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Thread: Resident Evil Series

  1. #211
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    Minor Spoilers:

    I'm pretty much stuck on the first boss and I'm quite pissed about it. I feel they went a bit too far with the difficulty on Hardcore for this game to be honest. Every zombie literally takes 5 to 8 headshots, with a critical hit being rare as fuck. You can shoot the legs to make them slower, but why can I not smash their heads while they're on the ground like in the originals? The knife comes in handy, but sometimes you don't have enough ammo, nor wanting to waste ammo to get the dam thing back.

    Back to the Birkin fight... I played the original games so many times, and the hardcore experience was challenging, but doable. Here, I walked into this fight with 40 handgun ammo, all the upgrades, along with 2 flash grenades, 2 hand grenades, and 8 shotgun shells, and he still does not go down. Hitting the eye on his arm numerous times and I legit run out of ammo and cannot kill him. They need to send out a patch or something because that is friggin' ludicrous; especially on the first fucking boss.

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Minor Spoilers:

    I'm pretty much stuck on the first boss and I'm quite pissed about it. I feel they went a bit too far with the difficulty on Hardcore for this game to be honest. Every zombie literally takes 5 to 8 headshots, with a critical hit being rare as fuck. You can shoot the legs to make them slower, but why can I not smash their heads while they're on the ground like in the originals? The knife comes in handy, but sometimes you don't have enough ammo, nor wanting to waste ammo to get the dam thing back.

    Back to the Birkin fight... I played the original games so many times, and the hardcore experience was challenging, but doable. Here, I walked into this fight with 40 handgun ammo, all the upgrades, along with 2 flash grenades, 2 hand grenades, and 8 shotgun shells, and he still does not go down. Hitting the eye on his arm numerous times and I legit run out of ammo and cannot kill him. They need to send out a patch or something because that is friggin' ludicrous; especially on the first fucking boss.
    Spoiler: you're shooting the eye on his left arm? I'm assuming you're talking about the first run in. Didn't take nearly as much ammo as I thought it would. Just gotta aim for the eye. I did it mostly with handgun.

    Big guy is after me now. Got a puzzle to do but can't because he's on my ass. Do I just lure him far away on another side of the map or something?

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Spoiler: you're shooting the eye on his left arm? I'm assuming you're talking about the first run in. Didn't take nearly as much ammo as I thought it would. Just gotta aim for the eye. I did it mostly with handgun.

    Big guy is after me now. Got a puzzle to do but can't because he's on my ass. Do I just lure him far away on another side of the map or something?
    The first run yes. Are you on hardcore? I played the original extensively, and yes, shooting the only huge eye on him and getting dead on shots almost every shot from the handgun and shotgun. I'm convinced it is bugged, because this is not a hard fight at all.

    Edit: Was able to get passed, did no realize I had an older save file... this one wound up being corrupted after trying to load in again today. Fucking lickers are really giving me a problem sometimes, even when I am being super quiet.

    For Mr.X, you need to be super quiet like not running a lot, causing other enemies to make sound, or even slamming doors! Managed to discard all of my keys, now need to get the dam cogs or the Clock Tower.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 01-27-2019 at 02:15 AM.

  4. #214
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    I know there were spiders in the original, are they in this one? (odd question i know, but i couldn't even handle the realistic ones in Spider-man, so knowing if they are in this one again might be a deal breaker for me)

  5. #215
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  6. #216
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    Got home from inpatient physical therapy rehab today so we all know I had to play this!

    Game is marvelous! Amazing graphics, cutscenes and classic gameplay. I'm doing the third floor of the east wing and then going for the Unicorn medallion.

  7. #217
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    Just now realizing I missed the magnum...

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Just now realizing I missed the magnum...
    Oof! I made so many back up save points incase I missed anything. I am currently in Umbrella's lab, and fuck is it hard lol. I wound up restarting half way through and was able to grab all the upgrades for the weapons, along with some painstaking backtracking from the sewers back to the station, but it was well worth it. Just about done with the first playthrough.

    Make sure you're looking out for the Mr. Raccoon statues on both runs, for they give you an unbreakable knife. I also purchased the 3 dollar DLC for the OG soundtrack, and also to get the Resident Evil 2 callout when you hit start (Even though this shit should have been in the game)

  9. #219
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    I'm in the lab too...with no ammo...

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I know there were spiders in the original, are they in this one? (odd question i know, but i couldn't even handle the realistic ones in Spider-man, so knowing if they are in this one again might be a deal breaker for me)
    I’m up to the laboratory with Leon and no spiders yet so I think it’s safe!

    loving this game, although I’m a complete wuss, who is playing on easy and using a walkthrough. I’m off work for a few weeks recovering from surgery so this is perfectly timed.

