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Thread: Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

  1. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    It all began with the firing of John5, everything kind of went downhill after that.
    That didn't happen until 2004 so that's four years since Holy Wood.

    As for last night's show, a 55 minute set? I know it's a festival with other bands but that is short.

    Setlist is all right and matches what was posted days previous. Would've preferred to see some songs swapped out and no Personal Jesus.

  2. #272
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    that second picture looks like Henry Rollins went on Stars In Their Eyes as Manson

  3. #273
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    And the silhouette in the third picture scares me greatly. Hope videos will surface...

  4. #274
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  5. #275
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    not a bad setlist

    though glad i didn't spend $80 on it

  6. #276
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    '......With Rob Schneider on security'

  7. #277
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    HAHA holy shit I didn't even notice him, went back to look and was like 'holy fuck it IS him.' haha.

  8. #278
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  9. #279
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    all jokes aside for a small time. Was it a good show?

  10. #280
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    Last edited by jezstyle; 02-24-2012 at 10:03 AM.

  11. #281
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    Why is everyone so concerned and concentrated on his weight and size for?

  12. #282
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    Because it greatly interferes with his energy level, movement, breathing while singing, etc. He skips lines when singing now, and who in their right mind would pay good money to see him kneel in the front middle of the stage for 60% of the show? Not I.

    That's literally most of the show now. Pass.

  13. #283
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    Eh, Manson has been doing this for a few years now. Even when I saw him with Slayer there were a bunch of interludes and stopping points so he could catch up. Then again I used to see Chino of Deftones back when he wasn't missing many meals and he had tons of energy. If someone is going to kneel and sit on the stage it sure as shit better be a Belle and Sebastian twee-pop show. That setlist does look short for a 55 minute show though right? It's not like they're Phish and have 10 minute songs and shit. Let's address the elephant in the room though, what the shit is with that haircut? Is he trying to be like Skrillex or is hair club just not working.

  14. #284
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    I'd say it's more sad than funny. It also speaks to the intelligence of said manson fans. When I was a teenager, if I dug a band they could do no wrong. Now, if you're overweight I could care less. If you're overweight and I know it's because you do nothing but drink alcohol and eat and you obviously couldn't care less about delivering a solid show for the fans that (who knows why) have stuck by you through thick and a dick.

  15. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Planet of the apes View Post
    The funny thing is people here bash manson fans for trying to find art in his music/persona, then they talk about his weight and his hair. Hilarious
    Yeah, do you actually read the thread? 60% of the talk stems from the fact that he hasn't put out anything worth a shit since Holy Wood, and you're delusional if you think otherwise. But much like his appearance and live show, he seems to be mailing it in music wise and has for the last decade. Outside of shitty made for radio singles, he only stays in the news because of failed relationships to people more relevant than he is. Yeah, I used to think Manson was the tits from '98-'01, mainly to piss off my parents, but come on the dude is a target. And so what if you think our shots at his appearance are stupid (same for you Space Suicide), you both are just as much at fault for not ignoring it and moving on, instead you guys almost take it personally to a degree which is akin to W. Axl Rose when someone jabs at Guns N Roses. 'Tober and I had been fans of Manson, admit to liking his music and could probably put up very compelling arguments about why his early work ruled and why he sucks now, he's just such a sad shell of himself that it's beyond pathetic, it's downright laughable now.

    I love bands like Metallica and Megadeth, but even I can admit 'Tallica has been a fucking joke for about 20 years now and that every time Dave Mustaine opens his mouth it almost makes me love the band a little less. But damned if I'm going to defend them even though I loved them at one point, because I know right now, both are laughable.

  16. #286
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    Well, okay then. the "fakeass" statement i made before can be taken back. lol

  17. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    And so what if you think our shots at his appearance are stupid (same for you Space Suicide), you both are just as much at fault for not ignoring it and moving on, instead you guys almost take it personally to a degree which is akin to W. Axl Rose when someone jabs at Guns N Roses.
    I don't really give a shit whether you like him or not, do you see me defending him every five seconds in this thread? I post rarely defending him, maybe twice that I can recall. I just wonder why the same 3 comments are made at every turn in terms of criticisms:

    He's fat.
    His music sucks.
    He isn't relevant.

    Okay, we established that. Can we have new criticisms that we haven't discussed? I don't care and I do agree with negative comments towards him on some accounts brought up but most of it's vapid shit.

    The problem with Manson is his act - shock rock (not so much now). It's dated and doesn't hold value of his age. He's in his early 40's, of course he won't be as thin or musically sound as he was in the 1990's. I agree with that entirely and also agree he hasn't been as good since 2001. That isn't news to me. No arguments from me in that respect as I agree. I'm not a blind fan as I'll admit when he's trash, THEOL live shows were horrendous half assed pieces of shit up until about October of 2009. The summer tour was a joke.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 02-24-2012 at 03:08 PM.

