about how it's not as effective as previously thought or oh no, it's not 100% effective. In the US we're to the point where just about everyone who wants to be vaccinated has had the opportunity...but this type of bullshit framing does nothing to convince the fence-sitters to get the jab(s). Further, most of these articles gloss over or don't even mention the booster doses that will be better formulated for any emerging variants, increasing efficacy. I'm preaching to the choir here but if you haven't already GET FUCKING VACCINATED.


07-07-2021, 08:18 AM
^ That hospitalization rate number is lagging behind the infection rate number, so it's not a true picture of how things are yet, and hospitalizations will likely continue to climb as the Delta variant spreads. I agree that "framing" it as the vaccine being ineffective is not helpful. But effectiveness is dropping because the virus is mutating, that's just a fact, and it's better to frame it as a long-haul war being fought against the virus, where we can't let any of our defenses down. The enemy is learning from them and will find a way around them, so we have to adapt along with it.

@botley (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=469) Ugh. I hate reading this, but I was wondering if that would be the case. Interestingly enough, I think Israel primarily had Pfizer? There is pre-peer review data saying Moderna is still effective, but I haven't read any hard numbers.
Yes, and I'm lucky to have had two shots... first one was Pfizer-BioNTech back in May, and the second one was Moderna, about a week ago. But I'm still going to be masking up for the foreseeable future in all public spaces. It's quite possible (even pretty likely, given how much of the world is still completely unprotected) that another variant will emerge that can reduce all vaccine effectiveness even further. If it's not the Lambda variant that is dominant in South American countries right now, it'll be something else. Chasing new variants seems like something we're going to be dealing with for years as long as the virus continues to circulate, particularly in people who can't or won't get vaccinated.

07-07-2021, 08:38 AM
I know two people who had gotten it in March 2020, never hospitalized, but one still cannot taste, the other's sense of smell seems to be permanently diminished. Someone else I knew, got it Feb. of this year, also not hospitalized, now needs an inhaler frequently, a young healthy 32 year old woman. Hospitalizations of course matter, but there are so many other long term effects that aren't always talked about. Those are very worrisome as well.

07-07-2021, 08:50 AM
That's scary versusreality . What have their doctors said about it?

07-07-2021, 08:59 AM
^ That hospitalization rate number is lagging behind the infection rate number, so it's not a true picture of how things are yet, and hospitalizations will likely continue to climb as the Delta variant spreads. I agree that "framing" it as the vaccine being ineffective is not helpful. But effectiveness is dropping because the virus is mutating, that's just a fact...

The Delta has been poking around Israel long enough that the numbers should be a pretty good indicator or effectiveness. Yes, hospitalizations will climb, as they currently are in certain parts of the US, but the fact remains the WIDE majority of those patients are unvaccinated. My point is these numbers can and should be accurately reported without doomsdaying for clicks.

07-07-2021, 08:59 AM
That's scary @versusreality (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=6336) . What have their doctors said about it?
last I spoke to one of my friends (loss of taste one) , she said, "the doctor said to give it time to heal. he also said it may be permanent" .

the concerning part about all of this with the Delta varient is that, looking like what's being reported out of Israel, even fully vaccinated people can still suffer from these symptoms...or get hospitalized.

I fear America is going to have a rough fall/winter, again.

too many stubborn people unfortunately.

07-07-2021, 09:21 AM
Just give it time?! Sheeeesshhhh.

07-07-2021, 10:23 AM
^ To be fair, the part of the medical community dealing with COVID-19 has been largely consumed with helping to stop death and debilitating short-term respiratory failure. But there is some medical knowledge (https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/long-covid) emerging to help with the 'long COVID' nightmare that many thousands of people are continuing to suffer from.

07-07-2021, 10:57 AM
last I spoke to one of my friends (loss of taste one) , she said, "the doctor said to give it time to heal. he also said it may be permanent" .

I lost my olfactory senses from Covid for about a month. I can't say for sure if this helped me regain them but during that time I was doing smell training. Trying to jump start my senses by smelling things like cloves, lemon and eucalyptus 10-15 min each day. I'd say that that they are 90% back now. This might be something for your friend to try, if she hasn't already.

07-07-2021, 06:42 PM
for perspective:
the 7 day average of covid cases in US is 12,914
new reported cases today: 23,549
Today's numbers are around what the daily amount was in mid June of last year.

Delta is here and taking over.

07-08-2021, 11:11 AM

07-08-2021, 06:43 PM
Welp, the Deta strain has officially massively spread through all of our state (NSW). School holidays finish this week and it’ll be remote learning again. 2020 on repeat.

Delta coronavirus variant now ‘thoroughly spread’ in Sydney

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I6G1NayNi4 (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8I6G1NayNi4)

07-09-2021, 04:02 AM
As a teacher here in the States...I am actually hoping we go back to remote learning in the upcoming school year in Sept. I don't think it will be safe. Sadly, the plan as of now is for everyone to be back, teachers and students. 30 + kids in crowded classrooms. To me it sounds like a disaster waiting to happen sadly. Don't think the governor will switch to remote...especially during an election year. It's sad.

07-09-2021, 10:33 AM
CDC just made an announcement that fully vaccinated teachers and students don't have to wear masks in schools.

07-09-2021, 10:45 AM
Pfizer says it is developing a Covid booster shot to target the highly transmissible delta variant (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/pfizer-says-it-is-developing-a-covid-booster-shot-to-target-the-highly-transmissible-delta-variant.html)

my wife asked last night why we need a booster if the vaccine is effective against it. I explained that it's effective in certain cases but might still get you and you might end up sick anyway.

07-09-2021, 10:51 AM
CDC just made an announcement that fully vaccinated teachers and students don't have to wear masks in schools.

The CDC has lost a lot of my respect the past few months.

You have Australia going remote, and now the CDC says, nah, everyone in, no masks if you're vaccinated! *

*no one is checking if you're vaccinated in schools

a disaster waiting to happen, imo.

07-09-2021, 02:00 PM
Yeah, the CDC does not align with the rest.

Here they go the other way.
While fully vaccinated, you still have to wear your mask as you could possible be a spreader.
I still get tested up to 4x a week at work although fully vaccinated, since I could still spread it. There's not enough data to really suggest otherwise. And as long as not everyone had the opportunity to get vaccinated, it's the best we can do.

07-09-2021, 08:02 PM
Shit has really hit the fan here. After all this time of Australia/NZ being the safest places, one idiot brings us the delta strain and it’s spread like wildfire.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwq0yK_pBf8 (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwq0yK_pBf8)

07-11-2021, 11:44 AM
Had my 2nd dose this past Friday, first one was Pfizer last month and was administered by the county at a big clinic set up in an arena. I barely even felt it and only had bit of soreness at the injection site afterward.

Now I've had a shot of Moderna and instead of going through the county i went and got the shot at a store pharmacy (Shoppers Drug Mart in this case), my appointment was late in the day at like 8:30pm which surprised me because it's usually the opposite. Anyway, since it was later i don't think there were any assistants working and it was just the pharmacist doing the vaccines all by himself, he had to juggle people's prescription queries, pick ups as well as answer the phone when paged. He was clearly overworked and my 2nd dose felt like a total rush job, this one i FELT unlike the first which was extremely gentle. I also am feeling more of an after effect because man i am having muscle fatigue and soreness all over the damn place. My left foot, my lower back, my neck, a little in the opposite arm of the injection and little twinges here and there. I feel like SHIT and i was sweating like a bull moose in bed overnight, granted it's got a lot warmer and it's humid but all i had covering me was a single sheet with a fan blowing on me and the window open, I don't usually soak the bed that badly lol fuuuuuuck.

07-11-2021, 12:31 PM
Had my 2nd dose this past Friday, first one was Pfizer last month and was administered by the county at a big clinic set up in an arena. I barely even felt it and only had bit of soreness at the injection site afterward.

Now I've had a shot of Moderna and instead of going through the county i went and got the shot at a store pharmacy (Shoppers Drug Mart in this case), my appointment was late in the day at like 8:30pm which surprised me because it's usually the opposite. Anyway, since it was later i don't think there were any assistants working and it was just the pharmacist doing the vaccines all by himself, he had to juggle people's prescription queries, pick ups as well as answer the phone when paged. He was clearly overworked and my 2nd dose felt like a total rush job, this one i FELT unlike the first which was extremely gentle. I also am feeling more of an after effect because man i am having muscle fatigue and soreness all over the damn place. My left foot, my lower back, my neck, a little in the opposite arm of the injection and little twinges here and there. I feel like SHIT and i was sweating like a bull moose in bed overnight, granted it's got a lot warmer and it's humid but all i had covering me was a single sheet with a fan blowing on me and the window open, I don't usually soak the bed that badly lol fuuuuuuck.

The talk is the after effects from Moderna are greater than Pfizer but Moderna is a little more effective. Early studies indicate that Moderna seems to be more effective in regards to the delta variant. So, probably/hopefully worth a few days of discomfort. I did both shots with Moderna & got really sick (I have plenty of other issues). Still glad I did it. Still wearing a mask out in public, too. Such a small thing to mitigate risk.

07-11-2021, 03:24 PM
FWIW, I got a TDAP update last week (long story), and it made me feel WORSE than the Covid vaccines.

07-12-2021, 02:07 AM
FWIW, I got a TDAP update last week (long story), and it made me feel WORSE than the Covid vaccines.

