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Thread: Luka Magnotta arrested in Berlin for dismemberment

  1. #1
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    Luka Magnotta arrested in Berlin for dismemberment

    You might have heard about it... there's a very gruesome murder case that happened last week here in Montreal, that's creepily similar to the Broken movie...

    Some asshole gay porn star brought back a chinese exchange student in his west side apartment, tied him up to his bed, tortured him, raped him, killed him, dismembered him, ate him... not necessarily in that order. He then shipped an arm and a foot to the federal Liberal and Conservative parties... The thing is, the fucking asshole taped it all and uploaded it in the internet.

    The sound is replaced with New Order's True Faith and its barely edited... Not unlike the Gave Up video from the Broken movie, except it's real.

    I'm not going to post a link. TBH, I refuse to watch it myself. I refuse to allow that jerk to get want he wants : my attention, by literally destroying a human being... Those who really want to watch will unsurprisingly be able to find it really fast using Google. But I'd suggest we all just pass on it... Imagine what it'd be like if the victim was a relative of yours, to know that millions of curious dumbfucks around the world will be watching that person be abused, humiliated and cut into pieces forever and ever again... Because we all know that once it's out there, there's no way back.

    I've been a bit obsessed by that story for the past few days. The Broken movie was what brought me to NIN back in my teenage years, when I was into horror movies and had a morbid curiosity about snuff films... Back then I really tried to find one, exchanging VHS tapes over by mail, but the closest I ever got was realistic fiction like Guinea Pig or the Broken movie. We all knew, technically, snuff films were a possibility, but it seemed like an urban legend because nobody had ever seen a genuine one. With the Internet, it's now obvious that these are way more likely to surface. And I lost all interest in snuff films growing out of my teenage years so I guess there probably are more videos like that one on the net... But seeing how much the local media talked about it here really creeped me out and made realize just how stupid and unethical and downright wrong it was of me to hunt out for that shit. But now it's real, it's out there. They just caught the guy a few minutes ago in Berlin and I'm really pissed off at the fact that the media's going to be talking non-stop about that jerk during his trial... I probably shouldn't even post that, shut the hell up and forget about it...

    I just kind of feel guilty for being curious when I was younger. Anybody feels my pain?

  2. #2
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    I just heard that the guy got arrested here in Berlin-Neukölln, just around the corner from where I live.

  3. #3
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    Glad he was caught, no penalty is severe enough for him if you ask me. I'm saddened, not just for the victims and their families, but what the possible repercussions will be for the Canadian GLBT community because of this.

    As for the personal substance you wrote about in your post, relating to curiosity about murder culture, I think a lot of us have it in us to be curious about the darkest ends of the human spectrum. Hell, quite a few of the top shows on network television are about these things albeit in a more family-friendly and homogenized form. I'll admit I have had a bit of curiosity about it myself (went more into reading about it than seeking out snuff films, though I have seen a bit of the Broken movie on YouTube of all places), but it came when I was a bit older so I never had that famed "teenage serial killer phase".

  4. #4
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    God, I'm glad they caught him. I mean, I'm well aware there are so many people out there who would act on depraved fantasies if they could or if something triggered them, but when I read he'd fled to Europe I was completely irrationally afraid for about ten minutes. And then it slipped my mind again. I am Suisse cheese.

    As for the interest in snuff: yes, it's quite unethical. We all have deeply unethical impulses, that's why we invented ethics. And it takes some years for our conscience to develop enough in order to understand why something is unethical, rather than simply know it. My guess is you've always known it's wrong to want to watch another human being die, and that was the initial attraction. But as you get older and your ties to other people get firmer and your brain is fully formed, you start to really understand what it means, what it would do to you if it was a loved one of yours, like you mentioned.
    And part of being human is being curious. It's basically what distinguishes us from so many other animals: we investigate everything, even if it's really silly or incredibly dangerous. We NEED to know. So... 's all perfectly human. I guess that means we just kind of suck, but at least we know we do, and so we invented a whole lot of fail-safes to make sure we protect the world as much against our suckiness as we can.
    And occasionally, all the fail-safes actually fail. Like in the case of this guy.

