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11-15-2016, 06:13 AM
Whoa hold on a minute. There's yet another greatest hits thing coming out? Who the fuck allows this shit?

11-15-2016, 06:28 AM
Didn't see these news posted yet:

>> Content Media Corporation has secured distribution for a raft of music-themed titles from Cardinal Releasing. The company added to its slate a number of Cardinal’s new Emperor Media titles produced and directed by music and media industry veteran Jon Brewer. Among the titles that Content is launching for the international market at MIPCOM are Beside Bowie: The Mick Ronson Story, narrated by David Bowie and celebrating the life of guitar virtuoso Mick Ronson...
The documentary will be making it's debut at Cannes.


>> BBC TWO announces a new landmark film, David Bowie: The Last Five Years to air in January 2017, produced and directed by Francis Whately as a follow-up to his acclaimed David Bowie: Five Years which was broadcast on BBC Two in 2013.
As with the first film, this new piece will feature a wealth of rare and unseen archive footage and early audio interviews which have never been released before. This includes the original vocal which Bowie recorded for Lazarus, his last release before his death, which has never been heard before.
David Bowie: The Last Five Years will focus on the three major projects of Bowie's last five years - the best-selling albums, The Next Day and Blackstar, alongside the musical Lazarus.


The worldwide DB tribute tour will supposedly launch next year (dates tbd) featuring the following personnel:
Mike Garson, Earl Slick, Adrian Belew, Mark Plati, Gerry Leonard, Gail Ann Dorsey, Sterling Campbell, Zachary Alford, Holly Palmer, Cat Russell, Plus special guests

and lastly...

Bowie Is exhibition comes to Barcelona, starting May 27

11-15-2016, 11:11 AM
Yes - I'd forgotten about the Celebrating David Bowie shows. First one is in London - here's the Facebook events page. https://www.facebook.com/events/1695470564101696/
Can't say I'm not intrigued, but I'm a bit wary after some of the previous Bowie tribute events. Nice that it's at Brixton though - two minutes from his old home and all that.

12-24-2016, 05:10 PM
Picture I've taken for "Merry Christmas" e-mails, an empty room with very small USB tree, tablet with specific image, and nothing more. No more light at the scene, so quite noisy too, and I like it.


Edit: Actually, I don't believe any of my recipients actually "got the message", but I did and that's what matters... ;-) And you did/do, too.

12-26-2016, 11:12 AM
Whoa hold on a minute. There's yet another greatest hits thing coming out? Who the fuck allows this shit?

Sad, innit? I saw a copy of The Man Who Fell To Earth's soundtrack in an HMV the other day...can't help but marvel at how convenient the recent discovery of lost master tapes (http://pitchfork.com/news/67592-david-bowies-the-man-who-fell-to-earth-soundtrack-to-be-released-for-the-first-time/) really seems (e.g, we had no interest in ever putting this stuff out in the past few decades but NOW....)

frankie teardrop
12-27-2016, 10:33 PM
Sad, innit? I saw a copy of The Man Who Fell To Earth's soundtrack in an HMV the other day...can't help but marvel at how convenient the recent discovery of lost master tapes (http://pitchfork.com/news/67592-david-bowies-the-man-who-fell-to-earth-soundtrack-to-be-released-for-the-first-time/) really seems (e.g, we had no interest in ever putting this stuff out in the past few decades but NOW....)

i'm still pissed about this article's title, it's incredibly misleading. one glance makes it seem like they found the lost demos/reels from bowie's OWN version of the soundtrack (most of which informed/was re-recorded for low), but instead, it's just a way to plug the less interesting score in wake of his death. i actually just fell for it again, dammit.

12-28-2016, 04:43 PM
i'm still pissed about this article's title, it's incredibly misleading. one glance makes it seem like they found the lost demos/reels from bowie's OWN version of the soundtrack (most of which informed/was re-recorded for low), but instead, it's just a way to plug the less interesting score in wake of his death. i actually just fell for it again, dammit.

Im actually glad this soundtrack came out finally...What sucks is that the vinyl version cuts a ton of songs that are on the digital/DC version. lame.

Your Name Here
12-29-2016, 05:06 PM
I thought I would stop by one last time this for this miserable fucking year that seems to be killing off everybody I admire. 2016 started off with a brick to the face when Bowie passed and I am still not over it but I am in a better place I was almost a year ago. The loss of Bowie & Prince was unbelievably sad for me they were both icons at what they did.
Now we are finally at the end 2016 and the loss just keeps on hitting us from George Michael, to Carrie Fisher and her mother a day later Debbie Reynolds, 2016 was a motherfucker.
The one that absolutely killed me this year was the loss of David Bowie and it still gives me a hard time but I can deal with it better now.
After Bowie passed I couldn't listen to his music for a month or two it was a sucker punch that fucked me up badly. Then I started to slowly listening to his music again but it wasn't easy. Keep in mind I have been listening to him all my life. In fact it wasn't until last week that I finally pulled out Blackstar and started listening to it. The last time I played it was January 10th. I just could not listen to it, it was too hard. I remember watching the Martian earlier this year on blu ray and had to turn it off at the scene when they start playing Bowie's "Starman" I liked the movie but wasn't expecting to hear the Bowie song because up until that point they had been playing disco music for the soundtrack.
That is how hard Bowie's death hit me, but then I started to think that every time Bowie would release an album I would spend a lot of time with the newest release, but with Blackstar I just couldn't do it. So I finally got up the nerve last week to put it in and allow myself to enjoy the final work by Bowie even if it is a year in delay. It really is a phenomenal record, it is very dark and I love that and I love his background vocal parts that he did. I am glad I finally mustered the nerve to get on with it and start listening Blackstar and I know a lot of you here may feel the same way I did and maybe had to put that album away for a while but when you are ready just know Bowie left us with a masterpiece on his way out.
It is an understatement that 2016 was a fucking asshole of a year for celebrity deaths and if you were a fan of any of the other musicians or actors that have passed this year as I am with Bowie, then I am sure you are going through your own private hell coming to terms with the loss. I know Star Wars fans have to be crushed at Carrie Fishers passing.
I was reading the Dead Souls thread and somebody wrote that the planet will die in 2017 and my guess is that will happen after January 20th.
There were a few good things that happened this year Radiohead released a great album and I did spend most of the year listening to it. The Cure toured and I spent most of the year reflecting their entire catalog. As well as Trent followed through on releasing some NIN this year and I would imagine a month ago you guys must have been going nuts. I like the NIN e.p. and I look forward to the album.
As for all the Bowie fans who may have found themselves lost all year long like myself, I say break out the Blackstar album and enjoy it because it is very good. You can still mourn his passing but it is time to start healing and enjoy his final work because it is amazing. As well as Bowie's entire catalog I have even visited parts of his catalog that I didn't care for like the 80's era and have found new appreciation for certain tracks. I also have been playing the shit out of the very early Bowie works as well.
As for 2016 it is your turn to die in less then two days and I won't miss 2016 one bit.

12-29-2016, 05:16 PM
@Your Name Here (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4172) , i was also devastated by the loss of Bowie, but i went the opposite route.
I have listened to Blackstar at LEAST 125 times this year.
I watched every live bowie video i could get my hands on.
I revisited Heathen and Earthling and Low and Hunky Dory etc.
I watched Absolute Beginners again.
It made me feel like David wasn't really dead, because we can summon him whenever we wish, just by turning on his music!

Your Name Here
12-29-2016, 06:39 PM
@Your Name Here (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4172) , i was also devastated by the loss of Bowie, but i went the opposite route.
I have listened to Blackstar at LEAST 125 times this year.
I watched every live bowie video i could get my hands on.
I revisited Heathen and Earthling and Low and Hunky Dory etc.
I watched Absolute Beginners again.
It made me feel like David wasn't really dead, because we can summon him whenever we wish, just by turning on his music!

What up?

For me it was hard right after Bowie's passing to listen to any of his music. I loved all of the 90's stuff he did as well as all of the 70's stuff and the majority of it is pretty much the soundtrack to my life, but once he passed, for me it was just too depressing to listen to his music without feeling a tremendous sense of loss. As the year progressed I started missing Low & Heroes, Outside & Earthling and then I began to binge everything but Blackstar (that one was still too painful). Although I consider Scary Monsters (one of my favorites) a 70's album it does have an 80's release date. I then started pulling out the Let's Dance and Tonight albums these are albums I usually avoided but songs like "Loving The Alien", "Absolute Beginners", "Cat People" and "This Is Not America" I have found new appreciation for. I did pull out the Reality Tour DVD and began to reminisce when I saw him on The Reality tour in 2004 and who knew that was going to be the last tour. I also began to listen to albums he produced for Lou Reed and Iggy Pop which then triggered a Lou Reed/ Velvet Underground binge as well as an Iggy Pop binge. I watched Basquait and his portrayal of Andy Warhol in that movie was amazing (still one of my favorite movies).
It was a roundabout way of mourning for me but in some ways I have him back in my life even if he is not with us any longer in the physical world.
I have to say 2016 took so many talented people and I really don't recall a year being so devastating as 2016. I was never a huge George Michael fan I like some of his songs but he was a really good singer but he was only 53, thats fucking ridiculous and on Christmas Day then Carrie Fisher and there is still two days left of this miserable fucking year.
Bowie hit me the hardest so hard that really haven't grieved for Prince, in some ways I still feel like Prince is still alive. Its just because I have been grieving for Bowie all this time.

One thing that has crossed my mind is that I often wonder what Bowie would have done with the songs from "The Next Day" and "Blackstar" live. Both albums have so much potential for live interpretations, that it boggles the mind at the thought of how he would have approached these albums live especially "Blackstar".

12-30-2016, 09:56 AM
Blackstar is the sound of Donny McCaslin's band, doing their thing with Bowie out front. The Next Day was a hybrid band, covering different latter-day Bowie eras. What I like about the recordings on the Lazarus soundtrack is it sounds like one band that can do it all. Had he been able to, I think he might have used that lineup to tour.

As a matter of fact, Bowie's last time performing on stage was informally, after a cast rehearsal, singing "Lazarus" with the Lazarus band. One of many astonishing facts I learned in this interview (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/david-bowies-final-imaginative-awesome-year-956703).

12-30-2016, 03:21 PM
astonishing facts I learned in this interview (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/david-bowies-final-imaginative-awesome-year-956703).

"I haven't had this much fun since my heart attack." ;-)

12-31-2016, 08:19 AM
As a matter of fact, Bowie's last time performing on stage was informally, after a cast rehearsal, singing "Lazarus" with the Lazarus band. One of many astonishing facts I learned in this interview (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/david-bowies-final-imaginative-awesome-year-956703).

Great read. Thanks for sharing!

The Doctor
01-03-2017, 10:44 AM
With the anniversary of his death and his birthday upcoming, I'm listening to 'The Next Day' for the first time in a while this morning. Gobsmacked by just how damn good this album is. I know part of it is just the associated thrill of comeback Bowie at the time, but almost every song is killer. I never really want to skip any tracks. And even the extra tracks are really good too.

I know many people here are big fans of his 90s work, but for my taste, I would take The Next Day and Blackstar together over the entirety of his output after 'Scary Monsters' up through 'Reality.' Though I did listen to '1. Outside' yesterday on a long drive and still really enjoy it, with some songs in particular really stellar. I never really gave "Voyeur of Utter Destruction" much thought the first hundred times or so, but on this listen it really stood out as a great piece.

01-03-2017, 12:14 PM
I've been slowly revisiting the man's works over the past month following a long, long absence where listening just made me too miserable to bear. Every time I tried I'd get too lost in thought to enjoy what I was listening to.

It's fucking impossible to not find at least one track to love on absolutely every single thing the man put out. Bad years or no, he was just too damned good at what he did to ever go completely and utterly wrong. "You Belong In Rock and Roll" off Tin Machine II's been getting a lot of airplay from me. Love that track. Is it wrong that assuming these period boxes continue, I'm looking forward to the mid-80's-early 90's coverage more than almost any other era?

