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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

  1. #1321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    That's nothing. You want Wild West, we have a badass example out here in San Francisco. Land of extreme gun control.
    A 16year old rappels into a SF dealership and steals Chef Guy Fieri's lamborghini. He keeps it locked up in a storage locker when not driving it around and picking up girls with it. One girl wasn't really interested in him so he shot up her boyfriend's car while she was in it.

  2. #1322
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    actually, I take that back, that's a horrible example of Wild West around San Francisco. A much better one is just across the bridge from SF, in Oakland. Still some extreme gun laws.

    You'll have to watch the video to believe it, but you'll see people openly displaying and firing guns, kicking and throwing bottles at cop cars... and cops doing absolutely nothing but running away. This is a frequent occurrence to the point where a local news channel did a segment on it.

    I dare you to beat this one @Deepvoid

  3. #1323
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    Yeah I saw that video a while back. I thought it was crazy indeed!

  4. #1324
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    Yea, it's insane. It happens at least every weekend and always in the exact same handful of intersections.

    I had a friend who was living out around there. He decided to move to WI/IL after the 3rd year of trying to raise his kids in that neighborhood.

  5. #1325
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    A 9 year old kid shot his 4 year old brother.

    The mother and her boyfriend aren't getting charged with anything... The fucking 9 year old has been taken into custody and will be charged.

  6. #1326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    A 9 year old kid shot his 4 year old brother.

    The mother and her boyfriend aren't getting charged with anything... The fucking 9 year old has been taken into custody and will be charged.
    Wtf ridiculous!

  7. #1327
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    well, what are the details? Or do we just get outraged without those?
    The investigation seems to show that it wasn't an accident, so the kid should get charged. It happened in Nebraska... what are the laws about leaving unloaded guns around the house when you have children in Nebraska?

  8. #1328
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    Sorry... Forgot to leave the link.

    Sure. It "wasn't an accident". But the kid reportedly has a history being mentally unstable. The fact that he has access to a gun speaks volumes of the parenting. Or lack thereof.

    There aren't many details available yet due to it being children, I imagine.

  9. #1329
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    It's good that the kid is being prosecuted. While it seems like the parents should be hit by something for their negligence (assuming they didn't secure the gun), it doesn't look like they broke any gun laws in NE. Maybe they can get them on some general negligence laws but who knows.

    Here is a question: If there was a law requiring safe storage around children and/or mentally unstable people, would the 4 year old still have been killed? I can't really imagine parents of this caliber knowing about or following a fairly unenforceable law such as this. The only difference would be the parents also being prosecuted.

  10. #1330
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    Perhaps the kid should be charged with something, yes.

    But that doesn't mean that the parents should get off on NOTHING. Child neglect, child endangerment, etc. If your kid has access to a gun(if it was loaded or the kid loaded it himself is still being talked about), and has so little supervision that he is allowed to shoot your other child in the head, then yes... You should absolutely be charged with something.

  11. #1331
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    I would have expected Florida man to be behind this one but still ... Holy Crap! No charges will be filed.

    Ohio man shot and killed a woman he hired to work on his farm after mistaking her for a groundhog.

  12. #1332
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    Speaking of Florida... They just legalized the possession of certain types of weapons at school for children ... and it might be the only sane thing to come out of FL in a very very long time.

  13. #1333
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    I how much does it costs taxpayers to introduce bills like this one?
    What happened to common sense?

  14. #1334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    What happened to common sense?
    "zero tolerance" extremism killed it. Although, I think that came on the tail of the DARE war on drugs bullshit. Everyone panic... for the children! aaaaaaand now we have to legislate common sense

  15. #1335
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    Gun control (and abortion) are non issues that they occupy you with cause both sides of the argument are fucking dumb and reactionary.

    Blaming school and work place massacres on guns is taking the reactionary route which is what America always does cause no one has the balls to admit that the workplace environment is incredibly fucked up and these shootings are desperate revolts against the machine that enslaves us all. Or if someone actually does admit this, they get shunned from the political spectrum and no one takes them seriously. You're a nut like me or a freak for admitting that yes, the work place and our schools are incredibly fucked up.

