I went into that Coil FB group several months back to ask some random question and it somehow got railroaded into this discussion about how Cold Spring as a label should be generally avoided because it has ties to fascists or something? Then it spiraled out into a sub-discussion about how Coil themselves could be considered fascist because just being in that scene meant you were crossing paths with fascists. I never took anything they did to have roots in fascism though. Paganism, yes. Fascism, no..

That Dais re-re-issue of Time Machines is a joke, too. They announced its release 24 hours before its pre-order and then it predictably sold out in about 2.7 seconds, because it had a pressing quantity in the low-40s. Fuck these vanity labels who are completely out of touch, producing these things in such low quantity, so flipper dick douchebags on the secondary market can charge 4X the original asking price. I refuse to believe these labels are oblivious to such gouging that doesn’t give true fans of a given artist any chance to acquire the product at a fair price. I don’t care if they went to the “Stone Circle of Zion” or wherever to get the actual incense Jhon burned onstage for this package; it’s a cash-grab that I’m sure the band would have laughed at the idea of, and I couldn’t give less of a fuck if Drew McDowell signed it. Stick with the original press or one of the 2017 reissue variants with the remastered sound, which is significant..

Who knew that a one-off drone album would be so heavily milked 20+ years later. If Dais pulls this $100+, 40 copies only bullshit with the MTPITD reissue, I imagine Coil fans will be rightly burning down their corporate offices in protest..