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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #1471
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    ^ Sorry but I have to. Beer snobs. Ugh.

    It's fucking beer. You get one veto, that's it. And that veto should be on light beer recycled piss like Coors. After that you're just an annoying prick. If you want to act like you have some kind of taste do your research and drink wine, but nobody cares about your knowledge of good beer, cause guess what, it's fucking beer. I'm not saying it's not okay to have preferences, or to support local breweries, but some of the conversations I hear people having with servers make me want to bottle some of these guys over the head. I don't know how some of the bar wenches put up with it.

    "Oh so you have 20 beers on tap but you don't have this or this or this? Yeah I'll have a water because I'm not drinking any of that trash you have available"

    You are doing drinking wrong. So very, very wrong.
    Once could make the exact same argument about wine, just different stokes for different folks. I know quite a few people you might call "beer snobs", and some people might even consider me one, but I've never heard someone complain about the beer list at a decent bar or restaurant before, especially to the point of not ordering one. If someone goes to a dive with a "$3 tap beer" special or something then they should know what they're getting into.

  2. #1472
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Once could make the exact same argument about wine, just different stokes for different folks.
    You could try to make that argument, but you'd be very, very wrong. There is a million times more nuance involved in the growing and producing of wine, the taste pallets, the ageing, the market, etc. To compare them in the slightest is to embarrass yourself. And look I'm not a wine snob, nor am I defending a lot of the pretentious bullshit that goes on in that industry, but its night and fuckin day.

  3. #1473
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    Not even my period, but the week before.

    I get emotional. Not like stereotypical ARGBGHFJD upset. But like, sweet little dumb things that I see online will bring tears to my eyes. It's stupid and annoying.

  4. #1474
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    Getting a B+ in my banking class. I know, I'm a nerd.

  5. #1475
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    You could try to make that argument, but you'd be very, very wrong. There is a million times more nuance involved in the growing and producing of wine, the taste pallets, the ageing, the market, etc. To compare them in the slightest is to embarrass yourself..

    Also... who gives a flying fuck about "the market?"

  6. #1476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    Getting a B+ in my banking class. I know, I'm a nerd.
    For a moment there, I thought that this post was in "The little things that cheer you up." thread.

  7. #1477
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    Cyclists. They can all suck a fart out of my asshole. If you can't keep up with traffic, get the fuck out of the way. And people who stand in front of the coffee pots at work and bullshit while I'm trying to get fucking coffee in the fucking morning. Fucking fuck fuckers can fuck a fuckload of fucks.

  8. #1478
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    I hate the fuck out of when bike riders wanna pretend like they are cars but LOL NOT FOLLOWING ANY TRAFFIC LAWS LOLOLLL. They just do whatever the fuck they want. One nearly plowed my fat ass overt the other day as I was rightfully crossing the street. I was then left standing in the middle of the street screaming at a man who was already a block away. At this moment, I felt like a true New Yorker for the first time.

  9. #1479
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    Fucking cyclists! Every goddamn time I walk my dogs on the fucking sidewalk some cyclist fucknut comes riding toward me 3 feet away from the goddamn bike lane. Fuck that. I won't move a goddamn inch out of the way for them. Someone actually had the nerve to tell me to "share the sidewalk." How's about riding in the fucking bike lane!? Fuck!!

    Fucking Eugene Fucking Oregon has got to have the world's worst cyclists.

  10. #1480
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    Really. The worst.

  11. #1481
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    Ugh. Pedestrians.
    I live in a prehistoric country where actual bike lanes are a rarity. But if there is one, you can be sure every 100 meters you'll meet someone dragging his ass there on foot and not fucking moving right or left when a cyclist comes.

  12. #1482
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    The 40 year old in my course who mistakes loudly talking as having a personality.

  13. #1483
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    I am a pedestrian at heart. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate it when the sidewalk just fucking ends and you are expected to step into the road with the cars. There is one of these right here behind the city hall. Makes me so angry every time. USA is on the whole highly anti-pedestrian.
    I love that NYC is such a pedestrian-positive city.

