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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #901
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    The “comments” on news sites. Everything instantly devolves into political fuck-you’s totally irrelevant to the article. Computers should have electrified keyboards that execute people who can’t pull their heads out of their ideological asses.

    And while I’m at it, FUCK POLITICS in general.

  2. #902
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    Struggling to get back into a routine. I just started back at college after three weeks off and didn't fall asleep until 4AM and I had to be up at 6AM. So, naturally, I was exhausted when I got home and managed to go to sleep at about 10. Five hours of sleep now. Ugh.

  3. #903
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    fucking shitty job market

  4. #904
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    Quote Originally Posted by heroicraptor View Post
    fucking shitty job market
    I hear ya. I was literally 2 days away from packing shit up and moving back in with my parents a few months back when I finally got a call back from a job saying I was hired. Just take any shit job you can get for now to pay the bills, and keep looking for what you really want. I reluctantly took that job in retail waiting to get a decent job, but I'm getting a lot of hours, so I can at least keep my own roof over my head, the people I work with are really awesome, and I didn't absolutely hate it after a week, which I honestly can't say about any other job I've had. So even if you think something is beneath you, just do what you have to do and keep looking for what you want to do, it might not be as bad as you think, and it's definitely better than being unemployed.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 01-07-2014 at 04:17 AM.

  5. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    Struggling to get back into a routine. I just started back at college after three weeks off and didn't fall asleep until 4AM and I had to be up at 6AM. So, naturally, I was exhausted when I got home and managed to go to sleep at about 10. Five hours of sleep now. Ugh.
    I'm having this. I miss being constantly drunk and eating.

    Time to scour the Eurostar site.

  6. #906
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    Hate this time of year. Finished night shift Monday morning, came in over slept in the daytime so struggled to get to sleep after 3.30am. Woke up at 5.30am went back to sleep, managed to oversleep again and woke up after 1pm with back ache. Need to pack in this shitty job.

  7. #907
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    The little things that piss you off

    Waiting outside 40+ minutes for a cab in the cold. I can walk home in that time. Shennanigngins.

  8. #908
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    Fucking Television!!!

    I am constantly working with my computer when I'm home I can't put on a movie (which would be the smart thing to do), but because what I am doing on the computer is so involved I will ignore the movie. While I'm working I guess I need something buzzing in the background. I think because of technology I have a computer type of ADD even if I try to watch I movie I will inevitably end up on the computer.

    Now that I explained that, I just leave the tv on while I work but it is getting harder and harder to find something that I can ignore that doesn't irritate the shit out of me. With the exception of Walking Dead, Breaking Bad and watching a Seinfeld rerun for the millionth time TV fucking sucks. I hate reality shows, and the fecal matter they produce in the form of the douchbag reality star.
    if they want to keep producing reality shows, why don't they start the Execution Channel, where they can broadcast public executions and they can start with drowning, decapitating, burning, electrocuting, hanging and beating to a slow painful death these reality stars, nothing would make me happier then to see Kim Kardashians head in a box like Gwenth Paltrow at the end of Seven. If that was broadcast I might actually stop working on my computer to watch that.

  9. #909
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    Why the hell can’t I sneeze into my sleeve anymore without splattering my glasses?

    It gets to the point that I’ve almost trained myself to take my glasses off first, and sometimes that extended pause* turns into an aborted sneeze. (Not the worst outcome on the face of it.) The fuss is enough to make me say “Fuck etiquette and/or hygiene” and just sneeze all over walls, floors, pets, houseplants and random people.

    Now I’m off to the sink again for that prescribed ritual of dish soap and folded paper towel, since any deviation from protocol just leaves me with smears and water spots.

    Damn these optical coatings.

    * Aligning mouth and arm already introduces a delay into the process.

  10. #910
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    Waiting outside 40+ minutes for a cab in the cold. I can walk home in that time. Shennanigngins.
    Ohhhh my god, I feel you.

    the other day, I chose to take a cab instead of the train to work because I was worried about being late (LOL LOL LOL). I've been taking way too many cabs lately, but whatever.

    ANYWAY, we called them at 10:05. They got there at like 11:10. WHAT. THE. FUCK. When they'd told us at 10:05 it was going to be 15 minutes. And I kept waiting because I didn't want to cancel and walk to the train only to have the cab show up just then. I got to work like 40 minutes late. AND my driver was super weird and talked about all sorts of weird crap the whole ride.

  11. #911
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    I had to take way too many cabs this summer. We'd often get off work around 3:30, which is 10min after the last bus and 2 hours before the first one, and an hour and a half walk, which I am NOT down for after a 10 hour shift...

