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Thread: Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

  1. #2011
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    The stitches would likely have been both front and back, and if the cut actually went through the ear there may have been some micro-stitching internally, too. I have an old cut on my arm that was only two inches long with twelve stitches on the outside, but there were 18 more inside to seal the muscle fascia back up.

    And here's some more info from a fan who was actually at the shows afterward:

    During the show in Basel yesterday he explained that he spent a day in Zurich and that he had an encounter with a group of Asians. He called them savages, said things started to get rough, that there was a fight, a glass table was involved and he got the injury on his ear. But he won the fight, of course, so he was the victor. And therefore he seemed to be in a most splendid mood on stage yesterday.

    But don't take me up on that. I might have gotten something wrong. ;)

  2. #2012
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    IncredibleYesterday 6:46 pm-17 reply report Why is it mass killers go after children instead of mindless losers like Marilyn Manson and the bar brawling losers that have nothing but **** to sell to our children. What a disgusting piece of ***** Not even one mention of remorse for those kindergarten kids. Thanks E! for keeping the trash alive.
    Comment on article. Heh.

    I'm sure MM was drunk when this all occurred.

  3. #2013
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    People are fucking stupid.

    E! is specifically for ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY related news, ffs.

  4. #2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    People are fucking stupid.

    E! is specifically for ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY related news, ffs.
    My favorite part is why even the mention of the Elementary School shooting? It's been covered everywhere by everyone with extensive coverage. Not to mention the commentor's wishing of death against Manson is as pathetic as any would-be murdered.

  5. #2015
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    Well, while we're on the subject in here anyway...I thought it was pretty interesting that Morgan Freeman's comments about the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting basically echo exactly what Manson's been saying since Day One and particularly since Columbine.

    Maybe hearing it from someone like Morgan Freeman instead will finally make people pay attention for a change:

    You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why. It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single *victim* of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

    CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.

    You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news.



  6. #2016
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    Morgan Freeman didn't say any of that

  7. #2017
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    Yeah, thanks for the correction. I'd honestly suspected it may have been yet another falsely-attributed quote on the internet but didn't really care enough to check, lol.

    Regardless of who actually said it, I guess my point was really just that it was interesting to see SO many people agreeing with and sharing sentiments which so closely mirror Manson's own on such a polarizing subject, particularly when it's people I happen to know are generally dismissive of all things Manson.

  8. #2018
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    I love how appropriate it is that the quote only got so much attention because people thought it was by a celebrity.

  9. #2019
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    The penultimate sentence is a load of fucking bollocks anyway, but let's not go there!

  10. #2020
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    That rubbed me wrong too, yeah...but it was at least half-correct.

  11. #2021
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manson's facebook page
    I know it's the last day on earth. We'll be together when nothing happens. MM
    OMG, he actually got out a good joke for the first time in years.

  12. #2022
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  13. #2023
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    Cool, but Twiggy abolished that song.

  14. #2024
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    "Abolished" is not the word dude! At least they played SOMETHING different!

  15. #2025
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    There's actually been a pretty good variety of stuff on the setlists for the various legs of the tour this past year.

    Sure, they've got a general framework of stuff they play at most shows with generally the same openers and closers, but there's also been a lot of surprises here and there.

    They pulled the quasi-spoken word version of "1996" out of retirement for the first time in 15 years, right off the bat. I don't think ANYONE saw THAT coming. Plus, they evidently rehearsed "Angel with the Scabbed Wings," although it has yet to make its debut in front of a live crowd. Fingers = crossed! Same goes for "The Flowers of Evil," which I personally heard soundchecked in full. And they've only played "The Reflecting God" at a show once on this tour, but it was on the setlist for the Chicago show but got cut along with "The Beautiful People" at the start of the feud with Zombie, sadly. Still, they've been soundchecking it in full and I was lucky enough to hear it and it sounds GREAT. It's obviously just a matter of time.

    And speaking of that song, they've played "Sweet Dreams..." with "The Reflecting God" outro at several shows, and that's always a nice surprise. Same goes for "Coma White" with the "Coma Black" outro. It comes and it goes from the set but it's always a welcome treat and you just never know.

    Likewise, "Tourniquet," "Irresponsible Hate Anthem," and "Pistol Whipped" have been switched in and out of the sets numerous times and "Irresponsible Hate Anthem" has even very recently been used as an encore after "The Beautiful People," which is almost ALWAYS the final song otherwise lately so that's even something of a big surprise despite it generally being a staple of the live shows. Not to mention "Little Horn" at the beginning of the tour...always a badass addition to any set.

    And I was also lucky enough to catch "Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day" at both it's live debut last May and AGAIN recently on the Twins of Evil tour. So fucking awesome!

    And let's not forget bringing out Taylor Momsen and Johnny Depp to spice up some setlist regulars and even 2/3rds of the surviving members of The Doors for the live debut of "Five to One" AND two more covers by The Doors they'd never even done before, "People Are Strange" and "Love Me Two Times"...!

