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Thread: Prometheus

  1. #421
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    Just one question, where does it rank among other recent 3D movies? This was the first one for me, and I'm just curious on that level alone how it fares.

  2. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    this post is full of win.

  3. #423
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    When I saw this in IMAX I'm sure it was 16:9. Do they reframe a movie for IMAX?

  4. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Just one question, where does it rank among other recent 3D movies? This was the first one for me, and I'm just curious on that level alone how it fares.
    They made some good use of it early on, but ultimately didn't use it nearly as much, or to such great effect, as Titanic and Avatar (despite being post-conversion, the former is the best example of 3D I've seen).

  5. #425
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    I didn't expect much from this because I'm not an Alien fan (out of ignorance, not out of dislike - my mom loves them but I've simply never had the time to watch them), but I thought it was pretty smart. Visually it's probably much more stimulating, but the debates on man's origin are interesting. I'd probably go see it again if someone asked me to.

  6. #426
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    Anyone see it in 2d? I ask because I've yet to see a 3d film where I actually enjoyed the 3d. I tend to find it a distraction that gets in the way of me seeing the movie.

  7. #427
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    yeah I saw it in 2d. Absolutely fine.
    Personally I find 3d films hard work on the eyes, the added depth does not really add any immersion without it being already a good film. So its pretty much pointless.

  8. #428
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    I saw it in 2D and the only scene I could think of that would have popped out more was the pilot room when David opens up the map. Definitely wouldn't want to see the bodyhugger's gaping "mouths" in 3D.

  9. #429
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    This is interesting, from an interview with Ridley Scott.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spoiler: You throw religion and spirituality into the equation for Prometheus, though, and it almost acts as a hand grenade. We had heard it was scripted that the Engineers were targeting our planet for destruction because we had crucified one of their representatives, and that Jesus Christ might have been an alien. Was that ever considered?

    RS: Spoiler: We definitely did, and then we thought it was a little too on the nose. But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario, there are moments where it looks like we’ve gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, “Lets’ send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it. Guess what? They crucified him.
    Last edited by DF118; 06-10-2012 at 02:39 PM. Reason: [spoiler]

  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Anyone see it in 2d? I ask because I've yet to see a 3d film where I actually enjoyed the 3d. I tend to find it a distraction that gets in the way of me seeing the movie.
    I saw it in 2D and it was fine. You know how you see a movie in 2D that's made for 3D, and you can just tell because of the way things are shot? Yeah, I didn't get that with this one. It wasn't apparent I was watching the "wrong" version, which is nice; it wasn't distracting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lutz View Post
    When I saw this in IMAX I'm sure it was 16:9. Do they reframe a movie for IMAX?
    I'm slightly confused by what you mean here. Are you asking if it was shot 2.35:1 and they adjusted it to 1.78:1? The IMAX ratio is actually 1.44:1, but only scenes shot with an IMAX camera would be presented in this format. To answer what I think is your question: I think it was displayed at 1.78:1 (16:9) in the theater I saw.

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    This is interesting, from an interview with Ridley Scott.
    Oh, that wouldn't have been controversial.

  12. #432
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    Spoilerly Question:
    Spoiler: Is Charlize Theron an android?

    She calls Weyland "father" but Weyland very specifically says that David is the closest he'll ever have to children.

    Was this a snub against her character, either that a android was more qualified than his daughter or that David is a more advanced android?

  13. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
    Spoilerly Question:
    Spoiler: Is Charlize Theron an android?

    She calls Weyland "father" but Weyland very specifically says that David is the closest he'll ever have to children.

    Was this a snub against her character, either that a android was more qualified than his daughter or that David is a more advanced android?
    Well, Spoiler: I thought he said David is the closest thing he'll ever have to a son. This doesn't mean he couldn't have any daughters. If she is an android, then the captain got it on with a robot.

  14. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
    Spoilerly Question:
    Spoiler: Is Charlize Theron an android?

    She calls Weyland "father" but Weyland very specifically says that David is the closest he'll ever have to children.

    Was this a snub against her character, either that a android was more qualified than his daughter or that David is a more advanced android?
    Spoiler: Yeah I don't think so, Weyland said it's the closest he'd ever get to a 'son', and it probably explains some of the resentment towards her that he spent more time building a son he wanted instead of devoting attention to his real life flesh and blood daughter. Also, I thought there was possibly some resentment towards him wanting to extend his life as Vickers perhaps was eager to take over the company after he died.

