View Full Version : Would you wear a mask to a NIN show?

07-07-2020, 02:12 PM
I love NIN, and hate masks.

To me, one of the best things about a NIN show is the intense atmosphere created by people in close quarters. This, in turn, generates heat, and sweat, and often the only relief when bodies are crammed together is that one can turn his or her bare face upwards and catch - maybe - a refreshing draft from the venue's HVAC. I cannot fathom having endured a song, let alone an entire show, with a face covering.

If NIN were playing a 'masks-required' show near you, would you go? If so, would you expect to have your mask on the whole time? How would you react to others around you who had removed theirs?

What factor(s) might play into your decision?

Would you pay the same for a masked show as a mask-free one?

Would COVID affect where you sit/stand at a show?

Any thoughts on if "masked" live music shows (not just NIN) might become a commonplace thing?

07-07-2020, 02:36 PM
I'm not going out to shit until there's an effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. This shit does permanent damage. It's not worth it.

Masks are a stopgap measure, and should absolutely be required for essential visits to public indoor spaces. Non-essential visits are just not. Fucking. Worth it.

07-07-2020, 03:36 PM
I'm with botley.

Chronic illness fucking sucks. A slow isolated death in an ICU isn't high on the list either, and a socially distant, limited-crowd funeral probably sucks too.

I'm so fortunate to have attended as many NIN shows as I have, it's always great to see friends from all around the world at them, but viral pandemics are nothing to fuck around with.

Also, I bought some washable, dare I say fashionable oxford cotton cloth masks last month and I kinda dig it. I was socially distant before it was the thing to do, you know? I don't go out often, but when I do, it's a great accessory. I'm only ever out to drop off the mail, take out the trash, and occasionally supplement my groceries at the bodega, so aside from passing people on the sidewalk, I'm not close enough that I'm going to be at a high risk, but I actually find comfort in wearing a face mask.

07-07-2020, 03:44 PM
I agree with @botley (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=469) on this, but if things have largely mellowed out by next year and new cases and deaths have both seen considerable declines, but there's still no vaccine available, I might consider going if it's a smaller venue (not an arena). I would absolutely wear a mask (it's not hard) and I would also probably choose a seat that allows for more personal space to social distance as much as possible in favor of my usual desire to be on the floor, as close to the stage as possible. The thing is, I believe there just isn't going to be a tour (for ANY band) until massive gatherings like a concert are safe again due to either a vaccine or herd immunity (the former being the preferred option).

07-07-2020, 04:31 PM
No. The next time I go see a band at a theatre or arena I wanna be mask free, with no worry about someone coughing a virus into my cerveza (or vice versa).

07-07-2020, 05:42 PM
I don't see them doing a show until it's safe to do so. Personally, I would be so paranoid about being in a large group of people that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show.

07-08-2020, 04:56 AM
Unfortunately, I live with a compromised immune system. I have to be careful even when there is no pandemic, especially right after chemo. I won't be going into situations with large crowds until there is a vaccine. Currently, I try to do things like grocery shopping early in the morning when there are less people around.

07-08-2020, 09:08 AM
Im wearing masks when I go out (and will be when I return to work) but wont be attending concerts until at least 2021 (which kind of sucks because it means Ill probably have to step back from being part of a local music promotion group). But, personally I think its pretty irresponsible at the moment, masks or not, to have a large group of people together.

I had tickets to Black Label Society two days before the Canada/US border shutdown happened that ended up being postponed until August and wont be attending it. I mean itll get postponed or canceled again anyway but..

07-08-2020, 09:45 AM
Related: best Korea is already experimenting with "virtual concerts" through Beyond LIVE (http://beyondlive.smtown.com/en/index.html). It's driven primarily by AR. This seems right up NIN's alley if this comes stateside.

07-08-2020, 10:40 AM
I'd rather have a year zero vinyl repress than a masked up socially distanced nin show.

Edit: A taped still style show in Trents basement would be tight as hell tho. They could call it

NIN: STILL (quarantined)

07-08-2020, 11:59 AM
personally i wouldn’t go to show if we had to wear masks. too many people means too much risk. i’m not even comfortable with the amount of people at the grocery store so a packed out concert is a no go for me.

