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Thread: The Muthafuckin' Sports Thread!

  1. #121
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    I'm not looking to two weeks of NY/BOS media coverage for the Super Bowl. Time to have the "Eli is elite" dildo shoved down our throats for 14 days...
    Last edited by Canuckle; 01-23-2012 at 10:41 AM. Reason: It's going to feel like three weeks

  2. #122
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    YKWYA - what did I promise you if The Pat's went all the way?

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  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    All this is really proving is that talking a big game doesn't mean shit. Look at both Coughlin and Billy B. They use an old school approach to the game, strict play callers, NO BS guys, they don't play to anyone but themselves, they're all business. Sean Payton, Mike Tomlin, Tony Dungy, Mike McCarthy, Coughlin, Belichick, all these guys are play callers and plain football coaches, they've also won Super Bowls. Now you have guys like the Harbaughs, Jim Schwartz, and Rex Ryan who are all talk, guys that pride themselves more on talking than coaching. They have good seasons, but can't win big ones, they have teams who are not disciplined and it shows in big games. They get outmatched and out played, and we saw perfect examples of that today. I don't like the hoodie at all, but I would rather be coached by his approach, a master of the game rather than some guy who just talks and makes the players do all the work. There are more new school coaches in the game, but the elder approach is working best, always has.
    Eh, what the fuck are you talking about? Jim Harbaugh turned a 6-10 into a 13-3 team with virtually the same players from the aforementioned 6-10 team. Further, he took them within moments of the Superbowl. Hell, he's likely to be coach of the year and deserves it: Unlike Ryan, etc., he didn't talk or make guarantees; he won. Did you even see the play-off game in which the 49ers beat the Saints? Hell, they went to-to-toe with the likely eventual Superbowl champs who completely dismantled a supposedly unbeatable Green Bay team on their home-turf. The Giants are no joke; but, neither are the 49ers. Also, you mention "old school football?" Uh, that's what the 49ers are now known for playing: Rugged defense, special teams and running the ball (did you not see Manning get sacked 6 times or a running back get so hard that his mouthpiece went flying?). Save for two bone-head plays by the same player, that team is in the Superbowl; coaching had nothing to do with those mistakes. For fuck's sake, the 49ers were down to 2 wide-receivers and only one real receiving threat (Davis) who showed up and caught the team's only two touchdowns. Despite that loss, the future looks bright for the 49ers: They are one of the youngest teams in the league, they will have another year with the same coaching staff, their quarterback is clearly improving and there will be organizational continuity for the first time in a decade. So, for people (like you) who try to find some random reason to hate the 49ers, too bad: They are going to be in the Superbowl mix for the foreseeable future.

  5. #125
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    No they won't. They have all the looks of a flash in the pan team. Most of their big defensive players are on the wrong side of thirty, and you honestly think this team who's best offensive player is their tight end is going to be a force? Alex Smith had a passable season, but you're crazy if you think a guy who only passed for 17 TD's this year is a bonafide leader. Sure Frank Gore can run the ball, but you're going to need more. And don't give me excuses about their two wide receiver set. None of those WR's are worth mentioning and they could be interchangeable. People fall in love with teams like this all the time, it's like the Bears last year, and Arizona recently. Those Kyle Williams mistakes have plenty to do with coaching. Williams should have known to either fall on the ball the first time or not make contact, furthermore, Harbaugh should have had someone else return after that first mistake.

    Talk all they want about how they came "so close", they didn't get it done, and they had plenty of chances considering the mistakes of NY's secondary, and the fact that Eli Manning played an average game. Harbaugh and his brother are in the same group of coaches with Rex Ryan and Jim Schwartz, sure they want to show off how tough their teams are and how they'll play smash mouth football, but you can't be the player's friend, you have to be a leader, and a coach. I know you're probably bent out of shape since you're making fanboy excuses for San Fran, it's understandable, but as someone who looks at it as a whole, you need to realize that the new school approach to coaching isn't exactly a winning formula in the post season. The only guy who comes close is Mike Tomlin, and even then that's a guy who uses the same approach John Gruden (who he studied under) to win, which is a very no BS, strict way of play calling, not "mental toughness".

