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Thread: Prometheus

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    So maybe this is a sign that you should support your team from up close! You're contenders for the cup aren't you? Go and cheer the Panzers. And see Prometheus.
    Haha, not much love for soccer here. I'd rather play it myself than watch some bitchy millionaire cunts crying over lost games/money. :P

    If England and Germany end up playing against each other I might find myself at the local Irish pub, but other than that? nah! I prefer some Space Jockey madness.

  2. #332
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    It's amazing. It feels like watching "alien" for the first time. Genuinely creepy. only 3 things I didn't like

    - The snarling punkish brit (annoying)
    - Jerry Goldsmith being dead
    - That bit towards the end - unnecessary (don't want to spoil anything)

    Fassbender came across like Jeremy Irons so much! Great performance. And the Production design is just jizz on toast, the whole thing is an homage to the cobb/giger set design approach of the first film

    also did anyone spot how it steals the only good ideas from AVP (mr weyland's ambitions, the ancient astronaut thing)

  3. #333
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    Loved it. Every second of it!

  4. #334
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    So stoked for this to open in NA this week. I want to buy two tickets, so I can watch it twice. At the same time.

  5. #335
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    Saw it on opening night, totally forgot to post.

    Mixed feelings really, but I feel more positive about it as I let it process over time.

    I'll get the bad out the way first.....

    The score is totally dominated by one "Theme" which totally inspires a feeling of positive discoveries. Which makes sense for a majority of the 1st half hour.... However it is totally overused and at times seemingly completely inappropriate. (Although I am constantly told by friends that this would have been deliberate by Sir Scott.) For example, The scene were Janek gives his motivational insight, "You know what this place is right..." the same music is used and it jars so bad.....
    There are quite horrid issues either with the Screenplay, or more likely the editing process. The pace is too fast and lacks suspense for the most part. (Although this is not Alien, and does not promise suspense.) There is a noticeable lack of reaction from the characters. Example, A very bad thing happens to Shaw, its very distressing has major consequences for all parties, She literally crawls on her hands and knees to the others after it.....and no one cares. They don't care what happened, how she got round it and what she did with the dangerous consequences, because they are now preparing for the next part of the film.

    Thats the bad.

    The Good however.

    Very, Very bad things happen to these people and it is horrific. We've moved on from Facehuggers and although these inspire the same horror from within vibe we need to move on, and Riddley and co have done this.

    David is fucking amazing... I could have just watched the whole film of just him. Theres been a lot of critisim of the other characters being one dimensional... i can't help think this is deliberate to make David seem even better. His quirks and ways whilst the others are in hypersleep, His clear fasination with creating new life "Why did your people build me?" "Because we can" Key line of the whole film, Its clear Peter Weyland, The space Jockeys are not the only ones with god complex. Fassbender was just awesome in this film. I even loved his trippy Freak out the the Space Jockey Star map. This was so very different from how i imagined it from the trailers, It could so easily been a sinister scene but its taken to another place and it's still excellent.
    The Monsters were awesome (Although one looked very familar and didnt have time for it.) If you dont think tentacles are scary then you've been watching too much Hentai.

    Overall, Its not Alien, Its not a haunted house space movie. Not much suspense here. Its about a Childlike robot, his childlike scientist friend discovering ancient civilisation and trying not to piss off Gods.

    Looking forward to seeing it again.

  6. #336
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    Yes to everything.
    Except I quite liked the Farfield and Millburn. They provided comic relief... What happens to them is terrifying though, Farfield outside the ship, waiting, that "pose" freaky.

  7. #337
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    I know I asked this question before, but my girlfriend and I are arguing about how involved this movie is with the Alien films. I know that it is set in the same universe like October Midnight stated a couple pages back, but lets say if they came out with a boxed set or Alien; would Prometheus be included? I am just trying to figure out how much this movie is involved with the Alien series. I have read many articles but it is really half and half. Thanks again.

  8. #338
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    to the people who have seen this already, is the 3D good or is it better to see in 2D??? maybe its just my theater but lately 3D movies especially Avengers have looked terrible and I don't want to pay the extra money if it doesn't look good

  9. #339
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    I saw this in in regular 3D and only ever noticed it in the opening scenes and towards the end when there is lots of ash and debris. Didnt see the need.
    Friends who saw it in IMAX raved about though.

  10. #340
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    I pretty much concur with Alex's opinion, although I haven't yet seen it in 2D, I don't think the 3D added much. I might go and watch it at IMAX.

  11. #341
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    Fuck, there I was browsing the Prometheus news forum in search of a poster I saw and well, instead of a poster I saw a gif-animation of something I better should not have seen. It was just a blink of an eye since I immediately closed the window... It gave me chills though.

    Oh well, August can't come soon enough. Before then I still have a trip to Norway to look forward to. Guess that'll tie me over.

