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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4561
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionmilesaway View Post
    #1 start with FRESH eggs, the yolk membrane loses strength as it ages and average supermarket eggs in the US are 1-2 weeks old when they arrive at the store. If you want to get technical Aruacana eggs (blue shell) are bred to have a firmer yolk than standard eggs, they "stand" taller in the pan so that you can cook the white at a higher heat and still get the gooey goodness of the yolk.
    #2 good quality nonstick, I use anodized aluminum or ceramic coated cast iron.
    #3 don't be afraid to add some butter first and have the pan very hot to drop the egg onto, then turn down the heat and cook slowly. near end of cooking drop a small amount of water into the pan and cover to steam the topside if not flipping.

    sorry I just really love eggs
    @kleiner352 @elevenism @botley - further to what you said in the list of luv thread about everyone knowing about everything here - even this person talks that way... About fucking EGGS!

  2. #4562
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    @kleiner352 @elevenism @botley - further to what you said in the list of luv thread about everyone knowing about everything here - even this person talks that way... About fucking EGGS!
    Because it's a real thing.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 05-15-2016 at 03:21 AM.

  3. #4563
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Today we have to clean them because the plumber is coming in the morning

    We did it to ourselves, i suppose, letting things get that filthy, but good GOD this sucks.
    Yes, I feel horrible for your cleaning people. :P

  4. #4564
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Yes, I feel horrible for your cleaning people. :P
    i AM the cleaning people!

    I'm gonna go back and live in 5 point in dallas again and drink $4 bottles of vodka and change over food stamps for dope and listen to gunshots go off at night and document it all, just to prove myself to you :P

    but yes, now i am secure and don't have to work. i admit it.
    but we don't have cleaning people.
    and we have to like do what my mother says.
    it's a trade off, and one that i probably wouldn't have taken if i could manage to stay sober in D town.

    edit: you are giving me ideas people. i haven't cleaned my room in like a year though. i don't think i could pay someone enough to clean it.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-15-2016 at 06:12 PM.

  5. #4565
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    oh, sorry for double post, but this goes along with the last one.
    i have no obligations. i have a lot of cool shit.
    i am prescribed high doses of drugs that i like.
    i am happily married.
    the worst thing i MIGHT have to deal with is someone saying something rude to me on the internet, or a childishly mild argument about whether we will watch plex or netflix. Or maybe i have a tiny bit of concern over whether someone will like a song i recorded or not.
    But it's SMALL shit.

    so why do i often wake up in some kind of fucking existential nightmare?
    all i feel is sheer fucking horror and this dull emptiness and morbid certainty that nothing is okay and nothing is the way it seems.

    Even when finances aren't an issue, the Fear doesn't go away @Miss Baphomette :/
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-15-2016 at 06:11 PM.

  6. #4566
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    so why do i often wake up in some kind of fucking existential nightmare?
    all i feel is sheer fucking horror and this dull emptiness and morbid certainty that nothing is okay and nothing is the way it seems.

    Even when finances aren't an issue, the Fear doesn't go away @Miss Baphomette :/
    i get this, to an extent. particularly the "dull emptiness...nothing is the way it seems".
    luckily, though, i can ignore it a lot of the time.
    hugs, dude. i don't know what else to say, but love/hugs/kisses and i understand to a degree <3

  7. #4567
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    oh, sorry for double post, but this goes along with the last one.
    i have no obligations. i have a lot of cool shit.
    i am prescribed high doses of drugs that i like.
    i am happily married.
    the worst thing i MIGHT have to deal with is someone saying something rude to me on the internet, or a childishly mild argument about whether we will watch plex or netflix. Or maybe i have a tiny bit of concern over whether someone will like a song i recorded or not.
    But it's SMALL shit.

    so why do i often wake up in some kind of fucking existential nightmare?
    all i feel is sheer fucking horror and this dull emptiness and morbid certainty that nothing is okay and nothing is the way it seems.

    Even when finances aren't an issue, the Fear doesn't go away @Miss Baphomette :/
    I have a really good job in a career I worked years to get a head in, everything is fine, nothing is wrong but I still for a long time felt like something bad was going to happen. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and for everything to go wrong. It started to go away but every once in awhile it will come back and I will think I will be miserable and it will not end. It is funny because I remember being in positions where I was way more unhappy and stressed out then now for ligament reasons. I have some friends tell me that it maybe that I have been stressed and so use to being stressed and afraid for so long that I can't let it go. The fact that they say they felt the same way did make me feel better. Maybe it will be helpful to you.

