2/10 implies that the game is fundamentally broken and unplayable... RE6 might not set the world on fire.. but at the very least you can play it... the way I think reviews should be done:
1-2 - the game is a glitchy mess that you can't finish
3-4 - you can finish the game, it may be buggy as hell, but not fun
5-6 - not too buggy, passable with some fun and even some good bits
7 - maybe a few flaws but there is fun to be had, lots of good bits
8 - minimal flaws, lots of good ideas, fun, a really good game
9 - something really special, goes above and beyond the norms for the genre(s) it sits in.
10 - a shining example of design, creativity, gameplay, polish, a true watershed moment.

For me, most games are judged far too highly, but people seem only content with 8+...that doesn't mean a game below that does not have value, in fact most games sit there as just average... there is fun to be had sure, but those higher scores should be for something that is really pushing the medium forward, otherwise reviews become a celebration of highly polished mediocrity.
</rant over>