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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

  1. #511
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I love how Morgan always just keeps his cool. The old adage of making a maniac lose their cool even more just by keeping yours lol.

  2. #512
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    Derr. I already said I think Morgan's a putz.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

  3. #513
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    and even in that interview where Morgan "loses his cool," he still made me laugh with the "you are an unimaginably stupid person, aren't you?"

    Alex Jones was just baffling with how insane he seemed. I'm authentically a little freaked out that there's people who take him seriously.

  4. #514
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    That's because you're the polar equivalent of an Alex Jones fan. While you were laughing at Morgan, the rest of us cringed at the horrible journalism.

  5. #515
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    That's because you're the polar equivalent of an Alex Jones fan.
    What the fuck? Do you just type shit without considering whether or not it makes any sense? You can't even insult people properly.

  6. #516
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    (um, well, since you deleted the preceding post, I guess this is an accidental double post)

    You claim I'm the one who is the equivalent of an Alex Jones fan, but you're the one who actually raves about how guns are great because they'll totally protect us from tyrannical government. Meanfuckingwhile, you expand on that claim by pointing out that I love the democrats (which is not something I would agree with, but what the fuck ever), while Alex Jones is a republican.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-27-2013 at 09:53 PM.

  7. #517
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    I'll try to keep my terminology at a 4th grade reading level the next time I reply to you. Holy shit dude...
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 01-27-2013 at 04:14 PM.

  8. #518
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    so when you reply minutes after I reply to you, and you say "These are your chosen leaders!" you're not directing the comment towards me. That's not "giving myself too much credit." I'm trying to understand what the fuck you're trying to say, meanwhile you're really bad at explaining anything.

    So... give it another shot. Please explain how I'm the equivalent of "an Alex Jones fan."

  9. #519
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    This is pretty much the end-all of current gun control articles:

    The Democrats are trying to push things through that are extremely polarizing and very ineffective instead of things that have massive support and are very effective. These are your chosen leaders!

    Example #1 is that of making background checks universal. Private parties do not have to do go through the NICS background system when doing a transaction. It is estimated that 40% of ALL GUN SALES go through private parties. 80% of inmates get their guns through private transactions. Yet, the national rhetoric focuses on the "gunshow loophole" which is just a small subset of private transactions. Great job!

    Example #2 is the NICS background system that has been incredibly broken for decades (that I've mentioned a dozen times in this thread). 90% of gun owners support fixing this. Yet, we are focusing on assault weapon bans and magazine capacity which focus on a portion of the problem that is so small that it is insignificant AND highly controversial. Great job!

    just look at this! This is a representation of where the NICS system is being broken by states failing to provide records:

    With the above 2 items handled, it become MUCH easier to tighten and enforce anti-trafficking laws. Even 95% of NRA members support this! But hey... you know best... those scary black guns make you feel more scared than anything mentioned above.

    Please note, this post is for anyone participating in this thread... except Jinsai

  10. #520
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Please note, this post is for anyone participating in this thread... except Jinsai
    Maybe if you delete it and then repost it again somebody else will participate. In the meantime, you can feel free to explain your "you're like an Alex Jones fan!" comment.

  11. #521
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Example #1 is that of making background checks universal. Private parties do not have to do go through the NICS background system when doing a transaction. It is estimated that 40% of ALL GUN SALES go through private parties. 80% of inmates get their guns through private transactions. Yet, the national rhetoric focuses on the "gunshow loophole" which is just a small subset of private transactions. Great job!

    Example #2 is the NICS background system that has been incredibly broken for decades (that I've mentioned a dozen times in this thread). 90% of gun owners support fixing this. Yet, we are focusing on assault weapon bans and magazine capacity which focus on a portion of the problem that is so small that it is insignificant AND highly controversial. Great job!
    This is a more positive and constructive conversation to be having: what do we do? And it's a conversation that must be had with gun owners. I'm a little apprehensive about just accepting what you're saying without doing my own research (haven't had time yet), but again, I do think the nuts and bolts of how we improve the situation is the right direction for the conversation to go in. We also need to be having a conversation about how to improve mental health services including changing the culture of shame and fear surrounding it.

    Please note, this post is for anyone participating in this thread... except Jinsai

    However, this high school drama shit is just the kind of thing to derail any valid point you might be making. That goes for everyone including Jinsai (and me), but since I'm talking to you, you've really invited a lot of criticism here. After reading your posts I simply do not believe the purpose of scooping up 3,000 rounds at a time, posting pictures of your new assault toys with laser scopes, hollow point bullets and generally bragging about your firearms is for the sake of other people or the liberty of the United States. You don't obsessively collect guns hoping to be in the service of other people; the very notion is absurd. You want guns for you, because you like them. Full stop. The fact that you somehow think it's appropriate to brag about your arsenal in the thread that started off with the Sandy Hook shooting is in poor taste and incredibly glib.
    Last edited by Magtig; 01-28-2013 at 01:13 PM.