The shingles vaccine had pretty brutal after effects for me. Again, well worth a few days of discomfort if I don't get shingles again.

07-12-2021, 01:07 PM

07-12-2021, 06:50 PM
The shingles vaccine had pretty brutal after effects for me.

Really? Wow. Like, flu kind of symptoms? Shingles really sucks so, yeah.

I think the most surprising thing about getting sick after the TDAP vaccine (swollen lymph nodes, really achy, severe fatigue, dizzy, no appetite, etc.) is that nobody told me there would BE any side effects. I thought I might be sick from something else, maybe even Covid. It wasn’t until I consulted Dr. Google that I found out why I felt so shitty.

07-12-2021, 08:43 PM
Not something you want to hear AFTER you've mixed your vaccines.

World Health Organization: Mixing COVID-19 vaccines a ‘dangerous trend,’ WHO chief scientist says.


07-13-2021, 02:52 AM
Really? Wow. Like, flu kind of symptoms? Shingles really sucks so, yeah.

I think the most surprising thing about getting sick after the TDAP vaccine (swollen lymph nodes, really achy, severe fatigue, dizzy, no appetite, etc.) is that nobody told me there would BE any side effects. I thought I might be sick from something else, maybe even Covid. It wasn’t until I consulted Dr. Google that I found out why I felt so shitty.

Yes, the after effects were like a really bad flu. My immune system is compromised (which brought on the shingles in the first place) so even the yearly flu shot makes me feel a little ill. I know a few other people that had some trouble with the shingles vaccine but again it beats getting shingles!

07-13-2021, 06:56 AM
Not something you want to hear AFTER you've mixed your vaccines.

World Health Organization: Mixing COVID-19 vaccines a ‘dangerous trend,’ WHO chief scientist says.


I think they're saying dangerous because it lets open the gates for people who want 3rd or 4th boosters. From a public health side of things, it's dangerous. If you read through the article, they say there isn't anything inherently dangerous about receiving two different doses.

07-13-2021, 09:20 AM
Can you imagine if this happened in America?

"South Korean capital bans fast workout music in gyms as Covid measure"


07-13-2021, 11:49 AM
I think they're saying dangerous because it lets open the gates for people who want 3rd or 4th boosters. From a public health side of things, it's dangerous. If you read through the article, they say there isn't anything inherently dangerous about receiving two different doses.
It's been updated since this morning.

Sounds like Reuters bungled this whole thing up.


More on the confusion and some clarification + extra.


07-14-2021, 01:10 PM
"Tokyo Olympics: Athletes Will Have to Put On Their Own Medals at This Year's Olympic Games" Well this is gonna be weird...


07-14-2021, 03:57 PM
the Olympics should be cancelled. the virus is out of control everywhere.

07-19-2021, 10:41 PM
the Olympics should be cancelled. the virus is out of control everywhere.

I can't be the only person here who has seen AKIRA. It's almost like it was a warning for the Olympics not to be held in Tokyo.

07-20-2021, 01:06 PM
" "If anybody is lying, senator, it is you," Fauci tells Rand Paul in heated exchange at at senate hearing" I just want everyone to get into one big old fist fight, lol


07-20-2021, 01:13 PM
I can't be the only person here who has seen AKIRA. It's almost like it was a warning for the Olympics not to be held in Tokyo.

Yeah, the other thing it reminds me of is the 1986 May Day parades held outdoors in cities all across the USSR, with tens of thousands of people inhaling the air just a few hundred kilometers away from where Chernobyl had just exploded five days before, and was still leaking radioactive ash...

07-20-2021, 11:44 PM
I’m reminded of World War II and the conditions they went through then. And the dark ages during the bubonic and pneumonic plague with little to no medicine at the time, yet they survived through that with hardly any supplies. Look where we are and how it’s being treated.

07-21-2021, 09:59 AM
" "If anybody is lying, senator, it is you," Fauci tells Rand Paul in heated exchange at at senate hearing" I just want everyone to get into one big old fist fight, lol


Oh wow, that was so satisfying. I didn't know it, but I needed this so bad.

07-22-2021, 10:46 AM

Eric Clapton refuses to play venues that require proof of vaccination
Clapton says he won’t perform for a ‘discriminated audience’ after vaccination passports made mandatory for clubs and venues this autumn

07-22-2021, 11:51 AM

07-22-2021, 02:31 PM

07-22-2021, 02:41 PM
just another one from the peace and love generation not living up to his word.

good. you don't need to tour anymore Clapton anyway.

I'll stand by what I said last March to an anti-maskers/vaxxers: I thank you for your mask-less volunteering you did in the hospitals, it is greatly appreciated.

oh wait...you didn't voulenteer? they wouldn't let you in without a mask? gee, I wonder why...

07-22-2021, 03:16 PM
just another one from the peace and love generation not living up to his word.

Clapton was ALWAYS a racist dick.

These anti-vax and anti-mask people aren't exclusively Republicans or Q nuts (https://morningconsult.com/2021/07/01/unvaccinated-americans-reasons/). There are a ton of younger "Invincibles" and "IDGAFs" in there, too, from both and no parties.

A lot of them also just don't trust the government. (https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/561004-if-biden-wants-gen-z-vaccinated-he-needs-to-build-trust)

07-24-2021, 12:23 AM
This might be off topic, but I feel vindicated in always hating Eric Clapton's music.
It's moments like this where my curmudgeonly bullshit makes me feel all cozy

07-24-2021, 01:00 AM

I'm so fucking angry after watching this.........

07-24-2021, 01:18 AM
I’m reminded of World War II and the conditions they went through then. And the dark ages during the bubonic and pneumonic plague with little to no medicine at the time, yet they survived through that with hardly any supplies. Look where we are and how it’s being treated.

Well speak of the devil.

10 year old girl dies in Colorado of the plague: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/10-year-old-girl-died-from-the-plague-in-colorado-2021-7

07-24-2021, 03:37 AM
Clapton was ALWAYS a racist dick.

These anti-vax and anti-mask people aren't exclusively Republicans or Q nuts (https://morningconsult.com/2021/07/01/unvaccinated-americans-reasons/). There are a ton of younger "Invincibles" and "IDGAFs" in there, too, from both and no parties.

A lot of them also just don't trust the government. (https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/561004-if-biden-wants-gen-z-vaccinated-he-needs-to-build-trust)

not to mention young people who are hesitant. my gf and I were catching up with her side of the family. she has a cousin in her mid 20's and another who's 18. neither of them have gotten the vaccine. we discussed with them that we did both shots, were perfectly fine, and strongly recommend that they do the same. "but, you hear about that crazy stuff on the news, the crazy reactions" one of them said. "not really. besides, we just said we were perfectly fine" . I said. my girlfriend went even further: "as black people, we are more vulnerable. we need to stop being hesitant. I did it, my mom did it, and your grandparents did it. we are all fine. " they weren't convinced.

07-24-2021, 08:38 AM
Honestly, I'm done trying to convince people to get vaccinated or do what they can to avoid getting sick. I know I shouldn't be because of those who are still vulnerable and can't get vaccinated, but we've reached a point where some people just aren't going to listen. It's like trying to get people on a lifeboat on the goddamn Titanic at this point. You either do what you can to survive, or you go down with the ship. Reading about people who are dying from it and the horror in their eyes as they realize how much they fucked up breaks my heart. It's gotten to the point where I can't read articles or watch news stories about it. It's just too much for me to subject myself to day in and day out. Unfortunately, the willful ignorance of people is not something that is going to magically disappear just because COVID is now a part of our lives. At the end of the day, you have to choose to row away before you get pulled down with the rest of the idiots. None of this is easy. It's maddening, in fact, but we're in the fight of our lives at this point, and we have to survive by any means necessary. We simply can't save everyone, especially those who don't want to be saved.

07-24-2021, 07:43 PM
There is one thing I can't wrap my head around, though. I looked up the definition of "gain of function."
Rand Paul, for all his douchebaggery, DID present papers that SURE seemed to describe "gain of function" going on in Wuhan.

Paul said cited a report that stated that a scientist at the Wuhan lab took an animal virus, and altered so that it would be transmissible to humans, which is the NASTIEST kind of "gain of function." He asked Dr Fauci if what he, Paul, was presenting, described "gain of function," and Faucci said NO.
I waited for the good Dr to elaborate. I thought that, SURELY, I was missing something, and Faucci would break it down. But, he just started hollering, instead.

Oh, and, keep in mind: the NIH was giving GRANTS to this lab.

I am confuse.

07-25-2021, 03:46 AM
ultimately, lab or not, we as humans need to stop fucking around with animals the way we do. they're the cause of all types of outbreaks throughout history. we haven't learned anything.

07-25-2021, 04:58 AM
Clapton was ALWAYS a racist dick.
Um...? I don't see what any of this has to do with racism?

I'm not a fan of Clapton's as a person and what he's going on about with vaccinations and Covid I consider to be actually very dangerous and stupid. BUT I understand him always being very open about his (black) idols and influences in Blues rock, other than most of his white contemporaries. He'd champion them any chance he got, was friends with BB King, etc. I don't see what's racist about that...

07-25-2021, 08:36 AM
Oh, and, keep in mind: the NIH was giving GRANTS to this lab.

Giving grants doesn't equal responsibility for the pandemic, which is what morons like Rand Paul are trying to claim so they can get some sort of petty revenge for all the lockdowns and mask wearing.

