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Thread: Jane's Addiction

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    Sounds like they're blaming everyone except for the person who is the actual problem in the situation.
    If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
    Agreed, Perry's wife is only escalating the problem, making Eric and the band looks as the "bad guys".

    If the band was "loud" and Perry has been "suffering" during many nights why not talk in advance, why not bring his tinnitus issue? they are supposed to be bandmates and know each other for years,

    if they can't sit down and talk, maybe they don't really care for each other and this reunion is for money just like many others?

    Or maybe Perry is a prima donna who doesn't know how to talk to his own bandmates and deals with his frustration with drugs and alcohol?

    Either way: ...what a shitshow!

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Agreed, Perry's wife is only escalating the problem, making Eric and the band looks as the "bad guys".

    If the band was "loud" and Perry has been "suffering" during many nights why not talk in advance, why not bring his tinnitus issue? they are supposed to be bandmates and know each other for years,

    if they can't sit down and talk, maybe they don't really care for each other and this reunion is for money just like many others?

    Or maybe Perry is a prima donna who doesn't know how to talk to his own bandmates and deals with his frustration with drugs and alcohol?

    Either way: ...what a shitshow!
    I doubt anyone is buying what she's saying. And all the stuff about the band being too loud doesn't make sense anyway. Perry isn't hearing the mix that the crowd hears. He's hearing what's in the monitors. That's not the band's fault.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    I doubt anyone is buying what she's saying. And all the stuff about the band being too loud doesn't make sense anyway. Perry isn't hearing the mix that the crowd hears. He's hearing what's in the monitors. That's not the band's fault.
    I do live sound, and this is not necessarily the full story here. I've mixed some bands where the guitarist turns up so goddamn loud, there's almost no point in even mic'ing up their amp in a small venue. This then requires you to really blast the vocals into the monitor wedges to compete with the stage volume... Some of the loudest bands you've seen actually play with a reasonable, low stage volume. Stage volume is up to the band. You can play really quietly on stage, but some bands don't.

    I was in a band once where we didn't even have live drums; everything was electronic stuff there... but even then, our bass player insisted on playing LOUD. Looking back, I really should have just put my foot down and said we need to be more sensible here, but back then I didn't have any experience under my belt doing live sound. I really feel like a lot of bands would benefit from actually shadowing some live sound situations, beyond what they ask for in their monitors. They'd realize how to best accomplish a good sounding mix with minimal headache, and the key to that is usually playing at low volumes.

    But Janes has been around forever, so they probably have a way of doing it, and it probably involves playing loud. Loud amps, loud bass amp, drummer pounding on drums... and in that situation, I hope Farrell has in-ear monitors, because otherwise his monitor mix is going to be loud.

  4. #124
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    Another live sound engineer popping in!

    Absolutely there could have been a loud on stage issue, but why would that have been any different to past tours? Have there been any more circumstances where this has happened with the band before?

    I agree it should’ve been sorted days, weeks or months beforehand by mitigating the problem between them. There are multiple ways to have alleviated everyone’s issues (NIN either have all their amps off stage or as racks for example). It’s a distinct conflict/lack of communication that can be solved in soundchecks. How often do you reckon the guys in the band talk to each other though?

    This whole situation sucks and could have been avoided. It also suuuucks that Eric took unnecessary shots at Perry though… hardly puts him on the high road.

    edit: also clearly they band doesn’t have front fills if all the front row is hearing is backline, of course they’re not gonna hear vocals in that case. Ugh
    Last edited by scorpiusdiamond; 09-14-2024 at 03:14 PM.

  5. #125
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    Yeah, this is definitely the end of the band again. Wonder how soon it'll be before they announce all upcoming shows are cancelled.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpiusdiamond View Post

    I agree it should’ve been sorted days, weeks or months beforehand by mitigating the problem between them. There are multiple ways to have alleviated everyone’s issues (NIN either have all their amps off stage or as racks for example). It’s a distinct conflict/lack of communication that can be solved in soundchecks.
    Well, not to get too off course here, but NIN's live show is a monumental, dizzying, technical headfuck of audio/visual overload. It's amazing, but that's on a different level. You can't count on any band to be running the kind of rig Reznor is putting together. I get the feeling he really gets into that aspect of it... getting excited by the possibility of pulling off something technically incredible. Everyone on team NIN is a fucking professional. There's no time for people with drinking or drug issues or for people who aren't reliable. I'm being presumptuous, but they could be great friends at the end of the day, but this is a professional production and Reznor is driving it.

    Whereas, again I'm being presumptuous, but...

    How often do you reckon the guys in the band talk to each other though?
    ...but this is the thing. Perry Ferrel is clearly a fucking mess, but look at how Navarro handles it when he swings at him. He's dealt with this before. The other shows on this tour have been a catastrophe by all accounts, and everything I'm hearing comes down to Perry. And I hate this, because I love Perry Farrell, and he's in trouble. This is the kind of behavior you see from musicians before they die of an overdose. The only one who seems to keep flirting with it and somehow not die is that guy whose name shall not be mentioned on this board.

    So sure, the rest of the band might be throwing shade at him, blaming him, and he probably deserves it, even if it isn't helping. When you're part of a functioning unit and part of it fails, first reaction is usually to get pissed. But I hope they're concerned above all else, because he's not doing well.

  7. #127
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    Check out this other moment from last night. Specifically at 1:10 in the video. The death stare Eric Avery gives Perry. This was two songs before it all went to shit. Although I guess it was probably shit the entire time.

