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Thread: What Are You Watching?

  1. #2941
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    The series finale of Salem was pretty damn rewarding, though there are still some unresolved stuff that will never see the light of day due to the show's cancellation. Marilyn Manson stole the show. He's getting better and better as an actor.

  2. #2942
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    I just rewatched The Craft for the first time in a decade, and it's still wonderful!

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  4. #2944
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    this movie was RIDICULOUS and i loved it.

    the gore was totally over-exaggerated, which worked perfectly
    it had a very 80s feel (i mean, it's a post-apocalyptic film set in 1997), especially in the music (which was the best part)
    michael ironside was such a great villain

    wish my wife could watch it, but there's way too much "eyeball stuff" in the realm of the gore, and she can't handle eyeballs

  5. #2945
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    Mr Robot (S1-2): So, this one sounded godawful on paper, but turned out pretty neat. I thought the mindfuckery will disappear in season 2, but Sam Esmail opted the other way, and made it even more wtf-like than the first. Tyler was definitely the highlight for me in season 1 and I am soooo glad Mr Robot is among the few series which can do something with the "useless ex-girlfriend/lover of the main character". Joanna is wicked hot, every scene with her is amazing, while fucking Craig Robinson scared the living shit out of me, despite seeing him for all those years in The Office. I have extremely high expectations from season 3. 8/10 because S2 got a bit dragged out the feeling of "is this real now??" got kinda annoying at certain points.

    Westworld - Pretty much the biggest TV hit of 2016, so everything that's good has been said about it. Should you watch it? Definitely. However, I have to mention how fucking idiotic the scenes with Maeve was. Shoutout to HBO that they could manage to make Westworld look like some B-category shitty movie at certain parts, that takes some deliberate effort. A fucking synthetic is talking to, blackmailing and violating the staff of this multi billion dollar company, but not a single eye-witness, not a single camera, not a single nothing. It's not a pet peeve, is straight out immersion breaking - if I wanted to watch FOX series, I'd watch FOX series, but I don't want to, so HBO, please... Anyway, 9/10 because this show is already a classic, and unlike with Mr Robot, there's only downhill from here. I can't see them repeating the quality of the first season, given how the story unfolded.

    The Crown - Hey, I liked The Tudors, Elizabeth I is my favorite monarch and despite wikipedia being a few clicks away, I always wondered what that old geezer Elizabeth II was back in the day, because she seemed pretty cool for an old lady. Well... Let's start with the good: Prince Philip is amazing, he is the highlight of this show; he is the reckless, cocky youth in an environment that got stucked in the Medieval Ages. Claire Foy is not only pretty, but her acting is without a doubt stellar. Seeing Churchill in a movie or series or documentary is pretty much a chore at this point, but still, after Philip, his scenes were the second best in the show, especially liked his story arc with his servant girl. That little story was more interesting and character building for me than the entire monarch fuckery in the show. Oh yeah, we've arrived to the baaaaad:
    - I don't care about Elizabeth's sister having a flaming vagina. Sure, it's kind of a documentary, so I am bound to see parts which do not interest me, but for fucks sake, that ogre and his bitch got 2 episodes out of the 10!!!! What??? I've seen soap operas do a less shameful job of portraying a stormy Romeo and Juliet like relationship.
    - "Your job is to remain silent" "The hardest thing to do? To remain silent.", etc. If not for Philip or Churchill saving the day, I would've dropped this show for good after being subjected to these deep sentences. I still don't know if the creators wanted me to think "hmm, damn, that's right, I thought being a monarch is to basically not do anything!" or "damn, that's stupid", but they did not do a good job if it was a latter. I was like, okay, I guess I could stand the idiocity of this hag for 2 seasons, right? Well, turns out she died in 2002.... I seriously hope they will cut back on her (talking about Elizabeth's mother, in case you are lost), because these meaningless bullshit drive me crazy.
    - All this time, I thought Elizabeth II was this badass, young lady who said "fuck you and your archaic traditions, I am gonna modernize this shit and be useful, not just sit around and be silent!!" but turns out, she was the exact opposite. I was sitting in front of my computer, and whenever she got scolded and moved around, I was like "you go girl, tell them good!!!!" but instead she just obeyed. The moment she got the crown (sorry, THE CROWN) on her head, she lost every individualism she had in her. That's why I love Philip, because they are in good contrast and he calls her out on it.

    Anyway, 6/10, not terrible by any means, and I understand many of its flaws is most likely based on historical accuracy, so it's not their fault that Elizabeth was as weak as she was. Kudos to the creators for the implied blowjob scene though, that actually surprised me, haha.


    The Hateful Eight - I have too much to say about it so I won't say anything. If you are among the people for whom the net 20 minutes of character development in Rogue One was insufficient, then here's a movie for you! 9,5/10 - beat out Inglorious Basterds for me as the best Tarantino movie. Havo to say, it's a shame Jennifer Jason Leigh did not get an Oscar, she did magic with Daisy.