07-25-2021, 12:31 PM
Um...? I don't see what any of this has to do with racism?

Being “friends with” black people doesn’t undo his history of racist ignorance. That was his primary offense as a dick. “Once a dick, always a dick.” He says he’s sorry, but he really just never learns. The biggest number of Covid victims are minorities (https://apnews.com/article/baltimore-california-coronavirus-pandemic-race-and-ethnicity-health-341950a902affc651dc268dba6d83264).




07-25-2021, 12:43 PM
There is one thing I can't wrap my head around, though. I looked up the definition of "gain of function."
Rand Paul, for all his douchebaggery, DID present papers that SURE seemed to describe "gain of function" going on in Wuhan.

Rand Paul is creating a circus sideshow.

Read this:

07-25-2021, 01:39 PM
Anyone read about the complete fucking fools doing a “lockdown protest” in the streets of Sydney a day or two ago? - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57960044.amp (https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57960044.amp)

And this is supposed to rectify things… how exactly?

07-26-2021, 07:19 AM
I read a pretty good article in Vanity Fair about the lab and disinformation...you guys might check it out.

https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1627388344928000&usg=AFQjCNGEc8YaKiJcOslULQj0bgUZgS47jg)

The pollicization of the vaccine just completely blows my mind. It should be taken like any other vaccine. You obviously shouldn't do it if your doctor recommends not to, but other than that everyone should get it. The long term effects of Covid are already bad, and we've had family members who are already having lingering issues. I just don't get the pushback.

07-26-2021, 07:28 AM
I read a pretty good article in Vanity Fair about the lab and disinformation...you guys might check it out.

https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/the-lab-leak-theory-inside-the-fight-to-uncover-covid-19s-origins&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1627388344928000&usg=AFQjCNGEc8YaKiJcOslULQj0bgUZgS47jg)

The pollicization of the vaccine just completely blows my mind. It should be taken like any other vaccine. You obviously shouldn't do it if your doctor recommends not to, but other than that everyone should get it. The long term effects of Covid are already bad, and we've had family members who are already having lingering issues. I just don't get the pushback.
we live in a very unfortunate society where people are either uneducated or easily manipulated...one can say those are one in the same, but I digress.

07-26-2021, 07:28 PM
I had to make sure this wasn't a subscriber article before posting:

The problem of Hillsong & Stephen Harmon (https://www.webworm.co/p/hillsong)


I want to talk a little about Hillsong Church — the megachurch started in Australia in 1983 by Brian Houston and his wife Bobbie. The church got big — really big — spreading to the United States and beyond, its adherents including Justin Bieber and Chris Pratt.

I’ve always been fascinated by this cult, and it was in the headlines over the weekend when one of its members died from Covid.

07-26-2021, 10:17 PM
I had to make sure this wasn't a subscriber article before posting:

The problem of Hillsong & Stephen Harmon (https://www.webworm.co/p/hillsong)

Stephen Harmon’s Twitter feed still haunts me.

Sure, it was easy for most of the Twitterverse to write Harmon off as an idiot anti-vaxxer who “deserved what he had coming,” etc.

But Harmon was suffering, asking for prayers, terrified. He was being advised that he had to be intubated - and therefore put under anesthesia - but due to the latter, he refused intubation, he stated due to wanting to maintain his own “choice.” But, it was obvious that it was due to fear. Total fear. He was asking followers to pray for him, he was asking God for strength and guidance.

His last tweet, he says he finally acquiesced to being intubated; he would, therefore, be unconscious for an undetermined time, but hoped to see people later.

He, of course, never recovered or regained consciousness; he died the next day.

Watching this unfold, watching a young man suffer the symptoms of Covid - the uncontrollable blood pressure spikes, the temperature spikes, the panic attacks, the difficulty breathing - and watching him face his mortality due to this illness, and deal with the consequences of his decisions … it’s still pretty unsettling and heartbreaking, even if I can’t understand these people.

May he Rest In Peace.

And may his death be a lesson.

07-26-2021, 10:39 PM
I don't want to turn this into a whole religious debate, but...it drives me nuts when people assume that just praying for everything to be fine is all that it takes. There's an arrogance in believing that you're the one who is going to be bestowed with a miracle when many others haven't. When you do that, it's just taking personal responsibility and accountability out of the equation. Then it becomes "god's will". "Nobody is to blame! It was god's will for him to die!" Was it? I thought he was praying REALLY hard for a miracle and denying that awful, awful vaccine. Why wasn't he spared the pain he went through?

He's absolutely right about making his own choice, but in making that choice, he is responsible for what happened to him. End of story.

07-27-2021, 03:44 AM
As the punchline to the joke goes:

"I sent you a boat... I sent you a helicopter...."

07-27-2021, 10:16 PM
I don't want to turn this into a whole religious debate, but...it drives me nuts when people assume that just praying for everything to be fine is all that it takes..What's REALLY awesome is when kids get cancer, and certain churches tell their families, and the congregation, that the child died because the family didn't pray hard enough, or "have enough faith."

07-27-2021, 10:23 PM
Our lockdown has been extended for another month, good times. Mutation. Feels all right.

07-27-2021, 10:34 PM
Our lockdown has been extended for another month, good times. Mutation. Feels all right.Damn dude.

07-28-2021, 10:13 AM
He's absolutely right about making his own choice, but in making that choice, he is responsible for what happened to him. End of story.

That's true. But, watching these people die, in real time on Twitter, due to their own stubbornness and stupidity, doesn't make it any less awful. It's like watching people sink on the Titanic while you're on a lifeboat, and those people had refused to get onto the lifeboat, and you're watching them scream and cry and drown. It's still horrible, even if they made their own choice.

07-28-2021, 11:29 AM

Interesting thread, but this part sticks in my craw:


Fuck those experts. Coddle the idiots? Fuck them too. Make them do this to stay alive because we're getting tired of them taking up ICU space with their anti-science asses.

07-28-2021, 11:44 AM
What's REALLY awesome is when kids get cancer, and certain churches tell their families, and the congregation, that the child died because the family didn't pray hard enough, or "have enough faith."


07-30-2021, 07:43 AM
There is one thing I can't wrap my head around, though. I looked up the definition of "gain of function."
Rand Paul, for all his douchebaggery, DID present papers that SURE seemed to describe "gain of function" going on in Wuhan.

Paul said cited a report that stated that a scientist at the Wuhan lab took an animal virus, and altered so that it would be transmissible to humans, which is the NASTIEST kind of "gain of function." He asked Dr Fauci if what he, Paul, was presenting, described "gain of function," and Faucci said NO.
I waited for the good Dr to elaborate. I thought that, SURELY, I was missing something, and Faucci would break it down. But, he just started hollering, instead.

Oh, and, keep in mind: the NIH was giving GRANTS to this lab.

I am confuse.

Read more about this here (https://theintercept.com/2021/07/27/covid-anthony-fauci-rand-paul-research/), if there is still any lingering confusion. Perhaps you were waiting for Dr. Fauci to respond and didn't hear anything because Paul's team of media handlers edited out the response to purposely confuse you.

07-30-2021, 03:27 PM

07-30-2021, 04:31 PM
I love that companies are mandating vaccines (which they have the right to do) .

We need to see construction, police, firefighters, and teachers do the same across the country....

07-30-2021, 07:39 PM
I love that companies are mandating vaccines (which they have the right to do) .

We need to see construction, police, firefighters, and teachers do the same across the country....

and staff at fucking seniors residences.

as per this story, his 95 year old father in Florida is now sick with COVID because of some unvaccinated prick and i am sure there are an endless supply of instances just like this.


Yesterday, we spoke with someone at his complex about his future care. We expressed utter dismay that half the staff there could be unvaccinated. How could anyone be so irresponsible when they are caring for old people? The people we were speaking with agreed. But they said that if they required the vaccine, in a tight labor market they’d end up short-staffed.

Excuses. Everybody is making excuses (https://twitter.com/jeffjarvis/status/1420858804049170442) when they should be showing responsibility and leadership. We should be requiring vaccinations for the good of all. We should be shunning the people who refuse vaccinations. This is now their pandemic, the pandemic of the unvaccinated. They are ignorant, selfish, irresponsible, cynical, dangerous, deadly.

They gave our dear father COVID. Damn them.

07-31-2021, 01:01 AM
Read more about this here (https://theintercept.com/2021/07/27/covid-anthony-fauci-rand-paul-research/), if there is still any lingering confusion. Perhaps you were waiting for Dr. Fauci to respond and didn't hear anything because Paul's team of media handlers edited out the response to purposely confuse you.
Thank you. That explains THAT. Rand Paul is a stain on his father's legacy. I'm ultimately a left libertarian, and even though American "libertarianism" requires an asterisk, Ron had a FEW ideas I liked.

BUT: that STILL doesn't explain why we were working on DEADLY PATHOGEN research with fucking CHINA.

07-31-2021, 06:52 AM
BUT: that STILL doesn't explain why we were working on DEADLY PATHOGEN research with fucking CHINA.
Well, that's where a lot of the novel zoonotic viruses have recently emerged. Makes sense to fund research on them close to the source. I get that there are reservations about working with the CCP, that's totally understandable, but at the end of the day these are scientists. If we don't put all of our best and brightest to work together on a species-wide collective effort — across our imaginary political borders — on this problem, the next virus to emerge could make SARS-CoV-2 look like a sniffle and just wipe us all out.

