View Full Version : fillow's multicam edits

10-04-2020, 12:22 PM
I figured it's time for me to stop hijacking Ryan's threads and to finally start my own. This thread will be used to keep all my releases in one place.

For the start, here's the new edit I finished last week: Seattle 2008


"Welcome to the first official night of the tour... which is gonna last... 14 years!" - T.R.
I guess he didn't count rehearsal gig or Pemberton as the first show.

This one came out very shaky at times. I was excited to find that the footage was available for all songs on youtube, but a lot of it turned out to be not very good... Still, I didn't want to abandon the edit after it was halfway done.

This show is kinda notable for having a different lighting in THTF. They already abandoned the concept from the rehearsal show, but it was still almost completely red. They will change it into blue just a couple of shows later and for the rest of the tour.
You can see how rough the band was at this point. Tons of mistakes by TR, a few by Robin and even Josh.

Finally, a live debut of In This Twilight.

10-04-2020, 06:41 PM
I figured it's time for me to stop hijacking Ryan's threads and to finally start my own.

Never felt that way and would never consider them 'my threads' lol.

I look forward to your works!

12-08-2020, 03:10 PM
The new release is ready and is coming tomorrow.


Meanwhile I'm gonna repost here all the past ones.

Budapest 2009

Amsterdam 2018

Ilan Rubin - The Perfect Drug drum solos supercut

Bangkok 2018

Lollapalooza 2008

Ankkarock Festival (Finland) 2007

Prague 2014

Seattle 2008

12-08-2020, 03:19 PM
The new release is ready and is coming tomorrow.


Meanwhile I'm gonna repost here all the past ones.

Budapest 2009

Amsterdam 2018

Ilan Rubin - The Perfect Drug drum solos supercut

Bangkok 2018

Lollapalooza 2008

Ankkarock Festival (Finland) 2007

Prague 2014

Seattle 2008
These are really cool - thanks for putting so much work in

12-08-2020, 06:18 PM
Jesus. How do you have time to do all of this?

12-09-2020, 04:53 AM
Jesus. How do you have time to do all of this?
1 gig takes roughly 3 weeks to do, with about an hour of actual work every day (on average; I do usually a bit less on weekdays and more on weekends).
I've been working from home since April-ish so I have about 2 extra hours a day I don't have to spend on home/office/home commute.
Many steps of the process don't require me to actually listen to it so I use this time to listen to other shit in parallel (music or podcasts or whatever).

12-09-2020, 11:33 AM
Nine Inch Nails: Live in London, Scala 2013


Sound is a little rough as it is completely camera-sourced. Some songs sound better than the others. One song in particular (THTF) sounds very bad, but in the end I didn't want to overdub it with different performance so I just left it as it is.
You also have to excuse the guy who often sings along because without his source this project wouldn't have been possible at all.
As Ryan ( ninlive ) told me, he knows a guy who had taping rig ready for this show, but decided to not take it with him at the last moment...

Gotta love how people were able to film Piggy with the phones pretty much right in Trent's face.

12-09-2020, 04:51 PM
As Ryan ( @ninlive (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1141) ) told me, he knows a guy who had taping rig ready for this show, but decided to not take it with him at the last moment...

Awesome! I look forward to watching this! I really hoped there would be a good audio recording from this date. I remember them emailing me that they were going to record and I was PUMPED. Then the day after the show I got the "lolzjk, I didn't." - I don't blame them or hold it against them. Was just pumped because they have made some really good recordings in the past.

12-25-2020, 02:31 PM
Next release is just around the corner. It's gonna be Webster Hall 2017 show.

As some might remember, I announced it a few months ago when I was also asking people to share their footage. And many people did, big thanks to everyone who did.
Some people though (three to be exact, that's a record for a single project of mine; no one from ETS, mind you) thought it was fun to tease me, saying that they had stuff and promising to send it over... and never doing it in the end, making silly excuses. I mean if you don't have it, or don't give a shit, just say so, jeez. One guy asked if I was going to pay him for it, ghosted me after I explained it was a free, "by a fan for fans" kind of thing. Well, at lest he was honest.

Waiting for more footage was the main reason for delay, but I managed to do QOTSA@Paris and NIN@Scala projects in the meantime, before resuming work on this one.
A few songs still had incomplete footage and I had to be creative to fill the gaps. Hopefully it wouldn't be too annoying when you notice it.