    One warning which isn’t too spoilery, when on the way to the lab make sure you have a free inventory space before getting into the cable car or you may end up getting completely stuck, unable to go forward or back and have to go back to a previous save

  11. #221
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    Item management is as annoying as ever. Got that first aid spray on me at all times and haven't had to use it once. It's one less space available due to it. I'd like to think I don't need it but knowing my luck I'd remove it and then that's when I get hurt.

    I made it to the first Licker after you get the shotgun. Either my aim is shittier than normal, the aim in this game is bad or they're hard to shoot. I reloaded a couple of times for practice. I might as well try to knock out the achievement for shooting one out in mid air too. I restart at the darkroom then go to the locker room for it.

    My first playthrough rank will be trash due to tons of saving but it's mainly due to me liking to leave a foot print to where I can quit on a dime if I want to. This game is short but I still don't like playing long stints as much as I'm used to. Maybe an hour or hour and half and I'm tapped out and wanna quit playing. I'll keep plowing through though. Halfway to the last medallion to leave the police station now.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 01-31-2019 at 04:45 PM.

  12. #222
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I made it to the first Licker after you get the shotgun. Either my aim is shittier than normal, the aim in this game is bad or they're hard to shoot. I reloaded a couple of times for practice. I might as well try to knock out the achievement for shooting one out in mid air too. I restart at the darkroom then go to the locker room for it.

    My first playthrough rank will be trash due to tons of saving but it mainly due to me liking to leave a foot print to where I can quit on a dime if I want to. This game is short but I still don't like playing long stints as much as I'm used to. Maybe an hour or hour and half and I'm tapped out and wanna quit playing. I'll keep plowing through though. Halfway to the last medallion to leave the police station now.
    The Lickers are freaking relentless. Even when you are being super quiet, at least on Hardcore, they still know you are there almost immediately. I found out that doors are your best friend with them. They tend to lay still and cannot come through doors, so I pop the door open and just shoot their head until they die. It is best to run away from most of them, but there are segments in the game where you waste some ammo to clear one, and then two come out of no where which I think is a bit much on Hardcore, but there are always ways around that after trial and error. If you're going for the mid-air trophy, the dogs are much easier to get this with, for a single slash from a Licker is almost instant death.

    I am on save #17 and I could care less. Now that I am familiar with almost everything, I can get a better grade. But shit... some of those trophies are hard like never using the item box or a recovery item. I'll try this after I am done with everything. I tend to tap out when I tell myself I don't need to save, and then I die in some stupid ass way and have to start all over.

  13. #223
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    Resident Evil is one of my favorite game series of all time and I'm very excited to get into this but unfortunately I'm way too broke--however, I'm pretty happy to hear that it maintains the survival horror spirit and especially that there's a hardcore mode--while in certain ways it was too unforgiving to be the "rightful" way to experience the game, the Madhouse difficulty in Resi 7 felt like a pretty fantastically intense time that really called to mind the resource clinching clusterfucks you'd find yourself in in the classics--i specifically recall being trapped in the mansion because my next objective required me to go through the yard, where there were two relentless crawler enemies and I had neither the health items nor ammo to deal with them. I fucking love games that give you enough rope to totally strangle yourself. It gives every choice you make so much more weight.

    I also call to mind dumping so much ammo into the two gigantes in Resi 4 that I had absolutely nothing left to hold off the army of insects in the area they were guarding.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I’m up to the laboratory with Leon and no spiders yet so I think it’s safe!

    loving this game, although I’m a complete wuss, who is playing on easy and using a walkthrough. I’m off work for a few weeks recovering from surgery so this is perfectly timed.

    One warning which isn’t too spoilery, when on the way to the lab make sure you have a free inventory space before getting into the cable car or you may end up getting completely stuck, unable to go forward or back and have to go back to a previous save
    No Spooders makes this a definite purchase for me then, thanks

  15. #225
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    Just beat the game on Leon A - Hardcore.... FINALLY. What a friggin' ride though! Really went beyond my expectations with this next to the original. I wish they would have incorporated more connection between Leon and Claire just a little bit, but I am also glad that they stuck to the cheesy dialogue in the end. MAKE sure you are smart with your ammo and health for the end because you will really regret it. As long as you have enough Mag ammo, a fully upgraded Matilda, and at least 2 first aid sprays, you should be just fine. Now on to Claire!

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  17. #227
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    Played a little this evening....met the lovely zombie dogs ugh.

    Also got to meet William Birkin for the first time. Took some hits but had enough health items to not fail. Sweeeeeet.

