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Thread: The New Introduction Thread

  1. #661
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    Hi everyone, I don't come here enough these days. Been a member since 2005, live in Los Angeles.

  2. #662
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    Hey guys, joined about a month ago, been a NIN fan for 3 years. I'm a high school student, and I like running, movies, MMA, acting, lifting, writing, making short films, Stephen King novels, school, law, and girls. Really like being able to talk about NIN w/ others now!
    Last edited by Tommy_Macbeth; 01-29-2017 at 12:52 AM.

  3. #663
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
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    Hi everyone! I've loved NIN for about 4 years now, and ETS is a brilliant place for discussion and chats with other awesome NIN fans, so I wanted to join in!

  4. #664
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    Hi! I`ve been a NIN Fan since 2005. I am visiting this board since 2008 and thought itīs time to join in.

  5. #665
    Join Date
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    Hello fellow NIN fans!

    Something important happened to me in 2002: I listened to "Deep" for the first time. It was some pirate audio cassette of a Tomb Raider soundtrack. How awesome that song was!
    Then I was carried away by Rammstein and didn't get a chance to dig into the Nine Inch Nails catalogue.
    Thanks God I decided to give it another try a few years ago Now I can't get enough of it.
    P.S.: "Deep" is still one of my all-time favs!

  6. #666
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    I like music. Especially good music. So it was only natural I'd end up on here eventually. Currently spending wayyyyyy too much time lurking on here.

    First discovered NIN in 99 when a friend who had just bought The Fragile asked me if I would swap a copy of Slipknots' debut album for it. LOL. Obviously, I took him up on the offer. I wonder how often he throws on that Slipknot CD, and is blown away by its hidden depths? Fucking LOL. I'll never forget that first listen through. Basically been my musical obsession since.

    I'm also one of those annoying-for-some-on-this-board types who comes out of the woodwork for a new release, soon to disappear back into obscurity, once all there is left to talk about are things like the name of Trents' children. (Things I really don't need or want to know about). Looking around the index pages there are plenty of other things on here to keep me interested though, and there seems to be a nice sense of community, so maybe I'll get to know some of you better...

  7. #667
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    Long time lurker (since the Year Zero shenanigans) recent new member (signed up at Christmas, but only just started posting since my work allowed me to sign in...good use of office hours!)

    Pleasure to be here my posts my sometimes feature spelling errors thanks to 1 part dyslexia and 2 parts auto corrector gone wrong!

  8. #668
    Join Date
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    Black Mountain Side
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    I'm new. I do bookkeeping and stuff. I also like to draw and paint. I have all of NIN's albums. I've seen NIN live only once. NIN has always been my favorite band.

  9. #669
    Join Date
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    Washington, D.C.
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    Hello all. Brand new here but have been a lurker since around '08. Discovered NIN back in 2004 when I saw the videos for "Head Like a Hole" and "Wish" on TV late one night. I quickly became obsessed after purchasing Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, The Fragile, and the March of the Pigs and Closer to God singles. All of the hype over the release of [With_Teeth] sealed the deal for me. I have been a committed fan ever since, having the good fortune to witness NIN live from 2008 up to 2014. Mr. Reznor and co. have since and will continue to always be a massive inspiration to me and all of my creative endeavors.

    Reason for reaching out at last is that I finally feel as though I have something to contribute to the community in the form of this new musical project I started earlier this year. Being a total novice when it comes to making any kind of music, I've begun this process by currently specifically focusing on remixes until such time as I feel ready to release original material. In that sense, I believe my second release may be of interest to members of this forum:

    This is the first of several NIN remix projects I have planned. Very much looking forward to seeing what people think. Hope you all enjoy the music!

  10. #670
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    i am from Germany and NIN-Fan since nearly 20 Years. At School i was a bullying-Victim and this Times was the Seed of my current Paranoia. Much more didnīt happen in My Life. So thats me!

  11. #671
    Join Date
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    British Columbia, Canada
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    Hello, I have been a NIN fan since 2000 when I purchased the Fragile when I was 13 years old (don't know how I managed to buy it due to to parental discretion label!), it blew me away and I discovered the rest of the catalogue soon after. My favorite concert experience was seeing NIN with QOTSA and Death From Above 1979 in 2005. I'm now 30 years old and still rocking to NIN, and will probably do it for another 30 or so years!