    I've seen it all, they blame it on prescription narcotics, the "weird" person (like "normal" people never snap and go berserk), video game violence, mean and hateful music, but no one ever wants to profile the environment and look into the issues at this place cause then they might have to go "well gee, I would have wanted to shoot that place up too if I'm getting treated like this!"

    Instead of running this same cycle over and over and wanting to scapegoat something so you can feel better when you go to sleep at night, why not look at the fucking environment? That's what conservatives will never do cause they are psychopaths and they love the class hierarchy that you are introduced to in school, but also liberals fail to understand this too by blaming everything on guns and wanting more gun control cause yeah, more security is totally going to prevent all this shit from happening, when they turned a blind eye to it years ago. All that "toughen it out" bullshit never works, you're seeing that now. I love the argument that all this happens cause we don't have enough God in the schools, cause yeah you know, praying for my back problems that have crippled me are going to magically go away if I just pray!

    Russia has military shootings all the time and it's been a big issue since the 90's. But the difference is, in Russia they don't blame everything on music, games, gun control, etc all the shit Murica does. Over there, they actually get the fact that the military work environment is hostile to the people and been in bad shape since the fall of the wall.

    The death of one is (supposedly) a tragedy, but the death of a million is just a statistic. This is proven with these work place massacres. When it's a normal person that gets murdered, we have to hear about it all the time and they exploit it to such a degree to push their agenda. Those poor kids at Sandy Hook were exploited enough over this, but when it's the death of a large number, oh that's just a statistic to be shoved in your face of the deaths caused by whatever it is that you're railing against (or for since whatever the military does overseas is a good thing). Those Columbine and Virgina Tech kill numbers are great statistics for them, meanwhile pretty people getting killed is a tragedy for all of us to sit around and cry over on the TV, and they make sure they exploit it every single way possible. There's always a "hero" story too about that certain teacher or that man at the work place who gave his life to try and save someone!

    Insert political jackass wanting to cash in on death by exploiting these events with a book titled something like "Stop teaching our kids to kill" or "Virtual violence" blaming everything on Hollywood, lack of God being shoved down our throat (Like we don't have enough religion pushed on us), violent music and video games and whatever else. These assholes on TV like Jack Thompson got their entire careers on this shit cause it makes the typical American sleep better at night having a self appointed genius on TV remind them not to give little Johnny a KMFDM album or a GTA game cause he might go berserk at his school one day or grow up into becoming a freak!

    If they can make money off of death, you know they fucking will. This is Murica after all, and if you can make money exploiting tragedy and death, then go ahead and do it. That's why they sell those prelit candle kits for schools as they are just waiting for it happen (like standing around holding fucking candles is going to really achieve something! Hooray capitalism!) Look at 9/11. They turned that into a fucking holiday cause it's so easy to market and make money off of the exploitation in those deaths. Every year there is a big anniversary memorial for 9/11 and we're supposed to remember and never forget! Buy your T-shirts with crying eagles on it and sing along to the war machine! Even if it's not about the tragedy, you have those conspiracy assholes like Alex Jones that exploit the fuck out of 9/11 with their stupid conspiracies and people actually will spend money on those books and DVD's and the apocalypse survival kits those mother fuckers sell to gullible people.

    Of course after a while you're supposed to just forget this all happened and move on cause "no one wants to live in the past man!" and your told to "get over it" cause no one wants to talk about it again once it's all done and over with. This country is incredibly desensitized in the sense of human emotion, and that's the way they want it to be. Social alienation runs very deep in America and no one ever wants to fucking talk about it. All we are supposed to do is work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work, sleep, work sleep. Watch TV to learn how to be a "normal" person by going along with the flow of things, be the good worker that is just happy that he has "freedom" and don't live in a mean Socialist country like Canada or Cuba where it's bad cause it's bad man! They make sure to remind you every fucking day about how mean and horrible North Korea is and all the other countries in the world that are so mean and terrible and you're supposed to be thankful and "proud" that you don't live there.
    Last edited by Tony Gordon; 05-18-2014 at 01:42 PM.

  16. #1336
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Gordon View Post
    Gun control (and abortion) are non issues that they occupy you with cause both sides of the argument are fucking dumb and reactionary.
    Truer words have not been spoken.

  17. #1337
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  18. #1338
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Truer words have not been spoken.
    And i feel that the government uses these issues to cover up the REAL issues.