    His character model looks revolting, like it should be.

  18. #228
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    Yea, I was super happy how he came out. The extras are cool where you can look and play with the models. I am currently at the end of Claire B. I must say that run A is much more satisfying than Run B.

  19. #229
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    I love that Mr X is constantly searching for you rather than just in a few set pieces, it really adds to the tension

  20. #230
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    Finally beat Leon A. Good shit. Started Claire B, but I'm not diving all the way in. Gonna finish kingdom hearts first. Depending on whatever else comes out this year, this is a very strong candidate for GOTY .

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I love that Mr X is constantly searching for you rather than just in a few set pieces, it really adds to the tension
    Yeah, he sucks. The Police Station is a nightmare now. I have him to deal with on me at all times, it's darker than normal, lickers are starting to appear and there's tons of zombies swarming now. I need to start one shotting zombies for a slight stun and juke past them. No more wasting ammo.

    I'm out of shotgun shells but have a two flash grenades, a hand grenade and about 30-40 Matilda bullets. Need to develop the film from the garage/prison cells, get the Magnum and settle the last bit there before I move to Umbrella Corp.

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Yeah, he sucks. The Police Station is a nightmare now. I have him to deal with on me at all times, it's darker than normal, lickers are starting to appear and there's tons of zombies swarming now. I need to start one shotting zombies for a slight stun and juke past them. No more wasting ammo.

    I'm out of shotgun shells but have a two flash grenades, a hand grenade and about 30-40 Matilda bullets. Need to develop the film from the garage/prison cells, get the Magnum and settle the last bit there before I move to Umbrella Corp.
    Which difficulty are you on? I cleared out a ton of zombies before he showed up (which saved my ass). I didn't think he was as bad as people were saying.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Yeah, he sucks. The Police Station is a nightmare now. I have him to deal with on me at all times, it's darker than normal, lickers are starting to appear and there's tons of zombies swarming now. I need to start one shotting zombies for a slight stun and juke past them. No more wasting ammo.

    I'm out of shotgun shells but have a two flash grenades, a hand grenade and about 30-40 Matilda bullets. Need to develop the film from the garage/prison cells, get the Magnum and settle the last bit there before I move to Umbrella Corp.
    Darker than normal? What do you mean by that? You have to be patient with Mr.X, and not to freak out when he is close to you. Once you get it down, there is an easy way to dodge his punch and even the long lunge that the zombies take on you. It wouldn't hurt to look to some top ten tips and tricks video, unless you want to finish it fresh. He will always show up in the library (seems to be his favorite spot) but sometimes walking instead of running, and not opening doors so quick will help him not come around. Also, he stays away from item box rooms.

    Make sure you get all the add-ons for the Magnum!

    There are two lickers that appear by the office and armory room, but they are easily avoidable if you do some door peeking, and if you wanna take them out, the door is your best friend since they do not come through them. You can get plenty of knives so what I do is slice check every zombie I come across. Once they go down, or are already down, you can slice and slice until they're dead which will save you tons of ammo. Look out for Mr.Raccoon statues since you can get an unbreakable knife for finding all of them. Boarding up windows in pivotal, and knowing the layout of the station better will help you from going into areas you do not need to explore anymore saving you from unnecessary encounters and wasting ammo.

    I just got to the final form of Birkin with Claire on run B and I super pissed since I cannot kill him. 27 Six Shooter bullets with only 50 mini-gun bullets is not enough, so now I need to load an older save file and see what I can do. Hardcore is really a bitch!

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Which difficulty are you on? I cleared out a ton of zombies before he showed up (which saved my ass). I didn't think he was as bad as people were saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Darker than normal? What do you mean by that? You have to be patient with Mr.X, and not to freak out when he is close to you. Once you get it down, there is an easy way to dodge his punch and even the long lunge that the zombies take on you. It wouldn't hurt to look to some top ten tips and tricks video, unless you want to finish it fresh. He will always show up in the library (seems to be his favorite spot) but sometimes walking instead of running, and not opening doors so quick will help him not come around. Also, he stays away from item box rooms.

    Make sure you get all the add-ons for the Magnum!

    There are two lickers that appear by the office and armory room, but they are easily avoidable if you do some door peeking, and if you wanna take them out, the door is your best friend since they do not come through them. You can get plenty of knives so what I do is slice check every zombie I come across. Once they go down, or are already down, you can slice and slice until they're dead which will save you tons of ammo. Look out for Mr.Raccoon statues since you can get an unbreakable knife for finding all of them. Boarding up windows in pivotal, and knowing the layout of the station better will help you from going into areas you do not need to explore anymore saving you from unnecessary encounters and wasting ammo.

