Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
Pre-loaded/ordered on my Xbox One and started it this afternoon. It's pretty much perfect. The new control scheme is a throwback but modern and works well (I love it). The static backgrounds have a cool washed out effect that make the textures look like an oil painting (weird and offputting description right?). The lighting effects on the walls, with what barely any lit areas there are, are extremely good. The character models are flawless. They look like they were made this year (I know they were tweaked and fixed, etc) and tossed out to play with now. Both Chris and Jill have RE5 outfit/appearance choices, as well as classic RE1 ones.

I've only put like an hour into Jill's story portion so far (just got the key from the knight shield death trap bit) with collective success, not counting failures, no save drawbacks and deaths.

You'd better buy it if you like RE, it'd be stupid not to.
I need to play this. It'll be awhile though, I have a small back catalog of games that I need to beat before I purchase another. Everything I've read about it has me pumped. Can't wait to revisit the mansion!