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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #301
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    Im in agreeance with @Tea but moreso i disagree vehemently with @playwithfire. And I am shocked that anyone would spout such bullshit. @playwithfire am I mistaken that you work for starbucks? Fucking Starbucks?! Starbucks who quibble over/don't pay taxes, and you are quibbling over your pauper employees pathetic wages?!!!!! Fuck that!!!! They should be stealing from you. And I sincerely mean that. If you are paid by the hour (ie: casually, part time, or full time, but not contracted), work the hours you are paid regardless of what work 'needs to be done' (unless you are a local/family business, then at your discretion). Anything else and you are contributing to poor working conditions EVERYWHERE!
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Like, if I give someone a task, and I know I give them enough time to finish it, I expect them to finish it before they leave. Their poor time management is not my problem and that doesn't excuse them pawning the rest off onto someone else.
    it is PRECISELY your problem, or rather your employers problem. If there are jobs that need to be completed to a deadline, they should be contracted out as such! If you delegate to someone who cant complete the task, IT IS YOUR FAULT! If they are employees with poor time management, guess what? You retards employed them!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    If you need to leave ON TIME on time, then check in with me and we'll figure it out, but it sounds like this person's coworkers are just taking advantage of them and pawning off work on them.
    WRONG! Again, fuck that! LEAVE ON TIME!!!! If you are needed to stay back, the onus is on your employer to ask if you are willing to (also to pay the overtime). @Flauros, you are a 'bitch' of an employee. You may get noticed, you probably won't. Stop complaining about your more intelligent co-workers and follow their example.

    EDIT: just to reiterate my point. It is not your coworkers taking advantage of you @Flauros it is your employer. Contrary to what @playwithfire says, for a paid-by-the-hour job work ethic is demonstrated during work hours. By all means work you guts out when they're paying you, clock out when they aren't.
    I'm not into the union movement, I tend to think that fair working conditions have already been resolved (here in australia, maybe not so much in the US), but @playwithfire you sound like the company shill I delighted in challenging and beating.

    Last edited by Minpin; 06-27-2013 at 01:46 PM.

  2. #302
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    I can see both sides of this..on one hand, I think its definitely a bit shitty to leave bang on time at the end of your shift if it would just take a few extra minutes to wrap things up and make life easier for your co-workers. On the other hand, I hate when companies/bosses EXPECT you to stay late/show up early even though you're not paid for it. Like with my last job when we opened in the morning it was expected that you'd come in 30min early because there was too much to get done in the time we had and they didn't want to pay for extra staff.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhet View Post
    I can see both sides of this..on one hand, I think its definitely a bit shitty to leave bang on time at the end of your shift if it would just take a few extra minutes to wrap things up and make life easier for your co-workers. On the other hand, I hate when companies/bosses EXPECT you to stay late/show up early even though you're not paid for it. Like with my last job when we opened in the morning it was expected that you'd come in 30min early because there was too much to get done in the time we had and they didn't want to pay for extra staff.
    it's definitely dependent on the business you work for. Why I made the distinction between a small family owned business and a corporation. The smaller business of course youre more inclined to work an extra half hour (regardless of pay) the corporation you do the extra half an hour and they will moan the next day at you being 3 minutes late. A smaller business is more likely to have a little give and take. Corporations are designed to take and take. And if you give and give you are a moron and deserve your coworkers dumping work on you.
    Employ some common sense.

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    Holy fuck I still owe the IRS a ton of cash. Feels like I'm working just to pay taxes now.

    Right my second job last summer i think is what caused me to owe $600 this year. If not next year im really fucked if i get hit again like that along with the no insurance fine bullshit.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    it's definitely dependent on the business you work for. Why I made the distinction between a small family owned business and a corporation. The smaller business of course youre more inclined to work an extra half hour (regardless of pay) the corporation you do the extra half an hour and they will moan the next day at you being 3 minutes late. A smaller business is more likely to have a little give and take. Corporations are designed to take and take. And if you give and give you are a moron and deserve your coworkers dumping work on you.
    Employ some common sense.
    I agree that when you work for a big company they will just take and take and take however I still think it's more important not to fuck over your fellow co-workers when it's not their fault that they company may treat you badly.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhet View Post
    I agree that when you work for a big company they will just take and take and take however I still think it's more important not to fuck over your fellow co-workers when it's not their fault that they company may treat you badly.
    That's my point though. You are not fucking over your coworkers if you are doing the work you're payed to do. Im not excusing slacking off in the hours youre payed to work. If there's more work then you can do in your payed hours, the EMPLOYER is fucking over your coworkers. And if you stay behind to ease the load, you are enabling this practice. The workers that fuck off and punch out are doing the greater good. You should follow their example and your business may change.