    I just got to the final form of Birkin with Claire on run B and I super pissed since I cannot kill him. 27 Six Shooter bullets with only 50 mini-gun bullets is not enough, so now I need to load an older save file and see what I can do. Hardcore is really a bitch!
    When I revisited the West Wing after he initially appeared the area seemed more darker than before when exploring. Could've been due to playing during the daytime and the room window light making it more difficult but I don't know.

    My main issue is the lickers, I don't have anything to kill them with really. I don't wanna keep wasting magnum ammo on them. I have wasted 3 or 4 on Mr. X already. I need to just get to the break room and to the basement to return to the parking garage and get the key card from the cells. It's simple and probably 5 minutes or work but will take me 10-25 probably. Playing this made me reminded me of just how awful I am at the first games. It makes me that much more thankful to be as Godly at 4-6 as I am, this game makes me feel like a total RE noob due to lame struggles.

  25. #235
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    I always led him deep on one side of the station if I needed to go-to the other side. It takes him a long time to move. Don't waste any ammo on him either.

  26. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post

    When I revisited the West Wing after he initially appeared the area seemed more darker than before when exploring. Could've been due to playing during the daytime and the room window light making it more difficult but I don't know.

    My main issue is the lickers, I don't have anything to kill them with really. I don't wanna keep wasting magnum ammo on them. I have wasted 3 or 4 on Mr. X already. I need to just get to the break room and to the basement to return to the parking garage and get the key card from the cells. It's simple and probably 5 minutes or work but will take me 10-25 probably. Playing this made me reminded me of just how awful I am at the first games. It makes me that much more thankful to be as Godly at 4-6 as I am, this game makes me feel like a total RE noob due to lame struggles.
    Like Kodiak said, never shoot at Mr. X. Even if you put enough into him, he will kneel for a bit and go back to tracking you. For the lickers, most of the time if you move slow enough you can get passed them, or at least one if they're paired up. They were the only enemies I really went out of my way to kill, but I was also good on extra ammo. That's the beauty of of this series though; I've played the old games religiously and I still felt like a noob.

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Like Kodiak said, never shoot at Mr. X. Even if you put enough into him, he will kneel for a bit and go back to tracking you. For the lickers, most of the time if you move slow enough you can get passed them, or at least one if they're paired up. They were the only enemies I really went out of my way to kill, but I was also good on extra ammo. That's the beauty of of this series though; I've played the old games religiously and I still felt like a noob.
    I psyched myself out. I pretty much made a mad dash from the main hall to the break room area to the parking garage and prison cells in about 2-4 minutes. I only got hit by Mr. X once and bit by a zombie once. I still have 13 Lightning Hawk magnum bullets left. I shot all the dogs in the kennel the first time I went around so the parking garage was smooth sailing for me. The power circuit puzzle was easy and the rest is history.

    I just made it to the Sewers with Ada Wong. Time to face the Alligator.

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I psyched myself out. I pretty much made a mad dash from the main hall to the break room area to the parking garage and prison cells in about 2-4 minutes. I only got hit by Mr. X once and bit by a zombie once. I still have 13 Lightning Hawk magnum bullets left. I shot all the dogs in the kennel the first time I went around so the parking garage was smooth sailing for me. The power circuit puzzle was easy and the rest is history.

    I just made it to the Sewers with Ada Wong. Time to face the Alligator.
    Nice! Yea that is the last resort is to just make a dash for it. In hardcore one slash is straight to danger status, so you can imagine my rage when I can't get a door open or fast enough, especially being really low on health items. Good move on killing the dogs first, I did the same as well because they're annoying as fuck, but the door trick works good against them. The Alligator is cool as hell in this version; I died a few times just to see it again .

  29. #239
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    I found Ada’s bit really hard the first time, kept getting killed by the zombies while trying to power the lift as it was so dark I couldn’t see where to go properly

  30. #240
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    Fuck those G-Adult variants in the sewers. I've wasted a good deal of ammo on them stupidly trying to get room. Hard to dodge for me.

    I loved playing as Ada even though it was short (and did the achievement for not using anything but the EMF Visualizer). They did a great job on her character model in this game, she definitely looks of Chinese descent in this one. She didn't in RE6 even though I liked her character model and look.

    I got all of the plugs, chemical flamethrower, secret stash items revealed with the undeveloped film after going back to RPD (a few of the Mr. Raccoons I missed there also) and got all the magnum attachments. I opened the door with the plugs and have to face Birkin for a 2nd time. Going to aim for the use the crane once achievement. Wish me luck!
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 02-08-2019 at 07:28 PM.

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