  19. #1339
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    The "government" isn't doing anything. The politicians and the lobbyists are doing it, which is what he just said, above.

  20. #1340
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  21. #1341
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The "government" isn't doing anything. The politicians and the lobbyists are doing it, which is what he just said, above.
    I'd really love to read a concise history of how the "government" became the catch-all bogey-man that it is today. The generalized enemy of the people.
    The government is us! Those are lawmakers we elect.
    I suppose it goes back to the US revolution against the UK.
    I feel this is really central to this whole business because the idea that is always invoked is that no no no we need guns to protect us from the government.
    USA: get over it already. Stop killing each other with guns you don't need.

    Yes, the environment, the workplace, modern life sucks etc. Can we try to change that without going postal? There are other ways.

  22. #1342
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    All weapons considered, there's a serious problem with violence and how it's implanted in some culture.

    I just read the story of the two 12-year old girls who stabbed their friend after going to some "ghoulish" website and reading horror story about slenderman or something.
    You know you've failed as a society when 12-year kids are stabbing other kids after being on a random website. Those kids had the whole thing planned since February.

    I don't know about you but at 12 I was playing sports and board games with friends.

  23. #1343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    All weapons considered, there's a serious problem with violence and how it's implanted in some culture.

    I just read the story of the two 12-year old girls who stabbed their friend after going to some "ghoulish" website and reading horror story about slenderman or something.
    You know you've failed as a society when 12-year kids are stabbing other kids after being on a random website. Those kids had the whole thing planned since February.

    I don't know about you but at 12 I was playing sports and board games with friends.
    that story was courtesy of my home town.... fucking wisconsin

  24. #1344
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I'd really love to read a concise history of how the "government" became the catch-all bogey-man that it is today. The generalized enemy of the people.
    The government is us! Those are lawmakers we elect.
    I suppose it goes back to the US revolution against the UK.
    I feel this is really central to this whole business because the idea that is always invoked is that no no no we need guns to protect us from the government.
    USA: get over it already. Stop killing each other with guns you don't need.

    Yes, the environment, the workplace, modern life sucks etc. Can we try to change that without going postal? There are other ways.
    It's called authority. Humans fucking suck and will always end up abusing authority. The more power you give them, the worse it gets. The current government is a whole lot less "us" than it was at the birth of this country, at least in terms of how much it represents our interests. Some of us are pretty annoyed at the perpetual children who want to give more power to this government in the name of protection/care/whatever the fuck paternalistic desire they have.

  25. #1345
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    We're all adults, there are no children or nannies here. That metaphor just shuts down thought.
    Laws exist to delimit the harm done by people to one another. Regarding guns we are now too lax in the US, and there need to be tighter controls about who gets to wield a deadly weapon, or leave it lying around the house.
    Sorry but you need to earn the right to have a gun. Just being a US American human isn't enough: every time someone dies from a bullet this is proved, over and over, 30000 times a year.
    With regard to other areas, such as banks, the medical/insurance industry, private armies and the war industry, the junk/food industry, the prison industrial complex, etc, we also need tighter laws and more regulation, not less.
    As you point out, human nature sucks, and left to its own devices, it is even worse.
    US government is too weak, that's your problem. It's in the pocket of powerful (rich) people and the little people get screwed out of what they've earned and the peace of mind they deserve.

  26. #1346
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    I'm in law, I really love laws, but I also think people should use their brains.

    I saw a quote recently by somebody describing food regulations; he said, paraphrasing, that we could regulate the shit out of the food industry but, ultimately, it's up to US to decide what to put in our mouths. The leading cause of death in this country isn't guns; it's sugar. But we're ignoring it. The leading cause of death in this country is obesity. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. This is predicted to be the first generation that will not outlive its parents. But we're focusing on guns. It's like a slight-of-hand trick.

    We need common sense, not to regulate fucking everything within an inch of its life.

    We need to get rid of fucking MONSANTO. We should be WAY MORE FUCKING WORRIED about MONSANTO than we are about fucking GUNS.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-04-2014 at 02:26 PM.