  7. #307
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    Well, @Minpin , I'm a bit surprised by the raging hostility, given that you don't know me and I don't know if we've ever had a conversation on here, but okay, I'll respond to this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    work the hours you are paid regardless of what work 'needs to be done' (unless you are a local/family business, then at your discretion). Anything else and you are contributing to poor working conditions EVERYWHERE!

    Time worked is time paid. Employees clock in before they work and out before they leave. Always. No exceptions. Overtime is discouraged, but paid. I do work for Starbucks, in the US. I'm aware of some of their shitty behavior overseas, and when you assume I am a "corporate shill" you do nothing but demonstrate how little you know about me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    it is PRECISELY your problem, or rather your employers problem. If there are jobs that need to be completed to a deadline, they should be contracted out as such!

    Asking someone to wipe out cabinets, or take out trash, or something along those lines is not a job that needs to be contracted out. If that person doesn't manage their time well, it's reasonable for them to be expected to finish before they leave. If they spend time chatting or don't work with a sense of timeliness, it's reasonable to expect them to finish their task before they leave. For them to half-ass their work and make someone else pick up their slack is shitty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    You retards employed them!!!!

    I don't hire anybody. You might be assuming I have a different job that the job I have. I'm a supervisor. Not a manager. I work alongside baristas and also make pathetic wages. Though I do get a whopping dollar more an hour.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    WRONG! Again, fuck that! LEAVE ON TIME!!!!

    I'm not sure what you think I meant, but sometimes due to varying circumstances... someone may be kept around for 10 minutes or so after their shift due to a task or something. If I know in advance that you have a conflict, I can do my part to try to make sure that definitely doesn't happen.
    Or, I could finish your task for you or delegate it out to someone else. I say this because I give a shit. Sometimes you need to leave ON THE MINUTE and it's not some ridiculous request to hope that someone would check in with me so that I could help them. I don't expect people to stay late.

    I closed my store tonight. Me and my two coworkers left about 20 minutes late due to varying circumstances of our close. We left when we were done. We're closers, or, we were tonight. This is retail
    and you leave when you're done. We all got paid for it. It happens and you know it if you work the job of closing the store. This doesn't mean someone is taking horrible advantage of you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    @Flauros, you are a 'bitch' of an employee. You may get noticed, you probably won't. Stop complaining about your more intelligent co-workers and follow their example.
    Their example of half assing it and disrespecting their fellow coworkers? Gotcha.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    Contrary to what @playwithfire says, for a paid-by-the-hour job work ethic is demonstrated during work hours. By all means work you guts out when they're paying you, clock out when they aren't.
    I would NEVER EVER advocate someone not working for pay and the mere fact that you assume I am indicates how greatly you misunderstood me. Also, you're a meanie. Holy vitriol, Batman.

    Last edited by playwithfire; 06-28-2013 at 12:02 AM.

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    I'm not into the union movement, I tend to think that fair working conditions have already been resolved (here in australia, maybe not so much in the US), but @playwithfire you sound like the company shill I delighted in challenging and beating.

    You sound like a complete idiot right now. "YOU'RE TOTALLY WRONG BUT I HAVE ONLY MY OWN FRAME OF REFERENCE TO BACK ME UP."

  9. #309
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    I just came in here to browse but now I'm a bit pissed at Minpin for being a colossal dick, and a little pissed at myself for having wasted my time reading his comments.

  10. #310
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    Sorry @playwithfire that was waaaay hostile. Just a really poorly written reply. Half of what was directed at you I didn't intend to mean you personally (such as 'you retards employed them' was meant as the retarded business that would employ lazy people with poor time management, not you the person). Calling you a corporate shill was just stupid, and me getting unreasonably worked up.

    I think I was projecting my own retail experience onto you. I was a supervisor at a big liquor store while studying, and some of what you wrote just reminded me of the arsehole rhetoric that was used to take advantage of people. Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.

    Its good that you don't do this, and for what it's worth, you sound like a decent person. I'm sorry for implying otherwise.

