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Thread: Coil

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    I recently sat down with Danny Hyde and talked about his work with Coil and Nine Inch Nails plus some of his upcoming projects.

    Awesome guy.


    digressive_obscenity - episode_14 - danny_hyde

    Great interview and overall podcast!

    (Loved hearing that Mr. Hyde is following Breaking Bad as most of us. Now, I need to clean up my apartment for the big finale.)
    Last edited by hobochic; 09-30-2013 at 11:01 AM.

  2. #92
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    Threshold House now has a looping video with what appears to be the Time Machines 2 box and the store has a section for the album that says "coming soon." So I suppose it's coming sooner than it was a year ago!

  3. #93
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    it's finally available for pre-order!!!

    limited to 777 copies. about $90 with shipping to the US. i am so happy (though my wallet isn't :/ )

  4. #94
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    despite my reluctance at spending about 75 bucks on a drone album, I've pre-ordered mine! I can't wait! This thing looks beautiful

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostaustin View Post
    despite my reluctance at spending about 75 bucks on a drone album, I've pre-ordered mine! I can't wait! This thing looks beautiful
    as someone who has bought several of coil's (and throbbing gristle's) limited edition (and very expensive) items, i can tell you that you're not just paying for the music, you're paying for a unique object. plus, it'll probably be a good amount of excellent music.

  6. #96
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    According to the March update, TM2 is going to have 7 tracks and a total running time of 73 minutes. Am I greedy for being disappointed that it's not longer? I'm sure I'll enjoy it either way, and I can always loop them and blend them together, but I remember reading (hopefully correctly) that the original versions of some of these pieces ran closer to an hour, so I was expecting something of that length per track.

  7. #97
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    Fnrgh. That looks nice, but I'd rather hear it than hold it. I wonder if there'll be a standalone digital version.

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    Fnrgh. That looks nice, but I'd rather hear it than hold it. I wonder if there'll be a standalone digital version.
    i'm sure someone will upload it somewhere, but i don't know if Threshold House is going to offer a purchasable digital version. they haven't said anything about it thus far.

  9. #99
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    Yeah no doubt, but that's a shame because it's a missed marked opportunity for them and opportunity to remunerate them for me. Otoh I'll consider the USB but I'm in desperate house buying save mode ATM.

  10. #100
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    Been listening to Recoiled/Uncoiled a lot lately and was wondering what Coil album has the most sonic similarities to these remixes, if any?

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by barkhammer View Post
    Been listening to Recoiled/Uncoiled a lot lately and was wondering what Coil album has the most sonic similarities to these remixes, if any?
    That is really hard to say. I feel that every Coil release is unique, beautiful and uniquely beautiful in every way. Not a lot fo continuity in their catalog. Maybe The Remote Viewer though - definitely one of my top 3 releases of theirs. I'd start there considering their nin remixes were my introduction to Coil ha

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by barkhammer View Post
    Been listening to Recoiled/Uncoiled a lot lately and was wondering what Coil album has the most sonic similarities to these remixes, if any?
    Quote Originally Posted by Radiovoyr View Post
    That is really hard to say. I feel that every Coil release is unique, beautiful and uniquely beautiful in every way. Not a lot fo continuity in their catalog. Maybe The Remote Viewer though - definitely one of my top 3 releases of theirs. I'd start there considering their nin remixes were my introduction to Coil ha
    yeah, i got into coil/throbbing gristle because of coil's remixes for NIN. the first coil album i bought was "unnatural history" and was a terrible introduction to the band.

    i definitely agree that starting with remote viewer would be a good choice, as well as black antlers, and the ape of naples. that's all later-era stuff, and then you can ease your way backwards. i'm not a huge fan of love's secret domain (which is many people's favorite coil album) but i really love everything they did up to that point, and most of what they did after (up to the three albums i mentioned before).
    also, make sure you check out some of their live stuff. a lot of the material from the colour, sound, oblivion box set has made its way online, and watching their live performances is really, really cool.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Ok I will keep this VERY brief, but I think it does them some degree of justice without delving into every dark corner of their discog. In a nutshell I'd say bookend it - get horse rotorvator and ape of naples

    track by track (youtube at the ready!)

