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Thread: Coil

  1. #1
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    Cant be many people on here who have not heard OF Coil. With them being one of the biggest influences on Trent, being on Nothing, and with How To Destroy Angels being named after a track by them.
    Have been listening to them for years, however its only now im realising how ahead of their time they truly were. Their music keeps getting better to my ears and im able to appreciate their more challenging stuff more now too. I can now see how influential they were, not just on NIN ( the downward spiral in particular) but many other artists in the electronic music world owe them big time, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada have all been vocal about Coil's awesomeness too.
    Horse Rotorvator sounds unlike anything else coming out in the mid 1980s. They could create sounds which would freak you out in a way no metal band ever could. Sounds which would bend your head backwards. They could make you feel like you were going into a psychosis listening to them. Its really interesting, try and listen to some of their records in a pitch black room. I bet you will have trouble.
    They were fearless in the way they presented their art too. Some of the stunts they were pulling back then with Derek Jarman and with Scatology etc were highly controversial. But yeah RIP Sleazy and mr balance they have a huge back catalogue and listening to their records and getting sucked into that world they create is consuming me loads at the moment!!
    Last edited by Highly Psychological; 02-18-2012 at 01:21 AM.

  2. #2
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    Though I don't listen to them frequently, they are without a doubt one of my favorite bands to ever have existed. I really love the Musick to Play in the Dark series, as well as Love's Secret Domain (and pretty much everything). I really wanted to get the Colour Sound Oblivion box set, but didn't have the money at the time, and I don't think they are still available now that Sleazy is gone.

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    I love Coil. Scatology, Horse Rotorvator, Time Machines and The New Backwards are just a few of their works which make me gasp in amazement every time I listen to them. Their works are timeless and can never be called "dated", because they can't be compared to anything. I listened to Love's Secret Domain and two Threshold Houseboys Choir albums last Thursday, which was Peter's Memorial Day.

    By the way, here is the playlist picked by Chris and Cosey of TG to be played on that day: http://www.throbbing-gristle.com/tg-...ylist2011.html I couldn't help but giggle when I saw Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" in there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darktemplar007 View Post
    I really wanted to get the Colour Sound Oblivion box set, but didn't have the money at the time, and I don't think they are still available now that Sleazy is gone.
    sadly, the open edition (which was not meant to be limited) has run out of stock. it is doubtful that any more will be made. : / it's a pretty fantastic box set, and one of my favourites (i'm a box set fiend...i have the limited edition [but not the patron's edition]).

    i listen to them on a weekly basis. i was pretty excited that i had read in an interview that peter was working on some "remixes" for trent...but it's doubtful they'll ever surface now.

  5. #5
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    Love Throbbing Gristle and all the offshoot projects (Psychic TV, Chris & Cosey and, of course, Coil). Definitely some of the most important artists in modern history.

    Sleazy's passing has made Coil's output all the more haunting. RIP.

  6. #6
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    One of my favorite bands. I only wish I could find Live Four cheaper than 60 bucks I too wish I had enough money for the CSO box set.

  7. #7
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    Discs 15 and 16 were released under a Creative Commons license

    Edit: I guess technically I'm supposed to link the CC license if I post a download link
    Last edited by Jon; 12-28-2011 at 05:26 PM.

  8. #8
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    Every now and then I bug Scanner (Robin Rimbaud) about digging up some DAT he has that may contain a Coil remix of a NIN song that we may or may not have heard. I don't want to be too much of a bother, but I'm holding out the hope that there's some 1995-era Coil out there that's yet to be heard.