I think that with the passage of years, much of the stigma of there being a serious drop-off in quality after Scary Monsters from which he never recovered is going to fade, if it hasn't started already, amended to a period of 'middling middle years'. Blackstar was a spectacular farewell, The Next Day a great (if slightly overlong) listen from beginning to end, and I believe firmly that Heathen belongs up there with some of his very best. He'll be remembered as having an exceptionally strong close to his career.

01-03-2017, 04:09 PM
I'm currently working on a list of 70 songs that people should listen to by Bowie but it won't include the hits which I feel is too easy to do. I'm going for lesser-known album cuts, B-sides, alternate versions, and live versions. So far, I have 46 songs listed as I hope to post the list on Sunday for what would've been his 70th birthday.

01-03-2017, 04:47 PM
I'm currently working on a list of 70 songs that people should listen to by Bowie but it won't include the hits which I feel is too easy to do. I'm going for lesser-known album cuts, B-sides, alternate versions, and live versions. So far, I have 46 songs listed as I hope to post the list on Sunday for what would've been his 70th birthday.

If Subterraneans isn't already on that list then it ought to be. I'd even make a case for adding a couple of his Iggy Pop collabs just to show off how much he could do without his vocals being front and center, too, but I totally get if you want to keep it more purist (though, bare minimum, I'd still fight for Sister Midnight to be placed alongside Red Money to showcase how huge of a difference his vocals and lyrics brought to that composition and to highlight how he could take things and really spin them into something new).

01-03-2017, 09:16 PM
If Subterraneans isn't already on that list then it ought to be. I'd even make a case for adding a couple of his Iggy Pop collabs just to show off how much he could do without his vocals being front and center, too, but I totally get if you want to keep it more purist (though, bare minimum, I'd still fight for Sister Midnight to be placed alongside Red Money to showcase how huge of a difference his vocals and lyrics brought to that composition and to highlight how he could take things and really spin them into something new).

I actually have included a live version of "Subterraneans" in the list but w/ "Scary Monsters" that is performed w/ NIN. I just love that version. I'm just going for different kind of songs. I thought about including instrumentals but I'm just going for songs. I've also included a couple of B-sides from Never Let Me Down in "Julie" and "Girls" which I thought were better than a lot of the songs on the original album.

The Doctor
01-03-2017, 11:04 PM
I also hope your list includes the demo of Candidate. So starkly different the album version. It's probably one of my absolute favorite unreleased-ish songs by Bowie.

01-03-2017, 11:30 PM
I also hope your list includes the demo of Candidate. So starkly different the album version. It's probably one of my absolute favorite unreleased-ish songs by Bowie.

Oh, I'll consider that. I'm also putting in some Tin Machine stuff as there's some good songs they did.

01-03-2017, 11:51 PM
I also hope your list includes the demo of Candidate. So starkly different the album version. It's probably one of my absolute favorite unreleased-ish songs by Bowie.
100% agreed... Alternative Candidate for lyfe


01-04-2017, 12:08 PM
I'm currently working on a list of 70 songs that people should listen to by Bowie but it won't include the hits which I feel is too easy to do. I'm going for lesser-known album cuts, B-sides, alternate versions, and live versions. So far, I have 46 songs listed as I hope to post the list on Sunday for what would've been his 70th birthday.
I actually did something similar last January. Here was my facebook post back then:

Over the last 10 years or so my appreciation of and fascination with David Bowie and his music have grown. I would certainly say that at this point they compare to or exceed my appreciation of and fascination with artists like Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, Trent Reznor, Talking Heads, Radiohead, the Kinks, the Stones, and the Beatles. People have been posting favorite songs and I thought I’d try to make a list of my favorites that would focus more on rare tracks, deeper album cuts, and other oddities (though of course some hits made the list). It ended up being 57 tracks and four and a half hours of music…
I’ll post the list here in the hopes that some of you may find something new or interesting or familiar or revelatory or forgotten in this list of tracks that I really love…

Janine - Bowie at the Beeb Disc 1 1969
The Width of a Circle - Bowie at the Beeb Disc 1 1970
Oh! You Pretty Things - Hunky Dory 1971
Quicksand - Hunky Dory 1971
Eight Line Poem - Bowie at the Beeb Disc 2 1971
It Ain't Easy - Ziggy Stardust 1972
Star - Ziggy Stardust 1972
Suffragette City - Ziggy Stardust 1972
Moonage Daydream - Bowie at the Beeb Disc 2 1972
Watch That Man - Aladdin Sane 1973
Rosalyn – Pin Ups 1973
Sorrow - Pin Ups 1973
Growin' Up – Pin Ups (Bonus Track) 1973
Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing (Reprise) – David Live 1974
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow – David Live 1974
Rock & Roll With Me – Diamond Dogs 1974
We Are the Dead – Diamond Dogs 1974
Alternative Candidate – Diamond Dogs (Bonus Disc) 1974
Young Americans – Young Americans 1975
Fascination – Young Americans 1975
Word On A Wing – Station to Station 1976
Wild Is The Wind – Station to Station 1976
Always Crashing In The Same Car – Low 1977
Be My Wife – Low 1977
Art Decade – Low 1977
Yassassin – Lodger 1979
Ashes to Ashes - Scary Monsters 1980
Because You're Young - Scary Monsters 1980
Crystal Japan - Scary Monsters (Bonus Track) 1980
Cat People (Putting Out Fire) – Soundtrack Version 1982
Without You – Let’s Dance 1983
Hallo Spaceboy – Outside 1995
Thru' These Architects Eyes – Outside 1995
Strangers When We Meet – Outside 1995
The Man Who Sold The World (1995 Tour Version) - Strangers When We Meet 1995
Hurt – Live 1995-10-11 (NIN and Bowie 1995)
Looking For Satellites – Earthling 1997
I'm Afraid of Americans V1 - I'm Afraid of Americans 1997
New Angels Of Promise - 'Hours...' 1999
Seven [Beck Mix #1] - 'Hours…' [Bonus Disc] 1999
We Shall Go To Town - 'Hours…' [Bonus Disc] 1999
Wild Is the Wind - Bowie at the Beeb [Bonus Disc] Disc 3 2000
Absolute Beginners - Bowie at the Beeb [Bonus Disc] Disc 3 2000
America – Concert for New York 2001
Sunday – Heathen 2002
Slip Away – Heathen 2002
5.15 the Angels Have Gone – Heathen 2002
The Loneliest Guy – Reality 2003
Try Some, Buy Some – Reality 2003
Bring Me the Disco King – Reality 2003
Sister Midnight – A Reality Tour 2003
Heroes (Aphex Twin Remix) - 26 Mixes For Cash 2003
Dirty Boys – The Next Day 2013
Love Is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix) - The Next Day Extra 2013
Sound And Vision (Sonjay Prabhakar 2013 Remix)
Sue (Or in a Season of Crime) – Single Version 2014
Girl Loves Me – Blackstar 2015

Your Name Here
01-04-2017, 12:24 PM
@thevoid99 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=254) I'm sure everybody could add input to your 70 song Bowie list, I'll wait to see which songs you choose. Of all the members here that continually post on the Bowie thread my guess is each one the members 70 song lists would be different but I bet 20 of the 70 songs would all appear on everybody's list. Bowie has a vast library of music with so many different eras and musical style's that at 70 songs would still make it it tough to choose 70 tracks even when you leave out the hits as you say you are.
I have been listening to a lot of Bowie from early career up to Blackstar and I have noticed some very eery lyrics that were never meant to be prophesies or to prognosticate his death but if you take the one line out of the song its interpretation can take on an alternative meaning. There are not as many lines that Bowie had as Prince has for example the Prince song Let's Go Crazy and the line "I'm not going to the elevator bring us down" in that song the elevator is a metaphor for the devil, but Prince died in the elevator at Paisley Park. These are nothing more then weird coincidences but they in a weird way seem like creepy predictions. If you take Prince's song Sometimes It Snows In April and the obvious fact that Prince died in April, but there are so many creepy almost forecasts in that song when you look back on it now.
Bowie for a while in the 70's use to write one line at a time lyrics and throw them into a hat then randomly select them and create the song. I have been trying to find more lyrics from Bowie that almost seem like odd predictions I have found a few. Again these lyrics were never meant to have these meanings but seem odd now that we have watched events play out.
I'm not nor have I ever been some conspiracy nut, but I have noticed some creepy coincidences in the lyrics of both Prince and Bowie but I guess that it is inevitable when they have both written so many songs.

The Doctor
01-04-2017, 01:00 PM
100% agreed... Alternative Candidate for lyfe


that is a magnificent piece of vinyl there! I'd love to own that beauty.

personally, these era boxed sets lately are such a missed opportunity to collect b-sides and such together for their respective era. The Re:Call collections should function in that way, but instead, they are curios of single edits and such.

frankie teardrop
01-04-2017, 02:34 PM
i have a few of the rykos on wax, including young americans and man who sold the world, but aside from those two, i'm dying to have diamond dogs for that track and ESPECIALLY low for 'some are.'


01-04-2017, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I'm just going to go for the songs that I love and that stood out to me since his passing. I'm hoping to post this on Sunday as I'm going for a chronological list. It's going to be a goodbye of sorts to him.

frankie teardrop
01-04-2017, 04:42 PM
looking forward to your picks! speaking of tributes, if anyone is in NYC these days, i'm doing a 5-hour happy hour, all vinyl at a bar in the LES this friday... i did one last year just days after his passing and it seems only fitting to make it a tradition.

01-05-2017, 09:48 AM
I'm waiting any day for the announcement of a "Blackstar" deluxe edition much like "The Next Day Extra" boxset with the rumored unreleased tracks from the sessions and also it would make sense to include "No plan", "killing a little time" and "When i met you"; plus the alternate versions for "Sue..." and "Tis a Pity She Was a Whore", i know this is coming.

01-06-2017, 05:57 PM

It was a year ago this week that KEXP both celebrated the birth and then shockingly, mourned the death of David Bowie at the age of 69. With the help of both those who knew him best and the man himself, KEXP will dig deep into his influential catalog of music spanning nearly 50-years.
Beginning Sunday, January 8th, on what would have been David Bowie’s 70th birthday, and culminating Tuesday, January 10th on the one-year anniversary of his passing, KEXP DJs John Richards, Cheryl Waters, Stevie Zoom, Larry Rose and Evie Cooke will share rare songs, and we’ll hear from those who knew Bowie best, including producers and friends Brian Eno, Tony Visconti and Nile Rodgers, as well as, Robert Smith of the Cure, Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor and even the former Thin White Duke himself. Clips from these interviews will be featured on the KEXP Blog, alongside videos, news, and a list of Bowie-related events around Seattle.
“Last year we celebrated 12 hours of Bowie on his birthday and the release of Blackstar. Little did we know he was near death. Days later when we woke up to the terrible news, we turned around and did 12 more hours of nothing but Bowie,” said KEXP Morning Show host John Richards. “There may not be another artist who has influenced and informed every aspect of the KEXP mission than David Bowie. His music has not only influenced nearly every broadcast day that we’ve been on the air, but clearly, his art has propelled so many of the artists we love. Thank you, David Bowie. We miss you every day.”

01-07-2017, 06:16 PM
New video for "No Plan"!

Also a digital EP available featuring No Plan, Killing A Little Time, When I Met you, and Lazarus.


01-07-2017, 07:57 PM
FUCK YEAH!!!!! I just finished the listing of my 70 Bowie songs that fans should hear as I'm breaking the list down in five parts for five different periods. '67-'73, '74-'82, '83-'91, '92-'04, & 2013-2016.

Space Suicide
01-07-2017, 09:09 PM
Some guy's 70th birthday is tomorrow....

01-07-2017, 10:23 PM
Some guy's 70th birthday is tomorrow....

As is another legend who would've been 82 years old as he and the man that would've been 70 would duet on this classic:


01-08-2017, 02:37 AM
There is a new documentary called David Bowie: The Last Five Years that has some great insight and new interviews and information regarding, well, Bowie's last five years.
It is great, and obviously a fucking tear jerker.