    PS. I originally came to this thread to complain about the major lack of dong in Magic Mike XXL.
    Last edited by Bluegirl; 05-16-2016 at 06:41 PM.

  8. #4568
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 02:26 PM.

  9. #4569
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    Drunk and/or sky-high idiot friend called tonight, slurring, and asked "What's going on over there? How are the cats? How's friend who died of cancer in November? How's his wife?" Wow. Just... wow. He's dead, you fucking piece of shit. You went to his funeral. Go fuck yourself with razorblades and never call me again.

    Humans suck.

  10. #4570
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    ... abusive father (who's isn't right I know) who I've had the very express luxury of never having to know after the age of 7 (not that he didn't make sure the last memory would be an unforgettable one) tried to get back into my life and that of my mother who has likely suffered more in her lifetime because of him than I did and it just brought a whirlwind of awful things back into my life that I've tried hard for years to get far, far behind me. It's always amazing to me the way that you can get years of distance between yourself and traumatic events and then in an instant all that time can evaporate and you're stuck right back in the space, no matter how much time has passed. It's just exhausting and I'm tired of all of it and don't want to have to be any more reminded of it than I already am every day by simply existing. It's a whole lot of garbage that has no merit or reason to be in my life and in general I loathe the way that there's some history you can't escape even if you're more than ready to be away from it.

    Also, my dog and essentially best friend (part of me finds that pathetic to say but another part knows people around here get the deep love you can have with a pet so whatever) of seven years may die soon. I'm not prepared for that at all. He's had to get teeth removed, had cysts removed, has throat problems and kidney stones and it's just, he's not doing too well. He's very old and still extremely sweet, more social than he's ever been -- he's always been the shyest little guy and it's like this year he decided to finally come out of his little shell. The thought of him dying's brought me anxiety over the years a lot and I have an issue with pets because of that, just knowing that inevitably you outlive something you grow to see as a natural part of your life and just, ugh, I just hope it doesn't happen any time soon and he gets better. It's that powerless feeling of knowing you can't do anything other than wait and see what happens that's such a hard part of life to accept. Every time you run into it you seem to forget just how real it is. I've had a lot of reminders of that lately in my personal life.

    Not a fun time in my life at the moment to say the least. And just a few weeks ago I was feeling better than I have in I don't know how long, talking really hopefully and positively with people, getting a ton of "Wow, I've never actually seen you happy before" comments from friends, things like that. One of those classic "the minute you think you get to be fine is when you'll remember you're not" things I guess. I just wish I could hit the fastforward button on the next few months, the summer's never a great time for me. Lots of dates with a lot of memories. Bleh. I'm just whining at this point.

  11. #4571
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    @kleiner352 I understand all of that. I had a stepfather (former, I do not associate with him anymore. Haven't since 1997) who physically and mentally abused me from age 8 until 18. Just the worst person possible. Took any self confidence I had and I still never got that back. He was a cop too so he'd lie about what he'd do (they're taught how to twist and get confessions in the academy) when my mom would come home and I tried to tell her. So I was looked at as this lying manipulator that I just was not. On Christmas 1996 he tried to attack me from behind as I was cleaning out the cat box and I finally just beat the living shit out of bad. Concussion. Finger print bruises on his neck. It felt great but I know my mom and sister (his biological daughter) didn't think so. That's just the short version. At my sister's wedding a few years back, I could hardly stand to be in the same room as him and his shitty family. They knew what he did and let it happen. I bailed on the reception because I was panic attacking hard. Now, every once in awhile, my sister will say things like "He regrets things and you should talk to him." Fuck that. Can he give me 10 years back? Can he give me my childhood back? No? Then fuck him. He deserves to regret. He will get no forgiveness from me. So your shitty excuse for a stepfather doesn't deserve you or your forgiveness either. Fuck him too.
    I'm very sorry to hear about your dog, dude. I treat mine like family and it feels so awful to lose them. You have to try and make peace with the positive difference you made in your furry friend's life. So many dogs don't get homes or family like you.
    As for happiness? I've never been happy either. Everything can and usually is taken away from you so it's difficult for me to get comfortable...much less happy. As I've said in other threads, I've been making progress on being more positive. I haven't had a good life for many reasons. I have always had lots of disadvantages. But I am doing the best I can. It's all any of us can do.
    Last edited by Swykk; 05-18-2016 at 01:20 PM.