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    On a related note, I'm trying to find Danny Hyde's video I found two years ago. I had posted a link to the video in Ye Olde ETS, in the Coil thread. He showed his archives, one of which had the Nothing Records logo on it. Perhaps the box contains the master tapes for Backwards, the legendary Coil album, part of which was recorded at Trent's studio. Possibly there are tapes of NIN remixes by Coil as well. I found his YouTube account https://www.youtube.com/user/dannyboyx2006 but it seems he deleted that specific video. The New Backwards was remixed by him and Peter, so they definitely had the master works. I want to bug Danny to tell us what's inside that Nothing Records box.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    On a related note, I'm trying to find Danny Hyde's video I found two years ago. I had posted a link to the video in Ye Olde ETS, in the Coil thread. He showed his archives, one of which had the Nothing Records logo on it. Perhaps the box contains the master tapes for Backwards, the legendary Coil album, part of which was recorded at Trent's studio. Possibly there are tapes of NIN remixes by Coil as well. I found his YouTube account https://www.youtube.com/user/dannyboyx2006 but it seems he deleted that specific video. The New Backwards was remixed by him and Peter, so they definitely had the master works. I want to bug Danny to tell us what's inside that Nothing Records box.
    You should reach out to him. I remember that video - I think he was selling some things on eBay at the time (Like a TR-606, that if I remember correctly, was used for the Coil remix of Closer) Surely if he had some unreleased goodies, we could raise some cash to encourage him to release them.

  11. #11
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    Managed to get tickets for the following two things that form part of the Peter 'Sleazy' Christopherson remembrance evening in March

    AV Festival 12: Wishful Thinking: In Remembrance of Peter Christopherson (1955 - 2010)

    This special event celebrates the life of Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson.

    A founding member of the bands Throbbing Gristle and Coil, a designer at Hipgnosis and a legendary music videomaker, Christopherson was commissioned by AV Festival 12 to compose a new work, but sadly, he passed away in November 2010 before completing the work.

    This music, film and performance event includes the premiere of three sketches by Christopherson‘s collaborators for the commission: visual artist Alex Rose, sound recordist Chris Watson and vocalist Attila Csihar.

    Special guests Chris Carter and Cosey Fanni Tutti premiere live remixes from Throbbing Gristle’s final studio album, a cover of Nico’s Desertshore, preceded by a rare screening of Philippe Garrel’s The Inner Scar.

    The evening comes to a poetic close with a screening of the great Derek Jarman’s The Angelic Conversation, with a soundtrack by Coil.
    Atilla Csihar, Chris Carter & Cosey Fanni Tutti (ie half of Throbbing Gristle) and some rare film all in one four hour evening - just too good to believe. Just such a shame this is all because he's not around any more.

    .....and, earlier that evening to kick things off:-

    AV Festival 12: Musick To Play In The Dark: A Talk By Rob Young

    Rob Young is the author of Electric Eden: Unearthing Britain’s Visionary Music, and Editor-at-Large at The Wire magazine. In a talk illustrated with sound, he discusses Peter Christopherson’s unique contribution to music.

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    Just back from the evening in my previous post. Very few words in my head to sum it up at this time.

    Magick & transformation were seen & heard this evening between Attila & Throbbing Gristle. I can only describe Attila's processed vocals amongst the spatially directed bells as an incantation. At one point a figure appeared at one side of the cinema, draped in dark lace & cloth with lights around them, and walked in procession then turned and vanished slowly away again. In any other setting it would have been silly but with all else hitting eyes & ears it was like witnessing something you shouldn't - a spectre conjured for a time.

    The new TG album is going to be amazing based on the live performance/remix - seeing Cosey play her lap-guitar & shiny red cornet was a joy and when she sang - oh my! Seeing Chris & Cosey play, mutate, bend & direct the tracks was spellbinding. The tracks featuring Blixa Bargeld (!) and Antony Hegarty were especially stunning but the Gaspar Noe & Cosey led ones were brilliant too.
    Last edited by Carpathian Psychonaut; 03-17-2012 at 07:12 PM.

  13. #13
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    ^ Sounds AWESOME.

    I am looking at scanned covers for the Threshold Houseboys Choir CD/DVD Form Grows Rampant. On the back cover, there's this quote:

    "No DRM, but disc is Chi-Watermarked. Uploading to strangers will adversely affect your karma."

    Can't. Stop. Laughing. Oh, the things that will happen to the poor dude who uploaded it, tee-hee.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpathian Psychonaut View Post
    Just back from the evening in my previous post. Very few words in my head to sum it up at this time.

    Magick & transformation were seen & heard this evening between Attila & Throbbing Gristle. I can only describe Attila's processed vocals amongst the spatially directed bells as an incantation. At one point a figure appeared at one side of the cinema, draped in dark lace & cloth with lights around them, and walked in procession then turned and vanished slowly away again. In any other setting it would have been silly but with all else hitting eyes & ears it was like witnessing something you shouldn't - a spectre conjured for a time.