It's on my Plex for those of you who are connected, and can be found online if you know where to look ;)

01-08-2017, 04:07 AM
There is a new documentary called David Bowie: The Last Five Years that has some great insight and new interviews and information regarding, well, Bowie's last five years.
It is great, and obviously a fucking tear jerker.

It's on my Plex for those of you who are connected, and can be found online if you know where to look ;)

Just watched this - it's good to live in the UK sometimes! Loved the reply to 'what would you like your legacy to be'! Worthwhile watch.

01-08-2017, 09:26 AM
There is a new documentary called David Bowie: The Last Five Years that has some great insight and new interviews and information regarding, well, Bowie's last five years.
It is great, and obviously a fucking tear jerker.

It's on my Plex for those of you who are connected, and can be found online if you know where to look ;)

This documentary made me realise that Bowie's last record was released 8 days into 2016, and NIN latest EP was released 8 days before 2016 was over.
I know that some parallels between Bowie and NIN were already pointed out in the NTAE thread, but I think it's interesting how those records sort of mirror each other.

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 10:10 AM
Its hard not to think of the Thin White Duke today, for me its almost everyday.


01-08-2017, 10:37 AM
The Blackstar Outtakes have finally been released as an EP for what would have been David's 70th Birthday, he still delivers.

I'm gonna spend tonight with a couple of bottles of red, listening through to TND & Blackstar followed by The Last Five Years documentary, Happy Birthday David.

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 10:46 AM
The Blackstar Outtakes have finally been released as an EP for what would have been David's 70th Birthday, he still delivers.

I'm gonna spend tonight with a couple of bottles of red, listening through to TND & Blackstar followed by The Last Five Years documentary, Happy Birthday David.

If you have the Lazarus Original Cast Recording its the second disc. The Bowie sight has changed its page for his birthday check it out davidbowie.com

01-08-2017, 11:21 AM
Never seen this before! Someone sync'd up the official Nassau '76 audio with this amazing 8mm film of David performing "Station to Station" (https://youtu.be/XAj2iX9xqCo). They did an unbelievably good job.

01-08-2017, 11:22 AM
Who can tell me about this?

01-08-2017, 11:42 AM
If you have the Lazarus Original Cast Recording its the second disc. The Bowie sight has changed its page for his birthday check it out davidbowie.com

I was holding out for a release of the tracks on their own, I'm not too interested with the Cast Recording. They made sure you had to buy that previously to get hold of the out takes.

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 11:44 AM
I was holding out for a release of the tracks on their own, I'm not too interested with the Cast Recording. They made sure you had to buy that previously to get hold of the out takes.

I'm a Bowie fanatic I bought the cast soundtrack from his site just for the second disc I haven't even listened to the cast recording.

01-08-2017, 02:03 PM
I've also heard the second disc from that soundtrack as I too haven't heard the cast recording yet. I'm just putting links into the songs I've made for the list which I hopefully will unveil later tonight. I was watching Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars as I still get moved during "The Wild-Eyed Boy from Freecloud" and "My Death". Once I die, I want the latter to be played at my funeral.

frankie teardrop
01-08-2017, 04:12 PM
in case anyone is curious, here's the songs i played in the LES this past friday in celebration. all vinyl, and i tried to represent all eras as best as possible!

memory of a free festival 

v-2 schneider

fantastic voyage


when the wind blows

you’ve been around

up the hill backwards

crystal japan 

moonage daydream (arnold corns) 

the voyeur of utter destruction (as beauty) 


something in the air 

love is lost

girl loves me

bring me the disco king 

aladdin sane (1913-1938-197?) 


beauty and the beast (extended 12’’)

battle for britain (the letter) 


let me sleep beside you (bbc) 

the width of a circle

the man who sold the world (1995)
golden years

breaking glass 

red sails 

you belong in rock and roll 

girls (japanese version)

sweet thing/candidate/sweet thing (reprise)

rebel rebel (single version)


queen bitch 

soul love 

absolute beginners 

this is not america 

a new career in a new town

i can’t give everything away 

the heart’s filthy lesson

it’s no game (part 1) 


look back in anger 

i’m afraid of americans (v1) 

telling lies 


cat people (putting out fire)

station to station 

panic in detroit 

joe the lion 


teenage wildlife 

loving the alien (7’’ mix) 

thru’ these architects eyes 

never let me down 

within you


the secret life of arabia

ashes to ashes 

modern love 

sound + vision 

big brother/chant of the evercircling skeletal family

strangers when we meet 

lady grinning soul 





new killer star 

drive in saturday 

always crashing in the same car 

wild is the wind 

heathen (the rays) 

life on mars 

my death 

we are the dead

all the madmen 


rock ’n’ roll suicide 

the bewlay brothers 

some are 

blue jean

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 07:25 PM

Fuck Yeah!

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 07:28 PM

01-08-2017, 07:32 PM
Remember how i kept insisting there would be another album at this time?

So do i KIND of win?

01-08-2017, 07:40 PM
Remember how i kept insisting there would be another album at this time?

So do i KIND of win?

Yep. Oh, and here is my Bowie 70 list: http://thevoidgoround.blogspot.com/2017/01/bowie-70.html

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 07:45 PM
Remember how i kept insisting there would be another album at this time?

So do i KIND of win?

At what time what are you talking about?

01-08-2017, 08:33 PM
At what time what are you talking about?
months ago.
Starting on 1/15/16 in this thread in fact.

I just had a feeling. but i expected there to be more songs.

Which leads me to this question:
Are these songs from the "five demos" or are there still five more demos?

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 08:40 PM
months ago.

I still have no idea were you calling the extra songs from the Blackstar sessions? Visconti said last year that there were more songs. My guess is there are going to be albums coming out for years.

01-08-2017, 08:45 PM
I still have no idea were you calling the extra songs from the Blackstar sessions? Visconti said last year that there were more songs. My guess is there are going to be albums coming out for years.

i answered my own question. (via interwebs research)
There were 5 completed blackstar outtakes and 5 demos that we know of. So the new songs must be 3 of the outtakes, leaving SEVEN extant songs from the blackstar era that we haven't heard yet.

I sure hope there will be albums coming out for years!

And yes, calling the extra songs from the blackstar sessions. But i thought there would be more, released at once.

That's why i said "do i KIND of win."
But now i feel like a dick for talking about this at length. This is a sensitive fucking subject.
I'm just really really happy i was (somewhat) right.

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 08:51 PM
i answered my own question.
There were 5 completed blackstar outtakes and 5 demos that we know of.

I sure hope there will be albums coming out for years!

And yes, calling the extra songs from the blackstar sessions. But i thought there would be more, released at once.

There has to be, with nearly 50 years of recording sessions there has to be unreleased material but chances are, you are going to get one song per compilation album. I also suspect there will be live albums from nearly every tour. What I want more than anything else is a live DVD/Blu Ray from the 1978 tour.

Your Name Here
01-08-2017, 08:58 PM
That's why i said "do i KIND of win."
But now i feel like a dick for talking about this at length. This is a sensitive fucking subject.
I'm just really really happy i was (somewhat) right.

Nah don't worry about that, we all miss Bowie and it has been a year on Tuesday since he passed we all need to grieve but also need to learn how to enjoy his music again. I never met him and didn't know him but I would be thrilled if millions of people would be enjoying my music long after my death. Somehow I think Bowie would want us to enjoy his music just like he was still with us. The times I saw him live he always had a sense of humor and seemed to enjoy what he was doing.

01-08-2017, 09:23 PM
Your Name Here , what i had expected was another album intended by the man himself to be released posthumously.
And i think that's what this ep is.

As for me, i never stopped enjoying Bowie's music as if he were still here, because through the music, it feels like he IS still here you know?

But it isn't the same for others i suppose.

01-09-2017, 09:06 AM
So are these exactly the same as the ones that were released on the Lazarus soundtrack a few months back?

01-09-2017, 09:13 AM
My favorite moment of the new doc was when bowie said “ that’s part and parcel of what I do for you. Part of my entertaining factor is lying to you."

Fucking hilarious and so endearing.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 09:28 AM
So are these exactly the same as the ones that were released on the Lazarus soundtrack a few months back?

I believe they are the running times are off by one second on each song but that could just be a format thing.

01-09-2017, 09:50 AM
I believe they are the running times are off by one second on each song but that could just be a format thing.
even so, i like to think that db intended them to be released at this time in this fashion.
And i hope there's another one around the corner.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 10:19 AM
even so, i like to think that db intended them to be released at this time in this fashion.
And i hope there's another one around the corner.

If I could find this article I read interviewing Tony Visconti last January he said that Bowie's approach to the studio during the Blackstar sessions was different from any other time he had worked with him. He said Bowie was very prepared with demos made in advance of the sessions, he said before Bowie would work on music while in the studio. He also said when Blackstar was completed Bowie had done more demos for another album but passed away before they could start on it. If I can find the article I will post it.

I have been thinking about this a lot and this is purely speculation on my part but I started to think all the areas of Bowie's career where unreleased material could exist. First there has always been the widely speculated soundtrack Bowie did for "The Man Who Fell To Earth" which has been said became the Low album. However it has been speculated that there is an albums worth of material there. Then there are the sessions he did with Iggy Pop in Switzerland, and Berlin which became Low, Heroes, The Idiot, (this really excites me because this is the period in his career that I love). Also during the Lodger sessions Bowie recorded music in Berlin, New York, and Japan. There has also been speculation with regards to those sessions as well. My source for where these sessions took place is the book "Bowie In Berlin". After the Scary Monsters sessions Bowie did work with Giorgio Moroder for the Cat People soundtrack and there is also speculation of unreleased material there. I also speculate that the reunion of Bowie and Eno for the Outside sessions has material as well.

With the release of the box sets like Five Years 1969-1973 and Who Can I Be Now 1974-1976, the Berlin sessions are next. This is the one that really peaks my interests because Rykodisk sort of skipped over this period with their releases and there has been talk of box sets coming out for years for Low, Heroes, and Lodger as well as Scary Monsters. So what is to come next could be very interesting if they decide to address this area of his career.

01-09-2017, 10:36 AM
Your Name Here , even though bowie is one of my favorite artists of all time, there is still enough of his career that i've yet to explore in depth to keep me surprised and excited just going through albums i haven't heard that much.

What i have listened to the most is Diamond Dogs, Low, Scary Monsters, TMWSTW, Outside, Heathen, Earthling, Blackstar, Hunky Dory, Reality and the two disc Best of Bowie.

That means i've yet to really delve into Heroes or Lodger or even Ziggy Stardust.

The man was so goddamn prolific that he became one of my all time favorites and i've only seriously listened to less than half of his work.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 11:04 AM
elevenism one of my best friends is a huge King Crimson, Robert Fripp, and Brian Eno fan, He loves Heroes because of Eno's and Fripp's involvement on that record. We always go back and fourth over which is the better album Low or Heroes. I lean towards Low he leans toward Heroes we both agree that both albums are definitely a peak in Bowie's career but we have our reasons for why we lean one way or another. Both Low and Heroes have so much diversity on them and in sense Heroes is an extension of Low but I will admit Heroes goes farther then Low. Every track on both albums is amazing but the thing I find interesting about Heroes is that tracks like V2-Schnieder, Sense Of Doubt, Moss Garden and Neokoln have a dark ambient "Low" sound to them the very last song on the album "The Secret Life Of Arabia" takes a total left turn and is almost a danceable track and seems so out of place on that record, but its a great song. I fucking love the tracks Joe The Lion and Blackout especially Blackout. Bowie's vocal phrasings on that song are very interesting there are times where it seems as though he has too many words for the vocal melody and just jams all the words in there but it works and makes me love the track that much more. The thing is because Bowie was so brilliant as a writer I often forget just how great of a singer he was he had great range as a vocalist, amazing vibrato in his voice, but the thing I think is really brilliant about Bowie as a vocalist was his attention to the backing vocals which made the lead vocal standout so much better. The guy was fucking brilliant. If you haven't spent a lot of time with Heroes I am jealous because you are in for a treat, the album is phenomenal.

frankie teardrop
01-09-2017, 12:03 PM
good a time as any to share these, for anyone interested. i wrote pieces on both low and heroes for their respective anniversaries. i prefer heroes as an overall experience, but low is an extremely close second.


