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Thread: Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

  1. #331
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    Its a shame that so often human beings find themselves going over the motions just to make money, the only way they know how. Their 'career' a slow descent into retirement. Maybe we should quit while we are ahead.
    Last edited by YKWYA; 02-26-2012 at 06:13 PM.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Really? Really? Thought it was terrible. Tired, uninterested. Crawling around out of breath. Fuckssakes. I won't lie that the morons chanting Slipknot should be drawn and quartered on the grounds of sheer stupidity but honestly...fuckssakes.
    whilst I'm still looking forwards to seeing Manson again if he ever decides to announce the UK tour dates...I gotta say that I agree, this video certainly puts the "performance" under a very bad light

    it's almost like he just can't be bothered/doesn't want to be there...still excitted for the album though.

    maybe we're all expecting a bit much out of a middle aged drug-addict? especially with all the hype about the new album going back to anti-christ days...i still have very fond memories of seeing him back in the day, when the shows were very theatrical, very would be quite mad to assume that we'll ever see shows like that again?

  3. #333
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    He definitely looks/sounds very exhausted in that Beautiful People clip, but I think he sounds awesome in the Antichrist Superstar/Disposable Teens clips. So I guess he just kind of gets burnt out halfway through the set, which is a shame.

  4. #334
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    Maybe they were chanting for slipknot because they were wanting a real show?

  5. #335
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    When I saw that Manson preformance of The Beautiful People above, from the soundwave festival, I too didn't think it was bad at all...

    Then out of curiosity I decided to youtube other live Beautiful People preformances...

    This is the first one the popped up:

    And after watching that, I can now safely agree, that 2012 live beautiful people from Australia is TERRIBLE! Absolutly fucking terrible.
    Everyone hating on him for having no energy, being bored and not giving a shit about the lyrics or the preformance are 100% right, sorry to say but everyone is right, he just isn't the same anymore and he knows it. His band fell apart, nobody gives 2 shits about his new music, they just want to hear the old stuff, and he can't even do that right. Some bands are better as studio bands, others are better in Live form... for Manson, I think he should just stick to recording music and knock off touring, he really does suck live now.

  6. #336
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    I'm sorry to bring him into yet another conversation on ETS, but it is kind of interesting to me how similar, in some ways, Manson is to Trent, in terms of energy. Trent got older and cut out all the destructive/insane stuff he did on his earlier tours, and he's not running or jumping around the stage as much as he used to. It's understandable because he's getting older and, well, you just can't be running around and acting like a crazy person in your 50s without throwing your back out (ok...for most people). He still puts on a hell of a show, though, and it totally fits (or fit) what NIN was about when they were touring the last few years.

    So I suppose you could give Manson a little bit of the benefit of the doubt in the same way and say maybe he doesn't have as much energy as in his youth. But his concerts are spectacularly short- browsing through previous set lists, it seems he gets an allergic reaction if he plays more than 15 songs. And slowing down doesn't account for giving the attitude that you don't really give a shit anymore, which seems to be the popular consensus. Much like the complaint that he hasn't outgrown his silly "oh look at how dark and scary I am" schtick and matured over the past decade and a half, I think clearly showing that he's just going through the motions just adds to the idea that he's irrelevant and washed up now.

    That all being said, all this Manson discussion makes me want to dust off ACSS and give it another spin. I actually listened to it for the first time in years a few months back and was pleasantly surprised to find that I still really liked it.

  7. #337
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    he is just too old for it considering the damage he has done to his body. I like manson, but I cannot ignore the shit performance. As an artist you have a responsibility to your fans who pay to go to your show to give it all and be on your top game.

  8. #338
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    He's been on a steady decline in quality for shows since 2005. Ever since the Against All Gods Tour, he seems to lack certain vital, key components that made shows pack a punch. Theatrics only do so much....who knows what the rest of this tour has in store, outside of this festival stint, for theatrics?

    As for the performances at hand, the band sounds good and tight. Manson on the other hand is rusty, lacking and extremely...sub-par in execution. Some songs he's always played live better than others. Can't deny that. The Beautiful People never sounded that great to me live, the last times I recall it sounding worthy is 2001.

  9. #339
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    "Marilyn Manson were awesome! They should fire the singer, he sucks!"

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by jezstyle View Post
    "Marilyn Manson were awesome! They should fire the singer, he sucks!"
    I read that a page or two back and it made me laugh.

  11. #341
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    I'm probably more disappointed in it since a) I half expected it of course, but b) seeing that video posted for the song 'ACSS' where it actually looked like he had some fire making me think 'ok ok, we'll see how it goes.'...

