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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #6751
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    just correct them or ignore them. if they cant get it right, believe me that it will be your heart attack and not theirs. non consideration rarely fixes itself.

    it isn't hard for a respectful person, but it is impossible for a selfish person.
    Last edited by ldopa; 05-01-2020 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #6752
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I use dude a lot...for everyone, regardless of gender. (The 90s stuck with me.) Though I think I specifically caught myself typing a reply to you and edited it out.
    In real life, I’m not okay with being called dude. I do call everyone “guys” though. Online, I’m anonymous so IDGAF.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-01-2020 at 10:56 PM.

  3. #6753
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    I call everyone “dude.” Have done so for like 3/4ths of my life.

    I don’t mean to offend at all.

  4. #6754
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    In real life, I’m not okay with being called dude. I do call everyone “guys” though. Online, I’m anonymous so IDGAF.
    Most of the time it isn't directed at the person, per se, more like.... DUDE! Can you believe that?

    I think I actually most recently used that while talking to my female boss. She's uber Californian, so she was ok with it?

  5. #6755
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    I pulled my guitars out of storage just before quarantine began and have been having fun playing and upgrading my gear. Well mostly. Lately gear has really been pissing me off.

    First I tried my hand at building one of Kurt Ballou's pedals. I guess I fucked something up, and it didn't work. I ended up sending it as well as my old Ibanez TS5 Tubescreamer to someone to be fixed and modded. He was unable to fix the Ballou pedal, but I still had to pay $58 for the parts and labor on it. And the mod on the TS5 sucked and didn't work right, so I wound up having to replace it anyway.

    Next I pre-ordered the new EQD Afterneath V3. It was supposed to come out on April 15. But EQD shut their facilities down and it's yet to be shipped. Not angry about this. Just adds to the gear disappointment I've been experiencing.

    Then I order a power supply for my pedal board and some nice headphones at a good sale price from a seller on Reverb. They promptly send me a tracking number. It never updates. Looking back through their feedback history, while it's mostly positive, I can see that they've had this issue before. I message them about it. They claim it's been shipped and they'll look into it. A couple days later the tracking still hasn't been updated. I message them again, pointing out that I have accounts with all the major shipping companies and get emails when packages are sent to me, and I haven't received any emails about these items. They IMMEDIATELY refund me, while continuing to claim that the items have shipped and must have been lost. This is less than a week after they've supposedly shipped. Something was clearly very fishy there, but I had my money back. Unfortunately it cost me a lot more money to get the same power supply and a lower quality pair of headphones elsewhere as the price I paid before was a sale price.

    Then ProAudioStar had a sweet sale on the DOD Rubberneck delay pedal. Mine arrived with the enclosure cracked, as well as several other damaged parts. It took several days to get any response from their customer service at all, then a full week to get them to send me a shipping label for the return, then a few more days than they claimed to ship the replacement. It still hasn't arrived. I might literally explode if it doesn't arrive in one piece at this point.

    The last story is the wah pedal I ordered from another Reverb seller. It was used but listed as tested and working perfectly. At this point I'm sure anyone reading this will be shocked to hear, it wasn't working perfectly. The footswitch only works some of the time, and most of the time it just causes the audio to cut out entirely. After messaging the seller he initially asked if I would accept a partial refund. I have no use for a non-functioning pedal, so I said no. He accepted the return request last Friday, but as of this morning had yet to send me a shipping label for the return. I live chatted with Reverb today, and also sent the seller another message. He finally sent me a label a few minutes ago. He entered the weight at 1 pound. The pedal and box weigh more than 4. So now I have to wait until tomorrow and try to live chat with Reverb again as I really don't feel like dealing with this dude directly anymore.

    This has all just been within the past month. I guess the one positive out of all this is I'm so fed up at this point that I probably won't buy any new gear for a while.

  6. #6756
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    It is the end of the semester and this shit has been rough for all of us. I understand that these are trying times and we are all dealing with our own shit.

    But today I was part of a group that received a complaint about a Professor and in the middle of their 133942794 paragraph complaint, and I am ACTUALLY QUOTING HERE: "[Professor]'s behavior was reminiscent of literacy tests given to free black men who couldn't read or write and were then denied voting rights due to their inability to read and write."

    All because the student was asked to clarify their understanding of a clinical concept that they seemed to not understand. And hilariously, the professor that requested the student clarify this concept was NOT the one the student was complaining about. The student was complaining about the Academic Director, not her Professor, but they both have the same first name and were on the email.

    Then later in the day, this whitest of white students proclaimed that our institution is "run like we are in the Jim Crow south." Endlessly thankful that upper-level administration was included on the chain, as I wouldn't even know where to begin with that bullshit.

  7. #6757
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    Doctor thinks my dad has Leukemia.

    theyre doing tests. but he has all the symptoms.
    I hope they come back negative & it's something simple & easy to cure.

  8. #6758
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    Doctor thinks my dad has Leukemia.

    theyre doing tests. but he has all the symptoms.
    I'm sorry. That must be really rough.

