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Thread: [I am] embarassed by this video/song. I find this music to be loathsome.

  1. #61
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    any music teachers here? at this point we need less subjective evaluation of her singing abilities, don't we?

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Formerly he was miserable and angsty, now he's all about domestic bliss and babies. Happiness is a very difficult topic to put into art, and to me the Ice Age video illustrates this problem. Great art is not and has never been about expressions of happiness: it’s a cliché but it’s true. Domestic bliss has never been the catalyst for great art. TR adores his wife - and wants the world to share his feelings. But I may beg to differ. The video creates this cozy picture of a house in which the two of them (and friends) weather from the cold harsh outside world. I feel being asked to share in this kind of intimacy troubling. Why? Because TR is “mine” and he’s not allowed to be happy? Maybe there is a bit of that, sure. Since I’m trying to be honest about my feelings here, maybe this is in part about feeling possessive, as a fan, about “my Trent.” The critic in me – they are obviously inextricable – cringes at what HDTA is. I feel it’s hubristic in a way, a kind of showing off of TR’s good fortune. Aesthetically I find this song/video corny and twee.
    Do you really see this video as showcasing domestic bliss?? I just didn't see that at all, I think this LP is going to be more of a story that will become apparent later on, I can't really work out what is going on yet - but happiness? No no or am I going mad and not seeing things that are obvious to others?

  3. #63
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    ^^ I would like to see some discussion on the video too.

    The first thing that caught my eye was the boarded up windows (side windows). The boards were placed from the inside, which leaves me to assume that the woman in the video put them there. Maybe she put them there because she wants to separate herself from the outside world, or maybe because there is nothing left out there to see... maybe even to protect herself. The one shot of the cabin (near the end of video) shows that the surroundings is a dry dead land... there isn't even an ocean. But that's fine, the woman sees things as she remembers.

    The woman isn't singing, in my mind, she is pleading.. begging the ocean to envelop her or her thoughts. The "ocean" does come... at first it feels warm.

    Images/memories flash ... good and fun memories. Maybe memories of childhood. The bodies all burn away leaving only the surroundings in the memory. The woman’s face is so broken &/or devastated.

    Is this a turning point? What's driving her? There's much more going on here. I'm still processing the crashing waves that freeze. What is the ocean? I don't think there is an "ocean"... Is this severe depression?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    The video creates this cozy picture of a house in which the two of them (and friends) weather from the cold harsh outside world.
    How am I supposed to take you seriously when THAT'S your interpretation of the video?

  5. #65
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    This video is far from "happy" or "blissful" or portraying a cozy cottage with a ocean view. In fact, the woman’s facial expressions & emotions almost make me think she wants to blast her brains all over the walls. She may feel safe inside that proverbial cabin, but ... it ain't good. (For a lack of a better term & being time to punch out for the day). Lot's going on with this video.

    P.S. I think MQ has a great voice. Her voice knows its way around the circle.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by snaapz View Post
    This video is far from "happy" or "blissful" or portraying a cozy cottage with a ocean view. In fact, the woman’s facial expressions & emotions almost make me think she wants to blast her brains all over the walls. She may feel safe inside that proverbial cabin, but ... it ain't good. (For a lack of a better term & being time to punch out for the day). Lot's going on with this video.
    Exactly. The band isn't happily staying warm in a little cottage along the beach. They're in a shack (a well constructed shack, but a shack nonetheless) waiting for the end to come. We watch as the ocean freezes, the ice creeps its way into the only protection they have, and their memories become more and more distorted. There's nothing happy about it.

    If we want to get into the lyrical content of the song, take this line as an example: "I take the memory of you and burn it to the ground." It's a pretty straight forward line, but considering the song is called Ice Age, and the fact that the video seems to indicate some sort of impending icy doom, this line might take on a new meaning. Perhaps she believes even the figurative idea of burning a memory might keep her alive, if only for a brief moment. She takes the bad memories and burns them, because now that she's losing those good memories, the bad memories are expendable.

    EDIT: But I'm sure this doesn't mean a thing. I mean, look how HAPPY these two are!

