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02-21-2012, 02:52 AM
Lent starts tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to having no excuse not to lead a structured life :)
This year, the plan is:
- to eat no artificial sugar
- to loose weight for a good cause (and have my students sponsor me)
- to watch no television, and only documentaries on DVD
- to take walks every other day, or if the weather doesn't allow it do some other sort of excercise
- to study one Bible story each week (these are the stories I plan to study: Creation, Babel, Jeremia, Elia, Jona, Tobit, Amos, Daniel and the Holy Week)
Let's see how it works. See you on Easter!

02-21-2012, 12:10 PM
going to the gym with a hangover and three hours of sleep.

i didn't want to go, and the entire day i had been looking for a reason to just go home (and probably eat my face off and play video games). but i said to myself "look, it's not going to hurt to show up." so i took the escalator into the gym. "it's not going to traumatize us to get on the treadmill for a few minutes." "you're not going to get a heart attack if you lift some weights. well maybe, but let's play the odds a bit"

here was the kicker. i found myself saying, "if it really does get too much, we can go home. i'm paying attention now. we did our best." i've gone to the gym, and fallen off the wagon and gotten back into it, and i always did it like my life depended on it, like if i could lost enough weight or got enough muscle i could win my ex-girlfriend back and beat the shit out of her boyfriend. i could do reps into self-esteem. if i just did enough. i shit-talked and killed myself to do whatever i said i was going to do, only to let things slide when i got exhausted from the perpetual boot camp in my head.

and i ended up hurting myself - not in an emo kind of way, like a chronic neck pain and sciatica kind of way.

now here i was just doing something with no particular goal, being nice to myself along the way. a full workout and half an hour of running later, painless and good.

02-21-2012, 12:44 PM
I can't tell you how many times I've had conversations in my head like that over working out or just doing ANYTHING for myself. Good for you man. Now...your next trick will be to make this a habit...something you WANT to do..all of the time. Good luck. Just feeling better for this one workout is a huge thing.

02-21-2012, 06:36 PM
Lent starts tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to having no excuse not to lead a structured life :)
This year, the plan is:
- to eat no artificial sugar
- to loose weight for a good cause (and have my students sponsor me)
- to watch no television, and only documentaries on DVD
- to take walks every other day, or if the weather doesn't allow it do some other sort of excercise
- to study one Bible story each week (these are the stories I plan to study: Creation, Babel, Jeremia, Elia, Jona, Tobit, Amos, Daniel and the Holy Week)
Let's see how it works. See you on Easter!You didn't say you were going to give up the internet.

I like to take it as doing something good rather then taking something away from yourself. That said, a good friend of mine, every year, gives up cursing and biting his nails. Every year.

I don't know what I would give up to express what the intent of giving something else would express.

so i took the escalator into the gym. gaffaw

02-21-2012, 06:52 PM
Let's see how it works. See you on Easter!

Goodbye and good luck!

I'm spending less internet time myself - it doesn't feel that bad. But I still like to check in here and see the familiar names.

And I'm starting to get over some deathbed flu which absolutely flattened me. I'm not at 100% capacity - still more like 60% but it is a start.

02-21-2012, 09:18 PM

there is LITERALLY no other way into this gym! not my fault!!! does it help if i took the opposite escalator? i mean didn't, just wonderin :D

02-22-2012, 03:10 AM
There's nothing like being sucked into a good book.

Beef of the Sea
02-22-2012, 05:24 AM
There's nothing like being sucked into a good book.

Unless you're being sucked by a good book.

02-22-2012, 05:38 PM
Don't know if it cheered me up really but I finally called the doctor about an issue that was bothering me for a while now. Hopefully it ends well, at least i can free my mind from the anxiety of it hopefully soon.

02-22-2012, 06:06 PM
Unless you're being sucked by a good book.

Yeah, but the paper cuts are vicious.

02-22-2012, 07:00 PM
Patton Oswalt live-tweeting the debate tonight.

02-26-2012, 04:35 AM
My dog's new favorite hobby is following my cat around and licking him like he's her baby. He gets so freaked out that he just rolls over and looks at me like "what is happening​?" It's the best.

the duder
02-28-2012, 08:27 AM
I'm bummed that I'm not traveling with our men's team to their conference championship swim meet today. They won the school's first ever championship last year, and have a great shot at repeadting this year. As much as I'd love to be there, I am stoked that the reason that I'm staying behind is that one of our female swimmers has (potentially) qualified for NCAA D-1 swimming championships after a stellar performance at the women's conference meet last weekend. Since, as graduate assistant, I'm low man on the totem pole and I have to stay back to train her, along with some other team members who have qualified for US Olympic Trials and others who are looking to qualify.

02-28-2012, 09:11 AM
there is LITERALLY no other way into this gym! not my fault!!! does it help if i took the opposite escalator? i mean didn't, just wonderin :DDon't do that! I've heard of so many escalator accidents that turn into scalpings. Ewww.

Talking to my manager tomorrow about my pay grade. Not of my prompting. Wouldn't it be nice to get a bump up without asking?

03-01-2012, 12:49 AM
Little things that cheer me up..
NIN obviously, good read - henry rollins.. Sergei Lukyanenko.. Clive Barker.. Neil Gaiman... Phillip K. Dick.. chuck palahniuk... henry david thoreau... fitzgerald, 32oz fountain coke, polluting my lungs with nicotine, my son laughing and smiling, a hot bath or shower, fall, snowflakes, taco bell, writing, poetry, unicorns, kittens, the office, driving, smell of juniper, cold sheets, skeletor, cheese, a pair of super worn in shoes, no shoes, a cold beer, cupcakes, good movie, smell of old bay, invader zim... :)

03-01-2012, 01:04 AM
Little things that cheer me up..
NIN obviously, good read - henry rollins.. Sergei Lukyanenko.. Clive Barker.. Neil Gaiman... Phillip K. Dick.. chuck palahniuk... henry david thoreau... fitzgerald, 32oz fountain coke, polluting my lungs with nicotine, my son laughing and smiling, a hot bath or shower, fall, snowflakes, taco bell, writing, poetry, unicorns, kittens, the office, driving, smell of juniper, cold sheets, skeletor, cheese, a pair of super worn in shoes, no shoes, a cold beer, cupcakes, good movie, smell of old bay, invader zim... :)

This entire quote was what cheered me up. Thank you for that. :)

03-02-2012, 10:20 AM
Those surveys at the bottom of receipts work! $500 gift card from Future Shop!

Rav Gahan
03-02-2012, 02:30 PM
I don't know about me, but I hope this cheers everyone here up.

My name is Rav, and I'm known to my friends back in the UK as DJ Shadowchaser. I will be hosting an NIN tribute night in London this Easter weekend. So if you happen to be in town, please come to Y34R Z3R0 - the only night where we will play nothing but NIN and Trent Reznor, as well other industrial/electronic classics.

I will host the event and be joined onstage by my friend, the awesome DJ STATIC. Y34R Z3R0 takes place on Easter Saturday, so there's no better excuse to party and enjoy the holiday. There will be plenty of free cake and Easter chocolate on the night! In addition, there will be a raffle - will you be the recipient of a cool mystery prize?

The clock is ticking. The countdown to Y34R Z3R0 begins now. See you there.

Date: Saturday 7 April 2012, 10pm-4am
Address: The London Stone, 105-109 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AD, UK
Entry: £4 all night
Nearest Tubes (subway to my non-British friends): Bank (Central/Northern/Waterloo & City/DLR) - 3-minute walk
Monument/Mansion House (Circle/District) - 5-minute walk

More information at http://on.fb.me/zpkuak

03-03-2012, 12:35 AM
My new cheap phone is actually a nice step up from my last one. That and paying off some bills with my taxes.

03-03-2012, 05:08 AM
I don't know about me, but I hope this cheers everyone here up.

My name is Rav, and I'm known to my friends back in the UK as DJ Shadowchaser. I will be hosting an NIN tribute night in London this Easter weekend. So if you happen to be in town, please come to Y34R Z3R0 - the only night where we will play nothing but NIN and Trent Reznor, as well other industrial/electronic classics.

I will host the event and be joined onstage by my friend, the awesome DJ STATIC. Y34R Z3R0 takes place on Easter Saturday, so there's no better excuse to party and enjoy the holiday. There will be plenty of free cake and Easter chocolate on the night! In addition, there will be a raffle - will you be the recipient of a cool mystery prize?

The clock is ticking. The countdown to Y34R Z3R0 begins now. See you there.

Date: Saturday 7 April 2012, 10pm-4am
Address: The London Stone, 105-109 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AD, UK
Entry: £4 all night
Nearest Tubes (subway to my non-British friends): Bank (Central/Northern/Waterloo & City/DLR) - 3-minute walk
Monument/Mansion House (Circle/District) - 5-minute walk

More information at http://on.fb.me/zpkuak

Oh man, I LOVE The London Stone!!

03-03-2012, 07:23 PM
San Diego Comic-Con passes being easily purchased this year, especially since they sold out in 90 minutes today.

03-03-2012, 10:35 PM
Eating fruity pebbles, because despite being 26 years old, I couldn't bring myself to buy the other malt-o-meal choices.

03-03-2012, 11:12 PM
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/419826_242575515835112_139659192793412_515905_1514 203630_n.jpg

03-04-2012, 09:46 AM
recently started playing craps. have bee to the casion 4 times, and have never lost money plaing. Up $500 dollars. :)

03-04-2012, 11:00 PM
I don't know why this cheered me up, but it did.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FrHkKXFRbCI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FrHkKXFRbCI)

03-07-2012, 05:17 AM
Three days into my "diet" and it's not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. I put diet in quotes because I'm not going full-force into it just yet, but I'm definitely on the way. I'm eating much healthier than I did before. Much, much healthier. And I'm starting to exercise more. Huzzah!

Conan The Barbarian
03-07-2012, 12:59 PM
I just deleted my facebook.

03-07-2012, 05:44 PM
I just deleted my facebook.

welcome back from the dark side!