    Django - I am on a roll with Tarantino; who knows, I might eventually get around to watch Pulp Fiction too! This movie is a clear-cut feelgood story. Siegfried and Brunhild, as Tarantino explains it to us through the Doctor. If you just want to see a hero saving the world and shooting everyone up, then it's Django for ya, with a silent D. The OST is most impressive - I am watching a black dude before the Civil War shooting everyone to death while there's a fucking rap song is blasting through by headphones. Some of the best scenes of this movie are like music videos.
    Probbaly the funniest Tarantino movie I've seen yet. That scene with the white hoodies, haha. It's a pity that the middle of the movie is a bit dragged out the first and last or it are really fun! 7,5/10.

  6. #2946
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post

    Westworld - Pretty much the biggest TV hit of 2016, so everything that's good has been said about it. Should you watch it? Definitely. However, I have to mention how fucking idiotic the scenes with Maeve was. Shoutout to HBO that they could manage to make Westworld look like some B-category shitty movie at certain parts, that takes some deliberate effort. A fucking synthetic is talking to, blackmailing and violating the staff of this multi billion dollar company, but not a single eye-witness, not a single camera, not a single nothing. It's not a pet peeve, is straight out immersion breaking - if I wanted to watch FOX series, I'd watch FOX series, but I don't want to, so HBO, please... Anyway, 9/10 because this show is already a classic, and unlike with Mr Robot, there's only downhill from here. I can't see them repeating the quality of the first season, given how the story unfolded.
    This is all explained if you pay close attention, it works a lot better on a 2nd viewing.

    Spoiler: Every aspect of that storyline was put in motion by Ford, who has absolute control of the park and staff. All of Maeves words and actions were scripted by Ford, it was a major thread in his new storyline. The whole thing was a decoy so he could free all of the hosts from cold storage. Also, she had another objective on the mainland but she finally made her first real decision and got off the train, so we don't know what that objective was.
    Last edited by Dream; 02-08-2017 at 06:39 AM.

  7. #2947
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dream View Post
    This is all explained if you pay close attention, it works a lot better on a 2nd viewing.

    Spoiler: Every aspect of that storyline was put in motion by Ford, who has absolute control of the park and staff. All of Maeves words and actions were scripted by Ford, it was a major thread in his new storyline. The whole thing was a decoy so he could free all of the hosts from cold storage. Also, she had another objective on the mainland but she finally made her first real decision and got off the train, so we don't know what that objective was.
    And none of the people who craved for any piece of information to blackmail Ford with, got a hint of any of this? None of the other workers got a glimpse of these things in a lab filled with see-through rooms, none of the big dogs had access to cameras (or there weren't any, which is just... ugh)?

    This was an extremely lazy way to present that plot machine, and revealing it was intentional does not make it look any better. The scenes itself were great if you suspended your disbelief, but for such a well-crafted show, it stood out like a sore thumb.

    Mr. Robot is a great example of how to drag along the audience on a lie and manage to make the revelation satisfying. This way very annoying to watch and the revelation did not make me say "OH, ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!".

  8. #2948
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    And none of the people who craved for any piece of information to blackmail Ford with, got a hint of any of this? None of the other workers got a glimpse of these things in a lab filled with see-through rooms, none of the big dogs had access to cameras (or there weren't any, which is just... ugh)?
    Spoiler: I could easily suspend by belief because Ford is a master manipulator and has complete control over everything, including all of the surveillance. This is illustrated when he gets Bernard to scrub all the evidence when he kills Theresa. Also, he could have ordered Sylvester and Felix to work on Mauve in an area where the events he programmed were less likely to be noticed. It wasn't the best execution, I agree it could have been done better and comes across as a bit silly on the first viewing but on my second watch I did notice a lot of small things which built up to make it seem more plausible.
    Last edited by Dream; 02-08-2017 at 09:06 AM.

  9. #2949
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    Curb Your Enthusiasm and Twin Peaks preparing for the new seasons of both.

  10. #2950
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    Between Stranger Things, Westworld, Black Mirror, Mr Robot, The Crown, Daredevil, Veep, OJ, Fleabag, Planet Earth II, House of Cards and those peerless last two episodes of Game of Thrones, this really was the year that TV surpassed cinema. Probably a bunch of stuff I'm missing too.

    Doesn't seem like a great time for comedy though, in either medium. Maybe that's just me.

  11. #2951
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    @Vertigo it seems like the past couple of years TV has surpassed cinema.

  12. #2952
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  13. #2953
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    I'm addicted to this. Sumptuous.

  14. #2954
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    What Are You Watching?

    i'm watching quite a bit of Disney lately!