  5. #5
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    This sick fuck also tortured animals, and uploaded the videos to youtube. I remember being trick into seeing one of them by someone on the net. I don't want to accept people actually enjoy doing this shit, I just wanna hope that maybe there's something wrong mentally with people like this, but sometimes it seems people are just bad seeds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    I just wanna hope that maybe there's something wrong mentally with people like this
    I think it's safe to assume there's something VERY wrong mentally with this guy, and not just that he's obviously a narcissistic sociopath.

  7. #7
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    MONTREAL - With the words "you got me," Luka Magnotta gave himself up to German police Monday.The six-day international manhunt for the suspected body-parts killer ended around 2 p.m. local time when the 29-year-old man of many disguises was picked up at an internet cafe on Karl-Marx-Strasse in the southern Neukolln district.
    The former porn actor and stripper faces trial in Montreal for the ice-pick murder and subsequent dismemberment of Chinese national Jun Lin.
    Cafe owner Kadir Anlayisli told Reuters news agency that he had read about Magnotta and recognized his face when the man took off his sunglasses in the cafe.
    He then stepped outside, stopped a passing police van and told them: "I have someone here you might be looking for."
    An employee at the Berlin cafe says Magnotta was looking at a web page about himself when an officer, alerted by staff, walked up to him and asked him for identification.
    While Magnotta didn't resist arrest, he did make a half-hearted attempt to avoid police custody, Berlin police spokesman Guido Busch told QMI Agency.
    "(He) first tried to get out by telling several names that are fiction," Busch. "At last he said, 'You got me.'"
    Magnotta is expected to appear before a judge on Tuesday.
    "I'm very happy that the Berlin police arrested him and that nobody was injured in the whole arrest," another Berlin police spokesman, Stefan Rieldich, told QMI. "I think we can all be very happy with the outcome."
    The case quickly made international headlines after a janitor found Lin's torso stuffed in a suitcase behind a Montreal apartment building last Tuesday. Magnotta is suspected to have mailed parts of Lin's body to the federal Conservatives and the Liberals after Lin was killed on May 24 or 25.
    Magnotta's arrest sets the stage for one of the most high-profile trials in recent Canadian history once he's extradited to Montreal.
    German police expect Magnotta to be back in Canada by the end of the week but Montreal lawyer Stephane Handfield, who specializes in extradition law, said the process could be delayed should Magnotta contest extradition.
    "If he decides to (contest it) it could take several months if not a few years before the suspect crosses the Canadian border," said Handfield.
    Magnotta faces charges of first-degree murder, indignity to a corpse and production and distribution of obscene material.
    He also faces charges of criminal harassment towards Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Parliament.
    Harper, in London for the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, reportedly lauded the arrest, as did Interpol.
    A source told QMI that Magnotta and Lin were dating, and Magnotta became angry when Lin broke off the relationship and started dating another man. The source said it was Lin's new partner who reported Lin missing to police.
    In a gruesome twist, a video clip of the murder was posted on a gore website, and police have said the video depicts acts that took place in Magnotta's west-end apartment.
    Montreal police said the suspect flew to Paris and that he had been spotted in the French capital, where they refer to him as "The Dismemberer."
    His picture was the lead photo on Interpol's website as of May 30, when an international arrest warrant was issued for him.
    The French newspaper 20 Minutes reported Monday that Magnotta was believed to have headed to Berlin on Friday evening aboard a Eurolines bus.
    20 Minutes says detectives showed his photo to employees at the Bagnolet bus terminal in Paris. Investigators also examined video from about 20 video cameras at the terminal, said the newspaper.
    AFP reported Sunday that a source said French police were allegedly able to track Magnotta's whereabouts through his cellphone.
    Magnotta was raised mainly by his grandparents and grew up in east-end Toronto and in Lindsay, Ont., northeast of the city.
    He had a massive internet presence and also worked in the gay porn industry before recently moving to Montreal
    The video was posted online and I have sadly seen the video too as it was linked in the comments on an article and my morbid curiosity clicked it, horrific. Never again.

    Anyways, first time I've heard of this and this has been on for 10 days now....creepy.

  8. #8
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    I haven't seen the video but i was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned how people these days are just so fucking blood drunk and they've gotta have their violence, guts, gore and the works....anyway he mentioned to me how a lot of people weren't making the connections to this video even being real and even then those that did realize it was real were saying all sorts of stupid shit like ohhhh there's not enough blood, and ohh that's not that gorey....someone should turn up the blood fountains..... IS EVERYBODY A SICK FUCK THESE DAYS OR WHAT???! DO PEOPLE NOT REALIZE THAT'S A REAL PERSON BEING SLAUGHTERED!?

