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Thread: Gun Talk - News, Laws, etc.

  1. #2671
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    There are more guns than people in the US.
    There are more sheep than people in NZ. Therefore it is totally inconceivable that sheep population could one day be controlled, and any measures to restrict the sale or movement of sheep, however incremental or slight, are doomed to fail. Unless New Zealand becomes a totalitarian fascist state.

  2. #2672
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    There are more guns than people in the US.
    Guns aren't going ANYWHERE, unless we become a totalitarian fascist state.
    Personally I don't think "guns" when discussed in a blanket, one-size-fits-all category are the issue. It's the type of firearms available, as well as the myriad of accessories to make them more efficient killing instruments. There's no reason to own an AR-style or similar assault rifle. None. Are they fun to shoot? Yes, I've shot one at a range. But Joe Public should not be able to own one, IMO. They're not ideal for hunting, nor self defense. There is a very specific reason why these weapons are used in mass killing events: THAT IS LITERALLY WHAT THEY'RE DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED FOR. I'm tired of these excuses. There's no sporting reason why you should have a 30 round magazine. If you want to get all tacticool and shoot around, go join the military. They have all sorts of cool shit.

    There's a lot of shit we could do that doesn't involve taking guns away but the political will isn't there because of lobbying money. Require robust licensing and renewals, require insurance coverage, require registration...all things we're accustomed to with car ownership. Institute nationwide red flag laws and put a program in place to make it work. It's not fucking hard. If I'm pulled over they run my name through at least two databases. Do the same for background checks. Does that cost money? Yes, we can afford it.

    Edit: Open carry: get rid of it nationwide. There's literally no reason to open carry a firearm as a private citizen. If you want to concealed carry, fine, do so with proper licensing and insurance I mentioned above, but there is no practical reason why anyone should be able to walk around with a gun hanging off of them. It's basically legal intimidation.
    Last edited by cdm; 05-26-2022 at 09:33 AM.

  3. #2673
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekrekel View Post
    I'm beginning to think we need a military presence in each school. We spend $800 Billion on military every year for ~1.7M active military personnel. Is having a student security branch of the military really that outlandish? USSS's highest rank pays $160k to put their life on the line for the president, we need 100k of those. That's $16 Billion, add another $6B for R&D, equipment refresh whatever keeps these folks interested and engaged now we're at $22B. Same training practices, tech, retreats, drive the school golf cart backwards and pit maneuvers and what not. Job application question #1: "What is more important to you; you going home safe or every one of these kids going home safe?" and you do yearly reviews of the classified versions of all US school shooting reports as a reminder of the stakes and the commitment they've made.
    Or...we take some of that money and use it for gun regulation and better access to mental health services. Turning schools into fortresses isn't going to help kids who are already stressed the fuck out.

    The solution is clearly not "MORE GUNS!" or "MORE GUARDS!". We need to start working on the root of the problem, and we need to start taking some lessons from other nations that have dealt with these issues and made massive changes.

  4. #2674
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    There are more sheep than people in NZ. Therefore it is totally inconceivable that sheep population could one day be controlled, and any measures to restrict the sale or movement of sheep, however incremental or slight, are doomed to fail. Unless New Zealand becomes a totalitarian fascist state.
    Oh, fuck me @botley .

    That's kind of funny, but you know damn well what I mean.
    Sheep aren't armed with automatic weapons, and there isn't a disturbing percentage of sheep who are passionate about keeping such weapons.
    Sheep haven't donated hundreds of millions of dollars to buy off congressmen and governors to advance their lethal cause.
    And this isn't New Zealand.

    It's easy to not understand from Canada, or Sweden, or Australia, but this is HOW IT IS here. There's no undoing it. It's way, way too late.
    There are measures we can take, but, no. You can't have a mass confiscation of ANYTHING in the US.

    The point is, as you well know: imagine what would happen if the police attempted to.go, and confiscate, well, ANYTHING, from a heavily armed society: this one in particular.
    There would be a LOT of bloodshed, and it would end this country as we know it.

    @cdm , I agree with everything you're saying here. 100%.

    BUT, how do we get rid of the AKs and ARs already in the country?

    I've got a musician friend who used to make a spectacle out of running over them with tractors: assault rifles donated by people who had seen the light, and wanted their name associated with the artist.
    There could be more of that.

    We could also do buyback programs wherein the person who bought the gun could get more than they paid for it.

    AND, we could (someday, MAYBE), criminalize assault weapons and confiscate them as they're found in criminal investigations.

    Edit: and for anyone who thinks I'm some kind of rootin tootin Texas gun nut, I've never fired a fucking gun in my life.
    I'm just realistic.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-26-2022 at 11:16 AM.

  5. #2675
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    I was unaware that this situation could go from 'worst' to 'fucking hell, man'

    I already know the timeline is getting fuzzier by the minute but this? oh man.