  9. #6759
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    i guess this is more than little...but everything going on with police violence. this has proven that we live in a fascist state, and things are getting fucking nuts out there.

    i rarely manage to summon up the willpower to do anything that involves going outside in a large group (and especially with the virus, it's a terrifying prospect), but i am so angry with what's happening that all i want to do is join the protests and help protect the people who need protection from cops.

    but with how careful i've been being because of sarah being pregnant, i can't risk it. i would gladly lay down my life to help someone who is out there fighting the good fight, but i can't risk getting sick and getting sarah sick.

    so that's what pisses me off. i feel like i can't help right now, in a truly tangible way. so i donated $150 (of the money i raised from my covers EP, which was originally going to covid relief, but this is more important) to the chicago bail fund.

    also, i don't understand why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around the basic concept of caring about other people and that "black lives matter" should be a fucking no-brainer, because THEY ARE PEOPLE.

  10. #6760
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i guess this is more than little...but everything going on with police violence. this has proven that we live in a fascist state, and things are getting fucking nuts out there.

    i rarely manage to summon up the willpower to do anything that involves going outside in a large group (and especially with the virus, it's a terrifying prospect), but i am so angry with what's happening that all i want to do is join the protests and help protect the people who need protection from cops.

    but with how careful i've been being because of sarah being pregnant, i can't risk it. i would gladly lay down my life to help someone who is out there fighting the good fight, but i can't risk getting sick and getting sarah sick.

    so that's what pisses me off. i feel like i can't help right now, in a truly tangible way. so i donated $150 (of the money i raised from my covers EP, which was originally going to covid relief, but this is more important) to the chicago bail fund.

    also, i don't understand why it's so hard for people to wrap their heads around the basic concept of caring about other people and that "black lives matter" should be a fucking no-brainer, because THEY ARE PEOPLE.
    I agree, this is fucking infuriating. Especially the Minneapolis PD and the NYPD, who have BLOWN PEOPLE’S EYES OUT WITH with GIANT rubber “bullets” (that look more like RUBBER CANNONS) and marking cans and all kinds of other projectiles, and cops all over the country are deliberately shoving women into curbs. One young woman in Brooklyn was shoved SO hard, she had suffered seizures. And the NYPD are covering their badge numbers with tape, which I'm pretty sure is ILLEGAL. There's footage everywhere of cops kneeling on people's necks! Until people scream at them, "GET OFF THEIR NECK!" and some other cop stops it, and it's obvious that this practice is SO prevalent, it's like muscle memory.

    Peaceful protest before curfew is (was) a great idea. Donating is a great idea. Voting is a great idea. Demanding action from local politicians (including alderman) is a great idea. Being witness to any minority pulled over by police and recording it is a great idea.

    On the other hand, there is some pretty fucking crazy shit going on in Chicago right now and it has NOTHING to do with George Floyd or police.

    I've lived in Chicago for 32 years and I lived through the race riots in Detroit in 1967, and I've never seen this kind of shit. White people destroying black-owned businesses and busting into the fucking Macy's on State Street and into every fucking Walgreens and CVS store in a 10-mile area and stealing all of the opioids in stock is somebody else involved. I don't know who, I don't care, but they're not there for BLM. They had to board up the fucking Portillo's. This looks more like Devil's Night, and a lot less like anything meaningful.

    President Obama wrote an essay today. He mentions that he saw footage of an elderly black woman crying because her only grocery store was burned down; it's likely that it'll take years for it to return. If ever.

    Here's a before and after photo of the scene of the Detroit riots:

    Right now in Chicago, all of the bridges are pulled up across the River, all CTA and Metra services are shut down into the Loop, the State Police are checking driver's IDs at the Ohio Street exit. The National Guard is bordering the city perimeters.

    Mayor Lightfoot says that any police abuse should be reported to 311 and will be dealt with by COPA, and I believe her because she and the police chief are black people who are visibly affected by this.

    Chicago PD is already UNDER a judicial reform order. The CPD is already required, by this order, to take the steps per the Federal order to reform, after Laquan McDonald.

    I'm following the stuff going on in downtown Detroit. Black people are on Twitter telling the suburban white people, "thanks but no thanks, please stay the fuck at home" because Detroit has spent YEARS trying to rebuild and these fucking lily white suburban assholes are coming in from the suburbs and are destroying shit and setting it on fire.

    President Obama provided this link:

    Anyway, @eversonpoe , there's a whole thread for this if you feel like venting about it and getting involved in a kind of "ETS" protest.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-01-2020 at 06:22 PM.

  11. #6761
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    I mean I laughed know that's fucked up, right?

    Aw, can't get the sound to work inline.

    AHA edit: right click, show controls, then unmute.

  12. #6762
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    people who assume the worst
    with zero evidence
    people who become the worst
    with zero reason

  13. #6763
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  14. #6764
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    what the fuck is wrong with people.

