Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
This will sound like heresy but the output from HDTA, TSN, and GWTDT blends together in my ears--with elements from Ghosts and The Slip.

Hopefully, the talk of "tension" will mean more noticeably dynamic and complex arrangements--not that they need to recreate WITT's wall of guitar, just something that moves around a lot--both in the song and compared to the other material on the EP.
the common element is Atticus. Trent obviously gets on well with him and I'm glad for it. But its interesting for how much "NIN=Trent" is orthodoxy, how much his output changes depending on who he is around at the time; Broken vs TDS vs TF vs. WT.... all radically different sounding (to my ears). and each had radically different crews around (excepting Alan Moulder and TR.) but since WT, atticus has pretty much become a member of the band -- which might actually have prompted the decision to just start HTDA, now that I think about it.