    Last edited by BRoswell; 11-30-2012 at 04:06 PM.

  7. #67
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    you guys don't see that tear of joy at 4:50?

  8. #68
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    To me the video represents what is happening in their lives. Everything is falling apart (the family) and represents how she is feeling going through it. Freaking obvious! Trying to keep it together, then this, omg how obvious do they have to make it. Not to mention the video previously where they killed each other. I mean what else do they have to do "art" wise to represent it. Not rocket science. The album is called the OMEN! They did a good job representing what they are really going through, I can't believe people are so clueless!

  9. #69
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    BTW, enough bashing her, from the interpretation of this video, I think she is going through enough considering it seems everything is falling a part.

  10. #70
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    I thought the video revolved around an end-of-times theme. I'm sure I'm being influenced by the idea of TR grappling with end-of-life issues in an oceanside cabin at Big Sur. And probably the fact that Hillcoat (The Road) directed it. And lyrics throughout the EP.

    With that said, why is she staring at the ocean? The ocean is where all life began on earth, so we're full-circle symbolically if they are playing with an end-of-times theme. Also, the waves of the ocean can be considered the heartbeat of the Earth. Right after we see the ocean's waves freeze, Q sheds a tear and then is overtaken by a creeping discoloration -- the same discoloration that then starts "erasing" the people in the home videos. (Which fits with the lyric "Ocean, oh, wash us all away.") I don't think the disappearing people are symbolic of her personal memories, since part of it looks like an Antarctic expedition, so it's more likely humans in general. The cabin itself is empty and seems abandoned -- thematically consistent with humans being erased and soon to be forgotten by time.

    Why end the video with Rob removing a floppy? Is the removal of memory from the machine parallel symbolism for erasing humans from the Earth?

  11. #71
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    Female singers represent themselves and are represented in a far more sexualized light.
    Do you really think MQ is representing herself in a sexual light here? You mentioned her looking out a window as an invitation to the viewer to objectify her. That you interpret this with that tone instead of what is actually happening, a woman looking out a window, carries a gender bias of its own. If she were standing naked in the window clutching a cucumber you might have a point, but from the content of the video this seems like utter nonsense.

    Formerly he was miserable and angsty, now he's all about domestic bliss and babies. Happiness is a very difficult topic to put into art, and to me the Ice Age video illustrates this problem. Great art is not and has never been about expressions of happiness: it’s a cliché but it’s true.
    This to me is an incredibly clear example of how distorted your lens is on this issue. Apparently you didn’t notice the scene where a tear was rolling down MQ’s cheek? It wasn’t a tear of joy. The people in the video appear to become burned black voids, the ocean freezes, and the ice creeps across the floor in the closing scene. Even the color palette of the video is desolate.

    The ‘great art only comes from misery' cliché may be true for you, but it’s not for me and many others. To me it’s just a dumb thing people keep saying. Great art comes from nearly all emotions positive and negative. You’re neglecting to point out all sorts of art, movies, music, books, literature, etc that celebrate the joy and beauty of life. Maybe it’s just that you don’t particularly like that kind of creativity, but it’s pretty easy to point to example after example in almost any medium of great art that has expressed happiness, joy, wonder, passion, love, etc. I would say that this cliché is ultimately irrelevant to the sexist attitudes issue, but it seems to be the corner stone from which you (erroneously) interpreted the video.
    Last edited by Magtig; 11-30-2012 at 07:47 PM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    I thought the video revolved around an end-of-times theme. I'm sure I'm being influenced by the idea of TR grappling with end-of-life issues in an oceanside cabin at Big Sur. And probably the fact that Hillcoat (The Road) directed it. And lyrics throughout the EP.