12-27-2020, 03:20 PM
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, everybody!

Nine Inch Nails: Live in New York, Webster Hall, 31 July 2017

I was very surprised not to hear Trent roasting the lighting crew after lights went out for half a song once, and then again! I was also disappointed to hear so many entitled bro dudes loudly arguing with each other during the quietest parts... I guess middle of the pit isn't a very good spot for taping, in general.

edit: shit, it was blocked. Hold on.
Apparently I used too much of Survivalism music video to fill the gaps in the song's footage. UMG didn't like that. (Isn't that a bit ironic?)
Shame, I thought the result was pretty cool. A mix of music video and live footage in nice sync, even though the actual music video uses a shorter edit of the song and has different BPM.
I'm gonna redo it and reupload soon. Perhaps I'll leave the first edit on an USB stick in some public bathroom.

12-28-2020, 02:56 PM
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year, everybody!

Nine Inch Nails: Live in New York, Webster Hall, 31 July 2017

I was very surprised not to hear Trent roasting the lighting crew after lights went out for half a song once, and then again! I was also disappointed to hear so many entitled bro dudes loudly arguing with each other during the quietest parts... I guess middle of the pit isn't a very good spot for taping, in general.

edit: shit, it was blocked. Hold on.
Apparently I used too much of Survivalism music video to fill the gaps in the song's footage. UMG didn't like that. (Isn't that a bit ironic?)
Shame, I thought the result was pretty cool. A mix of music video and live footage in nice sync, even though the actual music video uses a shorter edit of the song and has different BPM.
I'm gonna redo it and reupload soon. Perhaps I'll leave the first edit on an USB stick in some public bathroom.

Alright, this should to the trick


12-28-2020, 05:51 PM
Merci bien!!

12-31-2020, 12:17 PM
Leviathant Thanks for the twitter promo!
I was wondering about the viewers/subscribers boost, and then I saw the post at NIN hotline twitter.

See you in 2021.

bobbie solo
12-31-2020, 03:18 PM
You used my footage of She's Gone Away, so therefore this is the greatest multicam edit ever released.

01-05-2021, 02:09 PM
This is pretty cool:


01-15-2021, 05:20 AM
Nine Inch Nails: Live in Poznań, Poland, 23 June 2009

Band is on fire, Trent is in good mood and very chatty. First ever NIN show in Poland.
Featuring Exchoplex "Remix".


01-16-2021, 04:38 AM
That was great - inspired setlist, nice amount of deep cuts, and Trent was almost buoyant! Echoplex was an absolute car crash!

04-19-2021, 07:05 AM
A new one is ready!
OK, actually it was ready for a few weeks now, but I was procrastinating with uploading it.

NIN @ ACC, Toronto 2008



Let this be a small compensation for NIN not going up North on CABAI tour.

04-19-2021, 08:50 AM
^ Fantastic, thank you so much! I remember taking my friend (who was not doing well) with me to this show, and him having to leave just as the Ghosts set was getting going. Will definitely be sharing this with him today!

09-01-2021, 01:20 AM
Nine Inch Nails: live at Hollywood Palladium 2018 [Show #6 of 6]


Last show of Cold and Black and Infinite tour. Guest appearances from MQ and Mike Garson. Pretty sure it was longest setlist of the tour.

This is the first release of Palladium series which will include all 6 shows eventually. Decided to start with this one as it was the most important one, and had the most source footage available (almost twice as much as the next best, even though all 6 gigs had roughly the same attendance). It was originally supposed to hype the upcoming tour as well... Let it be a consolation instead.

I spent nearly all summer just collecting raw footage from Palladium gigs. And so much of it still escaped me (many people, including ETS regulars, not replying me to even tell me to gtfo...). Even after all this, I still have some gaps in other shows coverage. So. If you have any footage from Palladium shows #1-5, send it to me and I'll add it to the next installments of this series!

bobbie solo
09-01-2021, 02:53 AM
I replied, and supplied! Watch this just b/c I helped. That's all that matters...def. not for fillow's unrelenting work ethic.

09-02-2021, 12:47 AM
Mike Garson liked my tweet with the youtube link. (I tagged him). My life is complete.