  12. #522
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    I caught part of the gun hearing this morning.

    There was this woman who was against the proposed ban of AR-15. She was explaining that it brought comfort and piece of mind having this scary looking gun.
    She then proceeded to describe a possible scenario in which 4-5 armed attackers would enter her house, with her 3 kids crying, she could then defend and protect her family with her AR-15.

    I can only image the scene were 4 gunmen enter a house, kids starts crying in the living room and mommy pulls her AR-15 and a shootout ensue. Bullets flying left and right. There's no way this could end badly.

    The mentality surrounding guns is scary.

  13. #523
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    Having an AR15 worked out pretty well for these guys.

    Nobody ever wants to be in the situation where they have armed criminal(s) in their home. If I ever find myself in that situation I have the ability to defend myself with deadly force. If you want to put your life and your families life at the mercy of armed criminal(s) that more than likely illegally obtained their firearms regardless....That's your business.

    Hopefully the police show up mighty fast.

  14. #524
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    If people show up to your house to steal your flat screen, I doubt they will go in with the intention of killing the owners. However, if you jump out of your room with a gun, they might react in a bad way and start shooting as well. You're the one putting your family in arms way by initiating a shooting in your own home.

  15. #525
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    So I'm just supposed to trust the armed criminals to not kill me and rape/murder my wife. You can feel free to trust the people breaking into your house to not harm you. Me...not so much.

    Also I'm not sure what the anti-gun crowds goal is? To disarm the millions of law abiding firearm owners at gunpoint? Tell me what exactly your endgame is.

  16. #526
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    If you read my posts you will see that ultimately, I don't think there's a solution to your problem. I think you're royally fucked no matter how look at it.
    US citizens are killing each others worst than some third world country.

    The end game is rather simple. Kids will continue to get shot at school. Friends and family will get shot at the mall, while law abiding firearms owners will sit there powerless but supporting the 2nd amendment in case the government decides to annihilate its own population

  17. #527
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    Eh....I carry concealed. Once one of these shooters starts shooting people with the intent of taking out as many people as possible....The only thing that's going to stop them is a it at their own hand, the police, or an armed civilian.

    A huge part of the problem and the reason that people do this is the media gives the psychopaths days and days worth of headlines. They know they'll be an antihero. A lot more people know the names of psychopaths than heroes.

    There was a school shooting a few years back that was ended by school staff with a firearm. You don't know that psychopaths name or the name of the hero that stopped god knows how many kids from being murdered.

    It's our culture. If you did manage to take every gun from every person (not going to happen) then we'd just have people running around killing each other with cars/knives/bombs/etc.

    As long as you focus on these people and give them all the attention they want when they go out in a blaze of pure evil....You're encouraging another psychopath.

  18. #528
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  19. #529
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    I think this is relevant to gun violence.

  20. #530
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    It's funny because I was about to say that you guys finally made it one week without a shooting. They a see on the CNN website that there's a shooting in Phoenix. Timing with my previous post (re: end game) is perfect.

  21. #531
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post

    It's our culture. If you did manage to take every gun from every person (not going to happen) then we'd just have people running around killing each other with cars/knives/bombs/etc.
    Are we talking about Iraq or the US? So basically, you have a gun to protect yourself from your fellow citizen because you sure make it sounds like you're just a bunch of wackos.

  22. #532
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    Stephen King has a non-fiction essay out called (appropriately) 'Guns'. It's intelligent and to the point. I'd recommend it to anyone on either side of the debate.

  23. #533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Are we talking about Iraq or the US? So basically, you have a gun to protect yourself from your fellow citizen because you sure make it sounds like you're just a bunch of wackos.
    wackos? I see you went to the Piers Morgan school of debate....I guess being capable of defending your life and the lives of your loved ones makes a person insane by your rational? I'm honestly confused because on one hand you're screaming about how many people are being murdered a year and how we live in the most violent nation in the universe.

    THEN you call me crazy for having a gun to protect myself. No offense but your thought process is mind boggling.

    You want to know one thing that the vast majority of these massacres have in common? They happen in GUN FREE ZONES. I'll give you a little pearl of wisdom for free! Violent criminals, murderers, psychopaths intend on having the highest body count possible....PREFER THEIR VICTIMS UNARMED.