03-07-2012, 07:53 PM
Three days into my "diet" and it's not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be. I put diet in quotes because I'm not going full-force into it just yet, but I'm definitely on the way. I'm eating much healthier than I did before. Much, much healthier. And I'm starting to exercise more. Huzzah!Way to go. I agree with putting it in quotes. Really, its changing your life style. No, I won't eat that crappy junk food. I won't eat a pound of pasta. Having said that, I am forgetting last week's transgressions, forgiving myself for eating pounds of salt and sugar and moving on. This cheers me + exercise really does occupy your time and makes you feel better.

03-07-2012, 08:25 PM
^^The salt is what scares me the most. My first goal was to cut carbs down and better control my blood sugar. That's not too terribly hard. Next it will be calories and probably sodium. It sucks, because I've been eating relatively healthy- the last few nights, I've had a salad and sandwich for dinner. Way healthier than I've eaten in a long time. But then I start looking at the salt content- especially on the lunch meat- and it's like, holy crap, I'm eating my ENTIRE daily allowance with one sandwich. Ridiculous.

So, yeah. I think cutting down on the sodium is going to limit my options even further. But it's necessary, so I'll just have to figure out a way to do it, and balance it out with the lower carbs and calories. And...probably...cut out soda. Diet soda, but still.

Yeah, the exercise thing is coming along, albeit slowly. One step at a time, but I should be really running with this pretty soon.

And thanks for the encouraging words. :)

03-07-2012, 09:05 PM
Hell YES. I met a wealthy guy at the last charity event I did, and he told me I could use his private (super awesome, super stocked) campground in Sequoia National Forest. Now I've got a trip planned for the 16th, and I can't wait! I haven't been camping in about five weeks, which is way too long for me to be stuck in the city. A couple of my former professors, who are hilarious and fun as hell, might even go with me (hopefully).

03-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Will you be availing yourselves of a "Texas Mickey" of any alcoholic beverage?

03-07-2012, 09:12 PM
Doubtful. I used to smoke a bit of pot out there and stumble around on ridge tops in the moonlight (yes, literally), but I rarely do anything anymore. Some of my companions might indulge, however. College professors, it turns out, are a bunch of educated hooligans.

03-07-2012, 09:14 PM
Heh, you don't have to tell me! I know a few.

03-08-2012, 07:48 AM
One step at a time

Words to live by.

Lunch meat and canned soup are sodium giants. It's sick. I've found adding legumes to my salad really fills me up too.

My cheer of the day is that I'm going to try and not feel so responsible for others.

03-08-2012, 02:22 PM
There's nothing quite like standing under the shower on a cold day 'til your skin's so hot it hurts.

03-08-2012, 11:43 PM
Texting all night with the guy I mentioned in this thread (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/308-The-Relationship-Thread/page15). :D

03-10-2012, 05:39 AM
Words to live by.

Lunch meat and canned soup are sodium giants. It's sick. I've found adding legumes to my salad really fills me up too.I know, it's insane. The lunch meats are the next thing to go. I've already started thinking about alternatives. I'm going to try to cut out the red meat, too, at least for the most part. I'm almost a week into it, which isn't a long time, but it's longer than I've ever been on a diet before (pathetic, I know). Well, it's not really a diet, because I don't plan on ever eating unhealthy again, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm on my sixth day and I'm amazed at how easy it's been. I don't even really miss my old foods.

That being said, Tuesday's my birthday, and I'm going to allow myself one decent (read: bad) meal for dinner. Then it's back to the good stuff.

03-10-2012, 03:30 PM
While at work, one of our customers who works at Imo's pizza came by and said he had a pizza a guy cancelled and sold it to me for $2. Hello cheap lunch.

03-11-2012, 04:28 PM
I just had my first lucid dream. Whoa.

Edit: I'm reading up on it now, and I guess I have technically had lucid dreams before, because apparently it's any dream where you're aware you're dreaming, whether you can actively take control of the dream or not. I've had dreams before where I kind of knew I was dreaming, but I don't really feel I had control over them, and the feeling of "knowing" I was dreaming was kind of vague. This was the first time where I was completely aware I was dreaming AND I was able to take control of the dream and do what I wanted. It was so strange.

the duder
03-11-2012, 05:49 PM
Just got an email from a job I applied for back in December saying there was an error with their system and that they needed my information re-sent. The best part about it is that the job I applied for was Astronaut Candidate. That's right. I applied to be an astronaut, AND they need some of my information re-sent.
Now, I understand that this in no way implies anything other than NASA needing a new copy of my forms, but it was cool as shit to actually hear back from an actual person. :D

Beef of the Sea
03-11-2012, 06:26 PM
Still, that's pretty damn awesome, you should be able to put that on your C.V. "Applied for Astronaut Candidacy - Was called back."

03-11-2012, 06:28 PM
^^I don't mean this in an insulting way, but are you seriously pursuing that, or did you send in that application as a goof? If you're serious about it, then that's pretty cool, actually. We could have our first ETSer in space!*

*=as opposed to prison. We passed that milestone a loooong time ago.

the duder
03-11-2012, 06:32 PM
Yeah, I actually am hoping something comes of it. I've wanted to be an astronaut for a long, long time and the major reason why I became interested in science and math was due to my love of astronomy. Plus, it would be a great way to increase the awareness of science and science education in the public.

03-11-2012, 06:43 PM
That's awesome, man! I hope it works out for you. Keep us updated.

the duder
03-11-2012, 09:50 PM
Thanks! Will do.

03-12-2012, 04:53 AM
May sound stupid, but some well thrown passes and some great catches by the receivers yesterday. The pursuit of a perfectly thrown pass.

03-12-2012, 02:11 PM
Yeah, I actually am hoping something comes of it. I've wanted to be an astronaut for a long, long time and the major reason why I became interested in science and math was due to my love of astronomy. Plus, it would be a great way to increase the awareness of science and science education in the public.
Just be sure and take a can of spray paint up with you when they send you to the moon base:

03-12-2012, 02:25 PM
So when I was 13/14 my best friends at the time sat me down in and told me that I'd made up all of the problems I had at home and I was a liar. Quite surprisingly, this (along with all the other balls I've told you over the years, ETS) has made me quite reluctant to trust humans and talk to them about my feelings and life experiences.

But I've finally become a lot better at talking to people (outside of the realm of HFWYD) about bad things as they happen, and it has been quite nice to find support and concern at the other end of the phone/gchat/table over the past few months. So maybe this is the first step to me figuratively unclenching my rectum for the first time in 12 years, eh?

03-12-2012, 06:27 PM
Pasta. When I avoid it for awhile and then treat myself yummmmmmmm.

That and impulsively taking a trip to see someone....

03-12-2012, 07:52 PM
So when I was 13/14 my best friends at the time sat me down in and told me that I'd made up all of the problems I had at home and I was a liar. Quite surprisingly, this (along with all the other balls I've told you over the years, ETS) has made me quite reluctant to trust humans and talk to them about my feelings and life experiences.

But I've finally become a lot better at talking to people (outside of the realm of HFWYD) about bad things as they happen, and it has been quite nice to find support and concern at the other end of the phone/gchat/table over the past few months. So maybe this is the first step to me figuratively unclenching my rectum for the first time in 12 years, eh?

I usually don't talk much about what's bothering me either just wasn't really raised in a conducive environment for that i guess, not that my mom was a bad parent. Anyhow, after breaking up with the lady i had to reach out to some friends and got lots of help because of it. Things most people probably wouldn't think twice about but for me it was really good to open up for a change. Good to hear you may have come to a similar point.

This whole weeks looks pretty good, and the weather here is an added bonus. I don't have to work with my boss at my second job at all this week which is awesome, and no 8 am shifts either. Going to the Electric Six show tonight with this girl i have been kinda interested in for a bit who i haven't seen out in a while but since we chatted the other night on FB i decided to she if she wanted to come with to the show. Saw one of the coolest hour long sunsets last night while aimlessly cruising around the flat lands of ND last night. And.....my shitty cold is almost gone, BO-YAH!!!

03-12-2012, 09:05 PM
So when I was 13/14 my best friends at the time sat me down in and told me that I'd made up all of the problems I had at home and I was a liar. Quite surprisingly, this (along with all the other balls I've told you over the years, ETS) has made me quite reluctant to trust humans and talk to them about my feelings and life experiences.

But I've finally become a lot better at talking to people (outside of the realm of HFWYD) about bad things as they happen, and it has been quite nice to find support and concern at the other end of the phone/gchat/table over the past few months. So maybe this is the first step to me figuratively unclenching my rectum for the first time in 12 years, eh?
This is really awesome to hear. I've been recently realizing just how closed off I am from the majority of even those I consider "close". I simply isolate myself at home until things blow over, and when I'm around people I can usually disconnect from "my own shit", convincingly. There's one friend recently I've been hanging out with more often, and they see right through me and it's been completely unnerving. They keep saying things like "You have your shield up right now." or will see right through a fake smile. I've been having very hard time compartmentalizing our friendship, haha, becacuse I'm only ever this "vulnerable" around someone when I was in a serious romantic relationship.

03-14-2012, 02:13 AM
Jammed for two hours with friends. Played bass, drums, then guitar. Felt good.

03-14-2012, 05:32 PM
Just got retweeted and followed by motherfucking Chuck D!

03-14-2012, 06:37 PM
Just got retweeted and followed by motherfucking Chuck D!
You lucky bastard! That's awesome!

Meanwhile, I got picked as one of ten finalists in a Quaker Steak & Lube facebook contest. The grand prize winner will be picked by online voting, so I'll be shilling for votes in a month, but I've already won an ipo shuffle and 4 bottles of wing sauce.

03-14-2012, 06:52 PM
Just got retweeted and followed by motherfucking Chuck D!

SICK. Man, Twitter is insane. I've chatted with Ken Levine, Mark Hammill, Milla Jovovich, lots of ppl....shit is crazy when they answer/retweet you. For me anyways...

03-14-2012, 07:15 PM
^^Heh...I've only had that happen one time. Patton Oswalt retweeted me once to answer a question. It was really cool.

03-15-2012, 01:48 AM
You lucky bastard! That's awesome!

Meanwhile, I got picked as one of ten finalists in a Quaker Steak & Lube facebook contest. The grand prize winner will be picked by online voting, so I'll be shilling for votes in a month, but I've already won an ipo shuffle and 4 bottles of wing sauce.