09-02-2021, 02:47 AM
Hey is there any way to get hold of the MP4 or mkv or whatever?

09-02-2021, 02:52 AM
Hey is there any way to get hold of the MP4 or mkv or whatever?
I'll send it to Ryan (ninlive) soon (in a few days most likely). After that it's up to him.

09-02-2021, 02:54 AM
I'll send it to Ryan (ninlive) soon (in a few days most likely). After that it's up to him. I'm trying to build a "live show" library on my Plex server, (not just NIN.) I'll give you credit, of course.

I'll also sure give you a share of the server if you want.

Edit: wizfan I can give you a share, too, if you use plex or wanna use it.

09-02-2021, 06:26 AM
Once fillow sends it over, it will be on the archive.

09-02-2021, 06:50 AM
Edit: @wizfan (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=94) I can give you a share, too, if you use plex or wanna use it.

Sure thing! Thanks a lot!

09-25-2021, 11:34 AM
Tonight ya'll can pretend the tour wasn't cancelled and watch this, pretending this is the live stream of Louder Than Life festival show.


Nine Inch Nails: live at Hollywood Palladium 2018 [Show #5 of 6]

Penultimate show of Cold and Black and Infinite tour. Guest appearances from MQ, Mike Garson and Gary Numan.

Featuring debut performance of a new version of In This Twilight. It really grew on me while I was working on this, although I still like album version better. (Originally, I sort of dismissed it entirely).
First three songs = attack on the eyes. So. Much. Strobes. (and smoke). Can you even see the band during Somewhat Damagad and 1,000,000 in real life?

Meanwhile show #6 was just posted on NIN Live Archive for download! https://ninlive.com/shows/2018/20181215.html

Obligatory PSA: If you have any footage from Palladium shows #1-4, send it to me and I'll add it to the next installments of this series!

09-25-2021, 12:17 PM
Thank you fillow & ninlive

09-26-2021, 05:36 AM
Mike Garson liked my tweet with the youtube link. (I tagged him). My life is complete.

What an honour!

09-29-2021, 02:01 AM
Nine Inch Nails: live at Hollywood Palladium 2018 [Show #6 of 6]


Last show of Cold and Black and Infinite tour. Guest appearances from MQ and Mike Garson. Pretty sure it was longest setlist of the tour.

This is the first release of Palladium series which will include all 6 shows eventually. Decided to start with this one as it was the most important one, and had the most source footage available (almost twice as much as the next best, even though all 6 gigs had roughly the same attendance). It was originally supposed to hype the upcoming tour as well... Let it be a consolation instead.

I spent nearly all summer just collecting raw footage from Palladium gigs. And so much of it still escaped me (many people, including ETS regulars, not replying me to even tell me to gtfo...). Even after all this, I still have some gaps in other shows coverage. So. If you have any footage from Palladium shows #1-5, send it to me and I'll add it to the next installments of this series!

Thank you fillow & ninlive ! I watched this whole show real loud yesterday. I'd heard the tape before but the film fillow has put together is amazing! I especially enjoyed the HTDA mini set & the 3 songs from Fragile during the encore. So cool to have Mike Garson playing with the band & the cover of Greensleeves is beautiful. Outstanding!

10-20-2021, 09:35 AM
And here it is: Palladium show #4

Celebrate Pretty Hate Machine 32nd birthday with this.


Footage quality drops in some places as I had to resort to low-resolution instagram/fb rips. Can't work around that, sorry.
No soundboard audio for this one, but the audience tape is really good.

11-01-2021, 08:29 AM
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear...


11-05-2021, 01:44 PM
And now for something completely different...

How to Destroy Angels @ Las Vegas, Pearl Theater


Did this thing in the breaks between Palladium releases as I needed some variety.

12-05-2021, 04:37 AM
This is how it all began: Palladium show #1.
(Almost) 3rd anniversary.


Love the 3-song HTDA set in the middle. I get that not everyone liked it at the time (based on tour journal complaints), but come on, with Ilan on live drums and Robin shredding on guitar the songs are basically NIN with a guest singer (if they weren't already).

