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Thread: Resident Evil Series

  1. #61
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    2/10 implies that the game is fundamentally broken and unplayable... RE6 might not set the world on fire.. but at the very least you can play it... the way I think reviews should be done:
    1-2 - the game is a glitchy mess that you can't finish
    3-4 - you can finish the game, it may be buggy as hell, but not fun
    5-6 - not too buggy, passable with some fun and even some good bits
    7 - maybe a few flaws but there is fun to be had, lots of good bits
    8 - minimal flaws, lots of good ideas, fun, a really good game
    9 - something really special, goes above and beyond the norms for the genre(s) it sits in.
    10 - a shining example of design, creativity, gameplay, polish, a true watershed moment.

    For me, most games are judged far too highly, but people seem only content with 8+...that doesn't mean a game below that does not have value, in fact most games sit there as just average... there is fun to be had sure, but those higher scores should be for something that is really pushing the medium forward, otherwise reviews become a celebration of highly polished mediocrity.
    </rant over>

  2. #62
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    This made me laugh.

    I always liked Leon, but what is it with the way he moves in this? It's like he has a limp or is a hunchback or something

  3. #63
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    I don't get the resounding hatred for this game. I like it, if that makes me a dork, sheep or otherwise money waster than so be it.

    Time to finish Jake's single player gameplay today...3 chapters to go.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I don't get the resounding hatred for this game. I like it, if that makes me a dork, sheep or otherwise money waster than so be it.

    Time to finish Jake's single player gameplay today...3 chapters to go.
    I'm with you, I played through Leon's first chapter last night and had a blast. Then again I've been a fan of the series since the first game was released.

  5. #65
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    I've been a fan since RE2 came out and idk, I'm just not having fun with this game.

    It's not even because there is no horror. That's not the case at all. I loved RE5 actually and there is no horror at all in that game, and Leon's first chapter was creepy. So that was cool.

    It just feels like a chore to finish each chapter. A friend of mine is willing to buy it off of me for $45 once I'm done with it and I'm thinking about doing it cause I don't see myself playing this game after I beat Leon and Jakes scenarios (halfway through Leon's now and already finished Chris').

    This is the first RE game that on my first playthrough that I'm not having fun.

  6. #66
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    I don't like action games where there is a lack of ammo which I found in Leon's demo - however then I discovered his R1 kick which made up for it. I thought Chris had the best demo chapter

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I don't like action games where there is a lack of ammo which I found in Leon's demo - however then I discovered his R1 kick which made up for it. I thought Chris had the best demo chapter
    In Leon's demo? Really? I had barely any, next to no ammo the whole time through Chris' campaign.

  8. #68
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    I don't like action games where there is a lack of ammo which I found in Leon's demo - however then I discovered his R1 kick which made up for it. I thought Chris had the best demo chapter

    Sorry for double post, I thought it hadn't posted and did it again and it posted twice
    Last edited by WorzelG; 10-04-2012 at 01:41 PM.

  9. #69
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    Its nothing compared to the first games. Ammo was much less sparse then than it is today. You didn't have to kill EVERYONE. You have the ammo, and you stretch it out. That was a huge factor of the "survival horror" element. If you had 20 bullets and 3 shotgun rounds, you didn't gripe about the lack of ammo, you figured out a way to make the situation work and conserve the shit out of your ammo. So I'm kinda glad they seem to have gone back to that.

    Shoot when necessary and run like hell. That's Resident Evil. Decided that I'm definitely buying it tomorrow. My friends have been having a blast with it. So that seems like a go.

  10. #70
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    I'm always running out of ammo in Jake's chapters.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    In Leon's demo? Really? I had barely any, next to no ammo the whole time through Chris' campaign.
    Yes, I ran out when you had to shoot the guys in the door - I played Leon's chapter first though so was probably a bit more conservative with ammo in Chris'- I didn't run out at all

  12. #72
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    Played and beat Leon's campaign today via co-op with one of my friends. I can honestly say after playing as her, seeing her story and as a character that Helena Harper is my favorite female RE character besides Jill Valentine.

    Started co-op on Chris' campaign today with the same friend. Only beat the first chapter.

    I need to and plan to finish Jake's campaign solo tomorrow or this weekend.