  12. #342
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    i'm not sure about the 'doesn't give a shit' thing actually. i think the biggest problem is that his voice is fucking ruined. whether it's from all the screaming over the years or drinking too much fucking absinthe. his voice holds absolutely no emotion

    he probably needs to get back to basics. get come voice training/coaching, and try to adapt the way the songs are sung to suit the range he has now.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiskum View Post
    i'm not sure about the 'doesn't give a shit' thing actually. i think the biggest problem is that his voice is fucking ruined. whether it's from all the screaming over the years or drinking too much fucking absinthe. his voice holds absolutely no emotion

    he probably needs to get back to basics. get come voice training/coaching, and try to adapt the way the songs are sung to suit the range he has now.
    Bullshit. Click the ACSS Twitvid link I posted a few pages back. His voice sounds way better than it has in years.

    The sole problem is his lack of enthusiasm and addictions. He still has potential to be great, but as long as he doesn't give a shit or try hard enough, he won't be. He still has a chance though, but I don't see it being a possibility.

  14. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Bullshit. Click the ACSS Twitvid link I posted a few pages back. His voice sounds way better than it has in years.

    The sole problem is his lack of enthusiasm and addictions. He still has potential to be great, but as long as he doesn't give a shit or try hard enough, he won't be. He still has a chance though, but I don't see it being a possibility.
    yeah i saw it. his vocals were a definite improvement, at least from 2009. but it wasn't that great.
    ACSS is mostly screaming and his screams seem to sound okay. but listen to the 'singing' parts and he sounds monotone and flat.

  15. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiskum View Post
    but listen to the 'singing' parts and he sounds monotone and flat.
    I'm with you there, but I think that his sub-par vocals on some parts still stem from his lack of enthusiasm/sobriety.

  16. #346
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    personally, i don't care if he sings off key, forgets lyrics etc...he's made a career out of not being able to sing...but there's a big difference between having a poor "singing" voice, and just plain "can't be arsed"ness...that beautiful people vid is pretty awful tbh...

    i'm a massive Manson fan and i've been to basically every uk show (missed download...luckily)...I know what to expect from a Manson show, I know that his live vocals are no where near what's portrayed on the record...and I don't care...because he usually get's the crowd going, put on a great show and has plenty more going for him than just being able to sing...

    but if this is anything to go by, it does just look like he's lost the appetite/energy to pull it off now. it's a real shame...if you go back even to Holy Wood days, the shows were epic. I remember seeing him at reading festival, walking round on stilts for the nobodies...i remember seeing him on the 100ft tall podium...but from all his past shows, what I remember most is the way that he doesn't just get up, sing a song or two then go...he used to always bring so much enthusiasm, so much "performance" to his live could see in his face the emotions going through him while he sang, you could see that he was loving every second of doing what he does, and you could feel a sort of connection, that he made you feel understood, and that for one night you got to witness a living legend at work and be part of an amazing experience...

    i'm sorry but that BP video...he's basically just "talking" some of the lyrics, there's no enthusiasm...and the only reason he's holding the mic out to the crowd so much is cos he's either too fucked from drink/drugs, too shattered from the rest of the performance, or just plain can't be bothered and doesn't want to be there...I really hope it's the 2nd reason...but I actually doubt it

    sad times...

  17. #347
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    I've never seen him live before, but that video (judging by the fireworks and pyrotechnics) makes it seem like it's either the finale of the first half or after the encore, and he probably was exhausted and wanted his fans to sing along

    Of course not every musician can bring the energy they had in their earlier years, but if he's still doing it for the right reasons, and you're still willing to pay to see him, what's the issue?

  18. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloris View Post
    personally, i don't care if he sings off key, forgets lyrics etc...he's made a career out of not being able to sing...but there's a big difference between having a poor "singing" voice, and just plain "can't be arsed"ness...that beautiful people vid is pretty awful tbh...
    when i said his 'singing' voice was fucking terrible, i wasn't comparing it to the record, i was comparing it to how he's sounded live on previous tours. his singing atm is basically speaking in a flat monotone. and it's the same for every song in the set.

    i doubt it's just one thing. it's probably a combination of alcohol/drugs, fitness, tiredness, lack of motivation, vocal issues.

  19. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I'm sorry to bring him into yet another conversation on ETS, but it is kind of interesting to me how similar, in some ways, Manson is to Trent, in terms of energy. Trent got older and cut out all the destructive/insane stuff he did on his earlier tours, and he's not running or jumping around the stage as much as he used to. It's understandable because he's getting older and, well, you just can't be running around and acting like a crazy person in your 50s without throwing your back out (ok...for most people). He still puts on a hell of a show, though, and it totally fits (or fit) what NIN was about when they were touring the last few years.