I was struggling for some time with the audio for this one. There were two recordings on Live Archive - IEM and AUD. IEM capture had a clicktrack through the whole thing and while it still sounded okay for like 80% of the show, some songs were basically ruined by it (specifically Hurt and AATCHB that didn't have any drums on top of the click). And the audience tape wasn't as good on its own as I hoped.
In the end I mixed my own matrix of the two sources where AUD tape added necessary room ambience and crowd noise. With this mix, I was able to just mute the IEM source and make AUD a bit louder everywhere where the click was unbearable (most of Hurt, most of AATCHB, and the first 10-20 seconds of almost every other song where click started ahead of the actual song). I also edited out Trent's banter in the tech mic in the middle of Reptile (where he says to turn off distracting video monitors in the lobby) because it felt out of place when you can't actually see him speaking.

Work on shows #2 and 3 is in progress. Stay tuned.

12-05-2021, 06:52 PM
These are so wonderful and you did a great job matrixing the audio!

12-25-2021, 08:40 AM
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Please enjoy NIN @ Palladium #2 (Dec 8).

Not much to say about this edit, except maybe that the middle slow section of two Bowie covers and The Background World is probably my favorite moment from the entire tour. Absolutely beautiful and touching performance.

Stay safe and have a good weekend!


12-27-2021, 07:48 AM
fillow, thank you for putting these all together. it's the one thing that has kept us all, i am sure, from going bat nuts not seeing NIN live.

01-11-2022, 10:22 AM

Nine Inch Nails performing a set full of oldies at Hollywood Palladium


01-11-2022, 03:44 PM
Looking forward to watching this later. What a fucking treat that tour was. Thanks fillow !

01-12-2022, 03:36 AM

Nine Inch Nails performing a set full of oldies at Hollywood Palladium


thank you

05-12-2022, 12:53 PM
Nine Inch Nails [Live: With_Teeth]. Summer 2006 Tour


It was fun trying on Rob Sheridan's shoes and trying to create a continuous and consistent feature from completely different recordings, like it was done with And All That Could Have Been. There are some blatant mismatches between footage and audio or between successive cuts, but just know that I tried my best.

Edited together from a few full show recordings found on NIN Live Archive, Rob's livestreams from The Spiral, and of course tons of individual clips from youtube and other places, with the best available audio sources (mostly SBD). Some memorable events/banter from the tour also included. Enjoy.

Two hardest songs to edit were, unexpectedly, Hurt and La Mer. I discovered that they were played with no click and with basically free tempo, so matching several performances together was a pain in the ass. Final Solution was also played with two different tempos, but it at least it was consistent for a each performance and not speeding up and slowing down every few seconds.

One last thought... This edit was about 75% done by mid-February and was planned for early March release. Then the fucking war began and everything came to a dead stop. I've been only slowly coming back to life in the last 2-3 weeks (emotionally and mentally, that is). Still can't watch any movies or tv, but music is fine and really helps me to get through.

05-12-2022, 01:33 PM
I look forward to these. Thanks for putting the effort in. BYIT is great, but of course they couldn't cram everything from WT era in there. I did 3 in a row on that leg, most I've done so lots of good memories from that tour.

05-14-2022, 03:12 AM
Thanks for that Fillow, some fun bits in there that I'd not seen before - first time seeing Starfuckers and Into The Void with Aaron, heard that intro of LA Mer, heard Final Solution NIN-style, and Trent's post-storm sex banter! Murphy putting a hat on Trent is both brave and hilarious! Sterling work!

Corona Radiata
05-19-2022, 09:14 PM
I figured it's time for me to stop hijacking Ryan's threads and to finally start my own. This thread will be used to keep all my releases in one place.

For the start, here's the new edit I finished last week: Seattle 2008


"Welcome to the first official night of the tour... which is gonna last... 14 years!" - T.R.
I guess he didn't count rehearsal gig or Pemberton as the first show.

This one came out very shaky at times. I was excited to find that the footage was available for all songs on youtube, but a lot of it turned out to be not very good... Still, I didn't want to abandon the edit after it was halfway done.

This show is kinda notable for having a different lighting in THTF. They already abandoned the concept from the rehearsal show, but it was still almost completely red. They will change it into blue just a couple of shows later and for the rest of the tour.
You can see how rough the band was at this point. Tons of mistakes by TR, a few by Robin and even Josh.

Finally, a live debut of In This Twilight.