07-31-2021, 10:22 AM
Well, that's where a lot of the novel zoonotic viruses have recently emerged. Makes sense to fund research on them close to the source. I get that there are reservations about working with the CCP, that's totally understandable, but at the end of the day these are scientists. If we don't put all of our best and brightest to work together on a species-wide collective effort — across our imaginary political borders — on this problem, the next virus to emerge could make SARS-CoV-2 look like a sniffle and just wipe us all out.What you're describing, this species wide collective effort? I REALLY don't think it's possible at this stage of evolution.

In the distant future, Homo Sapiens will likely be regarded as brutal and savage: and that's IF, like you said, anyone survives TO evolve.

08-01-2021, 02:04 AM
Good article from the Seattle Times:


This COVID sequel is maddening. Time to flip the script and up the pressure on the unvaccinated.July 31, 2021 at 6:00 am Updated July 31, 2021 at 1:16 pm

https://static.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/07302021_vacccine_140624-780x520.jpgA registered nurse fills syringes with Pfizer vaccines at a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center on June 3 in Bellingham. (Elaine Thompson / AP)

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https://static.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/westneat_square_mug2-100x100.jpg (https://www.seattletimes.com/author/danny-westneat) By Danny Westneat (https://www.seattletimes.com/author/danny-westneat/)
Seattle Times columnist

Here we go again.
Masks are supposed to go back on. Some businesses are being forced to close. Hospitals, at least in some parts of the state, have begun to warn about jammed emergency rooms.
“It’s déjà vu all over again,” said Reza Kaleel, a hospital executive in the Tri-Cities — right now the state’s hottest COVID hot spot. A delta variant outbreak there has caused a disheartening “fifth wave,” filling the local ICU this past week to the point that patients had to be medevaced out of town (https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/coronavirus/article253066778.html).
“The hardest thing for us to see, as health professionals, is that this is entirely preventable,” Kaleel said.
This past month when I wrote that “Washington had its chance to stomp the coronavirus, but we blew it,” (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/we-had-our-chance-to-stomp-the-coronavirus-in-washington-state-we-the-people-blew-it/) a lot of readers objected.
Some didn’t like the royal “we.”
“ ‘We’ didn’t blow it,” a doctor from Snohomish wrote in. “Other areas of the state have done very well, with high vaccination rates and low infection rates. It’s an amazing success story, actually.”
Others wrote that they were done with the idea of “we.”

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“I’m vaxxed so I guess I don’t worry about it anymore,” one wrote. “If you had the chance to get vaccinated and didn’t take it, and then you end up in the hospital, that’s on you.”
Others felt it’s all fundamentally nobody’s business (or at least none of mine).
“Since when were you anointed to rule over Eastern Washington?” wrote a man who insisted he had picked up my column only because he was passing the time at a store waiting for his wife. “Vaccinations here in Walla Walla or anywhere in this state are really none of your business.”
Well let’s check in on Walla Walla, shall we? Since then, the COVID case rate (https://www.covidwwc.com/walla-walla-county) has shot up by another 37% (it was already one of the highest on the West Coast). This past week, a hospital in town asked people not to come to the emergency room unless they are having “a heart attack, stroke, trouble breathing, severe bone breaks, etc.”
“There is a higher likelihood of being air transferred to another facility, particularly for an intensive care bed,” the health director warned (https://www.facebook.com/gregtompkinsdistrict3/posts/246924263912418).
This sure sounds like somebody’s business. What’s happening now in this infuriating COVID sequel — the mask redux (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/washingtons-governor-urges-the-vaccinated-to-wear-masks-indoors-in-certain-counties-wont-impose-new-mandates/), bars closing due to mini-outbreaks (https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/9-seattle-bars-shut-down-temporarily-over-the-weekend-due-to-covid-19/), businesses delaying their returns to offices (https://www.seattletimes.com/business/delays-more-masks-and-mandatory-shots-virus-surge-disrupts-office-return-plans/) — is exactly what I meant when I said “we” had blown it. This societywide failure to contain the pandemic is going to touch you one way or another, even if you are vaccinated so that the disease itself may not.

At a briefing in the Tri-Cities, doctors were reduced to morosely begging (https://www.facebook.com/bentonfranklinhealthdistrict/posts/2664743603829700) their community to get vaccinated — to no apparent avail. After all this time and effort, Benton County is hovering at 47% of the eligible population vaccinated, while Franklin County has only 40%.
“There’s this lack of trust in science and our health care experts — it’s something I haven’t seen in my career before,” said Dr. Kevin Pieper of Kadlec Medical Center in Richland, where COVID hospitalizations have surged fourfold since June and are now back to the peak from last winter.
Kaleel, the administrator, said the hospital staff is demoralized by the “unending procession” of COVID waves and lockdowns. He’s now worried he won’t be able to recruit new doctors or nurses to “a community that continues to have a very low vaccination rate, knowing what they’re going to have to contend with here.”

The biggest concern, he said, is the unvaccinated population may percolate “mutations of the virus beyond this delta variant that may prove to be more resistant to the vaccines, and keep us all in this cycle.”
This was the most depressing briefing I’ve attended in the pandemic yet. They kept repeating how pointless and easily preventable it all is.
So what are we going to do now — now that we blew our chance to stomp the pandemic?

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The other day a KING 5 news anchor, Jake Whittenberg, asked (https://twitter.com/jwhittenbergK5/status/1420748193495719936): “Serious question … Where’s the effort to make the unvaccinated feel more comfortable about getting the shot, rather than just making them feel guilty?” Asked what people are objecting to, he said: “They’re uncomfortable with government telling them what to do.”
A good debate followed, but here’s the thing: Up till now, government hasn’t told anybody what to do — yet. They’ve made the shots free and easy to get. They dangled beer, lottery drawings, even free topsoil(!) (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/health/the-two-societies-97-of-new-covid-cases-are-among-people-who-havent-gotten-the-shots/). They begged. On Thursday President Biden backed (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/biden-tells-cities-pay-people-192524350.html) the once radical idea of paying people to get vaxxed (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/the-vaccine-lottery-is-a-dud-how-about-just-paying-people-to-get-the-shots-instead/).
The one thing they haven’t done is make anybody do anything.

That’s where I suspect we’re headed. Persuasion hasn’t worked. Hospitalization and death don’t seem to move the needle. The only thing left to try is to raise the costs and hassle of staying unvaccinated (for those who can medically take the vaccines, of course).
It’s why businesses increasingly are saying: Get vaxxed or you can’t work (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/vaccine-mandate-the-government-wont-make-you-get-a-vaccine-your-employer-will/ar-AAMINCN?ocid=uxbndlbing) (there’s usually an out where you can take regular coronavirus tests instead). Or, as at some Seattle businesses, “no vaccine, no service (https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/more-seattle-businesses-implementing-no-vaccine-no-service-policies/ar-AAMGwML?ocid=uxbndlbing).”
“I have a relative who won’t get vaccinated, but if you told her she couldn’t go to Costco, she’d be at CVS that same day with her sleeve rolled up,” one reader wrote me.

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Exactly. It’s the American version of what they did in France, where you now have to show a “vaccine passport” to go to a Parisian cafe (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jul/15/france-achieves-record-covid-jabs-with-macrons-big-stick-approach).
I’m not a fan of forced vaccination. Requiring vaccination to do certain things though, that’s a step shy of a hard mandate (especially if you can show a negative test as an alternative). But it’s a ratcheting up of pressure, which now seems sadly needed to halt the making of still more bad COVID sequels (sure to come this fall: Part VI, The Coviding).
As the weary doctors in the Tri-Cities testified the other day, we could have done this the easy way. But “we” chose not to — by which I mean, enough of us to rope in all of us. So the hard way it’s going to be.

08-01-2021, 03:03 PM
Hospitalization and death don’t seem to move the needle.Oh, that's good. I hope it was intentional.

Jake Whittenberg, asked (https://twitter.com/jwhittenbergK5/status/1420748193495719936): “Serious question … Where’s the effort to make the unvaccinated feel more comfortable about getting the shot, rather than just making them feel guilty?”
Fuck you Jake. how about that?

08-01-2021, 05:26 PM
What you're describing, this species wide collective effort? I REALLY don't think it's possible at this stage of evolution.

In the distant future, Homo Sapiens will likely be regarded as brutal and savage: and that's IF, like you said, anyone survives TO evolve.
Hope you're wrong homie <3

08-02-2021, 12:42 AM
I think I should cowboy up and get vaccinated before my trip to.Denver. My wife and I are sick enough every day as it is, and worry about side effects on TOP of that. And we pretty much like, don't leave the house.

But I suppose it'd be better than a nasty case of covid.

08-02-2021, 08:23 AM
There is part of me that's wondering if all of us having COVID will somehow be inevitable given the delta variant. Breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated are on the rise.
I guess survival will come down to whether or not your immune system works well with the vaccine to prevent hospitalization. :(

08-02-2021, 08:51 AM
No...not the Delta varient Magnetic, but the variant that is about two mutations away. If we don't get it together by then (and it's not looking like we will... ) then we are really screwed, back to March of 2020. But maybe worse.

