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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #5671
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    the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.

  2. #5672
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.
    Yeah, I agree. The thing that bugs me is how "support the troops" often gets distorted into blindly supporting all of our shitty wars. I encounter a lot of college students who are veterans and some of them have major problems. PTSD, chronic pain from the injuries, etc. And I just feel like, if you really "support" these people, shouldn't you be trying spare them from all this pain and trauma? I just don't understand how it's supportive to be like "We're behind you guys 100%! Enjoy the fucking trauma!"...Wow, heartwarming. The troops are treated like cannon fodder, just used up and discarded like they're just a means to an end.

    The US is a gross, warmongering society, and it basically always has been since it was founded. I recently encountered a young student, fresh out of high school, and she mentioned that she has no memory of a time when our country was not waging war. She was born in 1998, so the Afghanistan war began when she was about 3 years old in 2001 and has been going ever since. That just blew my mind to think about. This whole generation has no memory of anything else. All they know is the United States at war, almost like it's just the normal default state of things. And it makes me wonder how much longer this fucking shit is going to go on. Are we just going to continue on in a state of perpetual warfare?

  3. #5673
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Yeah, I agree. The thing that bugs me is how "support the troops" often gets distorted into blindly supporting all of our shitty wars. I encounter a lot of college students who are veterans and some of them have major problems. PTSD, chronic pain from the injuries, etc. And I just feel like, if you really "support" these people, shouldn't you be trying spare them from all this pain and trauma? I just don't understand how it's supportive to be like "We're behind you guys 100%! Enjoy the fucking trauma!"...Wow, heartwarming. The troops are treated like cannon fodder, just used up and discarded like they're just a means to an end.

    The US is a gross, warmongering society, and it basically always has been since it was founded. I recently encountered a young student, fresh out of high school, and she mentioned that she has no memory of a time when our country was not waging war. She was born in 1998, so the Afghanistan war began when she was about 3 years old in 2001 and has been going ever since. That just blew my mind to think about. This whole generation has no memory of anything else. All they know is the United States at war, almost like it's just the normal default state of things. And it makes me wonder how much longer this fucking shit is going to go on. Are we just going to continue on in a state of perpetual warfare?
    & you know, the US hasn't been in a legally defined war since world war 2. it has been all about looking out for corporate interests. i won't get into some of our allies but let's just say they are no better than some of our "enemies". they just happen to have vast amounts of oil or dubious claims based on documents that are thousands of years old. its kind of like the gun control arguments. a lot of that is based on conditions over 200 years old & have no relevance now. i'm going off on a tangent a little here but its ridiculous. maybe these folks that don't want sanity in that area shouldn't be allowed to have indoor plumbing so they can replicate some of the conditions that the 2nd amendment were written under. it's all about the cash. i feel the true father of the US is PT Barnum who's maxim was "there's a sucker born every minute". make any sort of outrageous claim or statement & put a picture of a smiling face on it & everything is fine. sorry if i went off in a different direction but its all tied in & comes down to greed "trumps" all.

  4. #5674
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    the constant propaganda/brainwashing going on in the US regarding the military. it has gone 180 degrees from when i was growing up in the 1970s. i was watching a football game thursday night & they talked more about the military than the game. & its not just because of veteran's day ( btw i have no disrespect for veterans). it is constant & pervasive. starts with the video games when the kids are impressionable. it seems that everything has to have a tie in to the military now. we are in the last gasp of the empire, where war is our main focus & product. eisenhower (a republican) warned about this in the 1950s. the military/industrial complex. there's a big war coming. maybe 2. if you're going to spend such a high percentage of the gross national product (& borrowing to do it) on weapons you have to go kill some folks to justify it. when i was younger i had hoped things would change before i die. not going to happen. for sure. makes me sad. i guess this isn't a little thing that pisses me off. its a big thing but at least there is a forum here. fine if you don't agree with me, better if you do. just think & pay attention! thanks for listening to the rant.
    As someone who was in the military, I wholeheartedly agree. Hell, look at the number of veterans who say they don't give a shit if people kneel or stand during the anthem. Yet it's the people who didn't serve who seem to have the problem.

    I said it the other day: Trump appears to be Nero, he just can't fiddle worth a shit.

  5. #5675
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    "Funny" viral videos that are just people talking/yelling using the default face- and voice-warping features on their phone that anyone else with that model of phone has access to.

    OH MAN YOU SAID A THING IN A HIGH-PITCHED VOICE AND USED ONE OF THE SAME THREE FUNNY FACES EVERYONE ELSE USES. Sooo comedically clever. What a riot. Golly. Someone give that person a movie deal.

  6. #5676
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    People that equate the enjoyment of a few critically divisive and harmless movies to that of homophobia, pedophilia and white supremacy.

    Kindly get fucked!

  7. #5677
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    One, friends who make it glaringly obvious that they only communicate at all when they need something. Do they just think I don't notice? Takes 3 days to respond to me but I need to answer right away? By-eee.

