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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #3481
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    I won a shirt from some dude on eBay last week and it's now a week later and he STILL hasn't shipped it and won't respond to any of my messages. The punchline of this situation, according to the Item Location on the original page, it's located in the SAME city as me.

    Why do people put shit on eBay and then pull shit like this? If I don't get it, eBay will make you give me the money back. So you gain nothing out of being a huge prick for no reason.

  2. #3482
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    There's this food store near where I live that's specializing in sausages. They claim to have over 40 kind of sausages.

    I had to explain Andouille to them.

  3. #3483
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    I am a strong ally to the LGBT community, hell I wore an equality pin on my lapel at my wedding and will defend the rights of that community to the death. That being said I feel like there are a LOT of people that aren't part of that community right now that are almost seemingly standing on the shoulders of that community with their ally signs so they can get attention for how "progressive" they are instead of letting that community get the praise. This time isn't our time, it's not the time to raise our flags or toot our own horns and it's pretty annoying and offensive in my honest opinion. Going to pride, sharing pics and stuff like that is one thing. What is not ok is trying to use the verbiage of "we" to try an include yourself as a representative of a community YOU'RE NOT A PART OF.

  4. #3484
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    I am a strong ally to the LGBT community, hell I wore an equality pin on my lapel at my wedding and will defend the rights of that community to the death. That being said I feel like there are a LOT of people that aren't part of that community right now that are almost seemingly standing on the shoulders of that community with their ally signs so they can get attention for how "progressive" they are instead of letting that community get the praise. This time isn't our time, it's not the time to raise our flags or toot our own horns and it's pretty annoying and offensive in my honest opinion. Going to pride, sharing pics and stuff like that is one thing. What is not ok is trying to use the verbiage of "we" to try an include yourself as a representative of a community YOU'RE NOT A PART OF.
    it's also really challenging being an actual part of the queer community but not appearing like you are. i LOOK like a straight, cis, white male. i'm married to a cis, white woman. but she's a bit queer and i'm both gender-queer and queer in orientation. over the years, i've always fought hard (in small circles) for justice and understanding, but many people who are not only supposed to be allies but are supposed to be part of the same community as me have been resistant to my involvement because of my appearance.

  5. #3485
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    ^^^ aren't you two talking about to different things?
    @tony.parente bandwagoneers that wouldn't otherwise be there because it seems that it's trendy to be supportive? I say better that then the reverse. We don't want to go back to Stonewall
    @eversonpoe I'm no anthropologist, but that shit you deal with sounds bit like discrimination inside racial groups. Always a big WTF to me.

    Little thing: waiting for a phone call. Tick tock.

  6. #3486
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    ^^^ aren't you two talking about to different things?
    @tony.parente bandwagoneers that wouldn't otherwise be there because it seems that it's trendy to be supportive? I say better that then the reverse. We don't want to go back to Stonewall
    @eversonpoe I'm no anthropologist, but that shit you deal with sounds bit like discrimination inside racial groups. Always a big WTF to me.

    Little thing: waiting for a phone call. Tick tock.
    we were talking about different but related things.

    also, yeah, it's kinda similar, i guess? though because i'm white i've never first-hand experienced it in regards to race, i have observed it and talked to friends who have first-hand experience with it, and it's awful. in-fighting is never helpful.

  7. #3487
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    A friend who needs to move due to a massive rent increase just turned down an apartment because the neighborhood wasn't "hip" enough. Los Angeles is going through the worst rental crisis ever. The number of rentals continues to drop at a frightening rate due to unethical POS developers and the ones on the market are being rented out at insane prices ($1800 for a fucking STUDIO). I found her a two bedroom/two bath for $1300 and she passes because not enough residents in the area listen to Iron and Wine. Wow. W-fucking-O-fucking-W-fucking-.
    Last edited by Baphomette; 06-29-2015 at 11:45 PM.

  8. #3488
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    ^ it's like that times 10 up here in the SF bay area. Some kid just rented out a tent in his parent's yard for $965/mo... not even kidding. I'm sure it'll happen quite a bit more now that it made the news.

    Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby). There are all kinds of things that perpetuate it, but the really obnoxious ones are the voters who get in the way of housing development if they view it as "for rich people" .... like... where do you think they are living now?!! In your trendy "affordable" gentrified housing that YOU want to rent! econ101 dipshits!