    The new TG album is going to be amazing based on the live performance/remix - seeing Cosey play her lap-guitar & shiny red cornet was a joy and when she sang - oh my! Seeing Chris & Cosey play, mutate, bend & direct the tracks was spellbinding. The tracks featuring Blixa Bargeld (!) and Antony Hegarty were especially stunning but the Gaspar Noe & Cosey led ones were brilliant too.
    I'd kill for footage of the above. Hope there's a DVD or something planned.

    Also, the new TG album seems to be shaping to be something magical.

  15. #15
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    is it going to be released as a TG record proper? i thought the band was terminated following a little more bad blood and sleazy's death? whatever moniker it's released as (c&c, tg, ct, what have you) i'm pretty stoked that it's going to see the light of day. desertshore is one of my all time favorites, so very interested in their take on it...

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    As long as the core of the record was done while Peter was still there, I don't have a problem with it being TG. Much like The Ape of Naples for Coil.

  17. #17
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    I have to admit that I did have the same thoughts in the back of my mind when going last night - with all the various other projects like Carter Tutti or Carter Tutti Void etc, the splits & the passing Of Sleazy would this stand as a TG album?

    It did. It sounded (well, the live version/remix anyhoo) exactly as a TG album AND with a large dose of Peter's sound & style very much intact. After all, it was his idea brought to the band and they had his original sketches and wishes to work too. I think it'll be unmistakeably a Gristle work and perfectly fitting as their "Final Report".

    Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
    desertshore is one of my all time favorites, so very interested in their take on it...
    On that front, alongside Jarman's "The Angelic Conversation" and the very rarely shown "Journey To Avebury", we also got a screening of the 35mm print of Philippe Garrel's "The Inner Scar" too. Fitted the night after the TG performance perfectly.

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    I'm hoping the Thresholdhouse digital download service returns. I lost a chunk of my collection on a crashed computer and was really hoping to be able to re-purchase it through them.

  19. #19
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    There are tons of live recordings/videos of Coil which have surfaced on youtube, the best of which in my opinion is the Dublin- October 2004 show, John Balance's last performance only couple of weeks before he died. It is the most terrifying raw live performance of any artist i have ever seen. ..its fucking brutal, like he knows he is about to fall big time, and this is some sort of speech at his pre-funeral gathering. The word intense does not do it justice!! Its not a easy experience to watch that Dublin gig. Unhappy Rabbits has to be the most disturbing song i have ever ever heard. The audience looks traumatized.
    Saw them a few months previously in Summer of 2004 in London, similar set.
    The bootlegs on youtube for some odd reason do not do justice to how fucking loud it was. Intimidatingly loud. the later sets were much more conventionally 'song' structured which is what i like about these final gigs too.
    But after seeing that Dublin show it will be hard for you to find music as intense as that gig for a long time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Highly Psychological View Post
    There are tons of live recordings/videos of Coil which have surfaced on youtube, the best of which in my opinion is the Dublin- October 2004 show, John Balance's last performance only couple of weeks before he died. It is the most terrifying raw live performance of any artist i have ever seen. ..its fucking brutal, like he knows he is about to fall big time, and this is some sort of speech at his pre-funeral gathering. The word intense does not do it justice!! Its not a easy experience to watch that Dublin gig. Unhappy Rabbits has to be the most disturbing song i have ever ever heard. The audience looks traumatized.
    Saw them a few months previously in Summer of 2004 in London, similar set.
    The bootlegs on youtube for some odd reason do not do justice to how fucking loud it was. Intimidatingly loud. the later sets were much more conventionally 'song' structured which is what i like about these final gigs too.
    But after seeing that Dublin show it will be hard for you to find music as intense as that gig for a long time.
    that's part of the Colour Sound Oblivion box set, and it looks/sounds a bit better on the DVD, but not by much. there's detailed info in the box about how each show was filmed and how the audio was recorded. Peter wasn't too happy with how that show sounded, but it was the only source, and obviously an important show to capture.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpathian Psychonaut View Post
    Just back from the evening in my previous post. Very few words in my head to sum it up at this time.

