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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #4891
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i did it. and we got pulled over.
    This is Murphy's Law in action, or is it the Grim Law?
    Grimm's Law has to do with a vowel shift; this is just your mother being really stupid. Your wife should not be driving because she has seizures, that would prevent her from legally driving in most states. Neither of you have a license. But your mom 'didn't feel like' driving. Tell her to use FedEx or a cab. This is just the stupidest and most irresponsible and selfish shit ever. She should be ashamed of herself.

    Meanwhile, my advise to you is still for you and your wife to get working on getting Disability. Then you will not be so dependent on your mother and feel pushed to do this truly stupid shit. smfh.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-28-2016 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #4892
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Just Do It


  3. #4893
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Grimm's Law has to do with a vowel shift; this is just your mother being really stupid.
    i call that shit cruel rather than stupid. i mean i don't feel like i'm in a position to say no.

    And i'm not refering to Grimm's law, rather, the Grim law, which was some goofy shit i came up with some months ago.

    But yes this whole thing is fucking ridiculous and awful and i'd probably do good to like NOT vent about it here, because i would say too much.
    I'm fucking furious, and feel futile.

    Actually, more with just the futility. I never ever intended my life to come down to this.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-28-2016 at 02:54 PM.

  4. #4894
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    Oh i'm sure the house will be sold. I will have money and land but i'm sure it will take a hot minute to get it.

    I want to try to find some job that i can do. My brother is giving me this car and i want to find some job i can do with a two year degree or something. In the meantime, my wife IS working on SSDI. I need to do the same.
    @allegro i mean

    It's just like, no fucking control over anything, you know? I mean, i am in a situation that a lot of people working their asses off might find enviable, but when you, just you yourself, are more or less powerless, it's very fucking draining.

    Oh, and TRUST ME, my mom doesn't want us out. Her worst fear is being alone, and she would then be utterly fucking alone in the middle of nowhere. She reminds me every other fucking day that i promised not to leave.
    BUT, she WOULD do it as just some passive agressive bullshit, to be mean and childish.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-28-2016 at 03:05 PM.

  5. #4895
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    @allegro perhaps you are right about getting more from SSDI. I just have a hard time admiting/facing that shit.
    It all depends on whether or not my back gets any better (which it probably won't, for fuck's sake.)
    It always felt like giving in. I mean, my whole life, other people with serious mental health problems have always asked me "so what do you do with YOUR check/why do you work etc." I would never take it, the check i mean.
    Goddamn, i don't know where the time went. Just like 6-8 years ago, i was working as a salesman and living in a one room apt with my ex, and NOT getting along with her, and not on ets because we couldn't afford the internet, but i think i was happier getting up at 4:30 to catch the bus to a job i hated because the shit i had was MINE. And i earned it, all of it.
    But fuck it, right? I mean, i really am certifiably mental, and i really did break my back, and that's what that shit is there for, right?
    It just feels like giving up though.

    As far as getting out though, i adore my mother, and i promised her, SWORE to her i would stay here with her until the bitter end or whatever. I just hope it doesn't drive me insane first. Oh, and this is expected of me by the rest of the family (the staying rather than the insanity.)

    My brother is the one who works and raises kids and such, and i am the one who takes care of mom. And as fucked off as my back and mind are, she is much more disabled than me, having a plate and screws in her neck and whatnot.

  6. #4896
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    My start date at my new employer is being delayed due to not hearing back from one of my employers in regards to employment verification. Even worse since it's a 3rd party doing the background check they won't say what employer they are waiting on. This is annoying as fuck and they started the background check process 2 fucking weeks ago.

  7. #4897
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    See @allegro i knew i shouldn't have started talking because we have taken over the thread, and i knew it would happen.
    You know how much i look up to you and i wish we could talk privately from time to time.

  8. #4898
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    See @allegro i knew i shouldn't have started talking because we have taken over the thread, and i knew it would happen.
    You know how much i look up to you and i wish we could talk privately from time to time.
    There's not much more to say about this topic. But what we are saying might be helpful to others in other ways.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-28-2016 at 09:10 PM.