    Quote Originally Posted by YKWYA View Post
    I love the Hoodie. I think his approach is one of the greatest in all of sports. Especially his ability to take on 'problem' players. 6 or 7 Superbowls - winning 5. 7 odd Championship Games. 16 - 0. He is one hell of a coach.

    Looks like Coughlin is going to be around for a while. I was listening to the radio, at the beginning of the season and some of the callers were talking 'fire Coughlin, get rid of Eli' etc etc. Now they go through the Falcons, Packers and 49ers. Its annoying that when they are on it, they can beat anyone, but when they have their off days - its bad.

    If the Giants beat the Patriots (which I dont think they will this time) wont they have the worst record (9-7) for a Supberbowl winning team since they won it in 2007 (10 -6 ) and the Packers last year?
    Hoodie is a hell of a coach, I may not like the Pats, but I respect him and he's the opposite of a guy like Ryan or the Harbaughs in that he doesn't put himself on the front line, he's secretive, hell, he doesn't even let information about his contract leak. He shows little emotion, he doesn't have to say anything, he calls the plays and players respect him because he's smart and knows how to utilize them.

    Coughlin is almost the same way, he shows some emotion though, but he's a play caller, makes adjustments, and calls plays accordingly.

    And to answer your question, it looks as if the Giants do win, they would indeed have the worst record for a SB winning team at 9-7.
    Last edited by Kid Charlemagne; 01-23-2012 at 01:44 PM.

  6. #126
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    I was watching the Pats v Ravens game yesterday with my boyfriend, and I could NOT get the idea out of my head that Tom Brady is the spitting image of a more attractive Dexter Morgan. It's a little weird. Does anyone else get this?... Or am I just weird?

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Hoodie is a hell of a coach, I may not like the Pats, but I respect him and he's the opposite of a guy like Ryan or the Harbaughs in that he doesn't put himself on the front line, he's secretive, hell, he doesn't even let information about his contract leak. He shows little emotion, he doesn't have to say anything, he calls the plays and players respect him because he's smart and knows how to utilize them.
    Im new to the NFL, but I must admit, that kind of professional execution in NE is incredible to me.

    Im relatively new to the NFL. I downloaded the Americas Game series, watched all of it, and went from there. And wow, what a match up the Bellichick/Coughlin game is - all derived from Parcells. Awesome stuff.

    New England are going to win. Of course.

  8. #128
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    Bill Parcells' coaching tree is nuts. Per Wikipedia, this is what it looks like:
    As of 2011, former Parcells assistants who are currently head coaches in either the NFL or the college ranks include:

    In addition, former Parcells assistants who previously served as NFL or College head coaches include:

    That's a shit ton of wins between all of them. I'm always sort of amazed at Coughlin, homeboy always saves his job just when it looks like he's about to get canned. Dude won the Super Bowl only four years ago and up until October, looked like he was going to be out, then bam he's safe for at least another two years. I love New York, even as a Cowboys fan, there's part of me that has always had a soft spot for the Giants, even when they had Kerry Collins back in Super Bowl XXXV. Blame it on the fact that I live in TX and I see a shit ton of NFC East games, the Giants always had games on here and always underachieved, like myself. It's a weird attachment to them, but I'll always root for them when they aren't playing the boys with the Star.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    the Giants always had games on here and always underachieved, like myself. It's a weird attachment to them, but I'll always root for them when they aren't playing the boys with the Star.
    I feel the same. I really do. I bought 4 shirts this season = 2 patriots shirts. 1 NY and one Steelers (my brother loves them). To be honest, I have to apologise, after what I know now, for the years I did not treat the NFL with the respect it deserves. The thing that gets me ( as an English football fan) is the respect you all have for the GAME rather than the horrible tribal stuff that afflicts the European soccer game.
    Last edited by YKWYA; 01-24-2012 at 04:17 AM.