    Magick & transformation were seen & heard this evening between Attila & Throbbing Gristle. I can only describe Attila's processed vocals amongst the spatially directed bells as an incantation. At one point a figure appeared at one side of the cinema, draped in dark lace & cloth with lights around them, and walked in procession then turned and vanished slowly away again. In any other setting it would have been silly but with all else hitting eyes & ears it was like witnessing something you shouldn't - a spectre conjured for a time.

    The new TG album is going to be amazing based on the live performance/remix - seeing Cosey play her lap-guitar & shiny red cornet was a joy and when she sang - oh my! Seeing Chris & Cosey play, mutate, bend & direct the tracks was spellbinding. The tracks featuring Blixa Bargeld (!) and Antony Hegarty were especially stunning but the Gaspar Noe & Cosey led ones were brilliant too.

    Best post I've read in a while. Attila Csihar, Blixa Bargeld, Antony Hegarty AND Gaspar fucking Noe in a project with TG/Peter? Almost too good to be true... That's like witnessing the formation of all the basic elements in the fucking Big Bang: We're talking fragments of Mayhem/
    De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas/Dead's successor and vocal deliverer: Attila, Einstuerzende Neubauten Anthony & the Johnsons and "Enter the Void" "Irreversible" with Throbbing Gristle/Coil. I think Johnn, Peter and Dead might be in a good place right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hobochic View Post
    Best post I've read in a while. Attila Csihar, Blixa Bargeld, Antony Hegarty AND Gaspar fucking Noe in a project with TG/Peter? Almost too good to be true... That's like witnessing the formation of all the basic elements in the fucking Big Bang: We're talking fragments of Mayhem/ De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas/Dead's successor and vocal deliverer: Attila, Einstuerzende Neubauten Anthony & the Johnsons and "Enter the Void" "Irreversible" with Throbbing Gristle/Coil. I think Johnn, Peter and Dead might be in a good place right now.
    Attila was performing as part of the "Wishful Thinking" trilogy of unfinished tracks, rather than on the TG album - the other vocalists aside from Blixa, Hegarty, Cosey and Noe are yet to be unveiled for that.

    By the sound of what Cosey was saying some haven't even been recorded yet!

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    They're a talented, amazing musical group that I respect but I honestly can't and don't listen to them. Not my thing. I have a similar opinion of Throbbing Gristle.

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    Coil is awesome... I got the foxtrot compilation not long ago and "heartworms" is stunning. Such a shame they died!

  25. #25
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    Hey, The Threshold House website is back online! I had no idea it was resurrected.

    "Initial archiving of all Peter’s Work has now been completed."

    Yes! We're going to see what Peter had in store for us.


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    Levi, did you ever get with Scanner? I seem to remember him mentioning that he had or was transferring the DAT but then never mentioned it again.

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    I've reminded him a few times, and he's apologetically passed on that he hasn't dug up the tapes yet -- but he's quite busy with his own stuff, and I can absolutely appreciate that.

    Maybe other folks poking him on Twitter asking if he ever dug up the Coil/NIN remixes & sent them to @ninhotline might get him going in that direction again, but I don't want to be too much of a bother. Directly

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    Two new TG records are officially coming!


    The long-awaited Desertshore project, as well as the Final Report, will be out on November 26th. Desertshore features Blixa, Sasha Grey, Gaspar Noé, Antony and Marc muthafuckin' Almond.

    Which reminds me, should we make a TG thread, or keep this as a Christopherson catch-all thread?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    Two new TG records are officially coming!


    The long-awaited Desertshore project, as well as the Final Report, will be out on November 26th. Desertshore features Blixa, Sasha Grey, Gaspar Noé, Antony and Marc muthafuckin' Almond.

    Which reminds me, should we make a TG thread, or keep this as a Christopherson catch-all thread?
    YESYESYESYESYES! Been waiting for these for so long.

    I tend to favour catch all-threads as there is greater scope for discussion, but I wouldn't be adverse to a specific TG thread either.

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    By the way, I find the complete lack of mentions of P-Orridge very amusing. I guess after all the bad blood between him and the rest of the band, C&C just want to diminish his presence from their future press releases.

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