  9. #4899
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    There's not much more to say about this topic. But what we are saying might be helpful to others in other ways.
    Quite naturally.
    But once you start giving me advice, we often wind up taking up 90% of pages of threads, and i feel bad about it-that's all.

    Thank you so much for your advice, as always.

    I wish i knew you in real life, except that i think you would bitch slap me on occasion.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-28-2016 at 08:25 PM.

  10. #4900
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    Bottom right gum around wisdom tooth is aching.

  11. #4901
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    At what point do you drop civility at work? There are some people who are constantly saying their job is too hard and when we press them to do it right, somehow my office (mostly me) ends up with more work to accomodate their ineptitude. It's so frustrating having to be "nice" to them and they don't have to be anything back because they know they're over a thousand miles away and there's no way to hold them actually accountable. We get responses that are half-assed with misspellings and formatting erros but it's always, "Oh he'll fix it". I'm getting sick of the shit.

    I think I'll talk to my boss and let them know how frustrating this is getting before I spout off and end up being on the wrong end. Especially since one or two of the changes are because he wants to be "Lean" (is it sigma or delta or six...whatever the buzzword is right now) and this is lean to him.

  12. #4902
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Bear in mind, this is the epitome of hearsay, but apparently Bret Easton Ellis was having dinner with some execs, who in turn know other execs (thus the hearsay) who told him Affleck's "The Batman" script is a mess...but WB doesn't care.


    “And they were just telling me that there are serious problems with the script. And that the executives I was having dinner with were complaining about people who work on the Batman movie. And they just said they went to the studio and they said, ‘Look, the script is … Here’s 30 things that are wrong with it that we can fix.’ And [the executives] said, ‘We don’tr care. We don’t really care. The amount of money we’re going to make globally, I mean 70 percent of our audience is not going to be seeing this in English. And it doesn’t really matter, these things that you’re bringing up about the flaws of the script.’ So I do think global concerns play a big part in how movies, and what movies, are being made, obviously.”
    this is the reason most big ticket movies suck in modern times. Execs have realized that movies can make shitloads of money by just APPEARING to be good or APPEARING to look exciting.

    There are a series of check boxes and films are reduced to those check box elements.

    The reason modern big ticket movies seem to have no soul is because everything outside of those checkboxes is basically ignored. The bare minimums for ensuring a big box office are all that is required. CORPORATIZION. we see it in film and especially pop music. You can also see it in your office at the corporation you work for. Life is being reduced to check boxes and all else is being ignored or deemed unecessary.

    We all know the formulas are ripped. And it goes deeper. Elements are ripped. Things become modular with the "skins" changed or swapped.

    the other factor at play is laziness. it's simply easier to copy formulas and elements. Originality is hard for some people.

    And the conventions of a codified language and routines and habits encourage this kind of "copying" mode of production or action. I postulate that to create more originally, we should create new language, try new things and form new habits.
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 11-05-2016 at 08:44 PM.

  13. #4903
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    I just want to add music to either my iphone or ipod. Why is it so fucking impossible? Fuck you, apple.

  14. #4904
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    I just want to add music to either my iphone or ipod. Why is it so fucking impossible? Fuck you, apple.
    do you manage your music manually or allow it to sync automatically? i've always done things manually and never had an issue. though, sometimes, if you're copying something over and begin to copy something else while the first group of items is still transferring, it interrupts the process and you'll have to delete the temporary files (they'll be grey) from the device, eject the device, and then reconnect and try again.

  15. #4905
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    This is pathetic. Sometimes you have to face reality and give up on your dreams.

  16. #4906
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    That's exactly what patronage is though, rather than treating each album/concert as a specific product, you support the artist so that he can actually make art. Just because it hasn't worked that way in the music industry for a while doesn't mean it's anything new, or odd.
    Ultimately, it's up to the people to agree with that formula or let them crash. If they manage to go on that way, I don't see what the problem is.