    As a relatively new driver, cyclists are annoying: they go super slow, but take up the place of a car. Also, what do bike lanes accomplish? Serious question. The road still isn't wide enough to overtake if there's traffic on the other side. I guess they are there to alert drivers that cyclists might be there and instill a culture of being careful about them?
    One of my best friends was killed by a driver whilst on his bike in Brooklyn four years ago. He wasn't wearing a helmet (dumbass): the report said it probably wouldn't have saved him, but who knows.

    ...and I just bought a bike for the first time in five years after mine was stolen in Brooklyn, going to get a helmet today.

    In Berlin cyclists ride on the sidewalk. To the pedestrian in me this is torture.

  14. #1484
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

    Also... who gives a flying fuck about "the market?"
    Ok see there's this thing, it's called supply and demand. And when you make wine, it's made from grapes which come from a seasonal crop in a specific year. And if it's a good year, when all the wine is gone, it's gone. That's all she wrote. So whoever controls the remains of said product controls the market. Thus it has a huge effect on what you can drink, what you can afford, and ultimately deciding what's worth paying for and what isn't.

    Conversely, you will never hear someone say "you know what I'd be willing to pay a few hundred bucks for? A '08 Pabst Blue Ribbon. That shit was excellent". No you just go brew yourself up another batch and you're good to fucking go.

  15. #1485
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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    The 40 year old in my course who mistakes loudly talking as having a personality.
    I can certainly relate to that. Being loud in school never seemed right to me to anyway, nor did it ever come across to me as a good habit. To me, it's right up there with talking too much, being off-topic, and fooling around. Perhaps it's not as serious as those other things, but loud people usually never gelled well with me as a lot of them have actually proven themselves to be rude and inconsiderate people, and some of them are also the types of people that always seem to think that they're funny and cool. Then again, joking around in school and work seems so awkward and foreign to me. I was always taught to only speak up when it's necessary in school and work with an indoor voice. Looking back now, I still should've listened to my parents a lot more, or asked them for more advice, as I even said a lot more than I should've here sometimes too.

    And to keep on topic, yes, it sometimes still annoys me, but I'm also still working on dealing with it. I actually feel far more uncomfortable than annoyed whenever I'm subjected to that type of behavior though.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 06-06-2014 at 01:18 PM.

  16. #1486
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    Conversely, you will never hear someone say "you know what I'd be willing to pay a few hundred bucks for? A '08 Pabst Blue Ribbon. That shit was excellent". No you just go brew yourself up another batch and you're good to fucking go.
    You will never hear me say "you know what I'm willing to pay a few hundred dollars for? A drink."
    Unless I'm dying of thirst, and the drink is water.

  17. #1487
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    What your cheap and tasteless ass is or isn't willing to pay for wasn't the point of the conversation at all but thanks for coming out.

  18. #1488
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    What your cheap and tasteless ass is or isn't willing to pay for wasn't the point of the conversation at all but thanks for coming out.
    You need to relax, dude. Jeez.

  19. #1489
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    Oh come on, I said thanks for coming out!

  20. #1490
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    What your cheap and tasteless ass is or isn't willing to pay for wasn't the point of the conversation at all but thanks for coming out.
    Meh. At least my cheap tasteless ass can correctly spell the word "palate," which is something you might want to work on if you're going to condescendingly lecture people about your sophistication.

    I know though, I'm crass, cheap, and unsophisticated, so I'll spend my money on other stuff. A heads up though, for you and your connoisseur friends: If you act fast, you can own this vintage can of rare Crystal Pepsi.

    I hear it has light, tannic notes of citrus and a heady, blowsy nose that combines earthy hints of cherry blossoms with the closed aroma of Fruity Pebbles.

  21. #1491
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    Oh come on, I said thanks for coming out!
    Do your research, you insufferable ass.