  12. #4572
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    I don't like discussing specifics about stuff that happened but yeah, that doesn't sound terribly unfamiliar to me. And god, people forcing former abusers back into your life like that is something I've experienced and it's just infuriating, how mad you can get so quickly at people for knowing better and still making the decision for you any way is something you can't even describe.

    And I know I've always had a very thin concept of family and pets are definitely the best idea of what it means to me for sure. I just hope he either gets okay or if he does have to be put down that it's as peaceful as possible without him suffering a lot beforehand. People come and go but pets don't leave and I feel like there's an attachment there that just breeds a sort of grief when you lose them that's really specific and hard in a unique way.

  13. #4573
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    @kleiner352 , good god, i'm sorry about the dog. I have gotten INSANELY attached to the American Bulldog that came with my wife. He takes pretty much every step i take. he is 6 and i am praying he lives a long life. I can't fathom losing him.
    @Swykk , that's fucking AWESOME that you beat him up. For real.

    As for me, these fucking doctors not calling in my prescriptions. And i have to call over and over, and when they finally call in the fucking medicine, I'M somehow the asshole.

  14. #4574
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    When you're sitting in the city enjoying a drink and you turn and see an Asian tourist pointing a camera right at you, and know that you're going to be in some random person's photo album decades from now.

  15. #4575
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    Been on twitter more than a year, and still can't tell if people are arguing, agreeing with each other, or some newly formed activity between the two.

  16. #4576
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    My identity has been thefted to the tune of $800 in debit charges. The perp bought a lot of atuff at Home Depot and then presumably took a Lyft home?

  17. #4577
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    Every time I read some comment about how something was better in their day (music, people's manners, etc, etc.), I always think of this scene

    I could expound on this more, but I'd just wind up rambling.

  18. #4578
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    Ah, the yearly round of trolls on our Pride page saying "you're not alternative or queer, you march in Pride!" "No, we're a Pride group for queer people who like alternative music. Read the event description." "You can't be queer if you're not political! You're racist!"


  19. #4579
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    I have had a lot of random aches and pains that I've just been dismissing as anxiety lately, as I try to find a new Dr. to get back on my meds... My new PCP won't prescribe them OR offer me a referral. THANKS.

    But I am right now in probably the second worst pain of my life. My friend is coming to get me when I get off of work to take me to a clinic because I can barely move my neck/shoulder/arm. Blah. If this is just some anxiety induced muscle pain, I'm going to feel like a huge baby. But I'm nearly in tears. I've only ever cried from pain once in my adult life. This is about to be number two.

  20. #4580
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    AT&T suddenly enforcing a data cap for U-verse is fucking stupid. I've not even had the service for a year and they introduce it. Fucked up thing is when I signed up (technically I "upgraded" but it hardly feels like an upgrade), I was told by several different people on the phone that there was no data cap (but apparently there was, they just weren't enforcing it). I specifically wanted an internet service with NO data cap since with AT&T standard DSL, I had issues with the data cap and I would get charged for overage which would make my bill cost around $130 (including phone). My bill now is a $100. In order to no data cap now, I have to pay an extra $30 per month. If I paid the extra, I'd be paying the same price as the one that made me upgrade... At the time I upgraded, there was no other service available in my area because AT&T essentially owned my neighborhood. Now Time Warner Cable is available is in my area, but I'd honestly hate to switch since I had to pay the constructions fees and what not for AT&T less than a year ago, and that makes me feel I wasted my money. Only other option I have is bundling U-verse TV with my internet+phone, which will exempt me from the data cap. But I really don't watch TV much, plus I really don't want to pay more construction + equipment fees. 600gb is not enough in a world of Hulu, Netflix and Youtube.

    I called and complained about this, but they didn't seem to care, and the most they did for me is give me a small upgrade in speed and $20 off a bill (which is funny because that bill I mailed in mysteriously came in past due even though I mailed it not long after I got it, so it really was just $10 off because of a late fee.). And the person I talked to acted like it was impossible to be excluded from the data cap even though I told her it's on the site that you can pay $30 to have data free (She said that was for cell phones.... when it clearly was talking about U-verse... She wouldn't even go the the page I told her about).

