View Full Version : The Trayvon Martin killing

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05-18-2012, 08:09 PM
If there was pot in his bloodstream, I'm pretty sure that would only make him dangerous to a bag of Skittles.

Also, I'm sure the Wrigley company ain't lovin' its product being associated with a murder.

05-18-2012, 08:51 PM
lol... just to clarify, I'm not saying pot use has any bearing on this case, I'm just saying it's incorrect to say that it's squeaky clean to consume products produced & distributed by elements of society that are willing to transgress social conventions & common morality to make a profit

and yep, that could include anything from trainers to coke to videogames.

just give up, it's too horrible to take in how shitty we are. Either accept, let go or make excuses :P

05-18-2012, 09:42 PM
As an aside, and then we really should stop the drift: here in the U.S., not all pot is grown by murderous drug cartels. A lot of our very best pot is grown in Washington state, and Oregon, and California, or in people's garages and basements, under grow lights. And if pot was legalized, and taxed like booze, which is a far more harmful and deadly drug, the crime associated with drug trafficking would nearly cease to exist. But, again, this is drift in this thread and if someone wants to start a "LEGALIZE POT" thread, we can point to it.

Whether or not Martin was a squeaky-clean Jesus-loving honor student or a normal occasional pot-smoking kid with average grades is not relevant to this case in a court of law. If he had a rap sheet a mile long that included 15 burglaries, it might still not be relevant; because police instructed Zimmerman to stand down, but he pursued Martin as if he, Zimmerman, WAS the law, and when Martin defended himself, Zimmerman shot him, and none of this would have happened had Zimmerman done what the cops told him to do.

05-24-2012, 06:04 PM

06-22-2012, 08:48 PM

06-22-2012, 09:37 PM
oops, double post.

06-22-2012, 09:39 PM
Also, I'm sure the Wrigley company ain't lovin' its product being associated with a murder.

No, especially now that there's this speculation about whether or not the Skittles and flavored iced tea were intended to be part of a Robotussin cocktail called "Lean"

Regarding that reenactment video, his version of the phone conversation with the 911 operator is already inconsistent with the reality of what we've heard from the recording... and outside of the calls to the police, the only witness still alive is Zimmerman. Either way you look at it, his version of events that we can verify is untrue.

06-22-2012, 11:00 PM
Please go into specifics for me, Jinsais.


06-23-2012, 03:37 PM
Please go into specifics for me, Jinsais.

The point where he gets out of the car and says "shit, he's running." Naturally, he doesn't reenact that part of his conversation, or the part where he said "these assholes always get away." In this version, he says he's getting out to "check a street sign???" He also leaves out the part where the dispatcher asked him "are you following him?" and he said "yes" and the dispatcher says "um, we don't need you to do that."

He omits the part where the dispatcher said NOT to follow him, and instead he's changing it up to imply that he was basically instructed to investigate further? I think it's safe to say that his version of events is not entirely reliable.

06-23-2012, 05:26 PM
Okay...I hear what you're saying now. When you clearly hear George getting out of the car (after he notes Trayvon is running), pretty soon after the dispatcher then asks if he is following Trayvon. If he's being truthful to where he parked before getting out, you now have to visualize the distance he had to cover from his story in the reenactment. One question is how far George continued to go, while still on the phone call, after being told to stand down. The only indicator I can hear is when George is about to give the dispatcher his home address, but refrains because he didn't know where Trayvon might be. That tells us George is far enough towards wherever he last saw Trayvon generally at. Did George try to follow him, or was he actually trying to recover a street name, or was it a bit of both?

At this point, in conjunction with one witness account (John), and the voice screaming "Help!" now really linking to be George's, I'd have to say I generally believe what George said took place in the second half of Trayvon and George's "encounter." I don't think he would've had the gun drawn at any point prior to anything physical... It seems unlikely George would be on the ground screaming that long if the gun was already exposed. The first half of the encounter is obviously where it's tough to say much with confidence... Basically square one--who really started anything once one saw the other face-to-face.

Can someone please tell me what the fucking deal is with the phone convo Trayvon had with his girlfriend? I mean it isn't even being referenced in transcript, as far as I know. Has it been talked about any? What the fuck...

Edit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Zimmerman#Martin.27s_friend


Why didn't Trayvon just continue down the cut-through to his dad's? I believe his dad's house was just at he end of that stretch. Was he that out of breath, to where he like crouched somewhere to take a chill where George didn't notice when passing by the cut-through at first?

Or did Zimmerman lie about going straight in that direction on foot and in fact make a shortcut through the side of the cut-through, catching up to Trayvon?



07-19-2012, 08:14 AM
Zimmerman went on faux news and told Sean Hannity it was God's plan that Martin was killed that night.

07-19-2012, 02:11 PM
"Is there anything that you regret? Do you regret getting out of the car to follow Trayon that night?" Hannity asked. "Do you regret that you had a gun that night?"

"No, sir," Zimmerman, 28, replied. "I feel that it was all God's plan and not for me to second-guess it or judge it."

Can I punch this asshole in the face now?

Space Suicide
07-19-2012, 06:57 PM
Who the fuck is 'Trayon'?

07-19-2012, 07:14 PM
Ha! For the record, I copied and pasted that directly from the article; I didn't type it out myself. So I can't take the blame for that one.

07-19-2012, 08:13 PM
Not inherently, and there's no reason to assume that. Honestly though speculating about this is like speculating whether his sweatshirt was made from a sweatshop in response to someone saying there's nothing wrong with wearing a hoody.

Sorry to drag this up but either i didnt make myself clear or you didnt catch my point

I wasnt saying pot use is inherently bad, but buying it can be in certain (most) legal environments. I never said anything about pot use having a bearing on his character so the sweatshop analogy, if not irrelevant, certainly does not apply to the point I was making

My point was ; black market goods are very rarely without ethical baggage, it is incorrect to say that purchasing weed is always above board

Deus Ex Machina
07-20-2012, 11:58 AM
Sorry to drag this up but either i didnt make myself clear or you didnt catch my point

I wasnt saying pot use is inherently bad, but buying it can be in certain (most) legal environments. I never said anything about pot use having a bearing on his character so the sweatshop analogy, if not irrelevant, certainly does not apply to the point I was making

My point was ; black market goods are very rarely without ethical baggage, it is incorrect to say that purchasing weed is always above board

So this 'ethical baggage' that you're saying pot has. . . is it really heavy enough that we should accept past use as evidence that Martin was so violent that he would just attack Zimmerman unprovoked? No way. And that's why it's irrelevant. And that's what everyone keeps missing. Zimmerman forced Martin's hand when he attempted to detain him. You don't get to just stop strangers on the street and try to hold them there. That's a crime in and of itself, one that you're free to defend yourself from.

And yes, Zimmerman says that he never attempted to detain anyone, which is the most far fetched thing I've ever heard given his conversation with police. What's more likely, that yes Zimmerman tried to play policeman and detained T, or that T attacked Zimmerman for no reason whatsoever?

12-04-2019, 03:53 PM
This motherfucker just won't stop, huh?

"Zimmerman suing Trayvon Martin's Family, Publisher & Prosecutors for $100 Million"


12-04-2019, 04:04 PM
One of these days Zim will get his...many, many years too late.

12-04-2019, 04:51 PM
this guy, Martin Shkreli, and Donald Trump are like the unholy trinity of evil sad fucking men.