View Full Version : Doom

Space Suicide
05-30-2012, 11:47 AM
Back in the way-back-when, before the long-long-ago, the FPS genre was dominated by one title, Doom. In its many iterations, id Software's horrific shooter seduced gamers with its BFG, shotgun, and gore.

Today, Bethesda has announced DOOM 3 BFG Edition which is set to include Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, as well as the ‘Lost Mission'. All of the DOOM 3 content will be remastered in 3D for the 360.

The remastered goodness is on display in the reveal trailer.


DOOM 3 BFG Edition is set for a retail release this fall.

05-30-2012, 12:06 PM
Thank you god!

05-30-2012, 12:43 PM
I haven't noticed any visual improvement* in this trailer...

*i played Doom3 on highest detail that unmodified game allows (no texture packs etc.)

05-30-2012, 12:57 PM
s'pretty rad.. I hope its kinda cheap, Doom 3 was good, though my computer at the time never ran it well, once things got too hectic I had to stop playing due to the framerate. I could just find the discs, I'm sure it would run now but I think I lost disc 4...

05-30-2012, 12:57 PM
By the beard of Zeus! On the one hand, I can't wait to play through the 'lost mission'. On the other hand, it'll almost certainly mean giving my mod an extremely thorough colonoscopy. Yay.
Supposedly the graphics will be "greatly enhanced", but I can't really see much difference in that trailer. The lighting may be a little sleeker, but the textures are still just as wincingly low-resolution. Then again, I'm not entirely sure it represents the final build, as allegedly the game now includes a "new armor-mounted flashlight, allowing players to illuminate dark corners and blast enemies at the same time," but it's not shown during the gameplay.

I think I see a new demon at 35s - looks a little like a Wraith, but the movement and sounds are wrong.
Massively brightened for ease of viewing:

I'm in a bit of a minority in that I absolutely adore Doom 3, even more than its predecessors. Surprised and delighted to see it getting some love. I'm not sure what to make about the always-on flashlight though - I've tried modding it into the game and it kills a lot of tension, and exposes the low texture resolution. More optimistic about the checkpoint system though, because quicksaving does spoil the immersion a little. I just hope they don't broadcast 'CHECKPOINT!' on the HUD, because that's every bit as damaging.

There's a great article on the release here (http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/5/30/3051918/doom-bfg-edition-details), by the way.

:edit: I think that probably is a Wraith, actually. Must see if I can find those sounds. According to the article there is a new boss creature in there though.

05-30-2012, 01:15 PM
I never had a problem with Doom 3, i just hated the fucking spider demons.. i think there were the two different ones.

05-30-2012, 01:23 PM
I'll end up getting this. If only for the fact that my copy of Doom went missing ages ago and I haven't played Doom 3 for...shit, ever. It'll be good to have it again :D

05-30-2012, 01:38 PM
Is this going to be just for the Xbox or will the PS3 get some love too?

Just read article, it will. I actually really liked the spooky music for the Doom game on PS1

05-30-2012, 01:49 PM
XBOX360 and PS3. What excites me about that is when I played 3 on the PC I only had stereo sound. If this gets what is typical on 360 games, Dolby Digital, I'm expecting this will be audio awesomeness.

05-30-2012, 01:50 PM
I want some crazy motherfuckers to get together and make Doom: Source. Imagine original Doom with Half-Life 2 power?! 8=======D

05-30-2012, 02:54 PM
fuck doom, time for Quake 5, and no strogg bullshit this time.

05-30-2012, 04:57 PM
I want some crazy motherfuckers to get together and make Doom: Source. Imagine original Doom with Half-Life 2 power?! 8=======D

Well, Doom 3's IdTech 4 is the same generation as Source. Admittedly the latter's crept ahead a bit with the Orange Box update adding HDR lighting and detailed skyboxes, but IT4 has a few features that still elude Valve, such as partical effects (with practical applications - none of Source's bullshit hitbox problems as Doom 3's hits are calculated versus the actual character model) and dynamic lighting.

There's a D3 total conversion out there which allows you to play Doom's shareware levels, might want to give that a try (http://www.moddb.com/mods/classic-doom-3).

05-30-2012, 05:09 PM
Am I the only person getting completely bloody sick of HD remakes?

This can fuck off.

Space Suicide
05-30-2012, 05:42 PM
Am I the only person getting completely bloody sick of HD remakes?

This can fuck off.

I can see why you would but I'm not. I haven't played any DOOM games at all, ever on any system. It gives great game series opportunities to those that never experienced it first hand.

I'll definitely buy this the first day it's availible.

05-30-2012, 06:02 PM
Am I the only person getting completely bloody sick of HD remakes?

This can fuck off.

Whereas I wouldn't go this far, I feel ya. Having played all of them (going back to the first when I was in school), all it's going to take is for someone who hasn't to have played just one recent shooter and they'll probably find this dull even with the 'new and improved' version. What some maybe don't remember is that this, and other early games like Duke Nukem 3D were slow. Really slow, especially in comparison. They were fairly cumbersome to move, and someone raised on 360 and PS3 would possibly find these a little behind.

On a whim, I torrented and played Duke Nukem 3D like half a year back thinking 'Oh shit, my friends and I had some sick ass deathmatches in Hotel Hell back in junior high!' etc. etc. Played it for about 2 minutes and thought 'Holy shit this is awful.'

05-30-2012, 07:11 PM
Am I the only person getting completely bloody sick of HD remakes?

This can fuck off.

Eh... I like them.

I got a chance to try silent hill 2, Ico, and I'm going to get to revisit ZOE and try ZOE 2. Sure my PS3 is backwards compatable, but the HD upgrade is nice. And the extra compatibility is too.

Furhtermore, the PSP God of War games have made it to HD remakes, and someone stole my original god of wars, so these are most welcome for me!

twilight explosion
05-30-2012, 07:23 PM
I'm all for HD remakes and shit. I missed A LOT of games when i was growing up, DMC and Silent Hill both.

Not this though, I played the fuck out of this game. Now I get to play it while talking to my friends. Still gonna scare the shit outta me.

05-30-2012, 07:32 PM
After everything I heard about the Silent Hill collection, I ended up tracking down the original SH 2 and 3 for PS2. Now all I need is to find my PS2...But anyway, I'm mostly for the remakes. I guess it was inevitable, but I'm in the same boat as twilight explosion. I missed out on a lot of the games being re-released now, so for me it's a good chance to get to play them on a system I commonly use. I've only bought the DMC and MGS remakes, but I like knowing that I can go play some of the games I never took the chance to. But ANYWAY....

Personally, the real draw-in for me with this Doom release is that it comes with 1 and 2, and Resurrection. If it was just Doom 3 and some bonus content related to that, I'd probably shrug this off.

05-30-2012, 08:25 PM
I can see why you would but I'm not. I haven't played any DOOM games at all, ever on any system. It gives great game series opportunities to those that never experienced it first hand.

I'll definitely buy this the first day it's availible.

This. I've never played Doom, ever. So I may invest in this so see what all the hype is about. Never really played any of the older FPS games (Quake, etc.).

twilight explosion
05-30-2012, 08:49 PM
>never played doom

does not compute

05-30-2012, 11:07 PM
Whereas I wouldn't go this far, I feel ya. Having played all of them (going back to the first when I was in school), all it's going to take is for someone who hasn't to have played just one recent shooter and they'll probably find this dull even with the 'new and improved' version. What some maybe don't remember is that this, and other early games like Duke Nukem 3D were slow. Really slow, especially in comparison. They were fairly cumbersome to move, and someone raised on 360 and PS3 would possibly find these a little behind.