    With that said, why is she staring at the ocean? The ocean is where all life began on earth, so we're full-circle symbolically if they are playing with an end-of-times theme. Also, the waves of the ocean can be considered the heartbeat of the Earth. Right after we see the ocean's waves freeze, Q sheds a tear and then is overtaken by a creeping discoloration -- the same discoloration that then starts "erasing" the people in the home videos. (Which fits with the lyric "Ocean, oh, wash us all away.") I don't think the disappearing people are symbolic of her personal memories, since part of it looks like an Antarctic expedition, so it's more likely humans in general. The cabin itself is empty and seems abandoned -- thematically consistent with humans being erased and soon to be forgotten by time.

    Why end the video with Rob removing a floppy? Is the removal of memory from the machine parallel symbolism for erasing humans from the Earth?
    This is not NIN, this band is it's own entity, and not Year Zero. She is staring at the ocean because she doesn't want to be in the situation she is in remembering the memories of the past and/or memories made and she wants to wash away so it doesn't hurt so bad. Everything is falling apart, she is distant from the others in her band or family. The pictures of the family they have made (memories) are being burnt (family, kids), she is talking about all the feelings a woman goes through during the different stages of loss when a relationship is ending! Sad, wanting to run away, anger, etc.
    Last edited by WRG; 11-30-2012 at 07:44 PM.

  13. #73
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    Cool interpretation of my post. I know you just joined, so let me assure you... the whole "HTDA is totally just NIN with a female singer" (I know, right? I mentioned what happened when he went away to write The Fragile FFS) or "OMG there are end-of-time themes in the songs! It must be YZ!" ain't my style.

    But you're welcome to your interpretation of the video. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Interesting.

  14. #74
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    Yeah I just joined THIS time, too bad I was from the old board and have been around for over ten years. Your interpretation is totally wrong. I don't think your calling in life involves analysis. Just saying. Stick with burger king or whatever fast food place your working at. I'm sure one day you will make manager before you die.

    I say that as constructive criticism rather than to be mean although it does appear mean sorry! Just trying to help you get on the right path so you can better understand and i'm grouchy sorry. lol
    Last edited by WRG; 11-30-2012 at 08:30 PM.

  15. #75
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    My god, what a shit topic.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    My god, what a shit topic.
    Ha! I had just typed out a reply that basically said this, but I thought better of posting it, hehe. I agree though, this really is quickly becoming the filthiest, worst thread on the whole site.

  17. #77
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    I don't know whether to laugh or just get really pissy? Because you fucking started this thread? Instead of dealing with the issue, you just split posts in a bullshit judgment call. There has to be a better way to deal with imbalanced posters like aggro, because your solution just threw gasoline on the fire.

    Ban me, delete me, make an example of me, whatever you think is fit but I don't want to be associated with this.

  18. #78
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    I was an English Lit major in college and Dr @aggroculture sounds a lot like my English professors using feminist critical analysis. Wait, Dr @aggroculture IS an English professor ...

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incendiary Lover View Post
    I don't know whether to laugh or just get really pissy? Because you fucking started this thread? Instead of dealing with the issue, you just split posts in a bullshit judgment call. There has to be a better way to deal with imbalanced posters like aggro, because your solution just threw gasoline on the fire.

    Ban me, delete me, make an example of me, whatever you think is fit but I don't want to be associated with this.
    As a mod on a few forums, I would've done the same. The posts were increasingly offtopic and detracting from the rest of the thread. Rather than deleting all of the comments, which would be a bullshit judgement call, Levi allowed the whole thing to continue without telling anyone to stop, and allowing everyone to rationalise themselves.

    And please, always remember: forums aren't democracies. They're monarchies.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incendiary Lover View Post
    Ban me, delete me, make an example of me, whatever you think is fit but I don't want to be associated with this.
    Nah, bro, you're not worth the effort.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Incendiary Lover View Post
    I don't know whether to laugh or just get really pissy? Because you fucking started this thread? Instead of dealing with the issue, you just split posts in a bullshit judgment call. There has to be a better way to deal with imbalanced posters like aggro, because your solution just threw gasoline on the fire.

    Ban me, delete me, make an example of me, whatever you think is fit but I don't want to be associated with this.
    I already mentioned that if you want to debate how this board is run, there's a subforum for that... But to even entertain the idea that I'd ban you or delete you for disagreeing with me is melodrama of a very low order.