  9. #3489
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    WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FUCKING SHITFUCK TAX RETURN. HOLY SHIT. I sent it all in about 5 months ago, got it back after 6 weeks or so because I forgot a signature, and since then, apparently it's just been going through a fucking circus trying to get back to me. It wasn't mailed until the 2nd of June and if it doesn't show up, I "can't contact them" until the 30th (which is in 3 minutes) because there's nothing they can do until then. JUST SEND IT TO THE SAME ADDRESS YOU DID BEFORE. Fuck. There's no reason it should've taken THIS long.

    And the closest IRS office is 30 minutes away. Super. Really looking forward to finding a way to deal with that when I work 9-6 Monday to Friday. And the week of July 4th.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 06-30-2015 at 12:07 AM.

  10. #3490
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    ^ it's like that times 10 up here in the SF bay area. Some kid just rented out a tent in his parent's yard for $965/mo... not even kidding. I'm sure it'll happen quite a bit more now that it made the news.

    Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby). There are all kinds of things that perpetuate it, but the really obnoxious ones are the voters who get in the way of housing development if they view it as "for rich people" .... like... where do you think they are living now?!! In your trendy "affordable" gentrified housing that YOU want to rent! econ101 dipshits!
    G and I were just talking about how FUCKING NUTS SF housing costs are; he knows air traffic controllers there who make 200 gs per year but can't afford to live near work and are living in shitty areas in Oakland or they're living really far away and commuting and the management lets them have trailers or RVs in the parking lot so they can stay overnight at work, and they can't get out of that facility because nobody wants to go there, and they all rent because nobody can afford 2 million for a house.

    They're going to have to eventually close down that facility and consolidate it with another facilty or something.

    The new thing here is "luxury rentals" in the near burbs for young people who don't want to buy but want tons of amenities like free wi-fi, pool, fitness center, indoor parking, bbq grills, community area for parties, in-unit laundry, etc., little 1 bedroom 1 bath for $1,800 - $2,000 and they put it up the street from a Mariano's grocery store etc. but you are in, like, Glenview.

    Real estate is ALL supply and demand.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-30-2015 at 12:14 AM.

  11. #3491
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Weird shit is going to start happening to the economy as the low paid jobs start experiencing huge shortages (because the workers can't live nearby).

    I'm hearing "Detroit or Bust" on an almost daily basis. I lived in Chicago for three years... Are Detroit winters worse?

  12. #3492
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    G and I were just talking about how FUCKING NUTS SF housing costs are; he knows air traffic controllers there who make 200 gs per year but can't afford to live near work and are living in shitty areas in Oakland or they're living really far away and commuting and the management lets them have trailers or RVs in the parking lot so they can stay overnight at work, and they can't get out of that facility because nobody wants to go there, and they all rent because nobody can afford 2 million for a house.

    They're going to have to eventually close down that facility and consolidate it with another facilty or something.

    The new thing here is "luxury rentals" in the near burbs for young people who don't want to buy but want tons of amenities like free wi-fi, pool, fitness center, indoor parking, bbq grills, community area for parties, in-unit laundry, etc., little 1 bedroom 1 bath for $1,800 - $2,000 and they put it up the street from a Mariano's grocery store etc. but you are in, like, Glenview.

    Real estate is ALL supply and demand.

    Add in the drought and there are some spectacular examples of failed central planning combined with cronyism.

    The housing market is so incredibly unbalanced right now that if you want to move to a new house... you are pretty much screwed. Selling is insanely easy, but buying is hard. Normally a buyer looking to move will have a selling contingency in the buy offer. But no sellers are willing to take an offer with any form of contingency when they have competing offers that are 100% cash and 100k over list price. You basically have to sell your house first... find some temporary living situation... THEN try to buy in this insane market.

    We actually bought our first place 6 months ago. We timed everything perfectly, and also experienced quite a bit of luck. If we waited 1 more month, we would be permanently priced out of the area. We have basically no savings or retirement anymore... but on the plus side our house is making like $5k in equity every month! At least until there is some sort of crash... tech bubble, housing correction, earthquake... who knows. Shit seriously stresses me out.