01-09-2017, 01:14 PM
Thank you @Your Name Here (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=4172)
After watching that doc last night, i was thinking of taking Heroes for a spin today.
Now i'm going to do it for sure, like, now :)

And i enjoyed your article on Low, frankie teardrop .
I haven't read the one on Heroes yet, but i will.

Thank you guys both.

01-09-2017, 03:48 PM
I saw the documentary last night as I downloaded a torrent of the film. Man, it was fun seeing him on tour and be normal. Then it was sad to see him be ill and such while it was good to hear how those songs would come together. I love the ending of David making a fart joke and farting. I bet his farts smell like rainbows and taste like gummi bears. They must be magical farts.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 07:53 PM
So I watched the Doc, it was heavy. The quote that stuck with me was Bowie's comment on being famous "It's like being in a luxurious mental hospital" made me laugh. I highly recommend watching but it made me depressed. You already know how this is going to end but it is still a punch in the gut that you can't brace yourself for.
I loved watching his creativity, seeing all the musicians he had worked with over the years and how their perception of Bowie was viewed first hand. I am a huge Mike Garson fan and I loved hearing from him. I loved hearing from all of them.
It was a sucker punch all over again experiencing the loss and reliving it again. I guess it is appropriate as we near the one year anniversary of his passing, I just thought I was past this depressing stage.
It was a great documentary all I can add is brace for impact.

01-09-2017, 10:27 PM
Yeah, it was quite heavy and very emotional. Especially in the lone vocal track of "Lazarus". I wish I had seen the play in its entirety. I'm sure it's incredible.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 10:37 PM
It has been a very Bowie day for me, I have been reflecting on all his music today. I have been going all over the place from album to era to era. On a day when NIN has announced their first show of 2017. I'm in a very Bowie world I guess when they actually announce a tour I will be more fired up, I have never been one for festival shows.
I also thought it was funny when Bowie and the band were at a truck stop on tour and they found a Tin Machine cassette tape in the bargain bin, they were all laughing about it. He did have quite the sense of humor.

01-09-2017, 10:49 PM
Maybe I've been living in a hole. What doc?

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 10:54 PM
@Piko (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=358) David Bowie The Last Five Years BBC 2017


You might want to go to the youtube page to watch it full screen.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 11:37 PM

A very interesting conversation with some of Bowie's band members.

01-09-2017, 11:56 PM
It has been a very Bowie day for me, I have been reflecting on all his music today. I have been going all over the place from album to era to era. On a day when NIN has announced their first show of 2017. I'm in a very Bowie world I guess when they actually announce a tour I will be more fired up, I have never been one for festival shows.
I also thought it was funny when Bowie and the band were at a truck stop on tour and they found a Tin Machine cassette tape in the bargain bin, they were all laughing about it. He did have quite the sense of humor.

I also liked the part where he and Earl Slick were playing the crane and won a prize. Bowie surrounding himself w/ Xmas lights. He was probably having so much fun then and just as happy as he could've been. I wonder if he bought the Tin Machine cassette tape.

Your Name Here
01-09-2017, 11:58 PM
thevoid99 Yeah they looked like they were having a blast on the road.

01-10-2017, 09:14 AM
I heard "Blackstar" today in my way to work.
When the album finished playing i heard "I'm Derranged" right away, it was shocking to hear how much it sounds like a "Blackstar" track!

Your Name Here
01-10-2017, 09:18 AM
henryeatscereal "I'm Deranged" Is one of my favorite Bowie songs, I use it for my vocal exercises, I love his voice on that track. It does have a darkness to it like Blackstar. I also love "The Motel" from the Outside album more so because I love Mike Garson's piano playing on that track.

01-10-2017, 09:51 AM
@henryeatscereal (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) "I'm Deranged" Is one of my favorite Bowie songs, I use it for my vocal exercises, I love his voice on that track. It does have a darkness to it like Blackstar. I also love "The Motel" from the Outside album more so because I love Mike Garson's piano playing on that track.
You clearly can hear the Jazz influence on "I'm Derranged" and "The Motel", actually i hadn't noticed the big "Acid Jazz" influence that "Outside" has.
I guess Bowie was experimenting with those Jazz-influenced sounds since "Black Tie, White Noise", and funny enough they are a big part of "Blackstar".

01-10-2017, 12:07 PM
Funny how feelings travel...

I've had that track nearly on repeat for the past day or so. We're just shy of a month until the 20th anniversary of the Lost Highway soundtrack's release. That was the song that started it all for me.

Love the 'Outside Mix' version too. :)


Your Name Here
01-10-2017, 12:31 PM
henryeatscereal in the recent documentary it talks about Bowie's love of jazz music. Black Tie, White Noise was a very interesting album there are a lot of different textures on that album, it goes in many directions, it does have some cool songs on it. First song I really like on that album is "Pallas Athena" and if you have the two disk version "Pallas Athena (Don't Praying Remix No. 2) is a great hypnotic song that pulsates with an ominous beat. It is even more apparent on the live version found on Earthling In The City, I always thought they should have run that live version right into "Law (Earthlings On Fire) live from the Earthling album. Both songs have a similar pulse to their framework. Back to Black Tie, White Noise, the track "Looking For Lester" has a modern jazz feel to it with some Mike Garson piano near the end. Nite Flights and the title track have great Bowie vocals but the song Miracle Goodnight has a very unique chord progression to it. Also the album Buddha Of Suburbia has a very almost experimental track on it called "Bleed Like A Craze, Dad" where Bowie has very interesting way of singing the lyrics he repeats certain words of the lines where it almost sounds like a delay or an echo and it is hard to tell because there is a lot of reverb on his voice. I saw an interview where he talked about it as sort of experimental thing it has an interesting effect and an avant garde texture from a guy who is known to break all the rules to deliver something truly unique. The two albums Black Tie White Noise and Buddha Of Suburbia seem to be a breeding ground of textures that would lead up to Outside and then Earthling which the latter two would ring in the style that Bowie had in the 90's. All four are great albums all are uniquely different in their own way, it is mind boggling just listening to the transitions from album to album. Its great ride listen to them.

01-10-2017, 03:05 PM
The jungle mix of "I'm Deranged" is just as good as the album version too, imo.

Your Name Here
01-10-2017, 03:12 PM
seasonsinthesky Agreed!!!

On this day when we are remembering him I thought I'd post this picture he looks so fucking cool.


01-12-2017, 08:15 AM
There were already a fair few clips from the Brixton concert online, but Mike Garson posted this yesterday:


I'm looking forward to seeing Bowie at the BBC tomorrow - an hour of BBC related footage from over the years. Hopefully we'll see a good variety of stuff on there, and I wouldn't be surprised if it included this performance of Life On Mars:


frankie teardrop
01-12-2017, 12:57 PM
i caught the NYC show on a free ticket whim. i didn't buy before since i wasn't sure how i'd feel about it. was worried it would be kind of a mess and a bit too karaoke (though i love karaoke otherwise). long story short, i'm glad i went. the whole affair was joyous, emotional, and very well orchestrated to include pretty much every classic as well as a few hardcore surprised. such an amazing lineup of bowie alumni on display, and even the singers i wasn't into on paper or familiar with did a fantastic job. there were a few technical glitches, but that's to be expected with dozens musicians shuffling back and forth.

01-12-2017, 01:19 PM

Is that soooo much to ask??

frankie teardrop
01-12-2017, 02:24 PM
they haven't been doing that one so far this time around! 'stay' ripped, however. RIPPED.

01-14-2017, 12:23 PM
40 years old and still rockin'. Happy birthday, you son of a bitch!


01-14-2017, 01:43 PM
Popping in to say I listened to Outside (with "Get Real" inserted) this morning and it was fucking fantastic, as usual. What an album.

Space Suicide
01-14-2017, 02:23 PM
Humble posts about this incredible man, this is in my top 5 and always will be. I've probably posted about the choice here several times throughout the years as a member:


01-14-2017, 09:56 PM
The version of Seven Years from LiveAndWell.com absolutely destroys. :D

Your Name Here
01-15-2017, 06:15 PM
So I am falling behind in my box set purchases between buying all the Velvet Underground box sets, buying all the Cure Vinyl rereleases, and now the NIN rereleases I have fallen behind on my box set purchases.
I finally bought "Who Can I be Now-1974-1976" mainly for the Gouster disc, I have all the over stuff in several different formats but because it is Bowie, I MUST OWN IT ALL BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I was curious if anybody knows this as to why the track "After Today" which was recorded during the Young Americans sessions why it wasn't included on Gouster or the Young Americans disc.
"After Today" appears on the Sound & Vision box set but I wanted a remastered version of the song.

01-15-2017, 07:14 PM
I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but that track wasn't mixed in time for The Gouster or Young Americans. When creating those albums, Bowie labeled it a 'spare' (leftover) track; nor was it considered finished until Ryko mixed it for the Sound + Vision box set in 1989. EMI remastered that mix for their 2003 edition of the box but opted not to include it on the 2007 special 2-disc edition of Young Americans. So, there is your answer.

Kind of a fun groove, but clearly the vocal is a scratch take not intended to be the final performance (it sounds quite rough).

01-15-2017, 07:38 PM
Humble posts about this incredible man, this is in my top 5 and always will be. I've probably posted about the choice here several times throughout the years as a member:


I love that song so much, but I would love to remix it... I would immediately replace the tones of those organs and saxophone parts with gritty synth bits, and this song would sing... I know that goes against the point of the lyrics, but god the circus tones ruin me.

01-17-2017, 10:18 PM
they used Heroes (to perfect effect) in the series finale of Regular Show. i was already crying, knowing it was the end, and the song just sent me over the edge.

01-18-2017, 03:30 PM

How did I not know about Fun? This song is fucking awesome. Should have been on the Earthling bonus disc.

Your Name Here
01-18-2017, 05:52 PM

I woke up this morning with this song stuck in my head, I'm not complaining, actually its great, but I have just been into this song all day. I prefer this 2000 live version simply because of the slight and subtle Mike Garson fills. Then my Bowie Who Can I be Now box set arrived furthering my frenzy on this song and the Station To Station album and the flipping back to The Gouster.

01-18-2017, 05:54 PM
How did I not know about Fun? This song is fucking awesome. Should have been on the Earthling bonus disc.
Fun (Dillinja Mix) (the only version that's commercially released) is included in LiveAndWell.com album, if you want it, you know what to do...

01-19-2017, 10:10 AM
I don't know if it has been mentioned around here, but the uncredited Farewell Mix (https://soundcloud.com/thisisthenumbernineteen/i-cant-give-everything-away-farewell-mix) of "I Can't Give Everything" has a HUGE Trent/Atticus vibe going on. If it's not by them, it's at least by someone who wants to sound like them.

Either way, incredible job. It's simple, yet so melancholic and sad. To me even more so than the original. I'm absolutely in love with it.

01-19-2017, 10:35 AM
Fun also seems to be on an unofficial live cd, called Glastonbury Messiah. A few versions of that song (such as the one linked above) are tacked on the end of the cd after the live songs. Also, there's his cover of Dylan's Trying To Get To Heaven on there, which was recorded during the Hours era but was left off the album: https://www.discogs.com/David-Bowie-Glastonbury-Messiah/release/6598604 (https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/356467740)

01-19-2017, 10:44 AM
Fun also seems to be on an unofficial live cd, called Glastonbury Messiah. A few versions of that song (such as the one linked above) are tacked on the end of the cd after the live songs. Also, there's his cover of Dylan's Trying To Get To Heaven on there, which was recorded during the Hours era but was left off the album: https://www.discogs.com/David-Bowie-Glastonbury-Messiah/release/6598604 (https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/356467740)

Yeah, these are promo remixes. They all suck. (imo!)