  15. #6765
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    people who think it's bad or weak to, you know, care about other people.

  16. #6766
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    It's 4am in the UK. A relative who hates black people and women has been listening to a 'expert' on race and seemingly everything else for two hours at incredible volumes. I've nicknamed the speaker Confederate Fucknugget, he has a strong southern US accent, reminiscent of old fashioned travelling preachers, kind of hypnotic. He can't quite string a sentence together and I can't believe my relative doesn't recognise this man has less intelligence than my turds. Not the first time (It used to be men's rights activists) probably won't be the last.

  17. #6767
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah_Munn View Post
    It's 4am in the UK. A relative who hates black people and women has been listening to a 'expert' on race and seemingly everything else for two hours at incredible volumes. I've nicknamed the speaker Confederate Fucknugget, he has a strong southern US accent, reminiscent of old fashioned travelling preachers, kind of hypnotic. He can't quite string a sentence together and I can't believe my relative doesn't recognise this man has less intelligence than my turds. Not the first time (It used to be men's rights activists) probably won't be the last.
    that sounds so uncomfortable. i'm assuming you're not in a place where you can confront this relative about, you know, being an asshole?

  18. #6768
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    Well, one very encouraging thing that we can clearly observe is a trajectory towards these previously prevalent attitudes dying shameful deaths.

  19. #6769
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    @eversonpoe I have challenged him in the past but it's not possible to have a discussion, just becomes an argument and he just repeats what he's learnt from right wing groups online. If he starts talking about that bs I just say I disagree and that's that, he doesn't want to hear another point of view.

  20. #6770
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah_Munn View Post
    @eversonpoe I have challenged him in the past but it's not possible to have a discussion, just becomes an argument and he just repeats what he's learnt from right wing groups online. If he starts talking about that bs I just say I disagree and that's that, he doesn't want to hear another point of view.
    at least you tried!

  21. #6771
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    Tons of pointless 'post your favorite X' list threads recently.

  22. #6772
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Tons of pointless 'post your favorite X' list threads recently.
    you don't have to participate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ most of us are stuck inside and it's a way to connect with folks and have a little fun while getting to know people's tastes, and it doesn't affect you in the slightest. let people enjoy things.

  23. #6773
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    My kid swallowed two small bolts which just resulted in a trip to the ER. Docs think they'll pass on their own but having to take him to the hospital right now is nerve-wracking. Good news is he wore his mask an amazingly long time for a 2 yo.

  24. #6774
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    Glad he's okay @Archive_Reports

  25. #6775
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    I remember when my son was little we had some of those magnet ball with rods building sets (I have no idea, just typed what they are) and he swallowed one of the balls. It was too big to go anywhere so he was choking. Luckily I was a lifeguard in another time and knew baby cpr.

    Then the little fucker did it again a couple weeks later so we got rid of the whole set.

    Glad to hear he's ok though. It's always scary when they're that little and the current mood of the world doesn't help.

    Bought my son a pair of the newest Airpods for his 15th last week. I didn't notice until this morning that they are the old non-wireless charging so in fact not the "(Latest Model)" as alleged in the item description and title. So now I have to take them back.

    I cannot believe there isn't a gif of Nandor the Relentless saying "fucking hell" for me to use here.

  26. #6776
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Luckily I was a lifeguard in another time and knew baby cpr.
    You mean Baby Heimlich?

    That's really important stuff, I think all parents should take classes, really.

    I've been certified in CPR and First Aid twice and I don't have kids.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-18-2020 at 12:41 PM.

  27. #6777
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    oh right, heimlich.

    *slaps forehead*


  28. #6778
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    Baby Heimlich (under 1) does include elements of CPR, so ...


    My Mom had the number for Poison Control in giant numbers taped on top of our phone in the kitchen! LOL.

    This reminds me of a story about how PETS eat everything, too.

    Our old HVAC guy use to tell us stories about his CAT eating all kinds of stuff, including electrical wires. They couldn't get the cat to stop biting power cords. One day the cat bit a power cord, got electrocuted, the cat's tongue got fused to the top of his mouth and required emergency surgery. Then, another time, the cat got really constipated, and then eventually required surgery.

    So they vets opened the cat up and they found all kinds of stuff the cat ate in there, including a few BARBIE HANDS.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-18-2020 at 12:45 PM.

  29. #6779
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    So they vets opened the cat up and they found all kinds of stuff the cat ate in there, including a few BARBIE HANDS.
    i mean, at least they weren't barbie heads? and at least it was a cat and not a human? remember that grey's anatomy where the guy had a bunch of judy doll heads in his digestive tract (but we never found out which way they went in)?

  30. #6780
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i mean, at least they weren't barbie heads? and at least it was a cat and not a human? remember that grey's anatomy where the guy had a bunch of judy doll heads in his digestive tract (but we never found out which way they went in)?
    No I didn’t see that, lol.

    When our HVAC guy told us the story, I instantly thought “omg their cat is Hannibal Lecter.”

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