On a whim, I torrented and played Duke Nukem 3D like half a year back thinking 'Oh shit, my friends and I had some sick ass deathmatches in Hotel Hell back in junior high!' etc. etc. Played it for about 2 minutes and thought 'Holy shit this is awful.'

slow? you gotta be joking. man let me tell you a true story. a few years back i showed Doom2 to a friend who mainly played CounterStrike, DeltaForce, and Q3 and he told me "oh, i can't keep up with what's going on, this game is so fast, how can you run 200 m distance in 5 seconds while shooting up monsters?" (and before you ask - no, i didn't use -turbo switch).
many modern games slowed down player movement. paths are narrower, and more twisted (crouch here, climb ladder there, don't fall off the tiny plank, etc.)

05-30-2012, 11:26 PM
Don't know, man. The DOOM games always felt slow as hell. I remember playing deathmatches of DOOM II and it just being meandering. The guns felt like they had no weight or anything. Oh well.

05-30-2012, 11:37 PM
This looks awesome!

05-31-2012, 11:52 AM
If memory serves correctly - and a quick google search didn't give me an answer - the Doom 3 engine (aka idTech4) was not multicore CPU capable. That was first added to the idTech4 engine for Quake 4, a year or two after D3. Assuming reboot gets multicore ability for PC, that enhancement alone should make D3 a whole lot smoother - maybe take some load off the GPU here and there.

I played the hell out of Doom 3. Very dark game, both appearance and story. Not sure what to expect with the reboot but I will definitely dig in.

05-31-2012, 12:20 PM
Never bothered with Doom, or any of the older FPS. Always hard a hard time figuring out where to go (wolfenstein 3d in particular) .

05-31-2012, 03:41 PM
On a whim, I torrented and played Duke Nukem 3D like half a year back thinking 'Oh shit, my friends and I had some sick ass deathmatches in Hotel Hell back in junior high!' etc. etc. Played it for about 2 minutes and thought 'Holy shit this is awful.'

Most shooters i used to play have managed to endure the test of time. i still have as much fun as i did back in the days playing games such as Quake or Rogue Spear, which unlike many shooters today, require some serious skill.
i've yet to try Duke Nukem again though.

05-31-2012, 04:11 PM
Never bothered with Doom, or any of the older FPS. Always hard a hard time figuring out where to go (wolfenstein 3d in particular) .
Wolfenstein is understandable, because it really was just a random jumple of rooms and corridors, pretty much. Doom, though- while it can be confusing- has a more defined goal.
I never played deathmatch Doom OR Duke Nukem, and just a bit of Quake. I really started my multiplayer "career" with Counterstrike and Day of Defeat!

As for Duke Nukem, I'll have to grab a copy and play it again just for the hell of it. If only I could find some of my old maps...

frankie teardrop
05-31-2012, 04:21 PM
i dunno, i got both doom games for the xbox arcade (digital downloads) and found them just as fast and furious and fun as i remembered. the deathmatch was a little clunky, but i can't tell if that was the game's fault or the xbox live connection/lack of steady multiplayers. i mean, that has to be better than playing over dial up...

the combination of nostalgia & adrenalin with these games still delivers.

05-31-2012, 04:23 PM
Yeah, coming into a pitch black room and hearing a bunch of imps start roaring can still give me chill!

frankie teardrop
05-31-2012, 05:14 PM
doom 64 was also stellar, but it's been ages since i popped that bad boy in... wish that would get a virtual console download. would buy that again in a heartbeat!

06-01-2012, 02:33 AM
Having Trent actually do some of the sound effects / music would be perfect, I can dream

06-01-2012, 05:31 AM
Well.. it did have Chris Vrenna's Tool knock off for a theme tune:
not that its bad, I have the vinyl around somewhere...

06-01-2012, 08:44 AM
Wait, are Doom and Doom II remastered as well, or just D3?

06-01-2012, 04:09 PM
Well.. it did have Chris Vrenna's Tool knock off for a theme tune:
not that its bad, I have the vinyl around somewhere...
Hah! that was definitely very Tool sounding wasn't it? i never actually thought of that before. Still awesome though for sure.

06-01-2012, 05:02 PM
Which Tool tracks does it remind you of? I've never been able to get into Tool at all, maybe this will be an entry point for me.

06-01-2012, 06:02 PM
Which Tool tracks does it remind you of? I've never been able to get into Tool at all, maybe this will be an entry point for me.
I don't know specifically if it's any one track but it just has that style, maybe there's bits and pieces.

Like i get reminded of these


The section in the Doom 3 theme song from about 20 to 40 seconds especially just harkens back to Tool for me.

06-02-2012, 04:00 AM
to me it's mostly reminiscent of Lateralus (title song)

06-02-2012, 04:42 AM
to me it's mostly reminiscent of Lateralus (title song)
agreed, its that guitar riff that does it for me.

As for doom 1 and 2, I assume they are just going to be the XBLA versions.

06-02-2012, 01:14 PM
Damn, now I'm all psyched up for doom again!

06-04-2012, 03:29 AM
I just don't quite understand this release. You can still pick up Doom3 for Xbox quite easily, which runs on the 360. The XBLA releases of doom and doom2 are stellar, and available already. All of the games are easily and cheaply available for PC. Steam regularly do a gigantic ID pack at massively discounted prices. That just leaves the PS3.

I still haven't actually completed Doom 3. I got somewhere past the hell levels. I don't think it's a very good game unfortunately, and I was a MAD fan of the originals. (I still do some doom1-2 stuff now: I was heavily involved in freedoom for ages, and I package/packaged lots of doom engines for Debian GNU/Linux).

Don't know, man. The DOOM games always felt slow as hell. I remember playing deathmatches of DOOM II and it just being meandering. The guns felt like they had no weight or anything. Oh well.

I simply cannot comprehend this, at all. Are you 100% sure it was Doom?

doom 64 was also stellar, but it's been ages since i popped that bad boy in... wish that would get a virtual console download. would buy that again in a heartbeat!

There are a couple of adaptations of D64 to the PC : Doom64: absolution (http://www.doom2.net/~doomdepot/abs-download.html) and Doom 64 EX (http://doom64ex.sourceforge.net) which are well worth checking out.

06-06-2012, 03:22 PM
All I'll say is YES PLEASE. Any excuse to play these again and again and again.

Space Suicide
06-07-2012, 03:25 PM
Screens showcasing the BFG Edition of DOOM 3

007551.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007551.jpg)

007553.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007553.jpg)

007552.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007552.jpg)

007550.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007550.jpg)

007548.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007548.jpg)

007554.jpg (http://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/007554.jpg)

06-07-2012, 04:27 PM
I'm still having a really hard time seeing the difference...

06-07-2012, 06:17 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Doom fan, but I don't really understand this edition. I guess it's for people that don't own computers that are less than 10 years old? Or just really want to play on console for some reason?

Frozen Beach
06-07-2012, 06:22 PM
It looks WAY better than the original xbox version. That one was incredibly murky looking and less detailed.

06-20-2012, 12:40 PM
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Doom fan, but I don't really understand this edition. I guess it's for people that don't own computers that are less than 10 years old? Or just really want to play on console for some reason?

