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Thread: Sigil 03_: An omen EP_

  1. #181
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    Holy shit I ust got back from work to this! To summarize how I feel right now in one tiny statment, "OMFG!". I'm finding it odd that people even noticed he changed record label. All I got from his announcement was november, new ep, new ep, new ep, new ep, new album next year, videos, excitement, omfg, and new ep! Shit, this is goddamn HTDA, they could release it any label, any method and I'd still walk around with a permanent boner for a good few months. But yeah anyway, ZOMG GUYS! ITS COMING!

  2. #182
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    Since we're talking business - I'd think that after testing the waters of a relationship with Sony / Columbia for the s/t releases of TSN & TGWTDT and having those two releases garner plenty of sales and recognition, the agreement still allows for plenty of leeway and other perks that would be otherwise unavailable to younger, newer artists. Regardless of the history with Interscope, which is owned by a different company mind you, what should matter to everyone is this -

    We're going to be getting new music soon and it has the potential to be excellent.

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Since we're talking business - I'd think that after testing the waters of a relationship with Sony / Columbia for the s/t releases of TSN & TGWTDT and having those two releases garner plenty of sales and recognition, the agreement still allows for plenty of leeway and other perks that would be otherwise unavailable to younger, newer artists. Regardless of the history with Interscope, which is owned by a different company mind you, what should matter to everyone is this -

    We're going to be getting new music soon and it has the potential to be excellent.
    Yeah, what the awesome smiley guy said. I for one am pretty much wetting myself right now. I'm just so happy to be given an actual release date

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    Remember Trent's big speech about how independent bands should NOT go to major labels? How you should only go to a major label if you want to be mass-appealing bullshit like Coldplay?
    You mean these posts? Not really a "big speech." They were his thoughts three years ago on the subject, including: "Here’s a truth: nobody knows what to do right now, me included." Times change. The economy changes. Industries change. Personal circumstances change. Ideas change.

    These were just thoughts he shared, while he on a tour bus in Europe, in response to some negative Twitter replies he had received. This was not a manifesto, for which you can hold him accountable in perpetuity.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Wasn't it great when we all sat in the board room with HTDA and Columbia, and found out the minutae of the deal, and what it means for all parties? I especially liked the bit where we decided it was in some way going to affect us as consumers.
    Like I said: it's their choice. I'm sure Trent knows what he's doing - unlike the time he trusted a label to get James Cameron to direct a Lights In The Sky 3D concert film and got fucked over. I saw someone mentioning that "Trent should know better by this time". Well, Columbia is a different label.

    We, the consumers, want the music. But Trent did speak about labels being dead, and the devil, and the way of the past, and STAY AWAY FROM LABELS, etc. Which is obviously not the case - labels can, and have always been able to, do some stuff well. Even for artists who are not Coldplay.

    I'm not saying he's wrong now. Not saying he's sold out or anything.

    EDIT: and lol at me getting "Faceplams".
    Last edited by FernandoDante; 09-21-2012 at 08:48 PM.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    And think about how much life has changed since he went independent. It was just NIN back then that he (and Rob and his manager) had to worry about running. Now, he's composing for films. And actively working on the Year Zero series with HBO. And has an entire new band, HTDA. Plus NIN. And whatever else he's working on that we don't know about. On top of having a family now.

    All of those career and life changes might be reason enough to back away from doing everything independently, though I'm sure in reality they wouldn't be the only factors.

    All of this, plus, it's for HTDA. He didn't sign NIN to a label. He signed a new band that likely has a relatively small fan base, and hasn't released a full album yet let alone toured. All of that combined, I don't see why he wouldn't sign HTDA to a label that he has a good relationship with from a previous release.

  7. #187
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    I remember them saying Cabaret Voltaire was an inspiration for this album or something along those lines. Not huge on them, not that I'm having any doubts about the new music at all I'm just trying to imagine what it's gonna sound like. I have a feeling its going to be quite different than what we're used to but incredibly brilliant. Goddamnit now that its been announced I really have no idea what to talk about now, I'm just all hyped up! November better hurrt its ass up, couldn't care less about the time inbetween!

  8. #188
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    I like these images. I realize that this probably isn't the case, but it almost looks like TR has a gun in his hand.

  9. #189
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    Did I sound ironic or something? I really wanna listen to this new music, just not dying with excitement.

    Quote Originally Posted by blassster View Post
    I like these images. I realize that this probably isn't the case, but it almost looks like TR has a gun in his hand.
    Yes, absolutely. My first thought.

  10. #190
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    Maybe it'll be like that Mariqueen picture they used for the original EP. Keep going back to it and more and more will be revealed. Doubt it but it would be cool

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    Like I said: it's their choice. I'm sure Trent knows what he's doing - unlike the time he trusted a label to get James Cameron to direct a Lights In The Sky 3D concert film and got fucked over.
    No. He already had the filming with Cameron set up. And an extra tour date added to the schedule, specifically for the filming. TR approached Interscope (since they own rights to some of the songs) about helping to fund and produce the film. Interscope then dragged their feet.

    Facts. They work.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    No. He already had the filming with Cameron set up. And an extra tour date added to the schedule, specifically for the filming. TR approached Interscope (since they own rights to some of the songs) about helping to fund and produce the film. Interscope then dragged their feet.