  13. #3493
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    The recent eviction of 17 households at two properties in the Beverly Grove and Fairfax neighborhoods is one of the most egregious examples of this problem. The landlord of the properties is developer Matthew Jacobs, who is also chairman of the California Housing Finance Agency. What many find outrageous is that Jacobs heads the board of this state agency whose stated mission is to provide financing and programs that "create safe, decent and affordable-housing opportunities for low to moderate income Californians."
    Source: Los Angeles Times

  14. #3494
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    My manager is driving me insane, y'all.
    When I first got on her team, everything was peachy. After a while, I started noticing things that I didn't like. The biggest thing is that she seems to give preferential treatment to the guys on her team over the women. Example: Female employee calls in to work, Manager loses her shit and takes away one of her responsibilities as a supervisor. Male employee calls in multiple times on one of our busiest days and faces no disciplinary action, despite an empty threat from Manager to demote him. Just recently she got on my case about not coming in on time to mentor a new hire front of said new hire class. Totally valid complaint, but when my male colleagues came in even later than I did, she gave them the courtesy of being pulled aside to be addressed about their attendance. This woman is driving me to drink more than I usually do.

  15. #3495
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Add in the drought and there are some spectacular examples of failed central planning combined with cronyism.

    The housing market is so incredibly unbalanced right now that if you want to move to a new house... you are pretty much screwed. Selling is insanely easy, but buying is hard. Normally a buyer looking to move will have a selling contingency in the buy offer. But no sellers are willing to take an offer with any form of contingency when they have competing offers that are 100% cash and 100k over list price. You basically have to sell your house first... find some temporary living situation... THEN try to buy in this insane market.

    We actually bought our first place 6 months ago. We timed everything perfectly, and also experienced quite a bit of luck. If we waited 1 more month, we would be permanently priced out of the area. We have basically no savings or retirement anymore... but on the plus side our house is making like $5k in equity every month! At least until there is some sort of crash... tech bubble, housing correction, earthquake... who knows. Shit seriously stresses me out.
    You are in a Seller's market. Real estate is never truly "balanced" - it's either a buyer's or seller's market. When it's a seller's market, that's when housing prices increase (and rental prices increase because developers convert rentals to condos, and people are priced out of purchases so the rental demand goes up, the supply goes down, the rent goes up, and the opposite happens during big crashes and depressions). But during seller's markets, anytime in history, you never have contingencies on sale contracts, ever; you have bridge loans or you sell, first. So you"re lucky to get a contingency. And there has never been any "central planning" in sales because that's Orwellian to the concept of real estate (we're talking sales, here; rentals is a whole other animal). And if you use a buyer's agent, you aren't paying their commission and no cronyism exists; they're either good or they suck. Also, so long as you don't sell during a crash, nothing happens; we bought in 1998, the house will be paid off in 2 years. Contrary to relatively recent belief (and the Flipping TV shows), real estate is a long-term investment.

    We're still in a Buyer's market here in Chicago. Most of my work is for REOs (banks) because there is still a shitload of foreclosure inventory out there; no credits, no repairs, no contingencies, but these are priced so low we often get over list. Unfortunately, the comps around here keep the prices pretty low right now. Supply is higher than demand, buyers are still very tentative.

    (Hey, if you didn't put 20% down and you are paying PMI but your equity is up to 20%, now ... REFI!!!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Ah, LA has rent control, like NYC, albeit a shitty program, it appears.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-30-2015 at 06:49 AM.

  16. #3496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    A friend who needs to move due to a massive rent increase just turned down an apartment because the neighborhood wasn't "hip" enough. Los Angeles is going through the worst rental crisis ever. The number of rentals continues to drop at a frightening rate due to unethical POS developers and the ones on the market are being rented out at insane prices ($1800 for a fucking STUDIO). I found her a two bedroom/two bath for $1300 and she passes because not enough residents in the area listen to Iron and Wine. Wow. W-fucking-O-fucking-W-fucking-.
    Dear God THIS.. my city ..London is literally eating itself. Its getting really bad and something needs to change, i know its simillar in parts of New York too, but didnt know about LA. You HAVE to be RICH to enjoy your life here now.. The greed is insane. People are getting pushed further and further out to the suburbs. The dopey major here does not give a fuck. As long as the arab oil barons and oglriachs are flowing money in...there is a serious housing crisis.
    Loads of all the cool clubs are closing becuase they cannot afford the insane rent. They are being turned into Bland penthouses. Some of the good old sleazy areas are having their culture drained.
    London ,New York and LA will never die but these these trends need to reverse within the next few years somehow.