  17. #4907
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    I didn't say it was anything new and I 100% agree it's up to people whether or not to support the band. However, I think it's sad that they have the balls to ask for money so they can continue to live their dreams of being professional musicians. Plenty of artists create/record/release quality music while still having jobs and not digitally begging. It comes across as entitled as fuck.

  18. #4908
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    do you manage your music manually or allow it to sync automatically? i've always done things manually and never had an issue. though, sometimes, if you're copying something over and begin to copy something else while the first group of items is still transferring, it interrupts the process and you'll have to delete the temporary files (they'll be grey) from the device, eject the device, and then reconnect and try again.
    Well... I used to always sync automatically. But I had my laptop die, and then I started using my roommate's computer for a while, and then I got a new computer. To complicate matters, I have two apple accounts (because I got frustrated somewhere along the way and decided that was a workaround) and two devices (ipod and iphone). Itunes keeps telling me all my devices are authorized, but neither apple account shows as full when I login. I gave up. I'll buy a new phone and start all over, and just burn CDs for my roadtrip in the meantime. : /

  19. #4909
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    I just want to add music to either my iphone or ipod. Why is it so fucking impossible? Fuck you, apple.
    iTunes is the worst goddamn music player app I've ever used, and it sucks to say that because it used be great before the bloat. At this point give me something more intuitive... like Winamp.

  20. #4910
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    Fucking opiates. My fucking life revolves around opiates.
    I can't take this shit anymore, y'all.

  21. #4911
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    "Like" by which I mean "I so fucking know what you're talking about". I wish I could have my wife back to where she wasn't either in pain or high.

  22. #4912
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    some Trump-supporting asshole on Facebook is trying to argue that canceling your Facebook account because you're sick of all the stupid bullshit people are saying on there is, in some bizarre way, fascist. This is the most idiotic shit ever.

  23. #4913
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    and now my family is coming at me, saying that my frustrated rants online are somehow possibly going to be misconstrued as condoning violence... Jesus... I can't believe that anyone would think I'm condoning violence. But hey, thanks... That's just what I need to hear right now... that now is the time to forgo my first amendment rights and not express myself so angrily.

  24. #4914
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    My family is doing similar things, @Jinsai. They're not Trump supporters (aside from my grandparents) but they think I'm "overreacting and am letting this get me too worked up" because I am "all doom and gloom" and "don't try to be positive." All inaccurate. I've done a lot to try and combat my anxiety and depression. If something is positive, I easily recognize it as such. Same as when something is negative. I get credit for none of it, though.
    My reaction to the election has been justified and I'm firmly entrenched in reality. To me, they aren't upset enough. Is this a fun thing for me? No, obviously not, but I'm 100% right to feel the way I do.
    Last edited by Swykk; 11-14-2016 at 11:29 AM.

  25. #4915
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    The treatment of 'criminals' in the United States. Specifically, but not limited to, criminal sentencing.

    I'm not sure if this qualifies as more of a 'issue I feel is very important and not discussed nearly enough' than it's a 'little thing that pisses me off,' but I don't know that there's a more fitting thread for it so I'll post it here. I wrote this comment in response to a reddit thread, but the comment is down quite a few posts deep in the reddit thread that already has 1,500 other comments, so nobody will read it.

    The context of the post was a comment thread about criminal sentencing. I wrote that criminal sentencing in the United States is extreme and that Americans are bloodthirsty. Another commenter responded with a sarcastic "Wow, I didn't know all Americans felt that way!" and this was my response. I hope at least one or two of you guys can read it. Thanks!