I would probably take the Quaker Steak contest finals over any twitter interaction with just about anyone (possible exception: one of my favorite film directors commenting on my own film, which means they've actually watched it). Either way that's Fucking BOSS. Their wings are pure delicousness. Good luck to you sir. I shall be sure to vote. What was the contest? Whats the GP?

Meanwhile today began horribly for me. I worked all night long and came home to sleep at 10am because I had re-arrange my schedule - I had an appointment at 2pm and this was the only way I could be available for it. I get up after a couple hours begrudgingly (it was hard) and make it to the doctors office, drove 35 minutes each way, pay for parking etc. I get up there, and find out my appointment was cancelled, apparently the doctor went on vacation, they said they left a message but clearly they didn't since they only have my cell number and I showed them my call history, and I got absolutely no sympathy from the receptionist. I had been waiting to see this specialist for 3 months. Now I have to rebook on friday and who the fuck knows when that will be. Plus now I'm awake and up and I work again in a few hours on absolutely no sleep again.

I was so furious I went in to KFC and ordered a Zinger Double Down to drown my sorrows. Ironically instead of making me feel even worse like that shit usually does, I got a nice sodium buzz and have been flying high all night and been in one of those joker moods where everything is comical to me. I love those moods. So what, I hate fucking doctors, but who gives a shit, life is GOOD.

Moral of the story: Double Downs not as evil as advertisted.

03-15-2012, 10:42 PM
I would probably take the Quaker Steak contest finals over any twitter interaction with just about anyone (possible exception: one of my favorite film directors commenting on my own film, which means they've actually watched it). Either way that's Fucking BOSS. Their wings are pure delicousness. Good luck to you sir. I shall be sure to vote. What was the contest? Whats the GP?

The contest is detailed on their facebook page here (https://www.facebook.com/TheOfficialQSL?sk=app_370595199622945), but basically you combine up to 3 of their existing sauces and give it a name to create a new sauce. They pick weekly winners for 10 weeks (each getting an ipod shuffle & 4 pack of sauce (1 bottle of which is the sauce they created)). I was selected as the winner for week 4 combining Atomic, Arizona Ranch, and Buckeye BBQ and calling it Arizona Brushfire. The grand prize is decent. A free bucket of wings every month for a year, 12 bottles of the winning sauce, plus 3 categories you get to pick one prize each from. I'm guessing the value of the category prizes is somewhere around $1600. Wish me luck.

Meanwhile today began horribly for me. I worked all night long and came home to sleep at 10am because I had re-arrange my schedule - I had an appointment at 2pm and this was the only way I could be available for it. I get up after a couple hours begrudgingly (it was hard) and make it to the doctors office, drove 35 minutes each way, pay for parking etc. I get up there, and find out my appointment was cancelled, apparently the doctor went on vacation, they said they left a message but clearly they didn't since they only have my cell number and I showed them my call history, and I got absolutely no sympathy from the receptionist. I had been waiting to see this specialist for 3 months. Now I have to rebook on friday and who the fuck knows when that will be. Plus now I'm awake and up and I work again in a few hours on absolutely no sleep again.
That's awful. I find it frustrating enough when you book an appointment and end up having to wait 45 minutes past the appt. time to see the doctor. Sounds like you handled it pretty well.

03-16-2012, 04:08 PM
Just found out that my contract for my job (I hold a temporary but full time contract position) will be renewed for another year in June. Also am being offered an Assistant Store Manager position at my second job. Looks like things are going well. I obviously cant take both juob, but I guess I can pit them against eachother and see which one has the better offer. :)

03-17-2012, 07:07 PM
Training tomorrow. I have to work in the Morning (Trade of for getting Sunday afternoons off) but after 5 weeks I'm starting to feel a lot better. I can see signs of my Football legs returning, and throwing some passes is always awesome. And its great to be around some nice people, the atmosphere is so much better than Soccer training.

ad infinitum
03-19-2012, 07:14 PM
Awesome friends w/lots of fantastic advice & sympathy made for the best weekend in ages, plus great food for thought going forward. Old friends rock.

03-25-2012, 06:57 PM
I'm in Portland! Yeeee

03-26-2012, 10:21 AM
Just got retweeted and followed by motherfucking Chuck D!

The rapper or the Black Flag member?

03-26-2012, 06:54 PM
I'm in Portland! Yeeee
Quick! Put a bird on something!

03-27-2012, 11:06 AM
Dr. visit went well, the antibiotics seem to be working. Also lots of green starting to pop up everywhere, the grass looks good too.

03-27-2012, 05:39 PM

Yep. Made my day.

03-27-2012, 10:46 PM
I got hit on tonight by this dude who'd just had his photo taken with Lionel Richie.

That's right, Lionel Richie.

03-28-2012, 08:51 PM
That feel when a recruiting agency contacts you, after about six months of noncontact, to offer you interviews with two amazing companies.

03-29-2012, 04:23 PM
To my left, on my friend's couch, there's two dogs and a cat, all snoozing.

03-30-2012, 01:00 AM
I finally found a new message board, so now I can leave this place behind forever!!! ha ha ha!!!

Just kidding. I could never leave ETS behind (unless some sort of legal action was involved, then I might be forced to. And don't say it could never happen!)

Actually, I found a message board dedicated to comedy, and there's an entire section for aspiring comedians. Lots of great advice and support, people talking about every aspect of comedy from joke writing to performing to experiences at open mics, just anything and everything. Very cool place, seems to be a lot of supportive people there, all trying to be comedians themselves. It'll make my eventual failure easier to endure! ;)

03-30-2012, 09:45 PM
Last night my neighbor called my girlfriend a "fucking bitch" in passing. She is a very large black woman; her husband is a security guard. They live below me in a very old, cheaply built, apartment building, and she has been upset with me for walking around a lot (it's noisy). This has been going on for quite some time, but there's nothing I can do about the shitty floors.

My girlfriend and I were on our way to dinner, but after learning about what had happened I turned the car around. When we got back to my apartment my girlfriend hid in the car (sending panicky texts for help in my absence, apparently). I slammed my knuckles against their screen door over and over until the husband answered. I saw his wife through the opening, and yelled, "YOU CALLED MY GIRLFRIEND A FUCKING BITCH, AND I'D REALLY LIKE TO KNOW WHY!"

She came out on the porch and got in my face, but I didn't back off (even though she is three times my size, and probably could have simply pushed me down). She said, "YOU WANNA TALK, WE CAN FUCKING TALK RIGHT NOW!" To which I replied, "YOU SHOULD HAVE COME AND TALKED TO ME A LONG TIME AGO," while poking my finger into her shoulder. This is probably not the best thing to do, to anyone really, but especially not to a large black woman with a temper problem. She got really mad then and yelled, "YOU WANNA FUCKING TALK? HUH? YOU WANNA COME SIT DOWN AND TALK!!!!" I paused for a second, took a breath and said, "Ok, I'll come sit down and talk to you."

So that's what we did. It took a little time, but after we hugged it out and resolved all our problems (she even apologized to my girlfriend, who was hiding behind my car when I went back to get her) I felt incredibly relieved. After we left I looked at my hand, and my knuckles were bleeding. I think I dented their door.

I am really, really glad I turned around.

03-31-2012, 12:18 PM
Talking to my friends and my parents.

03-31-2012, 06:00 PM
I am really, really glad I turned around.
This whole thing is awesome! Diplomacy rules!

04-01-2012, 11:48 AM
Execution. 10 plays Down the field. Touchdown pass. Made my day.

04-01-2012, 12:30 PM
Toonami yesterday night!

04-02-2012, 01:56 PM
Twice this week I've been mistaken for a "student". I haven't stepped foot in a formal classroom since 1992.

ad infinitum
04-02-2012, 02:02 PM
Long story short, while down at a friend's beach house we managed to save a dog from drowning. He'd fallen into the water & somehow gotten tangled in fishing line underneath a distant neighbor's boat dock, & he kept going under & howling. We managed to scream bloody murder & attract the attention of someone who was able to jump in & pull the dog to safety. Felt awesome being able to do that kind of a good deed.

04-02-2012, 07:00 PM
Aww, poor doggie! Glad everything ended well!

04-08-2012, 09:37 AM
I am finally beginning to conquer The Depression, which is awesome. Kind of. Well, it cheers me up anyway.

04-08-2012, 06:47 PM
I am finally beginning to conquer The Depression, which is awesome. Kind of. Well, it cheers me up anyway.

Good stuff. Really. I do wish you the best.

I was actually coming here to say a similar thing. That it passes. It comes and goes. Like the sun, like the rain. Just wait one more day.

04-08-2012, 06:51 PM
Hot coffee on cold morning.

04-08-2012, 08:18 PM
kidnapped my dogs from my parents so they can stay with me for a week, I really miss those mutts

04-08-2012, 09:23 PM
Received as a gift the last twenty bucks I needed to buy the bicycle I want. Waited over three months to get this together since the speeding ticket ate up all my funds - gah!

04-08-2012, 11:57 PM
Roadtripping back to the city I used to live in and finding that the friends I miss are still there and still awesome, having a wonderful time and still not wanting to move back now or ever.

04-10-2012, 03:31 AM
^^How are your old ones taking it?

04-10-2012, 08:19 AM
Cleaned the whole house (well, the three rooms + bathroom + shower closet thing). It's all sparkly now, like an Ikea showroom.

04-10-2012, 04:43 PM
I bought a studded belt for $3 the other day. It's trashily emo. I wore it to work.

04-10-2012, 06:15 PM
Elke's back!

Also: I've been told yesterday that I have to stop losing weight because SOON there won't be anything left of me. I patiently explained that I have no control over my weight loss (for those of you who don't know yet: I had bariatric surgery last year, in January; they remove 3/4 of my stomach and half my small intestine. Since then, I've lost 140 pounds. While the weight loss can continue for up to a year yet it has drastically reduce though).

04-10-2012, 06:43 PM

04-10-2012, 07:18 PM

04-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Been hanging out with the girl i mentioned a while back some more lately. Not sure if it's gonna go anywhere and that's fine it's just nice to find some new people to hang out with. Especially since this seems to be the season for relationship issues with a majority of the people i know. That and not drinking as much lately is helping too, though there are days where i really question my decision. Tonight though i think im gonna treat myself to an nice Trappist ale and maybe some Newcastle's.