The original was from liveandwell.com, the actual website. Trying to find the MP3 it gave you now is basically impossible. wtf

01-19-2017, 12:07 PM
Who can tell me about this?

Ah, it has been mentioned. It seems that no one here cares much about it. :/

Oh, and I just noticed the description: "I didn't make this. I found it and here it is." Pretty mysterious.

01-19-2017, 04:15 PM
Sounds like something maybe James Murphy would've made. But I'm also getting TRAR vibes - the ending especially.

01-20-2017, 03:22 AM
Sounds like something maybe James Murphy would've made. But I'm also getting TRAR vibes - the ending especially.

I agree. To me the ending sounds almost 100% like them. Although there's still something in the back of my head that makes me question if TRAR could've really made it. I think their songs are usually a bit more "dense" and differently mixed. Either way, the song itself is definitely their style.

I've never heard music from James Murphy — is there something you could recommend based on that remix?

01-20-2017, 05:16 AM
Sounds like James Murphy

Uhuh, definitely. Can't help wonder if it's an instrumental track that someone's chucked the vocal over, but it does really work and I like it very much.
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention -->
@<a href="http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3467" target="_blank">niggo</a>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: dbtech_usertag_mention --> -


01-20-2017, 09:45 AM
That "Farewell Mix" is just obnoxious...

Side note for you tape-loop ambient fans: William Basinski's "A Shadow In Time" was released today with his eulogy for David titled "For David Robert Jones".


Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/album/6B1OkPs0AlG9QsHIxKwrgp

01-20-2017, 10:57 AM
That "Farewell Mix" is just obnoxious...

Side note for you tape-loop ambient fans: William Basinski's "A Shadow In Time" was released today with his eulogy for David titled "For David Robert Jones".


Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/album/6B1OkPs0AlG9QsHIxKwrgp

It's also on Bandcamp. The eulogy track in question is sleepy and beautiful.

01-20-2017, 11:17 AM
I've never heard music from James Murphy — is there something you could recommend based on that remix?

Yes! Besides his work as LCD Soundsystem, make sure to check out his remix of Bowie's Love Is Lost:


Also his remix work as one half of The DFA is fantastic:


This has always been my favorite remix of theirs. Soooo addictive.

A little lesser known album of his is Remixes With Tennis Data, which is similar in sound to his remix of Love Is Lost:



01-20-2017, 11:29 AM
That "Farewell Mix" is just obnoxious...

Oh. Obnoxious is a strong word. Interesting. I think it's remarkable that the essence of what I love about TRAR (regardless of who really made it, this track really captures it for me) is something other people on here find obnoxious. Tastes differ I guess.

@r_z (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=347) Thanks, man! I'll give those a listen a right away. :)

Your Name Here
01-26-2017, 10:29 AM
I have a question for you Bowie fans. If you have been on eBay recently you will see there is a glut of Bowie live bootlegs on there. I am looking for some live versions of certain songs. Buying bootlegs is always a crap shoot so if anybody has any recommendations or ones to avoid that would greatly appreciated.

01-26-2017, 10:53 AM
I have a question for you Bowie fans. If you have been on eBay recently you will see there is a glut of Bowie live bootlegs on there. I am looking for some live versions of certain songs. Buying bootlegs is always a crap shoot so if anybody has any recommendations or ones to avoid that would greatly appreciated.
i have a set from Montreal in 83 that is very good and i know there is some good stuff from Dallas 78 out there. you could always save your money and download instead.

Your Name Here
01-26-2017, 11:30 AM
i have a set from Montreal in 83 that is very good and i know there is some good stuff from Dallas 78 out there. you could always save your money and download instead.

Thank you for the info, Where are the downloads that you are talking about? I am definitely down for Dallas 78 also looking for Outside tour 95 and Earthling tour 96/97. Yes I already have the Bowie/NIN ones.

01-26-2017, 12:10 PM
There is a bootleg with soundboard recordings of rehearsals for the Outside tour, called "Outside Mix". The audio quality is quite good. You'll find it on the interwebz.

Your Name Here
01-26-2017, 12:18 PM
r_z I searched it I couldn't find it, do you have a link? Thank you.

01-26-2017, 12:21 PM
Don't forget the full Low performance from the 'hours...' Heathen tour (2002). It was also a Montreux festival show!

Your Name Here
01-26-2017, 12:22 PM
Don't forget the full Low performance from the 'hours...' tour (2002?).

YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!! I want that where is it, gimme gimme gimme gimme. I have seen the youtube videos

01-26-2017, 01:31 PM
Just go to BowieStation (google it), it's forum/torrent tracker dedicated to all things Bowie (no piracy stuff there, don't worry)

01-26-2017, 01:59 PM
Woman at Bowie's Pot Arrest Breaks 40 Year Silence (http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/lifestyle/2017/01/21/chi-wah-soo-breaks-her-silence-davie-bowie-arrest/96306624/)

A guy working on a documentary about David Bowie's arrest for marijuana in WNY manages to get the woman who was with him to talk about it publicly / on record for the first time. Could be interesting to see the documentary if it ever comes out, especially given the advances in legalizing marijuana.

Your Name Here
01-26-2017, 07:35 PM
Just go to BowieStation (google it), it's forum/torrent tracker dedicated to all things Bowie (no piracy stuff there, don't worry)

Dude Thank you I have been downloading all day, of coarse you might be female(I don't know you) in which case Dudette thank you!!!

01-27-2017, 07:21 PM

Your Name Here
01-28-2017, 04:53 PM

Thank you fillow because of you this is what I am listening to and it doesn't get better then this.

01-29-2017, 05:05 PM
There are still 7 unheard songs from the Next Day sessions, correct? Wiki reports a total of 29 recorded, and I count 22 released on the various deluxe versions of the album. Do we know if any ended up on Blackstar?

Your Name Here
01-29-2017, 08:45 PM
seasonsinthesky this doesn't really answer your question and some of the information I gathered came from the bowiestation.com site.
As far as I know the song Sue (Or In A Season Of The Crime) started during the Next Day sessions. Sue was then redone and appeared on the Nothing Has Changed compilation, Sue was then redone again and appeared on Blackstar.
These are some of the songs that are said to be left over from the Blackstar sessions,
- When Things Go Bad
- No Plan
- Killing A Little Time
- When I Met You
- Russian Black Man Of Moscow
- Somewhere
- Wistful
- Duet with Lorde (Bowie at least recorded his part)
- 5 demo songs from Dec 2015/Jan 2016
No Plan as well as Killing A Little Time and When I Met You, were released as Blackstar bonus tracks.

****Again these are not facts and are purely speculation based on hearsay, I can't even guarantee the source. The Bowie documentary The Last Five Years seems to back up some of this but again dates and recording sessions can not be verified. Tony Visconti in the documentary did mention that Bowie had demo'd five new tracks that they never got to work on before he died.****

01-30-2017, 09:49 PM
from my intensive studies on the blackstar sessions this is an accurate list, but I did not know about the Lorde duet. I would only add that "Wistful" has also been referred to as "blaze"

01-31-2017, 11:29 AM
I already knew the Blackstar stuff, but thanks anyway guys.

Listening to Station to Station in reverse order today and it's surprisingly well paced! I may like it more than the original order.

02-03-2017, 06:36 PM
Earthling came out 20 years ago today!!! I fell in love with this album on the first listen. I still remember it: I was 15 years old, and my cousin put it on his cassette player, and Little Wonder started, and my mind was blown... These forty-some minutes made me a lifelong Bowie fan!


Your Name Here
02-03-2017, 06:40 PM
Earthling is one of my favs as well.

02-03-2017, 07:16 PM
Mine too. And I just recently got around to checking out some of the remixes, alternative versions and leftovers from those years.

For example, the "Feelgood Mix" of Telling Lies is basically an alternate version with a different, less rock-oriented instrumentation that leans more toward typical DnB basslines and such. This version seems to be the original version of that song before Bowie opted for a heavier sound.


Also Danny Sabre's remixes of Little Wonder and Dead Man Walking (called "This One's Not Dead Yet Mix") are excellent:


And there's a version of I Can't Read, which got re-recorded during the Earthling sessions, but got left off the album:


02-03-2017, 07:31 PM
I also always loved this remix:


02-03-2017, 07:33 PM
You can see why ICR was left off – great version, but utterly alien (not alien enough?) from Earthling's sound.

I've had a tough time getting into Earthling compared to Outside. It's certainly quite a different beast. Mostly, I find a lot of the arrangements overlong for no reason, "Little Wonder" especially – the radio edit is the best version imo. Glad we never got the 9-minute 'rave epic' mentioned on Pushing Ahead of the Dame.

The album definitely gets better as it goes, though. I'd say it crests in the middle with 7YIT/DMW/TL and has a denouement interrupted, fittingly, by Americans.

02-04-2017, 01:06 PM
Earthling came out 20 years ago today!!! I fell in love with this album on the first listen. I still remember it: I was 15 years old, and my cousin put it on his cassette player, and Little Wonder started, and my mind was blown... These forty-some minutes made me a lifelong Bowie fan!

I fuckin' love "Earthling"; "Outside" has better songs, but as an album "Earthling" flows so much better and smoothly, i gonna listen to it!

I also always loved this remix:

Thanks for posting that! it's been years since i heard this one, i love that remix even more than the studio version.

02-06-2017, 12:19 PM
Limited white vinyl pressing of the No Plan EP is up for pre-order now. It says "made to order" so I'm guessing that means there's no actual hard-limit set yet?


There's also a more standard black 180g pressing available:


And there's a CD too but I'm too lazy to link it

02-06-2017, 12:28 PM
Bull Moose shop also lists an "indie exclusive" clear/white/blue LP pressing. I may do that one if a Canadian shop lists it. Or request it at my local one.

02-06-2017, 12:57 PM
And there's a CD too but I'm too lazy to link it

Yes Shadaloo, this DID just happen, like you feared it would, the day after you caved and bought the Lazarus soundtrack.

Space Suicide
02-06-2017, 06:11 PM
I used to have the bonus disc for that reissue of Earthling and I somehow lost it and cannot locate it anywhere. I loved it. It's definitely one of my favorites.

02-08-2017, 12:11 PM

02-08-2017, 03:24 PM
I saw that clip last Sunday. That was a joy to watch. 2 old mates from South London walking through Madrid looking for beer, signing autographs, and talking about art.

02-15-2017, 05:36 PM
Can I just say that Low's B side is a spectacular soundscape. Perfect thing to come after the experimental post-punk-esque A side (which I also love).

02-16-2017, 03:19 AM
On the B side theme then, can we just take a few minutes to appreciate the wonderful ending to "Heroes". Nothing thrills me more than the tension at the end of Neukolln, the gap, and the great release of The Secret Life Of Arabia. Truly perfect. Still miss you Dave.



02-18-2017, 05:03 PM
Anyone know the riff to "Voyeur of Utter Destruction?" Tabs don't bloody exist.

02-21-2017, 02:28 AM
Interesting and quite sad interview with Reeves Gabrels about his time with David Bowie

02-21-2017, 09:11 AM
OK so what the fuck is the Lodger cover supposed to be? Why is DB twisted up like he just fell off a roof? Why is he on the wall of a bathroom?

02-21-2017, 04:27 PM
Interesting and quite sad interview with Reeves Gabrels about his time with David Bowie

Great read. Thanks for sharing.

02-22-2017, 02:41 AM
So - am I just being a grumpy sod, or is this planned memorial for Brixton a bit rubbish?