08-02-2021, 03:20 PM
There is part of me that's wondering if all of us having COVID will somehow be inevitable given the delta variant. Breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated are on the rise.
I guess survival will come down to whether or not your immune system works well with the vaccine to prevent hospitalization. :(

This is pretty much how it was always going to go, because historically that's how viruses behave. No amount of mitigation, no matter how responsible the population might be, is ever 100% proof against infection. The difference all comes down to how strong your immune system is either naturally or through being bolstered by a working vaccine. If you haven't gotten infected yet, you will, someday. Heck, more people have probably already been infected and they never knew it because their systems fought it off better than others. We have no idea how many people had it and were truly asymptomatic.

08-02-2021, 04:35 PM

08-02-2021, 05:12 PM
There is part of me that's wondering if all of us having COVID will somehow be inevitable given the delta variant. Breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated are on the rise.
I guess survival will come down to whether or not your immune system works well with the vaccine to prevent hospitalization. :(

This doesn't worry me too much, personally, as I think I may have already had it, and I'm fairly healthy, etc. But it's my 83-yr-old Mom I'm worry about.

So, we've been back to wearing masks everywhere, and never eating indoors, again. She's moving in with us by the end of August, so now we'll have to be EXTRA vigilant.

We've had construction workers in our house who are all vaccinated but now we have painters showing up and I don't know anything about them, so now we'll have to start wearing masks around them.

It's inevitable that we'll have to live like this for, really, years. That there will likely be a few million dead by the time this gets even close to winding down.

08-02-2021, 05:37 PM
We doomed


08-02-2021, 09:00 PM
No...not the Delta varient Magnetic, but the variant that is about two mutations away. If we don't get it together by then (and it's not looking like we will... ) then we are really screwed, back to March of 2020. But maybe worse.

We’re basically back to March 2020 down here in New South Wales right now, if not worse. It’s starting to feel like the second extinction of the dinosaurs.

08-02-2021, 09:01 PM
^^ this happens every year in parts of Cali and Colorado. It’s endemic to that part of the country.

08-02-2021, 09:57 PM
We’re basically back to March 2020 down here in New South Wales right now, if not worse. It’s starting to feel like the second extinction of the dinosaurs.

On the other end of the spectrum, everyone in FL is acting as if nothing is going on. I'm vaccinated, but what if my immune system isn't great? What if I pass this to my mom? What if her immune system isn't great?

And more to the point - if these things arise.... What the hell does one do when the hospitals are crippled by the thousands of idiots who didn't get vaccinated?

My boss expects me in the office 3-4 days/week - because my stipulation for returnning was being vaccinated. And he's some level of Christian where he isn't getting the vaccine - he isn't vocal about it, but he and two other people in my office are not getting vaccinated. Even the vaccinated worry me, as they're out at bars on the weekend.

The bitch of it is, I can do my job 100% remotely, and well! But FL is dug into the culture of "everything is back to normal" that if I were to try to go back to 100% remote, it will hurt me in the long run.

It's a double-edged sword. No one wants a shut-down, and no one wants to take bets on whether or not they'll survive because they picked the wrong week to go into ICU.

08-02-2021, 11:58 PM
On the other end of the spectrum, everyone in FL is acting as if nothing is going on. I'm vaccinated, but what if my immune system isn't great? What if I pass this to my mom? What if her immune system isn't great?

And more to the point - if these things arise.... What the hell does one do when the hospitals are crippled by the thousands of idiots who didn't get vaccinated?

My boss expects me in the office 3-4 days/week - because my stipulation for returnning was being vaccinated. And he's some level of Christian where he isn't getting the vaccine - he isn't vocal about it, but he and two other people in my office are not getting vaccinated. Even the vaccinated worry me, as they're out at bars on the weekend.

The bitch of it is, I can do my job 100% remotely, and well! But FL is dug into the culture of "everything is back to normal" that if I were to try to go back to 100% remote, it will hurt me in the long run.

It's a double-edged sword. No one wants a shut-down, and no one wants to take bets on whether or not they'll survive because they picked the wrong week to go into ICU.

We had these very clever people do this a few days ago and are vowing to do it again. : picard:

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57960044.amp (https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-57960044.amp)

08-03-2021, 01:16 AM
My godmother's mother just died. The funeral is tomorrow.

Her brother in law was vaccinated, and still got.covid. I wonder how many family members were exposed?

Also, the part of the family I know is a staunchly left wing.regional anomaly, like us, BUT, this is THE most Republican congressional district in the country.

So, if going unvaccinated is a political badge of honor...
What about the other mourners?

Also, that's exactly where my mom caught it, was at a funeral.

Basically, I don't think I'm going to this funeral, is what I'm saying. I feel terrible about it, but I have a compromised immune system, from the RA. I REALLY do feel.bad, because "godmother" isn't just a title: she's family. She's far, far closer to me than any blood aunt or uncle.

But, yeah. I just can't risk catching that shit, or giving it to my sick wife.

08-03-2021, 03:34 AM
sorry for your loss and understandable on your decision.

the politicians at this point are killing people by not having lock downs across the States. we fucking need it, just for a month. but it'll never happen.

08-03-2021, 04:20 AM
WAIT wait wait. Ok, I watched the ABC news. It showed a heat map that said "Level of Community Transmission," with the colors ranging from Low to High. Our county is listed as "high ," the highest possible rating on the map. The date on the map says 8/01/21.

Horrified, I decided to see how many cases there are.

The Weekly Average is Zero. (https://usafacts.org/visualizations/coronavirus-covid-19-spread-map/state/texas/county/sherman-county) as of August 1.
there was ONE case on the 27th and ONE case on the 31. That's worth counting us among the counties with the "highest level of community transmission?"
Just out of curiosity, I started looking at other counties in this area, and, same thing: weekly average 0. Some of them didn't have ANY cases.
Yes, there's been a big spike in Randall/Potter (Amarillo,) but NOT in a LOT of the counties listed in red. And Amarillo is 80 miles from here. There's also been a MUCH smaller spike in Moore County. But, STILL.

I know that there is a surge going on. All I can figure is that they showed these counties as reporting "high rates of transmission" to warn people and urge them to get vaccinated and practice safety measures.

BUT, on the OTHER hand, I don't think straight-up falsifying data on ABC is the correct way to go about it.

08-03-2021, 08:10 AM
On the other end of the spectrum, everyone in FL is acting as if nothing is going on. I'm vaccinated, but what if my immune system isn't great? What if I pass this to my mom? What if her immune system isn't great?

And more to the point - if these things arise.... What the hell does one do when the hospitals are crippled by the thousands of idiots who didn't get vaccinated?

My boss expects me in the office 3-4 days/week - because my stipulation for returnning was being vaccinated. And he's some level of Christian where he isn't getting the vaccine - he isn't vocal about it, but he and two other people in my office are not getting vaccinated. Even the vaccinated worry me, as they're out at bars on the weekend.

The bitch of it is, I can do my job 100% remotely, and well! But FL is dug into the culture of "everything is back to normal" that if I were to try to go back to 100% remote, it will hurt me in the long run.

It's a double-edged sword. No one wants a shut-down, and no one wants to take bets on whether or not they'll survive because they picked the wrong week to go into ICU.

My employer originally wanted everyone back in the office in mid-June or so. Since then they've changed their tune and I'm assuming there was a lot of pushback from people who threatened to leave. We're hiring for certain positions and it's 100% remote. lol

08-03-2021, 08:31 AM
sorry for your loss elevenism

08-04-2021, 01:45 PM

08-05-2021, 05:06 AM
ha, i forgot i found this at work the other week, one of my buddies posted it on reddit and got lots of replies lol. i didn’t make this, i really did find it,


(this IS NOT my work, i must stress this again)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-05-2021, 06:54 PM
I'm not affected by this at all but what kind of BS is this? I mean seriously?

There are MILLIONS who got mixed doses, what is the EU playing at?

Canadians with mixed COVID-19 doses unable to travel to some EU countries
EDIT: I mean i don't think people should really be traveling at all quite yet but if folks really have to for work or family emergency, if they are fully vaccinated what the flying fuck does it matter if they got mixed doses? JFC.

08-05-2021, 06:58 PM
cases in kids are rising, and they're getting sicker. as a teacher, this freaks me out. I really think we should be virtual to start out the year in our district next month, but I know it won't happen.


08-05-2021, 07:32 PM

08-05-2021, 08:09 PM
HERO. And those asswipes at Frontier suspended this paragon of virtue.

What he deserves is a raise!

08-06-2021, 02:08 AM


”When he started touching MY titties!”

08-06-2021, 09:41 AM
Anyone who starts any type of nonsense on an airplane receives zero sympathy from me. Like, hello - we're in the motherfuckin' air! Shut up and sit your ass down.

08-06-2021, 02:48 PM

This is a comedy video, and he has other videos like this that are just as hilarious. Man, I wish flight attendants could say these sorts of things to idiot flyers without consequence!

08-07-2021, 06:10 PM

On a NIN-related note


08-08-2021, 08:11 AM
This week I learned Dexter is both a fucking Phd in molecular bio AND a volunteer med pilot. And in this pic he looks like a pro bass fisherman.

08-08-2021, 03:29 PM
if I had Offspring money I'd also have a Ph. D and pilot's license. You know how easy it would be to do the things I love if I didn't have to worry about anything ever again?

I mean other than your accountant fucking you.

