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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

  1. #751
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I like how small it is compared to all the other sprays and how it is held like a gun (easier to aim than a crappy round spray bottle). Only downside is that you get 2 shots and then it's done.
    Like, "throw it away" done? It can't be reloaded? Sheesh.

  2. #752
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Thanks for joining the discussion! My cousin-in-law hunts with a bow and arrow. Now THAT is some serious shit!
    Yeah that's some skill right there. Some friends do it and Ive enjoyed the little archery I've done, but couldn't imagine hunting that way. Guns not providing enough of a challenge I gather? And not sure if I can contribute much, know little about your gun culture and nothing about your laws.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    As for hunting... I really don't enjoy killing. I'm ok with fishing but that's all I've ever cared to do. Maybe if I was living out in the middle of nowhere and actually needed to hunt for food. I'd much rather invest in self defense training. Rabbit and deer aren't going to be mounting surprise attacks on you or trying to break into your home while you aren't expecting them :P
    Yeah it's those paper targets you really have to worry about hahaha. Nah the hunting thing was more about getting your eye in for a moving target. Sharpen your reactions in the next best (or worst rather) way. And hunting is not about 'enjoying' killing, it's a reality of life. Between high school and university I worked at an abattoir, I can guarantee you there is nothing enjoyable about it.

    I have no idea what self defence training is. But its reassuring that you shoulder the responsibility that should be attached to your right

    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    Thats a pretty fucked up thing to say....Especially for someone who claims to be very familiar with firearms.
    I claim to be familiar with guns, not tact haha, but I'm sorry if that caused offense, pretty tasteless. My point was to highlight how horrific a situation is if people living in a 'civilised' society have to arm themselves in public to be/feel safe. That is what's truly fucked up, not my poor choice of expression. No?

    I don't really like the idea of police being armed as routine here in australia, I'd prefer to have regular police armed with tasers/pepper spray/batons and leave the firearms to the special operations group.

    Again I understand there are differences between our countries, I just wish the free-for-all gun advocates were lamenting their need for self-defence. Too often it comes across as a celebration.

  3. #753
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post

    Yeah it's those paper targets you really have to worry about hahaha. Nah the hunting thing was more about getting your eye in for a moving target. Sharpen your reactions in the next best (or worst rather) way. And hunting is not about 'enjoying' killing, it's a reality of life. Between high school and university I worked at an abattoir, I can guarantee you there is nothing enjoyable about it.

    I have no idea what self defence training is. But its reassuring that you shoulder the responsibility that should be attached to your right
    You can actually get moving paper targets. I grew up in wisconsin, lots of people really do enjoy hunting. I was really just saying that I'm choosing not to kill unless it's a necessity. Hunting isn't currently a necessity. Granted, I always say that I want to learn as many skills as possible so that's a bit hypocritical to say... I suppose I would got hunting if the opportunity every arose, just to learn how.

  4. #754
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    This seems like it would yield a fantastic external perspective on the US gun issue:

    I supported it!

  5. #755
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    How would driving around the US in a vehicle with a 2A sticker on it...attempting to get people from the US to come talk about the 2nd amendment....Yield an external perspective?

  6. #756
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    Whoops! Yeah, I was at work — meant to say external lens. The perspectives are obviously American.

  7. #757
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    School officer accidently discharged his gun.

    Of course, if you increase the number of armed officers in school, those type of accidents will happen more often. Eventually, 6-year old Kelly, will get shot in the leg and die because dumbass Bob the officer discharged his gun in a freaking elementary school.

  8. #758
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    There is no such thing as an accidental discharge, just a negligent discharge.
    I bet that idiot was carrying Condition 0/1. There is no reason to be carrying above Condition 3 unless you are intensely trained in a combat zone or something. Even the Israelis carry Condition 3.

    If we don't already have regulations on this for guards, we should.

    Condition 0 – A round is in the chamber, hammer cocked, and the safety is off.
    Condition 1 – known as “cocked and locked”, means a round is in the chamber, the hammer cocked, and the manual thumb safety on the side of the frame is applied.
    Condition 2 – A round is in the chamber and the hammer is down.
    Condition 3 – The chamber is empty and hammer down with a charged magazine in the gun.
    Condition 4 – The chamber is empty, hammer down and no magazine is in the gun.