I know the lightning bolt is a very recognisable symbol, and I think I can see their reasons for using it beyond that, but still I'd rather see something a bit more interesting. Also, after a short time it is going to be covered in crap that wouldn't make so much difference on a regular statue. I thought it would be much better if they grabbed a few bits of wall (or other) space from around the area and used them as an ongoing street art project that could be changed over time. This would suit both Bowie and Brixton better - fitting the environment and maybe making something more fun that people maybe had to look for, rather than just something you see when you get off the tube, take a photo of, and never come back to again. On the other hand though, it certainly is bold, and maybe the massive contrast to the immediate environment is how it should be. Of course it all depends on whether they get the cash together anyway. I've seen quite a few negative comments, but maybe it will be embraced by people beyond the Bowie nerds who saw the announcement first.

02-22-2017, 04:57 PM
I don't mind the lightning bolt but personally, I'd rather have a statue of Bowie in the Ziggy era in the middle of Brixton's park with the park named after him.

03-14-2017, 08:25 PM
This isn't really related or even related to music for that
matter, but this immediately made me think of blue, blue, electric blue -


03-15-2017, 09:37 AM
Saw this via Mike Garson:


Guess this includes all the same guys as the tribute shows. I never got to see the later Bowie shows, so part of me would love to see all the hits with the old band, but I guess a lot does depend on who they rope in for guest vocals. I'd be well happy to see Anna Calvi involved after her performance at the BBC Proms show. Surely someone should ask Chris Connelly to have a bash with them too?

03-17-2017, 08:32 AM


03-22-2017, 04:56 AM
The BowieSongs blog, which was so good for so many years, has become unbearable to read for me recently (well, for a couple years actually). Instead of just some tidbits about the song, the author now writes the whole book chapter which sometimes only mentions the actual song at the very end. I get it, he's actually writes a book now instead of a blog, but that's how I feel as a long time reader. I liked the older (pre-Outside) chapters much more.

03-22-2017, 05:20 AM
The BowieSongs blog, which was so good for so many years, has become unbearable to read for me recently (well, for a couple years actually). Instead of just some tidbits about the song, the author now writes the whole book chapter which sometimes only mentions the actual song at the very end. I get it, he's actually writes a book now instead of a blog, but that's how I feel as a long time reader. I liked the older (pre-Outside) chapters much more.

Yeah, you can tell he doesn't much like a lot of newer stuff. I think the lengthy rants are intended to give background to the lyrics of the songs, evidently the only part he cares for.

03-22-2017, 03:52 PM
I stopped reading the site a long time ago as it's just a bunch of whiny complaints and such. I remember there used to be a book some many years ago that I found which was about all of David Bowie's songs from album to album. I think it's up till Heathen or Hours. I don't remember but it was a good book. I also remember a book about Bowie and his impact on fashion which was also cool. Someone needs to reissue those books and update them.

The Doctor
04-12-2017, 05:37 PM
David Bowie’s ‘Lazarus’ is set to become a virtual reality experience (http://www.nme.com/news/music/david-bowies-lazarus-set-become-virtual-reality-experience-2045721)

04-12-2017, 10:11 PM
While there's no doubt the BowieSongs guy does his homework and does it exceptionally well, he's utterly lacking in objectivity. He was downright vitriolic at points when covering the Never Let Me Down - Glass Spider tour - Tin Machine eras.

05-02-2017, 08:53 PM
Can someone explain what the actual fuck the "Little Wonder" music video is?

05-03-2017, 05:05 AM
Can someone explain what the actual fuck the "Little Wonder" music video is?


My explanation? Floria Sigismondi.


Right around that time she was working on things like Manson's Tourniquet; I think she was working with a distinctive aesthetic around then.

05-03-2017, 05:33 AM
Can someone explain what the actual fuck the "Little Wonder" music video is?

It's a masterpiece! I was 15 when it came out and catching it on MTV was a truly jaw-dropping experience. It is everything I love about the mid-90s

05-03-2017, 05:36 AM
...and we were talking about B sides earlier...

the 2002 re-recording of Conversation Piece that was featured as a B side on Heathen is one of Bowie's best ever. Stunning.


05-03-2017, 10:37 AM
It's a masterpiece! I was 15 when it came out and catching it on MTV was a truly jaw-dropping experience. It is everything I love about the mid-90s
I don't dislike it at all, in fact quite the opposite, but like, it's just absolutely strange for the song.

05-12-2017, 08:34 PM
For anyone that loves cinema such as myself, here is a fantastic video about the usage of Bowie's music in film:


06-01-2017, 12:00 AM
Sorry for the double-post but.... 50 years ago today. This album came out, on the same Sgt. Pepper was released,...


06-01-2017, 05:37 AM
They have the Bowie Exibition in Barcelona which started last weekend. The same event which was in London in 2013 I believe. I'll try and see it soon.

07-12-2017, 03:36 AM
Now here's the one I've been looking forward to - the next box set - A New Career In A New Town 1977-1982


07-12-2017, 05:03 AM
My only hope is that this box set is not a final one. I hope that 80s stuff and Tin Machine eras get their treatments as well.

07-12-2017, 06:22 AM
Hey, that's being released on my birthday

07-12-2017, 06:51 AM
Well, this is an instant buy for me (lemme at that Lodger remix). I have most of the Rykodisc versions of these studio albums on CD already but I really like the way Ray Staff has been remastering them, so I don't mind double-dipping for better sound.

Plus: Baal on CD! Little Fuckin' Drummer Boy! Finally the complete Stage setlist!

Only thing really glaring in terms of omitted rarities from the period would be this 12" mix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv6YZq5A36s). It seems they have included the regular-length soundtrack version on Re:Call 3, but apparently not even a needledrop of the extended version (although the 12" extended "Beauty and the Beast" is here and it sounds fantastic).

07-12-2017, 08:48 AM
Well, this is an instant buy for me (lemme at that Lodger remix). I have most of the Rykodisc versions of these studio albums on CD already but I really like the way Ray Staff has been remastering them, so I don't mind double-dipping for better sound.

Plus: Baal on CD! Little Fuckin' Drummer Boy! Finally the complete Stage setlist!

Only thing really glaring in terms of omitted rarities from the period would be this 12" mix (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv6YZq5A36s). It seems they have included the regular-length soundtrack version on Re:Call 3, but apparently not even a needledrop of the extended version (although the 12" extended "Beauty and the Beast" is here and it sounds fantastic).

have these been coming with digital downloads if you buy the vinyl box set? this is the first set i've really wanted, but $160 is a lot to drop. however, i have ZERO bowie on vinyl other than Blackstar and i'd really like to get my hands on these albums.

07-12-2017, 09:07 AM
have these been coming with digital downloads if you buy the vinyl box set? this is the first set i've really wanted, but $160 is a lot to drop. however, i have ZERO bowie on vinyl other than Blackstar and i'd really like to get my hands on these albums.
The vinyl sets are beautiful objects, but they don't come with download codes. The high-resolution download versions also omit anything that doesn't exist at 24bit/96kHz resolution (including the Re:Call sets, mostly because they are from various sources including standard-resolution digital and vinyl needledrops).

07-12-2017, 09:24 AM
The vinyl sets are beautiful objects, but they don't come with download codes. The high-resolution download versions also omit anything that doesn't exist at 24bit/96kHz resolution (including the Re:Call sets, mostly because they are from various sources including standard-resolution digital and vinyl needledrops).

that's incredibly disappointing :/
i would be absolutely fine with a 320kbps mp3 download so i can listen to this stuff on the go.

07-12-2017, 09:33 AM
that's incredibly disappointing :/
i would be absolutely fine with a 320kbps mp3 download so i can listen to this stuff on the go.
I can hit you up with a rip once my CDs arrive ;)

07-12-2017, 11:20 AM
The previous box sets (both vinyl and CD versions) have been Autorip-eligible on Amazon. That obviously won't satisfy anyone looking for lossless, but if you're content with mp3 it might be the best option.

07-12-2017, 11:41 AM
I'll probably end up buying it, kinda wish they would have included the bonus tracks on the rykodosc versions tho. Low sounds incomplete to me without Some Are and All Saints.

07-12-2017, 12:26 PM
Just a heads up. The vinyl box set on Amazon is $159.

EDIT: looks like it was just changed on Amazon to $249. Luckily I bought this morning when it was listed as $159. My order under MY ACCOUNT even still reads $159 plus tax. No chance they would cancel my order and force a reorder is there???

EDIT 2: And it looks as though the Amazon version does include the Yellow colored Stage 2xLP. The image is just not updated. The item description has it listed though.


07-12-2017, 12:58 PM
No chance they would cancel my order and force a reorder is there???

They tried that on me when they fucked up on the Pumpkins' Mellon Collie LP boxset. I gave them shit, pointed out the preorder price guarantee, and they relented. Stick to your guns if it happens.

frankie teardrop
07-12-2017, 01:24 PM
too bad it omits 'some are' from the rykodisc version of low... which is coincidentally one of my top 10 bowie tunes. would buy for that alone!

nice to have the 12'' 'beauty and the beast' represented in digital format. i have the 12'' (and a high quality rip from it), but nice to have it here properly.

07-12-2017, 02:18 PM
They tried that on me when they fucked up on the Pumpkins' Mellon Collie LP boxset. I gave them shit, pointed out the preorder price guarantee, and they relented. Stick to your guns if it happens.

Yeah, just spoke with Customer Service and they said if an item is listed for say $50 as a pre-order and you order it at that price, then a few hours later it goes up to $70, you do indeed get it for the price you ordered it at. Thank god...

So glad I snagged this at $160


07-12-2017, 03:40 PM
Yeah, just spoke with Customer Service and they said if an item is listed for say $50 as a pre-order and you order it at that price, then a few hours later it goes up to $70, you do indeed get it for the price you ordered it at. Thank god...

So glad I snagged this at $160


fuck, i knew i should have pre-ordered it earlier. well, i'm definitely out, now. can't afford $250 with the new NIN releases coming up soon.

it's $199 on SRC Vinyl (https://www.srcvinyl.com/catalog/product/view/id/8812/s/david-bowie-a-new-career-in-a-new-town-1977-1982-13xlp/), in case anyone's interested.

07-12-2017, 03:51 PM
So what's the difference between album and 12" version of Beauty..?

07-12-2017, 05:43 PM
Huge letdown.

07-12-2017, 06:02 PM
too bad it omits 'some are' from the rykodisc version of low... which is coincidentally one of my top 10 bowie tunes. would buy for that alone!


07-12-2017, 06:06 PM
They could have put the LA 1974 show on the last box, and there are so many bonehead moves on this one. Two versions of STAGE is just empty padding. At least throw us the Perth or Stockholm shows, we know those exist. There's *nothing* from the PLANNED ACCIDENTS sessions anywhere? No SCARY MONSTERS demos?

All these great tracks like "Some Are" missing. The last box had fucking needledrops on it.

Bowie's back catalogue really has been a mess since pretty much the Ryko days.

07-20-2017, 03:07 AM
Covered in the live threads, but worth noting here I think - the uncredited remix of I Can't Give Everything Away that appeared on Soundcloud some time back was indeed produced by Trent, as rumoured.
Sounds like it probably is, to some extent, incomplete, but personally I think it sounds great.


07-23-2017, 03:17 PM
They could have put the LA 1974 show on the last box, and there are so many bonehead moves on this one. Two versions of STAGE is just empty padding. At least throw us the Perth or Stockholm shows, we know those exist. There's *nothing* from the PLANNED ACCIDENTS sessions anywhere? No SCARY MONSTERS demos?

All these great tracks like "Some Are" missing. The last box had fucking needledrops on it.

Bowie's back catalogue really has been a mess since pretty much the Ryko days.
Wow, which albums were needledrops?

I haven't bought any of these boxes, but I've been considering it. I feel like if there was more unreleased stuff or even a more complete collection of previously released outtakes and bonus tracks they'd be a lot more enticing. Like the 30th anniversary diamond dogs 2nd disc is fucking gold, but nothing seems to be included from there. The double up of versions of live albums seems kinda odd. anyone have thoughts about the couple remixed albums?

I have a big gap in my bowie CD collection due to my younger days when I was only into 71 through 73 and 95 on. Now I love just about every period of his work. Anyone have thoughts on if I should go for these boxes or just fill out my gaps with single discs?