Well...I just want to play on console because that's what I use. I never understood the whole "PC/Console games should stay on PC/Console" thing. I mean...if a game is great, wouldn't it be cool for people to play it on mediums they're more familiar with? I don't knock PC gaming, at all. I'd even get into it if my computer could handle it. But the fact of the matter is, this computer's been on its last leg for about a year now, so I don't plan on playing anything on it until I can invest in a better machine, whether I'm building it or just buying one as is. As far as gaming goes, I'm fine with my PS3. I don't care for the console exclusive mumbo jumbo. People were up in arms when they started releasing Metal Gear games on Xbox, and I just didn't get it. I love Metal Gear, so I want other people to be able to play Metal Gear. The first time I played Doom was on my Playstation, and it was still an awesome experience for me as a kid. I don't look back and think "Man, I wish I would have played on PC." Playstation's always been good to me, so I've got no problem sticking with it. Maybe that'll change once I dig PC gaming, but I'm good for now. :P I think it's cool that I'll be able to play it on a console I frequently use.


Looks like it's coming out October 16th, for $40 on PS3/360 and $30 for PC!


frankie teardrop
06-20-2012, 12:50 PM
correct me if i'm wrong though, but aren't original xbox games available to play on xbox 360? so that article isn't exactly honest, if we're talking a matter of putting an old disc into a new machine you damn well can play that game on a 360. i also have doom I and II downloaded via the shop, so unless these lost levels are the best thing in the world, i'll likely pass on buying another edition.

Space Suicide
06-20-2012, 01:01 PM
October 16th is the release date for Xbox. Day before my birthday, sweet.

06-20-2012, 01:01 PM
Meh. I don't know. But I don't have a single Doom game anymore, so I'll end up buying this for convenience, if nothing else.

06-20-2012, 01:11 PM
I still own all my old Doom CD's (Ultimate, II, Final Doom) but i cannot play them in my fuckin' Mac, i guess i'll be getting this one too, i miss playing those games, specially Doom II

06-20-2012, 01:47 PM
I still own all my old Doom CD's (Ultimate, II, Final Doom) but i cannot play them in my fuckin' Mac, i guess i'll be getting this one too, i miss playing those games, specially Doom II

Chocolate-doom.org and the wad from each cd: sorted

06-20-2012, 02:07 PM
i think those extra levels will be ported into original doom3 release fairly soon

06-20-2012, 03:27 PM
correct me if i'm wrong though, but aren't original xbox games available to play on xbox 360? so that article isn't exactly honest, if we're talking a matter of putting an old disc into a new machine you damn well can play that game on a 360. i also have doom I and II downloaded via the shop, so unless these lost levels are the best thing in the world, i'll likely pass on buying another edition.

Only certain games can be played on the 360, I found the compatible list somewhere once.

frankie teardrop
06-20-2012, 03:53 PM
a ha:

doom 3 is mostly a pass.

06-20-2012, 08:53 PM
Chocolate-doom.org and the wad from each cd: sorted
Thanks, posts like these are the reason i spend so much of my office time in here!

06-21-2012, 01:54 AM
a ha:

doom 3 is mostly a pass.

I was always impressed with where the original Xbox was heading, Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 both ran fairly well considering the power of the thing, it could have had another year or so of life. Alas MS took the gamble and cut everything back once the 360 was pushed out, and besides terrible original hardware, it really paid off.

Anyway.. Doooom! I found my PC DVDs the other day, is there any way of getting them to work on Mac, like an engine rebuild or something? I use ioQuake to play quake 3 on here just by nicking the pak files...

06-24-2012, 11:52 AM
Anyway.. Doooom! I found my PC DVDs the other day, is there any way of getting them to work on Mac, like an engine rebuild or something? I use ioQuake to play quake 3 on here just by nicking the pak files...

See my last post.

06-24-2012, 12:25 PM
Releases like this are a reminder to me that for as whiz-bang as consoles are, I'm likely never going to leave the realm of PC gaming. Not that I game all that much anyway, but Doom 3 BFG Edition looks a lot like Doom 3 for the PC. I was one of the folks who liked Doom3 - there was a whole HalfLife2vsDoom3 comparison going on at the time, but they're two different games. It's like comparing Monopoly to Life. Both are multiplayer board games, but the similarities fade from there.

If you've never played Doom before, you may be in for a let-down. First Person Shooters have come a very long way since 1995, but Doom was absolutely mind-blowing when it came out. One thing I still think serves as a strong point for the original Doom (and Heretic!) is multi-player, particularly cooperative mode. Deathmatch was kind of an afterthought when Doom originally came out, and after people started focusing on Deathmatch, FPS' always leaned more toward maps that were Deathmatch friendly, leaving cooperative design and logic as an afterthought. Even years after the games had long been out and outdated, I'd still have a couple of friends over and we'd play co-op games of Doom & Heretic. Bonus: Doom had all those great MIDI knockoffs of 80s and 90s metal songs.

That said - Deathmatch was kinda where it was at. One of my favorite multiplayer FPS moves of all time was on that Doom 2 level that was kind of like a downtown city. I only had a shotgun, and my opponent had a rocket launcher (YES, THIS WAS ON DIAL-UP, 1vs1). I quietly followed him up one of the taller buildings, and when he got to the edge, he turned around and saw me - we both fired, but he was slow on the draw. My shotgun blast knocked him just off the building, so that his rocket exploded in his face, killing him.

06-24-2012, 01:27 PM
I've struggled to play modern games but I've just about given up. There is/was a point in time after which I haven't really enjoyed any (many) mainstream titles. There are two related areas which I think are still exciting: iOS and indie games. I'd rather play and enjoy 20+ superior iOS and indie bundle games than the one mainstream title that the same amount of money would buy.

Doom3 is a deeply flawed game IMHO. The hell section is quite fun, the rest meh. The torch thing was
Clearly a mistake and they are rectifying it with the BFg edition.

There are some absolutely fantastic third party addons for doom and doom2: some 10+ years old and classics in their own right (memento mori, requiem) but even ones being created today that take an ancient engine and show design innovation above and beyond what you can find elsewhere. Browse around doomworld.com to find "best of" lists.

06-24-2012, 10:23 PM
I played Doom 3 on xbox and on PC. I bought the PC version at launch.

The PC version of the game was far superior to the Xbox version. For example, (mild spoilers ahead) in the room before the big spider boss, there are a lot of people hanging in these weird cocoons. On Xbox, the cocoon people just hung there. On PC, the cocoons were twitching and the people in there were struggling to escape and making all sorts of awful noises. That single difference made a huge difference in the atmosphere going into that room and building up to the boss. I much prefer console gaming on my couch, but Steam sales and gameplay differences like those are what make me keep my gaming pc up to date (i5-2500k, Radeon 6850, 8 gigs pc1600 RAM).

As a game, Doom 3 on PC was probably the scariest game that I have ever played. Dead Space, while a good game in its own right, basically borrows its environment and scares from Doom 3. Crank the sound up on Doom 3 and turn the lights out, and it is scary as shit! Especially if you play the way they designed it without being able to use your flashlight and gun at the same time. And, having played both xbox and pc versions, the PC version is waaaay scarier, probably because your face is about 2 or 3 foot from the computer monitor.

With that said, the gameplay design is a little dated, but the game is long, the expansion pack is there, and these versions have been upgraded to run on Xbox 360, so I would think that some of those pc only features have been added back to the game.