  15. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Spoiler: Yeah I don't think so, Weyland said it's the closest he'd ever get to a 'son', and it probably explains some of the resentment towards her that he spent more time building a son he wanted instead of devoting attention to his real life flesh and blood daughter. Also, I thought there was possibly some resentment towards him wanting to extend his life as Vickers perhaps was eager to take over the company after he died.
    Damon sure knows how to write about Spoiler: daddy issues.

  16. #436
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    Also, a conversation between Shaw and an Engineer.

  17. #437
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    I left underwhelmed, but that's probably because I was expecting a return to the tone of Alien. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but should have gone into it with no expectations. For one thing, I really disliked the music's recurring "theme".

    I'd recommend it, though, it WAS quite chilling, and Spoiler: Shaw's self-surgery was horrific!

  18. #438
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    While I enjoyed Prometheus, I feel that it weakened the original Alien movie.

    Am I correct that the "Space Jockey" they find in Alien was supposed to be the corps of an alien creature? I LOVED that it was never seen again, and it was mysterious, and it was just the ultimate warning sign about how dangerous the Aliens are... I -by the looks of it- assumed that it was a fossilized body of a long lost alien species... Well, I'm glad to find out that instead, it was a fucking SPOILER: man in a fancy spacesuit.

  19. #439
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    While I enjoyed Prometheus, I feel that it weakened the original Alien movie.

    Am I correct that the "Space Jockey" they find in Alien was supposed to be the corps of an alien creature? I LOVED that it was never seen again, and it was mysterious, and it was just the ultimate warning sign about how dangerous the Aliens are... I -by the looks of it- assumed that it was a fossilized body of a long lost alien species... Well, I'm glad to find out that instead, it was a fucking Spoiler: man in a fancy spacesuit.
    I see where you're coming from with this, but I can't say I agree that Prometheus weakens Alien. The Space Jockey's first appearance still hints at the danger of the alien(s) - I don't think that can be ignored or undermined no matter how much we find out. The skeleton still seems to be fossilized, too, it just may not be as old as we'd originally been led to believe Spoiler: (keeping in mind that the Derelict ship of Alien is on a different planet than the one of Prometheus). As far as the "long lost" part is concerned, the Space Jockeys might as well be a lost species because (as of now) Spoiler: the only people who were directly exposed them either died or abandoned Earth. They're undeniably ancient, too. They may not be as cool-looking as some of us hoped, but I think their hostile intentions make up for their appearance (which I still think is cool).

    I'm not sure if Prometheus strengthens Alien, but looking back on it, I like that the crew of the Nostromo are completely oblivious to what's, to them, just a brief, ominous distraction. In reality, the dead Jockey is a more massive discovery than the eggs... but they of course have no way of realizing that. The bigger story in Alien is a tangent at best, not the main course. That's pretty interesting me. Spoiler: Also, we still don't know the full story behind the dead Jockey with a hole in its chest. There's still some mystery surrounding it, and there may always be. That's part of the reason I liked Prometheus: it was more than just "Hey, look, now you know who the Jockey is and what happened to him." Rather, we got a look into the Jockey species, and not THE Space Jockey itself. Thusly, it satisfies a certain curiosity, without giving away the farm.

  20. #440
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    Like i wittered on about before, alien makes more sense now... They were specifically designed to attack people, its not just the mother of all coincidences (teleological design/watchmaker theory springs to mind)

    But i agree it spoils the mystery... like doctor who and the x files, the revelations are somehow not as fun as speculating

  21. #441
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    Just don't cross-apply the stuff you've learned. Or ignore it. For example, a lot of us completely ignore the existence of the Star Wars prequels, special editions, and extended universe, when talking about the original trilogy. It's actually pretty easy to do.

  22. #442
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    It's official. Prometheus is half an hour too short:

    While I can sense some logic behind the absence of that scene Scott is talking about, I don't know why he/FOX left out the rest when reading all those reviews it became so evident that something is clearly missing. I hope we will get an extended cut for this on BD even though Scott tells us the theatrical version is a "director's cut". (of course it is, if he's done it himself, but he can still do another one).

  23. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    It's official. Prometheus is half an hour too short
    Well, the scene he talks about is no biggie, it wouldn't have added any depth to the story. As for the rest, we don't know what sort of material is missing, so it may or may not have an effect. I'm guessing it has an effect, since 27 minutes is enough to provide a much needed breathing space, even if you subtract several minutes for the scene Scott mentions. If it turns out the movie is better with those deleted scenes, I would be very interested to hear Scott's justification for leaving them out (appart from an Extended Cut cash grab, which would seem more of a production decision rather than a director's decision).