08-09-2021, 10:39 AM
There are honestly so many accounts spreading bullshit about vaccines and COVID on Twitter. I’ve been reporting some of them but I thought Twitter and Facebook were supposed to be coming down on this? They’re just allowed to blithely spread bullshit. If they don’t improve I honestly hope governments take away Twitters and Facebooks protections as a content provider so they’re liable for the bullshit. Fuck free speech in this case

08-10-2021, 08:23 AM
Fuck this guy.

"Gov. DeSantis Threatens to Withhold Paychecks of School Board Members Who Defy His Mask Ban" (https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-threatens-withhold-paychecks-school-board-defy-his-mask-ban-2021-8)

08-10-2021, 08:44 AM
Counterpoint: Many seem to be laboring under a logical fallacy. The absence of a mandate does not equal a prohibition. As far as I know, anyone may still choose to wear a mask in a Florida school (or anywhere else for that matter). Given the deep division in nearly every community, choice -- and intellectual honesty -- would seem to be the best way forward.

And if parents who want their children to wear masks are concerned that their children will not do so in a purely voluntary environment, is that not more of a parenting issue than an institutional policy issue?

08-10-2021, 09:14 AM
Counterpoint: Many seem to be laboring under a logical fallacy. The absence of a mandate does not equal a prohibition. As far as I know, anyone may still choose to wear a mask in a Florida school (or anywhere else for that matter). Given the deep division in nearly every community, choice -- and intellectual honesty -- would seem to be the best way forward.

And if parents who want their children to wear masks are concerned that their children will not do so in a purely voluntary environment, is that not more of a parenting issue than an institutional policy issue?

My mask protects you, your mask protects me. Making it optional for you to choose to harm me is not a parenting issue, unless we're talking about your parents failing to teach you empathy.

08-10-2021, 09:29 AM
Withholding checks is illegal - he can't think he's above everyone else (although he already does.)

08-10-2021, 09:45 AM
having a discussion with someone before...I said...every President in recent time would have not caused a stir with vaccines if they were in this situation. I said, even the Bushes and Reagan wouldn't have caused such division. This country is screwed because of Trump.

DeSantis (a potential 2024 candidate- and perhaps even leader, if Trump isn't running) is killing the kids in his state, and his state overall. And he doesn't care.

08-10-2021, 10:35 AM
My mask protects you, your mask protects me. Making it optional for you to choose to harm me is not a parenting issue, unless we're talking about your parents failing to teach you empathy.

Your 'choice to do harm' scenario is absolutely, 100% contingent on my being a risk. In the absence of facts to the contrary (i.e., proof or at least some modicum of credible evidence of contagiousness), it is a specious contention at best.

Presuming harmful intent on the part of others is no way to conduct oneself in a civilized society, let alone a grade school.

Your lecture on empathy lacks a great deal of common sense.

halo eighteen
08-10-2021, 10:49 AM
Your 'choice to do harm' scenario is absolutely, 100% contingent on my being a risk. In the absence of facts to the contrary (i.e., proof or at least some modicum of credible evidence of contagiousness), it is a specious contention at best.

So let's rapid test EVERY student/faculty on their way in.

Or, maybe just wear a fucking mask.

08-10-2021, 11:37 AM
Your 'choice to do harm' scenario is absolutely, 100% contingent on my being a risk. In the absence of facts to the contrary (i.e., proof or at least some modicum of credible evidence of contagiousness), it is a specious contention at best.

Presuming harmful intent on the part of others is no way to conduct oneself in a civilized society, let alone a grade school.

Your lecture on empathy lacks a great deal of common sense.

No, it doesn't, you're just faking superiority to others to mask your own insecurities.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're not special.

08-10-2021, 05:06 PM
Fuck this guy.

"Gov. DeSantis Threatens to Withhold Paychecks of School Board Members Who Defy His Mask Ban" (https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-threatens-withhold-paychecks-school-board-defy-his-mask-ban-2021-8)

Yup. This guy is just a maggot that crawled out of Drump's ass and decided he's going to out Drump the orange cheeto himself.
Fuck DeSantis.

08-10-2021, 10:34 PM
If I had kids, I’d homeschool them. There’s Connections Academy and all kinds of programs.


Schools are already virus cesspools. Ain’t no way I’d send my kid to school right now, or in the near future.

08-11-2021, 07:34 AM
No, it doesn't, you're just faking superiority to others to mask your own insecurities.

Hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're not special.

Given the state of things, I have to concede that engaging in thoughtful, logical analysis devoid of insults and profanity does kind of qualify for “faking” it. Forgive me for not embracing reality, then.

I will respectfully disagree with your characterization of insecurity. Parents who can’t trust their kids to wear masks while mommy and daddy aren’t looking are insecure in their parenting ability. People who have obediently marched ilock-step with the public health hysteria for 18 months and angrily lash out at anyone who dares to take an opposing viewpoint are insecure in their belief as to whether any or all of it was right, or necessary. People who choose to engage in token gestures and futile acts, and insist that others do the same, are insecure in their own individuality.

I am no more or less special than anyone else. Vulnerability to illness is a part of the human condition, no one has ever promised or been promised otherwise. In many societies - mine included - choice and risk are foundational hallmarks of our supposed freedom. If I am to respect your choice to don a mask, or engage in self-isolation and restricted movement, are you not similarly obligated to respect my choices? Is forging hate and division your preferred alternative?

I am steadfast - and quite secure - in my unwavering support for individual liberty, and due process. And common sense. And the free exchange of ideas. And civil discourse. And tolerance of others, especially those who don’t share my beliefs. Are you?

08-11-2021, 08:06 AM
Given the state of things, I have to concede that engaging in thoughtful, logical analysis devoid of insults and profanity does kind of qualify for “faking” it. Forgive me for not embracing reality, then.

I will respectfully disagree with your characterization of insecurity. Parents who can’t trust their kids to wear masks while mommy and daddy aren’t looking are insecure in their parenting ability. People who have obediently marched ilock-step with the public health hysteria for 18 months and angrily lash out at anyone who dares to take an opposing viewpoint are insecure in their belief as to whether any or all of it was right, or necessary. People who choose to engage in token gestures and futile acts, and insist that others do the same, are insecure in their own individuality.

I am no more or less special than anyone else. Vulnerability to illness is a part of the human condition, no one has ever promised or been promised otherwise. In many societies - mine included - choice and risk are foundational hallmarks of our supposed freedom. If I am to respect your choice to don a mask, or engage in self-isolation and restricted movement, are you not similarly obligated to respect my choices? Is forging hate and division your preferred alternative?

I am steadfast - and quite secure - in my unwavering support for individual liberty, and due process. And common sense. And the free exchange of ideas. And civil discourse. And tolerance of others, especially those who don’t share my beliefs. Are you?


Arf, arf motherfucker.

08-11-2021, 08:41 AM
Given the state of things, I have to concede that engaging in thoughtful, logical analysis devoid of insults and profanity does kind of qualify for “faking” it. Forgive me for not embracing reality, then.

I will respectfully disagree with your characterization of insecurity. Parents who can’t trust their kids to wear masks while mommy and daddy aren’t looking are insecure in their parenting ability. People who have obediently marched ilock-step with the public health hysteria for 18 months and angrily lash out at anyone who dares to take an opposing viewpoint are insecure in their belief as to whether any or all of it was right, or necessary. People who choose to engage in token gestures and futile acts, and insist that others do the same, are insecure in their own individuality.

I am no more or less special than anyone else. Vulnerability to illness is a part of the human condition, no one has ever promised or been promised otherwise. In many societies - mine included - choice and risk are foundational hallmarks of our supposed freedom. If I am to respect your choice to don a mask, or engage in self-isolation and restricted movement, are you not similarly obligated to respect my choices? Is forging hate and division your preferred alternative?

I am steadfast - and quite secure - in my unwavering support for individual liberty, and due process. And common sense. And the free exchange of ideas. And civil discourse. And tolerance of others, especially those who don’t share my beliefs. Are you?

This "muh freedum" shit is the stupidest hill to die on. It's not about freedom or liberty or your rights or any of that crap. You simply want to act like a stubborn child who doesn't like to be told what to do, even though you're told what to do on a daily basis. You're no freedom fighter.

Also, forgive me if I'm not tolerant of this particular belief when I see people who share the same belief dying on a daily basis now because of their "freedom". If you want to die for it, go for it, but don't expect everyone to put a big smile on their face and nod politely.

08-11-2021, 11:52 AM
<big fucking wanking motion> Way to go, patriot.

Fuck off.

Edit: This shit fucking pisses me off. You can go on like you're some enlightened being somehow more capable of understanding public health policy than those who have spent their entire professional lives learning, studying, and adapting to a multitude of threats all over the world but excuse me if I trust their guidance over Youtube, Reddit, and Holisticfuckingasshole.com. There is one collective responsible for the current state of things and it's NOT those of us who have masked when we were asked to, lined up for shots when they were available, and do everything we can to protect the elderly and those 11 and under. Again, fuck off.

08-11-2021, 12:21 PM
Welp, I got covid. Fully vaccinated (moderna).
I had chills Monday night. No fever. Sore lymph node and sniffly. Been working from home, soonest I can get a rapid test is tomorrow, so today I bought an at-home test. I was quite surprised when it came back positive. Going to the rapid test tomorrow to confirm.

This blows. But it isn't surprising. There's 3 assholes in my office who refused to get vaccinated, and I probably got it from them.

08-11-2021, 12:34 PM
shit, sorry to hear Mag..hope you feel better soon!