  9. #759
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    What the fuck?

    Extortion - Senate Dems threaten pay of CO Sherifs for not supporting gun control

    If this is actually true, there needs to be some consequences.

    Hidden in there was also this gem: "Mark Kelly, husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, purchased an AR-15 and high-capacity magazines in Arizona exactly one day after he testified against them in Colorado." .... the fuck?!

  10. #760
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    There is no such thing as an accidental discharge, just a negligent discharge.
    Regardless of how you want to call this, it's simple math. The risk of negligent discharge or "oups I forgot my gun in the bathroom" incidents will increase if you put armed guards everywhere.

    If gun control is not the solution to gun problems, neither are armed guards.

  11. #761
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    Hidden in there was also this gem: "Mark Kelly, husband of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, purchased an AR-15 and high-capacity magazines in Arizona exactly one day after he testified against them in Colorado." .... the fuck?!
    Which is not something that he was hiding. He talked about doing so on Facebook. The whole stunt was was meant to "illustrate the need for more stringent gun laws." He bought the gun and the high capacity magazines, and then blogged about it, pointing out how easy it was to do so and how the background check was completely insufficient.

  12. #762
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    If you read his facebook post, he picked it up on a whim... along with a .45 cal handgun that he was in there to buy.
    The ease of purchase on the AR-15 is identical to the handgun that he just purchased! He didn't bring anyone with to document the process or anything like that. A quickly written four sentence facebook post is all that came from this? right... More like he saw the attention he started drawing in the gun shop and the facebook post is him trying to save face. Seriously, was ANYONE ever questioning how easy it was to buy an AR-15 in that state? The guy isn't a criminal of any sort... what exactly did he prove with this "stunt"?

    Classic @Jinsai though, skips right over the Dems extorting sherifs.

  13. #763
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    If you read his facebook post, he picked it up on a whim... along with a .45 cal handgun that he was in there to buy.
    The ease of purchase on the AR-15 is identical to the handgun that he just purchased! He didn't bring anyone with to document the process or anything like that. A quickly written four sentence facebook post is all that came from this? right... More like he saw the attention he started drawing in the gun shop and the facebook post is him trying to save face. Seriously, was ANYONE ever questioning how easy it was to buy an AR-15 in that state? The guy isn't a criminal of any sort... what exactly did he prove with this "stunt"?

    Classic @Jinsai though, skips right over the Dems extorting sherifs.

    His facebook post:
    I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a .45. As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes. I don't have possession of it yet but I'll be turning it over to the Tucson PD when I do.

    I don't really care what you make of his stunt, but you think it's more likely that he actually bought an AR-15 on a whim "one day after he testified against them in Colorado" instead of doing it to try to make a point that would work in concert with his anti-gun stance? You honestly think that he's setting himself up as a public figure against semi-automatic weapons, and then the next day he secretly wants to purchase a cache of semi-automatic weapons?

  14. #764
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    "As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too." = unplanned.

    His plan was to buy the .45 handgun which fucking NOBODY has an issue with.

  15. #765
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    "As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too." = unplanned.

    His plan was to buy the .45 handgun which fucking NOBODY has an issue with.
    Are you intentionally avoiding the second part of his post? The part that comes immediately after the part you're quoting?

    "Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes. I don't have possession of it yet but I'll be turning it over to the Tucson PD when I do."
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-11-2013 at 03:40 PM.

  16. #766
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Are you intentionally avoiding the second sentence of his two sentence long post?
    You mean the 2nd sentence that I quoted?
    A sentence is a grammatical unit consisting of one or more words that that are grammatically linked.
    Pro tip: count the periods that are at the end of a word.

    you probably mean last 2 sentences. That's exactly what doesn't add up with everything else.

    Hey @Jinsai, what do you think about those Democratic Senators who are basically using extortion to try and control Sherifs? You still ignoring that one?

  17. #767
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    I already corrected the post above before the snarky correction, but while we're at it, you're spelling sheriff wrong.

  18. #768
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Regardless of how you want to call this, it's simple math. The risk of negligent discharge or "oups I forgot my gun in the bathroom" incidents will increase if you put armed guards everywhere.

