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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #601
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    You do not know true rage until you have to share a wall (bedroom wall) with the floor's laundry room and people overload the washer and dryer and you're trying to get some fucking sleep.

  2. #602
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    Text books in binder form. I'd rather use a regular text book. I don't even think this needs any kind of explanation either, and I'm sure those of you that have dealt with them in college know what I'm talking about.

  3. #603
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    Shitty Oktoberfest that made me travel for a whole hour to get home. When you're not there yourself then it's the worst thing to happen and especially to public transport.

  4. #604
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    It doesn't necessarily set me off, but it still happens to bother me: When people use profanity and slang in every single sentence, and then complain about "big-ass words" just because they take up three to four syllables.

  5. #605
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    Being labeled a cancer survivor who's only outlook is now death. Therefore everything I say or do is judged by that kind of perspective. I'm moving on people, maybe you should too and let me be me "being me" for a change.

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Being labeled a cancer survivor who's only outlook is now death. Therefore everything I say or do is judged by that kind of perspective. I'm moving on people, maybe you should too and let me be me "being me" for a change.
    I think people say this so they can feel better about you having to go through anything that had to do with your mortality. They think you looked death in the eye and said 'fuck you'. Really, so many cancers were untreatable for so long. There was a time when you didn't even say the word. "That's the guy who has, you know, *looks both ways and whispers* the big C". Now, it's "survivor". Give it a generation or two and it'll be.... well, what you want today.

  7. #607
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I think people say this so they can feel better about you having to go through anything that had to do with your mortality. They think you looked death in the eye and said 'fuck you'. Really, so many cancers were untreatable for so long. There was a time when you didn't even say the word. "That's the guy who has, you know, *looks both ways and whispers* the big C". Now, it's "survivor". Give it a generation or two and it'll be.... well, what you want today.
    I think we can blame the media and television ads for a lot of this attitude.

    TV Ad:

    "Hi, I'm Jane, and I'm a cancer survivor!"

    (Look at my pink license plates. Look at my pink iPhone cover. Look at my pink shoes from when I walked the three day Susan B. Komen walk. Look at the pink ribbon on my shirt. Because, I am Jane: Cancer survivor!)

    Robin Roberts on Good Morning America has become "Robin, a Cancer Survivor" and not much else, because it's robbed her of any other identity due to execs who decided to milk it for all it's worth (while also, to be fair, raising a lot of awareness about bone marrow donation). Last week, they were throwing her a "First Birthday" to celebrate one year of being cancer-free.

    So, if you DON'T want to be identified as Sentient: Cancer survivor!, you'll have to gently set people straight because that's not what they're learning from television.

    edit: and, really, it may also be because cancer scares the shit out of everybody, and they're putting themselves in your shoes?
    Last edited by allegro; 09-26-2013 at 01:21 PM.

  8. #608
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    i don't know if any of you have seen this buzzfeed article, but i'm #13 on it. the pictures were taken last year when grace, the founder of project unbreakable, was in chicago. my friend and i went together, which really solidified our friendship, and it was one of the most cathartic experiences i've ever had.

    here's where the problem comes in: a bunch of people didn't see my pictures last year, before i was engaged to my current fiancee, and are just now seeing them, so they keep thinking that the second sign is in reference to my current fiancee (as opposed to my ex-fiancee).

    a bunch of her friends (whom she doesn't see much, by choice) keep asking her best friend matt if we've split up, which is ridiculous, because the thought of her saying anything that cruel is just impossible.

    it's not that big of a deal, and it's not affecting our relationship, but it's upsetting to me that anyone would think that of her, when she is such a wonderful person (as opposed to my ex, who is really a horrible human being).

    it is nice that buzzfeed is occasionally making lists about things that matter, though. just wish they would have included the dates of the photos, or direct links to the pages on the project unbreakable site.
    Last edited by eversonpoe; 09-26-2013 at 01:48 PM.

  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i don't know if any of you have seen this buzzfeed article, but i'm #14 on it. the pictures were taken last year when grace, the founder of project unbreakable, was in chicago. my friend and i went together, which really solidified our friendship, and it was one of the most cathartic experiences i've ever had.

    here's where the problem comes in: a bunch of people didn't see my pictures last year, before i was engaged to my current fiancee, and are just now seeing them, so they keep thinking that the second sign is in reference to my current fiancee (as opposed to my ex-fiancee).

    a bunch of her friends (whom she doesn't see much, by choice) keep asking her best friend matt if we've split up, which is ridiculous, because the thought of her saying anything that cruel is just impossible.

    it's not that big of a deal, and it's not affecting our relationship, but it's upsetting to me that anyone would think that of her, when she is such a wonderful person (as opposed to my ex, who is really a horrible human being).

    it is nice that buzzfeed is occasionally making lists about things that matter, though. just wish they would have included the dates of the photos, or direct links to the pages on the project unbreakable site.
    Did you mean #13?