  22. #1492
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    Trolls gonna troll.

  23. #1493
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    Haw haw K see the thing is if you read the whole thing I wasn't even trolling (and I can troll pretty well when I apply myself if I do say so myself). Nor was I saying to Jinsai that I'm one of the people who spend that kind of coin on wine and was trying to brag about that or something. I'm far too broke for that, and while I have tried some expensive wine and see some value in it, I don't think I'd ever do it on my own dime even if I had the money. Either way my spending habits, and yours, are completely irrelevant to the discussion that originated. But yes go ahead critique a spelling mistake, or provide a list of a handful of beers that cost more than your average pint, instead of just admitting YOU were the one that make the first ignorant post to start this whole thing off, and that you were a dick to do so. You were fucking trolling there sir, not I, it just so happens there is a gang of mindless cronies around these parts who piss their pants at the first sign of any kind of argument not dressed in a thousand gallons of fluff, to the point where I immediately become the bad guy, and it doesn't matter what I'm saying since you don't like the way I'm saying it, because you know, ets has to be this conflict free puppy dog zone of weird internet love. Sorry! Fuck sakes.

  24. #1494
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    Glad I read that, now I recall why I blocked you...

  25. #1495
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  26. #1496
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    far too broke for that, and while I have tried some expensive wine and see some value in it, I don't think I'd ever do it on my own dime even if I had the money.
    You cheap, unsophisticated fuck.

    But yes go ahead critique a spelling mistake
    It's more the context that makes it funny. Now that it's been explained, it's less funny. Thanks.

    or provide a list of a handful of beers that cost more than your average pint, instead of just admitting YOU were the one that make the first ignorant post to start this whole thing off, and that you were a dick to do so. You were fucking trolling there sir, not I

    and it doesn't matter what I'm saying since you don't like the way I'm saying it, because you know, ets has to be this conflict free puppy dog zone of weird internet love. Sorry! Fuck sakes.
    You're a brave badass.

  27. #1497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    When I am at any type of music event, and people start yelling out songs.

    Like, I'm sure the band is going to hear you screaming and be like OH YEAH LET'S DO THAT. I'm sure that has never worked in the history of time. Stop it.
    the worst example of this was when i saw page and plant in 98 and everyone screamed "STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN!!!" the ENTIRE time.
    (hint: they weren't going to play stairway to heaven...not when people screamed it...not at all.

  28. #1498
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I know this is a really "little thing," but I've been seeing these posters everywhere, and the tagline is just dumb. I don't really know what this movie is about, maybe it's great.
    I'm sure someone else replied to this already because I'm so late to the party, but this is one of the times when you might have wanted to use the powers of teh interwebz before you posted. The Normal Heart is based on a play, and it deals with the onset of the AIDS advocacy. The tagline is actually painfully correct: the U.S. needed a war on HIV, but Reagan was happily ignoring the gay disease. So in order to conquer HIV, AIDS activists needed to start a war with the US government and the public opinion.

    Sadly, because it actually happened and it ended up killing real people, it's an accurate tagline.

  29. #1499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elke View Post
    I'm sure someone else replied to this already because I'm so late to the party, but this is one of the times when you might have wanted to use the powers of teh interwebz before you posted. The Normal Heart is based on a play, and it deals with the onset of the AIDS advocacy. The tagline is actually painfully correct: the U.S. needed a war on HIV, but Reagan was happily ignoring the gay disease. So in order to conquer HIV, AIDS activists needed to start a war with the US government and the public opinion.

    Sadly, because it actually happened and it ended up killing real people, it's an accurate tagline.
    It's still a pretty stupid tagline. Even just a simple change like "To win the war, they had to start it" would have made a bit of sense and grabbed my interest enough to, at the very least, look up what it was about instead of writing it off immediately.

  30. #1500
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    I disagree, but maybe that's because I'm not a native English speaker, I don't know.

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