07-31-2017, 08:59 AM
Wow, which albums were needledrops?

Not albums, a lot of the single mixes/outtake/etc tracks. I had a list somewhere from some dork on stevehoffman.tv.

08-01-2017, 02:30 PM
Not albums, a lot of the single mixes/outtake/etc tracks. I had a list somewhere from some dork on stevehoffman.tv.
"A lot"? More like a handful where tape sources no longer exist.

08-21-2017, 02:48 PM
A post from Tony Visconti on Facebook:
There seems to be a lot of erroneous and egregious comments about the remix of Lodger. For the record, remixing began in the middle of 2015, never before. It has been well documented that David and I always wanted to remix Lodger but there never seemed to be a good time to do that. In 2015 we were making Blackstar together and David was also busy with his musical Lazarus. There were short periods when David wasn't in the studio, yet I was in a high state of creativity. I opened up Fantastic Voyage and started to mix it and after a few hours I left it in a better state than I had found it (I did more tweaking later on). A few weeks later I tackled African Night Flight and Move On. Then I knew this album could sound great. After I had mixed Yassassin and Red Sails I surprised David with the results. He was extremely pleased and gave me the green light to finish mixing the entire album. Because we were still working on Blackstar that year I never got a chance to complete it until later in 2016 due to my other production commitments and Holy Holy tours. There you have it from me.
So these new mixes (at least half of them) would have been approved by DB.

08-21-2017, 03:09 PM
Honestly, if I want someone to remix a classic album. Better be someone who was involved in the album to begin with rather than someone who would do something totally different w/o the consent of those involved. Plus, it's Tony Visconti who doesn't get a lot of credit for his work as a producer.

08-21-2017, 05:23 PM
Are people upset about this? It's Tony Visconti. Worst case we don't like it... and who cares? But again... it's Visconti. He was involved in the original. Was Bowie's "voice on Earth" or whatever those last few years by Bowie's own design... surely no one would be upset about a new mix on the album (a criminally underrated one at that - more coverage for Lodger the better).

08-21-2017, 05:25 PM
I'm into a LODGER remix for the sake of it, but I've always thought the weird muddy, dubby quality it had lent itself to being like a tape you found in some weird stall while traveling. Might be projecting more concept than they had in mind, though. Just think I'll go "hrm, interesting" but ultimately go back to the old one.

Also, and I love DB obviously, I don't really trust the approval of rock stars who blasted out their hearing with 40 years of live touring when it comes to remasters.

08-21-2017, 05:42 PM
Why anybody not interested in the remix would be upset at its existence is beyond me. It won't erase the original mix.

08-21-2017, 06:20 PM
Why anybody not interested in the remix would be upset at its existence is beyond me. It won't erase the original mix.
Exactly this. It's not going to be sold separately outside of the box set, either, so you can safely ignore it if you don't want to hear it.

09-28-2017, 09:36 AM
Just a heads up:

David Bowie 'Live In Berlin' EP Streaming for Limited Time



Nothing too crazy but for the big fans.

09-28-2017, 10:01 AM
So the box set will be out this friday. Really looking forward to the Lodger remix!

09-30-2017, 06:06 PM
Depeche Mode rendition of "Heroes" wasn't mentioned yet?

Maybe Dave could take it a bit more easy, Martin could play guitar less like it is just static copy-paste repeat, and maybe they could choose less obvious song, but still pretty good and respectful I think.

09-30-2017, 07:37 PM
I think it's fucking incredible. Dave nailed it on the vocals as I'm eager for a mashup of this version with ones by Motorhead and King Crimson.

10-03-2017, 05:58 PM
So there seem to be a few issues with the new remasters in the ANCIANT box set. In reviews on Amazon they are speaking of "unacceptable mastering errors", a "flawed box set" and a "terrible" remastering.

The criticisms seem to specifically be directed at volume drops during 'Heroes', an overcooked bass heavy remastering of Low as well as various issues with the remaster of Lodger.

Warner, in turn, stresses how they went back to the original analogue master tapes and that they were very keen to maintain "the integrity" of those tapes, which contained some of those errors and hiss to begin with.

I don't know what to think of this yet, as I've only just now listened to the remix of Lodger and thought it sounded fine, even better in fact than the original mix. So what's everyone else's opinion?

10-03-2017, 06:09 PM
Similar to the Maslin STS mix, it seems Visconti went and replaced snares and bass drum on a bunch of stuff on LODGER. You don't do that to Dennis Davis, dude was a beast.

In general though I think going back to whatever Ryko's digitzation of the tapes were pre-NR and raw, and working with those would have been a better move than pulling the actual tapes which have 30 more years of deterioration to them.

10-03-2017, 06:16 PM
The volume drop in "Heroes" is barely noticeable to me and I like TV's remix of Lodger better. I can deal with a little bit more noise in "Neuköln." The set sounds great to me.

I just wish the '91 bonuses were on it. Some of my favourite Bowie tracks in there.

10-03-2017, 06:26 PM
if anyone is looking to get Aladdin Sane on 180g vinyl, it's only $12 on amazon right now (https://smile.amazon.com/Aladdin-Sane-180-Gram-Vinyl/dp/B01AJZ8EBM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507073064&sr=8-1&keywords=aladdin+sane+vinyl)

Space Suicide
10-03-2017, 10:28 PM
if anyone is looking to get Aladdin Sane on 180g vinyl, it's only $12 on amazon right now (https://smile.amazon.com/Aladdin-Sane-180-Gram-Vinyl/dp/B01AJZ8EBM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1507073064&sr=8-1&keywords=aladdin+sane+vinyl)

I so would if it wasn't Prime only.

10-04-2017, 09:05 AM
I so would if it wasn't Prime only.

? there's no such thing as "prime only" as far as i know, that just means that if you HAVE prime, you get free shipping on it. but i've also had prime forever. want me to buy it and have it shipped to you and you can paypal me the money?

10-04-2017, 09:27 AM
In reviews on Amazon they are speaking of "unacceptable mastering errors", a "flawed box set" and a "terrible" remastering.
These "people" have "too much" time on "their hands". Perhaps the master tapes have deteriorated, but I certainly trust Tony Visconti to pay attention to what treatment they put into these albums, they are his biggest calling card as a producer.

Paul from SuperDeluxeEdition did a comparison (http://www.superdeluxeedition.com/reviews/review-david-bowies-lodger-2017-remaster-vs-2017-visconti-remix/) between the 2017 remaster/remix discs and the 1991 EMI/Rykodisc remaster of Lodger. Pretty good overview of what to expect from these discs — lots of extra bass. I like it fine, though I'm not dumping my Rykodisc copies because a)the bonus tracks aren't all ported over — even the "Space Oddity" '79 redux on the Rkyo Scary Monsters is different remix from the original mix on Re:Call 3 — and b)some songs come across better without the bass boost, as Paul noted.

10-04-2017, 10:23 AM
? there's no such thing as "prime only" as far as i know
Log out of your Amazon account and go back to the page. You'll see it clearly states "Exclusively for Prime Members. This item is reserved for Prime members."

Space Suicide
10-04-2017, 11:05 AM
? there's no such thing as "prime only" as far as i know, that just means that if you HAVE prime, you get free shipping on it. but i've also had prime forever. want me to buy it and have it shipped to you and you can paypal me the money?

If you’re willing I’m game to send some money flow. :)

10-04-2017, 11:18 AM
Log out of your Amazon account and go back to the page. You'll see it clearly states "Exclusively for Prime Members. This item is reserved for Prime members."

oh, that's shitty. i had no idea they did things like that.

If you’re willing I’m game to send some money flow. :)

yeah, dude. i'll shoot you a message and we'll figure it out.

10-07-2017, 06:03 AM
Yesterday listened to the new compilation via streaming with enabled shuffle. Got "Breaking glass" 2 times (one studio, one live), then "Scary monsters" 2 times (one live, one studio) then "Breaking glass" again, and after some other song - "African night flight" also twice.

Why i tell you guys this random thing? Just thought i'd share how much variety i got in 40-minute walk.

10-07-2017, 12:04 PM
Here's an article about parlophone's response to all the shitty reviews of the new box. As folks here have said, probably not as bad as many of the reviews have said, but after knowing what you're listening for on heroes and knowing how they tried to fix the damaged audio it's hard to overlook. Even though it's not my fave bowie song it is perhaps the most famous. I have waffled on buying any of these boxes, but I think the price and lack of bonus tracks is going to make me skip these and fill in my collection with single discs. Sounds like the remasters are not significantly better enough than what's out there for me to buy all these. It's a shame they cost so much because if they were a bit cheaper I'd be in, I do love a box set with lots of liner notes. http://www.superdeluxeedition.com/news/parlophone-respond-to-david-bowie-berlin-box-set-mastering-criticisms/

10-07-2017, 01:17 PM
With all due respect, i can't help but think "when there's smoke there's fire"
Shouldn't we raise concern that they pedal Tony Visconti as a safety gauge - that if he was there, he knows how it should sound.
People in their 70s hear less, they will tune the tracks for their old ears and may not notice something younger audience will notice.

Absolutely not trying to troll, I'm really just curious and would like to be pointed to some good sources on the subject.

10-08-2017, 06:55 PM
The whole thing sounded kind of bass heavy to me but I enjoyed the Lodger remix just out of curiosity. The most obvious difference to me was that in general the drums seem more prominent and the vocals aren't sitting on top of the mix anymore.

There were a lot of complaints on that Steve Hoffman board, which is totally insufferable to read, but I did notice the bass/lack of treble compared to the other issues. There's a difference between "warm" and "muddy." Like BenAkenobi said, I do think that treble becomes a lot harsher as you age due to a loss of nerves in that range which leads the other nerves to overcompensate until they stop working altogether (even if you don't develop hearing loss from traumatic exposure in and of itself) and that might be part of the problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-09-2017, 04:39 AM
I mean, these remasters sounded like dogshit but it's nice to get a visual confirmation that I wasn't going crazy:


11-12-2017, 11:29 AM
Anybody know about how long after these box sets are released til they usually release the individual titles on vinyl?

11-12-2017, 12:28 PM
Anybody know about how long after these box sets are released til they usually release the individual titles on vinyl?

The pattern seems to be that the box is released at the end of one year, then the first half of the next year has the breakouts, and the cycle continues. So each year has breakouts from the last box in the first half and the next box in the second half.

11-14-2017, 02:53 AM
I just watched this in full for the first time (heard it before). This is more than just a novelty and is actually a really good duet.


Good article on the recording:

11-14-2017, 03:15 AM
And this is hilarious:


12-01-2017, 01:38 PM
Has this been mentioned yet? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2017/11/10/david-bowie-new-hbo-documentary-gives-intimate-look-icons-last-five-years/851710001/) Just heard about it on the New Wave channel on XM. Sounds interesting.

12-02-2017, 11:00 AM
Has this been mentioned yet? (https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2017/11/10/david-bowie-new-hbo-documentary-gives-intimate-look-icons-last-five-years/851710001/) Just heard about it on the New Wave channel on XM. Sounds interesting.

This is not a new documentary. Sorry to say. This is the same doc that premiered in January on BBC. It must just have been acquired by HBO.

It can be streamed on BBC Two.



12-02-2017, 01:12 PM
I miss Bowie.

12-02-2017, 05:21 PM
I miss Bowie.

Who doesn't?

12-03-2017, 05:18 PM
Who doesn't?
true true. doesn't hurt to articulate it once in awhile though. i thought the bowie cover that NIN did @ the vegas show was a highlight. can't help but think that bowie would've liked it. was very emotional.

12-05-2017, 04:22 AM
This is not a new documentary. Sorry to say. This is the same doc that premiered in January on BBC. It must just have been acquired by HBO.

It can be streamed on BBC Two.



NO shit. Well as for ME, i haven't seen it yet.
How come you didn't tell me about it? :p

12-05-2017, 04:46 AM
We did, but you didn't pay attention.