  10. #130
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    Believe me, there are some bad fans out there. Just look at the Twitter and Facebook pages for Kyle Williams and Billy Cundiff, it's littered with with hooligans threatening people's lives all because of a mistake that cost their team any shot at winning. Growing up in South Texas, you're made to love football or at least respect it. I only played for one game in high school, but I've been watching the sport since I was in diapers, so along with watching plenty of Cowboys game each passing year, I try to keep a wide view of the league as a whole. There's teams I loathe (Steelers, Redskins, and Vikings), but that's with anything. Hence I guess why I like the Giants and Jets despite me not having anything to do with New York at all. I'm pretty much obsessed with the NFL and honestly don't know how I would have lived had the season been locked out.

  11. #131
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    Tim Thomas is a tool.

    Tim Thomas declines to attend White House ceremony

    Quote Originally Posted by ''Timmy 'No-it's not political Thomas"
    "I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People. This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government. Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL."
    I'm truly disappointed. It'd be one thing if he was an individual athlete and won the US Open or something and flipped the President the bird not showing up, but YOU'RE ON A FUCKING TEAM. The rest of the team showed up, suck it up, and stand in the back. If it was me, and Richard Nixon was fucking president I'd still show up with my team. What a douche truck.

    I'm going to go with it's because he's from east patookah Michigan (no offense allergo) cause I don't see a Vermont Catamount doing this.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Believe me, there are some bad fans out there. Just look at the Twitter and Facebook pages for Kyle Williams and Billy Cundiff, it's littered with with hooligans threatening people's lives all because of a mistake that cost their team any shot at winning. Growing up in South Texas, you're made to love football or at least respect it. I only played for one game in high school, but I've been watching the sport since I was in diapers, so along with watching plenty of Cowboys game each passing year, I try to keep a wide view of the league as a whole. There's teams I loathe (Steelers, Redskins, and Vikings), but that's with anything. Hence I guess why I like the Giants and Jets despite me not having anything to do with New York at all. I'm pretty much obsessed with the NFL and honestly don't know how I would have lived had the season been locked out.
    I have to say, I think Jimmy Johnson was a genius with the 90's Cowboys, and I admire them a lot. Aikman was awesome. Not so sure about Jones though. He needs to be removed from the GM role in my opinion.

    Why do you loathe the Steelers, though? Im interested from an outsiders point of view. I see Noll, and Bradshaw, Greene, Blount, etc. And now the 2000 team?

    I am a New England fan though. I love Bellichick, and Brady and their work ethic. I also plan on moving there in the next few years. I have to get to New England. But thats another story.

    What do you think of the Colts situation? To me, it seems pretty arrogant of Irsay to dismiss everyone who made the organisation what it is 'today'. Polians, any connection to Dungy, Saturday looking at retiring, and all of the decisions made without sitting down with Manning? And it all seems to be because they think they are going to pick up Luck and be off to the Superbowl again? Is it just me, or am I missing how many other teams came off of a Great Quaterback/Coach, picked 1st and went straight into another championship era? Some did it by sitting a Quaterback behind the Starter in the existing system, but the Colts?

    What I mean about the fans though is this kind of stuff:

    European Football/Soccer 'fans' are ugly. Real ugly at times. Outside the stadium and inside.

    Im also thinking about getting into MLB now the NFL is winding down. Ive watched a few videos so far, but wondered if anyone had any pointers? The Franchise got me into Tim Lincecum and the SF Giants? Boston Red Sox would be an easy choice, but Im just looking forward into discovering something else new.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Tim Thomas is a tool.

    Tim Thomas declines to attend White House ceremony

    I'm truly disappointed. It'd be one thing if he was an individual athlete and won the US Open or something and flipped the President the bird not showing up, but YOU'RE ON A FUCKING TEAM.
    I saw that, and I agree. I cant seem to get into NHL, but in any TEAM sport that's a bullshit move.
    Last edited by YKWYA; 01-25-2012 at 04:53 PM.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by YKWYA View Post
    I have to say, I think Jimmy Johnson was a genius with the 90's Cowboys, and I admire them a lot. Aikman was awesome. Not so sure about Jones though. He needs to be removed from the GM role in my opinion.