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  15. #2955
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    La La Land - meh, it is ok. I can see why it is up for music and cinematography awards but really can't see what the fuss it about, but I don't like musicals apart from Moulin Rouge

    Fences - a bit of a let down for me, so dialogue heavy and almost like a straight play adaption. Denzil's character barely takes a breath in the first 20 minutes

  16. #2956
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    LEGION on FX. I watched the first episode the other night and I didn't think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. Interested to see where they go with this. Also there is a little Pink Floyd easter egg and the soundtrack was good too.

    Last edited by quietime; 02-12-2017 at 04:34 PM.

  17. #2957
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    John Wick Chapter 2 is awesome, every bit as good as the third one. Also watched Despicable Me 1 & 2 yesterday, enjoyed both of them. Gonna watch Minions on Netflix tonight.

  18. #2958
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    finally watched Barton Fink. my wife has been trying to get me to watch it for years. in general, i'm a Coen bros. fan, and this movie was particularly good. i had no expectations or knowledge going in other than some of the cast, so i really enjoyed the whole thing. unfortunately, when i think about it, my brain first goes to this:

    also, we re-watched First Contact because she somehow didn't remember watching it last year? still my favorite star trek film. it's just so damn good.

  19. #2959
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    The Lobster... quirky.... occasionally funny... occasionally disturbing... mostly pretentious bullshit.. but it has a certain charm to it. 2 hours investment of time...

  20. #2960
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    Tower, a documentary about the 1966 shooting at the University of Texas at Austin. I caught this on PBS last night.

    Usually, when I talk about movies, I will say "I like it for xyz reasons" or "I didn't care much for it for xyz reasons". I rarely recommend something. But this documentary is a MUST WATCH (yes, it needed to be written in all caps). It's a retelling of the shooting as it happened from the point of view of some of the victims and from the police officers involved. The name of the shooter is given only at the end and there is no reasons given as to why he did this because it's not his story that's being told; it's the story of the people who lived through it. It will leave you heartbroken and terrified and you will want to know more about it (and you should research it because there is a lot to say about the shooter). This movie will stay with me for a long time.

    This is the trailer

    The mix of animation and real life video and pictures works remarkably well. The whole documentary is on youtube but since I'm not sure if it's on there legally, I will not link to it. I don't know if PBS is going to air it again either. But if you have a chance to see it, catch it.

  21. #2961
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    "Girlfriend's Day" on Netflix. I would advise against watching the trailer and just watch the 65 minute movie. It stars Bob Odenkirk and Amber Tamblyn.

  22. #2962
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    Saw a really great horror film called ...The Witch.... from 2015.......about the first bunch of protestant English puritan immigrants to the new world
    its gained a bit of a i checked it out...

    I think its the best snapshot of early..colonial America...i think its set around the 1640s in New England...all the characters talk like Shakespeare.

    Really puts you in that time period..its about peoples faith in religion being destroyed by paranormal activities... very creepy too.

  23. #2963
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    i finally watched showgirls. it was so stupid. i loved it.

  24. #2964
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    Not sure where to put this... I was watching 2-hour documentary (source: about amazing Slovak musician Marek Brezovský, who unfortunately passed away only 20 years old in 1994. And at the end of the movie was this amazing animation:

  25. #2965
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    The Librarians - tv show

    it was preceded by three tv movies. the first one was great, the second one was completely meh, and the third one was AWESOME (and directed by jonathan frakes). each episode of the show feels like a short movie, and is so much fun. glad my wife and i have something to watch that isn't so upsetting.

    gonna check out leverage on my own, probably, since it has a lot of connections (both behind the scenes and within the world of the show) to the librarians.

  26. #2966
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    The Librarians - tv show

    it was preceded by three tv movies. the first one was great, the second one was completely meh, and the third one was AWESOME (and directed by jonathan frakes). each episode of the show feels like a short movie, and is so much fun. glad my wife and i have something to watch that isn't so upsetting.

    gonna check out leverage on my own, probably, since it has a lot of connections (both behind the scenes and within the world of the show) to the librarians.
    My mom loves that show and recommends it. Glad to see someone else has heard of it also haha. (The Librarians is what I'm talking about.)

  27. #2967
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    My mom loves that show and recommends it. Glad to see someone else has heard of it also haha. (The Librarians is what I'm talking about.)
    it's like a cross between warehouse 13 and the national treasure movies. john laroquette is fucking hilarious on it, and rebecca romijn is great. and i've loved christian kane since he was on angel, so it's fun to see him still doing stuff.

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    "I have a use for you."

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  30. #2970
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    Girl on a train - terrible. No really, the more I think about it, terrible.

    Victoria on Masterpiece - love it. Dumb American always knew that there was some great love story between her and Albert. This just dramatizes it for us visual types.

    Working on a NetFlix doc: Shadow of Truth.

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