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Thread: The New Introduction Thread

  1. #361
    Join Date
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    Hi All

    Was a lurker for a long while and finally joined the old ETS during the YZ ARG.
    Originally from New Zealand and now off living in the Netherlands.
    Still not a huge poster myself but I come here and the Hotline on a regular basis for my NIN community fix.

  2. #362
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    Hello to all,
    Been around since 2005-2006 under the name of nine_inch_nail, can't exactly remember when. I usually stalk from afar and hide in the shadows (due to life commitments).
    I live in Australia, 20 years old. I check ninhotline daily to stay in touch, it's ritual. Life is rad.

  3. #363
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    'blunt instruments' is now '#%&!'

    lost my login somehow?????

  4. #364
    Join Date
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    Hi, I'm Fernando.

    Not really new here, but I like FREE STUFF.

  5. #365
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    hi, i'm luke.
    i'm from south africa.
    and no, i don't ride elephants to school. but that's only because i'm allergic to them.

  6. #366
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    Hello, my name is Henry and im an Internet addict... I like Cereal, NIN and free stuff, oh i love forums also!

    Have a good one!

    Boo Berry!

  7. #367
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    Hi, been a fan of NIN since '94 (like a lot of us, I guess). I had heard ETS mentioned and sporadically visited but never got off my arse to join. Thanks to NIN hotline for lighting a fire under my bum!

  8. #368
    Join Date
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    Hi, I'm Manuel. Been a fan of NIN since I first heard "Down In It" in '89. Was a member of the previous version of ETS, since 2005. Also dig getting free NIN stuff!

  9. #369
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    joined around the time 'with_teeth' came out... and now i'm back!

  10. #370
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    Hello all, I'm Jordan. I've been a member of the ETS off and on for about 5-6 years now. I tried my hand at collecting for a while, ran short of money, and just stuck with getting my NIN fix the tried and true way: listening to it! Thanks for reading.

  11. #371
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    HEY new here long time fan


  12. #372
    Join Date
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    Surrey, UK
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    Hey world!

    New to ETS, but not to NIN. However, I am shallow enough to whore myself incessently so as to stand a chance of getting a copy of TGWTDT CD+DVD. Gimme, gimme, gimme

    El Hair

  13. #373
    Join Date
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    Massive fan of all nin and TR work.
    Time is my enemy these days but I try to keep up with all the cool stuff that goes on here.
    Made a lot of friends and have collected some great memories following nin over many years and hopefully years to come!!

  14. #374
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    For some reason I thought ETS was an older website and was closed to the current public. Now that I realize it's not, let me introduce myself. I am ChaseNine, huge fan of NIN and prominent member of forums. I think I'll enjoy this forum as much as theirs only because our subject matter is quite similar and [most] of the friends on these sites share my interests.

    I hail from the western United States, and I am extremely proud to announce that I have finally completed collecting all of NIN's CDs, and have moved over to collectitng Vinyl and Tape Cassettes! Yes!

  15. #375
    Join Date
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    Kinnelon, NJ
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    Hey everybody! I first joined the ETS community back in 2005, back when the excitement for "With Teeth" was first ramping up. Those were good times and I have fond memories of that era. I'm happy to see the return of my favorite message board, and I'm looking forward to maybe winning a Dragon Tattoo prize pack to share with a friend! Thanks!

  16. #376
    Join Date
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    Maryland, US
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    Hi everyone, I'm Inverse Phase, and I'm the guy doing that Pretty Hate Machine chiptune album, "Pretty Eight Machine". I like puns. My other work is here if anyone is interested. I was gonna keep this short and sweet, but hey, I'm pretty new, this is an introduction, understanding me is easiest if you know where I'm coming from. That and I suck at brevity.

    I have a "sorted" past where I tried to connect with "influential" NIN community members and garner a little support for my kickstarter for P8M. When I failed, I figured I would join the "old" ETS (its last incarnation, anyway), you know, to try and connect with the community while working on the album, get feedback, etc. Long story short, I found out that OnslaughtSix (one of my fans) had already posted about it and was already dealing with his own "onslaught" (see what I did there?). It was actually really nice of him trying to defend me, so while I waited for my account to be approved I got to watch this painful Downward Spiral of a discussion. It was seriously like March of the Pigs, except for the one or two folks that actually thought my album would come out decently.

    Anyway, finally I got approved. In my Fragile state I posted a few rebuttals, a few folks kindly apologised for prejudging the project without communicating with me (which I really, really appreciate by the way), and I got a little bit more support from the people that liked the album. The kickstarter met its goal and I got to work. Everything settled down, and then there was quite a bit of silence from me because I didn't get any notification of new replies to my topics.

    After going Further Down The Spiral of acquiring permissions and licensing, I came out ahead. Well, if "poor as fuck" can be considered "ahead". Licensing was more than expected, some of my materials have been more than expected, pretty much everything has been more than expected, but I love NIN, so I've plunked down everything I need to keep this shit on the road. Life got a little Broken when it threw a curveball at me by flooding part of my place and I'm not really gonna get into some of the personal mental/emotional breakdown bullshit that happened at the same time, but after a four-month long move and all my Things Falling Apart, I emerged, Fixed, and I actually fell in love with a fellow NIN fan who was backing my album. She's pretty much my Perfect Drug to get this thing finished.

    So, now I'm Down In It again, getting shit done, and the days are drawing Closer where I'll have this thing done. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are going to want to lynch me for my Sin of ruining their favorite track when it's finished, but my tribute is being done out of fandom, not to capitalize off of you guys, so I hope at least a few naysayers will give it a listen with an open mind. After all, We're In This Together.