    Why do you loathe the Steelers, though? Im interested from an outsiders point of view. I see Noll, and Bradshaw, Greene, Blount, etc. And now the 2000 team?

    I am a New England fan though. I love Bellichick, and Brady and their work ethic. I also plan on moving there in the next few years. I have to get to New England. But thats another story.

    What do you think of the Colts situation? To me, it seems pretty arrogant of Irsay to dismiss everyone who made the organisation what it is 'today'. Polians, any connection to Dungy, Saturday looking at retiring, and all of the decisions made without sitting down with Manning? And it all seems to be because they think they are going to pick up Luck and be off to the Superbowl again? Is it just me, or am I missing how many other teams came off of a Great Quaterback/Coach, picked 1st and went straight into another championship era? Some did it by sitting a Quaterback behind the Starter in the existing system, but the Colts?

    What I mean about the fans though is this kind of stuff:

    European Football/Soccer 'fans' are ugly. Real ugly at times. Outside the stadium and inside.

    Im also thinking about getting into MLB now the NFL is winding down. Ive watched a few videos so far, but wondered if anyone had any pointers? The Franchise got me into Tim Lincecum and the SF Giants? Boston Red Sox would be an easy choice, but Im just looking forward into discovering something else new.....

    I saw that, and I agree. I cant seem to get into NHL, but in any TEAM sport that's a bullshit move.
    You're quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite posters. Seriously.

    As far as the Cowboys go. They have Herschel Walker to thank. That trade brought in a handful of that talent that led the boys to three Super Bowls. Jimmy Johnson was a hell of a coach and Jerry Jones almost looks like a genius in hindsight. Then again, it was the 90's, no salary cap and JJ could go out and afford whoever the fuck he wanted which helped. He took a chance on players that other teams saw as poisonous and it worked. You had leaders like Smith, Aikman, and Irvin who could get the squad going when it counted. I can go on and on about the Cowboys teams of the 90's, so I'll stop before I get into how that offensive line was 10 years ahead of its time.

    Regarding the Steelers, the Cowboys and Steelers used to have a huge rivalry in the 70's both racking up multiple Super Bowls, both teams claim to be America's Team, and there's never any loveloss. Though I must say there was a point in the early 00's where I kind of tooted for them, back when Kordell Stewart and Tommy Maddox were trading snaps, hell I even liked Roethilisberger when he came in the league before he established himself as a Sandusky figure of legal females. Not liking the Steelers as a Cowboys fan is the same for not liking the 49er's or Packers but those respective teams and their fans see themselves as hot shit and the team that defines the NFL.

    As far as the Colts go, it's getting messy. I'm in the camp that thinks Andrew Luck is the best QB prospect since Manning, but they just need to come out and say "we're taking Luck, this is what we're going for in the future". They've already gotten rid of their coaching staff and front office, so clearly they want to go out in a different direction, but have all but said it. It's a shame too because Peyton Manning was the best QB I watched. Brady has the wind sure and he'll go down as the GOAT, but the way Peyton played, he made it look like an art form and could change the play and confuse the defenders. He had some of the best mechanics of any athlete I've seen and not watching him this year was a loss for me because I honestly enjoyed watching Peyton pick apart teams and add to a legacy that is as clean as anything in this world of dirty tricks and such. Ideally they should pick Luck and have him sit at least a year behind Peyton, even Aaron Rodgers waited three years behind Brett Favre before he got his shot. Then again, Peyton Manning was a starter right away, as was Troy Aikman and in a way Ben Roethilisberger and Cam Newton. Like I said though Luck is almost a sure thing, he's a guy who would've been #1 last year, went back to school, and is still a #1 pick. Ask Jake Locker and Matt Leinart how staying an extra year worked out for them.