  12. #912
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    The lobotomized totally fucking empty morons who post on Yahoo Answers. 98 Percent of the answers either have an air of arrogant, sarcastic, offensive ignorant malice of come from silly, giggly, grating 16 year old suburban teenage girls with no education, and i hate those stupid fucking avatars they have, Yahoo answers continues to be some sort of hopeless utterly useless magnet for repugnant twits. Urgh i can just imagine how awful all their sarky voices are in real life!!!
    Its got such a atrocious reputation aargh, i go on there for convenient quick answers, i leave feeling like im losing faith in civilization.

  13. #913
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    My fucking OS SSD died

  14. #914
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    Ugh, that sucks.

    My thing doesn't piss me off at all, it's just a bummer: Didn't get a job (again) that I really wanted. (Applied for the same job last year.) Sigh.

  15. #915
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    A lack of human interaction. I figure I walk the line if happy go lucky and full on misanthropic sometimes. I have a couple friends who don't live in town so fb etc is the only way I can talk with them. It's just lately that's all I can seem to get from most people. Blah blah blah, in short I'm growing increasingly tired of having most my conversations and interactions via a touch pad.

  16. #916
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    Fucking patent trolls. We need to start seeing dead lawyers on the news. Now.

  17. #917
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    There isn't a profession that has any nobility to it anymore it use to be doctors and lawyers, but lawyers are nothing more than lying, deceptive, ambulance chasing, money hungry pigs and doctors resemble that assessment. As for personal interaction with people we are all slowly retreating to our online world escaping the reality of our dismal lives while we are waiting to die.

  18. #918
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    Was already in a fuck the world I'm a selfish asshole kind of mood but being sick just seems to compound things. It's my day off and and it's supposed to blizzard, and be stupid windy 50-60 mph gusts or some shit. But I refuse to spend my day off stuck home.

  19. #919
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    Yoga people: I completely understand the please-don't-wear-cologne-or-perfume policy, but please take a shower. Crowded class and one of you on either side of me smelled like ass. No namaste for me.

  20. #920
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    A headache in morning. What the actual fuck? After not drinking even a single beer for a week and 7-hour sleep?

  21. #921
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    Having to not only sift through useless and useful information, but also having to separate it when it could've just used the useful information from the start. I've always hated being subject to a wild goose chase/scavenger hunt when it came to school when the information was readily available. I'd understand if there was absolutely no useful information though, and I'm also aware that it teaches students how to be resourceful, but it's just one of those teaching methods and exercises that never really gelled well with me.

    It's kind of why I actually hate having to clean things up in spite of being very organized. Having to look for things in a mess is just annoying in my personal life, although, I could see why it would be very useful for scientific or historical breakthroughs, since it's to pursue information that's not readily available, or information that's actually non-existent until actual discoveries/inventions have been accomplished and fulfilled. (I'm not trying to say it's bad altogether, but I've always had a tough/frustrating time with that. And yes, I definitely accept that not everything in life will come in neat little boxes, but it would certainly be a great help if/when there are neat little boxes to be found/made. It would even make studying easier, as expectations on tests would be far more predictable.)

    *It's also one of my worst weaknesses, so please pardon me if you could, and hope that you could understand why it would sometimes piss me off.*
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-17-2014 at 10:58 PM.

  22. #922
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    The little things that piss you off

    Wrong thread...
    Last edited by Pillfred; 01-19-2014 at 08:17 PM.

  23. #923
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    Internet connection is spotty at best. I keep having to reset the wifi and troubleshoot the fucker because "the default gateway could not be found". Fucking aggravating. Especially since I have to do some EI application stuff online and don't want to get halfway through and have the fucker go haywire on me.


  24. #924
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    Any start time or end time that doesn't exactly end in 00 or 30 on the minutes. It just messes with my mind a bit, however, if a 10, 15, or 45 gets me to go home earlier, then I'm all for it, and that's my only exception. (It's also just a minor irritant due to being a bit of an eyesore to me.)

    For instance, I'd rather have a shift start at 9:00 AM, 9:30 AM, or 10:00 AM. Seeing something like 9:15 AM, 9:45 AM, or 10:10 AM, would look off to me as if it were a tilted picture frame hanging on a wall. I'd still try my best to adapt, but it really does look odd to me. Then again, I could see how that could be a bit of an advantage, as it would allow me to be later in some ways, while being a lifesaver in heavy traffic in some random and unfortunate circumstances.

    And but of course, being allowed to leave at 4:15 PM, or 4:35 PM would certainly be a hell of a lot better than having to leave at 5:00 PM, so I wouldn't always be against it, as I've already mentioned.

    -I've also noticed that some people even start parties on minutes that aren't a 00 or a 30 either.-
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-21-2014 at 02:22 PM.