    So I suppose you could give Manson a little bit of the benefit of the doubt in the same way and say maybe he doesn't have as much energy as in his youth. But his concerts are spectacularly short- browsing through previous set lists, it seems he gets an allergic reaction if he plays more than 15 songs. And slowing down doesn't account for giving the attitude that you don't really give a shit anymore, which seems to be the popular consensus. Much like the complaint that he hasn't outgrown his silly "oh look at how dark and scary I am" schtick and matured over the past decade and a half, I think clearly showing that he's just going through the motions just adds to the idea that he's irrelevant and washed up now.
    I really dont expect Manson, or any musician who was that crazy/energetic in their 20's to be at that same level in their 40's. That being said, at least Trent noticed and switched things around. Instead of being crazy and destructive, he focused more on actually singing plus the cool light theatrics. And in 2005 he had Aaron North to run around and jump into the crowd. Trent would get energetic too though, check out Wish with Dillinger Escape Plan, Trent jumps into the drum kit. There are lots of other videos of Trent breaking guitars and throwing mic stands and such. So its clear that Manson seems to be putting his performance/art on the back burner and just going through the motions to collect a check which will evidently go to more drugs. I think it would be amazing if Manson went sober and got himself healthy and maybe collaborated with Trent again. Trent said he was up for it in a pretty recent interview.

  20. #350
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    please understand that i'm not jumping to defend the man, but does no one remember that he has a heart murmur?

  21. #351
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    maybe he shouldn't overdo it on the coke, then!

  22. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    please understand that i'm not jumping to defend the man, but does no one remember that he has a heart murmur?
    i actually didn't know this...maybe he should stick to the studio work? but he knows we'd miss him too much

  23. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    maybe he shouldn't overdo it on the coke, then!

  24. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Really? Really? Thought it was terrible. Tired, uninterested. Crawling around out of breath. Fuckssakes. I won't lie that the morons chanting Slipknot should be drawn and quartered on the grounds of sheer stupidity but honestly...fuckssakes.
    I was at the first gig of his 2009 tour at a festival and man, let me say this was the worst show i've witnessed in my live. He was co-head before korn and they not only outperformed him, it was like a hurricane next to a hair dryer. Compared to that, the video i've posted is a remarkable performance. He always is really bad in the beginning, but gets his shit together later on. Even in 2009, when he came back a couple of months later for his own show it was a huge improvement and he looked energetic and in the mood again. For reference check some videos from the show in Munich 2009.
    That said both shows cannot come close to the one from 2007, it was a great performance, with the podium, burned bibles and so on.

  25. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by decadent View Post
    That said both shows cannot come close to the one from 2007, it was a great performance, with the podium, burned bibles and so on.
    Even his worst shows of the Rape of the World Tour topped the best shows of the THEOL tour as far as I'm concerned.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Even his worst shows of the Rape of the World Tour topped the best shows of the THEOL tour as far as I'm concerned.
    I'm willing to bet this person didn't see the 2008 shows, which were the best he's done since 2001.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post

    And after watching that, I can now safely agree, that 2012 live beautiful people from Australia is TERRIBLE! Absolutly fucking terrible. do know that a lot of those vocals aren't actually from his mic that night, right?

    2:09-2:12. Uhhhhhh.........................

    There are a few other instances on the DVD where Manson is very clearly not singing into the mic, yet the vocal continues exactly as it was when he was "singing". Not like a baking track or anything, but a very clear overdub.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post do know that a lot of those vocals aren't actually from his mic that night, right?

    2:09-2:12. Uhhhhhh.........................

    There are a few other instances on the DVD where Manson is very clearly not singing into the mic, yet the vocal continues exactly as it was when he was "singing". Not like a baking track or anything, but a very clear overdub.
    I hate the style of the Guns, God and Government DVD. The editing was horribly executed.

    If anyone wants to know how good his voice used to be they should check out the Los Angeles 2001 or Hamburg 2001 soundboard recordings.

  29. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post do know that a lot of those vocals aren't actually from his mic that night, right?

    2:09-2:12. Uhhhhhh.........................

    There are a few other instances on the DVD where Manson is very clearly not singing into the mic, yet the vocal continues exactly as it was when he was "singing". Not like a baking track or anything, but a very clear overdub.
    Absolutely. I'll go dig up a video if I can find it of a 2003 GOAG era live video where he's clearly lip synching. It's not from a dvd either, which leads me to believe that he does it all the time. In this video the most blatant point where I could find it noticeable that it wasn't him was at 2:57 when he lets the crowd sing and then when he jumps down the vocal track kicks in juuust before he even lifts the mic to his face. Then when he grabs his mic stand and is blatantly out of breath yet the vocal continues on strong as ever.

  30. #360
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    wasn't the guns god and government taken from loads of different shows? hence why the vocals and video don't always match up 100%?

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