For $29.99, I will be picking this game up. I might even bight at $39.99, despite still owning the game on Steam. Like I said, PC gaming is great, but I still prefer the comfort of my couch (a huge tv screen doesn't hurt either).

06-24-2012, 11:05 PM
I should add that people who complained about not being able to use the flashlight while you were shooting might as well be complaining that in chess, the bishop only moves diagonally, and the knight sucks because it has to make those L-shaped moves. Not being able to see while you shoot didn't phase me one bit - I just took it to be part of the game. I'm no hardcore gamer and I got by fine. If you can't handle that one teensy hardship, turn in your gamer card. (Or buy this bundle which apparently gives you a gun-mounted flashlight, because console gamers always sucked at FPS anyway)

06-26-2012, 02:57 PM
I should add that people who complained about not being able to use the flashlight while you were shooting might as well be complaining that in chess, the bishop only moves diagonally, and the knight sucks because it has to make those L-shaped moves. Not being able to see while you shoot didn't phase me one bit - I just took it to be part of the game. I'm no hardcore gamer and I got by fine. If you can't handle that one teensy hardship, turn in your gamer card. (Or buy this bundle which apparently gives you a gun-mounted flashlight, because console gamers always sucked at FPS anyway)

I agree...I think there should be an option to play it the "classic" Doom 3 way, with the flashlight NOT taped to your gun. Much scarier and difficult that way, even if it does allow the AI to be a little cheap sometimes.

06-27-2012, 04:31 AM
Wondering how they'll present Doom 1 and 2. It's gotta be something better than doom95 or dosbox (and it'll be a shame if players will have to continue using other source ports like Doomsday or Zdoom for playing it)

06-27-2012, 07:48 PM
Count me in on this release! :D I LOVED the original Doom 3 - I remember getting my hands on the E3 demo level and finding the soundpack that TR did for all the guns and what not. It had been a VERY long time (since Resident Evil 1) that a video game gave me chills and I look forward to experiencing that once more :)

07-02-2012, 12:22 AM
I am looking forward to this as I never played Resurrection of Evil and would love to take a romp down memory lane with Doom and Doom II, plus extra bonus levels. Do wish there was an option you could have the option of not having the flashlight ductaped to your gun. It added a chill factor.

10-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Another ten days to go. Do you think it will hold its value? I'm wagering it will be £10 or less by Christmas.

10-29-2012, 04:56 PM

Reviews aren't looking great.

SM Rollinger
10-30-2012, 06:21 PM
I got it mainly because my original copy of Doom 3 for regular XBOX was stolen shortly after it came out.

I guess if your trying to compare it to modern style shooters (CoD, Halo, Borderlands, ect.) it defenitaly feels dated. But for a mid 2000's shooter, its great. The graphics are killer on the xbox too, 60fps constant with awesome lighting effects.

I havent much had a chance to play it because i cant put Borderlands 2 down!!!!!

10-31-2012, 08:40 PM
I got this for everything that came with it. Man I forgot how much of challenge this game was when I played it on SNES years ago. But what the fuck is with all the bronze trophies? Bullshit if you ask me and some of them are really hard to achieve. For some reason when I beat a level on "Hurt Me Plenty", I am not getting the trophies... hmm need to figure this out.

11-01-2012, 08:59 AM
Playing this has been like a visit from an old friend. I can't believe how well I remember the multiplayer maps.

11-01-2012, 09:30 AM
Funny how Steam stopped selling original Doom3, ROE add-on, and Final Doom which is not included in BFG version :-/

02-26-2013, 10:15 AM
Question for all you Doom fanatics....is there any cool/affordable merch/memorabilia from the games? All i found so far is the loosely related Doom books (4 diff books) that all came out in 1995/1996 i think. Wasn't able to find any other goods so far (like little statues/posters/anything that a Doom fan might want to own).

02-26-2013, 10:33 AM
I found a gray "Doom" t-shirt in a Goodwill near LA but that was probably swag for the movie & not the video game. It's still rad as hell. I think they did have a few limited edition statuettes at one point while the games were out.

02-26-2013, 10:47 AM
There's also a Doom board game that comes with small monster figures, i believe

02-26-2013, 11:13 AM
Well this should give you some ideas GoodSoldier333


and no it's not my collection lol

02-26-2013, 07:41 PM
Well this should give you some ideas @GoodSoldier333 (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=184)


and no it's not my collection lol

Thanks for all the feedback guys. The board game (which i didn't know about until now) would've been cool but i see it's around $130 to $400 on amazon. Also, the statuettes I'm seeing right now are also up there in price. Craaaaazy.

LastDisciple.....HOLY SHIT! That entire collection looks so much cooler than any Nailz collection. Definitely one of the coolest (nerdy/collector) things i've EVER seen. Honestly, wow. THAT'S crazy.

It's a shame they don't have an ongoing merch store outside of the games. There's totally a market for it, and loads of fans around the world. If i could just have two separate collections it would be NIN and Doom.

02-26-2013, 08:00 PM
It's a shame they don't have an ongoing merch store outside of the games. There's totally a market for it, and loads of fans around the world. If i could just have two separate collections it would be NIN and Doom.

I was rocking a Quake shirt I bought from Id when the game first came out. It was one of my most prized tshirts. Long since gone :(

10-09-2013, 11:02 AM
No official news on anything.....


Can i just convey how bummed i am that the DOOM 4 project supposedly got completely wiped out and they're starting fresh again. It's great that they had the courage to throw a large amount of money away on a project that just wasn't working, but i just wish all this were avoided in the first place.

Sources from back in August:



I don't pretend like i know id's logistics or workflow or way of management. But i do know that they split the team up and had one portion work on a less than average RAGE game, then another portion work on the DOOM 3 BFG Edition that came out last year. You're working on yet another sequel to a HUGE franchise, and you don't have your whole team working on the project? I know for what id is as a company, its actually very small compared to most others in video game franchising (like, wayy smaller).

Maybe i shouldn't be so bummed. I'm a young dude just waiting for the next title. But i'm sure others out there aren't so lucky. I mean, look how long it's been taking a Half Life 3 to come out. Plus, the longer it takes...the less people you have involved that made the previous title what it was, again with the age.

Anyone feel me?

EDIT: And you know what? I don't even know how excited i am for the new game now. Everything these days is so hinged on blowing the competition out and expectations and all that bullshit.

I'd be perfectly satisfied if John and the old team just made a game as shitty looking as Doom 1 & 2 and crafted a bunch of puzzles of level designs with your 9 guns and 3 keys and "im too young to die" setting.

10-13-2013, 08:04 AM
No official news on anything.....


Can i just convey how bummed i am that the DOOM 4 project supposedly got completely wiped out and they're starting fresh again. It's great that they had the courage to throw a large amount of money away on a project that just wasn't working, but i just wish all this were avoided in the first place.

Sources from back in August:



I don't pretend like i know id's logistics or workflow or way of management. But i do know that they split the team up and had one portion work on a less than average RAGE game, then another portion work on the DOOM 3 BFG Edition that came out last year. You're working on yet another sequel to a HUGE franchise, and you don't have your whole team working on the project? I know for what id is as a company, its actually very small compared to most others in video game franchising (like, wayy smaller).

Maybe i shouldn't be so bummed. I'm a young dude just waiting for the next title. But i'm sure others out there aren't so lucky. I mean, look how long it's been taking a Half Life 3 to come out. Plus, the longer it takes...the less people you have involved that made the previous title what it was, again with the age.