>> BBC TWO announces a new landmark film, David Bowie: The Last Five Years to air in January 2017, produced and directed by Francis Whately as a follow-up to his acclaimed David Bowie: Five Years which was broadcast on BBC Two in 2013.
As with the first film, this new piece will feature a wealth of rare and unseen archive footage and early audio interviews which have never been released before. This includes the original vocal which Bowie recorded for Lazarus, his last release before his death, which has never been heard before.
David Bowie: The Last Five Years will focus on the three major projects of Bowie's last five years - the best-selling albums, The Next Day and Blackstar, alongside the musical Lazarus.

Oh look! :)

There is a new documentary called David Bowie: The Last Five Years that has some great insight and new interviews and information regarding, well, Bowie's last five years.
It is great, and obviously a fucking tear jerker.

It's on my Plex for those of you who are connected, and can be found online if you know where to look ;)

12-05-2017, 05:16 AM
We did, but you didn't pay attention.

Oh look! :)
Oh goddamnit.
So i HAVE already seen it hahahahaha.

And was I the first person to mention it here?

I am goofy.

12-17-2017, 12:59 PM
This is a quote from the Marilyn Manson thread if people are wondering. I wanted to respond to it, but I didn't want to go off topic over there.

Fuck it, I'll say it...it is NOT OK to not be a Bowie fan, here, there, or anywhere. You've wasted your life.

Then you are not going to believe this... While at work a couple years ago, Bowie came up in conversation, I forgot why it was, doesn't really matter, all that matters is I work in a huge office of probably close to 1000 employees. Anyway, Bowie came up somehow, and my friend and I mentioned it to this other co-worker of ours, and he had no idea who we were talking about. He literally did NOT know David Bowie. Now, to give this fella the benefit of the doubt, he is originally from the Phillippines and migrated to Canada in about 2009, he's also a tad younger, He was probably 24 at the time we had this conversation. I figured that people from around the world regardless of where you were from knew David Bowie...

Anyway, now THIS became the hot topic, we went to someone else "Can you believe Neil doesn't know who David Bowie is?" And that person would stare at us like a deer in headlights as well... "David who" They would respond. I couldn't believe this, we started asking more people, as it became unheard of that this many people did NOT know who he was. It became such a running joke that everyone started asking everyone if they knew who David Bowie was. One girl said "I only know his name because we share the same birthday"

I could not believe this! I told this story to a Bowie mega fan friend of mine, and to my surprise, he said something along the lines of that he wasn't surprised and that Bowie really isn't the household name we think he is. He's big, but big in different ways than say U2 or Michael Jackson are. He doesn't reach the masses and tends to stay out of the limelight and makes music that doesn't appeal to everyone.

So, this got me thinking... Yeah, Bowie is big, but he still managed to stay strangely underground a bit, in a weird kinda way.

This comment made me think of that story, because it's like, how do you NOT know David Bowie! What have you been doing with your life lol.

Also, I'm going to leave this here. Not really David Bowie, but it's kinda Bowie spotting... you guys are going to HATE this though... but it's kinda catchy haha.


12-18-2017, 12:57 PM
well for what it's worth, bowie has been in hiding for the most part of the past 15 years, arguably the years of the internet/mobiles boom and these days people only know what they see/hear on internet, especially younger people.

01-03-2018, 10:43 PM
Kinda-sort of-Bowie spotting. I visit Jalopnik so figured to share...


01-07-2018, 06:54 PM
I've just discovered this blog and it's fucking awesome; I've been reading it all day.
It is comprised of long, amazingly detailed articles about EVERY bowie song, beautifully written and full of exhaustive bits of trivia, quotes, talk of influences and more.
Any Bowie fan would get a kick out of this.

frankie teardrop
01-07-2018, 10:14 PM
demo of 'let's dance' has just been released for streaming/download:


frankie teardrop
01-08-2018, 03:16 PM
additionally, i just posted this 2+ hour long mix of obscurities, outtakes, and deep cuts:

enjoy! <3

01-08-2018, 03:58 PM
Happy 71st B-day David. We still miss you. Hope you're having a good time w/ the King and being entertained by the likes of George Michael, John Lennon, George Harrison, Freddie Mercury, Biggie, & 2Pac.

01-08-2018, 07:43 PM
Happy 71st B-day David. We still miss you. Hope you're having a good time w/ the King and being entertained by the likes of George Michael, John Lennon, George Harrison, Freddie Mercury, Biggie, & 2Pac.
Bowie isn't dead. He's on the spaceship with Michael Jackson and Tupac.

01-08-2018, 08:06 PM
so are you guys aware of this blog?

I have to mention it again. It's fucking AWESOME if you are into Bowie. It's fucking awesome even if you are only into one or two Bowie records.

SERIOUSLY, check it out!

https://bowiesongs.wordpress.com (https://bowiesongs.wordpress.com/)

01-08-2018, 08:21 PM
Bowie isn't dead. He's on the spaceship with Michael Jackson and Tupac.

Oh yeah! With Elvis and Frank Sinatra as they're currently doing a series of shows on Mars and then they'll be going to Jupiter as long as they try to find a cool way to get through the Asteroid Belt.

01-08-2018, 11:36 PM
so are you guys aware of this blog?

I have to mention it again. It's fucking AWESOME if you are into Bowie. It's fucking awesome even if you are only into one or two Bowie records.

SERIOUSLY, check it out!

https://bowiesongs.wordpress.com (https://bowiesongs.wordpress.com/)

Yes, we were, it pops up in this thread from time to time for years. A caution though, if you're reading it in chronological order from the start - as the years go by, the author begins writing about everything else in the world but the actual song until the last paragraph, filling the articles with unneccessary amount of cultural references that may or may not had influenced the song. This first became noticeable when he announced that his blog will become a book, and its particularly annoying in the 1990s since he's very clearly doesn't like that era's material.

01-09-2018, 03:52 PM
Yes, we were, it pops up in this thread from time to time for years. A caution though, if you're reading it in chronological order from the start - as the years go by, the author begins writing about everything else in the world but the actual song until the last paragraph, filling the articles with unneccessary amount of cultural references that may or may not had influenced the song. This first became noticeable when he announced that his blog will become a book, and its particularly annoying in the 1990s since he's very clearly doesn't like that era's material.
Which sucks, because he seems to completely ignore the whole narrative surrounding 1. Outside.

01-10-2018, 12:30 PM
Does anyone have anyone have any insight as to why all of the tracks from the Live Nassau '76 show sound FANTASTIC except for 'Life on Mars?' and 'Five Years'? They both sound like they were both from a different source than what the rest of the show is sourced from.

Any thoughts?

01-10-2018, 12:56 PM
Does anyone have anyone have any insight as to why all of the tracks from the Live Nassau '76 show sound FANTASTIC except for 'Life on Mars?' and 'Five Years'? They both sound like they were both from a different source than what the rest of the show is sourced from.
That's exactly why. They had to patch the album with lower quality tracks (possibly audience sourced) for completeness sake, because the original tapes were either lost or damaged.

02-12-2018, 03:14 PM

Evan is coming to the ATL to sing Bowie songs!!!!!! I'm fucking there. I just hope I don't get sick.

Sister Midnight
02-12-2018, 10:42 PM
thevoid99 why would you get sick? That flu bug going around or did you just get too close to DJT?

02-12-2018, 10:54 PM
@thevoid99 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=254) why would you get sick? That flu bug going around or did you just get too close to DJT?

I usually get sick during the spring. Allergies.

Sister Midnight
02-12-2018, 11:22 PM
I usually get sick during the spring. Allergies.

Did you go to the tour recently with the members of Bowie's band? I wanted to go because I really like Mike Garson, but the timing on the whole thing just didn't work for me.

Sister Midnight
02-12-2018, 11:35 PM
The Elon Musk Tesla he launched into orbit I saw reports on this on CNN and MSNBC they reported that the car was playing David Bowie's Space Oddity and another reported it was Life On Mars but the song playing in the background for the news junket was Starman. Why do they do this?

02-13-2018, 12:08 AM
Did you go to the tour recently with the members of Bowie's band? I wanted to go because I really like Mike Garson, but the timing on the whole thing just didn't work for me.

No. This will actually be my first time, hopefully. I had a chance to see Bowie & NIN back in '95 but the person that was supposed to take me forgot because she was a stupid fucking drunk that squanders everything and also fucked over her husband who is a good friend of my parents. My father couldn't take me at the time because he broke his foot.

Sister Midnight
02-13-2018, 12:16 AM
No. This will actually be my first time, hopefully. I had a chance to see Bowie & NIN back in '95 but the person that was supposed to take me forgot because she was a stupid fucking drunk that squanders everything and also fucked over her husband who is a good friend of my parents. My father couldn't take me at the time because he broke his foot.

I saw Bowie on the Earthling and Reality tours, had I known that Reality was going to be the last tour I would have gone to more Reality shows. I was lucky enough to see him and had really good seats for Reality but there were so many songs by him that I wanted to see him play. Like Station To Station and there are a lot of songs off of Outside I would have loved to see him play live. I hope that in the future the people handling Bowie's estate will release official concert tour videos.

02-15-2018, 12:52 AM
So, Valentine's Day all over again, right? Damn... :-(

Update: Sorry if it wasn't obvious, I am saddened by the events, that was the point. :-/

02-15-2018, 01:21 AM
So, Valentine's Day all over again, right? Damn... :-(

Well... considering what happened in Florida. I don't think it's a good time to play that song.

02-15-2018, 08:54 PM
I'm sure it wasn't in bad taste. But it was quite the coincidence.

02-15-2018, 09:35 PM
I'm sure it wasn't in bad taste. But it was quite the coincidence.

True. Bowie wrote it in response to Sandy Hook as I'm sure some idiot will make claims about the song and how it inspired that kid to do this horrific act.

03-05-2018, 09:25 AM
Meanwhile, new stuff!

Announced for RSD2018:

- WELCOME TO THE BLACKOUT (LIVE LONDON '78) (3 LP SET) (same setlist as Stage, plus 'Sound and Vision' and 'Rebel Rebel')
- LET'S DANCE (FULL-LENGTH DEMO) (12" SINGLE) + 1983 live version as a b-side

03-20-2018, 07:14 AM

03-20-2018, 08:05 AM
Some great pictures from the Celebrating Bowie show in Atlanta. Evan Rachel Wood made a guest appearance and did a great vocal performance on 5 Years and Rock n' Roll Suicide


03-20-2018, 04:57 PM
Some great pictures from the Celebrating Bowie show in Atlanta. Evan Rachel Wood made a guest appearance and did a great vocal performance on 5 Years and Rock n' Roll Suicide


I didn't go to the show.... :( I had things to do and my allergies are starting to arrive.

03-20-2018, 05:51 PM
From the NIN Spotting thread:


This is a great piece with some cool visuals. Lots of quotes from Trent as well.

03-21-2018, 10:13 AM
I went to the Orlando date of that Celebrating tour and it was a wonderful time. I started crying out of nowhere during Rebel, Rebel of all songs, it was so overwhelming -- seeing all of these people gathered together on a random weeknight to sing along and love songs by someone they didn't know but who affected them so deeply while a bunch of their friends played onstage was beautiful. Not many people get remembered after they die and those who do usually did terrible things in one way, shape or form to get there, and Bowie was just a guy who managed to make amazing art for his entire life that spoke to people and represented a sense of otherness and individuality that everyone could relate to in a way that his legacy is bigger than he could ever be. It's amazing.

I was anxious about it feeling like a cash-in (and Garson did mention hoping to see us again, lol) but it ended up being a fantastic set that really ran a wide range of songs (or as good as you could with a limited set for someone whose discography is so vast and full of classics and fan-favorites). They didn't do any recent material but during Bring Me the Disco King did a medley of lyrics from Next Day and Blackstar which was weird and cool and surprisingly effective. Finally seeing Garson play live fulfilled a dream of mine. I'll be in NYC the week right before the Bowie Is exhibit closes up so I'll have to get to that.