  8. #128
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    I hate to see one of my all-time favorite bands end this way. It's clear Perry needs help because this ain't it. Also sad for Dave, who fucking just came back from long-COVID to be a part of the live shows and he's the focus of Perry's aggression? Dude clearly was trying to avoid confrontation as Perry came after him. As for Avery, obviously they had history and the relationship has been bad for many years. I was hoping for that supposed album that was going to include the full original band, but, that is clearly out the window. Now it's just a question of whether or not Perry gets help before it's too late. It doesn't bode well if his wife is enabling his behavior instead of seeing/ignoring the problem (evidenced by her statement blaming everyone else). Sad situation that may end tragically.

  9. #129
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    Perry is wearing In-Ear Monitors, so even if the stage volume is as loud as he claims, the issue could be dealt with by talking to the monitor engineer or FOH engineer if he's pulling double duty. Looks like Dave is using wedges, so maybe the stage volume is pretty loud, but that's an issue for the crew to deal with. But given how many people are saying Perry has sounded terrible and appeared to have issues during these shows, that excuse sounds like it's trying to deflect from the real issues. Either way, it's a shitty and unwarranted reaction to the supposed problem.

  10. #130
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    yeah.... it was great and all, but this band needs a time out

    Also, Farrell's wife at least doesn't know what the hell she's talking about here. Whether or not his vocals are getting buried is up to the front of house mix, not what he's hearing.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 09-14-2024 at 06:57 PM.

  11. #131
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    Next show is cancelled (not surprising) - https://variety.com/2024/music/news/...ow-1236144323/

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post

    Check out this other moment from last night. Specifically at 1:10 in the video. The death stare Eric Avery gives Perry. This was two songs before it all went to shit. Although I guess it was probably shit the entire time.
    "Fuck my life should have just kept touring with Garbage"

  13. #133
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    A post shared by on

    Navarro posted this and unfollowed Perry and the band page.
    Last edited by otnavuskire; 09-15-2024 at 04:46 PM.

  14. #134
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    I think most figured that given the history, this reunion might be short lived, but I didn't expect it to go down like this.

  15. #135
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    As my therapist would say: good on Dave for asserting his boundaries.

  16. #136
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    I've been following this drama all weekend like its the goddamned election

  17. #137
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  18. #138
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    Perry thinks he's David Bowie. Not!

  19. #139
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    A post shared by on

    This was just posted to Eric's, Dave's, and Stephen's IG pages.

  20. #140
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    What a total shit show. Good on Eric, Dave and Stephen.

  21. #141
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    Everybody worried about Oasis but it was Jane's that just couldn't keep it together.

  22. #142
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    i was at the first NYC show last week, which was a total disappointment. I was on the rail, center in front of Perry, and watched a band I love pretty much falling apart at the seams. Perry was a complete disaster, making excuses for why he couldn't sing, but it was clear he was in space most of the time, just kinda flowing and bobbing instead of even trying to sing. Dave looked pissed, Stephen looked confused and lost, and Eric was trying to keep the three of them together and help Perry along. It's clear it was drug-related. I empathize to a point, but it's a massive disappointment that he trotted out on stage like that and took our money. It's clear Perry has control of that band, pocketing more than the other three (12.5% shirts, anyone?), so he in turn, should refund us all for this bullshit, and then seek the help he needs.

    Mostly now, I just feel bad for the other three (who were face-meltingly good otherwise), and of course, Love & Rockets, who had to deal with this same bullshit with Peter Murphy a few years back. What a shit show, indeed...

  23. #143
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    Perry on that Marilyn Manson Born Villian era tour vibes. Hope he gets better.

  24. #144
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    Getting pissed off at your band for being too loud is not the band's problem or fault; it's the engineers and that should be worked out during sound check. Perry is a goddamn prima donna and has always been full of himself. Have we seen any footage of Eric throwing those punches at Perry? Because if not, it's all hear say coming from Perry's wife. I'd imagine Dave and Steven wouldn't be putting out joint statements with Eric but... yeah. This whole thing is disappointing.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Have we seen any footage of Eric throwing those punches at Perry? Because if not, it's all hear say coming from Perry's wife.

    In the clip (skip to 4:10 or so) Eric comes from across the stage and at 4:28 you can see the headlock and [presumed] gut punches. I am merely pointing this out and not judging the actions. God knows what nonsense they've endured...
    Last edited by cdm; 09-16-2024 at 04:00 PM.

  26. #146
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    ^^ this theory makes a lot of sense and would explain why he lashed out at Dave. That was a professional move by Dave and hopefully at some point in his recovery Perry will understand and acknowledge his bandmates were trying to help him. Mountain Song was #9 in what ended up being an 11 song set.
    Last edited by cdm; 09-16-2024 at 08:10 PM.

  27. #147
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  28. #148
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    Totally sucks, great band when they're together. Hopefully Perry will find the help he needs (if he actually does it) then maybe they can reschedule.

    I swear the original lineup was on the NINJA tour, am I wrong? I could've swore Eric A was at my show at least (Indianapolis).

  29. #149
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    Clearly alcohol induced.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Totally sucks, great band when they're together. Hopefully Perry will find the help he needs (if he actually does it) then maybe they can reschedule.

    I swear the original lineup was on the NINJA tour, am I wrong? I could've swore Eric A was at my show at least (Indianapolis).
    Yep. Eric shortly left again at the end of 2009. The rest of the band wanted to record an album and he didn't want to.

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