    Icing on the cake is I've also been having problems being throttled for no reason, so I called them to complain, and they said they're sending a technician over (And when I tried to tell them that it's on their end, they just kept saying it's my wiring.... It's not consistent enough to be an issue with my wiring and it only happens at night or in the morning. Sometimes it doesn't even happen at all. And when it happens, it happens multiple times in a row.)

  21. #4581
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    AT&T suddenly enforcing a data cap for U-verse is fucking stupid. I've not even had the service for a year and they introduce it. Fucked up thing is when I signed up (technically I "upgraded" but it hardly feels like an upgrade), I was told by several different people on the phone that there was no data cap (but apparently there was, they just weren't enforcing it). I specifically wanted an internet service with NO data cap since with AT&T standard DSL, I had issues with the data cap and I would get charged for overage which would make my bill cost around $130 (including phone). My bill now is a $100. In order to no data cap now, I have to pay an extra $30 per month. If I paid the extra, I'd be paying the same price as the one that made me upgrade... At the time I upgraded, there was no other service available in my area because AT&T essentially owned my neighborhood. Now Time Warner Cable is available is in my area, but I'd honestly hate to switch since I had to pay the constructions fees and what not for AT&T less than a year ago, and that makes me feel I wasted my money. Only other option I have is bundling U-verse TV with my internet+phone, which will exempt me from the data cap. But I really don't watch TV much, plus I really don't want to pay more construction + equipment fees. 600gb is not enough in a world of Hulu, Netflix and Youtube.

    I called and complained about this, but they didn't seem to care, and the most they did for me is give me a small upgrade in speed and $20 off a bill (which is funny because that bill I mailed in mysteriously came in past due even though I mailed it not long after I got it, so it really was just $10 off because of a late fee.). And the person I talked to acted like it was impossible to be excluded from the data cap even though I told her it's on the site that you can pay $30 to have data free (She said that was for cell phones.... when it clearly was talking about U-verse... She wouldn't even go the the page I told her about).

    Icing on the cake is I've also been having problems being throttled for no reason, so I called them to complain, and they said they're sending a technician over (And when I tried to tell them that it's on their end, they just kept saying it's my wiring.... It's not consistent enough to be an issue with my wiring and it only happens at night or in the morning. Sometimes it doesn't even happen at all. And when it happens, it happens multiple times in a row.)
    AT&T is literally the worst. their internet & tv service is awful, their customer service and technicians are horrible, and as a company, they just suck. (i work in a/v & network so i have lots of experience with this sort of thing). sorry, dude. see if you can switch to RCN or comcast.

  22. #4582
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    The guy responsible for the attacks on Paris is complaining that his detention is too hard, there are cameras everywhere, he can't go anywhere, and when he does he has a couple of cops following him anyway.

    Yeah sorry about that, man, we reaaaaally want you alive for a long, loooong while.

  23. #4583
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    Those doofy Bundy fucks are saying similar things. Hilarious.

  24. #4584
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    Yeah. The guy can't be stupid enough to actually believe that the conditions of his detention are unfair, but still challenged enough to actually try to appeal those to the judge instructing his case.
    Nice try, nothing to lose I guess, but yeah your priviledges are down to pretty much nil.

  25. #4585
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    The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Yeah. The guy can't be stupid enough to actually believe that the conditions of his detention are unfair, but still challenged enough to actually try to appeal those to the judge instructing his case.
    Nice try, nothing to lose I guess, but yeah your priviledges are down to pretty much nil.
    I'm missing where the torture is here ?
    Last edited by Dra508; 05-27-2016 at 12:24 PM.

  26. #4586
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    oh my god... I just tried to get the Speedrun trophy for Uncharted 4, along with a few others, and it was fun to try to rush through the game, but my final time was six hours and fourteen seconds... seriously? They don't have a minute or so grace period? I really don't know if I want to run it again, as much as I like the game

  27. #4587
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    Dramatic irony that is drawn out way, way, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.

    It seems to be a trend in tv shows lately, where you know something that one of the characters doesn't, and it goes on for like 8 fucking weeks or some shit.

    On the upside, this is definitely a first world problem

    Also, @onthewall2983 , in MY day, dramatic irony was resolved swiftly and with great expedience, and get off my lawn!

  28. #4588
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 02:00 PM.

  29. #4589
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    People that use your name fifty times in a two minute conversation. There is no need to say my name that much unless you're selling me a car or I'm fucking you doggie style.

  30. #4590
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    Working 10 days (8-17 hours a day) without a day off.

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