    Killing it big time on Mercenaries. Unlocked everyone's alternate costume besides Jake's.

    I like Agent Hunt mode but it leaves a lot to be desired...I really want to play but it's hard to find a game that isn't ending within 2 minutes of joining. Also very difficult to even enact any damage to a player.

    Unsure how it'll play out but I really, REALLY want this game to have a long life span and excellent follow-up support. I love Mercenaries so hopefully more characters, levels and costumes.

    Single player add-ons? hard to see how and where but if they did/do: Awesome!


    P.S. I'm loving this game, I really am.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by exilajei View Post
    Played the demo for 6 today was completely underwhelmed. I managed to squeeze some enjoyment out of 5, but I don't think I'll even touch this one...
    So I decided to pick this up despite my dislike for what I played. I've beat every other main RE game to date, so I feel like I've got to give it a shot.

    I have to say... I'm having a lot of fun with the Leon campaign so far. My main gripe with the demo was the Jake and Chris portions, where it felt like crazy shit was going on all over and the controls simply weren't allowing me to keep up. The slower pace of what I've played so far has been a lot better.

    We'll see how it goes after this campaign, but as of right now, thumbs up.

  14. #74
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    Just picked it up as well. Hoping it plays better the demo, which was kinda rough. But despite the reviews, I've been hearing good things otherwise. Debating on who to start with. Probably Leon.

  15. #75
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  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    What's with everyone's hate with this game and series since it's not 1998 Survival Horror anymore? I think that is an unfair opinion because of a comparison to earlier games that are over a decade old. Anyone ever think they wanted to always make the games like this but were unable to due to engines and the way 90's games played out? Not saying they did or wanted to but who knows with the devs.

    Each game has been consistently progressing more towards action with horror and bio-terrorism overtones than "Oh NOEZ THERE'S ZOMBIEZ A FOOTZ!!!!11!" RE6 so far has given me what I look for in games: Enjoyment.

    Everyone loved the action aspect of RE4 and ever since then they've been pushing the boundaries at making the games more action packed with gunplay and melee than with puzzles and horror. I've enjoyed every game I've played of the series in some fashion (Director's Cut, 2, 3: Nemesis, 4, Outbreak Case File #2, Umbrella Chronicles, 5: Gold, Operation: Raccoon City and now 6). I guess I am easier to please and okay with times changing. These games never scared me anyways. They might take me by surprise but never scared me. My fave genre of gaming is third-person shooters and the fact that RE is now in that category along with what remains of its horror I'm fine with it.

    I'm not starting a debate I just am defending my point of view of why I enjoy it. Wanna hate, not play and downgrade it for comparing it to the older games than suit yourself. I am a fan of the older games but also find enjoyment in the new breed.

    Resident Evil 6 garners a 1-3 rating out of 10? Give me a break. I save shit scores like to games that are glitchy, pathetically executed and not good playtime overall.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 10-05-2012 at 11:49 PM.

  17. #77
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    I'm liking it so far. One thing that bugs me is getting ran over by random cars. Huge wtf moments. Other than that, I think it's pretty well done so far. Some people don't like progression... I absolutely hated operation racoon city. AI was a mess on that one. This one seems to continue the fast pace of 5, with the old school "don't waste you munitions" that hasn't been present since Code Veronica. Been great so far though (,other than getting killed by random vehicles).

  18. #78
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    Stuck on the chapter 5 boss for Leon. I know what to do, but am still struggling... Meh. BTW, this game is awesome. 3-4 reviews... Idiots!

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Stuck on the chapter 5 boss for Leon. I know what to do, but am still struggling... Meh. BTW, this game is awesome. 3-4 reviews... Idiots!
    Simmons? T-Rex Simmons? Fly Simmons? Which?

    Told you.

  20. #80
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    Fly Simmons. He want to pick up the guys I need him to. So he's always regenerating. Pain in the ass.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Fly Simmons. He want to pick up the guys I need him to. So he's always regenerating. Pain in the ass.
    Yes, he was annoying but me and my friend shocked him good.

    One chapter away from beating Jake's.