    Not all Americans feel this way, but very many do. The other day there was a Facebook post on the local news page about a man that was arrested and accused of sexual assault against a child. Obviously it included his mugshot and his full name, because the media has no tact and regrettably there are no laws in the United States barring such 'reporting.' Every comment on the post was calling for him to be killed in public, chopped into pieces, raped in prison, and every other horrible punishment you could think of.
    I posted to remind these people that anybody could be accused of a crime. Even them. I told them that in the eyes of the law he was an innocent man. That, despite these people already finding him guilty in the court of public opinion without knowing any evidence whatsoever, he didn't necessarily deserve to have his life completely ruined so soon.

    I was called the most horrible things. They implied that I was almost as bad as the man they seemed to know was evil. I was a despicable defender of child molesters. Keep in mind that I didn't say anything close to implying that the man was innocent. I made no judgement on the man himself. I only told them that being accused of a crime doesn't imply guilt, but that was just as abhorrent as saying a child molester isn't evil.

    You can observe your phenomenon yourself. Go read the news/Facebook/Youtube comments on anything regarding an alleged criminal, especially a crime alleged to have been committed against a child or a senior. This behavior is absolutely not limited to violent crimes at all. I've seen it in situations ranging from stealing copper wiring to stealing Halloween candy to using drugs (not selling, using) to most anything you could think of. I mean, there are more people than not who believe consensual incest between two adults should be highly illegal. And as fate would have it, it's illegal in 98% of US states. I believe New Jersey is the only state where is completely legal with no strings attached. Several states apply life imprisonment in some cases. I only use this example as I can't think of many US laws more archaic, cruel and unusual, and wholly inappropriate. I can understand having legal discouragement against incestuous pregnancies, because it puts another nonconsenting human life at (small) risk, but there is no other legitimate reason for the rest of the incredibly overbearing laws. But there are many such laws in the US that are nearly as outrageous when looking at things from an objective point of view, in my opinion.

    I know internet comments are not always 100% representative of public opinion at large, but in this case they absolutely are. Lessening the harshness of criminal sentencing is a pretty radical and insanely unpopular idea, even to many self-described progressives. Don't even think about discussing it in regard to violent crimes. I don't think we'll be able to have that discussion as a society for many decades at an absolute minimum. Any attempt to start the conversation will have you immediately painted as 'soft on crime' (especially if you're a politician) or even a criminal yourself.

    When it comes to violent crime, especially in the context of the death penalty, the first argument people will often reach for is to question, "Well, what if your family member was a victim of the crime? What if they were killed by a drunk driver?? Wouldn't you want revenge? Wouldn't you want the murderer to suffer??" (I only use drunk driving as a random example, please don't focus too much on that.) But yes, I absolutely would want revenge. It's only natural, when you experience a tragic loss of a person very close to you, to be reduced to only very basic emotions of disorientation, anguish, or hatred. It's understandable. However the part where my opinion diverges from the norm is that I don't believe we should allow the emotions of a victim of crime to set the bar for criminal sentencing. I don't think somebody who just had their car stolen or had their child kidnapped should be the one who decides what happens to the suspect. I think we should approach it from a far more objective perspective. (My favorite Dr. Seuss book.)

    People often misinterpret this as me believing citizens shouldn't be disincentivized from committing crimes or held accountable for their actions. This isn't true. I don't think the world should be in constant anarchic chaos, I obviously understand the need for a criminal justice system. I just think we should think less about 'punishing' criminals and more about the fact that, no matter the crime, a criminal is still a human and should be treated as such. I think it's a measure of our society. I think we as a society, and especially the state in terms of things like capital punishment, should take the higher ground and not give in to our basest instincts. Of course I think if a person is a career criminal and a danger to others, they should be kept away from society. But I think life in prison without chance of parole for one crime in very extreme, no matter the crime. I think giving people the chance to redeem themselves is almost always the proper choice. I also think that once you're locked in a cage for an extended period of time, any further harsh treatment is just absolutely unnecessary punishment.