Beef of the Sea
04-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Secured at least $2M in flood warning work, feels good man.

04-13-2012, 12:14 AM
So it's been decades since I've posted on this forum, but it's midnight, I'm out of town for a conference, and super excited; just got offered a paid motion design internship in LA for this summer. So stoked because I landed it with basically an eight-minute interview when he came to our university to look for an intern. Honestly I don't even know if I'm going to be ABLE to take it, but it was a huge boost, especially considering how stressed I've been about landing a summer internship. I'm at a design conference right now and that's basically what I came here for. It's awesome to know I have a (paid) option, and a lot farther from home than I was expecting.

04-16-2012, 12:31 AM
When I arrive home on a rainy day.

04-16-2012, 11:51 AM
theruiner, you were right in Little Things That Piss You Off: it was a lot better than I feared. I had a good day at school today, and the kids were mostly happy to see me again and didn't like the substitute one bit, so that was great :D
I also had a talk with a boy who talked about being bi for the first time in his life, and I think I handled it rather well. It's a relief to be able to just talk about myself now, and I noticed he was really shocked by what I had to say. He couldn't imagine being in a relationship with a girl and telling her that he also liked boys, he thought no girl would want him. My heart breaks for that kid. But I do feel good about the conversation, so... it's one of those rare moments that I'm actually glad to be gay, because it's something I understand better than most of his other teachers.

04-16-2012, 04:56 PM


04-19-2012, 07:29 AM
Submitted final version of my dissertation. I defend May 11. Mixed emotions cause if I had the time I'd rewrite the whole damn thing.

04-19-2012, 06:32 PM
Isanyoneup.com is finally down: http://www.bullyville.com/?page=articles&id=358

Frozen Beach
04-21-2012, 09:58 PM
For the last few days, I've been having real long phone conversations with the girl I've been talking to. She really wants to do something soon together, but we both don't really have a consistent source of transportation. I swear though I will find a way to take her out for her birthday. I'll ride her on the damn handle bars of a bike if I have to!

04-22-2012, 07:40 AM
For the last few days, I've been having real long phone conversations with the girl I've been talking to. She really wants to do something soon together, but we both don't really have a consistent source of transportation. I swear though I will find a way to take her out for her birthday. I'll ride her on the damn handle bars of a bike if I have to!

Power to ya, man! Do what you gotta do!

I feel gooood today. My girlfriend and I broke up after almost 2 years. It's all a result of something I did, and it's literally the only regret I have about anything in my life. As a result, I've been dealing with depression for a couple weeks, and I think I'm doing better. Today, I went to get breakfast at Spangles, and the (really cute) girl who usually works mornings said "Haven't you been in here before? I thought so. I recognize your pretty green eyes!" then told me she hopes she sees me again really soon, which she never says, so it wasn't like she was saying it to me as a customer. I dunno, it just made me feel really good. I don't think I'm a bad looking dude, but compliments from strangers are always nice.

Fuck depression, I'm getting over this.

Edit - I should clarify, I'm not saying that I'm over Hannah or hoping to score with this girl or anything, because me and Hannah are still kinda working through some things, but I just feel better than I have in two weeks. I still really hope things work out with her. But hey, things are gonna work however they work. She's a great person, I wouldn't have any ill will against her.

Frozen Beach
04-22-2012, 09:49 PM
Tomorrow, we are hanging out, that is if her anxiety isn't too bad. Hopefully it won't be. I'll even pray if I have to.

04-23-2012, 11:11 AM
A good friend from my university days came over to the house I live in yesterday. He's been doing a Masters program in journalism; one of his classes is in radio production, and for an assignment he's doing an audio documentary on our time at Trinity College in Toronto. We spoke for almost an hour and he recorded the conversation to use as raw material. It was great to catch up and also help him out. I'm excited to hear the final product.

Frozen Beach
04-23-2012, 03:25 PM
I don't know why, but every time someone likes my posts, it makes me feel happy. I guess I'm doing something right.

04-23-2012, 05:11 PM
A good friend from my university days came over to the house I live in yesterday. He's been doing a Masters program in journalism; one of his classes is in radio production, and for an assignment he's doing an audio documentary on our time at Trinity College in Toronto. We spoke for almost an hour and he recorded the conversation to use as raw material. It was great to catch up and also help him out. I'm excited to hear the final product.
Heh, I know a guy who did something like this in art school. I was his subject, but he made sure I was shitfaced on Guinness before he started recording. I never heard the final product, but I think there was a lot of long rambling, obscenity-laced diatribes. Or he turned on the recorder at the beginning... The point might have been to chart the drunken progress... I don't remember much about that night, but there is a photo somewhere of me drinking Guinness out of a novelty coffee mug that had giant ceramic tits.

Frozen Beach
04-23-2012, 08:09 PM
And I met her. What a lovely person, and what a lovely Woman. I wish she wasn't so down on herself.

04-24-2012, 02:31 PM
Getting a sorely needed haircut.

04-24-2012, 10:05 PM
I was listening to a progressive talk show, and a guy called in talking about how heterosexuals are "losing their rights" in this country. What. When the host asked him which rights they were losing, he said (paraphrasing), "The right to not hire homosexuals or transgendered people if I don't want to." The host started using logic (not this caller's strong suit, obviously) to explain how awful that was, and the guy goes, "You're trying to make me look stupid." And then the host goes, "Oh, I don't have to try." :D That was awesome. He then completely decimated this guy's argument, which included the idea that it was ok to discriminate against gay people, but not ok to discriminate against African-Americans (the example the host gave), because they don't "choose" to be born African-American unlike, of course, gay people, who chose to be that way. :rolleyes:

I've heard a million of these arguments, all of them dumber than the last, but it always cheers me up to hear someone logically deconstruct them and show how incredibly stupid they really are.

04-24-2012, 11:06 PM
Driving around town listening to some music and getting away from people and problems. Never fails to cheer me up a bit.

04-25-2012, 12:18 AM
And I met her. What a lovely person, and what a lovely Woman. I wish she wasn't so down on herself.

Way to go! I know that feeling, though. At least you got yourself to go do it!

Driving around town listening to some music and getting away from people and problems. Never fails to cheer me up a bit.

People underestimate this. It always does wonders.

04-26-2012, 07:18 PM
If you need something to make you laugh, this is it. Cracked - The 10 most satisfying cases of hecklers getting destroyed.


04-26-2012, 07:33 PM
If you need something to make you laugh, this is it. Cracked - The 10 most satisfying cases of hecklers getting destroyed.

Cracked never fails to brighten my day.

04-27-2012, 12:10 AM
If you need something to make you laugh, this is it. Cracked - The 10 most satisfying cases of hecklers getting destroyed.

Haha, that's awesome.

04-27-2012, 05:52 AM
If you need something to make you laugh, this is it. Cracked - The 10 most satisfying cases of hecklers getting destroyed.


Bill Burr is my my idol. Glad to see him on that list. He outlooks on things are just hilariously true.

04-27-2012, 11:13 AM
I seriously think that being a comedian would be one hell of a job. I mean, I can't think of many jobs where you can say and do that kind of shit and NOT get in trouble for it. You can't be a doctor, or police officer, or server, or fry cook, or anything and get away with that - let alone have people APPLAUD you for doing it.

04-28-2012, 01:48 PM
If you need something to make you laugh, this is it. Cracked - The 10 most satisfying cases of hecklers getting destroyed.

http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-10-most-satisfying-cases-hecklers-getting-destroyed/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpageThat was great. Thanks for sharing. I think Matt Davis' killing of the heckler deserved higher than #10. At least #5.

04-30-2012, 02:25 PM
Last night me and 10 coworkers fucking owned everyone at paintball. And for all but two of us it was the first time! Our veterans knew the deal, showed us the tricks, tactics and strategies that would work best for the indoor field we were on, which was a warehouse with 8 large and small buildings in it (3 with two stories) and a few cars and obstacles for cover. It looked exactly like this (http://shockentertainment.ca/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=13&Itemid=170) except with more dimensions than two.

Anyway, I got hit a few times but for the most part it was total pwnage on our part, and a hell of a fun way to spend 3 hours! I ache all over today because I should have stretched more, but WOO!

05-01-2012, 05:29 PM
I've NEVER been paintballing, but I've always wanted to get into it.

Right now, I'm eating a huge bowl of cheesy hamburger helper after realizing I hadn't eaten anything since this morning. It's at the perfect temperature where the top layer is cooled off, but anything half an inch below that is still super hot. YUM.

My brother saw I was eating the entire box in one sitting, and he goes "How the hell do you only weight 155 pounds?"

05-01-2012, 05:57 PM
Last night me and 10 coworkers fucking owned everyone at paintball. And for all but two of us it was the first time! Our veterans knew the deal, showed us the tricks, tactics and strategies that would work best for the indoor field we were on, which was a warehouse with 8 large and small buildings in it (3 with two stories) and a few cars and obstacles for cover. It looked exactly like this (http://shockentertainment.ca/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=13&Itemid=170) except with more dimensions than two.

Anyway, I got hit a few times but for the most part it was total pwnage on our part, and a hell of a fun way to spend 3 hours! I ache all over today because I should have stretched more, but WOO!

I've only been paintballing a few times but I really liked it. I was more into airsoft guns though. Too bad there isn't any places to airsoft or painball at here unless you go to the words or something.

05-03-2012, 05:04 AM
Belated birthday presents from 3 of my best friends - an ENORMOUS black and white Josh Homme poster, a band tee, and some Jack Daniel's/Keep Calm and Carry On goodies. It's so nice when people know your tastes inside out.

05-03-2012, 12:34 PM
For my birthday Saturday, I'm hanging out and seeing Avengers with a friend of mine that I used to be really close to, but we stopped talking as much once I got a girlfriend and she got a boyfriend. Pretty excited for it, actually. :D

05-03-2012, 01:14 PM
Coworker has introduced me to what it now my most favorite cynical phrase ever. He got this from a guy he observed camping with kids in a torrential downpour. 3 of the 5 kids had got sick. It was the last night of the trip and the guy came out of the tent and announced:

"Yep, livin' the dream."

