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Thread: Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

  1. #31
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    EMDE was pretty awful. I wouldn't really call it a "new direction" so much as an attempt to tap into the emo music that was popular at the time (Note: the emo music that was popular at the time sounded exactly the same as the punk music that was popular in the late 90s to me. I'm assured that the major difference between the two genres was lyrical, rather than musical. I'm old and out of the musical loop now though.)

    THEOL was okay, in the sense that it was an attempt to get back to his musical roots, but it was a fairly poor attempt. There were a couple of good songs on there, but nothing as good as his early stuff. The only track I still listen to occasionally is the last track, which I reckon was on par with his MA material.

    I think the turning point for Manson was Holy Wood. That was a great album, don't get me wrong, but the decision to go backwards, musically, was a bad one. He'd proven he could do something really interesting and different with Mechanical Animals, but it felt like he caved to criticism from a vocal minority who didn't like that he'd abandoned his heavy industrial roots (admittedly, I was initially disappointed with MA too, but I rapidly changed my mind, and it became my favourite album of 1998). Holy Wood is a great album, and I still listen to it a whole lot, but it marks the point at which Manson's regression started.

    There's a great TR interview somewhere where he says (paraphrased from memory): "Once upon a time he was the smartest guy in the room. Now he's a dopey clown. I wish he'd get his shit together, he could still be great." Which is pretty much spot on.

    Here's hoping he's gotten his shit together for this album. Although it sounds like he's still a drunk.

  2. #32
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    I got pretty annoyed after really reading into this album and seeing twiggy claim that "its one of the best things theyve ever done." YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. Nothing MM will ever put out in the future will top Antichrist Superstar or Portrait. Ill give this album a listen, but its definitely too late in the game for them to put out anything great.

  3. #33
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    Decided to give Holywood a listen.

    What happened to this man?

  4. #34
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    The holy wood/anti-christ/mechanical animals trilogy was immense and absolutely put MM on the musical map, TGAOG had a lot of great songs and an interesting sound which I kind of attribute to Tim Skold. Everything since has made Manson seem more and more irrelevant as the years progress.
    I'd love to see/hear another great album from him but I wont hold out much hope.

  5. #35
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    I still stand by my opinion that HolyWood was the last truly great Marilyn Manson album. it may not have been as shocking as Antichrist, and might have been a bit more artsy and concept driven than Mechanical Animals, but it was still a great album. Everything after that has slipped a bit, either lyrically or conceptually. the really bad lyrics didn't start showing up until Eat Me, Drink Me. Golden Age had some weak tunes but not the worst, but the album concept itself was weaker and really didn't have any sort of messages to it like the initial trilogy had. High End of Low moved in the right direction, but it still suffers from a lack of hard-hitting lyrical content, and most of the lyrics just get repeated multiple times throughout the song whether it's the chorus, the bridge, or whatever. it ends up being very repetitive.

  6. #36
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    For people interested in what the old-school, intelligent Manson had to say, this site is great.

    It has a feature to cycle through his quotes and also read interviews and whatnot. It's a nice wave of nostalgia to hear intelligent things from him, as opposed to the same AIDS jokes over and over.

  7. #37
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    What a cool site, thank you! Ah, the memories...

  8. #38
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    Chris Vrenna has quit:

    Manson seems to be a bit of a sinking ship these days.

  9. #39
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    Thought that was announced weeks ago.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I still stand by my opinion that HolyWood was the last truly great Marilyn Manson album.
    I feel like HW was Manson's last decent album. It had a few good songs, but the rest was weak. He sounded silly being 30 calling himself a disposable teen, among other questionable lyrics (cut our wrists like cheap coupons like death was on sale today at walmart, what?!)

    Maybe it was just my age and that time period, but pre-HW Manson seemed to have so much more to say. He was the first real figure in my life that made me feel okay to have doubts about my religious upbringing. During the ACS era and into MA, he seemed so smart and driven, like he was really going to start a revolution or something. Then HW came out and it just seemed to go backwards, making it all about Columbine and such. Then GAOG came and everything has been downhill since in my eyes.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    For people interested in what the old-school, intelligent Manson had to say, this site is great.