    Goddamn, Twiggy even revamped "Personal Jesus" to make it an out-of-nowhere highlight of the shows again for the first time in years. Also totally unexpected.

    I don't know, that's just off the top of my head but I think it represents a pretty cool variety of stuff they've been sprinkling throughout the shows with this latest line-up. Complaining that they haven't done anything different lately just seems kinda hollow, sorry.

    Anyway, here's the full performance of "The Last Day on Earth":

  16. #2026
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    Come on, about half of the setlist has been the same for nearly a decade... I like him too, but ease up fanboy :P

    That set from the Kiev show looked decent though. I always catch him if he's about but I never seem to get the shows where he wheels out songs they don't usually play

  17. #2027
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    From the songs mentioned in the post above, everything except Born Villain songs, Last Day and The Doors covers (which are just a one-time thing) and PJ has been played regularly since Twiggy's return (okay, a couple of songs rested until THEOL tour, but still). You can't really defend him for playing 13 to 15 songs-long shows with as little as 3 new songs with almost no setlist changes during each leg for the price his tickets go.

  18. #2028
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    Him breaking out 1996, Little Horn, Reflecting God, Personal Jesus, Angel with the scabbed Wings, Sweet Dreams or anything like that is not anything to get excited about.

    I want to see him bust out the real rareities, like Get your Gunn, Dope Hat, Man that you fear, Mister Superstar, minute of decay, mechanical animals, posthuman, new model number 15, Target Audience, Born Again, The Death Song, Vodvill, the better of two evils, the bright young things, spade, use your fist and not your mouth... Hell, I didn't even realize how many good songs were on GAOG just looking at the tracklist... I always thought that album was rubbish when it came out, but there's alot of good stuff on there.

    Just 3 or 4 songs of that list per night would be enough to make me excited for his shows. I'm sick of seeing the same 13 songs a night with maybe 1 or 2 songs "coming out of a 10 year hiatus" that were played at every show of his career before. c'mon Manson, give the fans a REAL treat!
    Hell, even more Born Villain songs on this supposive "Born Villain" world tour, what are there 4 BV songs in the set? If that?? Support your new album man, it's your best effort since Golden Age!

    Seriously, here is last nights set in Kiev:
    Hey, Cruel World...
    Disposable Teens
    The Love Song
    No Reflection
    The Dope Show
    Rock Is Dead
    Personal Jesus
    The Last Day on Earth
    Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
    Coma White
    King Kill 33°
    Antichrist Superstar
    The Beautiful People
    Irresponsible Hate Anthem

    Like I said above, is this supposed to be a Born Villain tour, or a greatest hits tour? I hope he changes this set up by his next North American Leg, because this is pathetic. He's been riding this setlist for way too long. I don't blame people like @october_midnight for not wanting to shell out cash for another round of him butchering the same songs he has been playing for the last 15 years. Maybe that's why he butchers the songs, because he is just so fucking BORED of singing them every night, I would be. He probably knows he's too far fucked in the head to remember any lyrics to any of his "non popular" songs, that's why he just plays the same old songs over and over, they're all he can remember, half the time anyway.

    Haters and fanboys in this forum, don't go taking my attack too personal, I still enjoy my fix of Marilyn Manson from time to time, listening to the "non singles" is always a good time but you guys are living on another planet if you think this is an amazing setlist that is groundbreaking to his career. And if you get excited about the addition of "Reflecting God" or "Sweet Dreams" into the setlist, he just has you wrapped around his finger dangling you like a little puppet.

    I think if he tried hard enough, stopped drinking and doing drugs during his shows and focused on the music, he could give the fans a wicked tour with his cataloge of songs, he just doesn't seem to give a fuck. And the sad thing is, everyone keeps buying into it spending $80+ a night to hear these same goddamn mother fucking butchered to hell songs!
    Last edited by ManBurning; 12-21-2012 at 01:41 PM.

  19. #2029
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    Brian should clean his act.His spark is buried under so many sh*t.

  20. #2030
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    You're calling him Brian. You're so cool bro.

  21. #2031
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    You can't really defend him for playing 13 to 15 songs-long shows with as little as 3 new songs with almost no setlist changes during each leg for the price his tickets go.
    15 songs on average for typically around $60 or $80 is fine with me. That works out to about 4 or 5 bucks a song, which I consider a fairly cut-rate price for seeing my favorite band live. If I had to pay more I might not be able to make it to quite as many shows, but I'd certainly still do it. And about a third of the setlist being new material with the remaining 2/3rds reserved for singles and live staples is reasonable enough. So, yeah...I can totally defend that, actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Come on, about half of the setlist has been the same for nearly a decade... I like him too, but ease up fanboy :P
    Yeah, you can all take it down a notch, thanks...I'm pretty sure I prefaced my post above by noting the general rigidity of the setlist structure for most of this tour. When has Manson NOT had a general outline for the setlists of an entire tour, ffs? Come on, that's just how they do it.

    Which is honestly not a problem for me.