    - Please watch this video and let me know your thoughts on it.

  24. #534
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    You misunderstood me. I didn't call you crazy, but you made it sound like you view your own country as crazy.

    You are saying that if you take away all the guns, people will start bombing each others. How is that not crazy?
    That's not happening in Canada. We don't have guns and we sure don't compensate with knives/cars/bombs.

    See my view in my little part of the world is that if you remove the guns you have less violence.
    Your view seems to be that if you take away the guns, then you'll grab a bomb to defend yourself.
    Last edited by Deepvoid; 01-30-2013 at 02:46 PM.

  25. #535
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post

    Having an AR15 worked out pretty well for these guys.
    I've heard this story brought up a couple times as a counter argument by the staunch pro-gun crowd. It's interesting that they usually fail to mention that the gun wasn't fired (and wasn't even loaded), so you could speculate that he could have just as easily scared the intruders off with a plastic toy rifle.

  26. #536
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    You misunderstood me. I didn't call you crazy, but you made it sound like you view your own country as crazy.

    You are saying that if you take away all the guns, people will start bombing each others. How is that not crazy?
    That's not happening in Canada. We don't have guns and we sure don't compensate with knives/cars/bombs.

    See my view in my little part of the world is that if you remove the guns you have less violence.
    Your view seems to be that if you take away the guns, then you'll grab a bomb to defend yourself.
    I'll let you in on a little secret. It is physically impossible to remove all the guns from our country. Right now there is absolutely no form of gun registration in the vast majority of the country. I'd guess that there are hundreds of millions of guns in the states that are currently owned by private citizens. If we attempted some sort of national gun registry....The wackos would see it as the first step to the government coming and taking their weapons at gunpoint. They simply would not comply or would shoot at whoever came to get their guns.

    Are you from Canada? Are you familiar with the huge money pit and utter failure Canada's attempt at registering firearms on a national scale was? Also take into account that Canada has nowhere near the population as the United States.

    Also if the number of people killed by firearms is such a huge concern to you....surely you would support banning fast food, alcohol, smoking, motor vehicles, etc. All of which contribute to a lot more deaths in the country than firearms do.

    If you can come up with a reasonable way to remove all the firearms from the country (including from the criminals) then I'm all for it. Then we can start hacking each other up with kitchen knives like they do in China and Japan.

    Simply saying ban firearms in a certain configuration or ban the number of rounds a magazine can hold isn't going to do anything. We tried it if you remember the last AWB which had absolutely no effect on violent crime and I believe violent crime might even be decreasing since the AWB expired.

    I'm in no way expecting to change your mind on the subject. I used to be very anti-gun. Grew up in an anti-gun family. Then got married to a girl and her family is huge into hunting/fishing. Was very nervous the first few times shooting but have always strictly practiced gun safety.

    Also....Canada doesn't have guns? Seriously you think that?
    Last edited by Satyr; 01-30-2013 at 04:27 PM.

  27. #537
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    Having an AR15 aimed at your chest is a lot different than having a plastic toy rifle aimed at your chest.

  28. #538
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    I don't own guns, but I do keep myself and my family safe by having 20 armed guards standing watch 24/7 all around my bunker. I also have a missile defense system, which is ready to be fired at the click of a button. Got nukes aimed at Russia and China as well.. just in case, cuz I'm a patriot--not one of those crazy people who thinks their OWN government is out to get them. I recommend you all do the same, it's just your duty if your an American citizen. To have nukes. And other big blower-up thingies. I prefer the neutron bomb myself, not quite the fireworks that a plutonium or uranium retro era type would yield but hey, I like 'em to get diseases in later generations... ya know? That's just the American way.
    Last edited by pakkopaita; 01-30-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  29. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by pakkopaita View Post
    I don't own guns, but I do keep myself and my family safe by having 20 armed guards standing watch 24/7 all around my bunker. I also have a missile defense system, which is ready to be fired at the click of a button. Got nukes aimed at Russia and China as well.. just in case, cuz I'm a patriot--not one of those crazy people who thinks their OWN government is out to get them. I recommend you all do the same, it's just your duty if your an American citizen. To have nukes. And other big blower-up thingies. I prefer the neutron bomb myself, not quite the fireworks that a plutonium or uranium retro era type would yield but hey, I like 'em to get diseases in later generations... ya know? That's just the American way.
    It's an honor to meet you Mr President.

  30. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    It's an honor to meet you Mr President.
    I didn't say drones. Sheesh. Besides, I thought he favored the less-common but equally as esteemed neptunium types?

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