05-03-2012, 04:28 PM
I've only been paintballing a few times but I really liked it. I was more into airsoft guns though. Too bad there isn't any places to airsoft or painball at here unless you go to the words or something.
I saw what may be the most awesome airsoft gun at a shop recently:

05-05-2012, 12:47 AM
I got a new job today. I promptly walked down to my current job and quit. The amount of stress the job put on me had been overwhelming for a long time. I still can't believe its over. The new job's nothing fancy, but this new environment is just what I needed.

05-07-2012, 01:22 AM
I have half an hour in my schedule today that I don't know what to do with. Life is good...

ALSO! I'm diving into mindfulness! Excited!

05-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Birthday cake. HNNNNNNNNNNNG.

Also, I'm regretting not drinking on my birthday. Turned 22, on Cinco De Mayo, during a Super moon (Why not?), on a SATURDAY? It'd be perfect if I were a drinker. :D But instead I went to work for 12 hours and skinny dipped in the hot tub and pool, with my PS3 hooked up to the HDTV in the weight room.

05-07-2012, 03:41 PM
Someone telling me they enjoy my company today. :)

05-07-2012, 04:30 PM
Birthday cake. HNNNNNNNNNNNG.

Also, I'm regretting not drinking on my birthday. Turned 22, on Cinco De Mayo, during a Super moon (Why not?), on a SATURDAY? It'd be perfect if I were a drinker. :D But instead I went to work for 12 hours and skinny dipped in the hot tub and pool, with my PS3 hooked up to the HDTV in the weight room.Happy Birthday! Let me get this straight. You had electricity with you in the hot tub?

Anyone else play games in the nude? OK, actually don't answer that everyone. I really don't want to know.

05-07-2012, 04:36 PM
Anyone else play games in the nude?In my neighbor's yard?

Wait, what are we talking about?

05-07-2012, 04:45 PM
Happy Birthday! Let me get this straight. You had electricity with you in the hot tub?

Anyone else play games in the nude? OK, actually don't answer that everyone. I really don't want to know.

Haha, I think you know what I meant ;) Hot tub and pool in one room, PS3 in another. :P

...But even so, definitely wouldn't be the first time I played games nude. Just not at work.

05-07-2012, 04:47 PM
I'm saying the next ETS meet up should be in the nude.

Who's with me? Anyone? Anyone?

05-10-2012, 09:56 PM
Found a new clothing site for big girls. www.simplybe.com Clothes are generally ok, some really cute stuff here and there. Bought a shirt and a dress, hopefully they'll fit. I get nervous ordering clothes online. Also I like watching gay porn. ;)

05-11-2012, 12:27 AM
I talked to my best friend* on the phone for the first time in almost a year about a week ago. Our friendship has taken a serious beating, and we're not as close as we used to be, but we're both hoping that can be fixed. In the meantime, I can't tell you how great it was to talk to her. Thankfully, we had kind of worked through what we had to work through in e-mail the past few weeks, so we were able to have a really nice, fun conversation that didn't delve into any drama or anything gloomy. It felt like no time had passed at all, and reminded me of why our friendship has lasted almost twelve years, in spite of living over four hundred miles apart and having some rough spots (that's putting it mildly). I think there is a connection we have that's just damn near unbreakable, and I'm very, very grateful for that.

Sorry, that was incredibly sappy, but whatever.

*I'm calling her that in this post even though we're actually not best friends any more, at least for now. I'm hoping maybe that'll change at some point, but we'll see. One day at a time. At this moment, I'm just really glad she's back in my life.

05-11-2012, 06:09 AM
Found a new clothing site for big girls. www.simplybe.com (http://www.simplybe.com) Clothes are generally ok, some really cute stuff here and there. Bought a shirt and a dress, hopefully they'll fit. I get nervous ordering clothes online. Also I like watching gay porn. ;)

They're quite popular here. Also check out Evans if you have access.

05-11-2012, 07:10 AM
Defending my dissertation in a few hours. Next time I log on here I will be Dr. Aggroculture.

05-11-2012, 05:30 PM
afternoon power naps

05-11-2012, 08:21 PM
afternoon power naps

Power naps are pretty damn good. I just woke up for one.

Beef of the Sea
05-14-2012, 08:05 AM
Just listening to Triple J's unearthed (http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Artists/PlayedOnTripleJ.aspx) while writing emails.
Even if the majority of today's youth make you want to stick your head in the oven, at the music will be a good sign of things to come.

the duder
05-14-2012, 07:42 PM
My girl, Foxy, having her last play date with my buddy Will's boxer Elwood. (http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m131/the_duder_swim/?action=view&current=foxyelwood.jpg)

05-15-2012, 09:27 PM
My girl, Foxy, having her last play date with my buddy Will's boxer Elwood. (http://s103.photobucket.com/albums/m131/the_duder_swim/?action=view&current=foxyelwood.jpg)

That's a great picture -they look like they're having so much fun. Happy animals cheer me up.

05-17-2012, 10:17 AM
I have this keen sense I'm being groomed for yet another promotion at work but not likely this year. Things are looking up.

05-17-2012, 02:05 PM
I have this keen sense I'm being groomed for yet another promotion at work but not likely this year. Things are looking up.Sweet.

I made 40% of my quota in the first 3 months of the year which gave me a nice spiff.

the duder
05-17-2012, 05:07 PM
Not to blow my own horn or anything... (http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m131/the_duder_swim/Picture9.png)

05-17-2012, 06:04 PM
My friend's chihuahua is chillin' in my lap.

05-18-2012, 05:07 PM
My conference talk was accepted! Going to Austin in July.

05-19-2012, 11:55 AM
My conference talk was accepted! Going to Austin in July.Austin in July? That's punishment. Hawt.
Congratulations anyways

I'm cheered by last minute plans. It's the second time this month I've just texted a friend in the morning asking them out for lunch later in the day and they're like "hell yeahs".

05-19-2012, 02:20 PM
Annalise from ANTM cycle 18. I am falling in love with her.

05-20-2012, 11:35 AM
Of all the places in the world, I live in an area slated to get the best view of the eclipse today. I'm going to have to sneak outside for a break to see it. :)

05-22-2012, 12:26 PM
Finished my second year of uni! 3 month summer stretches out in front of me, followed by a year living in la belle France. And I just booked tickets to my first gig for when I'm there (Garbage in Paris), which is finally making it feel real!

05-22-2012, 12:36 PM
Congrats! :D I miss that feeling of being in the school grind and then going on summer break. I've been on break since December. :P Doesn't feel the same!

This cheers me up. Really cool idea!


05-22-2012, 02:30 PM
Everything I've studied for an X amount years boils down to tomorrows 40 minute public talk. After that, no more Uni, no more deadlines (at least school related); and the best part: no more student projects! 40 minutes to end it all with a bang.

05-23-2012, 08:49 AM
Congrats!! That's such a good feeling!

I still vividly remember dropping off my final English Capstone essay at Dr Wilcox's office, and I walked back to my car and it wasn't until I got into my car to drive away that it REALLY hit me: I'M DONE, I DID IT! And I was screaming in my car, hahaha. :-)

05-23-2012, 10:28 AM
Ranting. I forgot how good it felt. Especially after the couple of days I had.

05-23-2012, 01:33 PM
One of my best friends for the last 6 years or so just came to me and told me she was packing up some stuff in a couple months and just leaving for California to start a new life outside of Kansas. And she invited me to come with her.

Which is awesome, for a ton of reasons. But I've been SO into her for...years. Almost as long as we've been friends. And since we met, one of us has always been in another relationship. Now both of us are single, and she wants me to come with her to California. If I ever felt like there was a time for me to make my move, this is it. On one hand, I'd be jumping into a completely different life (which I'm FUCKING excited for, honestly), and it'll be with someone I know I can trust 100%. But on the other hand, if I don't go, I'm only going to be around her for a couple more months, and I'd want to spend my time with her as much as I can before she leaves.

Oi. I'm nervous. I feel like I need to take a breath, collect my nerves and just fucking do something. I might not get another chance to just take a jump like this.

05-23-2012, 03:00 PM
If you don't go with her, you'll always wonder 'what if.'

05-23-2012, 03:10 PM
If you don't go with her, you'll always wonder 'what if.'

This is the correct answer. Unless she's a total headcase, of course.

05-23-2012, 03:25 PM
This is the correct answer. Unless she's a total headcase, of course.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I just feel like I need to be careful with it, because I don't want to get myself too excited at the idea of being WITH her while we're over there, and then have her say she just wants things to stay how they are between us (which would be fine, because she really is an awesome friend). Either way, I WANT to go. Just gotta make the plan and hope my nerves keep up long enough and I don't chicken out at the last minute! :D But I'm excited for it. I'm ready for a change.

Also, kinda unrelated, but my parents just told me that we (me, mom, dad, and four siblings) are all gonna go to Washington DC July 5th through 10th. I know, we should be there on the 4th, but my brother's friend's uncle invited us all to his huge 4th of July Barbeque he throws every year, so we're gonna go to that. This is also awesome because it's only gonna be two or three days after I get back from my road trip to see Puscifer in Arizona. I was thinking about making it a bit of a soul searching trip, too, ya know? Just do some new things and meet people. Just be in a new place for a few days. Maybe go camping. Something!

05-23-2012, 03:52 PM
Though its quite hot and there's no AC in my car, this kid in the car next to me was rocking out to some metal. That made everything better.

05-23-2012, 06:42 PM
Alrea, you've been given a dream scenario. I'd tell her you want to go with her, and move in for the kill. If it works, the excitement! A new city, relationship, life. If she rejects the romantic advance, you can tell her you misread the situation. No awkwardness or loss of friendship since shes leaving. Your better off staying if that's the case, because think of how shitty it would be to go with her, and have her abandon you for some new guy she falls for when you get there. Then your alone and pissed off in a place absolutely foreign to you.

If the change of scenery is that important for you, make the trek on your own at the right time, and drop her a friendly line when you get down there so you have a familiar face in the area, this time without all the romantic tension that would surely get in the way if you went down with her now as a friend, one who you wanted to be more with but could never make the move.

05-23-2012, 07:50 PM
That's exactly what's making me so hesitant! :\ She's busy, so I'm not asking her about it yet. But things will definitely be talked about before I decide to go anywhere. Because I'm not gonna try to go across the country to be a third wheel.