    It has a feature to cycle through his quotes and also read interviews and whatnot. It's a nice wave of nostalgia to hear intelligent things from him, as opposed to the same AIDS jokes over and over.
    So this is why we are getting traffic from here. Thanks for the mention

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    I feel like HW was Manson's last decent album. It had a few good songs, but the rest was weak. He sounded silly being 30 calling himself a disposable teen, among other questionable lyrics (cut our wrists like cheap coupons like death was on sale today at walmart, what?!)

    Maybe it was just my age and that time period, but pre-HW Manson seemed to have so much more to say. He was the first real figure in my life that made me feel okay to have doubts about my religious upbringing. During the ACS era and into MA, he seemed so smart and driven, like he was really going to start a revolution or something. Then HW came out and it just seemed to go backwards, making it all about Columbine and such. Then GAOG came and everything has been downhill since in my eyes.
    walmart? haha no mention of walmart in that song my friend. It was a metaphor of the value that society puts on children, and the result of it. The song he is singing for his target audience, not about him. Every release was different, which is why I am a HUGE Marilyn Manson fan. I am one of the two web developers of the site. GAOG I liked, but I it was too rappy for me. THEOL was my favorite release so far. I like where his music is going now. He reminds me of Madonna, try to go with the changes of what people like in music. EMDM he came on too strong with the emo stuff, that should have been released after THEOL. Before THEOL I really HW was my favorite release.

    I went to a concert in 2009 and seeing him in '3D' instead of a magazine or television blew my mind. And inspired me to register, then a lot of unrelated shit exploded from there and numerous websites are run.

    Anyway, hello and all that fun stuff, just figured I would say hello and I am glad people like what we created. Still lots to do, still many changes. Glad you enjoyed the site. I will lurk here for a bit to get a feel for the community.

    <3 Television

  12. #42
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    I'm pretty whatever about Holy Wood. Decent album, but some of it's kinda whatever to me. Liked GAOG more.

  13. #43
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    Been listening to a lot of MM since reading this thread. Mainly, portrait, Antichrist, and mechanical animals. GAOG is so fucking bad it blows my mind.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ubermensch View Post
    GAOG is so fucking bad it blows my mind.

    Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post

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    I dunno, I like it much better than The High End of Low.

    Sent from my keyboard using my fingers.

  16. #46
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    Liked it better than EMDM, THEOL, AND Holy Wood. Just saying... The end kinda dragged on, but I'd take Doll Dagga... or Vodevil over stuff like Fight Song and Burning Flag.

  17. #47
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    I could never get through the FIRST half of that album. I tried when it first came out, and again once or twice later on, but I just can't. It's so stupid.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post

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    Thank you! Finally some people who dislike that album as much as me. I'd rather listen to new Manson over that crap anyday! In fact I updated a facebook status yesterday about babies crying being the WORST possible sound known to man, and a friend responded with "No, marilyn manson is the worst sound known to man, unless of course it's GAOG" then he proceeded to tell me how amazing that album was. -shakes head-

  19. #49
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    GAOG is my favourite MM album. Firing John5 was the dumbest thing he's ever done. Seriously. And going out there without a guitarist for the last two albums has been a complete fiasco.

  20. #50
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    What is the best album and what is the worst really is a matter of opinion and taste in music. I love all the releases. But some songs I do not enjoy listening too. I do not like the sound and music of POAFF but will give it a listen or a read from time to time. Overall a great artist and every release is a good listen

  21. #51
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    Best: Antichrist Superstar
    Worst: GAOG/EMDM

  22. #52
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    i absolutely hated Eat Me, Drink Me. there were a few songs with decent music, but the lyrics and even his vocal style were so unsatisfactory... however, i quite enjoyed the majority of The High End Of Low. i thought Four Rusted Horses was pretty amazing, and I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies was a nice, sprawling epic. the album in general flowed pretty well and i've listened to it quite a few times.