    Just a quick aside, in the closing up, isn't your shift time allocated to reflect that? Say you close at 6, don't the people rostered on to close have a shift that finishes at 6.15?

    EDIT: hahaha apologies also to @ibanez33 for wasting his time.

  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.
    In the festering shithole I work at, we commonly stay 10-15 minutes later to finish our job so that nobody else has to pick up where we left off along with doing their own job. That said, it's also common for us to be to leave 10-15 minutes early if there's nothing that we could complete in that time.

    Also the rest of your post was pretty solid. Sorry for calling you a colossal dick, but at the time, your most recent post was colossally dickish.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 06-28-2013 at 02:58 AM.

  12. #312
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    The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    I'm not into the union movement
    You should come to the US, and be a shop steward for some union. You have all the skills they want.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minpin View Post
    Sorry @playwithfire that was waaaay hostile. Just a really poorly written reply. Half of what was directed at you I didn't intend to mean you personally (such as 'you retards employed them' was meant as the retarded business that would employ lazy people with poor time management, not you the person). Calling you a corporate shill was just stupid, and me getting unreasonably worked up.

    I think I was projecting my own retail experience onto you. I was a supervisor at a big liquor store while studying, and some of what you wrote just reminded me of the arsehole rhetoric that was used to take advantage of people. Usually taking advantage of people that didn't understand their rights within a workplace, in my case a lot of international students that were too fearful to push to be paid that extra 15 minutes they worked (they totally wouldn't be paid it otherwise). There's no excuse for a multi-billion dollar company to short change it's workers.

    Its good that you don't do this, and for what it's worth, you sound like a decent person. I'm sorry for implying otherwise.

    Just a quick aside, in the closing up, isn't your shift time allocated to reflect that? Say you close at 6, don't the people rostered on to close have a shift that finishes at 6.15?

    EDIT: hahaha apologies also to @ibanez33 for wasting his time.
    Apology accepted. I didn't intend to sound like a dick in my first post and I don't think it read that way, I was trying to show that I got where @Flauros was coming from. We're kinda a team, in a lot of retail and food service jobs, and it's not fair to push work onto other people.

    Our shift time isn't scheduled with an extra 15, unfortunately. But, like @ibanez33 said, that 10/15 variance is common. Leaving early also happens, not as often, but it does. People also totally leave on time. The only time I'm pretty much guaranteed to leave a little late (Though rarely as late as I left last night and we were on the clock until we walked out of the door.) is when I close. My old store used to schedule us to 10:45, which was easier for me to leave by than 10:30, but I'm getting used to the earlier time. I actually feel a bit guilty about that and I want to get the time management down better. But we normally aren't there that late, last night some various kinks got thrown into stuff like it was busy until the close and I/we lost a paper I needed so we had to recount some of the inventory.

    And where you used to work sounds awful, and I have no tolerance for other people not getting paid for their work (I will occasionally do shit on my lunch, but it's rare). That's shitty.

  14. #314
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    Friend who needs a ride: "When are you free? What time works for you?"
    Me: "I'm free all day! I'm not doing anything important, just working on stools for our patio."
    Friend: "So then when's the best time?"
    Me: "Any time, as soon as you're ready to go."
    Friend: "But what works better for you?"
    Me: "Literally any time. We could go right now if you wanted to."
    Friend: "But do you want to take me now or later? It doesn't matter, it's up to you."


    I don't like to bounce back and forth, but if I need a ride from someone, I'll at least just pick a time and see if that works, not just keep dancing around picking a time. I can't tell you when you should go do your errands. Just blurt something! 15 minutes from now! I don't care. All I have to do is walk out the door and go.