07-08-2020, 01:22 PM
I would wear a mask, but i would rather have a vaccine and attend a show when all this blows over.


07-08-2020, 06:43 PM
but if things have largely mellowed out by next year and new cases and deaths have both seen considerable declines, but there's still no vaccine available
If there's anything the last month has shown, people can't wear a mask, can't socially distance, and can't stop doing stupid shit (https://bgr.com/2020/07/04/coronavirus-symptoms-not-necessary-to-spread-covid-19-asymptomatic-contagious/). As you said, no mass gathering indoor event is going to be safe until there's a vaccine.

07-08-2020, 06:44 PM
Seen first hand what COVID does on a daily basis. I don't want it. I wear an N95 and surgical mask over it every day at work. I've know people who have had it and it just kicks that crap out of you. Some days I'm more sad than others because I see the lack of responsibility from people in this country and of our leaders here in America.

I can be patient and just dreaming of 2021 hitting half a tour. I'll be there. Outside in line, cracking a brew and hopefully chatting with others. Possibly still with a mask on, because who knows... It may just become a norm for some time?

07-08-2020, 08:12 PM
No, I wouldn't, because I wouldn't attend any concert until we've got a vaccine. To even hold one would be incredibly irresponsible, and I wouldn't take that risk with or without a mask for any band, even one I love as much as NIN.

07-08-2020, 08:24 PM
If there's anything the last month has shown, people can't wear a mask, can't socially distance, and can't stop doing stupid shit (https://bgr.com/2020/07/04/coronavirus-symptoms-not-necessary-to-spread-covid-19-asymptomatic-contagious/). As you said, no mass gathering indoor event is going to be safe until there's a vaccine.

Yeah, I guess you're right. My trip to the grocery store today reaffirmed your point, as well.

07-11-2020, 01:52 PM
Agree with all the posts that say no gigs until this entire thing is over.

However it's well within NIN's scope to do an online gig - they know we'd pay for it, and I've attended several online gigs that have been of good quality. I'll miss being lovingly crushed by you all during, but I can handle that.

07-13-2020, 12:08 AM
personally i wouldn’t go to show if we had to wear masks. too many people means too much risk. i’m not even comfortable with the amount of people at the grocery store so a packed out concert is a no go for me.

Yeah, I think the only way concerts happen again is with a vaccine.

07-13-2020, 07:54 AM
No chance. Not for NIN nor any other band i'm into. Not even for one final Led Zep show with a reincarnated John Bonham. No dice.

07-13-2020, 09:36 PM
I love NIN, and hate masks.

To me, one of the best things about a NIN show is the intense atmosphere created by people in close quarters. This, in turn, generates heat, and sweat, and often the only relief when bodies are crammed together is that one can turn his or her bare face upwards and catch - maybe - a refreshing draft from the venue's HVAC. I cannot fathom having endured a song, let alone an entire show, with a face covering.

If NIN were playing a 'masks-required' show near you, would you go? If so, would you expect to have your mask on the whole time? How would you react to others around you who had removed theirs?

What factor(s) might play into your decision?

Would you pay the same for a masked show as a mask-free one?

Would COVID affect where you sit/stand at a show?

Any thoughts on if "masked" live music shows (not just NIN) might become a commonplace thing?

I also love NIN and hate masks. The fricken things are annoying, and steam up my glasses unless I tape the darn thing to my face. But that's not what matters. If I have an asymptomatic infection and attend a public event, I could kill someone by not wearing a mask. Or more than one someone. And that is simply not acceptable.

Mask wearing is one of very few things which do not fall into my wide berth of acceptance. You like Trump, that's fine! You like Biden, that's fine too! You think wearing a mask is too difficult, just fuck off and die!

I would attend a masks required show if it was safe to do so, and I would wear mask the whole time despite great discomfort.

If someone around me removed their mask I would either move far away or punch them in the face.

The question regarding same price for masked / non-masked show is puerile.

With an indoor venue it does not really matter where you stand/sit unless you have accurately mapped airflow patterns in advance, which is unlikely.