    Even those who are 'less' harsh on criminals/criminal sentencing usually take a dim view on prison itself. Most people think the majority of criminals should have nothing in jail/prison other than a concrete bed (if that), a toilet (if that), and the absolute bare minimum of sustenance (...again, if that.) Everything else is generally viewed as gratuitous. Personally I think this treatment is degrading and embarrassing and I think it's shameful to America and its values. I don't see anything wrong with allowing inmates exposure to some basic human comforts. The world won't end if prisons got used to allowing, to list some examples, TV, video games, some privacy (including while bathing,) food that is even the minimum level of appetizing, legitimate protection from abuse and sexual assault, and other treatment that one might consider basic human decency. Other than the aspect of just desiring 'criminals' be punished out of spite, the general argument for what I'm describing is that 'if you treat prison like a day spa, people will commit crimes just to go there. There won't be any incentive to not rape and murder.' Which I think is ridiculous. Discounting the fact that people generally will do good things even if nobody watching, the financial repercussions of 'hard crime' are a pretty big disincentive - but the main fact is that being locked in a cage for years still fucking sucks, even if you're treated like an actual human for the duration.

    And don't even get me started on 'solitary confinement'... It's possible to keep somebody away from the general population without subjecting them to the torture of absolute sensory deprivation for a prolonged period of time. Insane.

    In my experience, people want blood. People want public executions to return. People want the judicial system not to rehabilitate or to be a preventative measure; they want criminals to be punished. It's really sickening due to the few examples I mentioned above and many more. I believe this is the one aspect of society in which our animalistic nature is not only most exposed, but most encouraged.

  26. #4916
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    My family is doing similar things, @Jinsai. They're not Trump supporters but they think I'm "overreacting and am letting this get me too worked up" because I am "all doom and gloom" and "don't try to be positive."
    I'm the lone liberal in my family, so this is doubly frustrating. So here they are trying to get me to "relax my comments online" (meanwhile, they're all celebrating). I've heard them try to sympathize with my anger. Saying stupid shit like "a lot of people are angry right now" and "I didn't really want Trump either, but I just couldn't bring myself to even think of voting for Hillary." I asked my mom how she could bring herself, as a woman, to vote for president "grab em by the pussy" instead of the first woman, and she just says this sorta oscillated "um" sound, and then says "I don't think you realize how much people dislike Hillary Clinton."

    Yeah, most of them for completely bullshit reasons. They think her voice is shrill. Something about the way she dresses. Her demeanor is off putting. She's "crooked and corrupt" in mostly vague ways. Oh yeah, and she's a woman. There's a whole contingent of the Trump camp running around calling every man who supported Clinton a "cuck," which is apparently a way to say that they're cuckolds... as if to imply that they are emasculated because they voted for a president with different genitalia than me. Bigots all over are being emboldened. He hasn't even taken office yet, and they're coming out of the woodwork, desperate to cheer him on as he rolls back civil rights and empowers intolerance. We're sailing full speed in the opposite direction of combating climate change. We're handing the power to a petty, mean-spirited, unqualified demagogue... and we did it at a crucial time in history, and we're already standing on the brink of the possibility of a third world war. Forget advancing civil rights, forget reasonable SCOTUS nominations.

  27. #4917
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    Trying to buy that Nintendo Classic Mini console turned out as annoying and frustrating as trying to buy tickets for a show. No, I did not get one; they went sold out right in front of my face.


  28. #4918
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    Been stress eating for a week now. I need to stop and get back on my workout routine.

  29. #4919
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Been stress eating for a week now. I need to stop and get back on my workout routine.
    Good luck, that has been me for the past month.

  30. #4920
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Been stress eating for a week now. I need to stop and get back on my workout routine.
    Yup. The only thing keeping me from going crazy is that my doc said no "fatty foods, no smoking, no drinking, no chocolate" for the next six to eight weeks. The only thing on that list that I do is eat chocolate - usually when I'm stressed - so this week has been tough. And I have seven more weeks of it, and it's the freakin' holidays!

    Oh man.

    Trying to turn it into a desk workout thing though. We'll see how that works in eight weeks.
    Last edited by allegate; 11-14-2016 at 01:01 PM.

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