    Thanks for all your opinions. Looks like I will enjoy it just as I expected.

  12. #342
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    Just picked up 2 (fake)-Imax tickets for Thursday night. Can't wait!
    Last edited by NIN64; 06-04-2012 at 01:04 PM.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I know I asked this question before, but my girlfriend and I are arguing about how involved this movie is with the Alien films. I know that it is set in the same universe like October Midnight stated a couple pages back, but lets say if they came out with a boxed set or Alien; would Prometheus be included? I am just trying to figure out how much this movie is involved with the Alien series. I have read many articles but it is really half and half. Thanks again.
    It is set in the same universe but is not a direct prequel to the first movie. The space jockeys are actually space jockeys, weyland company is in it etc

  14. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex of scotland View Post
    Saw it on opening night, totally forgot to post.

    Mixed feelings really, but I feel more positive about it as I let it process over time.

    I'll get the bad out the way first.....

    The score is totally dominated by one "Theme" which totally inspires a feeling of positive discoveries. Which makes sense for a majority of the 1st half hour.... However it is totally overused and at times seemingly completely inappropriate. (Although I am constantly told by friends that this would have been deliberate by Sir Scott.) For example, The scene were Janek gives his motivational insight, "You know what this place is right..." the same music is used and it jars so bad.....
    There are quite horrid issues either with the Screenplay, or more likely the editing process. The pace is too fast and lacks suspense for the most part. (Although this is not Alien, and does not promise suspense.) There is a noticeable lack of reaction from the characters. Example, A very bad thing happens to Shaw, its very distressing has major consequences for all parties, She literally crawls on her hands and knees to the others after it.....and no one cares. They don't care what happened, how she got round it and what she did with the dangerous consequences, because they are now preparing for the next part of the film.

    Thats the bad.

    The Good however.

    Very, Very bad things happen to these people and it is horrific. We've moved on from Facehuggers and although these inspire the same horror from within vibe we need to move on, and Riddley and co have done this.

    David is fucking amazing... I could have just watched the whole film of just him. Theres been a lot of critisim of the other characters being one dimensional... i can't help think this is deliberate to make David seem even better. His quirks and ways whilst the others are in hypersleep, His clear fasination with creating new life "Why did your people build me?" "Because we can" Key line of the whole film, Its clear Peter Weyland, The space Jockeys are not the only ones with god complex. Fassbender was just awesome in this film. I even loved his trippy Freak out the the Space Jockey Star map. This was so very different from how i imagined it from the trailers, It could so easily been a sinister scene but its taken to another place and it's still excellent.
    The Monsters were awesome (Although one looked very familar and didnt have time for it.) If you dont think tentacles are scary then you've been watching too much Hentai.

    Overall, Its not Alien, Its not a haunted house space movie. Not much suspense here. Its about a Childlike robot, his childlike scientist friend discovering ancient civilisation and trying not to piss off Gods.

    Looking forward to seeing it again.
    Agree with pretty much all of this. I really enjoyed it and I thought I would be let down - I wasn't. Alex is right, the editing in places doesn't give you much space to breathe and after Shaw's 'moment' I was really surprised that Rapace wasn't channelling Ripley when she finally crawls her way to her conspirators - I was expecting her to go batshit insane... maybe it was all the Spoiler: meds she took.

    So the above was one problem - others are the score which becomes overbearing in certain scenes where silence woud have worked better. It was a beautiful score when used correctly, one of the best I've heard but it was overused.

    A certain character's death at the end left me the most disappointed - it was as unfair as when Newt died in Alien 3... she had so much sequel potential.

    Finally it's not so much as a criticism, more my own sense of humour got in the way of the way the derelict ship is piloted - I don't mean the pilots chair, but the way it's all switched on. It's bizarre and musical but I thought it was pretty hilarious.

    The positives outweigh the negatives though. Despite being hastily edited there's a lot of great moments. The body horror is here and if you had never seen an Alien movie you will be grossed out and one scene in particular had my heart pumping. Nothing will ever beat the tension of the dinner scene in Alien but this comes very close.
    The monsters are GREAT, the engineers are incredibly designed, even when you consider they could well have just been Dr Manhattan clones and the mysteries already have me thinking, particularly the main question of "why did they change their minds about us". The Xeno mural was intriguing, Charlie spends a long time examining it and it wasn't until the end where I realised that there was likely to be something behind it considering the green thing in front of the mural...
    Fifield and Milburn's mini adventure was great and lead to some great comic relief, "If you were seeing what we are seeing you wouldn't be talking about no fucking ping!"

    Finally you do get your 8 minutes of unmistakable Alien DNA at the end.