    It sounds like if it doesn't bother her, then you're good. The catharsis of doing the Buzzfeed should be what's more important then folks misunderstand who you were referring to in the picture. It's not about her (either of them), it's about you.
    Last edited by Dra508; 09-26-2013 at 09:15 AM.

  10. #610
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    Frankly, fuck her friends. I wouldn't bother with their opinion. The wolf does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep, after all.

    edit - My father is an annoying asshat.
    Last edited by slave2thewage; 09-26-2013 at 12:51 PM.

  11. #611
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    this fucking kitchen remodeling (total gut) NEVER FUCKING ENDS. Over 6 weeks, it MAY be done next week but I've given up hoping for a completion date. Everybody says, "Oh, but you'll LOVE your new kitchen!" Yeah, maybe, but it will take a while before I'll get over the urge to light the fucking thing on fire.

  12. #612
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    weird, one of the pictures was removed. it was originally 27 before, now it's 26. so yeah, i'm #13.

    anyway, i'm not that worried about what her friends think...she doesn't really ever hang out with them because she doesn't even really like them anymore. i was just surprised that anyone would think her capable of being so cruel.

    also, it's weird how many people didn't see a year ago when i posted the original project unbreakable photos, because they, like, blew up on tumblr and facebook. :: shrug ::

  13. #613
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    Overly sensitive, politically correct police that get butthurt over every little thing they can find.

    Walking vaginas man.

    inb4 facepalms.

  14. #614
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Overly sensitive, politically correct police that get butthurt over every little thing they can find.

    Walking vaginas man.

    inb4 facepalms.
    vaginas are one of the toughest parts of the female body.

    try again, tony

  15. #615
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    Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.

    Last edited by playwithfire; 09-26-2013 at 02:35 PM. Reason: (captain snuggleboots)

  16. #616
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.

    etc etc

  17. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Yeah, Captain Snuggleboots. We clearly can't handle your hard-edged humor, Captain Snuggleboots.

    i really hope you have a cat with that name, @tony.parente

  18. #618
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i really hope you have a cat with that name, @tony.parente
    I have 2.
    One's name is Miley, because she can't be tamed...and the other is Lily, because she's mileys best friend.

  19. #619
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    So kind of had an argument with the builder today.
    He said the job would take three weeks, it's now nearly two months.
    He takes out the storm windows (wasting my whole day btw, because I can't work with someone drilling and painting a foot from my head), paints the window frames, then puts the storm windows back in, without cleaning off all the old gunk/dried dirty foam.
    I point this out.
    First he's all "Oh I guess I didn't scrape these ones off." Then he's all "Oh, I only had an agreement with the owners about the outside of the house not the inside," then he's all "Take a knife and vacuum cleaner and you do it."
    Yeah. I've only had you in my face for two months so I can do your work.

    Now he's just left without tidying up. What a jerk.

  20. #620
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    Having to look for things, especially in a mess. It reminds me why I like to be organized, and while I accept that not everything will be handed to me in a neat little box, I'd rather not have my life become a scavenger hunt or a wild goose chase. Just because I accept the reality of it, doesn't mean that I have to like it.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-26-2013 at 03:56 PM.

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    So kind of had an argument with the builder today.
    He said the job would take three weeks, it's now nearly two months.
    He takes out the storm windows (wasting my whole day btw, because I can't work with someone drilling and painting a foot from my head), paints the window frames, then puts the storm windows back in, without cleaning off all the old gunk/dried dirty foam.
    I point this out.
    First he's all "Oh I guess I didn't scrape these ones off." Then he's all "Oh, I only had an agreement with the owners about the outside of the house not the inside," then he's all "Take a knife and vacuum cleaner and you do it."
    Yeah. I've only had you in my face for two months so I can do your work.

    Now he's just left without tidying up. What a jerk.


    Mine said three to four weeks. We're at week SEVEN as of Tuesday..

    And, I WORK FROM HOME. Trying to work today with no less than SIX different subs in my fairly small Mid-Century Modern galley kitchen with hammering, sawing, banging, etc. while trying to work THIRTY real estate files in my office is TOO FUCKING MUCH, it's been SEVEN FUCKING WEEKS, get the fuck out of my house!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 09-27-2013 at 04:53 AM.

  22. #622
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    I had my bathroom redone in March. They said it would take a week; it took a month. A month without a bathroom when your period decides to last three weeks is not fun.

  23. #623
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    Why do dates have to be so yummy, but look like giant cockroaches?

  24. #624
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    Also they pack as much sugar as candy.

    So landlady came over today and looks like he's going to be cleaning/painting the insides of the storm windows. Result, but still doesn't undo the massive argument with my partner about the whole business last night: I guess she was angry at me for the drama.

  25. #625
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    This actually confuses me more than it would ever annoy me. I've actually seen people 22+ and even in their early to mid 30s suggest to me that maturity was boring, or that maturity was for "squares" and "killjoys". I still have a hard time believing that I just heard that from anybody that was older than 17 to start with.