Haven’t seen many videos of the original lights used for The Big Come Down on the LITS tour which were later abandoned me Nice.

06-14-2022, 12:13 PM
NIN live in Raleigh 2022


I was about to post this a few days ago, but during last quality control re-watch I found a terrible mistake in editing, which meant 10 hours of rendering were wasted... Anyways, here it is.
I wasn't there in person, but I still think (as I though after watching few first videos from this show) that the band is still very rough here. They already got much better at the following shows. Lights and color designs for many songs were very raw, and were in many cases improved in the later shows. But the excitement of returning to the stage makes up for everything.

08-16-2022, 08:46 AM

08-16-2022, 09:29 AM

Don't Hmmmmmmm me!

Nine Inch Nails at Royal Albert Hall, London 2018


A bit disappointed with the quality of the available footage (I know UK people can do better), but the coverage is complete and there are some cool angles from the balconies. Enjoy.

08-16-2022, 11:36 AM
So dope, thank you once again!

09-15-2022, 10:30 AM
5 years ago today: NIN headline Riot Fest.


09-15-2022, 11:39 AM
Thank you for this! So hyped for Sunday.

10-15-2022, 02:34 AM
I absolutely love these multicam projects! Would doing a website like this (https://hunterstrix.com/) be something you're interested in for your multicam edits?

EDIT: Hunter’s Trix is an ongoing Grateful Dead matrix series, combining soundboard and audience recordings of live shows. The series is produced and mixed by Jubal Hunter Seamons and includes CD cover artwork for each volume/show.

12-21-2022, 09:31 AM
Nine Inch Nails live in Berlin 2014

[not available for now. working on it]

A unique show from 2014 European tour where the screens and 3x3 square light panels were not used. There is literally no other show on that tour with this production. (Except maybe Latin American shows, but somehow lights for many songs were still different).

Setlist leaning heavily into YZ and HM area (6 songs from Hez Marks are all the songs from the album they ever played after Tension).

12-21-2022, 04:54 PM
Can we make a Christmas card for fillow that says "So Impressed With All You Do" in massive Fragile font on the front, signed by all ETS members?

12-23-2022, 11:49 PM
Nine Inch Nails live in Berlin 2014
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Ingo Winter"

Who is Ingo Winter? Someone whose footage you used in the multicam edit?

12-24-2022, 01:54 AM
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Ingo Winter"

Who is Ingo Winter? Someone whose footage you used in the multicam edit?

Yes. Someone who didn't respond one way or another when I inquired about sharing raw footage and who could've saved me a month of work back there and then.

12-24-2022, 12:58 PM
Yes. Someone who didn't respond one way or another when I inquired about sharing raw footage and who could've saved me a month of work back there and then.


01-17-2023, 03:07 PM
Yes. Someone who didn't respond one way or another when I inquired about sharing raw footage and who could've saved me a month of work back there and then.

We should send a team to Meet and Greet this individual.

edit: i hope you understood what i meant, @fillow (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=348) . It's from The Simpsons, and it's something Fat Tony, the mafia guy says. The "meet and greet" implies harming the person

05-01-2023, 02:21 PM
NIN live at Red Rocks 2022. Show #1.


Very pleased with the amount of 4K footage available for this one, and so I decided to render this in 4K too. It's fucking heavy.
@zeegrizzle (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3014) did a great job with the audio, considering the weather. Wind was fucking strong. Just look at Ilan's cymbals flying up and down during TDTWAA.

Work on the second one is in progress.

07-07-2023, 12:03 PM
Red Rocks night 2.


Special thanks to everyone who sent me tons of raw 4K footage. Most notably: TheBang (aka tabanger), arsenic (aka twoism), Serfi and Zachary Swickey (probably not on ETS).
Audio mixed from tapes by zeegrizzle and Bluejane99.

Also thanks to everyone else who shared stuff and thanks for the patience. This whole thing (Nights 1+2) took half a year in total. Working with 4K sources is so damn slower.

09-03-2024, 03:55 AM
Berlin 2014: Copy of A


You can grab the full show on NIN Live Archive: https://ninlive.com/shows/2014/20140515.html

09-03-2024, 04:23 AM
Berlin 2014: Copy of A


You can grab the full show on NIN Live Archive: https://ninlive.com/shows/2014/20140515.html

Thank you