Edit: Well, we had our talk before I went to work. The short version is, she's not into me, and we've been friends for so long that she can really only see me as an older brother type of friend, which is fine. I'm not like, heartbroken that we she doesn't feel the same way, because I was kinda prepared for that as a possibility. But it is kind of a bummer. Anyway, we're still great friends, and with both of us being so busy with things lately, we're just gonna keep on going with things like we always have. Not in a "let's force this awkwardly to be normal" way, but more of a "Hey, at least we're still great friends" way. If I'm still feeling up to going with her after the first of the year, then maybe I will. I wouldn't be opposed to going.

You know, if anything, it feels better than I thought it would to have gotten that off my chest. It feels like that part of me liking her kinda got some closure out of it. Kinda like knowing that something most likely won't happen makes me feel like I can let it go a bit, ya know? Our friendship isn't even any different after we talked. We went on to just jabber for 4 hours like we usually do. So maybe I will go and still just be friends with her. I'll just wait and see how things go, I guess. Still some other exciting things to look forward to over the next several months! Road trip to see Puscifer in Arizona, seeing Thrice in Nebraska with my buddy Ryan (Known better as Tasisity around here), moving upstate, new school, new faces, new job. Tons to be excited for.

05-25-2012, 08:24 PM
Learning to play new songs on my guitar cheers me up :D It's a lot easier when I'm learning songs I like instead of Greenday.

If you're curious, I'm learning "No Way" and "The Source" by The Naked and Famous and "Miss Blue" by Filter. Both are pretty simple, but I'm essentially starting over again after not playing for a year, and even then I was a beginner.

05-26-2012, 07:31 AM
I saw a shooting star tonight. You don't see those too often (at least I haven't).

05-26-2012, 04:50 PM
Picnic season! Getting ready to go to the park and have a BBQ picnic with some new friends. Swell.

05-26-2012, 06:35 PM
I saw a shooting star tonight. You don't see those too often (at least I haven't).
One of the best parts of SDCC last summer was a beach party me and the gang attended, and as we were leaving a shitload of fireworks started going off several miles away. It was cool but then a big meteor streaked overhead. Me and johnbron looked at each other and were like "DUUUUUUUUUDE! Fuck the fireworks, that was so much cooler!"

Also, the weather here is stellar right now, which means more pretty girls in sundresses/not much!

05-27-2012, 04:14 AM
Well, now it looks like the California plan is getting worked out! We're moving to Burbank, and so far it's me, my female friend, an old friend I grew up with, and two of his friends, one of which I know from swim team.

If everything works out, this could be one hell of a life changer. I'm pretty excited.

05-28-2012, 04:56 PM
Thanks to Etsy I now smell like gingerbread cookies :3

05-28-2012, 05:02 PM
got a kindle!!!!! i named it "alexandria".

(get it get it get it the library of alexandria! i'm so clever.)

Big Fat Matt
05-28-2012, 05:28 PM
Fresh alaskan halibut, budweiser, and listening to my grandpa and his seven brothers talk about "The Good 'Ol Days." They really are the greatest generation.

05-28-2012, 05:42 PM
got a kindle!!!!! i named it "alexandria".

(get it get it get it the library of alexandria! i'm so clever.)
Hehehe, I named my external hard drive "Charlene" because movie geek.

06-01-2012, 03:19 PM
When the Fooly Cooly blu-ray is cheaper than the Fooly Cooly DVD on amazon, you buy that shit. AND it's projected to come in the day before the original delivery date. :D

06-01-2012, 03:29 PM
When the Fooly Cooly blu-ray is cheaper than the Fooly Cooly DVD on amazon, you buy that shit. AND it's projected to come in the day before the original delivery date. :D

I haven't seen FLCL since it was first aired on Adult Swim years ago. I loved it.

frankie teardrop
06-01-2012, 04:04 PM
pretty girls in sundresses

on the downside, allergies. on the upside, this.

06-04-2012, 03:27 PM
Randomly getting into a conversation about guns and knives on Facebook with somebody I've rarely spoken to outside of RPGs in real life.

It's always kind of weird when you hit it off with somebody you least expect to.

06-04-2012, 03:33 PM
Baked 54 tiny cupcakes for my graduating students, including green, blue and grey ones, and one chocolate set that has Nutella in it.
And ate none of them!!!

06-04-2012, 04:13 PM
Well, now it looks like the California plan is getting worked out! We're moving to Burbank, and so far it's me, my female friend, an old friend I grew up with, and two of his friends, one of which I know from swim team.

If everything works out, this could be one hell of a life changer. I'm pretty excited.Damn, dude. Burbank's a nice area. Congrats!

AND, you'll be right up the street from where they tape The Tonight Show. You can go see Jay Leno LIVE! Doesn't that sound awesome?! I'm so jealous!

06-04-2012, 05:15 PM
Baked 54 tiny cupcakes for my graduating students, including green, blue and grey ones, and one chocolate set that has Nutella in it.Nuuuuuttttelllllllla +make that sound like the cookie monster said it.

And ate none of them!!!That's amazing. I would have eaten it all.

06-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Finally got my car fixed after it being broken for 4 months.

Beef of the Sea
06-11-2012, 09:19 PM
Wheeling and dealing like a serious operator.

06-12-2012, 10:53 AM
I got a new job today. I promptly walked down to my current job and quit. The amount of stress the job put on me had been overwhelming for a long time. I still can't believe its over. The new job's nothing fancy, but this new environment is just what I needed.

Over the weekend I went to visit two managers who work in other stores at the company I used to work for. The first one gave me a big hug, and wished me luck. The second one told me she wish I hadn't quit, and that she would have helped me get my manager fired for the things she was doing. :D I told her it was alright and it was time for me to seek a change in scenery.

06-12-2012, 11:17 AM
I took out a $1,500 extension on my car loan today. And I'm feeling REALLY good about it. Money's tight for the next couple months. This lets me have some money to handle all of these things I keep putting off, while only adding about a year's worth of monthly payments to my loan with almost no change to my interest rate. I'm going to....

Fix my computer
Repair my car
Put my down payment on apartment (hopefully by the end of the month)
Use some of it as back-up money for my trip to see Puscifer in Arizona

And outside of that, no minor spending or taking time off work. I don't need to buy movies or anything all the time, and I'm gonna need the money saved away which is why I took out the loan in the first place, to give myself something to work with while my paychecks go to savings and bills. Anything I have left by August 1st is going back toward paying off the loan, which I'm thinking will be at least $500 of it, or at least close to that.

Anyway, I'm just really glad that I have a good credit history and have a good credit union to work with. It helps that I've made almost every payment on time, and always added between $20 - $50 extra to every monthly payment to speed it up. I'm feeling pretty good about the loan.

06-13-2012, 05:44 AM
Anyway, I'm just really glad that I have a good credit history and have a good credit union to work with. It helps that I've made almost every payment on time, and always added between $20 - $50 extra to every monthly payment to speed it up. I'm feeling pretty good about the loan.You really are a smart cookie. Good credit is really good to have. Having a loan, and being good about paying it off is actually better for your credit than being the guy who pays off your credit card every month. Protect le credit!

I had my annual doc appointment with my GP, who I haven't seen in 4 years and I'm so healthy. I hear enough about people with chronic issues and how hard it is to manage health issues that I really value this. It's not like I didn't know. I exercise 3/4 times a week, do yoga (I'm even taking up meditation), eat pretty well, don't drink too much, stopped smoking 5 years ago. It's just nice to hear: "you're doing everything right."

Next up- bath salts!

06-13-2012, 06:07 AM
You really are a smart cookie. Good credit is really good to have. Having a loan, and being good about paying it off is actually better for your credit than being the guy who pays off your credit card every month. Protect le credit!

I had my annual doc appointment with my GP, who I haven't seen in 4 years and I'm so healthy. I hear enough about people with chronic issues and how hard it is to manage health issues that I really value this. It's not like I didn't know. I exercise 3/4 times a week, do yoga (I'm even taking up meditation), eat pretty well, don't drink too much, stopped smoking 5 years ago. It's just nice to hear: "you're doing everything right."

Next up- bath salts!

Heh, I was kinda worried about the whole "taking out a loan so I can save money" thing. It didn't make much sense initially, but considering I won't need to do anything different at all except make payments for a few extra months, I think it's worth having all of my financial needs met before I leave town and have a whole other mess to deal with. Maybe after I get this infernal computer fixed, I can actually bring it places with me and not have to worry about keeping it cool at all times or the battery dying after 15 minutes off the charger.

But that's good to hear about your health! You sound like you've really earned it. It takes some will power to stick to staying that healthy. You're doing all the things I feel like I should be doing. :D I think I'm so out of shape and have such a messed up metabolism and sleep pattern lately that I'm worried a doctor's gonna tell me I'm dying if I get a checkup. :P I just have that general unhealthy feeling. Never smoked habitually, average weight and size...But I'm getting on the right track slowly, with eating better and working out more. Skipping out on fast food, I really only have carbonated drinks...I'm even getting to work at night on foot (usually running, but it depends on if I bring my bag with me), lifting weights there while on the clock (yay for having an entire building to myself and 3 people!), and walking back home, which is about a 3 mile distance. Not much, but it's keeping me active and saves gas. And I must have some kind of crazy turnover rate for building muscle. When I was on swim team, I was told by a trainer I had above average muscle mass for somebody my size, almost double. My body just had a rapid muscle repair rate. 5 days a week of lifting weights for an hour, swimming for two, then running and ab workouts for one was the winning combo, so maybe I need to jump back into that! I feel like a couch potato.

And besides, I wanna feel and look good and make some nice first impressions when I go off to KU. ;D

06-14-2012, 10:43 AM
I found my Beck Sea Change DVD! I have been looking all over the place for it and it was right under my ALL of my Gary Numan cds.

frankie teardrop
06-14-2012, 10:52 AM
was having a rotten day yesterday, was venting in an email, and one of my cats crawled into my lap and just laid there for two hours. just let go of everything and enjoyed the rest of the day. the healing power of cats gets me every time.

06-14-2012, 12:10 PM
Alan Davies :D

06-15-2012, 07:49 AM
Bought a pair of those ubiquitous Nike running shorts. Some smart designer had the inside panties sewn in so that the heavy seams are facing away from your skin. More comfort, less skin irritation. Truly a little thing yet brilliant.