    The band has a selection of classic songs that generally speaking the entire audience of both long-time and newer fans will know so I don't mind them forming the basis of the fact, I think it's a great tactic to ensure a lively crowd. Whether you're personally excited about them or not, the fact of the matter is that their bigger hits get giant crowds singing along en masse, out of their seats, on their feet, and pumping their fists in the air. People WANT to hear them...a bitchy but vocal minority on the internet is NOT reflective of the general turnout at Manson shows, sorry.

    Manson's also been very candid in interviews for the tours this past year about NOT just assuming everyone's completely familiar with his output and his desire to meet general audiences halfway by (re-) introducing them to some of his greatest hits. Which is completely in keeping with the idea of this being something of a "comeback" tour. I've been to the shows and have seen it work and have enjoyed the performances and the crowd reactions immensely, so I'm perfectly comfortable with this approach.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I want to see him bust out the real rareities, like Get your Gunn, Dope Hat, Man that you fear, Mister Superstar, minute of decay, mechanical animals, posthuman, new model number 15, Target Audience, Born Again, The Death Song, Vodvill, the better of two evils, the bright young things, spade, use your fist and not your mouth...
    Realistically, these shows are focused on the material Manson and Twiggy wrote together, which was the general idea behind him rejoining in the first place, so that's cool with me. I wouldn't mind any of the songs you've listed there either, of course. But ultimately it's their call and I'm there to see whatever they want me to see.

    Since you brought them up though, most of those aren't exactly "real rarities," they just haven't been played in a while. "Dope Hat" became a staple of even their Spooky Kids shows and was played at every single show for Portrait... and Smells Like Children. And "Get Your Gunn" was played at every single show from '94 to '05, ffs. Likewise, "Man That Your Fear," "Mechanical Animals," "The Death Song," and "Use Your Fist and Not Your Mouth" were all played at almost every single show of the tours for their respective albums, with some of the others you mentioned getting quite a bit of attention live already, too.

  22. #2032
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    @Hazekiah - I'd like to hear your opinion of this being a "Born Villain" tour to support the new album and why he only plays maybe 3-4 songs a night, if that from this album.

    Seriously, i'd much rather hear BV songs that these stale old hits from the early 2000's. From what I recall, when he went on tour to support his previous albums like Holywood, GAOG and Eat me Drink me more that 75% of the setlist was new material. I have yet to see a full blown 7-8 song BV setlist yet.

    Correct me if I am wrong, as I do not track MM song statistics, but the only BV songs that have been played are:
    Hey Cruel World...
    No Reflection
    Pistol Whipped
    and Murderer's...

    That's not even half the album. He's missing all the good tracks.
    I would like to hear:

    The Gardener
    The Flowers of Evil
    Children Of Cain
    Born Villain
    Breaking the same old ground

    I think the later half of the album is stronger than the first half. When I first listened to the album, I thought the other way around. But now when I listen to it I start it at Slo-Mo-Tion. Everything before that is generic and weak.

  23. #2033
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    Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

    Just picked up the Back 2 Black pressing of Mechanical Animals for $18.99 + +3.99 shipping. If you're interested in picking up a copy, here's a link to the seller:

  24. #2034
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    What i'm interested in, is this so called "deluxe edition" of Born Villain that was supposed to be out before the holidays that included a few new bonus tracks and a better packaging, WTF ever happened to that!?

  25. #2035
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    Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

    Oh, I had no idea of this deluxe edition. Maybe I'll hold out a little longer before I pick it up

  26. #2036
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    Marilyn Manson is ready to let fans dig a little deeper into his “villainous” mind. The singer has revealed that there will be a special edition of the ‘Born Villain‘ album coming this fall.
    While the vocalist didn’t reveal an exact release date, he did tell Billboard it would be “shortly before the holiday” and that it would come with two or possibly three additional tracks and special packaging.
    taken from:

  27. #2037
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    Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

    Quote Originally Posted by Marilyn Manson
    Manson added, “They’re not just acoustic versions or demos or stuff like that. They’re really good songs that were going to go on the album, but I didn’t want the album to be too long. I knew there would be the opportunity to use them for something.”
    Songs that are *really* good? Was worried about the album being too long?

    Give me a break....

    It's more like "I have a couple of extra tracks that are kind "meh" and I bet if I were to double dip this album and re-release it with these extra tracks, I could squeeze a few more dollars out of my fan base"

  28. #2038
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    No doubt, should have released a proper fucking packaged album to begin with... cardboard gatefold without a booklet, who are you kidding there, boy?
    Oh wait... [With_Teeth] lol...
    Last edited by ManBurning; 12-29-2012 at 04:17 AM.

  29. #2039
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    Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

    It sounds like this deluxe edition is going to be CD so I'm not all too interested. If a vinyl re-press comes out with the bonus tracks, then count me in. I heard the vinyl is just as boring as the CD (packaging wise)

  30. #2040
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    Quote Originally Posted by voidnz View Post
    You're calling him Brian. You're so cool bro.
    More like too lazy to write the entire name,brah.

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