Anyone feel me?

EDIT: And you know what? I don't even know how excited i am for the new game now. Everything these days is so hinged on blowing the competition out and expectations and all that bullshit.

I'd be perfectly satisfied if John and the old team just made a game as shitty looking as Doom 1 & 2 and crafted a bunch of puzzles of level designs with your 9 guns and 3 keys and "im too young to die" setting.

Now they're starting it all over again, it would be great if they could get TR to do the sound! seems like perfect timing to me

10-13-2013, 09:59 PM
Now they're starting it all over again, it would be great if they could get TR to do the sound! seems like perfect timing to me

Dono...in 2011 a fan asked John Carmack about Trent and his possible involvement in Doom 4. Take a look for yourself (at the 12:32 minute mark).


10-14-2013, 01:23 AM
That's just got my curiosity up now, wonder what the hell happened??
Anyway surely after 2005, Trent has different management after the Malm court case?

03-20-2014, 03:59 AM
Doom fans etc.. I've been sorting through much of my crap and I found I have the Chris Vrenna signed numbered Doom 3 theme 7" (no 127/500) AND a test pressing of the same thing. I hate to sound mercenary but would anyone like to make and offer for these? I'm in the UK so take shipping into account, but I'd rather they go to a fan.

03-20-2014, 09:33 AM
Wow, how did you come by that test pressing?

03-20-2014, 11:49 AM
Back when Myspace was a thing I did some online street teaming for Waxplotation Records (Ie,login, look for users with similar interests eg Nine inch Nails and friend them) A few hours work and they sent me a few neat things (still love my tweaker sweatbands!) I'd left it all at home though and now my parents are reclaiming my room. Pretty cool though.

05-11-2014, 07:19 PM
So i played Doom 1 and 2 in the 90s around the time both came out. Last year i started playing Doom II Plutonia Experiment & Doom II TNT Evilution (collectively referred to as Doom Final?). AWESOME. Challenging, fast-paced, and such creative level designs. So I've been playing these two for maybe a year now, and i can't go back to Doom I & Doom II now. They're so slow and easy compared to these two Final games. Anyway, if anyone hasn't tried them yet, check em out.

05-12-2014, 01:03 PM
If you liked final doom, you'll love the extra episode in the BFG edition.

Team TNT who made one half of final Doom also made a lot of community map packs (megawads): google them! As I recall Icarus is great. Other classic map packs are requiem, momento mori and Icarus.

07-18-2014, 05:02 AM
So is anyone here going to that QuakeCon thing? I'm looking forward to some information about Doom 4

07-18-2014, 08:52 AM
It hasn't already happened? They already announced the new one. Not called Doom 4. Simply, Doom. Reboot?

07-18-2014, 01:56 PM

and an article detailing the event.


07-21-2014, 08:45 AM
What I'm excited about is the new Doom is reportedly a return to "high-speed movement and run-and-gun" gameplay. That makes me happy. I liked Doom 3 just fine, but a true Doom to me should be fast as fuck.

07-21-2014, 08:13 PM
Wish we could see the footage.

07-22-2014, 02:18 AM
Not holding my breath but we'll see. No doubt going to be console focused.

06-15-2015, 01:23 AM
dat chainsaw gore!

nice to see environments opened up a bit more and not everything is drenched in shadow.

color me stoked.

06-15-2015, 07:04 AM
ugh, looks great but wish they'd do one for the PS3 as well, no way can I afford a new console. I'll have to wait a few years for this

12-04-2015, 11:41 AM
Downloading the Closed Multiplayer Alpha for the new DooM. ^_^

05-06-2016, 11:16 AM


05-17-2016, 01:56 PM
Y'all motherfuckers need this in your lives.

I don't give two shits about multiplayer, the SP campaign is all I need and it feels amazing.

05-17-2016, 03:13 PM
Y'all motherfuckers need this in your lives.

I don't give two shits about multiplayer, the SP campaign is all I need and it feels amazing.

i played for 2 hours day and it was tons of fun, can't wait to get more time with it!
i am reading about the game having various issues (for me when i first launched the game, it totally skipped the intro if there is one? so far...) i guess i shouldn't be surprised but.. i dunno i guess i was hoping this would be a smooth launch for the game

05-17-2016, 03:42 PM
I'm on PS4. I've heard about a few crashes, but it's been okay for me so far, no problems that weren't a direct cause of me unloading a shotgun clip into a barrel two feet in front of my face once time accidentally.

05-17-2016, 06:46 PM
This game is hammer of Thor. As a old school FPS player weened on Doom, Duke, Heretic, and Wolfenstein, who ground my teeth as FPSs became slower and slower over the years, this is everything I needed but didn't realize until I fired it up. As I strafe fired around charging demons, double jumped some rockets, parkoured onto the second floor and pulled off a fatality on a cacodemon, I believe I've finally realized what love is.

05-17-2016, 06:51 PM
Holy mother of fuck, this game.

I didn't expect it to be good after the multiplayer beta completely turned me away, but dear lord, the singleplayer is fucking amazing and easily one of the best shooters I've ever played. If you have a passing interest in Doom or really miss games like that or Quake, you need this in your life.

05-18-2016, 12:55 AM
DOOM is good but not brilliant. You have to get used to multiplayer design in campaign and all the platformer jumping around picking up loot... but the monster fights feel good enough so i guess it's what matters. ID clearly took notes after Crysis and Painkiller but forgot what made original Doom so memorable.

05-23-2016, 08:04 PM
The game soundtrack is.... extremely Reznor sounding: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_AjfGgaQtib2vhJ6TwdOCMg-6SjVHC1E

05-24-2016, 11:47 AM
Naaaah, that score is much better than whatever Reznor could come up with :p

Space Suicide
05-24-2016, 12:55 PM
Naaaah, that score is much better than whatever Reznor could come up with :p

10's Reznor yes. 90's Reznor no.

05-25-2016, 05:59 PM
Yeah. This is basically what I'd imagine a video game soundtrack sounding like around the Fragile era, but with some new sound additions pulled in from a decade into the future. Not all of it is as polished as Trent would shoot for, and some of it even reminds me of the first Resident Evil movie (that was Manson, right?) but I've been listening to this soundtrack and its filling my NIN hole quite well.

I still need to figure out how the hell in gonna get the hardware needed to play this and the time/resources to build the machine for it. I wish they just released it for Mac :(

05-26-2016, 01:03 AM
This is basically what I'd imagine a video game soundtrack sounding like around the Fragile era
Remind yourself of TR's CoD theme which so much like rehash of the Fragile that it's not even funny.

Not all of it is as polished as Trent would shoot for
This is why i say it's better, it's good that nin isn't involved as the game's selling point :D

I still need to figure out how the hell in gonna get the hardware needed to play this and the time/resources to build the machine for it. I wish they just released it for Mac :(
In regards to hardware, it's really not too demanding out of the box; runs smoothly on my "below-minimum" hobo-PC (i3/670/8GB) on almost high setting; you can get a capable machine for less than $500

05-26-2016, 09:00 AM
In regards to hardware, it's really not too demanding out of the box; runs smoothly on my "below-minimum" hobo-PC (i3/670/8GB) on almost high setting; you can get a capable machine for less than $500

Does your video card have 2gb of RAM? I've got a decent processor and 16gb of RAM, but my video card is below the requirements. Seeing as your processor's an i3 and they require an i5, I suddenly have hope that maybe "requirements" doesn't mean what it used to.