06-15-2012, 07:53 AM
I found a place to live yesterday! A nice little duplex, not far from campus, and only for $250 a month! Three bedrooms, but one is empty, and the owner's daughter lives in the other one. Now I just gotta find a couple jobs to get me through the summer and I'll be good to go for the semester.

06-15-2012, 10:34 PM
Agalloch playing next month (favorite band).

So stoked.

06-16-2012, 12:07 AM
for $250 a month!

I don't understand. :(

06-16-2012, 03:38 AM
I don't understand. :(

That's all the owner of the duplex wanted for rent every month! I gave the place a pretty good look, too, and everything looked fine with me. They said the only reason they had it so cheap was because the bedrooms are tiny, and they are. But the rest of the place has enough room in it,and it's got a fenced back yard. Considering it'll be a month-to-month lease instead of a 6 or 12 month contract, I could always leave if the places ends up having some kind of major problem I don't know about yet.

06-16-2012, 09:07 AM
I can't fathom that number at this point. NYC rent is brutal.

06-16-2012, 09:34 AM
I can't fathom that number at this point. NYC rent is brutal.

I can imagine! When me and my buddies were looking at places in Burbank, the numbers were just unbelievable. $7,000 A MONTH to rent a house? Even with four people, that's waaay too high for me. I even got lucky in Lawrence. The higher-end places START around $700, and it just goes up from there. I got hella lucky with this place. Even utilities are gonna cost about $60 a month. I just hope nothing's wrong with it...The people were genuinely nice people, and pretty well kept, so I'm sure I've got nothing to worry about.

06-17-2012, 03:56 PM
Filming last night in the woods went super-smooth! I was on safety detail and making torches out of sticks, strips of fabric, and wire. They looked AWESOME in the shots!

06-17-2012, 05:26 PM
Maybe this should go in the "Things that piss you off" thread, but it kinda makes me laugh.

Two days ago, I texted my ex asking if she wanted her stuff back, while I was packing up my room. Just outta courtesy, ya know? We hadn't even talked for a few days. Anyway, her new guy texts me back, from her phone, a day late, saying that if he hears about me texting her again he's gonna blow up my car, kill me, cut off my dick, and fuck my mom with it. Then says never to text her phone again, and once she gets back in town, he's gonna have her block me. (by the way, all without any punctuation or any real form of "spelling." He was just sooo angry.)

And ya know, I'm starting to think that if she's leaving me for THAT guy, I really think I'm better off without her at this point. I don't fully know what's going on, because it's WAY out of character for her to be acting the way she is lately, but this is how things are, and if she wants to learn that he's an asshole the hard way, then I'm just gonna keep movin' on and get my new life started. I'm not gonna stoop to his level by talking shit back to him. I just said "Look, if you're gonna message me a DAY late saying that crap, of course I'm gonna reply. If you don't want me to reply to your messages, don't send me any to reply to. It's not hard." Surprisingly, that shut him up. I used to care about him making threats like that, but now it's just hilarious that the guy almost makes it a point to reply to me waaay after the time's passed.

I love how much shit people talk until someone makes it apparent that they don't really care what they have to say. I only wish I would've done it sooner. But I've got a new place, new school, new jobs, new friends, a whole new life coming in the next month. Life is good.

06-17-2012, 05:40 PM
Why would she leave her phone, with him, when she's out of town? That makes *no* sense. Is she a nasty or just petty enough person to fuck with you and make all this shit up?

06-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Honestly, I feel like something's up. Because I know how she is with her phone, she aaalways has it. Here lately, she's been acting completely different. She's a really sweet girl. But I'm not really questioning it anymore. Whatever's going on isn't really worth my time. I've given her the last couple of months to get herself together, and she keeps letting this happen. The way I see it, when she wants to talk like a couple of adults, she can come to me. But with him constantly speaking for her, I don't even wanna bother.

06-18-2012, 02:33 AM
Realising that my continued existence is more upsetting to the person who cut me out of their life than theirs is to me :')

06-18-2012, 04:56 AM
Cute waitress. Wedding ring. Bummer. Still cute, though.

Little things, right?

06-18-2012, 12:50 PM
I bought a Bento Box!

06-18-2012, 01:47 PM
Went to lunch with my family, they bought me a slice of coconut cake!

06-18-2012, 04:09 PM
Cute waitress. Wedding ring. Bummer. Still cute, though.

Little things, right?I was called out for not being observant of one's ring finger. Honestly, is it normal behavior to look at the ring finger of everyone you meet? I finally started doing it, and ironically (for me) I'm only noticing the women. Some of them have the ugliest wedding rings. Like I want to say "what'd you pick THAT". I know that's not the point, but it's my experience.

Asking someone in email to do something (request their support), the response I got was "Scott and I did rock-paper-scissor-lizard-spock and he lost. He's going to send you some info". It cheered me up.

06-18-2012, 04:14 PM
My niece told me I'm awesome!

06-18-2012, 05:25 PM
I found a place to live yesterday! A nice little duplex, not far from campus, and only for $250 a month! Three bedrooms, but one is empty, and the owner's daughter lives in the other one. Now I just gotta find a couple jobs to get me through the summer and I'll be good to go for the semester.

I'm sorry, I just have to ask... Did you actually see the place? Are you sure this isn't a scam of some sort? It's hard for me to imagine that a parent would allow an 18-year-old dude to move in with their daughter, much less the kind of dude that might be attracted to dirt-cheap rent on a month-to-month basis. If it were my child, and she wasn't able to get her friends to live with her for some strange (!?) reason, I'd only be renting to women and doing criminal background and credit checks.

The city or county probably have their real-estate tax records online, and you can confirm who owns the property. Then look up that person in the phone book and see if the number you called matches that person, etc.

VVV I'm glad to hear!

06-18-2012, 10:48 PM
I'm sorry, I just have to ask... Did you actually see the place? Are you sure this isn't a scam of some sort? It's hard for me to imagine that a parent would allow an 18-year-old dude to move in with their daughter, much less the kind of dude that might be attracted to dirt-cheap rent on a month-to-month basis. If it were my child, and she wasn't able to get her friends to live with her for some strange (!?) reason, I'd only be renting to women and doing criminal background and credit checks.

The city or county probably have their real-estate tax records online, and you can confirm who owns the property. Then look up that person in the phone book and see if the number you called matches that person, etc.

Haha, yeah. I saw the place in person, they let me REALLY look around because they know that people will think something's wrong with a place that's only $250. I even talked with them a while so they kinda got to know me, too. It's really not a bad place/situation. (By the way, I'm 22 years old, not 18 :P And her daughter's the same age.) The owner of the duplex owns the place entirely after paying it off over the years, and she lets her daughter live there rent-free, she just pays the utilities. This lady just rents it out to college students to make some of that money back. It's not far from campus, and it's really not a bad place at all. It's in a good neighborhood. Nicer homes and cars an all that - you can tell it's a place where maybe upper-middle-class people might live. I mean, I know that if it were in a different part of town with more shady people, the whole thing would seem kinda shifty...I've lived in shady apartments in bad parts of town. I've learned from experience and know what to keep an eye out for when it comes to looking for a place. I'm not oblivious. But ya know, these are just good people looking to make some money back while giving people a place to stay. They're both gainfully employed, and the owner actually just got married, so they seem to be doing really well off. If there's a scam, they're being awfully thorough about covering their bases. And about the "attracted to dirt-cheap rent" thing...I mean...Who wouldn't want a nice place to live for THAT little? I'm not some junkie coming to them off the street asking to live with 'em. I'm just a college kid from out of town who needs a cheap place to stay. I don't think anything about me even says I'm someone to worry about. And I'm not gonna say "Well, the cheap rent is great, but I'd feel more comfortable paying you an extra $100 a month for good measure." :P

But the funny thing is: Today, me and my mom went to sign the lease on the duplex. My mom met the lady's daughter (the owner's away on her honeymoon), took a good look at the place, and really liked it. Especially for $250 a month plus up to like, 90 bucks for utilities, so $340-ish total per month. The only thing she didn't like was that the bathroom was shared. I ended up talking about Legends Apartments, these KU affiliate apartments that have really awesome floor plans, individual full bathrooms, locks on each bedroom door, fully furnished, complimentary digital cable and wifi, AND it's directly on the official KU bus route. You can't even apply without giving them your student ID number so they know you're a KU student. Anyway, this place wanted $350 a month, and all the tenants just split the electric bill. Now, when I told her all the perks, she wanted to check the place out just for kicks on the way out of town, to see if they were just blowing smoke or if I was just exaggerating. Well...she ended up falling in love with the place. It's really nice, and in a great community, and the staff members are even mostly KU students. She said "Honey, you're paying $250 plus almost $100 more at that duplex. You'd be paying $350 here, plus like, $60 for the electric bill. You're basically paying $60 more a month, and you get all of these amenities for cheaper than you would if you got them separately. I should have listened to you before! This place just sounded too good to be true, but MAN....it is NICE here!" (I mean, hell, you can look at it yourself here - http://legendsplace.com/ The site says they charge more per month, but they just haven't updated their page with the new rates.)

So we talked, she called the girl back at the duplex, had her cancel our lease agreement (which was way awkward, but I was laughing too hard at the situation to do it, because my mom doesn't usually change her mind on things like this, ever), aaand I'm now moving to Legends in August!

06-20-2012, 02:44 AM
Nail polish.

Sure, I have to be really discreet about it, but still.

06-20-2012, 04:35 PM
A girl I was seeing painted my nails pink once. I snickered at the sidelong glances I'd get from cashiers or whatever.

06-20-2012, 09:44 PM
G has really long nails on his right hand. For classical guitar. i'm jealous of the nails on that hand, they're way better than mine,

06-23-2012, 04:32 PM
I honked for a pro-choice rally (that was awesomely rowdy to combat the pro-life rally on the opposite corner) and one of the girls there ran over and handed me a pink button that says "If abortion is murder, then a blow job is cannibalism". Awesome!

06-24-2012, 04:41 AM
Discovering new magazines. How is it that I've never read Popular Science* or Skeptic before? I think I'm in love.

*Though it would take a lot for me to like it more than Discover which is pretty much the best magazine ever.