  25. #925
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    As much as I love the winter, I really, really hate snow. It's awesome when you're a child, but as you get older it gets more and more infuriating. Especially when it only seems to snow on days that I have gigs, thus making it impossible for me to get there. Then our roads stay frozen for a week, usually making it impossible for me to get to other gigs as well.

    It's snowing now (and it's not supposed to stop any time soon), in case you couldn't tell, and I have a gig tonight that I'm not going to be able to get to, and two more later this week that I'm afraid I'll miss, too.

  26. #926
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    i actually really like freshly falling snow, when it comes down it's really beautiful to look at (currently enjoying this now). that said, the aftermath is horrible. salt stains on boots are a particular pet peeve of mine, and i LOATHE how quickly the snow turns to slush in new york city, all grey, dirty, and disgusting to look at and trudge through.

    so long story short, it's great for a few moments as it falls, and the worst once the initial moment passes until it completely melts.

    speaking of gigs, i used to have a similar curse, but with torrential downpours. i think that worked itself out after leaving that band though...

  27. #927
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    This just has to include the silly things that bother me. I feel like it's better for me to post those things, because aside from them not being too serious, at least I, and hopefully others can still get some humor out of it.

    And well... I like anchovies... but when there's too much of them on my pizza... my tongue is anything but happy. Don't get me wrong, I still like them though, but perhaps I'm much better off having anchovies in smaller doses.

    And Lord and/or science help me if the only public lavatory that I have to use and can use is flooded. What a nightmare. I also hate it when I'm a place where I have to buy something, and I have to go really bad. And well, I also dread that, which is why I don't really eat and drink before going outside, especially when I know there won't be any lavatories around for a while.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-21-2014 at 02:24 PM.

  28. #928
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    A friend of mine just told me off for yelling at Starbucks on my basically anonymous Twitter account. Like, telling me my boss wouldn't take it well (a non issue) and blah blah blah. My Twitter account is like the release valve of my depression and I primarily use it to vent, so it's not like the thing reflects well on me in the first place. It's not under my name and it's like a fuckin' xanga or something.

    I get that he meant well, but that fact that it was coming from someone who I'd wanted to work with before made that shit stiiiiiiinnng.

    I am smart enough not to badmouth my employer publicly. And .@replying a corporation for not paying their employees a living wage is not the same thing as complaining about a "real" job... it's complicated. But like, I think this stuff through before I do it and today hasn't been a great day for me in terms of my emotional stability. I get where he's coming from and that it was well intentioned, just, :/

    And my boyfriend and I had a sorta disagreement today and . We resolved it, but that got me all sad and this really didn't help.

    And now I feel like I can't vent on twitter about this. And also I wish drinking alcohol mellowed me out because I'd make myself a drink or something, but it would only make me feel worse.

    Oh, AND I can't really complain about the friend thing to my boyfriend because he hates him.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 01-21-2014 at 05:45 PM.

  29. #929
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Prowler View Post
    As much as I love the winter, I really, really hate snow. It's awesome when you're a child, but as you get older it gets more and more infuriating. Especially when it only seems to snow on days that I have gigs, thus making it impossible for me to get there. Then our roads stay frozen for a week, usually making it impossible for me to get to other gigs as well.

    It's snowing now (and it's not supposed to stop any time soon), in case you couldn't tell, and I have a gig tonight that I'm not going to be able to get to, and two more later this week that I'm afraid I'll miss, too.
    I'm with you, I am so done with snow and frigid temperatures. Seriously considering moving somewhere warmer.

  30. #930
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    A friend of mine just told me off for yelling at Starbucks on my basically anonymous Twitter account. Like, telling me my boss wouldn't take it well (a non issue) and blah blah blah. My Twitter account is like the release valve of my depression and I primarily use it to vent, so it's not like the thing reflects well on me in the first place. It's not under my name and it's like a fuckin' xanga or something.

    I get that he meant well, but that fact that it was coming from someone who I'd wanted to work with before made that shit stiiiiiiinnng.

    I am smart enough not to badmouth my employer publicly. And .@replying a corporation for not paying their employees a living wage is not the same thing as complaining about a "real" job... it's complicated. But like, I think this stuff through before I do it and today hasn't been a great day for me in terms of my emotional stability. I get where he's coming from and that it was well intentioned, just, :/

    And my boyfriend and I had a sorta disagreement today and . We resolved it, but that got me all sad and this really didn't help.

    And now I feel like I can't vent on twitter about this. And also I wish drinking alcohol mellowed me out because I'd make myself a drink or something, but it would only make me feel worse.

    Oh, AND I can't really complain about the friend thing to my boyfriend because he hates him.
    :: hug ::

    (liking this didn't seem appropriate)

    also, twitter is so stupid. i don't understand it. and i feel like a grandma when i say that.

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