  17. #3497
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    You are in a Seller's market. Real estate is never truly "balanced" - it's either a buyer's or seller's market. When it's a seller's market, that's when housing prices increase (and rental prices increase because developers convert rentals to condos, and people are priced out of purchases so the rental demand goes up, the supply goes down, the rent goes up, and the opposite happens during big crashes and depressions). But during seller's markets, anytime in history, you never have contingencies on sale contracts, ever; you have bridge loans or you sell, first. So you"re lucky to get a contingency. And there has never been any "central planning" in sales because that's Orwellian to the concept of real estate (we're talking sales, here; rentals is a whole other animal). And if you use a buyer's agent, you aren't paying their commission and no cronyism exists; they're either good or they suck. Also, so long as you don't sell during a crash, nothing happens; we bought in 1998, the house will be paid off in 2 years. Contrary to relatively recent belief (and the Flipping TV shows), real estate is a long-term investment.

    We're still in a Buyer's market here in Chicago. Most of my work is for REOs (banks) because there is still a shitload of foreclosure inventory out there; no credits, no repairs, no contingencies, but these are priced so low we often get over list. Unfortunately, the comps around here keep the prices pretty low right now. Supply is higher than demand, buyers are still very tentative.

    (Hey, if you didn't put 20% down and you are paying PMI but your equity is up to 20%, now ... REFI!!!)

    Ah, LA has rent control, like NYC, albeit a shitty program, it appears.
    Good stuff. I had no idea about the bridge loan. Guess I won't worry too much about ever moving to a new house. I'm putting so much DIY renovation into this place, I'd hate to give it up though.

    We did 20%. Flat 4% rate too.

    The only central planning in housing is what people are allowed to build. There have been a lot of restrictions on new units due to ignorance, NIMBYs, or even corruption. It gets even worse in the rental space though.

    Branching out to our drought problem... Instead of market priced water we get this failed system that produces ridiculous shit like "drought shaming" between residential neighbors. Pisses me off to no end.

  18. #3498
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    I know they are first world problems but struggling for hours with an iphone that won't sync, and a printer that won't print is fucking annoying as fuck.

  19. #3499
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I know they are first world problems but struggling for hours with an iphone that won't sync, and a printer that won't print is fucking annoying as fuck.
    technology that is meant to make our lives easier and won't perform the simplest of tasks is always incredibly frustrating.

  20. #3500
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    Got bird-bombed on the highway a couple days ago. Splattered all over the windshield, with streaks on both sides of the car.

    Pretty sure it was a flipping Pteranodon.

  21. #3501
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    Got bird-bombed on the highway a couple days ago. Splattered all over the windshield, with streaks on both sides of the car.

    Pretty sure it was a flipping Pteranodon.
    It probably hitched a ride back with me. Sorry 'bout that.

  22. #3502
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente

    I posted ONCE on that goddamned fragile thread and I hit with 8 goddamn download requests. I didn't say I had them, I didn't say I downloaded them, I didn't say fucking shit. These stupid pricks that have had less than 50 posts are fucking stupid, leave me alone. Except for @Ryan , you're exempt. Because you're ryan.

    i love you tony

    but i am still pissed none of those people sent you a dick pic

  23. #3503
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    i love you tony

    but i am still pissed none of those people sent you a dick pic
    I'm not mad anymore you cunt <3

  24. #3504
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    lol, I liked my subject the best

    "send me shit"

  25. #3505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    lol, I liked my subject the best

    "send me shit"
    I would have tried more extortion; he's married now.

  26. #3506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    I would have tried more extortion; he's married now.
    I'm engaged with a 10 month old! haha

  27. #3507
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    I was literally upset at everyone but you @Ryan . I've gotten 5 more emails, this is hysterical now.

  28. #3508
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    Don't worry, Ryan will make it better.

    Bend over and I'll give you a bumhole massage.

  29. #3509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Don't worry, Ryan will make it better.

    Bend over and I'll give you a bumhole massage.

  30. #3510
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    wow, I'm sure some people have noticed interesting things in the fragile tracks but I am unable to see behind the deluge of "HEY PM ME PLEASE" nonsense.

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