    Facts. They work.
    Thanks for reminding me of the detail on how Trent got fucked over anyway.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by FernandoDante View Post
    Thanks for reminding me of the detail on how Trent got fucked over anyway.
    Yeah, that sure was a "Trent had no idea what he was doing" moment, wasn't it? If only he were smarter. Sheesh.

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Yeah, that sure was a "Trent had no idea what he was doing" moment, wasn't it? If only he were smarter. Sheesh.
    Please, don't take my statement that far. Here, let me use Trent's own words to make the point clear:

    I made two critical mistakes.
    Do you agree with me that:

    "Thinking you're doing something right, when in fact you don't know that it's gonna go wrong"


    "A critical mistake"


    EDIT: and this has gone off-topic. I'll stop now.
    Last edited by FernandoDante; 09-21-2012 at 10:45 PM.

  15. #195
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    Oh my,what splendid news and oh boy what swell news,..
    Not to be a Negative Nancy but why is everyone giving him a hard time bout signing to Columbia, i always thought the independent thing whilst noble was very chaotic and messy.
    More people will hear his music this way. Some Ugly little 15 year olds may convert from a life of One Direction to HTDA.
    But whatever, If i had to guess....
    reckon it will be very experimental, it will sound like but better and smoother than Portishead's Third also sound like the synth group Section 25, and more recently the band Factory Floor and as mentioned like years ago Cabaret Voltaire, with Noise and minimal dubsteppy type influences.
    Trent will find a way to mold this together.
    Yes he will. Exciting!!

  16. #196
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    Isn't it weird how there's four band members, but, according to this thread, only one of them does any of the work?

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post

    Also, unsure on what that image is found between AR & TR. Why is it blurry or out of focus? I tried dodging and enlarging but I can't make it out. Maybe as the days pass the image will become more clear.
    This isn't Trent's arm, it is Atticus'(ess)... Clearly he is still a very bad man.

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    I feel like i've been on a LONNNGGGG car ride, and I can FINALLY stretch and take the most REVEALING piss i ever had. I'm not at my destination yet, but the satisfaction is amazing.
    I've just going to leave this here, definitely the best moment of this thread.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Isn't it weird how there's four band members, but, according to this thread, only one of them does any of the work?
    Trent is the one who wrote the update. Trent is usually the one seen as the front man. Trent is the one every single member of this forum is a fan of.
    I don't think anyone here thinks he does all of the work (because that'd be dumb). But it only makes sense that he is the member that would be discussed the most.

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    To add gas to the fire, HTDA are currently online, according to Soundcloud
    they added "is your love strong enough?"

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Isn't it weird how there's four band members, but, according to this thread, only one of them does any of the work?
    People have been talking about Rob Sheridan as well because he's on Twitter and we've seen his work. Atticus and Mariqueen are a bit of an enigma, perhaps when things get going there will be interviews with everyone

  22. #202
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    Just proves that going independent doesn't work, you can reach your own fans but just doesn't bring enough exposure.

    I would like to point out though, I have nothing against the labels (apart from a select few) and I'm starting to get more and more pissed off with high ticket prices to see the bands, £100 for The Cure not so long ago if I remember correctly and £200 to see Reading and Leeds festival. NIN have always been fair with ticket prices (never more than £30) and still put on an amazing show, hopefully this won't change with HTDA!!!

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horican View Post
    I'm wondering what else is coming in the following months...
    The end of the world?

  24. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by sore_and_crucified View Post
    Just proves that going independent doesn't work, you can reach your own fans but just doesn't bring enough exposure.
    I would argue that going independent doesn't scale, that you an in fact get 'enough exposure' - but that as an independent agency, you cannot necessarily handle the product fulfillment that goes along with that as well as a dedicated entity. I, for one, was glad to see no TopSpin association this time around.

  25. #205
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    Where did this "vinyl/digital only" info come from?

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by dionysus74 View Post
    Where did this "vinyl/digital only" info come from?

    also: pitchfork

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horican View Post
    Way to exclude fans and miss out on revenue.

  28. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by dionysus74 View Post
    Way to exclude fans and miss out on revenue.
    Sorry, do you not have a CD burner?

    I actually stopped using CDs precisely in 2008, when I bought a stereo for my car, for about $200, that didn't have a CD player. It has connectors for USB, iPod/iPhone, and an Aux-In jack. Once the CD player in my car was eliminated, CDs were dead to me - and that was four and a half years ago.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by dionysus74 View Post
    Way to exclude fans and miss out on revenue.
    the only real reason to buy cds is for the artwork and that's probably one of the reasons the vinyl is being released in lieu of a cd.
    i haven't used a cd in a few years as well, but still purchase them if they are related to any project trent releases. other than that, its digital purchases for me.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by dionysus74 View Post
    Way to exclude fans and miss out on revenue.
    really? i mean - what use could you have for the CD? the music you can get digitally (and even burn on a CD if you want to play it in your car or something) and if you want some physical product - well, the vinyl is a perfect option, the packaging is larger, more detailed and more beautiful.
    basically, i think the only reason that vinyl+digital hasn't (yet) become the standard for music fans today is because vinyl is relatively expansive, when compared with CDs. but now, when you can download most music for very little money or for nothing at all, when you actually love something enough to want it physically in your hands it's fair to spend some extra $ and get something with more value that feels truer to the art and to the music then a small CD case.

    BTW, I'm guessing that the full album will also come on CD.

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