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Thread: The little things that piss you off

  1. #721
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    Re: The little things that piss you off

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I'll keep this simple and short as I've noticed I can go on and on about this sometimes. This is in regards to walking and standing when it can be helped.

    1. People that don't know the meaning of personal space.

    2. People that love to block stairways and doorways.

    3. People that think having a conversation always justifies number 1 and 2.

    As for driving and crossing the street.

    1. Drivers that always expect me to cross the street first.

    2. As both a driver and pedestrian, I hate having to deal with the K-turn. (Thank goodness I don't have to drive as of right now though.)

    3. Jaywalkers that walk across the street as if they're strolling across their living room or bedroom.

    4. When two people stop and have conversation at an intersection when they're supposed to be driving. It also makes the street a lot tougher to cross.
    Fucking drives me crazy unless I'm in a rare completely apathetic mood. Especially if I'm trying to get shit done. The pedestrian thing is the worst. Sort of like the above customer comment, motherfucker YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED. Go ahead and blindly cross the street and pray to whoever that I'm paying attention and won't smear your (fuck) face across the pavement.

  2. #722
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    New coworker is a fucking tool shed. We switched over to day shifts today, started at 11am. I got wasted last night and was sober but hurting bad today, but came in anyway. What does he do last night? Does a bunch of drugs and is too fucked up to come in. Great work, bro, way to fuck us over.

  3. #723
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    I think this only happened once or twice in my entire life. I really hate it when somebody actually gets aggravated and annoyed at me just because I don't understand a joke, while asking about the joke's overall context. Explaining jokes, even to those that genuinely don't understand them is apparently is a crime in the world of humor for lots of people, but it doesn't bother me at all. The more I understand the joke, the more I'd be able to appreciate it.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 10-28-2013 at 01:43 PM.

  4. #724
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    Nosy/random small talk, hanging out in large groups, and how directness can be unfairly and incredibly disproportionate to tactfulness.

  5. #725
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    I wouldn't say it pisses me off, but it does leave me feeling a bit awkward, and it does come across as sort of hindrance to me.

    When people try to get a laugh or smile out of me. As of now, I don't think it's something you "try". It either works, or it doesn't work. If I authentically find it funny, uplifting, or even joyous, I'll smile/laugh whenever I truly feel like it.

    I'm just amazed at how people are bothered by silence and deadpan expressions. Now that's comedy to me.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-01-2013 at 01:03 PM.

  6. #726
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    So...because I'm trying to move back to California as soon as possible, I decided to go month to month on my apartment. I spoke with someone a few weeks ago and asked how much extra it would cost me. She told me it would cost me NOTHING extra. It would be $539 a month, which was my normal rate. That's it. And maybe I was naive for believing that but I figured, DUH, I'm pretty sure the person at the leasing office knows what they're talking about.

    I came in today to a completely different story. I asked how much the rent was and she nonchalantly hands me a post-it with a price on it: $921. I'm like, um...wat. And she's like, well, yeah, the rent automatically goes up AND you have a $200 month to month fee AND the taxes are higher. And I'm like, well, funny that, because the person telling me this was the exact same person who, just a few weeks ago, was telling me about how it wasn't going up at all. Then she brought out her manager who was like, "Well, it does say it in your initial lease!" Yes. And maybe it was stupid of me not to go home and comb through my lease but I didn't think there was a need to. I trusted that I was being told the truth. Oops. That's a mistake I'll never make again.

    So of course I was immediately like, ok, I'm putting in my 30 days notice. There's no chance I'm staying in this shithole after that. I'm so pissed right now. An extra $400 a month is a pretty big thing to forget to mention.

  7. #727
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    When people use jokes or a jocular demeanor and appearance as a free pass to be a major douche-bag and/or asshole. It doesn't just piss me off, it also freaks me the fuck out. Like oh, I'm sorry, I tainted your food and beverage while you weren't looking, but I was just kidding man. Lighten up will you?

    It sometimes reminds me why I prefer to be alone, or hate large groups when actually hanging out with others. (Not that I really have the time or chances these days, but still.)
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-01-2013 at 08:42 PM.

  8. #728
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    ^ Like back in school with those fucking punch you in the shoulder games. Only once motherfucker, when it came to my turn I always blasted that nerve on top instead of straight on meat. They learned quick. If I fuck with you first sure, but I rarely do or would, otherwise leave me and my shit alone.

  9. #729
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    Would I be wrong to assume that this is the way most party-goers act and treat each other? I'm just getting this vibe that some people with very outgoing and outspoken personalities act that way. (Not to say that all of them do.) It also bothers me that some people wouldn't want to hang out with somebody that doesn't know or care how to joke in such a way. It's annoying, but also disheartening though, so I'm not completely pissed off about it.