  27. #1347
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    We're all adults, there are no children or nannies here. That metaphor just shuts down thought.
    It's simple and it allows you to know exactly what I'm talking about: the desire to have some larger force take care of things in your life that you should be perfectly able to handle. Look to @allegro 's post for one of the many examples. It's incredibly fucked up that there is also the assumption that the government can somehow do things better. Time and time again that is proven wrong thanks to the self-interested humans that we need to run the government. You don't need to look very far to find examples... how about the VA scandal?

    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post

    US government is too weak, that's your problem. It's in the pocket of powerful (rich) people and the little people get screwed out of what they've earned and the peace of mind they deserve.
    The government IS the rich people. Your proposal to give more power to them is the classic progressive failure. Fix that shit and the platform might have some sense.

  28. #1348
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    You're wrong on both counts.
    The law can protect you, the individual, from the powerful, the corporations, far more comprehensively than you can manage on your own.
    This is why libertarians are the tools of the powerful: they do their bidding unaware. They vastly overestimate the power of the individual and seek to weaken government. Government is the people acting collectively, or at least trying to: but the powerful, and the libertarians, want the people isolated, and thus weak.

    An example: I want to be safe from drivers using celphones, scientifically proven to be more distracted and dangerous on the roads. My personal driving skills will only take me so far. It's only the law - making it illegal to drive whilst on the phone - that can protect me from the practice of distracted celphone driving more comprehensively by banning it. Will that stop the practice? No. But it will vastly reduce it.

    How are we going to limit Monsanto without the law? With whose "common sense"? The common sense that goes "oh just eat GMOs there's nothing wrong with them"?
    These issues are fought out in parliament by lawmakers, where else?

  29. #1349
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    How are we going to limit Monsanto without the law?
    Regulations. TONS of regulations. But, yeah, nobody in Congress, or even the President, has the GUTS to touch Monsanto.

    You're right in that Congress is "us" because we voted for them. People are pissed off about Citizens United, and while it's true that big corporations and big money can buy a CAMPAIGN, big money and big corporations can't buy our VOTES. We are totally on our own the minute we walk into that voting booth. We've seen MANY examples of millionaire politicians spending millions of dollars only to lose the election. But, the middle class person going into Congress nearly always becomes very very rich once IN Congress. Does that matter? I don't know. This "we the people in order to form a perfect union" seems to be a lot more "us vs. them" lately, but it all comes down to campaign rhetoric. The opposite of laws is NOT a good thing.

    We can't regulate stupid. Cell phone use in cars and drunk driving are both illegal but people still do it. Does that mean the laws are stupid? No, we still need those laws. Because there would be a shitload more people driving around drunk and on cell phones if we didn't have those laws.

    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Sorry but you need to earn the right to have a gun.
    I'm so hardcore, I think you should earn the right to have a CHILD but that would never go over very well in this country.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-04-2014 at 02:48 PM.

  30. #1350
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    how about the VA scandal?
    The VA has been TOTAL SHIT for, jesus, since it started. I can remember when I was a KID, back in the stone age, that people knew you should never go to a VA hospital or you'd DIE. They were all run-down and looked like they were built in the 40s (probably because they WERE) with peeling paint. Only doctors who couldn't get a job anybody else worked there. Now, they are STILL having trouble finding doctors to work there. This isn't a new problem. Sure, Obama promised to "fix" it WHICH WAS A DUMB FUCKING PROMISE, considering it had been fucked up since before HE WAS BORN, but VA patients would be better off on fucking Medicare, which is run by the "government" and ISN'T all that bad when you're on it (ask any old person who's on it, it's better coverage that I have for Christ sake, and I have Fed Caddy insurance).

    I think we should regulate WITHIN REASON. For instance, banning Big Gulp Slurpees? What the fuck kind of stupid is that? Forcing food manufacturers to disclose actual trans fats -- OR BETTER YET, BAN ALL TRANS FATS BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING KILLING US???? Yes, that actually makes sense. You think the food manufacturers would actually WANT to do that, using their conscience? Nah. You think the American public has the ability to decipher labels to know wtf is a trans fat or not, when Kraft et al. has been disguising it for years? No. You think Burger King et al. has been disclosing how much of this poison has been in their foods? Nah. The only way to save lives (yes, it's that bad) is to ban it. Which requires laws.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-04-2014 at 03:19 PM.

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