08-11-2021, 12:40 PM
Oh shit....here's hoping it's mild!!!

08-11-2021, 05:31 PM
Fuck. Hope you get better quick, Magnetic.

08-11-2021, 05:40 PM
I work as a teacher and Zoom sucks. Some kids are really missing out.
Magnetic. Really sorry.

08-11-2021, 06:04 PM
Echoing best wishes to Magnetic . Hope you feel better soon.

08-11-2021, 07:29 PM
Welp, I got covid. Fully vaccinated (moderna).
I had chills Monday night. No fever. Sore lymph node and sniffly. Been working from home, soonest I can get a rapid test is tomorrow, so today I bought an at-home test. I was quite surprised when it came back positive. Going to the rapid test tomorrow to confirm.

This blows. But it isn't surprising. There's 3 assholes in my office who refused to get vaccinated, and I probably got it from them.

That’s terrible. Get well soon!

08-11-2021, 11:04 PM
Welp, I got covid. Fully vaccinated (moderna).
I had chills Monday night. No fever. Sore lymph node and sniffly. Been working from home, soonest I can get a rapid test is tomorrow, so today I bought an at-home test. I was quite surprised when it came back positive. Going to the rapid test tomorrow to confirm.

This blows. But it isn't surprising. There's 3 assholes in my office who refused to get vaccinated, and I probably got it from them.
make sure to sneeze on them when you go back.

But also get better soon, that's important as well. :)

08-12-2021, 10:53 AM
Welp, I got covid. Fully vaccinated (moderna).
I had chills Monday night. No fever. Sore lymph node and sniffly. Been working from home, soonest I can get a rapid test is tomorrow, so today I bought an at-home test. I was quite surprised when it came back positive. Going to the rapid test tomorrow to confirm.

This blows. But it isn't surprising. There's 3 assholes in my office who refused to get vaccinated, and I probably got it from them.

How are you feeling? Zinc, Vitamin D, and Emergen-C is what we took to help get over it last year...

08-12-2021, 11:41 AM

08-12-2021, 01:09 PM
was reading that some schools in Mississippi, Georgia, and Indiana have already had to switch to virtual because cases are too high.

but I thought the red states were saying they'd NEVER go back to virtual learning?

when will they learn? I guess the answer is never.

08-12-2021, 07:27 PM
How are you feeling? Zinc, Vitamin D, and Emergen-C is what we took to help get over it last year...

Thanks for the suggestions.
I had my rapid test, and it came back negative today. I did some research, and the at-home test I took (Ellume) has a high false positive rate. Walgreens' covid associated-company (PWNHealth) customer service said I'd have to have a full PCR test to confirm. The soonest I could schedule was Saturday. Results take 2-3 days, and a hurricane is supposed to hit Saturday night so...:rolleyes:
Regardless, I'm working from home just fine this week and keeping up with things.

08-12-2021, 08:24 PM
"The number of active COVID-19 cases in Medicine Hat has jumped by nearly 30 per cent in one day. There are 322 active cases of COVID-19 in Medicine Hat on Wednesday, another record. On Tuesday the city had 252 active cases, breaking the previous record set in May."

There was 169 on Friday. Only 55% here are fully vaxxed. There's a lot of resistance with it around here, even with a substantial older population. That and the rednecks who want to "stick it to Trudeau."

There's roughly 65,000 here.

08-13-2021, 03:55 AM
following up with my post yesterday about schools, one one school district alone in Florida, 440 students have to quarantine.

...school's been open for just a few days there.

08-13-2021, 07:35 AM
LDS Church asks members to get vaccinated, wear masks (https://www.fox13now.com/news/coronavirus/local-coronavirus-news/lds-church-asks-members-to-get-vaccinated-wear-masks)

In a letter sent Thursday, the First Presidency cited the recommendations of "medical experts and government leaders" to receive the vaccine in order to "win this war."
"We know that protection from the diseases they cause can only be achieved by immunizing a very high percentage of the population," the letter read.

"To provide personal protection from such severe infections, we urge individuals to be vaccinated."well there goes that religious exemption.

08-13-2021, 08:28 AM
^ I almost read that as “LSD Church” for a second.

08-13-2021, 09:51 AM
apparently a lot of people do because that's what most comments were where I read that. lol

08-14-2021, 12:24 PM
“Moderna may be superior to Pfizer against delta variant — breakthrough odds rise with time”


In a study of more than 50,000 patients in the Mayo Clinic Health System, researchers found the effectiveness of Moderna's vaccine against infection had dropped to 76% in July - when the delta variant was predominant - from 86% in early 2021. Over the same period, the effectiveness of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had fallen to 42% from 76%, researchers said. While both vaccines remain effective at preventing Covid hospitalization, a Moderna booster shot may be necessary soon for anyone who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines earlier this year, said Dr. Venky Soundararajan of Massachusetts data analytics company nference, who led the Mayo study.

08-14-2021, 12:46 PM
“...a Moderna booster shot may be necessary soon for anyone who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines earlier this year..."


08-14-2021, 07:25 PM
I didn’t think you were supposed to mix them?

So whenever the time comes I can choose a Moderna booster?

08-14-2021, 07:32 PM
I didn’t think you were supposed to mix them?

So whenever the time comes I can choose a Moderna booster?

We've been mixing them all like crazy here in Canada.

I got AstraZenica for my first and Moderna for my second. I have a coworker who got AZ/Pfizer. My friend got Pfizer/Moderna.

I'd gladly take a 3rd dose of whatever, but my province isn't offering that yet.

08-14-2021, 07:33 PM
Yeah, I messaged my doctor about it and she responded that it’s only for transplant recipients so far.

08-14-2021, 11:24 PM
I was watching TV today about this, they’re saying it’s for people with “weakened immune systems” (see below link). Then, the rollout will hit people based on (a) medical condition, (b) age, (c) when you got the 2nd shot (efficacy diminishes).



Roughly 7 million American adults are classified as immune-compromised, but the FDA singled out transplant recipients and others with similar levels of immune suppression. The FDA didn't spell out exactly who falls into those other categories, but in new guidance to doctors issued Friday, the CDC listed several categories of people who could qualify, including people with advanced or untreated HIV infections and those with cancers who are receiving certain chemotherapies.

Here’s the CDC guidelines:


Who Needs an Additional COVID-19 Vaccine?
Currently, CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people receive an additional dose. This includes people who have:

Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
Advanced or untreated HIV infection
Active treatment with high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress your immune response

Can you mix and match the vaccines?

For people who received either Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine series, a third dose of the same mRNA vaccine should be used. A person should not receive more than three mRNA vaccine doses. If the mRNA vaccine product given for the first two doses is not available or is unknown, either mRNA COVID-19 vaccine product may be administered.

08-14-2021, 11:31 PM
Look, there are enough fuckleheads who don't want the shots that you can give theirs to anyone else who wants the booster.


08-15-2021, 01:23 AM
Given the state of things, I have to concede that engaging in thoughtful, logical analysis devoid of insults and profanity does kind of qualify for “faking” it. Forgive me for not embracing reality, then.

I will respectfully disagree with your characterization of insecurity. Parents who can’t trust their kids to wear masks while mommy and daddy aren’t looking are insecure in their parenting ability. People who have obediently marched ilock-step with the public health hysteria for 18 months and angrily lash out at anyone who dares to take an opposing viewpoint are insecure in their belief as to whether any or all of it was right, or necessary. People who choose to engage in token gestures and futile acts, and insist that others do the same, are insecure in their own individuality.

I am no more or less special than anyone else. Vulnerability to illness is a part of the human condition, no one has ever promised or been promised otherwise. In many societies - mine included - choice and risk are foundational hallmarks of our supposed freedom. If I am to respect your choice to don a mask, or engage in self-isolation and restricted movement, are you not similarly obligated to respect my choices? Is forging hate and division your preferred alternative?

I am steadfast - and quite secure - in my unwavering support for individual liberty, and due process. And common sense. And the free exchange of ideas. And civil discourse. And tolerance of others, especially those who don’t share my beliefs. Are you?
The U.S. Supreme Court disagrees with you


08-15-2021, 05:28 PM
About that third dose...the CDC believes 1.1 million(!!!) people scammed a third prior to approval.

https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/08/1-1-million-americans-received-a-covid-booster-shot-report.html (https://www.newsweek.com/over-1-million-us-got-third-covid-vaccine-dose-prior-fda-approval-1619302)

08-16-2021, 10:29 AM
Looks like I'm going to get a Moderna booster in a few weeks. I definitely qualify. I have to juggle the timing with the chemo schedule though.

08-17-2021, 04:22 AM
5,600 kids in Tampa school districts in quarantine
over 300 teachers in the district in quarantine

the district I teach at here in NJ had a zoom town hall to discuss reopening for sept. in typical fashion, the district was 25 minutes late to it's own meeting. and it ended in a matter of minutes due to "hackers" shouting racial slurs and pornographic sounds.

we are in serious trouble.

the fall and winter is going to be uglier than last fall and winter....

08-17-2021, 08:31 AM
New Zealand is in total lockdown after learning about 1 new covid case. Only 26 of their people have died during this whole time.