If live music shows become available anytime soon in a venue of any appreciable size, it seems likely that masks may be prudent. Unless you live in an asshole state which has no concern for human life.

Did I miss any questions?

07-13-2020, 10:10 PM
I can’t picture a show like what they currently put on working at all until a vaccine comes. You can be in shorts and a t shirt and still be sweating a couple songs in, I don’t care what kind of masks everyone is wearing, the amount of sweat and shoulder to shoulder crowding makes me certain there’s no way you could go to one and not end up infected. I remember people talking about ninfluenza in 2018 and that was before all this. People will still line up before shows and will still go crazy during the big energetic songs and hits. There’s no way to control this right now and if it was all seated and spaced out to help you’d end up with a diluted experience no one wants to have. No one wants to dream of it but I don’t see proper live shows coming back until late 2020 if not past that, especially with how the US is handling everything (and I say “handling” very, very lightly).

I want to go to a NIN show to forget everything else in my mind and life and disappear into the moment and space the band and crowd around me is creating. There’s no other place that conjures such a clear and perfect state of mindfulness for me as a Nine Inch Nails show does. There’s no way of returning to that until we don’t have to worry that the person screaming Head Like a Hole is giving us something there is no cure for.

07-14-2020, 12:57 PM
I want Pinion to segue into a cover of The Muppets' Together Again.
The spotlight is first on Trent, and then Mariqueen appears, singing Miss Piggy's lines. Robin enters the spotlight, singing Fozzie's lines. And then the entire stage lights up, revealing a wall of musicians, including Atticus, Alessandro, Ilan, Podboy, Josh F, Josh E, Richard, Danny, Charlie, Jeordie, Pino, Justin, Alex, Jerome, Aaron, Ron, Nick, David, Lee, Gary, featuring guest musician Andy Kubiszewski, with backup singers Sharlotte, Lisa, Kevin McMahon, and Clint Mansell. Adrian Belew can also be doodling around on his guitar.
Or maybe just limit it to 6 members.


07-14-2020, 04:22 PM
I don't see them doing a show until it's safe to do so. Personally, I would be so paranoid about being in a large group of people that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the show.

I had a quite "similar" experience.

November 13 2015 : 137 deaths in Bataclan venue. I discover this as I came back from a concert myself and turned on the tv a few minutes as usual after a show.. quite strange.. I did at this time something like 2 or 3 concerts a week. Some friends were at this show, one of them hurt on shoulder

November 24 2015 : back in concert (the first one since the slaughter) for Ghost and a few days later in a packed tiny venue with very small exits.
Can't be sure at this time that concert were 100% sure.. or even today as craziness is everywhere !

I was never afraid. My girlfriend need 6 months to be at ease again at concert.

At this time I don't know how I will react with covid-19.. but probably with a mask until i'm quite drunk.

07-14-2020, 05:41 PM
No, because a bunch of assholes are going to take their masks off and it won't work, and like others have said, this shit is NOT worth it. I've made exceptions to pick up curbside food, but otherwise it's only been groceries or the store, and when I'm in there I'm not fucking around; I'm there to get my shit and go. I cannot stand these people right now who feel the need to chat with cashiers about nothing.

So, like I was saying, no, I'm not going to a concert. This also affects my livelihood, since I do live sound, and all that work has dried up. I've been offered some gigs but they're not safe enough IMO and I've turned them down. I can't understand people excited to go to Disneyland or concerts, especially indoor concerts...

At this time I don't know how I will react with covid-19.. but probably with a mask until i'm quite drunk.


07-15-2020, 03:20 PM
I would be down with going to a show if it meant a mandatory mask rule for all people attending, but as Jinsai just said above, good luck enforcing everyone to keep it on for the entire time.
I wear a mask when I go grocery shopping, no problem. I'm actually quite happy to do it. But, I am in the extreme minority here. You see 1/10 people, if not less wearing a mask. It used to 50-65% of people you saw in March/April wore masks, but that number has slowly dwindled as summer came and all I see now are packed patios and people drinking it up and hugging and giving each other high fives everywhere I look...