    I told my wife last night that I'll be going to jail a couple of days after whatever jackoff kid shoots up my son's school because their parent(s) is/are going to be in as much pain as everyone else.

    We need more suits against the parents.

  6. #2676
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Or...we take some of that money and use it for gun regulation and better access to mental health services. Turning schools into fortresses isn't going to help kids who are already stressed the fuck out.

    The solution is clearly not "MORE GUNS!" or "MORE GUARDS!". We need to start working on the root of the problem, and we need to start taking some lessons from other nations that have dealt with these issues and made massive changes.
    Yeah but, in the meantime, we DO need more guards, and metal detectors and such.
    My elementary age niece and nephew are already scared of being shot at school; they've both told me that they want more safety measures.
    I mean, this is obviously anecdotal, but in this case, it'd make them FEEL safer, and they'd objectively BE safer.

    And if it caused stress to kids, well...stress is better than bullet holes.

    SOMETHING has to be done.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-26-2022 at 11:19 AM.

  7. #2677
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  8. #2678
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Yeah but, in the meantime, we DO need more guards, and metal detectors and such.
    My elementary age niece and nephew are already scared of being shot at school; they've both told me that they want more safety measures.
    I mean, this is obviously anecdotal, but in this case, it'd make them FEEL safer, and they'd objectively BE safer.

    And if it caused stress to kids, well...stress is better than bullet holes.

    SOMETHING has to be done.
    objectively the cops either ran away or saved their own and said "fuck you, I've got mine" in a very literal sense.

    Last edited by allegate; 05-26-2022 at 11:44 AM.

  9. #2679
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    objectively the cops either ran away or saved their own and said "fuck you, I've got mine" in a very literal sense.

    These cops weren't already IN the school, were they? I'm not talking about local PDs.

    There are schools in smaller towns that Uvalde where people have to be buzzed in, and the doors lock and unlock on timers.

    I'm sure a couple of armed guards near such an entrance would go a long way towards stopping shit like this.

    As for the personnel? Hire better personnel.
    Hire the best of the best.

    No offense to anyone, but blaming this on mental health was what Greg Abbot did. And I mean, he's certainly not wrong, but there are other measures we can take.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-26-2022 at 11:43 AM.

  10. #2680
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    This is just REPREHENSIBLE!!

    ALL THESE COPS holding parents back could have been SHOOTING THAT SHOOTER!!!

    But the cops are COWARDS!!!

  11. #2681
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    "Ted Cruz Angrily Quits Interview After Being Confronted About Gun Control"

    Stone and another reporter pursued, asking, “I just want to understand why you do not think that guns are the problem in America” and “Why is America the only country that makes this kind of mass shooting?”
    Stone said: “You can’t answer that, can you, sir?”
    Cruz turned. Leaning close to the reporter and jabbing his finger, he said: “Why is it that people come from all over the world to America? Because it’s the freest, most prosperous, safest country on earth.
    “And save me the propaganda.”

  12. #2682
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    "Ted Cruz Angrily Quits Interview After Being Confronted About Gun Control"
    Good. More of this. More from Beto. Every time these people are in public...more more more.

  13. #2683
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh, fuck me @botley .

    That's kind of funny, but you know damn well what I mean.
    Sheep aren't armed with automatic weapons, and there isn't a disturbing percentage of sheep who are passionate about keeping such weapons.
    Sheep haven't donated hundreds of millions of dollars to buy off congressmen and governors to advance their lethal cause.
    And this isn't New Zealand.
    The “400 million guns in the U.S.” number you see online?

    You know the SOURCE?

    It wasn’t the federal government or any state. It was a private company.

    Here’s their analysis basis:
    Box 4 Computation methods for civilian firearms holdings
    This Briefing Paper presents estimates from the Small Arms Survey’s Civilian Firearms Holdings 2017 database (Small Arms Survey, 2018). The database estimates are calculated on the basis of the following sources (or mix of sources):
    (a) national firearms registration statistics;
    (b) general population surveys about firearm ownership (available for 56 countries/ territories);
    (c) experts’ estimates of civilian holdings; and,
    (d) where none of these was available, analogous comparisons based on estimates for comparable countries.
    The database further relies on the analysis of individual reports on civilian firearms ownership from multiple sources, including published official documents and research studies on countries and regions, official responses to questionnaires sent out by the Small Arms Survey, news reports, and private correspondence with experts.
    Each state has its own gun laws, per the U.S. Constitution.

    This means, by DESIGN, the FEDERAL government has not only no way to totally control national gun sales but also NO WAY TO COUNT THE NUMBER OF GUNS. Most states don’t even HAVE guns registration laws. You can’t “count” what a state doesn’t.

    Anyway …
    Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law in 2021 that ended the requirement for Texans to obtain a license to carry handguns, allowing virtually anyone over the age of 21 to carry one.