    Edit - Also, when people overly exaggerate on stories to make their side of an argument look better, when I was there and know exactly how things happened. Why can't people just accept when the're wrong? It's okay, really. Everyone's been wrong at one point or another. It's not worth lying and getting angry about.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 06-28-2013 at 03:12 PM.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Also the rest of your post was pretty solid. Sorry for calling you a colossal dick, but at the time, your most recent post was colossally dickish.
    All good, it was... Spades a spade, calls them as they are haha.
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I didn't intend to sound like a dick in my first post and I don't think it read that way,
    You totally didn't sound like a dick, and again I'm sorry I reacted as such, completely unwarranted. I stupidly presumed you were talking about 'finishing the job' unpaid. Although it read like it, the vitriol I spewed wasn't directed at you, but poor business practice that I assumed was the reason for flauros' initial gripe. Im surprised that a big business would allow workers to leave before their contracted shift ends. If that's the case, maybe the close-up grace period isn't needed.
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    And where you used to work sounds awful
    it truly was. I was offered management positions that I wouldnt take because it was a shitty uni job, but regardless of studying I wouldnt have taken on principle. To highlight how shit it was, it was a liquor store, essentially a supermarket with booze, but they were able to use a loophole that payed the lowest wages. By doing a wine tasting an hour each Friday and Saturday they were able to pay their workers under a hospitality agreement, rather than the retail wage they should've been paid. Fucked up. And the union signed the agreement.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    You should come to the US, and be a shop steward for some union. You have all the skills they want.
    I have no idea what you are implying, maybe a little selective quoting? I always stood by my rights and the rights of individual employees within the workplace agreement, and they didnt have to pay me to do so. By no means am I discounting the valuable contribution the union movement played in the past. Nowadays that has been corrupted and perverted beyond everything the unions originally stood for (again, as in my original quote, I am talking about Australian working conditions) If I were to come to the US the first thing I would abolish is the bullshit notion of tipping as wage. Fuck right off with that. Pay your employees a liveable minimum wage. Maybe unionism in the states has a little to catch up on, but with fair working conditions generally achieved here, unions are a corrupt thug-boys club, in which union fees are paid for an alternate hierarchy to enjoy lavish dinners and ridiculous wages at no benefit to the employees they are paid to represent. I am totally indebted to Australia's early labour movement and the actions of unionism. Actions that took place in the 19TH CENTURY! Unionism in the current form is generally corrupt and of no benefit to workers.

    Edit: @Dra508 your unions are massively fucked up if they would employ me, someone who never joined a union nor paid a cent in union dues. Someone who actively discourages people from paying union fees but rather insists they familiarise themselves with their workplace agreement. There was one fuckhead payroll manager that said she wouldn't pay sick days without a doctors certificate, when a clued in coworker came to me and brought it up, I printed out their contract and went through it with them and made sure they were payed. If you have fair working conditions there is no need to pay some mob to ensure them, the law does. No union would have me.
    Last edited by Minpin; 06-28-2013 at 04:52 PM.

  16. #316
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    The little things that piss you off

    ^^^^^^I like you. You know your history.

    Unions are a tough one for me. They've served a purpose in the USA, but in some industries, they are challenged to remain relevant, but in others so powerful you couldn't get a concession if you had the president's mom over hot coals. I just keep reminding myself of the shirt factory fire.

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Unions are a tough one for me. They've served a purpose in the USA, but in some industries, they are challenged to remain relevant, but in others so powerful you couldn't get a concession if you had the president's mom over hot coals. I just keep reminding myself of the shirt factory fire.
    that's a good example of the benefits of unions past. Obviously nowadays that would violate numerous OH&S laws that unionism helped institute.
    Unions are relevant where workplace legislation is deficient. Im emboldening that coz I think it's a pretty fine argument, someone undoubtedly coined it before, fuck em hahah I'm claiming it.

  18. #318
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    The little things that piss you off

    Move along, nothing to see.
    Last edited by jmtd; 07-02-2013 at 02:43 AM.

  19. #319
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    I'm getting tired of my job. I am a marketing director at a local real estate investment and rehab firm but I'm starting to get increasingly frustrated with this place. I graduated with my BA in advertising and marketing in the spring of 2012 and it was increasingly hard to find a wasn't until basically a year later I found this place. Now, I don't know anything about real estate home buying but I DO know when it comes to marketing. What should've been a week and a half's worth of work on getting a website up through outsourcing it through a design company has now taken close to a month. My boss is extremely nitpicky and changes his mind constantly on design notions. He's never in the office because he's constantly having to be at the rehab sites but he hardly answers my emails or texts...and when he does, he's either extremely vague in what he wants or will call me and act confrontational about how what is being worked on isn't what he wants.

    He's a nice guy for the most part...but I'm becoming very uncomfortable here. I really have no sense of accomplishment with any projects I've worked on besides this marketing plan report I have prepared...which I am currently waiting to present if and when my boss has time to come in the office. I need this job because I need the "experience" and the pay is fine...but I feel like I'm losing my mind.

  20. #320
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    Doctors that practically expect their patient be the "Doctor" and diagnose their own problems, it's fucking bullshit. We're not educated on these matters, YOU quit being so fucking lazy. Granted you're a catch-all feed, jack of all trades but a master of none you're still going to probably know a hell of a lot more than on these subjects than I so wake the fuck up and do your fucking job for once.