    I see your points about Euro Soccer fans, there aren't many riots in the states as far as teams go, last big one I remember was the Lakers winning the 2000 NBA Finals, but that was it. I don't think American fans go to those extremes, I'd like to think they're more bark than bite honestly.

    As far as an MLB team, as long as it's not the Yankees. Dra and I are Red Sox fans (she actually is from the area, while I became a fan because my dad bought me a Sox jersey when I was nine, it was a Mo Vaughn jersey). I also like Philadelphia too. Loved those guys when they had Lenny "brokeass" Dykstra and glad that they have Jim Thome back since I can pull out my old Thome Phillies jersey I used to rock in middle and high school. One team that's on the rise is Detroit, I can see them winning a World Series or two now with Prince Fielder and the fact that they have the best pitcher in the world with Justin Verlander, I love that kid, watching him pitch games is like watching Peyton Manning on the field going to town on defenders. The Giants are alright I guess. I do love Lincecum, kid's a beast and if he had some bats, he would win more games.

  14. #134
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    Okay this Colts- Manning Thing is Pissing me off. There is ONE I repeat ONE Reasonable football move to make here. The 28 million doesn't matter and the loyalty doesn't matter. There's only one thing to do. You have to cut Payton loose and rebuild. The reality is that this team can't win a super bowl in the next three years even if they have the greatest quarterback of all time leading them. That team was crappy even before they got old. Now they're both and they act like Payton coming back will solve everything. It'll solve them having a losing record, but they'll still be 9-7. How does that help? And he'll get no help because they have to draft Luck with the first pick. If you bring him back the team still sucks. Therefore you have no choice but to move on and draft Luck(who looks like a bigger Aaron Rodgers). Because there is nothing left for Manning to come back to. His days are over there, and a couple of 9-7 seasons while standing in Luck's way won't help his life or his career.

  15. #135
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    Manning also needs to worry about his health. He's got all the money in the world and will gain a nice income from whatever he does, whether he becomes a commentator, pitchman, whatever. It's a pride thing at this point, but a guy with three neck surgeries in 19 months has to worry about if he takes another big shot that could prevent him from walking again. I think he needs to retire maybe, like you said with him, they're a 9-7 team, and he's on his way out anyway.

  16. #136
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    I totally agree with you on his health, but that's the part that I don't think he'll ever agree with. Players get to be great by thinking they are great. And I doubt Peyton can really grasp that his life's health is in danger because he's spent the last 30 years convincing himself he's invincible. That's why they need to just cut him loose. He's not going to quit. That's why They can do the best by him and by themselves by just moving on.

  17. #137
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    This is sort of off topic from Manning, but I was listening to the radio the past two days and it looks as if there's a conspiracy against Tim Tebow from playing in the Pro-Bowl. As it stands, your QB's for the AFC are Ben Roethilisberger, Philip Rivers, and Andrew Dalton subbing for Tom Brady. Now Big Ben has had nagging injuries and if he sits out, chances are the next alternate would be Tebow, but there have been reports of players lobbying for Ben to stay in the game because they don't want Tebow passing to them and some just don't like how the season has revolved around him. To me it makes sense, obviously towards the end of the season Ben wasn't 100% and int he wild card game it was apparent he wasn't right because he was hardly getting out of the pocket. So one would think since he's not healthy and hasn't been for the majority of the year that he should sit out a meaningless game.

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    big Ayrshire derby tomorrow, most of you, infact probably all of you won't know what that is or even care but it's Kilmarnock v Ayr utd in the Scottish communities cup semi final, first game between the teams to ever be played outside a home stadium, need to get up early for this one to travel up to Glasgow in plenty of time for a few drinks before heading to hampden for the big game, should be a great day out and hopefully a win for the killie

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    No they won't. They have all the looks of a flash in the pan team. Most of their big defensive players are on the wrong side of thirty, and you honestly think this team who's best offensive player is their tight end is going to be a force? Alex Smith had a passable season, but you're crazy if you think a guy who only passed for 17 TD's this year is a bonafide leader. Sure Frank Gore can run the ball, but you're going to need more. And don't give me excuses about their two wide receiver set. None of those WR's are worth mentioning and they could be interchangeable. People fall in love with teams like this all the time, it's like the Bears last year, and Arizona recently. Those Kyle Williams mistakes have plenty to do with coaching. Williams should have known to either fall on the ball the first time or not make contact, furthermore, Harbaugh should have had someone else return after that first mistake.