    early stuff

    From Horse Rotorvator (1986)

    - anal staircase (pretty different to the rest of their stuff but will be reminiscent of pretty hate machine NIN)

    - Slur (remember this album was borne of the uncertainty and fear of the early AIDS/GRIDS epidemic - the lyrics are so great "and I asked my lovers, do you know? - where the desert roses bloom and grow")

    - Penetralia (if you like broken by NIN you will be into the sound of this track 100%)

    later stuff

    from Foxtrot; (1998)

    - Heartworms (very depressing, grave sounding. the video is great)

    From Ape of Naples; (2005 ish)

    - Fire of the Mind (absolutely beautiful funereal track, lyrics are just great, imo one of the best ever)

    - Tattooed man (lovely)

    - Heaven's Blade

    I will also say that "Ostia - death of Pasolini" is lovely
    Hi everyone, great thread. Coil are so amazing. I have a good idea on about half their stuff. I spent a lot of time with Musick To Play In The Dark 1 and 2 but did not keep up with everything after that. Not too many people discussing Constant Shallowness on here. Can anyone point me in the direction of other later Coil that sounds as heavy as that CD? Especially the second track - I Am The Green Child - what a complete and utter headfuck ! (thanks Jhonn)

  14. #104
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    got an e-mail yesterday that TM2 was finally ready to dispatch, and that the first 100 orders would be going out today, and then woke up to an e-mail this morning saying my order had shipped! WOOO!

    We are happy to announce that the wait is finally over.
    The first 100 orders of Time Machines II will be sent out tomorrow; Friday 4th April.
    All remaining orders will be sent over the next 10 days.
    Many thanks for your patience.

  15. #105
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    my copy of TM2 arrived yesterday, and i'm currently loading it onto my computer. 2.48 gigs worth of AIFF files on a (sorta flimsy) wood flash drive. looks really cool, but there's no artwork or anything. and the flash drive is partitioned, with nothing on the secondary partition. it's kinda weird.

  16. #106
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    aaaaaand i just BARELY got it to fit inside the pewter case, and now i can't remove it. x.X good thing i loaded it onto my computer already... >.<

  17. #107
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    I forgot how awesomely random this band can be

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    aaaaaand i just BARELY got it to fit inside the pewter case, and now i can't remove it. x.X good thing i loaded it onto my computer already... >.<
    First impressions?

    Thoughts you want to share?

    What does it sound like?

    Is it similar to the first Time Machines?

    ...feel free to answer any / all of these questions. : ) Being that the original TM album is one of my all-time favorites, I'm fucking dying to hear more about this one.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by memeories View Post
    First impressions?

    Thoughts you want to share?

    What does it sound like?

    Is it similar to the first Time Machines?

    ...feel free to answer any / all of these questions. : ) Being that the original TM album is one of my all-time favorites, I'm fucking dying to hear more about this one.
    1. i really wish i owned the original time machines on vinyl. i might break down and buy one of the copies on discogs that's around $100

    2. i am SO GLAD i bought this. i honestly would have shelled out a good deal of money for even a digital version, but having this unique, limited edition, physical object is pretty cool.

    3. that said, i really wish they had put a little more care into it...the wood (which is pretty flimsy/cheap-feeling) BARELY fits into the pewter case, and i got it stuck in there earlier (but managed to get it out without doing much damage). however, every time i slide it in/out, the metal peels away at various parts of the wood. the USB part also flops around a lot, making it very difficult to actually insert into a drive. : /

    4. the first track seems to be slightly corrupted on my copy (it cuts off abruptly at 11:41, followed by over a minute of silence, and is the only track that does something like that). i have put an e-mail into threshold house to find out if that was intentional or if i really do have a messed up file.