05-26-2016, 10:31 PM
I'm mostly interested in this game due to Richard Devine's involvement

05-26-2016, 11:15 PM
Does your video card have 2gb of RAM? I've got a decent processor and 16gb of RAM, but my video card is below the requirements. Seeing as your processor's an i3 and they require an i5, I suddenly have hope that maybe "requirements" doesn't mean what it used to.
I was able to get the alpha running on an i7 and GTX 770 laptop chipset. It ran pretty smooth, i can't recall how i had the settings though and I'm not sure how much would have changed between the alpha and the final release as far as hardware demands. I know when i use "canirunit.com" it tells me my machine would be a potato but i keep thinking if it was able to run the alpha i can't see there being such a drastic change for hardware needed.

05-27-2016, 09:55 AM
I was able to get the alpha running on an i7 and GTX 770 laptop chipset. It ran pretty smooth, i can't recall how i had the settings though and I'm not sure how much would have changed between the alpha and the final release as far as hardware demands. I know when i use "canirunit.com" it tells me my machine would be a potato but i keep thinking if it was able to run the alpha i can't see there being such a drastic change for hardware needed.

Heh, I got impatient, pulled the trigger and initiated my Steam download last night. I've got an AMD Radeon HD 6770, a second gen i7 (yesterday I learned about different generations of these cores, neat), and 16gb of RAM. I do think I'll probably run into a physical barrier with respect to the graphics card - they probably require 2gb of onboard RAM because that's just how much space all the textures and shit take up during an active session, and if that's the case, I'll go hunting for a new video card. Doom is traditionally the upgrade enforcement software for me, whether we're talking bumping up the 486 to 4mb of RAM, or buying the new Dell in anticipation of Doom 3 (which then came out two years later) ... I guess the last video card upgrade I made was so I could run three monitors while editing HD video.

I did not realize Richard Devine was involved! I'd been loosely following Mick Gordon's involvement, as I follow Andrew Hulshut on Twitter on account of his IDKFA album.

05-27-2016, 10:56 PM
Game is awesome. Just what I needed right now. No bullshit. Run around, kill demons with a shotgun or they kill you. Love that soundtrack. Anyone on this forum should love that soundtrack haha.

There's some crisp design in the way the game gets the player to use their whole tool set, fancy kills for health, chainsaw kills for ammo. The game just feels great, looks great, sounds great. Super simple.

Space Suicide
05-28-2016, 03:54 PM
This is cool! (http://www.pcgamer.com/doom-for-doom-mod-brings-new-weapons-into-classic-shooter/?utm_content=buffer0f029&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer_pcgamer)

I'll definitely buy the game, just unsure when. I'll buy it on sale eventually. I bet it'll hit half price before the end of July, hell maybe even June.

Conan The Barbarian
05-28-2016, 10:31 PM
Same, im scoping ebay for a cheap copy.

05-29-2016, 04:19 PM
Can't wait....Tonight!

05-29-2016, 06:31 PM
I've been playing with my very underpowered video card, and I'm having flashbacks to when I first installed Quake. Everything's very slow, which I'm kind of okay with. It's like playing on easy mode, and at some time point I'll buy a newer video card and play it at it's normal, frenetic speed.

05-29-2016, 11:07 PM
It's so fast, and the soundtrack is awesome as the others have stated. Great game.

05-30-2016, 02:06 PM
Same, im scoping ebay for a cheap copy.

If you or anyone else wants to paypal me, I'll ship it to you. Pm me, first come first serve

07-21-2016, 12:14 PM
Holy crap this game is amazing I finally bought it and played 2 hours.
Luckily by the time I got it they had released the Vulkan API update.
When I played the demo I barely got 50 fps at medium settings.
Now with Vulkan I can run the game at ultra with vsynch enabled to run it at a stable 60 fps, no stutter, no input lag or, screen tearing.
This game is sublime.

Leviathant and others if running the game with Vulkan doesn't fix your gaming experience then I recommend an RX 480 for about $200-260 depending on if you go reference or partner board (and if you can find one in stock).
It will definitely run Doom maxed out at 1080p @ 60fps.

08-25-2016, 10:26 AM
Just a heads up, the standard edition of this game is currently on sale at Amazon for $19.99 and the collector's edition is roughly 50% off depending on what format you want.

Collector's Edition: https://www.amazon.com/Doom-Collectors-PlayStation-4/dp/B01BG1O75U/ref=sr_1_2?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1472138809&sr=1-2&keywords=doom

Standard Edition: http://www.gamestop.com/browse?nav=16k-3-doom,28zu0

@Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1) - Now is the time to finally pick this up!

08-25-2016, 08:49 PM
Just a heads up, the standard edition of this game is currently on sale at Amazon for $19.99 and the collector's edition is roughly 50% off depending on what format you want.

@Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1) - Now is the time to finally pick this up!

TIMP, you're a trooper, but I bought that shit pretty soon after it came out. As a software developer myself, I was happy to pay full price, because the team clearly did a wonderful job.

Now I just need a video card that can handle playback at a decent FPS ;)

08-27-2016, 04:17 AM
Now I just need a video card ;)

I'd send you a 7870 card for like $99, but considering the overseas shipping rates, and the time it takes... nah :(

09-05-2016, 07:38 PM
TIMP, you're a trooper, but I bought that shit pretty soon after it came out. As a software developer myself, I was happy to pay full price, because the team clearly did a wonderful job.

Now I just need a video card that can handle playback at a decent FPS ;)

I went back just now and saw your post about pulling the trigger via STEAM. Glad you finally got it, I remember you being on the fense for a while so that's why I posted up about the sale.

09-16-2016, 12:36 PM
I figured this would be a somewhat appropriate thread for this 90s throwback FPS.


09-16-2016, 08:12 PM
Just picked this up from Amazon for only $20.00! Cannot wait to dive into this!

09-29-2016, 08:27 AM
The official soundtrack to Doom just released in digital form and it's as good as I expected. Hopefully this leads to physical format in the near future. Standout tracks to me are Skullhacker, Rip & Tear, BFG Division, Harbinger.
Google Play:https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bprrws2k246zctacv56xhlfdz4m

09-29-2016, 01:07 PM
As much as i enjoy the score i kinda wish it was more melodic and hummable like the scores for the original Doom and Doom 2 were but it is def some good tuneage!

10-18-2016, 08:24 AM
Never played the game but just listened to a few tracks for the first time. Nobody told me how NIN-inspired the soundtrack is. That's some in-your-face fucking hardcore music!


Starting at 6:15, you can't really go for more NIN than that. The distorted guitars remind me a bit of The Fragile.

10-18-2016, 04:41 PM
Not sure about NIN in particular, but the music is certainly every bit as much of an adrenaline-ODing industrial demon fisting orgy as the game is.

10-21-2016, 04:40 AM
I'd love to play this game, reading your comments makes me thing back to the old Doom and Quake days... Such great times and so much fun. I used to play Quake to death.
Just not sure I have anything remotely powerful to play it unless my Macbook Pro can play it in some low res.

Maybe time to check for a new PC upgrade.

07-27-2019, 07:18 PM
This game is going to be amazing, it looks like they are improving what they did with Doom 2016 and made it even more brutal.