    Talk all they want about how they came "so close", they didn't get it done, and they had plenty of chances considering the mistakes of NY's secondary, and the fact that Eli Manning played an average game. Harbaugh and his brother are in the same group of coaches with Rex Ryan and Jim Schwartz, sure they want to show off how tough their teams are and how they'll play smash mouth football, but you can't be the player's friend, you have to be a leader, and a coach. I know you're probably bent out of shape since you're making fanboy excuses for San Fran, it's understandable, but as someone who looks at it as a whole, you need to realize that the new school approach to coaching isn't exactly a winning formula in the post season. The only guy who comes close is Mike Tomlin, and even then that's a guy who uses the same approach John Gruden (who he studied under) to win, which is a very no BS, strict way of play calling, not "mental toughness".

    Hoodie is a hell of a coach, I may not like the Pats, but I respect him and he's the opposite of a guy like Ryan or the Harbaughs in that he doesn't put himself on the front line, he's secretive, hell, he doesn't even let information about his contract leak. He shows little emotion, he doesn't have to say anything, he calls the plays and players respect him because he's smart and knows how to utilize them.

    Coughlin is almost the same way, he shows some emotion though, but he's a play caller, makes adjustments, and calls plays accordingly.

    And to answer your question, it looks as if the Giants do win, they would indeed have the worst record for a SB winning team at 9-7.
    Uh, yes, they will. It's an amazing group with a core of young players (aside from Justin Smith, most are in their early 20's, check your facts). Also, I love when people use the "fan-boy" excuse for their attack on another person's opinion. I failed to check your state of origin and YOUR fan-boy reaction as a Cowboy fan now makes sense. Of course the Niners will always fail in your biased Texan opinion. Talk about teams on the way down: The Cowboys had their chance and have failed due to their idiot owner doing his best Al Davis impersonation, not to mention a choker of an over-hyped qb. Also, saying that a lack of receiver is no excuse for lack of offense is pretty weak, like much of your post. Stop coming off like the NFL guru, Mel Kiper Jr., because you are clearly not that. As for the Superbowl, one team is old school--NY. New England is far from it: They are like the run-and-shoot Lions of the Wayne Fontes era. They have a pass-only offense with running as an after-thought and they are LAST in defense. That's pathetic and will get them beat: They are the AFC equivalent of the Packers and we already saw how the Giants did them. Brady will be lucky to make it through the game, with that pass rush ignoring their useless run game and making a b-line for the qb. This could get ugly.

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    I'd like to say the Daytona 24hr is going on right now. I am a racing nut. And I know this post will sink without a trace.

    As you were.

  21. #141
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    Carlos Rogers, Madieu Williams, and Takeo Spikes are all in their 30's, those three had as big as an impact as anyone on their defense. I don't even care what you think about the Cowboys either. I picked them to be dead last in their division this season and they finished 8-8 and could've made the playoffs had there been some defensive stops in about five games. Romo had nothing to do with their poor play you fucking idiot, from weeks 5 through 14, he had the best QB rating in the league. Yeah, you're probably still pissed your team lost who cares, now you're bringing up play from a team that didn't make the playoffs, man, you're really convincing. I bet you probably read a newspaper before you typed out that whole post bro. And as for New England playing like Green Bay? Are you forgetting that that their head coach isn't Mike McCarthy and is one of the best in game adjustment play callers of all time? You're an idiot for thinking New York is just going to blow them out.

  22. #142
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    Grantland's Souperbowl may be the greatest use of the NFL off week ever!