    Other bands/artists I like: QOTSA, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Filter, Army of Anyone, Morphine, Big Sugar, Kyuss, City and Colour, and Alice In Chains.

  12. #672
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    Hi, my name's Ben. I'm 37, been a nin fan for 23 years now (since I saw the March of the Pigs clip on an old MTV show back in 94), seen them live once. I work as a sound engineer and musician and play in a band called Sora (

  13. #673
    Join Date
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    I'm 37, been a fan since 92'/93' when I was in middle school. Saw ETS mentioned on twitter today and just joined this evening - hoping to get involved with whatever comes out of this new ARG.

  14. #674
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    in the hole-
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    Hi to all.
    I am new to ETS. Spiral was my first -any and all- type of 'forum, chatroom, and fan member site' (Dauphinesdumaine/Dauphine). I discovered Spiral to be a fun experience in which I was able to easily disengage from my reality of pressures, politics, and at times -soul tolling- work in a medical field environment. Spiral was all about fun and adventure and bonding with people over a common passion and NIN being the starter block of that common something. I met a lot of ppl through the Spiral connection and was privileged enough to share in fun adventures, lewd content, and questionable choices and behaviors with some of those ppl. An experience I did not know would happen when I chose to sign up and pay for that membership **hell it was fun and worth every copper penny**. After Spiral was retired, for me there was NIN.COM. I found NIN.COM was not able to hold onto that something *special energy* (for lack of a better description) that Spiral was carved from. It just wasn't the same. After waiting for that something *special* to return to something NIN related: I have found myself in the land of ETS. I was always such a die hard Spiral junkie and did not enjoy the drama fueled stories of ETS VS SPIRAL; though both groups of ppl had a passion for NIN in common, they did not play well together. I am warming up to ETS and so far it isn't the negative soul sucking poke fest I thought it would be. And now that I've outed myself and told my story it remains to be seen what truths are hidden in the land of ETS
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

    Last edited by muse-lyre candy; 07-17-2017 at 10:41 PM.

  15. #675
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    Hi to all.
    I am new to ETS. Spiral was my first -any and all- type of 'forum, chatroom, and fan member site' (Dauphinesdumaine/Dauphine). I discovered Spiral to be a fun experience in which I was able to easily disengage from my reality of pressures, politics, and at times -soul tolling- work in a medical field environment. Spiral was all about fun and adventure and bonding with people over a common passion and NIN being the starter block of that common something. I met a lot of ppl through the Spiral connection and was privileged enough to share in fun adventures, lewd content, and questionable choices and behaviors with some of those ppl. An experience I did not know would happen when I chose to sign up and pay for that membership **hell it was fun and worth every copper penny**. After Spiral was retired, for me there was NIN.COM. I found NIN.COM was not able to hold onto that something *special energy* (for lack of a better description) that Spiral was carved from. It just wasn't the same. After waiting for that something *special* to return to something NIN related: I have found myself in the land of ETS. I was always such a die hard Spiral junkie and did not enjoy the drama fueled stories of ETS VS SPIRAL; though both groups of ppl had a passion for NIN in common, they did not play well together. I am warming up to ETS and so far it isn't the negative soul sucking poke fest I thought it would be. And now that I've outed myself and told my story it remains to be seen what truths are hidden in the land of ETS

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

    Your outing has inspired my own. Spiral reject also present. Same name there.

  16. #676
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    Jul 2017
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    Guess I should do an intro. Old spiral member, Disafect666 here. Miss that place. Quiet lurker. Antisocial. I confess, I miss the nin community. Happy to be back.

  17. #677
    Join Date
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    Hey all! Never been on Spiral, but was pretty active on the forums for quite a while. Have lots of friends on here, but never poked around. In light of all the possible ARG excitement (not to mention--just the real, true excitement that comes from talking with other die hard NIN fans), I decided to finally get my butt on here!

    So...hi, fellow ninnies.

  18. #678
    Join Date
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    Birmingham, UK
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    Hi all! Former Spiral member here, late joiner to the party (I lost myself for a while and just starting to find it all over again now), and totally in love with the fact that NIN is not just about music. I missed The Year Zero chase so much, I started again with Add Violence and found this site, thankfully. I've ended up surrounding myself with people who don't like the same music as me, don't like the same films or books. I love having differences to discuss, but sometimes I miss fan-girling the hell out of shit.

