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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Highland Park, IL
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Shit. I figured that would happen. It's not like CA would benefit from it, but it was a good direction. Suppressors aren't the scary Hollywood tech everyone thinks it is. It saves the permanent hearing of you and your family in a self defense situation at home. But the anti's enjoy saying "fuck the hearing of people who have guns." It also keeps the sanity of anyone who lives near a gun range. Other countries with heavy gun control encourage suppressor use.
    Give me a fucking break. Wear ear protection. I did when I went to the range. Every fucking time.

    I worked the door at a punk club for a year in 1982 and I have tinnitus, I'm playing a little tiny violin, here, about these whiny assholes bitching about their hearing. Wear some ear protection. Fucking TRENT REZNOR probably has permanent ear damage. But, it's his fault for not wearing ear protection. My uncle worked in a Ford factory for 30 years, and my father-in-law worked in a stamping plant forever, and both were fucking deaf. Why? Didn't wear ear protection.

    The answer isn't silencers; the answer is fucking ear protection.

    Re NRA; they have power in Congress because Congress is afraid of the NRA fucking up the elections and members of Congress losing their jobs. It's like why Congress is afraid of Trump because Trump threatens to use his base to get rid of all who oppose him.

    It doesn't take money; it takes power. And the NRA gets all their money from fearmongering, "THEY'RE GONNA TAKE ALL YOUR GUNS." Except they're not. Same thing with pro-choice organizations, "THEY'RE GONNA REVERSE ROE V WADE." No, they're not. States can make gun ownership more restrictive and abortions more difficult to obtain, but the FEAR of guns and abortion going away gets tons of contributions.

    And it's about lobbying.

    See this:

    It's like the AARP. I am a member. I get emails sometimes 3 times per day about some crazy damned Chicken Little scenario, and then they ask me for more money.

    Anyway, the NRA isn't shit when it comes to Congress making decisions.

    That's Congress' job. They and we can't blame the NRA. Congress isn't obligated to the NRA. They're only afraid of the NRA due to the fear of the NRA using decisions to hurt elections and re-elections. But, at some point, Congress has to have enough balls to say "fuck the NRA" if they know that they are representing the wishes of their constituency and not special interest groups.

    And each State can make laws that represent the wishes of their constituents, regardless of the NRA. And the U.S. Constitution and SCOTUS decisions back this up so long as nobody's rights are violated.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-03-2017 at 09:11 PM.

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