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    Is it just me or does the recent photo on the Giants FB page say 'faggots and that dudes knee'? Even after they posted that they were XLVI winners on their official page a couple of days ago?

    Surely someone checks these?
    Last edited by YKWYA; 02-05-2012 at 07:22 AM.

  24. #144
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    Go Patriots!

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Go Patriots!
    Indeed! I think they will get this one done.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Go fuck yourselves, Patriots!
    Hear, hear!

    Quote Originally Posted by YKWYA View Post

    Is it just me or does the recent photo on the Giants FB page say 'faggots and that dudes knee'? Even after they posted that they were XLVI winners on their official page a couple of days ago?

    Surely someone checks these?
    It was tagged by a "fan," not the team. I tried reporting it, but you can only report the picture itself, and without comment. Oh well.
    Last edited by theimage13; 02-05-2012 at 09:16 AM.

  27. #147
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    I have a feeling the Kitty Halftime show on Puppy Bowl 8 will be better than Madonna's whatever today lol. Anyways I usually don't give a shit about anything that involves NY and Boston cuz its overrated shit but this was an excellent game a few years ago and I expect a good matchup today. So I'll be rooting for the New Jersey Giants I suppose though in reality to me it doesn't matter who wins this just hope for a good nice flowing game. Hope there are some cool commercials. Btw looks like Clam Chowder will win the Grantland Souper Bowl lol.

    Btw here are some of the odd bets for todays Superbowl:
    • Will the National Anthem be Over or Under 1 minute, 34 seconds?

    • What will Kelly Clarkson wear to sing the National Anthem - Colts Jersey (7/1), Giants Jersey (15/1), Patriots Jersey (15/1), NFL shirt (2/1) or Anything else (1/3)?

    • Will Kelly Clarkson forget or omit at least 1 word of the official US National Anthem - Yes (2.5/1)?

    • What color will Madonna's hair be when she begins the Super Bowl Halftime show - Blonde (1/4), Any other color (2.5/1)?

    • Will Madonna be wearing fishnet stockings at any point during the Halftime show - Yes (1/1), No (1/1)?

    • What will Madonna be using to start the Super Bowl Halftime show - Headset (1/3), Handheld Microphone (2/1)?

    • How many times will David Tyree's 2008 Super Bowl catch be shown on TV during the game - More Than 1.5 or Less Than 1.5?

    • If Tom Brady's son is shown on TV during the game, will he be wearing a Tom Brady jersey - Yes (1/2), No (1/1)?
    • What color will the Gatorade (or liquid) be that is dumped on the head coach of the winning Super Bowl Team - Clear/Water (3/2), Orange (5/2), Yellow (5/2), Red (13/2), Green (15/2), Blue (10/1)?

    • Who will the Super Bowl MVP of the game thank first - Teammates (5/4), Coach (12/1), Family (15/2), God (4/1), Owner (5/1) or Does Not Thank Anyone (5/2)?

    • Will Kelly Clarkson's bare belly be showing when she sings the National Anthem - Yes (3/1)?

    • How many times will Giselle Bundchen be shown on TV during the game - More than .5 (1/2) or Less Than .5 (1.2/1)?
    Along with how many times they'll show Peyton Manning/Mannings . Prediction Well um Giants 24 New England 21.

  28. #148
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    104 Post(s) do they show someone .5 times? Is that similar to digging half a hole?

  29. #149
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    • If Tom Brady's son is shown on TV during the game, will he be wearing a Tom Brady jersey - Yes (1/2), No (1/1)?
    On Patriots Today, he said his kids were at home.

    Its either going to be Brady throwing 6 touchdown passes, or its going to be close like against the Ravens.

    And forgive me for hoping that the Football Gods, look at the fact that the Giants are 9-7 and if they win, they will have set the record for the team with the worst record ever to win the Superbowl. After setting that last time after beating the 18-0 Patriots while at 10-6. It could also have been very different had Romo not botched a few passes in that final showdown a couple of weeks ago.
    Last edited by YKWYA; 02-05-2012 at 04:52 PM.

  30. #150
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