    I discovered NIN "by accident". I used to flick through the only music channels worth it on Sky (back in the day when there were any) and a video was on MTV2 that I liked the sound of but I thought I should check the other two channels first. Checked them, nothing there. So back to this crazy ass, absinthe fueled mess with an incredible soundtrack and I was hooked. Thank you "The Perfect Drug". I've seen them twice so far, and fully intend on making the most of the fact that I'm old enough now to have "expendable income" and stalk the tour announcements.

    I tend to be a lurker who rarely does anything but I think it's time to change that, so bear with me and I cant wait to relive Secondary School days obsessing about music and that comes with it!

  19. #679
    Join Date
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    I've been lurking on this forum for a long-ass time. Probably since around the time The Spiral fell apart. It's usually my first source for any NIN-related news. Over the 20ish years I've obsessed on Nine Inch Nails they've slowly drifted out of my top spot for favorite band (haven't loved much of the new stuff.) But the intrigue around the new EP's and the re-release of their classics on vinyl has me rediscovering what I always loved most about this band - the mystery and excitement around releases. No one else drums up the kinda giddy joy I get out of hearing a new NIN tune.

    So, that's basically it...Hi everyone!

  20. #680
    Join Date
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    Hi all. I am all shiny and new to this forum, and to be honest, a bit shiny and new to being a NIN fan.

    My wife and her brother have always been HUGE fans, and while I quite liked them, I never really "got it" in the same way. My first NIN gig was the With Teeth tour in 2005, and we've been a few times since (they don't play the UK as much as USA).
    So last week, I was talking to my bro-in-law about Add Violence, and he mentioned that there might be another Year Zero style ARG in the making. I missed the whole YZ thing really, although I had heard little bits about it. I listened to the new EP and just loved it. Then I made a critical error. I started googling for stuff to do with this potential new ARG and stumbled here, and the NIN wiki, and now I fear I am slightly obsessed. In a good way, obvs. I got this way with Lost when it was on, loved the theorising, and the countless easter eggs to find.

    It's got me listening to NIN in a completely different way. Almost to the point I feel YZ is an entirely different album to the one I first heard 10 years ago.

    So anyway, that's me. Hello.

  21. #681
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    I always find myself coming back here sooner or later. Might as well say hi and maybe drop a line every now and then.
    Not much to say about myself, I'm from Germany and have been in love with NIN for over a decade.

  22. #682
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    Hi, I'm new here

    I started listening to nin when I was 14... was aware of them as a kid though, since I'm a 90s kid and saw the videos nonstop on tv. For that reason, nin has more sentimental value to me than most music. I also am a big fan of the film scores, they're very inspiring.

    I'll keep the "about me" brief as I'm not interesting really. I play guitar, piano, and sing. I started playing electronic music but moved from that since I wanted to learn other instruments. I also am into fashion and design.

    I find this forum and community to be very intimidating but will stick around.

  23. #683
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    Quote Originally Posted by ton View Post
    Hi, I'm new here

    I started listening to nin when I was 14... was aware of them as a kid though, since I'm a 90s kid and saw the videos nonstop on tv. For that reason, nin has more sentimental value to me than most music. I also am a big fan of the film scores, they're very inspiring.

    I'll keep the "about me" brief as I'm not interesting really. I play guitar, piano, and sing. I started playing electronic music but moved from that since I wanted to learn other instruments. I also am into fashion and design.

    I find this forum and community to be very intimidating but will stick around.

    Welcome to ETS!

    I just wanted to say that it saddens me a bit that you say that you're not really interesting. Everyone is interesting to me and I'm sure that there is a lot about you that is unique and that you can share when you're ready and willing to.

    I would not call us intimidating but I would say that we are passionate. But we welcome every new perspective and opinions and I hope you'll be able to share yours with all of us.

    I hope to see you around!

  24. #684
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post

    Welcome to ETS!

    I just wanted to say that it saddens me a bit that you say that you're not really interesting. Everyone is interesting to me and I'm sure that there is a lot about you that is unique and that you can share when you're ready and willing to.

    I would not call us intimidating but I would say that we are passionate. But we welcome every new perspective and opinions and I hope you'll be able to share yours with all of us.