    If gun control is not the solution to gun problems, neither are armed guards.
    The President of the United States is constantly surrounded by armed guards. With high capacity machine guns. The bottom line is that your argument isn't grounded in reality.

    The hospital I work at has probably a dozen armed guards on campus at any given point. I don't believe there has been any incidence in which a firearm was accidentally discharged ever.

    If you think children should be less protected than the POTUS or patients at a hospital....Go talk to congress. Get the guards out of hospitals and the white house.
    Last edited by Satyr; 03-11-2013 at 10:10 PM.

  19. #769
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    They just don't tell you that a gun is left in the whitehouse bathroom about 2x per day due to all the guns there.

  20. #770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    The President of the United States is constantly surrounded by armed guards. With high capacity machine guns. The bottom line is that your argument isn't grounded in reality.

    The hospital I work at has probably a dozen armed guards on campus at any given point. I don't believe there has been any incidence in which a firearm was accidentally discharged ever.

    If you think children should be less protected than the POTUS or patients at a hospital....Go talk to congress. Get the guards out of hospitals and the white house.

    Don't you think that by placing armed guards in every public places, you're inching towards a police state?

  21. #771
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    Don't you think that disarming the public while law enforcement and government agencies are buying guns and bullets like crazy is a sign that we are inching towards a police state?

  22. #772
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    What about the general population buying bullets like crazy?

    Disarming the public?
    Did I miss something? Has the government announced coast to coast raids of every household with an AR-15?
    The government bought more bullets than usual and you think what? They are gonna start shooting their own citizen? The hell you talking about?!

  23. #773
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Disarming the public?
    Did I miss something? Has the government announced coast to coast raids of every household with an AR-15?
    The government bought more bullets than usual and you think what? They are gonna start shooting their own citizen? The hell you talking about?!
    it's something like this

  24. #774
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    Now I get it! Civil war is right around the corner. Will this coincide with invading Canada to capture our natural water sources?

  25. #775
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    What about the general population buying bullets like crazy?

    Disarming the public?
    Did I miss something? Has the government announced coast to coast raids of every household with an AR-15?
    The government bought more bullets than usual and you think what? They are gonna start shooting their own citizen? The hell you talking about?!
    I feel much safer knowing that you support my right to own as many bullets / machine guns / high capacity magazines as I see fit. You're obviously a true patriot.

    Also I'm glad we have a voice of reason such as yourself. Clearly no government would ever turn to executing their own.

  26. #776
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    Don't you think that disarming the public while law enforcement and government agencies are buying guns and bullets like crazy is a sign that we are inching towards a police state?
    everything I have seen has either been misinterpreted or entirely in-line with what you would expect for practice at a range.

    edit: i'm talking about the govt purchasing guns & bullets.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 03-12-2013 at 11:28 PM.

  27. #777
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  28. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    You must be scared shitless.

    Seriously, are you even ready if the government starts the biggest genocide in world's history?
    Let's all be coo coo for cocoa puffs for a second and say that we are witnessing history as we speak. What's your plan?

  29. #779
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    You must be scared shitless.

    Seriously, are you even ready if the government starts the biggest genocide in world's history?
    Let's all be coo coo for cocoa puffs for a second and say that we are witnessing history as we speak. What's your plan?
    Don't got a plan. Just observing at this point.

  30. #780
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr View Post
    The coverage on this stuff is so shitty that it's almost impossible to do any verification but...

    $4.5mil over 5 years for gun parts - Without knowing how many DHS people there are and how many guns, it's hard to know if this is a anything out of the ordinary. I could easily see this needed just for training. Also, I bet that this is a purchase option contract. That was certainly the case with the freakout about the fuckload of ammo. Purchase options mean you have a maximum you are allowed to buy, under contract, over that time period. It doesn't obligate you to. The ammo contract is being split with ICE too. Read the press release from the company who scored the contract:

    2700 MRAPs - I can't find the release, but Navistar Defense, L.L.C. won this contract. Its for the retrofit a bunch of existing MRAPS. Pretty sure most are going to Afghanistan and the contract is with the Marines.

    edit: don't get me wrong, I think the DHS is a giant waste of money. The credibility on the DHS freakouts are just very lacking.

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