But live music is/was a HUGE part of my life. I went to at least 2 shows a month probably. It's one of my hobbies. I can't play music for shit, but I sure as hell live and breath it in every other capacity of my life. Taking the ability to attend live shows away has had a huge impact on my mental health. I've been incredibly more depressed now than usual. My idea of a "good time" is going to the grocery store these days, so... given the change to attend a show, I totally would. But in a safe and respectable manner. Who knows... if they re-opened shows tomorrow and said "c'mon down" I might have a change of heart, because I feel like I wouldn't attend one this year. But as Trent said... "I just want something I can never have" and at this point that something is live music rushing through my veins, lol.

07-20-2020, 04:49 AM
Someone i can say with confidence now is that i will be wearing a mask to any gig, and whenever i leave my place from now on. Even after this is all over i'll continue just as respect to everyone within my reach to help stop spreading colds or flus and whatnot. I don't expect everyone to follow this, but for me this is just the way forward....also helps i've found a very comfortable style of mask i'm happy with.

07-20-2020, 01:36 PM
Y'know, I could see NIN pulling off something really interesting with a creative take on that "parking lot / drive-in-theater" concept. Make it some kind of crazy, trippy audio/visual experience / concert. I don't see anything too aggressive working, because then you'll have people jumping out of their vehicles and fucking it up.

Or did anyone see the Amon Tobin Isam tour? I feel like live shows that are like "that," where they're borderline art-exhibits, that would be worth exploring right now if you're an artist inclined w/ a budget. It's sad, but I think the traditional concert w/ the mosh pit and the sweaty compressed crowds... for the forseeable future that feels like part of a disappeared world. It's kind of crazy to think about really.

11-08-2020, 01:35 PM
This seems like a good thread to mention that there seems to be some hope on the horizon wrt live music ...

German Study Finds Covid-19 Risk Is Low at Indoor Concerts With Safety Precautions (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/german-study-indoor-concerts-covid-19-spread-1085448/)

11-08-2020, 11:25 PM
Y'know, I could see NIN pulling off something really interesting with a creative take on that "parking lot / drive-in-theater" concept. Make it some kind of crazy, trippy audio/visual experience / concert. I don't see anything too aggressive working, because then you'll have people jumping out of their vehicles and fucking it up.

Or did anyone see the Amon Tobin Isam tour? I feel like live shows that are like "that," where they're borderline art-exhibits, that would be worth exploring right now if you're an artist inclined w/ a budget. It's sad, but I think the traditional concert w/ the mosh pit and the sweaty compressed crowds... for the forseeable future that feels like part of a disappeared world. It's kind of crazy to think about really.
Depending on how long this lasts, drive in LITS 2, after a possible 2022 album?

11-09-2020, 08:56 AM
Considering that Trent & Atticus have been working in separate rooms in Trent's studio during the pandemic, I think the odds of getting everyone in the band in one space for a performance is unlikely until things settle down.

11-09-2020, 09:59 AM
Agree with all the posts that say no gigs until this entire thing is over.

However it's well within NIN's scope to do an online gig - they know we'd pay for it, and I've attended several online gigs that have been of good quality. I'll miss being lovingly crushed by you all during, but I can handle that.

TR's involvement in the 1/8 Mike Garson Bowie gig could be a nice trial run for a future online NIN show. CRC Sessions 2.0 would be verry niiiice [/borat voice]

11-09-2020, 02:13 PM
I would happily wear a mask to see NIN live. I would even go so far as being covered head to toe in black sack cloth in July in Florida.

As long as I can be on the rail. And the front of my mask offers one of the following :

luv U Trent
wanna have UR bb
play hurt
play that FUK U song

/jk *evil laugh*

11-10-2020, 04:11 AM
Trent just literally said in the pre-HOF NIN interview that webcam live performance is boring and they aren't doing it, nor they are going to do a live masked show because it implies situation still isn't 100% safe.
He also said the same things earlier in one of Watchmen promo interviews.

SM Rollinger
11-10-2020, 07:03 AM
Masks? Considering I already wear one at work for anywhere from 8-12 hours a day, no problemo.

Social Distancing? Well considering I'm a taper and I don't want anyone in my immediate vicinity anyways, yes please!