    I hope to see you around!
    Thank you for the really sweet response. I’m glad to be here. You said a lot of nice things in that post. ��

  25. #685
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    I guess I never introduced myself here, so here I go. I'm pretty new.

    29. Data Warehouse/Business Analytics professional. Just finished part-time grad school. Recently divorced. I like to write and am actually working on something NTAE/AV inspired... if anyone is interested...

    I love a lot of music. I've been a casual NIN fan since the mid 2000s, had downloaded the albums, owned a NIN hoodie.. I was a bit of a Trent fangirl though, as lame as that is. I loved The Social Network score. Then I went to Riotfest. I was pretty excited they were on the bill, but had no expectations. And now here I am. I find it odd that I didn't get obsessed with NIN considering how much I like David Fincher, David Lynch...But rediscovering it has definitely been an experience, especially when listening to The Fragile, an album I hadn't listened to.

    Other music I like : Coheed and Cambria, Glassjaw, At the Drive-In

  26. #686
    Join Date
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    I'm new to this forum. Have been a NIN fan for years and seen them live twice, which was in 2009 and 2014 both in London at O2 Arena. I'm 26 years old and living in the UK.

  27. #687
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    Hi all,

    Longtime reader of ETS forums, but a new member. Have been following NIN since the With Teeth days, and as with the poster above am from the UK and also have seen the band twice, also in 2009 and 2014..! 25 years old and working in the legal sector in London.

    Aside from NIN, fan of a huge spectrum of music, but favourite bands would have to be Karnivool, LCD Soundsystem and Kiev (check them out if you don't know them).


  28. #688
    Join Date
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    Hello everyone.

    New to the forum but have been lurking for years and years. Used to read theninhotline back in the Fragile days. grew up listening to NIN- my parents bought PHM back in 90 when I was 4 and I'll never forget the experience of hearing it in the car for the first time. I'll never forget watching Woodstock 94 on PPV, it felt like a massive event and my parents had family and friends over to watch it. Starting with the With Teeth tour, I've seen NIN 4 times live.

    Used to post on another forum back in the late 90's/early 00's, Perfect Isolation. Looking forward to connecting with the NIN community again. Exciting times with Trent's output recently.

  29. #689
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    Hi! I'm Thorn from Vancouver, BC. I'm 21 years old, but I've been listening to Nine Inch Nails since I was a small kid thanks to my dad. Been lurking ETS for 6 years now and decided to finally make an account. I love NIN but I'm mostly obsessed with punk. I'm a drummer/vocalist in a punk band and I'm active in my local punk scene. I love foruming and I haven't been on a forum in a few years so I'm stoked to be apart of this one.
    Last edited by Thorn; 02-28-2018 at 03:03 AM.

  30. #690
    Join Date
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    Holy crap. Get pre-occupied for a decade while the economy fakes its own death only to be saved by politicians, have a few kids and look back, and ETS is still a thing. I used to be kitcostantino on the old site. i remember a few people like Terryana and Levithant and clive holloway. Its been a digital lifetime. Just stopped in to see if my login still worked. much to my surprise, i didnt exist here. I shifted my collecting to kids for a while. more recently, i learned about X Metals at oakley forums, but i still have a bit of NIN stuff. is it all worthless now? i mean, hell, there are 2 further down the spiral tins on ebay atm for $100/ each. id say 'what happened?' but i know. i was a pizza guy for almost a decade. i went from clearing $600/week working 4 days to working 5 or 6 days to make half of that. after 3 years of waiting for the economy to rebound, i gave up and became an EMT. I have since moved out of EMS, but it was a critical juncture in my life. Then began the poorest time I have ever had, but everyone in EMS is broke or works multiple jobs, so that makes it easier. lol. Mind you, i quit buying/trading/selling rare music merch. i never sold off all of my stuff, but i cant find a substantial box of it. (the rarer stuff, DII 6 tk, PHM Austrian press, etc). i replaced collecting NIN/TOOL with android and more recently, Oakleys without realizing i loved the time i spent meeting people, trading, hunting IRL, and selling off extras with the people i met on ETS in 2005-2007. now, i can actually stop back in. hello, friend.
    Last edited by kitcostantino; 04-12-2018 at 07:53 PM.

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