    But yes, this is a movie about the childlike wonder and behaviour of David, who completely steals the show. It's about his relationship with his makers as much as it is the Prometheus crew and theirs and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that if it wasn't for Fassbender's performance then this movie would be less interesting. Rapace has a way to go to prove she can carry one of these movies on her own, she is certainly no Ripley.

  15. #345
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    Paper Prometheus Trailer

  16. #346
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    What's more concerning is that if "Shaw's baby" was anything like its father. Then it would have grown into a massive douchebag.

  17. #347
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    Is there a reason you're mentally incapable of properly tagging your spoilers alex?

  18. #348
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    Anyone else ordered the art book? Think I can't open it until I've finally seen it though. Would ne nice if anyone who will get it next week could inform me if it's too spoilerific.

  19. #349
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    Saw it. That's done then. What now?

    I agree with Alex of Scotland's and owinn's analyses. The pacing is frantic at times and you feel they are jumping from event to event without giving you any time to process it. And there are parts of dialogue that seem a bit forced and unnatural. I didn't find the score overbearing, but it's not anything memorable either, except for one or two parts.

    Anyway, it is a good sci-fi thriller, there is no doubt about that. However, although there are unmistakable "Alien" moments, it's just that, "moments". I think everyone will enjoy the movie more if they're not expecting another Alien film. That's why Scott was so persistent in reminding everyone it's not an Alien prequel.

    3D was fine, but ultimately unnecessary. The big screen is enough to satisfyingly convey the imposing landscapes and tense action scenes. I don't think there was any scene where I thought: "Yes, I needed to see this in 3D". So, if you're not fond of paying more money than needed, see it in 2D.
    Last edited by Alexandros; 06-06-2012 at 03:34 AM.

  20. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    Anyway, it is a good sci-fi thriller, there is no doubt about that. However, although there are unmistakable "Alien" moments, it's just that, "moments". I think everyone will enjoy the movie more if they're not expecting another Alien film. That's why Scott was so persistent in reminding everyone it's not an Alien prequel.
    I've tried to explain the film to a few people a couple of times and I've totally failed to summarize it in a way which did not sound like Alien.

    Spoiler: It's about a bunch of people on a space ship that visit a thing on a far away planet that seems to have been there a long time... they're in hyper sleep whilst they get there and then they wake up, there's a cranky guy who everyone hates, a strong female lead, an android who is morally ambiguous, a bunch of cylinders arranged in a regular pattern, then someone gets infected and brings the infection back to the ship... oh yeah the set pieces are largely by giger and all biomechanical. everything is blown up in the end.

  21. #351
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    As far as "intelligent", well designed, practical effect sci fi goes I thought this was barely on par with say Species 2.

  22. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmtd View Post
    I've tried to explain the film to a few people a couple of times and I've totally failed to summarize it in a way which did not sound like Alien.
    Yes, the plot is very similar, but I was mostly referring to the overall atmosphere. Spoiler: It's not nearly as claustrophobic as Alien and it doesn't have the action of Aliens. It focuses much more on the Engineers and the origins of humanity, rather than the alien monsters. I think that in the end this made it feel quite different.

  23. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lutz View Post
    As far as "intelligent", well designed, practical effect sci fi goes I thought this was barely on par with say Species 2.
    Then you need to get your eyes checked. Seriously.

  24. #354
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    How violent is this in comparison to Alien? No Spoilers please. My mom was wondering. She can't handle too much violence but Alien was exactly in her range.

  25. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    How violent is this in comparison to Alien? No Spoilers please. My mom was wondering. She can't handle too much violence but Alien was exactly in her range.
    I would say it's a bit more visceral than Alien. She can probably manage. Maybe shut her eyes once or twice.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandros View Post
    I would say it's a bit more visceral than Alien. She can probably manage. Maybe shut her eyes once or twice.
    I made my wife watch the whole anthology and she didn't have to look away, she was freaked out a bit by the chestbursting but there's been worse films she's seen since. She's by no means an Alien fan but her Facebook status said it all despite her being sceptical... "
    to be honest Prometheus wasn't that bad, but it's not for the faint hearted. I had to close my eyes/ remove my 3d glasses a few times."

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lutz View Post
    As far as "intelligent", well designed, practical effect sci fi goes I thought this was barely on par with say Species 2.
    I haven't seen it yet, so I don't really know. The ad for Prometheus blows the movie Species 2 away though, so I have a hard time believing you here.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I haven't seen it yet, so I don't really know. The ad for Prometheus blows the movie Species 2 away though, so I have a hard time believing you here.
    Yeah you're kinda throwin' a cookie to the trolls I think...

  29. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Yeah you're kinda throwin' a cookie to the trolls I think...
    It's one of those movies. Alien, Batman and Star Wars attract all extremes of dork.

  30. #360
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    Lutz is borderline troll, just ignore him

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