    Per WaPo:
    Abbott abandoned support for a suggestion in the report that lawmakers consider approving a red-flag law, which would authorize police or family members to petition a court for removal of a firearm from someone considered a threat. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), an adamant gun rights supporter, strongly opposed that measure.
    By that point, Texas ALREADY HAD eight mass shootings over the last 13 years.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-26-2022 at 08:19 PM.

  14. #2684
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    These cops weren't already IN the school, were they? I'm not talking about local PDs.

    There are schools in smaller towns that Uvalde where people have to be buzzed in, and the doors lock and unlock on timers.

    I'm sure a couple of armed guards near such an entrance would go a long way towards stopping shit like this.

    As for the personnel? Hire better personnel.
    Hire the best of the best.

    No offense to anyone, but blaming this on mental health was what Greg Abbot did. And I mean, he's certainly not wrong, but there are other measures we can take.

  15. #2685
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is just REPREHENSIBLE!!

    ALL THESE COPS holding parents back could have been SHOOTING THAT SHOOTER!!!

    But the cops are COWARDS!!!

    Well there's that thorny issue solved. Thanks Herschel!
    Last edited by allegate; 05-26-2022 at 12:27 PM.

  16. #2686
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    I know Texas wants to secede so why not let them at this point? Just cut our losses and scratch that star off the flag.

  17. #2687
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    omg thats terrible about the husband

  18. #2688
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    I predict a Supreme Court ruling of "that's not what we were talking about" as they strike this one down.

    Last edited by allegate; 05-26-2022 at 01:49 PM.

  19. #2689
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  20. #2690
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    Good thing we give cops near unlimited funding or else this could have been much worse!

  21. #2691
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Good thing we give cops near unlimited funding or else this could have been much worse!

  22. #2692
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    oh my god he said it!

  23. #2693
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    do we even need the onion when the asshole governor is quoted as saying “it could’ve been worse”? fuck him for saying that. that’s some dismissive callous bullshit from anyone but he’s the governor. everything about this sucks. i hate it for these families.

    i saw some conservatives on fb saying “biden was vice president when sandy hook happened”. yeah he was. he tried to push on several actionable items afterwards and the republican led congress did nothing. do these people pay attention or not? what do they need to see that it’s their elected officials who let this happen?
    I'm also seeing Obama/Biden were on duty during Vegas, which is bogus since it happened in late 2017.

    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Or...we take some of that money and use it for gun regulation and better access to mental health services. Turning schools into fortresses isn't going to help kids who are already stressed the fuck out.

    The solution is clearly not "MORE GUNS!" or "MORE GUARDS!". We need to start working on the root of the problem, and we need to start taking some lessons from other nations that have dealt with these issues and made massive changes.
    My proposal isn't more guards or guns. There are already SROs seemingly at every school with guns. I'm just proposing they be the proper quality personnel, compensated, armed and trained such that they don't shy away from the fact that they are the only thing between 0 and 19 dead kids and 2 dead teachers and do what needs to be done to stop or hold the shooter off until the rest of the district's new SROs and local LE can get there. There are at least 8 schools within a 2.5 mile radius of my son's. Train them all as a unit and if when this happens we're talking minutes before an elite level force is on site.

    I don't know what a proper mental health care system costs but I'm all for it, the facts are there is a huge impediment to any actual legislation being passed to support ANYTHING the left proposes, even when it's supported by 75%+ of the population. My take at least seems like something the obstructionists would get behind.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This is just REPREHENSIBLE!!

    ALL THESE COPS holding parents back could have been SHOOTING THAT SHOOTER!!!

    But the cops are COWARDS!!!
    This is gonna sound keyboard tough hyperbole, but in that situation I'm getting tased or shot. My kid is coming out of that school alive or neither of us are.
    Last edited by ekrekel; 05-26-2022 at 03:31 PM.

  24. #2694
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    Quote Originally Posted by ekrekel View Post
    My proposal isn't more guards or guns. There are already SROs seemingly at every school with guns. I'm just proposing they be the proper quality personnel, compensated, armed and trained such that they don't shy away from the fact that they are the only thing between 0 and 19 dead kids and 2 dead teachers and do what needs to be done to stop or hold the shooter off until the rest of the district's new SROs and local LE can get there. There are at least 8 schools within a 2.5 mile radius of my son's. Train them all as a unit and if when this happens we're talking minutes before an elite level force is on site.

    This is gonna sound keyboard tough hyperbole, but in that situation I'm getting tased or shot. My kid is coming out of that school alive or neither of us are.
    pretty much, yeah. It would take me 25 minutes to get there.

    Last edited by allegate; 05-26-2022 at 05:15 PM.

  25. #2695
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    interesting waffle word usage there.

    Last edited by allegate; 05-26-2022 at 04:59 PM.

  26. #2696
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    Fuck Greg Abbott.

  27. #2697
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    Has a major sports team ever done something like this? If they have I don't recall.

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  29. #2699
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Fuck Greg Abbott.

    cont’d I was going to ask if they had a nest or other device capture the interaction.

  30. #2700
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