But trent already said it ain't gonna happen, so let's just hope things are normal ish enough next year for a tour.

11-20-2020, 08:05 AM
Trent just literally said in the pre-HOF NIN interview that webcam live performance is boring and they aren't doing it, nor they are going to do a live masked show because it implies situation still isn't 100% safe.
He also said the same things earlier in one of Watchmen promo interviews.
depends. playing the songs - yes. doing fucked up modular noise ambient set - no.

11-23-2020, 07:33 AM
It could be possible to do something in a years time. I hope.

11-23-2020, 05:07 PM
Trent just literally said in the pre-HOF NIN interview that webcam live performance is boring and they aren't doing it

I think if there's a band that could pull it off it'd be someone w/ NIN's resources. Maybe/hopefully they will. I feel like it's a creative issue, but I have no idea how a "live web concert" would really function. I've tried to watch some of them and I don't get it; it just feels the same as watching a concert video that could have been filmed whenever.

The concept where you park your car in a lot has sounded interesting. Even outside of pandemic circumstances, there's some cool conceptual possibilities there. Unfortunately every time I hear about a band doing something like that, it's Bush or something.

11-23-2020, 07:46 PM
I think if there's a band that could pull it off it'd be someone w/ NIN's resources. Maybe/hopefully they will. I feel like it's a creative issue, but I have no idea how a "live web concert" would really function. I've tried to watch some of them and I don't get it; it just feels the same as watching a concert video that could have been filmed whenever.

The concept where you park your car in a lot has sounded interesting. Even outside of pandemic circumstances, there's some cool conceptual possibilities there. Unfortunately every time I hear about a band doing something like that, it's Bush or something.

"don't let your mask slip by

11-24-2020, 03:32 AM
"don't let your mask slip by

"How did I slip into th-" *cue 1,000,000 intro drums*

01-06-2021, 12:54 AM
I am downright religious about wearing masks when I am out of my house--- and if I had to wear a mask to see NIN, like I thought might still be slightly possible when they moved the HOF induction ceremony, I would have worn a mask to that show. But I don't think there will be any *real* concerts until there is widespread vaccination.

I went to all 6 shows in LA in 2018. I was on the rail for 4/6 shows. I camped outside the venue on and off throughout that week. I slept in my car. I also came down with the worst case of NIN-fluenza I have ever had. When the *wave goodbye shows* happened in 2009, and Swine Flu was a thing, we all blithely joked about it. That was my first foray with hard core Nin-Fluenza. I think I nursed a cold for two weeks after. But after the LA residency in 2018, I was sick for almost six weeks after the shows. If I could have prevented Nin-fluenza by wearing a mask, I would. The pits are always going to be a petri dish.

In a post-covid world, I hope we get to all smush each other again. But I am now also of the age where I am hoping for some new concert/immersion experiences. I want to see a philharmonic performance of NIN songs. I'd love something done at LACMA, or MOMA or any kind of immersive art experience.

Not going to shows sucks. I had tickets to see Dead Can Dance. I was so stoked. Permanent lung and organ damage sucks more.

Wear a goddamn mask.

05-20-2021, 01:57 PM
Soooo... how are we feeling about these same issues now that there is a vaccine and shows on the calendar?

I'm fully vaxxed, but I still intend to wear a mask and be in the pit.

05-20-2021, 02:21 PM
Soooo... how are we feeling about these same issues now that there is a vaccine and shows on the calendar?

I'm fully vaxxed, but I still intend to wear a mask and be in the pit.

100% just going to wear a mask and post up in the back.

05-20-2021, 02:51 PM
YES, N95 all day. And... Yes, I'm fully vaccinated.

05-20-2021, 05:55 PM
N95 for sure, as the Rockville is likely to be hillbilly central with the Trumpers in tow. It's also why I went in on the VIP pass to hopefully avoid some of the riffraff.
And I'm fully vaxxed.

buckets of lube
05-21-2021, 08:57 AM
I'm fully vaxxed, but I still intend to wear a mask and be in the pit.

Same here.