  24. #444
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    Yep, his decision not to "diminish" the Engineer is a good one and cutting that scene to avoid this is perfectly fine with me, but as you said, I doubt that the missing 27 minutes consist of areal shots, not worthy action scenes and extended views on people's faces. I remeber reading a tweet by someone involved that hints at an extended opening scene that we will have to wait for until the DVD release.

    I might be reading his motions wrong, but Scott doesn't seem too confident when talking about the final length of the movie. And of course, if he admitted that this is NOT his definite version of the movie, who would still go and see it instead of waiting for the full thing? I bet he is getting a lot of pressure from studios and I can imagine that what we are seeing right now was fought for, too.

    I still have to see this flick, but I seriously can't believe that Ridley Scott (wheter you liked his latest movies or not; I personally did for the most part) would make so many worse decisions on his own. And seriously: a movie like this not getting some form of extended home video release? You must be kidding me. Every single shitty movie is getting an extra treatment.

    It still has to be seen if any additional footage can fix the problems people are having with this, though.

    So off to Norway I go and I'll see how this will work out in the upcoming days. And Alexandros, thanks for reminding me that I need to support my team at the Euro for the time being! I'm starting to get the hang of it. And what else is there apart from work? :P

  25. #445
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    ***Major spoilers***

    What I'm hoping is that there's an alternate version of Spoiler: Fifield's post-transformation sequence. In the art book, they have a design in which he turns into a creature, rather than just getting all zombie-fied.

    What could have been...

    What they decided on...

    To my eye, the unused design is much better (a LOT of stuff in the book looks much better than the final film in my opinion - some enormous balls were dropped during production). And as you can see, it wasn't just a design, they went at least partway to producing it - probably further, as people have pointed out that in a clip from the trailer, Fifield has longer limbs than in the theatrical cut. There may even be an entire alternate version of the sequence sitting on the shelf, as was the case with Alien 3's bull chestbursting. No idea why they decided to change it.

    Trouble is, they may not use it even in a "Director's Cut". Alien had a lot of trimming to get past the censors, and much of that footage isn't even on the Anthology. Brett had at least three different death scenes filmed, for example, and all we have are production stills and a low-quality video from an old release.
    Last edited by Vertigo; 06-11-2012 at 07:37 AM. Reason: Pictures weren't being blanked by the spoiler tags. Linked them instead.

  26. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    What could have been...
    Well, shit. That would have been awesome.

    About the trimmings/changes, didn't Prometheus get an R rating in the USA, and similar ratings elsewhere? I thought this kind of rating means you can show some pretty disturbing stuff, it doesn't make sense that they had to cut this, it doesn't even seem like something that would push it up a category.

  27. #447
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    R rating in the us but 15 rating in the uk. They dumbed it down for the 15 rating.

  28. #448
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    Haven't seen the movie yet and probably will wait and see it at home, but I enjoyed this review from my favorite movie review show.

  29. #449
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    Everyone should keep in mind this movie is a prequel that is 100 years before the alien film . Keep in mind 2 more films are coming Ridley said this would be a trilogy. The space jockey in alien could have been from other ships . The transformation that happened to Holloway could have been his DNA morphing into more of the the pre human aliens which we descended from as he got bigger stronger etc remember weyland was looking for a fountain of youth from the previous ancestors I in no way think hes was a zombie etc. i think people commenting such didn't understand the film. Also a longer directors cut is definitely coming as ridley said in an interview they cut it down for run time there were scenes cut and it was previously much longer. I for one think this is an amazing start to freshen and enhance the alien series answer questions pose new ones unfold a story we have not yet known. Also it is by far one of the most beautifully shot films I have seen in a long long time. The 3d was great not distracting immerses you in the film more which it should do. The story was well crafted and executed if you were going into it expecting Alien you went into it with the wrong frame of mind I am sure ridley will touch on this more in the next 2 films and the final 12 mins. definitely screamed alien pun intended.

  30. #450
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    Spoiler: The ship Shaw and David leave the planet on may or may not be the one carrying the alien eggs, a more perfected version of what looked like a prototype weapon as seen in the bodyhugger form. Or the ship they're on will MEET that species at some point in future.
    So hopefully this new trilogy fills in the gaps successfully in the next couple movies!

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