    5. the music is amazing, so far. it's very similar in mood to the original, and it definitely makes me feel an odd combination of calm and very, very fucked up (but so does most of coil's discography, so...)

    6. once i sort out this first track nonsense feel free to PM me...

  20. #110
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    looks like i was (sadly) correct. i'm also sad that it's an across-the-board issue, rather than an individual one, because it sucks for them.

    Dearest TMII purchasers,

    We have been made aware of an unfortunate audio glitch in the first track of Time Machines II.

    We have decided that we need to manufacture new USB parts for all orders.

    If you have already received your copy of Time Machines II we will send out the new USB part and there is no need to return your order to us.

    We expect the new parts to be with us in 3 weeks, at which point we will fulfil all orders as quickly as possible.

    We sincerely apologise for this frustrating set of circumstances.

    Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.


    Threshold House

  21. #111
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    Has anyone else not received TM2?

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostaustin View Post
    Has anyone else not received TM2?
    i was one of the first 100 orders, as i said a few posts up, so i got mine pretty quick after they initially shipped. i think that, once they realized that there was an issue (see my last post above yours), they delayed sending out the rest until they got new flash drives for everyone's orders. i haven't received my replacement, yet, so i'm not surprised you haven't gotten yours at all, yet.

    i'll let you know as soon as my replacement comes!

  23. #113
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    wrote to threshold house because it's been two months since they sent the e-mail saying they'd have replacement drives in three weeks, and got this reply:

    We're hoping to receive the replacement drives in the next week or so, at which point we'll dispatch immediately.

    Sorry again for the long wait, but it's definitely almost over!

    Kind regards,

    Tyrone @ Greedbag on behalf of
    Threshold House

  24. #114
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    finally own this on vinyl! my favorite COIL album!!!

  25. #115
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    Just got a confirmation e-mail that my copy of TM2 has shipped =D

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostaustin View Post
    Just got a confirmation e-mail that my copy of TM2 has shipped =D
    and yet my REPLACEMENT copy hasn't shipped yet? that's weird.

    glad you'll finally be getting it, though! other than the first track being fucked up, the rest of it was pretty amazing.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    finally own this on vinyl! my favorite COIL album!!!

    I've never even bothered trying to get coil vinyl. Seems to be goddamn expensive!

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    I've never even bothered trying to get coil vinyl. Seems to be goddamn expensive!
    i only paid $39 including shipping. cover is VG and vinyl is VG+.
    it depends on what release you're trying to get, and how much of an asshole the person selling it is.
    granted, COIL stuff was always expensive even upon first release, especially for people in the US.
    i could have paid $100 brand new for the Ape Of Naples vinyl box set if i had gotten it directly from important records, but i missed that opportunity, and ended up having to pay nearly twice as much to buy it directly from threshold house when sleazy got his hands on all the extra copies. it wasn't even gouging, it was that it was £90, because that was a fair british price.

    anyway, yeah, the prices for some things (like Musick To Play In The Dark) are INSANE.

    at this point the only other thing i REALLY care about getting on vinyl is Gold Is The Metal. i'd like both volumes of MTPITD, but i mean...this is nuts:

    Volume 1

    • Lowest:

    • Median:

    • Highest:


    Volume 2

    • Lowest:

    • Median:

    • Highest:


    i would totally buy the Trauma edition (especially because i would love to own a literal piece of john balance...even though i realize that sounds REALLY creepy), but no one has sold one in over 3 years.

  29. #119
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    Dearest TMII customer,

    We’re currently in the midst of having your replacement USBs made, please know that we’re working to get them to you as quickly as possible!

    In the meantime, please find below a link to a working version of track 1:


    If you have any questions in the meantime please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

    Kind regards,

    Tyrone @ Greedbag on behalf of
    Threshold House
    that's basically what they said several months ago. lame :/

  30. #120
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    I'm really not digging what I've heard of TMII so far (up to track 4)

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