  21. #321
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    everytime I wake my bf up he's like "wth? why did you wake me up? Why won't you let me sleep?"


  22. #322
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    The seemingly neverending stream of bills that have sprung up in the last month.

  23. #323
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    ^ That too now that you mention it.

    Ant's those fucking ants man. Never had any issues with them last and I don't have food stuffs sitting out really but these motherfuckers have started a takeover on my apt. Little fuckers round some gum in my bag it seems last night when i was at my buddies and when i went to put shit in that pocket they erupted out. Needless to say before i go home im picking up an assortment of ant death and commence a small genocide on those little fuckers.

  24. #324
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    The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by thefragile_jake View Post
    I'm getting tired of my job. I am a marketing director at a local real estate investment and rehab firm but I'm starting to get increasingly frustrated with this place. I graduated with my BA in advertising and marketing in the spring of 2012 and it was increasingly hard to find a wasn't until basically a year later I found this place. Now, I don't know anything about real estate home buying but I DO know when it comes to marketing. What should've been a week and a half's worth of work on getting a website up through outsourcing it through a design company has now taken close to a month. My boss is extremely nitpicky and changes his mind constantly on design notions. He's never in the office because he's constantly having to be at the rehab sites but he hardly answers my emails or texts...and when he does, he's either extremely vague in what he wants or will call me and act confrontational about how what is being worked on isn't what he wants.

    He's a nice guy for the most part...but I'm becoming very uncomfortable here. I really have no sense of accomplishment with any projects I've worked on besides this marketing plan report I have prepared...which I am currently waiting to present if and when my boss has time to come in the office. I need this job because I need the "experience" and the pay is fine...but I feel like I'm losing my mind.
    Sounds like your boss is not empowering you to make decisions. Does he want a Marketing person or a secretary?
    Last edited by Dra508; 07-08-2013 at 09:25 PM.

  25. #325
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    Having my computer delete all the ID3 tags on an album for seemingly no fucking reason.

  26. #326
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    and I fixed my computer! I guess this should go in the outbursts of joy thread now, but whatever. Thank god this nightmare of a day is over
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-09-2013 at 11:51 PM.

  27. #327
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    Chuggers! aka Charity Muggers! aka those people with clipboards on both sides of the street waiting until you make eye contact with them at which point they get super energized and ask you to come and talk to them. They support various charities and their end game is to get you to sign an ongoing debit agreement that will donate to whatever charity they're working for.

    So annoying, they're everywhere pretending to be nice and chipper. If you are one of these people, I have nothing against you because you are doing your job and probably have to endure your share of mean comments from people BUT as a whole, as a group of people I hate you so so so so so so much.

    Rob Ford should remove his lips from the glass cock for a minute and instead of heading a pointless campaign to stop people from postering, he should try and restrict locations, times, and frequency at which these chuggers operate. Manchester has the right idea, they limited these people to 4 location in the city, monwedfri, 9 - 6.


  28. #328
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    The zit that happens to have found a home right beneath your ass bone.

  29. #329
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    when dicks seem to think they no more about my mental health issues, than i do!!

  30. #330
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    if you like chihuahuas or think they they are actual dogs, please skip over this post.

    Little fucking rat 'dogs.' Chihuahuas are not fucking dogs. A dog can cuddle with you. a chihuahua will shiver and squeak while it doesnt lay down and ust walks all over you. A dog will go lick its ass then play with a toy and take a nap. A chihuahua will stare at you with its Marty Feldman eyes and make stupid fucking noises at you while you try and fap. A dog can understand commands and do as its told for a reward as minuscule as making its master happy. a chihuahua will enrage you to the point of "hey, will the guy im dogsitting for be mad if he comes home and his dogs are gone but instead he has two new slippers that look like his rats?"

    I fucking HATE this little anti-dogs. Id rather be caring for squirrels (and i fucking HATE squirrels)

    OH. OH. Can you give your dog a simple name like "jack" or "spike" or "cheif" ? NOPE. LETS NAME THE RATS "Gabriella" and "isabella."

    your dogs are the worst.

    you are the worst dog owner ever.

    ps. does amyone have michael vicks phone number?

    pps. i have a golden retriever and i loves him to death. i live doggies. i HATE rats.

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