  18. #288
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    For someone that doesn't care about my opinion on the artist, it sure sounds like your ass is chapped about my post. You've defended him here and in the Shit on Music thread, so which is it? I mean god forbid someone comment (negatively or positively) about an artist in their own thread, they should be chastised for it. This isn't like the GNR thread where we're bringing up soda to derail it, we're actually talking about the artist and why we don't like him and for some reason you get butt hurt that there's a lack of positive things said. Vapid or not, they're common criticisms about the artist and they're valid points. So if I were you I would settle the fuck down and get over myself because it really sounds like as much as you think he sucks, it's getting under your skin that there's negative criticisms.

    And honestly posting "shut up guys, we get it, he sucks, YOU suck!" post after post isn't as helpful as you think. You want to steer conversation elsewhere champ? Ignore it.

  19. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    For someone that doesn't care about my opinion on the artist, it sure sounds like your ass is chapped about my post. You've defended him here and in the Shit on Music thread, so which is it? I mean god forbid someone comment (negatively or positively) about an artist in their own thread, they should be chastised for it. This isn't like the GNR thread where we're bringing up soda to derail it, we're actually talking about the artist and why we don't like him and for some reason you get butt hurt that there's a lack of positive things said. Vapid or not, they're common criticisms about the artist and they're valid points. So if I were you I would settle the fuck down and get over myself because it really sounds like as much as you think he sucks, it's getting under your skin that there's negative criticisms.

    And honestly posting "shut up guys, we get it, he sucks, YOU suck!" post after post isn't as helpful as you think. You want to steer conversation elsewhere champ? Ignore it.
    You think I got upset by your post? Hardly.

    I'm not like Hazekiah and Harry Seaward.

    I didn't claim any of you suck but all right. No more comments from me, bank on it, dude.

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    No more comments from me, bank on it, dude.
    Thank fucking God.

  21. #291
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    A bunch of live videos. Scroll down a bit, user's name is 'BrinaPOP'.

    Bear in mind they're of the shittiest quality known to man. What I can make from skimming through them however is that it appears the show was quite underwhelming; spent half the time kneeling as expected and just didn't seem to have the fire. Walked around looking kinda bored.

    One of the videos though does have a bit of '1996' and I still want to see better quality to see how they rip out the ACSS songs however.

  22. #292
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    Well, at least it's not the MansonUSA rejects coming over here like the old board.

    I don't understand why they would not play at least one new song at the Festival. Gives them a chance to try it out, and give the album a little boost in the non-marketing of it. Remember THEOL had ZERO publicity when it came out, but Interscope had moved on from him to Gaga and the other pop stars.

    I'll still give it a listen, but the interest I had a few weeks back seems to be waning.
    Last edited by poinoup; 02-24-2012 at 11:06 PM.

  23. #293
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    ya know for all the people bashing Manson there is an equal amount of people defending him. I asked earlier if he put on a good show. The reply? 'stop calling him fat'. Was it a good show?

  24. #294
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    This is the best video yet.

    I think he sounds splendid, and I'm usually the first person to bitch about his voice.

  25. #295
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    Haters will always hate, gotta roll with the changes. After seeing the video it makes me want to start listening to MM again and I can't wait to hear some new stuff.

  26. #296
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    Man, the people commenting on this video are absolutly hilarious... even the original poster, who are they trying to fool? New song from Born Villian my ass, lol...
    This is Diamonds and Pollen...

  27. #297
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    yeh, I saw that youtube link a few weeks ago, actually left a comment (wasn't rude or anything) to let the poster know the true origins of the song, and that it's not new, but the comment was promptly deleted

  28. #298
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    A lot of videos have popped up and he actually sounds pretty decent in this one:

    It's a definite improvement over the last time I saw him and the more recent videos I've seen. Now we just have to get him to get his energy back up so it's not just him walking around looking 2/3 in to it. Proving my point, I'll say you're a fatass if it affects your show and takes away from your fans who paid to see you, if it's going in this direction, who gives a shit.

    Also, screw the Mickey Mouse ears and all that bullshit, he should've just used that for the TGAOG era touring, bring back the traditional ACSS podium and stage just for kicks. I saw the original ACSS podium for the song 'ACSS' back in 2007 and thought 'You're out of shape and this is terrible, but I can at least get behind this.' and they ended up only playing half the song for some fuckin' reason.

    Last ranting point is I still can't see who the keyboardist is, and I miss the era of each member having its own level, persona, following, etc. instead of MM and his revolving group of session musicians. Guess he shouldn't have burned all those bridges with the other guys.

  29. #299
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    He actually does sound better in that video than he has in awhile when it comes to performing that song.

  30. #300
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    I'm officially excited to see him in April. Is that the real audio in that twitvid video? holy shit

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