  23. #53
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    I so wish I wasn't 5 years old at that time period. This was the prime time and probably my favorite tour too.

  24. #54
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    Still so glad I saw that tour, the ACSS tour, and the MA tour. Back when he was putting on must-see shows.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Still so glad I saw that tour, the ACSS tour, and the MA tour. Back when he was putting on must-see shows.
    The only shows I got around to seeing were Holy Wood tour in 2000, Lest we forget in 2005 and the 2008 one that came to Vancouver and played at that tiny theatre, queen elizibeth I beleive during the EMDM tour.

    Out of the 3 I guess teh Holywood one was the best, still nothing compared to those other 2 tours, they would have been something!

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    The only shows I got around to seeing were Holy Wood tour in 2000, Lest we forget in 2005 and the 2008 one that came to Vancouver and played at that tiny theatre, queen elizibeth I beleive during the EMDM tour.

    Out of the 3 I guess teh Holywood one was the best, still nothing compared to those other 2 tours, they would have been something!

    Ugh, you're all making me feel ancient. I saw him twice before fucking Smells Like Children came out. When he played "Sweet Dreams," we were all perplexed as to what the hell he was doing. On the upside, I did get to see some great shows. When I see 'net footage of him performing now, because I was sixteen years old when Antichrist came out, it feels like I'm at a high school reunion, and the class' most interesting kid—the one I thought would somehow make himself into something truly notable—got sidetracked sucking dick for blow and, now that he's ruined his life, he's working as hard as possible to make every day exactly like high school was. And I really want to tell the guy, "Man, you're fucking forty. Maybe lose the make up and we could work on getting you a job befitting your former potential."

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I so wish I wasn't 5 years old at that time period. This was the prime time and probably my favorite tour too.
    "What I make is what I am, I can't be forever" is oddly prophetic given the main discussion going on here.

  28. #58
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    I was told there would be some serious punk and death metal influences on this album. If there's not, I ain't listening.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    Ugh, you're all making me feel ancient. I saw him twice before fucking Smells Like Children came out. When he played "Sweet Dreams," we were all perplexed as to what the hell he was doing. On the upside, I did get to see some great shows. When I see 'net footage of him performing now, because I was sixteen years old when Antichrist came out, it feels like I'm at a high school reunion, and the class' most interesting kid—the one I thought would somehow make himself into something truly notable—got sidetracked sucking dick for blow and, now that he's ruined his life, he's working as hard as possible to make every day exactly like high school was. And I really want to tell the guy, "Man, you're fucking forty. Maybe lose the make up and we could work on getting you a job befitting your former potential."
    Well, I don think you are much older than I am. I am 28 now. I was 13 turning 14 when that tour came through. I do however have a funny story about that, I was living in Winnipeg at the time, and I was just coming back from a shopping trip with my mother and grandma, we drove past the theatre where the show was taking place, and we saw all the people dressed in black and church protestors and my grandma said to me jokingly, "you want to go to this show?" And my response was a very disgusted "pfft, nooo!" Haha. This was before I really got into music, I didn't know much of anything about Manson other than what the media was reporting on him, and the sweet dreams music video on rotation on much music. Later that year I finally started getting into music, but just your average radio rock. My very first album was the foo fighters "the colour and the shape" which was a great record though. It wasn't until the next school year, grade 9 when I met a friend who introduced me to manson, he made me buy antichrist superstar, and I loved it. Then 6-8 mths later mechanical animals came out. That was a good time to be a Manson fan!

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by think i'm a fire engine View Post
    I was told there would be some serious punk and death metal influences on this album. If there's not, I ain't listening.

    nope never. maybe punkish shit. but no where near death metal.

    Speaking of that, would you guys think Manson could benefit from putting out an actual metal record?

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