    Most of those people are no better than the guy that killed the person as far as I'm concerned.

  9. #9
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    im kinda interested in watching this video, can you point to that site that had the link in the comments?

  10. #10
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    PMed you Conan...

    I got that a lot too, thelastdisciple. Many people who I know saw it didn't even realize it was real. I guess it's just too over the top to be believable.
    I hope we lock him up in concrete forever... I think the act is worse because he filmed it. Killing someone in itself is terrible, but killing someone to film it is beyond anything I could ever imagine. It's just the most cruel, humiliating and gratuitous act you can do to someone. It's like saying : you're so unworthy of any respect that I'll cut you apart and make you suffer just to entertain and shock people.

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    I don't mind gore in a movie if it's fake, because I don't think there is anything wrong with imagined violence. Seeing what kind of twisted stuff a filmmaker can dream up is interesting to see if he can cook up something twisted enough to scare me or freak me out. Kind of like a game of chicken.

    But I'm avoiding the video of the real thing. Knowing that what I was watching was real wouldn't make it a game anymore, it would just make me want to puke. Even if it weren't gorey.

  12. #12
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    I just watched some youtube video that I'm assuming he uploaded to the net? It's basically a reel of headshots with dramatic music, and the user info for the clip is some rambling self absorbed bullshit.

    Fuck this guy. I hope unspeakable things happen to him in prison.

  13. #13
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    The vid is nuts, nothing like that american getting beheaded. but its crazy. I watched it with the sound muted because someone screaming bloddy murder is way far more graphic than dismemberment.

    Edit: I had to watch keyboard kitty after that. lol
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 06-05-2012 at 05:38 PM.

  14. #14
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    Annnnnnnd now two boxes with 'what appears to be human remains' have been mailed to Vancouver schools. VPD having a press conference in 15 minutes. Fuck all of these people.

  15. #15
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    Jesus, I think I'm going to avoid watching the news for the next week or so.

  16. #16
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    Beware of giving him what he wants!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Beware of giving him what he wants!
    I've seen a lot of people say things like this, but come on, this isn't Kevin Spacey from Se7en.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I haven't seen the video but i was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned how people these days are just so fucking blood drunk and they've gotta have their violence, guts, gore and the works....anyway he mentioned to me how a lot of people weren't making the connections to this video even being real and even then those that did realize it was real were saying all sorts of stupid shit like ohhhh there's not enough blood, and ohh that's not that gorey....someone should turn up the blood fountains..... IS EVERYBODY A SICK FUCK THESE DAYS OR WHAT???! DO PEOPLE NOT REALIZE THAT'S A REAL PERSON BEING SLAUGHTERED!?

    Most of those people are no better than the guy that killed the person as far as I'm concerned.
    Is this your first day on the internet?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    come on, this isn't Kevin Spacey from Se7en.
    No, he's fictional.

  20. #20
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    To be honest, his motive just seems to be an attention seek. He could get as much attention as he wants, but he'd still rot in a shitty jail cell until he dies. So whether or not he has this motive satiated right now is quite moot.

    There's no fucking way I'm watching that video.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I've seen a lot of people say things like this, but come on, this isn't Kevin Spacey from Se7en.
    Sorry I'm not catching your drift... what are you saying? I wouldn't compare him to the killer from that film either, but he's still an attention seeker. This is the sort of person who will pore over media & internet discussion regarding his crimes, it's all an exercise in validation. He's even a pornstar... it's so transparent, it would be mundane if someone hadn't been killed

    Brievik reminded me of Spacey in that film... he even has that conceited grin! - and a grand, "moralistic" justification for his crimes

  22. #22
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    Apparently, he was watching news of himself on the internet when he was arrested... fucking creep.

    And it seems that the body parts found in packages in Vancouver yesterday are of the victim. DNA tests will prove that beyond a doubt. All that's missing now is the head...