    If you don't want to be associated with this, you don't have to reply to it.

  22. #82
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    [I am] embarassed by this video/song. I find this music to be loathsome.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I was an English Lit major in college and Dr @aggroculture sounds a lot like my English professors using feminist critical analysis. Wait, Dr @aggroculture IS an English professor ...
    In other words, he's talking out of his ass.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    If you don't want to be associated with this, you don't have to reply to it.
    *cough*notifications for being quoted*cough*

  24. #84
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    Can we please stop the admin circlejerk and get back to the topic at hand?

    I find all the symbolism wankery to be hilarious, mainly because there is none.
    - The video takes place in a room because all HTDA vids take place in a room.
    - There is an ocean because it's in the lyrics.
    - They're in a cabin because cabins are sometimes next to oceans, and they'd get sand in their hip gadgets if they performed outside.
    - Frost forms on the window because Trent said they "put [the song] in a freezer" (whatever the fuck that means.)
    - Mariqueen sheds a tear because the song is depressing.
    - Rob is in the video because Trent threw him a bone (instant replies)
    - Random clips of people turning into black nothingness is included because it's 'deep' and looks cool.
    - Everybody is either sitting down or standing in place because there's no reason for them to be energetic…because the song is Ice Age.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presideo View Post
    - Rob is in the video because Trent threw him a bone (instant replies)
    Thanks for showing that you only care about stirring up an argument. I can now ignore the rest of your posts.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Thanks for showing that you only care about stirring up an argument. I can now ignore the rest of your posts.
    And yet you took the time to reply anyways. Good job. You really showed me what's what.

    But seriously, why don't they just go ahead and change the band name to 'Big Daddy Rez and the Yes-Men'?

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Presideo View Post
    I find all the symbolism wankery to be hilarious, mainly because there is none.
    - The video takes place in a room because all HTDA vids take place in a room.
    - There is an ocean because it's in the lyrics.
    - They're in a cabin because cabins are sometimes next to oceans, and they'd get sand in their hip gadgets if they performed outside.
    - Frost forms on the window because Trent said they "put [the song] in a freezer" (whatever the fuck that means.)
    - Mariqueen sheds a tear because the song is depressing.
    - Rob is in the video because Trent threw him a bone (instant replies)
    - Random clips of people turning into black nothingness is included because it's 'deep' and looks cool.
    - Everybody is either sitting down or standing in place because there's no reason for them to be energetic…because the song is Ice Age.
    -That is such a ridiculous statement. HTDA has had 2 previous videos, and the fact they all take place "in a room" (TSIB technically takes place in 2 rooms and a corridor) makes you think it's not a symbolic thing.
    -So maybe the video reflects the meaning of the song? Like, you know, videos often do?
    -That's just being flippant. The choice of a cabin might be due to the fact they're often near water, but the specific style of cabin and its lighting clearly was chosen, this was a set, not a real place.
    -And you don't think the song being called ICE age might be something to do with it?
    -You're a cunt
    -Rob was in the last video too. He's a full member, and this video has all members in. If they ever go the Pop route and have only one member in a video, then he won't be probably.
    -Or it's about erasure, did you notice the band members did the same to a lesser level?
    -"everyone is sitting down or standing". Thankyou for describing humans.

    Seriously, you're just being a dick now.

  28. #88
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    You sound like a priest trying to defend every single word in the doctrine. Pro tip: don't do that. You come off as a little too sensitive considering it's a 7 minute video.

  29. #89
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    I'm done with you, so leaving it at this:
    You don't like the music/video/band/whatever, fine. You don't need to justify it by making shit up, and then when the flaws in your argument are pointed out, pretend that you were being tongue in cheek. Fuck off, you're a cunt.


  30. #90
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    Oh for fucks sake sheepdean just pull your face out of their collective ass you filthy brown noser! I'm sure your next in line to join the mod circle jerk

    So is Presideo a dick? or a cunt? I'm assuming that since you're using these terms as an expletive that either or both are derogatory?

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