  22. #82
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    Finally beat him last time. May have killed me 20+ times, but the last time, I slaughtered him. I kinda lucked out though with the rod. Started Jake's campaign now (chapter 3). Hated chapter 2. My vision is bad enough. And the guy who joined my game decided to just wander ahead without me. Thankfully someone joined as a creature and killed him. We breezed through after that. Not sure which was worse, the AI, or this guy. If you're trying to be undetected, sure, keep walking on the ice... I finished the chapter and sent him on his merry way.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Finally beat him last time. May have killed me 20+ times, but the last time, I slaughtered him. I kinda lucked out though with the rod. Started Jake's campaign now (chapter 3). Hated chapter 2. My vision is bad enough. And the guy who joined my game decided to just wander ahead without me. Thankfully someone joined as a creature and killed him. We breezed through after that. Not sure which was worse, the AI, or this guy. If you're trying to be undetected, sure, keep walking on the ice... I finished the chapter and sent him on his merry way.
    I hated Chapter 2 of Jake's also. Incredibly dark, confusing and just unfun. Worst chapter in the game.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I hated Chapter 2 of Jake's also. Incredibly dark, confusing and just unfun. Worst chapter in the game.
    I couldnt see or figure out where to go. Then the sledding part also kinda sucked. Died a few times there. It didn't help that my partner just decided to run off on his own while I struggled catching up and finding him.

  25. #85
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    So... last night, my brother and I did split-screen Mercenaries for probably a straight 90 minutes, and I had a fucking BLAST. That mode is just as fun as it's ever been. I was a little afraid some of the magic would be gone due to the changes they made to the gameplay, but my fears were relieved once I got a hang of the new controls.

    I love the addition of the quick-fire-from-the-hip (perfect for those pesky dogs), and the stingy ammo adds a very interesting shade of strategy to it. The first time I accidentally sprinted towards a zombie, slid towards them on my back while firing my assault rifle, I flipped. So cool! The new enemies are cool, too. We only played on one level, and never switched characters the entire time, so I know there's plenty more to be enjoyed.

    My own copy FINALLY arrived today, so I'm stoked to dig into the campaigns. I'm also getting the feeling that this game might be more well-received once people start to play Ada's story, so I'm looking forward to unlocking that.

    Long story short, based solely on Mercenaries, I'm very happy about my purchase... and I haven't even put my disc into the console yet. RE6 seems to be a game that thrives when playing with a friend. That said, I'm still psyched to go through at least 1 or 2 of the campaigns by myself.

    Will report back once I've played more of the game!

  26. #86
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    Finished Jake's campaign a little while ago. I had fun with it. Kinda anti-climatic though... The chemistry was good between Jake and Sherry though.

  27. #87
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    It might be becase I played as Piers Nivens in my Chris playthrough but I really, really felt sad at the end of it. Not gonna state why due to spoilers.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    well, to be fair, fuck at least 70% of the reviews from Destructoid, but I'm still not buying this game til I try it.

    Also, that attention whore Tom Chick has given it an abysmally low score (just like he does to every good blockbuster game), which is a good sign to me... even if by the aggregate it seems he's probably at least somewhat correct this time, even if I'm 100% certain that this game doesn't deserve a 2/10 (and I say this without having played it, but still, come on).
    I'm with you on Tom Chick (I read his reviews occasionally simply for the lulz), but I just got back from my wife's friend's new condo and her friend's boyfriend and I sat for about an hour or so with a few beers trying out RE6 and holyyyy shit. How anyone could find this game good in literally any respect baffles the shit out of me. I'm almost glad I didn't play 4 or 5 if they were anything even slightly resembling this. Then we split-screened Borderlands 2 for fifteen minutes or so to wash the taste out lol.

    I swear if I would've had to sit through another QTE watching the game I was gonna leave haha...
    Last edited by october_midnight; 10-10-2012 at 02:00 AM.

  29. #89
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    I just started playing it. It's kinda fun, in a "OMG this is insanely cheesy" way. I have to say that it's MASSIVE, which is a plus so far. I'm on the Leon campaign so that may be why I'm not hating it right away.

    I think I may play the Jake campaign as Sherry Birkin just to disgust the teenage hater that still dwells within me.

  30. #90
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    rented this game with gamefly. this game should just be called michael bay: the game. fucking explosions happening just because man.
    Also because the story is pretty fucking retarded

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