    The victim's parents arrived in Montreal today. It's mentioned in the article and I've heard in on the news also: there's a lot of people who have made donations to help cover the expenses Lin Jun's family while they are here. I can't even begin to imagine what there poor persons must be going through.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Sorry I'm not catching your drift... what are you saying? I wouldn't compare him to the killer from that film either, but he's still an attention seeker. This is the sort of person who will pore over media & internet discussion regarding his crimes, it's all an exercise in validation. He's even a pornstar... it's so transparent, it would be mundane if someone hadn't been killed

    Brievik reminded me of Spacey in that film... he even has that conceited grin! - and a grand, "moralistic" justification for his crimes
    I guess what I'm saying is the end negative result of giving this guy attention now that he's been arrested and will never set foot outside of prison again is nothing. I think it's infinitely more damaging to give a shit about what Kim Kardashian is doing.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Is this your first day on the internet?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I guess what I'm saying is the end negative result of giving this guy attention now that he's been arrested and will never set foot outside of prison again is nothing. I think it's infinitely more damaging to give a shit about what Kim Kardashian is doing.
    Makes no difference outside of personal satisfaction, true - but he obviously did this for attention, the end result of giving it to him is his getting a sense of satisfaction. One could contend that it has a wider implication in that validating him with attention might cause the environment which produced him to become a bit more reinforced (before it was likely that uploading your snuff film would bring you infamy - now we know for sure it will). Don't know who Kardashian is, so I presume she's a light entertainment fuckwit of some kind. I would agree that a media that hands fame to these reality tv people is part of the tissue that creates people like this killer. Or do you mean its better to give a shit about this killing than some utter fluff?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    One could contend that it has a wider implication in that validating him with attention might cause the environment which produced him to become a bit more reinforced (before it was likely that uploading your snuff film would bring you infamy - now we know for sure it will).
    That's far fetched... we've already known this to be true. The guy who shot John Lennon is a household name, but I don't think it's a real incentive. It's unavoidable that doing something extreme and shocking gets you public attention and a lifetime sentence, but this guy's time is already up and he's not going to even come close to creating a circus on par with what Charles Manson pulled off.

    At this point, there's no harm in giving this story attention alongside all the other things that are fucked up that happen in this world. After all, he's going away. That said, I have no intention of ever seeing that fucking movie he uploaded, and I hope I never do.

    Don't know who Kardashian is, so I presume she's a light entertainment fuckwit of some kind. I would agree that a media that hands fame to these reality tv people is part of the tissue that creates people like this killer. Or do you mean its better to give a shit about this killing than some utter fluff?
    Well, I mean that it's more innocuous to give attention to an actual crime than it is to give a professional media-whore attention. Unlike this guy (whose name I've already forgotten), Kardashian isn't going to jail; she's marrying celebrity athletes and being a brainless fuckwit to the delight of American tabloids, and she's profiting from it all. That's bad, and the worse part is that she actually IS influencing people to act like her... after all she's basically following in Paris Hilton's example.

    In order to give this murderer what he wants? We'd apparently have to first and foremost keep him out of prison, and that's not going to happen.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-07-2012 at 04:46 AM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    That's far fetched... we've already known this to be true.
    Are you referring to the russian video or do you mean it sounds like it must be true - we have very few precedents for this kind of scenario. I don't agree that because he's been apprehended, this means his time is up. I think our culture has given him an incentive - why did he title the video "1 guy 1 icepick" - because he knew it would go viral. the environment we have suggested to this man that if he did what he did, he would get what he wanted.

    I think you're mistaken If you think keeping him out of jail would be what he wanted - people like this usually feel very little anxiety about being caught, that's part of why they do such strange things, lack of inhibition, inability to project themselves into the future or onto other people. For people like him this is the start, he has an identity now

    By the way I dont mean we shouldnt discuss the case, I'm just warning against watching/sharing the video (didnt make that clear)

    Also apologies for total lack of punctuation, too tedious on this device

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    All that's missing now is the head...


  29. #29
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    ^ Oh God, how sad am I that that actually made me laugh?

    [disclaimer: totally a rhetorical question, please don't bother to reply]

    His poor parents, indeed. And to be caught in the eye of such a media frenzy. It's even made the Belgian news.

  30. #30
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    I wouldn't even link this guy's sick ass with Broken. Starts off filming killing animals then moves on to human. What a sick narcisstic psychopath.

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