    Real talk, I liked hearing NIN on the radio, and heard Pretty Hate Machine awhile after it came out and liked it a lot, and then I played a lot of Quake.... a few high school buddies and I traded mixes (my first bootleg was Rusty Nails) but I was a pretty casual fan until I moved to the east coast. People were much more into NIN over here and my tastes started to lean much more into industrial, rock, electronica, etc. Somewhere around 2001, one of my friends got me listening to Fragile -- which I hadn't heard prior to then, except for maybe Starfuckers on the radio -- and I just....couldn't stop listening. I got re-addicted; I went back and listened to the entire discography, and here we are today.

    I have a lot of respect for how much love some of the folks here have for NIN, so, maybe when I'm done, we can be friends. I'll be lurking until then.

    And yes, those are a bunch of album/halo titles interspersed throughout my story to make sure it stays as corny as possible.
    Last edited by InversePhase; 04-11-2012 at 03:45 PM. Reason: eh.

  17. #377
    Join Date
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    Hey, i'm not a huge user of ETS but a big lurker. Love the site.

    My real name's Chris and i'm from New Zealand. BOOYA

  18. #378
    Join Date
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    Stockholm, Sweden
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    Hi all,

    I'm an user of the old ETS, haven't been around much since nin stopped touring though. I'm from Sweden and have been a nin fan since I first head HLAH in -90 or something like that.

    Have a good one

  19. #379
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    Hi, I'm Sam. New to this site, but i'm a huge fan of NIN.

  20. #380
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    My Intro

    Hello everyone, my name is CJ and I'm new to the forum. I've been a fan of Nine Inch Nails for about ten years now and am quite literally an addict of industrial music. Cheers and I hope to talk to you all soon!

  21. #381
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    and take this as a welcome gift.

  22. #382
    Join Date
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    Edinburgh, Scotland
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    Why hello there! I'm quite new to the boards, joined the night TGWTDT soundtrack was being released so I could revel in the hype with you lot.

    Haven't known about NIN as long as everyone else it seems. Found them about a year before With Teeth was released. Been borderline obsessed with pretty much everything Trent Reznor releases since

  23. #383
    Join Date
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    Exclamation its me jonathan p

    Quote Originally Posted by waffel View Post
    Here is the introduction thread, if you're new here and wish to introduce yourself to the community, this is the place to do it. I also thought this would be a good place for old members to reintroduce themselves (since 1 month real time is like 6 months internet time) and to see who made it through the migration to the new site.

    As for myself, my name is the same here as it was in the old ETS and I have been hanging around/posting for nearly 5 years.

    (Don't know if this thread is redundant due to the fact everyone is posting in the first thread, lock away if it is)
    I have never really much cared for blogging but i really like this site cuz i can hear threadd about all my favorite bands and get info and receptions from a much larger fanbase to hear whats happening that i may not have heard about. rock on!

  24. #384
    Join Date
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    Santiago, Chile.
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    Hi, I'm from Chile and I'm 23 years old. I did post a little around here back in the old ETS site a couple years ago... Year Zero times, actually I'm on the Exhibit 24 list. I'll never forget that, I even made a T-shirt with my number ( but then I had to throw it out because I wore it too much hehe.
    Anyway! Hello (again) everyone, it's good to be back!

  25. #385
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    Hi again,

    I have been a long time member. Mostly active on the tour discussions, and (NIN) pre-album release hype threads, (Which explains why I have been rather inactive for the last year and a half.) Levi's post on gave me the kick in the rear I needed to re-register on the new site.

    It is good to be back. (And may the future see some NIN related stuff happening!)

  26. #386
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    I'm Chilean too, and my actual name isn't zihark by the way.
    I'm 24 and a huge NIN fan since 1999. I knew about the forum a really long time ago (like 10 years ago, when I discovered the NIN hotline and the meathead perspective) but never got interested, primarly because my english level was horribly pathetic back then.

  27. #387
    Join Date
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    Hey, Andre from Sao Paulo, Brazil here. NIN fan since 1991, when "HLAH" was a regular in MTV Brazil's "Alternative Nation". Only saw the band live twice, at the Rio and Sao Paulo 2005 concerts. Still upset about the 2008 concerts that were canceled here and miss Meathead's Perspective. Sigh... Used to be a frequent poster back when ETS came up and Seems Like Salvation were our NIN webquarters, but now I only show up around here when Trent releases something new.... yeah, kinda like never, I know. But still an avid ETS reader.

  28. #388
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    I'm Cody, from Colorado. Glad to be a part of this community!

  29. #389
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by andre78 View Post
    Hey, Andre from Sao Paulo, Brazil here. NIN fan since 1991, when "HLAH" was a regular in MTV Brazil's "Alternative Nation". Only saw the band live twice, at the Rio and Sao Paulo 2005 concerts. Still upset about the 2008 concerts that were canceled here and miss Meathead's Perspective. Sigh... Used to be a frequent poster back when ETS came up and Seems Like Salvation were our NIN webquarters, but now I only show up around here when Trent releases something new.... yeah, kinda like never, I know. But still an avid ETS reader.
    My mom didn't let me go to Sao Paolo that year- I was 15, so yeah, a little young to go to a big city and find my way to a concert on my way...I remember being quite upset, heh. (I lived in Brasilia btw) I'm so jealous of you!

  30. #390
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    My mom didn't let me go to Sao Paolo that year- I was 15, so yeah, a little young to go to a big city and find my way to a concert on my way...I remember being quite upset, heh. (I lived in Brasilia btw) I'm so jealous of you!
    Don't be ( although both concerts were devastating, to say the least ), I really feel that NIN will comeback to Brazil someday, as we got an always growing number of international acts coming and returning to play here each and every year.

    In fact, I still wonder what Trent thought about those two brazilian concerts... never saw him saying anything about it.

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