06-24-2012, 09:51 PM
Tomorrow off, 2 days of work, then two days off! It'll be pretty great!

06-25-2012, 04:05 PM
Discovering new magazines. How is it that I've never read Popular Science before?
Popular Science is better than its redneck cousin, Popular Mechanics, in which the lions share of articles are either "HEY CHECK OUT THIS FUCKIN' AWESOME NEW TANK!!" or smarmy articles by Jay Leno about how many cars he has. PASS.

06-25-2012, 11:02 PM
The Punk Rock thread in the Music forum really cheers me up.

06-25-2012, 11:16 PM
Popular Science is better than its redneck cousin, Popular Mechanics, in which the lions share of articles are either "HEY CHECK OUT THIS FUCKIN' AWESOME NEW TANK!!" or smarmy articles by Jay Leno about how many cars he has. PASS.
Popular Woodworking easily beats both of those.

Beef of the Sea
06-25-2012, 11:26 PM
Popular Woodworking easily beats both of those.

I'm more of an Obscure Sports Quarterly kinda guy.

06-25-2012, 11:45 PM
My dad subscribes to Tile Letter.


A truly incredible magazine.

Beef of the Sea
06-26-2012, 12:23 AM
Holy shit!

06-26-2012, 12:55 AM
It's always been a dream of mine to read this one someday...

http://www.getmemedia.com/ideas/Opp/6542/Motor Caravan image.jpg

06-26-2012, 01:09 AM

Further proving my point...


My dad calls me ten minutes ago: "That comedian you like...Louis C.K.? He's on Leno next. I've never seen him before." After hyping him up for YEARS, I'm glad my dad is actually watching Louis in something.

Edit: I just realized that I already showed him a clip from Louie. So...he has seen him before. ha ha. Whatever.

06-26-2012, 03:59 PM
I'm more of an Obscure Sports Quarterly kinda guy.

Beef of the Sea
06-26-2012, 06:49 PM
It was more of a Dodgeball (The movie) kind of joke. I'll just go sit in my corner now.

06-26-2012, 09:04 PM
So, this is kind of cool. My uncle is going to be a TV star. Sort of. (He's Ed).


I've been sitting on that news for six months. ha ha. It's really weird seeing that commercial. Watching the show will be even stranger.

Even weirder is that it takes place in Phoenix.

06-26-2012, 09:13 PM
Cute girl sitting next time to me on the train ride home.

06-27-2012, 06:40 PM
I've finally pushed soda completely out of my diet and am now drinking basically water, milk, some tea, and a ton of orange juice. And I feel fantastic. On my way to being healthier again!

06-27-2012, 06:58 PM
I've finally pushed soda completely out of my diet and am now drinking basically water, milk, some tea, and a ton of orange juice. And I feel fantastic. On my way to being healthier again!I just asked my can of Coke how he feels about that. He's crushed.

06-29-2012, 04:51 PM
Off to Turkey for a week tomorrow and then Portugal for ten days. Sunshine awaits me!

06-30-2012, 04:37 PM
I just applied to college, filled out my FAFSA, and now I'm on to California State Financial Aid. And I'm listening to Word of Mouf at the same time. Accomplishing things feels pretty good. :D

07-01-2012, 07:25 PM

07-01-2012, 07:48 PM
So...once upon a time, about 30 years ago, my aunt and her husband (who will be known as Shithead McGee from this point forward) divorced and Shithead McGee got custody of my cousin, who is about a year and a half older than me. Shithead McGee then cut ties with my entire family- including my aunt- and disappeared into the wild blue yonder. She was essentially missing for about 20 years until about 2003 or so when my aunt somehow got in touch with her and reconnected.

So...I haven't seen this cousin since I was one. So we've basically never met. For the last eight years I've kind of off and on wondered if/how I could get in touch with her (sure I could have asked my aunt for her address...why didn't that occur to me until now?) but for one reason or another it never happened. Now said cousin has finally joined Facebook, apparently today, and I might actually be able to reconnect with her. So...that's weird. I mean, that's pretty awesome, but it's weird. I've got a cousin that I should have grown up with that I never met and now I might actually talk to her for the first time. That's, um...that's pretty fucking cool.

Edit: My mom informed me that she's not even sure I was born when they lost contact with my cousin, so I'm not even sure I ever actually met her. Though, even if I did, I would have been, like, one month old. Does that count as "meeting" someone? When you're a month old and the other person is a year and a half old? I don't think so.

07-02-2012, 02:40 PM
A friend of mine from college emailed me two days ago and apologized for acting a fool during this past sememster.

EDIT: Got my original ETS avatar back up.

07-05-2012, 06:18 AM
I'm gettin' on the plane to go to D.C. with the family for a few days! Got my iPod loaded up with new tunes, a couple books I haven't read yet, and a big wad of spending money. I'm ignoring Facebook until I get back for sure, don't know about the rest of the internet. But if I don't come back for a while -

See ya later, fuckers!

(I'll actually probably check back here a few times, so if anyone has any recommendations for group activities in D.C., I'd love to hear 'em!)

Beef of the Sea
07-05-2012, 08:50 AM
Hump some statues, get someone to take photos.

07-05-2012, 12:27 PM
People taking action (http://www.allout.org/en/actions/ukraine/taf), even if it's only over the interwebz. It's a bit late to make the phone call, but I still signed the petition and I will contact Reynders via e-mail about this.

07-07-2012, 08:43 PM
Trip's going great so far! Checked out the Spy Museum, American Art museum, Natural History Museum, National Archives, and Crime and Punishmet Museum. And a few other places in between.

And I have no idea what it is, but I've for a big boost of confidence with people on this trip. I've had a lot of little exchanges with girls while we've been out. :P I forgot how good that part of bein single feels, even if it doesn't get much further than conversation. Meeting new people in general is great, especially in a city where so many peope are just looking to get from A to B for business or tourism.

Gonna make a few more stops tomorrow, then going to the beach few a night/day, and coming back for another day before we get on the plane home! I love all this moving around - even taking the metro is nice.

07-08-2012, 04:40 AM
re: long lost cousin:

E-mailed (on Facebook). Now I wait. This is so strange.

Edit: Got a response ten minutes later. Wow. First time I've ever spoken to my cousin in my entire life.

Jacob's Ladder
07-08-2012, 06:54 AM
re: long lost cousin:

E-mailed (on Facebook). Now I wait. This is so strange.

Edit: Got a response ten minutes later. Wow. First time I've ever spoken to my cousin in my entire life.I badly need to facebook message my half brother. He reached out a while back when I was super stressed and I let it drop. We seem to be super similar but have never really talked. I hope your re-connection goes amazing.

07-08-2012, 07:17 AM
My tits are all over the gay press today. I am proud.

re: long lost cousin:

E-mailed (on Facebook). Now I wait. This is so strange.

Edit: Got a response ten minutes later. Wow. First time I've ever spoken to my cousin in my entire life.

Facebook is how I found my sister. Maybe it's not completely evil...

07-10-2012, 03:39 PM
Had an elderly couple come in to buy a room from me here at the hotel. The were so nice to me!

07-10-2012, 06:05 PM

07-10-2012, 09:41 PM
1) Going to Burlington tomorrow and going to sit by Lake Champlain as long as I want

2) Getting cool stuff from my garden after nearly 2 months of hard work planting and weeding - lots of cilantro, 10 cucumbers so far, there's about 8 little eggplants that will be ready in a couple weeks, dill, onions, beats, hot peppers, and lots of green tomatoes out there.

07-11-2012, 04:45 PM
1) Going to Burlington tomorrow and going to sit by Lake Champlain as long as I want

2) Getting cool stuff from my garden after nearly 2 months of hard work planting and weeding - lots of cilantro, 10 cucumbers so far, there's about 8 little eggplants that will be ready in a couple weeks, dill, onions, beats, hot peppers, and lots of green tomatoes out there.

I actually really wanna get into gardening someday. I like the idea of growing my own food and having some good-looking land, too. :P I'll get around to that once I get done with apartment-living for a couple years.

Also - Today's just awesome! Nothing special's going on, and sure, I just posted in "things that piss you off," but hey, had to vent a little. On the whole, the day's just looking good. We got back from D.C. yesterday, and as much as I love traveling around and taking planes and metro trains, it always feels good to be back home for a while. About four more weeks to go until I move up to Lawrence and get back into the school grind! Can't wait!

07-12-2012, 05:34 PM
Repeatedly told to stop feeling guilty and finally feeling like I can.

07-13-2012, 02:55 PM
My co-worker bought us dinner last night so to return the favor, I bought us coffee. It's all good.

07-13-2012, 03:28 PM
Martin Freeman hosting Never Mind the Buzzcocks, followed by a large whiskey cola and Moby's God Moving Over the Face of the Water

07-13-2012, 04:02 PM
New shirt came in the mail like, a week earlier than I expected it to. I found a box on my porch and literally had no idea what it was, so I did the cautious and responsible thing and opened it up.


07-13-2012, 04:45 PM
Normally I would use this as an excuse to be sad, but I'm just so happy for her!! And it's like a fairy tale, they live on opposite ends of the world, it's gonna be a great story for the grandkids.

07-13-2012, 11:06 PM
I actually really wanna get into gardening someday. I like the idea of growing my own food and having some good-looking land, too. :P I'll get around to that once I get done with apartment-living for a couple years.

Thanks - you will really enjoy it I'm sure. Some people manage to have small indoor gardens even in their apartments, so maybe you can give it a try. I used to grow mint inside. We are very lucky - our house came with an extra lot equal to the size of the lot that our house is on, so we are taking full advantage.

Our house is almost cleaned up - that is the good thing about impending house guests - you finally get motivate to clean up and get rid of stuff.

07-14-2012, 09:15 AM
I did the dishes. It took me 3 intervals starting two days ago and it was about fucking time. Phew!

Now if I get started with my wardrobe that's spread all over my apartment and clean the floor. I can't believe I've been living in this condition since finals.

07-15-2012, 02:52 AM
Saturnine gave birth to an adorable baby boy.

07-15-2012, 08:54 PM
All the delicious fast food I can think of!

I just have to wait another hour till I get off work...

07-20-2012, 12:29 AM
Watching my uncle's TV show. It's less surreal since this is the second week of the show, but it's still pretty neat.