    Two, when people get way, WAY too proud of making their own ringtones. You snip down a couple audio files and throw them on your phone and suddenly think you're a god among men because your phone plays the same 8 seconds of a song on a loop until you answer your phone. PLEASE stop bragging about it to every person who hears it. Please.

  8. #5678
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    That fucking church shooting: now, we have to have people sitting in the back of our little church who are ARMED.
    I can't believe the fucking world has come to this.

  9. #5679
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    That fucking church shooting: now, we have to have people sitting in the back of our little church who are ARMED.
    I can't believe the fucking world has come to this.
    the one that happened during a gun safety presentation? or the one where someone was actually trying to kill people?

  10. #5680
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    the one that happened during a gun safety presentation? or the one where someone was actually trying to kill people?
    the second one.
    The people who are armed in our church know how to handle guns; it's our sheriff and his predecessor. But still, jesus.

  11. #5681
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    I never did like the ninnies who were running Stephen King's website. They're always moving and deleting posts even when you're on your best behaviour. I have never trolled or flamed anyone over there. It's beyond annoying. Like a fascist dictatorship. That website is no fun at all.

  12. #5682
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    This one has driven me nuts since I was a kid: people say "predjudice" instead of "prejudiced."

    For example, people say things like "you're a racist because you're prejudice!"
    I rarely ever hear or see people say it right.

  13. #5683
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This one has driven me nuts since I was a kid: people say "predjudice" instead of "prejudiced."

    For example, people say things like "you're a racist because you're prejudice!"
    I rarely ever hear or see people say it right.
    I've also encountered people who for some reason think that "prejudice" is almost like "lite" racism...."I wouldn't say he's a full blown racist. He's a little prejudiced, maybe, sure, but not quite racist."

  14. #5684
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I've also encountered people who for some reason think that "prejudice" is almost like "lite" racism...."I wouldn't say he's a full blown racist. He's a little prejudiced, maybe, sure, but not quite racist."
    Definitely. And if it continues this way, the dictionary definition will change like it did with "literally." You are absolutely right.

  15. #5685
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    Oven fires.

  16. #5686
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    "The best of year" as early as November. Hurry much? Warum?

  17. #5687
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    The new Firefox is laggy as fuck.

  18. #5688
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    sleepwalking has cost me two pairs of contacts, a nintendo 3ds (i split it in two), and rug burn on my face. enough!

  19. #5689
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    Spectrum internet service is kind of a joke.

  20. #5690
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    Liner notes for albums with misspelled words.

  21. #5691
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    Reading over an application and this line fairly jumped off the page at me:
    this requires me to season my natural tendencies with the salt of other people' abilities
    You're applying to be a mediator, what does that even mean.

  22. #5692
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    Someone opened a cover letter with their Myers-Briggs profile yesterday at work. People are silly.

    I have like 200 applications I have to go through today. Ughhhh.

  23. #5693
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    this requires me to season my natural tendencies with the salt of other people' abilities
    It almost sounds like the applicant's "natural tendencies" are something you can eat. Maybe that's a selling point for this individual.

  24. #5694
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    I'm so used to seeing "salty" on twitter and in memes that I had to do a double-take.

  25. #5695
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    The biking season is over
    I mean, it was over three weeks ago already, but I kept waiting for at least one more dry weekend. No luck.
    Last edited by fillow; 11-30-2017 at 01:58 AM.

  26. #5696
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    People who buy like 30 items in the 15 item or less aisle at the supermarket. 12 bottles of soda doesn't count as one item!

  27. #5697
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    People who buy like 30 items in the 15 item or less aisle at the supermarket. 12 bottles of soda doesn't count as one item!
    Fair enough, but on the flip side...I recently had this thing where a dude behind me actually COUNTED the shit in my basket and confronted me about it all angrily. "Hey! You've got eleven items. You need to go to one of the other registers. That's the rules buddy." I just couldn't believe he actually cared that much.

  28. #5698
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    The biking season is over
    I mean, it was over three weeks ago already, but I kept waiting for at least one more dry weekend. No luck.
    I try to keep going but I really really hate cleaning the gears/chain after every ride.

  29. #5699
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I try to keep going but I really really hate cleaning the gears/chain after every ride.
    On the bright side, it was my longest and most intensive biking season yet.
    Roughly 1500 km, tons of new roads outside the city and hours of new music. A summer well spent. (I don't cycle to/from work, only on weekends and occasionally after work).
    It's been about +2 or +3 C, rainy and/or snowy lately, not very kind weather. Going into hibernate mode until March.
    Last edited by fillow; 11-30-2017 at 10:08 AM.

  30. #5700
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Fair enough, but on the flip side...I recently had this thing where a dude behind me actually COUNTED the shit in my basket and confronted me about it all angrily. "Hey! You've got eleven items. You need to go to one of the other registers. That's the rules buddy." I just couldn't believe he actually cared that much.
    What did you do/say?

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