07-28-2019, 11:22 AM
I picked up a used "Founders Edition" Geforce GTX970 and am currently replaying Doom 2016 at the correct framerate in anticipation of the Eternal.

08-02-2019, 08:16 AM
I loved Doom SOOOOOO much, just the perfect FPS and an absolute BANGIN' score!

08-13-2019, 01:13 PM
I'm an enormous classic doom nerd (willing to bet the biggest on this board at least) and yet the new games leave me cold. I can see they are great games, just not for me. How weird is that?

Mildly sad that the classic official ports to switch are sub standard. Some of my code is in the home brew port which seems to be of higher quality.

08-13-2019, 09:43 PM

I can see the Nu-Doom being not as memorable be it from the imagery, the score or sound effects, those classic games have been ingrained in us for so long.

08-14-2019, 02:37 AM
I'm definitely susceptible to nostalgia around the classic games, but I think there's more to it in this case. My take is that the nu doom games take one aspect of the classics: the violence, and run with that: and also make more sense in a modern context by differentiation from the cover shooters which had apparently all but taken over the genre. I haven't played any modern shooter so that differentiation was lost on me; And the violence/gore of classic doom wasn't the most important facet, and indeed many of the important facets have not been reproduced in nu doom (the approach to music and explicit support for modding for two. Snap map was an attempt to capture that which they've now jettisoned for doom eternal. Telling that it was the last thing Carmack worked on. Also the idea you are an everyman and the notion of fear and suspense.)

So I disagree that it is *only* nostalgia that might make someone prefer the classics, because the nu games don't try to do all the things the classic games did. But by choice. And they are no doubt great games for someone: perhaps people who have played and tired of more modern cover shooters. But I've become convinced they're not for me.

08-14-2019, 05:13 AM
Hmm, what other aspects do you think they could have focused more on? jmtd - I agree on the lack of mod support and i def expressed sentiments wishing the music was more of a melodic nature.

They're certainly steering the ship in a better direction than what we got with Doom 3 at least (which i didn't think was a bad game on it's own, just not a good DOOM game), the gameplay is faster and the environments are more opened up instead of being nothing but corridors. You must find the rip and tear melee feature to be super satisfying though, yeah? Perhaps it was relied on a little too much to sell the game.

The textures for hell could have brought back some H.R. Giger surrealist craziness, instead it's a pretty uninspired style i think.

I feel like too many shooters are held back because they end up being made with console players in mind, I guess we can blame Halo and Call of Duty for that.

08-15-2019, 08:52 AM
Hmm, what other aspects do you think they could have focused more on? @jmtd (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=663) - I agree on the lack of mod support and i def expressed sentiments wishing the music was more of a melodic nature.

Those are the two biggies for me. And also the presentation of the player as a superhuman rather than an everyman, which is a deliberate choice but not one I'm particularly drawn to.

They're certainly steering the ship in a better direction than what we got with Doom 3 at least (which i didn't think was a bad game on it's own, just not a good DOOM game), the gameplay is faster and the environments are more opened up instead of being nothing but corridors. You must find the rip and tear melee feature to be super satisfying though, yeah? Perhaps it was relied on a little too much to sell the game.

I'd say if you didn't like the melee then you didn't like the game, it's pretty integral. I agree re Doom 3, I didn't like it at all. But they've gone from one extreme to the other a bit: from all corridors, to all arenas :) In the classic games there's fun to be had exploring the maps, which doesn't seem to be a focus of the 2016 game. Although they do at least have secrets in them.

The textures for hell could have brought back some H.R. Giger surrealist craziness, instead it's a pretty uninspired style i think.

Not so sure about the textures and environments, but some of the lower tier monsters are quite dull, the zombies and imps all seem to blend together to me. The higher tier monsters look much more inspired though.

I feel like too many shooters are held back because they end up being made with console players in mind, I guess we can blame Halo and Call of Duty for that.

I think the game is a response to call of duty ultimately, which is probably exactly what was needed to shake up the genre in the modern era.

08-19-2019, 08:25 AM
I actually quite liked Doom 3. I played the 2016 game for a bit, but it couldn't hold my attention for very long (I only got to about 1/3rds of the way in, or something). It wasn't bad per se, just not my cup of tea. I'm getting back into the classic Doom games since the release of Sigil (Romero's recent mapset, which was pretty good). I read about the new console ports being fairly shitty, with crap soundtracks (music running too slow) and mandatory logins to some stupid Bethesda account. I'll stick to GZDoom and the like, thank you very much. Happy I kept the old cd-roms from back in the day so I can avoid all that stuff. The old games are still fantastic. I also recently replayed Heretic, which I'm particularly nostalgic about since it was probably my first FPS.

Long story short: you can't beat the classics. IMO.

I'd love to play this game, reading your comments makes me thing back to the old Doom and Quake days... Such great times and so much fun. I used to play Quake to death.

Quake is what got me into NIN, actually. I still occasionally pop the disc in the cd player. Did that vinyl pressing listed on nin.com actually ever happen? I'd so buy that!

09-01-2019, 09:24 PM
Hey jmtd check this out!


Doom 2016 demake in Classic Doom haha

09-05-2019, 11:34 AM
Hey jmtd check this out!


Doom 2016 demake in Classic Doom haha

Hehe thanks!

Doom 64 for Nintendo switch confirmed today; I'm fairly certain it will be released on other platforms in due course.

09-05-2019, 12:20 PM
anybody knows of decent Quake conversions for Doom engine?

09-05-2019, 01:33 PM
Do you mean like, quake demakes?

There's a good quake e1m7 in the "requiem" doom map pack. Wow that takes me back to like '97

More recent: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/92574-dimension-of-the-boomed/

09-05-2019, 01:55 PM
Requiem map is in fact what inspired the question, i thought maybe people made guns/monsters replacements too, but then remembered the engine had too limited physics for bouncing grenades or jumping enemies... Nah, forget it

09-05-2019, 02:35 PM
Dimension of the boomed is really quite impressive but yes, bouncing grenades and jumping etc aren't easily achievable in vanilla doom at least. You *can* get a bouncing effect by giving the lost soul gravity and making it a weapon projectile.

02-14-2020, 12:12 PM
While I recognize that Mick Gordon's tunes may not be for everyone, to me it feels like Fear Factory, the Tetsuo theme and Broken had an orgy in a pool of blood and lava and 2016's score was what was birthed.


Cannot wait.

02-17-2020, 03:41 AM
Finally got around to finishing the first one. Wound up getting a Platinum for my efforts, along with wanting Eternal to come out even more now.

03-14-2020, 04:15 PM
Anyone getting Doom Eternal? I want to but need to get whole new pc built.

03-14-2020, 04:38 PM
Anyone getting Doom Eternal? I want to but need to get whole new pc built.

I've had it pre-ordered since the first day it was available to do so.

03-14-2020, 05:30 PM

03-14-2020, 05:51 PM
Don't forget about Doom 64 being ported to current gen, it comes with your pre-order of Doom Eternal but also will be available to purchase separately. I heard it'll be like $5.00? I won't be able to shell out for Eternal right away but i will def be all over 64.

(i also realize 64 has been free in some fashion on PC through roms and modding for some time, however it's nice to have an official release provided it functions as it should though)

03-16-2020, 10:53 AM
Don't forget about Doom 64 being ported to current gen, it comes with your pre-order of Doom Eternal but also will be available to purchase separately. I heard it'll be like $5.00? I won't be able to shell out for Eternal right away but i will def be all over 64.