  10. #730
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    If you party with douche bags maybe. I don't mind fucking around but when it comes to a point lines can be crossed. From what I saw from your other post I can see how this may be hard to discern. I'm more than able to verbally joust etc, but when it comes to actually pressing me physically or maliciously I tend to draw the line. Asshole is asshole in my book. Juvenile bullshit I generally don't tolerate, never have and especially now. If I feel somebody is genuinely trying to fuck with me I tend to let them have it. Not physically per say but enough so they know I don't play that way. With friends that may be different but they usually know better than to push my Fuck You button.

  11. #731
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    That's exactly how I'd see it too, and thank you for understanding. As little as this is on an Internet forum, due to anonymity and distance, it is appreciated since a little understanding can go a long way sometimes. It also is a form of relief for me, because it can be a bitch to keep these thoughts inside my head at all times, while having most, if not all people hardly understanding where I'm coming from.

    I also hope I don't come across as humorless, it's just that I don't want to run the risk of pushing anybody else's "Fuck you!" button, or have mine pushed as well. I just don't play that shit, especially if I might run the risk of pissing off somebody that would be crazy enough to actually do something to me.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-02-2013 at 02:51 AM.

  12. #732
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    Butthurt privacy discussions that start every time someone mentions tr kids on ets.

    now facepalm away

  13. #733
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    I can't believe that I haven't gotten around to admitting this yet. This also seems to be a prevalent occurrence on Facebook, as I'm sure most people know better to get their shit together when it comes to reading and writing on Internet forums.

    Trying to have a real conversation with somebody using a smartphone on Facebook, especially when you know that they'd have all the time and energy to actual use a PC or laptop when they're not out and about. I've had so many miscommunications with a few smartphone users on Facebook, and they don't seem to read or respond to me thoroughly, and then get pissed at me for not understanding their cluttered messages, while knowing that they didn't really care to read what I was saying. (Hence, another reason to add to why I have such a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I only use it like an online magazine/newspaper now, with the occasional round of Angry Birds.)

    And sure, we have Tapatalk users on ETS, but I appreciate the fact that people here actually take the time to respond thoroughly, and if their shit gets messed up, they actually do a thing called revise it, and explain themselves. I'm also aware that having longer written discussions on smartphones can be a hassle, which is why I'd rather use a PC or a laptop for longer and in depth conversations, especially as soon as I notice that the conservation is starting to obviously require longer sentences and paragraphs.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-02-2013 at 02:07 PM.

  14. #734
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    Dropped my phone for the hundredth or so time a bit ago, and while it works, I seem to have jarred the antenna or something and no longer get cellular reception. Since I'm in the middle of moving I have no fucking clue where my back up phone is. Also I don't know where the fucking table for the football buffet is that I'm guessing I need to still set up is. And while I'm at it, this morning job is getting annoying. Maybe it's my lack of sleep but and my tendency to find fault but I'm tired of people saying that they will b around/will do something, like said football shit, and then not doing it. I mean fuck I can manage to work back to back 18 hour days with essentially no real break. How hard is it to work one fucking job? I'll stop as I'm crabby and could spew shit until the sun sets at this point. Perhaps redbull and coffee were a bad idea this morning.

  15. #735
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    Work today.

  16. #736
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    I think I finally found a way to condense this point. When people think they can trespass, loiter, and litter as much as they want, whenever they want, and be as loud as much as they want, wherever they want, saying whatever they want, and then wonder why they get into trouble. Some of these people even sleep and loiter at places they shouldn't be sleeping at, like restaurants or stores. These are also the same people that cause trouble and argue with security guards and cops for no good reason. They don't show any ID, and seem to think the arguing with the police will keep them out of trouble.

    And to put it South Park terms, this is them at their worst. And while I'm not against all skateboarders, I noticed that some of them also fall into this category.

    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-03-2013 at 08:02 PM.

  17. #737
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    man, the cost of pressing a small/reasonable quantity of vinyl records with above minimal options is mindblowing

  18. #738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    man, the cost of pressing a small/reasonable quantity of vinyl records with above minimal options is mindblowing
    i did a kickstarter a couple years ago to press a 7" EP of my music. i only pressed 250 copies (about 50 of which went to kickstarter backers) and it cost around $1600. the artwork printing actually cost more than the records, which is insane. i also still have a box with well over 100 copies of the EP (and that's after giving a bunch away to friends for free).

  19. #739
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i did a kickstarter a couple years ago to press a 7" EP of my music. i only pressed 250 copies (about 50 of which went to kickstarter backers) and it cost around $1600. the artwork printing actually cost more than the records, which is insane. i also still have a box with well over 100 copies of the EP (and that's after giving a bunch away to friends for free).
    The craziest part is that if you're opting for color artwork, the price difference between printing 100 copies and 250 copies is like, 50 dollars total. WHAT?! and even then, I have to make 500 copies in order to be able to sell them for a reasonable price and still break even at the end.

    And I've learned that lesson the hard way in the past. Last time, we sold basically close to around 250 copies... so we have about 250 copies in boxes. Blah. People might not realize, but that's a lot of records, and they take up a lot of space, and they're heavy.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 11-04-2013 at 02:12 PM.

