I couldn't be further from the alt rignt and I hated Amy's new hour. I kept waiting for it to pull through and it just never got an honest laugh out of me. Her show had a lot of great skits and I've enjoyed her on a lot of podcasts as well as in Trainwreck but her actual stand up almost never connects for me, and The Leather Special was just downright uncomfortable from how unfunny I found it. The idea that everyone who disliked it has to be some rampant manchild misogynist on Breitbart and 4chan is absurd.

I adored Chappelle's new hours -- Age of Spin had the most thoughtful and interesting stories to it and Austin had the strongest jokes. The man's still got it and deserves his place as a legend of the craft.

I also recently watched and liked Katherine Ryan's newest hour on Netflix. In general they're killing it with getting everybody and anybody to do an hour with them -- just this year they've gotten stuff from people like Burr, Schumer, Norton, Burbiglia, Chappelle, and they've got deals with Seinfeld and CK now, too; it's insane. They're covering all the bases. It feels like every week they have a new one out and it's hard to keep up, which is an amazing problem to be having. I just want a new Maria Bamford hour sometime soon -- she's in my top 5 of all time and there's honestly no one else like her around.