05-21-2021, 10:14 AM
N95 for sure, as the Rockville is likely to be hillbilly central with the Trumpers in tow. It's also why I went in on the VIP pass to hopefully avoid some of the riffraff.
And I'm fully vaxxed.

What does the VIP ticket get you?

05-21-2021, 04:45 PM
Info here. (https://welcometorockvillefestival.com/passes/)

sick among the pure
05-26-2021, 03:09 PM
Fully vax'd and Covid long haul survivor. I'll have a KN95 on the whole flight to Cleveland and back, and likely either that or the NIN cloth mask all the way up until house lights go down. Not sure after that, but I'm staying masked as long as comfortable unless things are like 99.9% normal by then. Glad that venue is basically wide open with a canopy overhead, should be a steady breeze from the water blowing through.

07-17-2021, 07:25 PM
Now picturing the entire band in masks, and TR just sinking $100k and countless hours into perfecting an LED screen sewn into one that shows pre-recorded video of his lips moving on it in time with each song.

07-22-2021, 09:31 PM
health care worker with 32 years experience, i've been double vaccinated
have tickets in the pit. plan to mosh and whatever.
of course i will wear a mask - keep both myself and everyone else safe
this shit spreads ....

buckets of lube
07-26-2021, 10:59 AM
FWIW, I went to a concert last week (2000 attendees, indoors, full capacity) and only 20% of people at most were wearing masks. Unless there's a mandate, I don't expect that percentage to be higher for all the forthcoming NIN shows.

07-26-2021, 09:34 PM
FWIW, I went to a concert last week (2000 attendees, indoors, full capacity) and only 20% of people at most were wearing masks. Unless there's a mandate, I don't expect that percentage to be higher for all the forthcoming NIN shows.

I’m so distracted by your username. I keep thinking about people wearing masks to avoid the buckets of lube hitting them in the face than anything else.

07-27-2021, 07:31 AM
Well, it's really unfortunate that the peak of the delta surge is most likely going to be in September.

07-27-2021, 07:39 AM
Well, it's really unfortunate that the peak of the delta surge is most likely going to be in September.

we’re nin fans. we can handle disappointment.
(jesus fucking christ)

07-27-2021, 08:20 AM
Honestly, I would sweat my ass off in this if they asked me to.

07-27-2021, 01:16 PM
Now picturing the entire band in masks, and TR just sinking $100k and countless hours into perfecting an LED screen sewn into one that shows pre-recorded video of his lips moving on it in time with each song.

Ahhh, finally we enter NIN's Rock-A-Fire Explosion phase.

07-27-2021, 07:51 PM
Honestly, I would sweat my ass off in this if they asked me to.

Would 100% do this.

I have come to the realization that it may not happen and I can be ok with it. I would just hope they would have a rehearsal jam or something?

07-27-2021, 09:11 PM
I’d wear a hazmat suit as long as I get to be at a NIN show.

@FULLMETAL (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=356) - that’s what I was thinking. Even more extreme if need be. And it would be the cleanest I’ve ever come out of a sweaty crowd in my life. Win-win. Just slap me if I faint from the heat and I’ll be fine.

07-28-2021, 02:37 AM
I would just hope they would have a rehearsal jam or something?
Ilan said on his IG stream last week that rehearsals didn't start yet, FWIW

07-28-2021, 04:59 AM
Ilan said on his IG stream last week that rehearsals didn't start yet, FWIW

Correct, they start in August. I was referring to if the shows get postponed that they just did a live stream of the songs they had been rehearsing at the rehearsal space or something.

07-28-2021, 10:29 AM
Correct, they start in August. I was referring to if the shows get postponed that they just did a live stream of the songs they had been rehearsing at the rehearsal space or something.
Cold & black comfort, infinite consolation.

07-28-2021, 06:55 PM
I’m so fucking worried these shows are going to get canceled because mouth breathing antivaxxers.

07-28-2021, 08:28 PM
Cold & black comfort, infinite consolation.

I could get behind this. I feel like that has all I've done the past 16 months. (and gone on endless walks around the neighborhood)

07-28-2021, 11:10 PM
I’m so fucking worried these shows are going to get canceled because mouth breathing antivaxxers.

For fucking real. I've had tickets to R&R and both these shows.