    And do lots of teenagers and even people in their early 20s go through that phase where they think, act, and believe as if they know it all with an arrogant/entitlement-minded demeanor and perspective? I can still kick myself for going through the phase, and it really grates my ears to hear them act that way. I also noticed that the shit really hits the fan by the time they turn 22 and beyond.

    (Not to say that all teenagers and adults in their early 20s are that way, but kudos to you if you didn't fall into that bullshit ever.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 09-27-2013 at 12:00 PM.

  26. #626
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    This actually confuses me more than it would ever annoy me. I've actually seen people 22+ and even in their early to mid 30s suggest to me that maturity was boring, or that maturity was for "squares" and "killjoys". I still have a hard time believing that I just heard that from anybody that was older than 17 to start with.

    And do lots of teenagers and even people in their early 20s go through that phase where they think, act, and believe as if they know it all with an arrogant/entitlement-minded demeanor and perspective? I can still kick myself for going through the phase, and it really grates my ears to hear them act that way. I also noticed that the shit really hits the fan by the time they turn 22 and beyond.

    (Not to say that all teenagers and adults in their early 20s are that way, but kudos to you if you didn't fall into that bullshit ever.)
    when i was younger (starting at age 7), i was constantly uncomfortable because i felt far more mature than my numbered age. i spent most of my time with adults because i got along with them better and could hold more interesting conversations with them. all i wanted to do was grow up and be an adult. in high school, i suffered for a lot of reasons, and could not wait to get the fuck out of there and have a real job.

    now i'm an adult (26), i spend most of my free time watching cartoons, and i hate having to pay for things (money is so, so stupid). i don't still wish i was a kid, and i definitely don't spend all my time acting immature, but i'm pretty convinced that no one ever really "grows up" completely.

    adults are just larger versions of children who pretend they know what they're doing most of the time, and often stubbornly refuse to ask for help when they don't know what they're doing.

  27. #627
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Also they pack as much sugar as candy.

    So landlady came over today and looks like he's going to be cleaning/painting the insides of the storm windows. Result, but still doesn't undo the massive argument with my partner about the whole business last night: I guess she was angry at me for the drama.
    Well, then I'd much rather eat a snickers bar than a candied roach.

    As for your drama, position it as you were thinking of the best interest of the landlady - she's expecting quality work for her money and you're there -in effect, quality control. Construction is stressful - been there, done that.

  28. #628
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    Few things can piss me off more than overzealous hyper-religious people who post their idiotic fucking MEME-pictures that bash anything they conceive of as "liberal", or make their futile, unfunny attempts to mock Obama or "hippies" or people who believe in science, logic and reason. Then when you try to point out facts to them or destroy their flimsy arguments, they simply start blathering about how "GOD says this and that" "the LORD knows that blah blah blah..."
    Seriously, dumb-ass, tiny-minded, uneducated brain-dead fucks, who pretend that God is on their side in all political, social, & religious issues and who think their theocratic, rightwing ideology trumps EVERYTHING ELSE really, really piss me the fuck off.
    What's that? You believe in the teachings of Jesus but supported the Iraq War and every war-mongering mission since? Fuck you. You believe in Jesus but are clearly homophobic, xenophobic, and intelligence-phobic? Fuck you. You think that the Earth was put here for us to pillage, burn, cut down and destroy to magnify the glory of humankind? Fucking fuck you!
    Anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-fact, anti-truth and reason morons who hide behind the Bible and their supposed connection to the will of god. Obssessed over abortion, gay marriage and contraception. God would be ashamed of their endless idiocy. I know I sure am.

    PHEW!!!! /end rant

    Last edited by Transfixed; 09-27-2013 at 02:48 PM.

  29. #629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Hey bro, all the more reason to collect those warp whistles and fire-flowers, power through it, AMIRITE?

    My pet peeve right now is against people who engage in passive aggressive internet bullsh-oh wait.

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    when i was younger (starting at age 7), i was constantly uncomfortable because i felt far more mature than my numbered age. i spent most of my time with adults because i got along with them better and could hold more interesting conversations with them. all i wanted to do was grow up and be an adult. in high school, i suffered for a lot of reasons, and could not wait to get the fuck out of there and have a real job.

    now i'm an adult (26), i spend most of my free time watching cartoons, and i hate having to pay for things (money is so, so stupid). i don't still wish i was a kid, and i definitely don't spend all my time acting immature, but i'm pretty convinced that no one ever really "grows up" completely.

    adults are just larger versions of children who pretend they know what they're doing most of the time, and often stubbornly refuse to ask for help when they don't know what they're doing.
    Oh, I also see what you mean, and I'm definitely not a master of maturity, nor have I mastered it either. (As you could see in some of my posts.) There's nothing wrong with that as well. There's a lot of things from my childhood that I still like as an adult too. Oh, and aside from having to pay for things, realizing that sometimes some, or even a lot that you were taught before turning 18/graduating high school not being all that it really was is a bit of a bummer with in the first few years too. It seems like lots of teachers and parents sugarcoat things, or seemingly omit certain pieces of information to minors intentionally. (And for good reasons on some topics too.)

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