  20. #740
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    hey, let me know if you want a copy of my EP

    i'll happily buy a copy of your album!

  21. #741
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    Oh okay, perhaps one more post about my social and asocial life for the road. And this is also about being around people and trying to make friends in real life.

    The mere thought that I'd need to "have a sense of humor" and know how to "take jokes via having my chops busted, and busting people's chops in return" as a way to be "friendly" and "make friends". I'm horrible at that because I tend to take things personally, or just suspicious of other people's motives, or I end up feeling very awkward and insecure if I'm not necessarily hurt/angry, and whenever I tried it, I ended up saying things I shouldn't even say. I know I've treaded onto this territory before, but sometimes people's expectations on "what having a sense of humor is in order to make friends/become friendly" pisses me off.

    I'd rather be careful with what I say. You never know if you might piss off the wrong person and have your shit all fucked up as an end result. (If not physically, mentally and emotionally.) As if the fear of getting in trouble/hurt and having bad things happen is wrong.

    And well, that's it for now. Sorry about that display, but it really is annoying.

    -Oh, and for the record, if you don't mean harm, I could live with that. I'm really just talking about people that use "I'm just kidding!" or "It was a joke!" as an excuse to be a real and/or trolling asshole. I just thought I'd provide some further clarification on that matter and I really hope that nobody takes this post the wrong way.-
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-05-2013 at 12:32 PM.

  22. #742
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    As for what is pissing me off: people who are making way to much food for the holidays (year after year after year) and who are pushing the leftovers to others since apparently, they don't "like" leftovers.

    I'm looking at you, mother.
    My mom is the same, and everyone tells her so. Sounds like an Italian household.

  23. #743
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    Had a shit night a work yesterday, I hate Mondays anyway as its the start of the 7 night shift, but working in a office which feels like its -5 degrees!, its not even winter properly yet! Also really bored feel like I am using 1% per cent brain, don't really get on with the people I work with either

    Need to look for a new job again.

  24. #744
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    Anxiety attacks are becoming more common for me. Went to sleep shaking like an earthquake earlier. Might have to start taking medication for it. It also really doesn't help that I still can't get over the feeling of being used.

  25. #745
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    I'm just gonna list them because if I don't I'm going to explode:

    I have an instructor trainee going to audition tomorrow for the program we teach - we need her to pass because one of my other instructors is pregnant and will be on leave as of December. I and the other instructor have been working hard with her to teach her. I really really need her to pass her audition. Currently I have no one to cover Saturday mornings, so it is very hard for me to anywhere on the weekend, and it has been this way for almost 18 months.

    Struggling with the probability class I'm taking - I'm working on a MS in math because I need better job prospects. The teacher is throwing material at us faster than we can absorb, and grades very harshly, then only posts all the homework solutions from the previous month 2 days before the test. That is not helpful.

    Running a fundraiser event this weekend for the local holiday charity to help christmas happen for the poor in my town, so I have to organize the class with 4 instructors who teach for me. It is a good cause but it is stressful.

    It turns out another instructor is pregnant due in April, which I heard through a co-worker of her husband, so we'll need someone to cover for HER.

    And throughout it all I continue to teach my 12 aerobic/dance/strength classes per week. I'm overwhelmed. And I'm a bag of pain tonight. Everything hurts. (Another reason I'm working on math - I like what I do, and am good at it, but I need to be able to teach less)

    There's more but I'm tired of typing. /rant

  26. #746
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    The Q-tip stuck in my ear...again

  27. #747
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    My mind that obsesses over things and won't let go, and these elaborate anxieties just go with me in my head wherever I go.
    Be gone!

  28. #748
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thaned View Post
    People talking shit about this photography project I'm running with my campus newspaper.

    I'm hardly even a major contributor, I'm more just helping to run it and occasionally contribute. But it just annoys me that a tiny minority feel the need to publically shit on what is just a fun project. Sure, it might not be perfect, but we're giving it a shot and that's heaps more than what they're doing.

    And of course, I can't say any of this to them as it'd look bad and it'd be feeding the trolls. So I've just gotta hold my tongue.

    Ugh. I really hate people more and more these days.
    Moments like those reminds me of the following expressions, and yeah, I also seem to see this shit happen a lot.

    You can't please everybody.

    Everybody's a critic... or in your case... everybody's a fucking goddamned critic that should STFU.

  29. #749
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    My mind that obsesses over things and won't let go, and these elaborate anxieties just go with me in my head wherever I go.
    Be gone!
    Oh yes, that's me to a T. No wonder why I sometimes just go to sleep a lot. (I ironically forget why I've slept more than I should sometimes, as I sometimes sleep to forget and let go in some ways.)

  30. #750
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    My internet kicked me off of my class tonight. Stupid new Blackboard platform and stupid Java.

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