(i also realize 64 has been free in some fashion on PC through roms and modding for some time, however it's nice to have an official release provided it functions as it should though)

and this new version comes with new levels!

03-16-2020, 11:32 AM
Don't forget about Doom 64 being ported to current gen, it comes with your pre-order of Doom Eternal but also will be available to purchase separately. I heard it'll be like $5.00? I won't be able to shell out for Eternal right away but i will def be all over 64.

(i also realize 64 has been free in some fashion on PC through roms and modding for some time, however it's nice to have an official release provided it functions as it should though)

Is this the one that was it's own Doom, or was that Final Doom for PS?

03-16-2020, 01:15 PM
D64 was a separate development instead of direct port, it's got its own set of maps, darker graphics and soundtrack, lacks chaingunners, revenants and arch-viles, adds ghost imps, new boss, new gun.

Going to buy just the basic version of Eternal, because not interested in all preorder stuff incl. D64.

03-16-2020, 02:58 PM
Some people even treat it as kind of a true sequel to Doom 2 as opposed to Doom 3.

03-20-2020, 04:43 AM
My copy of Doom arrived early!

...but i'm still having to travel into the office, so no doom for me :(

03-20-2020, 10:31 AM
Some people even treat it as kind of a true sequel to Doom 2 as opposed to Doom 3.

Doom 3 just sticks out like a sore thumb for me in the series. Eternal is everything I expected it to be... BADASS. Cannot wait to dive into it more later tonight.

03-20-2020, 10:46 AM
Opted to put my gun in the centre just like old Doom!

03-20-2020, 04:09 PM
Eternal really asks you to play on a harder difficulty. Hurt me plenty is just way too easy! Started on Ultra Violence.

Space Suicide
03-21-2020, 02:28 PM
Battlemode sucks. I hate there's achievements tied to it too.

03-22-2020, 07:24 PM
Okay, I'm playing Doom 64 and I'm on the third level, Main Engineering, and the music makes prominent use of a sample that's used heavily in Closer (Precursor).


Makes me wonder what the origin of that sample is!

Okay, back to Doom 64.

03-22-2020, 09:52 PM
I've never played Doom 64..I always thought it looked so bland and dull and more like the first Quake game than a Doom game.

...but for $5, I might just pick it up on the Switch tomorrow.

03-22-2020, 10:16 PM
Okay, I'm playing Doom 64 and I'm on the third level and the music makes prominent use of a sample that's used heavily in Closer (Precursor).

Makes me wonder what the origin of that sample is!

Okay, back to Doom 64.
Yeah i could have sworn i recognized a sample in there while i was playing as well only i thought it might have been something from the opening few seconds of Sin.

EDIT: There very well could be more than one, I'm not sure that i picked up on the one from Closer Precursor so maybe the one i heard is in a later level? Hmm let us know if you hear any more!

03-22-2020, 11:14 PM
Okay, I'm playing Doom 64 and I'm on the third level, Main Engineering, and the music makes prominent use of a sample that's used heavily in Closer (Precursor).


Makes me wonder what the origin of that sample is!

Okay, back to Doom 64.

Of course the Doom 64 soundtrack is 3 hours and 43 minutes...

Aubrey Hodges did the music and sound design; based on how he was doing other things at the time I'd guess this is an "alert" or "death" SFX used for one of the creatures in Doom (manipulated, of course). Hell, maybe it's the door opening.

Who wants to sift through thousands of SFX?

03-23-2020, 09:32 PM
I initially didn't like Doom 64 after I downloaded it...but man, I'm hooked now. fun! figuring out the levels can be kind of annoying but that's what makes it addicting at the same time. I'm hooked. It's perfect on the Switch Lite.

after I beat it, I'll download Doom 3, which I've also never played. then I'll move on to the Turok series.

03-24-2020, 11:25 AM
I initially didn't like Doom 64 after I downloaded it...but man, I'm hooked now. fun! figuring out the levels can be kind of annoying but that's what makes it addicting at the same time. I'm hooked. It's perfect on the Switch Lite.

after I beat it, I'll download Doom 3, which I've also never played. then I'll move on to the Turok series.

It's actually way more fun than I thought it would be...

03-24-2020, 04:57 PM
I agree. stuck on one level though. can't get the yellow key! it's stuck behind a cage and on a block that goes up and down. can't figure out the puzzle lol. still really enjoying it though.

03-25-2020, 09:19 PM
I’m enjoying this way more than I expected! I bought animal crossing, Nioh 2 and this and so far I’m enjoying this by far the most. Maybe it will change but I thought Nioh 2 was going to be the game that sucked my life away but it’s this one by a big margin. Highly recommended

03-26-2020, 04:45 PM
The "fun" levels in D64 = rip me.

08-18-2020, 04:24 PM
I told myself I was done buying PS4 games for the year.

And then I saw Doom Eternal was on sale. So I bought it.

And I love it.

I suck at it, for sure. I am not good at modern FPS (the latest FPS I played besides Doom 2016 was Resistance from the early PS3 days) . I had Doom 2016 on the Switch Lite and didn't really give it a chance, it just wasn't clicking with me. Played maybe an hour or two of it. I enjoyed Doom 64 on the Switch because it felt closer to the old school Doom I grew up with.

But I am loving this game!!

Space Suicide
08-18-2020, 07:12 PM
I told myself I was done buying PS4 games for the year.

And then I saw Doom Eternal was on sale. So I bought it.

And I love it.

I suck at it, for sure. I am not good at modern FPS (the latest FPS I played besides Doom 2016 was Resistance from the early PS3 days) . I had Doom 2016 on the Switch Lite and didn't really give it a chance, it just wasn't clicking with me. Played maybe an hour or two of it. I enjoyed Doom 64 on the Switch because it felt closer to the old school Doom I grew up with.

But I am loving this game!!

I got pretty far in but fatigue set in playing it and bothering with collectables. I need to return to it to finish it off. I got the Deluxe so I will have the DLC when it drops....eventually.

08-18-2020, 08:13 PM
After getting 100% in Rise of the Tomb Raider, my first and only game to ever get 100% (besides Castlevania Symphony of the Night as a kid) , I told myself I'm never going nuts for collectibles and side items again. It drives me crazy lol. It is fun trying to find it though.

Just encountered the Pinkies for the first time. man they are a pain in this game compared to the old game!

04-03-2021, 09:46 AM
I don't (yet) have a Switch, but still I couldn't resist this:


04-03-2021, 11:19 AM
I don't (yet) have a Switch, but still I couldn't resist this:


Neither do I, and your share just convinced me to get it as well; what a package that is.

04-03-2021, 04:56 PM

04-11-2021, 07:59 AM
I love the original Doom games, and Doom 2016. But the "lore" they've introduced in Eternal and the DLCs is so weird and bad and unnecessary.

05-06-2021, 01:45 PM
Doom 3 on VR and I’ve JUST received my PS5 camera adapter. It’s like the fates are telling me something

06-09-2024, 12:29 PM

06-09-2024, 05:20 PM
I LOL'd at the skull grinder machine gun

06-10-2024, 06:07 AM
Well the shield looks like a fun mechanic. Looking forward to this. Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are some of the best first-person shooters of the last decade so I'm expecting this to kick some ass as well.

06-10-2024, 07:56 PM
They're calling it DOOM, but clearly it's a new Heretic game.