08-17-2021, 08:53 AM
My friend in Canada got a temping job until the new university course starts next month, she was telling me there was a cliq of people that flat out refused to get the vaccine or wear masks regardless of gov guild lines, One of whom was her supervisor (who was also visibly ill with what she insisted was just the flu...the fuck was she even doing in an office with the flu!?). She was worried as she hadn't gotten both her vaccines yet so let her temp agency know as per gov advice...my friends contract was terminated the next day. I fucking hate people.

She's not that bothered as she's back at uni soon, but the fucking selfishness of some people really ticks me off...

08-17-2021, 09:00 AM
New Zealand is in total lockdown after learning about 1 new covid case. Only 26 of their people have died during this whole time.


I love this approach by NZ

meanwhile over here, people are fighting over putting a damn mask on. it's pathetic.

08-17-2021, 09:31 AM
^^ same

08-17-2021, 09:46 AM
yes. why aren’t there lock downs right now? i know everyone is patting biden on the back for different things but i think he’s too scared to do a lockdown. i think it would hurt him politically and that’s why he’s not calling for it. (prove me wrong joe)

i posted in the coping thread that it’s in our house. i have one kid positive and one kid negative. they’re letting the negative come to school as long ask she wears a mask. i’m like cool, how about EVERYONE wear the damn mask. why is it optional? really hoping i can get my kids vaccinated soon. this whole ordeal has been rather gut wrenching. my decision to let my negative kid go to school has been hard. i’ve spoke with school and our pediatrician but it still feels weird to send her.

if my positive kid showed symptoms, i would keep the other kid home. But they’ve had virtually no symptoms. so they’re not pushing out virus. they have separate rooms and our home is equipped with a uv filter in the AC. the kids had their second covid test yesterday and i’m awaiting results today. i feel like we’re fighting a good fight over here.

08-17-2021, 10:01 AM
https://scontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/228300370_6057883020948323_7311454779648556008_n.j pg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=mMLM9TnuIt4AX9DE7ut&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-2.xx&oh=be8418862ed2bea489e4d150f449da32&oe=613FBA5A

08-17-2021, 04:37 PM
Texas governor Greg Abbott tested positive. Just last night he was at a GOP event shaking hands, hugging, and taking pictures.

08-17-2021, 04:41 PM
But they’ve had virtually no symptoms. so they’re not pushing out virus.

Ehhh, I'm not sure that's accurate at all. If that was the case, COVID wouldn't have been such a problem to begin with.
But I get it - you gotta do what ya gotta do.

08-17-2021, 05:34 PM
Ehhh, I'm not sure that's accurate at all. If that was the case, COVID wouldn't have been such a problem to begin with.
But I get it - you gotta do what ya gotta do.

i thought it was bullshit too but the pediatrician explained to me that someone who is coughing and sneezing is constantly pushing it out, filling a room with it. the kid obviously had enough viral load to test positive so he definitely had it. but i believe he’s not shedding enough of it to get her sick. we’ve quarantined him as much as possible and kept him 6 feet from the other kid as much as possible. that is difficult for sure.

i’m just waiting for their test results right now. the test place i go to is easy to access and totally free. as long as we’re in school, i might test her periodically like before events or weekend plans. if she doesn’t get it from her brother, she can get it at the school anytime. masks are optional there. she’s not the the only sibling allowed to attend after close contact at home. i am 100% doing what i have to do for my kids and their learning. my younger one is falling behind after ipad learning all of last year. it fucking sucks that we did what the science recommends and we’re still here. we stayed home for 15 months and we got vaccinated and this still happened to us. predictably, from an unvaccinated relative.

08-17-2021, 08:47 PM
I totally get it. I know (from what I've read of your posts!) that you'ven been 100% responsible, and I wasn't trying to sound judgy. I can only imagine how this has impacted kids' learning and social development.

I stayed home for 14 months, got vaccinated, and I don't know what to do anymore. I got my PCR negative result, which means the at-home Ellume test was a false positive. BUT! I have to fly for a wedding on labor day weekend...which to me spells it out that I'm probably going to come into contact with the delta variant, and hope my moderna vaccination will hold up. The odds are in my favor, but it's difficult to put myself in the way of potential harm when I spent so long protecting myself. IFFF I were to need medical treatment when I get home after the weekend - I'm fucked. Florida hospitals are overrun. But I know if I just stay home and do nothing, I'll go insane because I really need to see and hug friends.

bobbie solo
08-18-2021, 02:36 AM
Texas governor Greg Abbott tested positive. Just last night he was at a GOP event shaking hands, hugging, and taking pictures.


08-18-2021, 08:17 AM
Texas governor Greg Abbott tested positive. Just last night he was at a GOP event shaking hands, hugging, and taking pictures.

Ah yes, the ol' Trump routine.

08-18-2021, 10:48 AM
Texas governor Greg Abbott tested positive. Just last night he was at a GOP event shaking hands, hugging, and taking pictures.
I thought boosters were only given to those with severe health issues?

fucking coward.


08-18-2021, 12:36 PM
what is wrong with Texas.

After Texas parent rips mask off teacher’s face, school official warns: ‘Do not fight mask wars in our schools’ (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/after-texas-parent-rips-mask-off-teachers-face-school-official-warns-do-not-fight-mask-wars-in-our-schools/ar-AANsfbF?ocid=uxbndlbing)
Some parents physically and verbally assaulted teachers because of masks. One parent ripped a teacher’s mask off her face, Leonard said. Others yelled at another teacher to remove her mask because they claimed it made it difficult to understand what she was saying.

08-18-2021, 01:37 PM
Most everyone who is listening to Greg Abbott seriously are playing stupid games and are going to win stupid prizes. Also, (not from Texas) but it wasn't until I saw the picture of Greg Abbot at the GOP event did I realize he was in a wheelchair. Sorry, I know it's not really relevant.

08-18-2021, 03:02 PM
Texas school district finds unique loophole in Gov. Abbott's ban on mask mandates (https://www.star-telegram.com/news/coronavirus/article253562849.html)

The school board of Paris, Texas, voted to make masks a requirement in the district's dress code, noting that the state doesn't have the power to usurp the school dress code without also suspending part of the Texas Education Code, which gives local school boards the power to write and enforce dress codes.

If a student can be booted from class because their skirt is 1/4-inch too short, then students can be required to wear face masks at all times on school property.

08-18-2021, 03:35 PM

08-19-2021, 08:30 AM
Also, (not from Texas) but it wasn't until I saw the picture of Greg Abbot at the GOP event did I realize he was in a wheelchair.

I'm also not from Texas and I realized a couple months ago. Doesn't seem like his political record is very kind to the disabled so I've assumed it was hidden as much as possible on purpose.

08-23-2021, 06:20 AM
Got my Pfizer vaccine booked in for September 14 with a second dose on October 5.

08-23-2021, 07:28 AM
what is wrong with Texas.

After Texas parent rips mask off teacher’s face, school official warns: ‘Do not fight mask wars in our schools’ (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/after-texas-parent-rips-mask-off-teachers-face-school-official-warns-do-not-fight-mask-wars-in-our-schools/ar-AANsfbF?ocid=uxbndlbing)

It's Texass? :)

08-23-2021, 10:53 AM
I wonder if I can book my booster. I got my second Moderna dose at the end of March.

08-23-2021, 11:21 AM
FDA: Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine (https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine)

Antivax plague rats:

08-23-2021, 12:03 PM
I asked my boss and apparently they're doing boosters starting mid September, which is right about 8 months after the second shot that we all got in the first wave of vaccines. Not only that but apparently there's a Delta shot in October-ish that is going to be like getting a flu shot where it targets the delta, much like a flu shot targets that year's strain.

edit: I work in a healthcare/hospital-adjacent setting.

08-23-2021, 08:44 PM
Successfully bullied and peer pressured my trumpty dumpty boomer ass parents to get an appointment to get the Pfizer vaccine today. Appealed to all their emotions and manipulated the F U C K out of them. (It was easy, they’re trump fans)

We’ll see if they show on Wednesday.

08-24-2021, 07:26 AM
Successfully bullied and peer pressured my trumpty dumpty boomer ass parents to get an appointment to get the Pfizer vaccine today. Appealed to all their emotions and manipulated the F U C K out of them. (It was easy, they’re trump fans)

We’ll see if they show on Wednesday.

How did you do it?

08-24-2021, 08:36 AM
How did you do it?
I treated them the way their orange leader does, I appealed to their emotions and manipulated them.
My grandma died of cancer, I spoke with my mom on the phone as her baby boy, her son that loves her. I asked her how she would have felt if her mother had some way to prevent herself from dying of the cancer she did, if there was some miracle shot that could have prevented her from dying of cancer then how would she feel? Would she be angry at her mom? Would she constantly wonder what if? How would she feel every day knowing she could have had more time with her mom but her mom decided to gamble with her life and lose?

With my dad, i told him that I was going to propose to my girlfriend in a few months. What if i propose, then a few months later they both get nailed from covid and while i'm walking down the isle they've got a breathing tube down their throat and they die before they get to see their grandkids.

I told them both how it would make me feel watching both my parents either become forever changed or dead before 70 in a preventable fashion and how i would be angry, confused and hurt for the rest of my life.

I didn't lie to them about anything but I told them how I would feel if I had to go without my mom and dad. It worked.

08-24-2021, 10:19 AM

08-24-2021, 10:27 AM
George Conway tweet

That all seems very logical to me except for the percentage of Black vaccinated...seems high based on all the reporting on trust in government / vaccine hesitancy. But if 76% is true I think that's a huge win.